Warrant Books: April 1708, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Books: April 1708, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp211-224 [accessed 17 September 2024].

'Warrant Books: April 1708, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp211-224.

"Warrant Books: April 1708, 21-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp211-224.


April 1708, 21–30

April 21. Money warrant for 1086l. 4. 0 to the clerks & officers of the Tally Court for tallies of loan & other tallies stricken by them without fees between 1707 Michaelmas & 1708 Easter, to wit 10862 tallies consisting of 2126 annuity tallies commencing at Lady day 1707; 1182 annuity tallies commencing at Lady day 1708; 2326 annuity tallies on the second [Annuity Sales] Act of the last session, commencing at Midsummer 1708 and 5228 tallies of loan on several funds: to wit for their service in preparing, entering, levying & examining the said tallies.
135l. 15. 6 to Henry Ballow & John Smith, tally joiners (Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer for joining tallies) for sorting & joining &c the foils or counterparts of the abovesaid 10862 tallies for the above half year without fees. (Money order dated 21 April hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 21 April hereon.) Money Book XIX, pp. 242–3. Order Book VII, p. 133. Disposition Book XIX, p. 137.
Same for 20l. each to John Cargil & Frederick Woodside as royal bounty for the charges of their transport respectively to the Leeward Islands & Virginia, whither they are going chaplains. Money Book XIX, p. 244. Order Book VII, p. 132. Disposition Book XIX, p. 137.
Letter of direction for 44821l. 8. 4½ to Thomas Micklethwaite, Treasurer & Paymaster of the Transports, as in place of the like letter of March 26 last supra p. 182 for the like sum to Charles Mason. Disposition Book XIX, p. 137.
April 21. Letter of direction for 600l. out of Civil List moneys to John Taylour, for the building work at Woodstock. Disposition Book XIX, p. 137.
William Lowndes to Mr. Ince, Secretary to the Bank of England. The Treasurer of the Navy has laid before my Lord Treasurer a letter from the Navy Commissioners for 6000l. for a pressing service. My Lord Treasurer desires you will acquaint the Bank that he has agreed that if they [the Bank] will furnish the same on [credit of] a deposit of Land Tax tallies (as they did 20000l. very lately on a like occasion) they shall be repaid out of the first money that shall be paid into the Exchequer by the East India Company, if they desire it. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 410.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Secretary at War to prepare a royal warrant to take off the respits on Col. Townshend's Regiment from 1706 Aug 25 to 1707–8 Feb 24.
Appending: certificate of said respits: total 1059l. 6. 0: & report thereon by J. Howe, Paymaster General of Guards & Garrisons. Ibid., p. 411.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Clerk of the Pipe for letters patent under the Exchequer seal to constitute John Conyers as High Steward of the manor of Havering at Bower, Co Essex, void by the death of Edward Cheek Esqr. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 161.
Same by same to the steward of her Majesty's manor of Richmond alias West Sheen Co Surrey to grant full licence & liberty to Dorothy, Lady Capell to let all or part of her copyhold estate in the said manor for 41 years from 1708 Lady day upon paying a fine of 41s.
Prefixing: report by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands on the petition of said Lady Capell. The stewards of this & most other manors do by their office frequently grant such licence as is desired, for a term of 21 years at 12d. a year fine. Twill be a better encouragement to preserve the buildings & improve the lands if the licence be granted for 41 years as desired: and a benefit thereby will happen hereafter to the Crown if ever the premises be alienated by the tenants, the fine in that case being arbitrary by the custom of this manor. Ibid., p. 163.
Same by same to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against the inhabitants of Poplar & Blackwall Co Middlesex on the arrears of the 3s. Aid & 12d. Aid & Poll anno 1697. Ibid., p. 168.
April 22. Royal sign manual, dated Kensington, for 420l. to John Smith, late Speaker of the House of Commons, for 84 days Jan 23 last to April 15 inst (on which day the House was dissolved) on the usual allowance of 5l. a day. (Money warrant dated April 27 hereon.) (Money order dated 28 April hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 345. Order Book VII, p. 137.
Same dated same for 254l. 11. 7 to John Laws “who was employed for our service at Brussels from the 8th Sept [1707] when George Stepney [now] deceased, our late Envoy & Plenipotentiary, left that place to 1st Dec 1707 when our present Envoy arrived there”: being for an allowance of ordinary of 20s. a day & for extraordinaries in the said service “according to a bill thereof hereunto annexed” [missing]. (Money warrant dated May 8 hereon. Money order dated May 15 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 14 May hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 354. Order Book VII, p. 144. Disposition Book XIX, p. 149.
April 22. Same for 91l. to James Jefferys “whom we have directed to attend our good brother the King of Sweden as a volunteer in his army”: & is for 3 months from Nov 25 last to Feb 24 last on his ordinary entertainment of 20s. a day: he being already paid to Nov 25 last by way of advance. (Money warrant dated July 6 hereon.) (Money order dated? July 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated July 8 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 355. Order Book VII, p. 159. Disposition Book XIX, p. 177.
Royal warrant dated same to the Treasurer of the Chamber determining & annulling as from Lady day last the annuity or yearly pension of 600l. to Barbara, Viscountess FitzHardinge, governess to the late Duke of Gloucester, which was authorised by royal warrant of 1703 March 27. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 347.
Same dated St. James's to Treasurer Godolphin to pay to Henry Boyle, late Chancellor of the Exchequer, so much as the salary or allowance of 1600l. per an as same shall amount to from 1708 Lady day to April 22 inst when he was succeeded therein by John Smith; & similarly to pay to said Smith for the period April 22 last to June 24 next & so quarterly: the said allowance being over & besides the fees amounting to 200l. per an payable to the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Exchequer in respect of his two offices of Chancellor & Under Treasurer of the Exchequer & his allowance of robes or vesture out of the Great Wardrobe amounting to about 34l. 13. 4. Ibid., p. 362.
Same dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a new Commission of Stamps: the Commissioners to be Edward Lloyd, Robert Pooley, Richard Dyot, John Molesworth & Richard Martyn; in revocation of the Commission of 5 Anne to the said Lloyd, Henry Cornish, Pooley, Dyot & Molesworth. Ibid., pp. 386–7.
Same to same for a new Commission for the Salt Duties: the new Commissioners to be John Danvers, Thomas Aram, Humphrey Griffith, Edward Brereton and James Cardonell: as in place of the Commission of anno 5 Anne (hereby superseded) to the said Danvers, Aram, Griffith, Brereton & Thomas Hopkins. Ibid., pp. 397–8.
Same dated Kensington to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay out of the revenue of Ireland at large 2781l. 13. 0 for providing several carriages for guns in garrisons (Londonderry, Limerick, Carrickfergus, Galway & Charlemont) amounting to 2006l. 17. 0 & a number of tents (42 Dragoons' tents at 1l. 5. 0, 576 soldiers' tents at 1l. 1. 0, & 50 sergeants' tents at 1l. 15. 0 for Dragoons & 1l. 5. 0 for Foot) amounting to 774l. 16. 0: all by reason that the Military Contingencies of Ireland [anno 1708] are not sufficient to answer the said expense.
Appending: estimate of said carriages & tents. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 20–22.
April 22 William Lowndes to Sir James Montague, Solicitor General, to report on (a) infra whether the Duty referred to is now payable to the city of Edinburgh notwithstanding the Acts of Union.
Prefixing: (a) Letter [to Treasurer Godolphin] from Sir Samuel McClellan, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, dated Edinburgh March 30 in the name of the Town Council. The town of Edinburgh being the metropolis and capital city of the North part of Great Britain was before the Union the seat of our Government & Judicatures & the great & ordinary resort of the nobility & gentry, which was the cause of a great consumpt whereby trade & commerce, house rents & burgh revenues were much increased. But now, that by reason of the Union these causes of the former frequentation & resort must cease and the above consumpt must diminish is obvious nor do we otherways complain of it save as of a necessary consequence which we both hope in due time may be compensed by the other advantages that may accrue to us by the Union. Our merchants are likewise at present at a great loss by reason of the necessary alterations fallen out in the course of their trade, as to the prejudice whereof we shall only touch one instance viz that whereas an impost we had on wines was in use to be farmed for about 2600l. sterling yearly we have not been able for this year to reach above the fourth part of that Duty.
But the particular we at present offer for your Lordship's consideration is this viz by a gift under the great seal dated 1636 we have a right to a mark on each ton or pack of goods imported into Scotland either by natives or strangers by sea or land within the said burgh or the ports, harbours & liberties thereof. We have continued ever since in the possession of this right & it makes a considerable part of our common good & was given us for very special causes & services: yet the same is now questioned as if inconsistent with the Articles of Union and equality of trade. But seeing that by the said Articles private rights are preserved both to persons & Societies we hope that this private right will still stand seeing that it is not at all special but affects Scotsmen as well as Englishmen. If it should please Parliament to take it away we hope it will other ways be made good to us. We shall always be ready to assist the officers of the Customs in this north part of Great Britain. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 345–7.
Followed by: report of said Solicitor General dated April 27. I am not of the opinion that the said Duty can be questioned as inconsistent with the Articles of Union. I look upon this Duty, being first granted from the Crown & since confirmed by divers Acts of Parliament, to be as much the right of the city of Edinburgh as the Duty of Package & Scavage is of the city of London & I never heard before that any one questioned whether these private rights were taken away by the Union. On the contrary the Articles seem in many places to have a particular regard to rights of property & most especially to the rights & privileges of royal boroughs: and the care that is taken to preserve an equality of trade seems to me to respect trade in general so as to put the English & Scotch upon the same foot but not to take away any particular Duties that are demanded in certain places of all her Majesty's subjects that have occasion to trade thither. Therefore tolls are still payable where these have been usually paid and the sixth Article provides for no more than that the Scotch cattle carried into England be not liable to other Duties than the English cattle are liable to pay. I therefore conceive that the Duty may be now demanded as lawfully as before the Union, for I take trade to be free where all persons have an equal liberty to trade, paying the same Customs & Duties. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 349–50.
April 23. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Sir Isaac Newton to pay Gabriell Le Clerk, one of the engravers of the Mint, his salary for the time he was absent in Germany.
Prefixing: report by Sir Isaac Newton on said Le Clerk's petition as referred March 23 last. Before his going away I was dissatisfied with his carriage and gave him no leave to work in foreign Mints and his salary was interrupted in my last year's account by his absence abroad “and in my most humble opinion wants your Lordship's order to revive and continue it. But if your Lordship pleases I will pay it upon your Lordship's verbal order and if the auditor scruples the account [I will] apply hereafter for a warrant.” Warrants not Relating to Money XX, pp. 162–3.
Same by same to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant to take off the respites of 1208l. 6. 4 on Col. George Wade's Regiment in 1704 & 1705 as towards satisfying the charge of 2146l. 5. 4 for recruits received in Portugal: & further to allow to the said Regiment the sums of 598l. 4. 4. 140l. & 108l. 12. 7¾.
Prefixing: report by J. Brydges & Robert Walpole on the memorial of said Wade. From 30 Sept 1703 (when his Regiment was sent to Portugal) to 23 June 1705 the clearings of the Regiment (except 500l. on account for the subalterns) are detained in the Pay Office & the Regiment is charged with 1210l. 4. 1 overpaid for subsistence, occasioned by a deduction of 2146l. 4. 5 for recruits & clothes delivered to the Regiment by drafts from Ireland. The respites of 1208l. 6. 4 may be allowed towards the said deduction being the only fund the Regiment had for recruiting, in regard all the respites are now to be removed. As to the 598l. 4. 4 for clothes sent along with 532 recruits the offreckonings appear to have been all assigned away by former colonels whereby the charge is become a hardship to Wade but the only way to remedy it is out of the subsistence of non effectives. As for 140l. charged on the Regiment for arms delivered at Lisbon in lieu of the like number lost in action or otherwise taken by the enemy it may be allowed on certificate of such loss. As to 108l. 12. 7 charged for clothing sent to Portugal in 1704 & 1705 we think it must continue charged on the Regiment until proper returns are made showing what Regiment received the same. Ibid., pp. 164–5.
April 24. Letter of direction for 205358l. 19. 11 to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, for the service of said Forces anno 1708 as follows: Sir Henry Furnese having agreed to supply the said Brydges with the said sum is to receive satisfaction for the same out of the funds anno 1708 to be hereby issued as follows viz 68452l. 19. 11½ thereof out of the first money to be paid in by the East India Company; the like sum out of the second payment on the first Act [6 Anne c. 39] for Sale of Annuities, which [payment] is to be made on or before May 26 next; and the residue of 68453l. out of loans to be made by the said Furnese or by his procurement on credit of the Half Subsidies: the same to be applied by Brydges as follows.
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708 £ s. d.
for 2 months' subsistence to June 23 next, to the British Troops forming part of that body 53931 13
for the same 2 months' full pay of the Foreigners forming part of said body 61995 10 8
for the same 2 months' full pay to the General Officers of said body 3964 3 5
for the same 2 months' Contingencies for this body 1666 13 4
for 6 months' forage money & waggon money for the British Troops of this body 8129 17 6
for the like for the foreigners thereof 10000 0 0
in part of 177511l. 3. 6 for the 10000 Additional Forces anno 1708
for the above 2 months' subsistence to the British & full pay to the foreigners composing this body after abating 2522l. 19. 0 for 1300 Palatines in Catalonia 31329 4 6
for forage money, waggon money & recruit money of the foreigners of this body 9260
in part of 34251l. 13. 4 for the 3000 Palatines anno 1708
for two thirds (being her Majesty's share) of the pay of said Palatines for the above 2 months 5623 14 3
in part of 43251l. 12. 6 for the 4639 Saxons anno 1708
for her Majesty's proportion (being a moiety) of the said Troops for the said 2 months 6992 17
in part of 9269l. 16. 6 for Bothmar's Regiment of Dragoons anno 1708
for her Majesty's share of the said pay for said 2 months 1506 6 6
in part of 494689l. 8. 6 for subsidies to the Allies anno 1708
for her Majesty's proportion of the charge of the agio, bread & forage for 12000 Prussians serving in the Netherlands for the months of March & April 1708 to wit
for their agio 1780 1 10½
for bread 1215 2 4
for forage 3995 14
for two thirds (being her Majesty's share) of 100000 Crowns per an payable to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel for maintaining 2 Regiments of Horse for the service of her Majesty & the States General: to wit for 3 months from Dec 1 last to Feb 28 last 3968 8 6
£205358 19 11
Disposition Book XIX, pp. 139–40.
April 24. Letter of direction for 26222l. 4. 4 to James Brydges in part of 494689l. 8. 6 as above for subsidies to the Allies anno 1708: out of loans to be made by Sir Theodore Janssen or by his procurement on credit of the Half Subsidies: & is intended to be paid over to said Janssen for the value of his bills of exchange payable in Turin May 24 next for 1066662/3 Crowns at 59 pence sterling per Crown of 82 sols, money of Piedmont, given by said Janssen to said Brydges to answer 2 months' subsidy to the Duke of Savoy by way of advance from June 3 next. Ibid., p. 140.
April 26. Money warrant for 243l. 5. 9 to Robert Harley for 48 days on his salary as Secretary of State from Dec 25 last, when he was last paid, to Feb 11 last when he delivered up the seals of his office.
676l. 14. 1 to same in full of all demands for his allowances for secret service during the time of his being one of her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. (Money orders dated 28 April hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 26 April hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 244. Order Book VII, pp. 136, 137. Disposition Book XIX, p. 142.
Same for 1910l. to Henry, Earl of Galway, Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Portugal; 1000l. thereof as equipage & 910l. for 3 months 8 Novr last to Feb 7 last on his ordinary of 10l. a day. (Money order dated 28 April hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 26 April hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 245. Order Book VII, p. 137. Disposition Book XIX, p. 142.
Letter of direction for 6000l. to John Tailer gent: out of money in the Exchequer of loans on tin: & is on his unsatisfied order for building works at Woodstock. Disposition Book XIX, p. 138.
Same for 48l. 14. 3 to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: out of Civil List moneys: & is for Michael Studholme's bill on the occasion of her Majesty's progress to Newmarket.
Appending: bill of said Studholme as Surveyor of her Majesty's Roads.
£ s. d.
paid the Postmaster of Bishops Stortford for sending a man & horse express with a letter to the Duke of Somerset for the Queen's particular service 0 10 0
paid Mr. Pigott for gravel laid on the Princes Road between Hockerill & Stansted 3 13 0
paid John Reynolds carpenter for repairing the bridge & some new rails 5 3 9
for taking up the posts on Cowper Sail [Cooper-sale] Common Causeway for a passage for her Majesty 0 7 6
for a man & horse twice to Newmarket to get the roads in repair for her Majesty: 12 days at 5s. 3 0 0
for 10 days' extraordinary expenses upon the road before her Majesty's progress to Newmarket & before her Majesty's coming back: at 12s. a day 6 0 0
paid John Pigott by the Lord Treasurer's order 20 0 0
paid ditto half a year's allowance due “now” [April 20] 10 0 0
£48 14 3
Ibid., p. 141.
April 26. William Lowndes to the Solicitor General to report on the papers relating to demands on the forfeited estate of the late Lord Griffin: the said papers having been sent to you & the late Attorney General Dec 8 last but the said Attorney General having since resigned, before any report made thereon. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 410.
Same to same to report on the petition of Sir John Holland bart for an arrear of a pension granted by Charles II to Visc Brouncker on the Tenths of the Clergy, to which he has pretensions. Ibid., p. 411.
Same to the Postmaster General to report on the enclosed petition of Richard Stert of London merchant praying that the pacquet boats at Falmouth be permitted to ship 300 pieces of cloth for Lisbon for the service of the Troops of the King of Portugal. Ibid., p. 412. Reference Book VIII, p. 317.
Fiat by Treasurer Godolphin for royal letters patent to appoint Mark Antonie and Alexander Antonie as searchers of Sandwich port locis Sir Henry Parker & Nicholas Luke surrendered. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 101.
April 27. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed replication [missing] to the answer of David Morrice collector of Milford port. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 412.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Richardson of Durham maltster praying a reference of his case. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Breton, joint patentee with Thomas Veel of the office of collector of Sandwich; praying allowance for his acting as collector of Dover port ut infra, p. 245. Reference Book VIII, p. 317.
Same to the Stamps Commissioners of the petition of John Ousley, clerk, surety in 500l. for Anthony Boys, a distributor of stamped paper who is absconded in debt to her Majesty. Petitioner has nothing beyond his spiritual preferment which is only 100l. per an out of which (through old age & infirmities) he must keep a curate: therefore prays to pay Boys' debt by instalments of 20l. per an. Ibid., p. 318.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the petition of Charles De Creveron, late a Captain in the French Regiment of Dragoons, praying a pension of 4s. a day from his retirement due to sickness & infirmities contracted in the service.
The like reference of the petition of Major Walter Delamer touching payment of the annuity of 150l. granted by Charles II to Judith Moor.
The like reference of the petition of Robert FitzGerald praying to be re-established in the office of Comptroller of the Musters in Ireland or that the allowance of 200l. per an to his late brother for surrendering the said employment may be continued to petitioner from his said brother's death.
The like reference of the petition of Francis Bermingham, son and heir of Edward, Lord Athenree [Athenry], eldest Baron of Ireland, praying a yearly allowance of her Majesty's bounty to educate him according to his quality, he having embraced the Protestant religion.
The like reference of the petition of Margaret Henderson, wife of Ensign Henderson, praying an allowance of half pay in consideration of the services & sufferings of her said husband & of her former husband, Theophilus Green.
The like reference of the memorial of Col. Nicho Lepell for payment of 45l. owing for several detachments from his Regiment; [praying said sum] to enable him to complete his Regiment. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 22–23, 29.
April 28. Royal warrant dated St James's to Edward Jennings Esq, President of the Council of Virginia, to direct the Receiver General of Quit rents there to pay 1418l. 5. 0. to Col. Robert Hunter, Lieut. & General Govr. of Virginia, for the loss of all his equipage &c owing to his being taken prisoner ut supra p. 110: and likewise so much as is already incurred up to April 1 inst on the further allowance of 500l. per an as from 1 July 1707 towards his maintenance and support till his arrival in the said colony, which additional allowance is to cease immediately upon his said arrival without any other or further warrant or direction.
Prefixing: report dated 17 Feb 1707–8 from William Blathwayt as Auditor General of the Plantations on Col. Robert Hunter's memorial, ut supra p. 110.
Hereupon Blathwayt reports that a balance of 5752l. 9. 4 due on the late Col. William Byrd's account of quit rents in Virginia at his death has since been paid into the Exchequer but the account itself was lost on board her Majesty's ship Hazardous returning as convoy from thence, which was cast away on the coast of Sussex. His son, the present Receiver General, has sent his accounts of the said revenue of quit rents showing a balance of 2060l. 12. 4¼, for which sum the Queen's warrant of 18 August last [Supra, Treasury Calendar, Vol. XXII, pp. 411–12, requesting his remitting same] was issued and the said warrant was sent on board her Majesty's ship Oxford, one of the convoys intended for Virginia but detained here to this time by contrary winds “as I suppose,” and [which ship] is now to accompany Sir John Leake into the sea on her way thither. So this balance still remains at her Majesty's disposal. Notwithstanding the great disadvantages that revenue has fallen under for the last 2 years (by the disappointments of the convoy that was to depart last spring to fetch away the [tobacco] crop of the preceding year and of the succeeding convoy which was to go away in Sept last to bring away last year's crop) the revenue of quit rents will for that time be considerably diminished by the lowering of the price and lessening the product of tobacco in those parts. Nevertheless there may be remaining in April next the value of 2000l. sterling to be further disposed of by her Majesty.
It is my duty to represent that such a sum was always intended to be left in Virginia (since the purchasing of that Duty from the late Lord Culpeper) for the answering of pressing and extraordinary occasions in that colony: for the want whereof there was paid out of the Exchequer here no less than 80000l. for suppressing Bacon's insurrection, besides a greater sum lost to the Crown by the discontinuance for some time of the planting and trade of tobacco in those parts.
As to the salary payable to the President of the Council of Virginia out of the 2s. per hogshead, only one third part of the whole salary appropriated for the Governor in Chief was paid heretofore to the President on the death or absence of such Governor. But as her Majesty was pleased not long since, for the greater dignity and authority of the President, to give him the full power and command of a Lieutenant Governor or Governor in Chief, he may very well deserve the same allowance as to a Lieutenant Governor, being liable to the same expense and accomptableness. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, pp. 345–6. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) II, pp. 392–4, 394–6.
April 28. Royal warrant dated St James's to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute Craven Peyton as Warden of the Mint (Keeper of the Change and Money within the Tower and Keeper of the Coinage of gold and silver within that part of Great Britain called England) loco Sir John Stanley whose patent of 1 Anne is hereby revoked. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 346.
Same to same for a same to constitute the abovesaid Sir John Stanley as a Commissioner of Customs loco Thomas Hall: the new Commissioners to be Charles Godolphin, Samuell Clarke, Thomas Newport, William Culliford, Sir John Worden, Sir Mathew Dudley and Sir John Stanley. Ibid., pp. 348–9.
Royal sign manual for 10000l. to Charles Hodges gent as imprest for the service of the Robes. (Money warrant dated May 4 hereon.) (Money order dated 5 May hereon.) Ibid., p. 349. Order Book VII, p. 139.
Money warrant for 13l. 3. 0 to Robert Harley, late Secretary of State for 48 days Dec 25 last to Feb 11 last on his patent fee of 100l. per an. Money Book XIX, p. 245.
Letter of direction for 1886l. 9. 8 to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, out of Contributions on the first Act [6 Anne c. 39] for sale of Annuities anno 1708: as in part of 500000l. for recovering Spain and other purposes anno 1708: and is to be paid to Harry Mordaunt, Treasurer of the Ordnance, as imprest for the charge of a quantity of cannon ball (8000 eighteen pound, 6000 twelve pound, and 8000 six pound) supplied out of the stores for the use of the King of Spain and now sending for Barcelona: and is to be esteemed as part of 150000l. for the King of Spain and his troops. Disposition Book XIX, p. 142.
William Lowndes to the Principal Officers of the Ordnance. The Lord Treasurer approves your proposal for paying 26500l. to the East India Company for 500 tons of saltpetre viz out of the tallies & orders on Land Tax anno 1708 which were lately issued at the Exchequer to your Treasurer. Please assign same accordingly & place half thereof to the head of sea service & half to that of land service of the Ordnance. Ibid., p. 143.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to repay to Josiah Burchett, Secretary to the Lord Admiral, & his 10 clerks and officers, detailed, the assessments to taxes anno 1707 on their salaries: to a total of 311l. 7. 0. Ibid.
April 28. Same to the Queen's printers to deliver to William Popple junr, Secretary to the Commissioners of Trade, 50 copies of the Act of last Session for encouragement of the Trade to America [6 Anne c. 64], & the like number of the Act for ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coins in the Plantations [6 Anne c. 57]: so that same may be sent thither by the first ships that shall be going. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 413.
Same to Mr. Burchett [Secretary to the Lord Admiral] enclosing an extract [missing] of a letter from the Customs Commissioners in North Britain touching the necessity of guarding the river Clyde. Please lay same before the Lord Admiral's Council as a matter of importance as well to the revenue as to the quiet & security of the country. Ibid.
Same to the Officers of the Works to examine Mr. Wise's account of sundry works in the gardens & parks begun by him last summer and now finished. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Jasper Mendes et al merchants of Holland & proprietors of the ship Fisher, shewing that the said ship in her voyage from Bordeaux to Rotterdam was forced into Dover & detained there by the Customs officers who restored her [but] soon after she was seized by one Capt. Edwards for the Lord High Admiral but upon the application of Simon Franshaw, their correspondent, the Judge of the Admiralty Court restored her again: [but for] the next [third] time she was seized by one Deane by order of John Glover but no reason being found why she should be detained she was again restored: yet notwithstanding, the said Glover brought an action against the said Franshaw for 6240l. and he being incapable of making a defence by reason his witnesses were in Holland chose rather to pay the informer 360l. & costs than run the risk of a verdict “being informed no new trial could be had thereupon”: therefore prays a noli prosequi to the Queen's part of the said forfeitures the goods having been all landed in Holland & the said prosecution being malicious. Reference Book VIII, p. 298.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of James Milner proposing to take tallies for 10500l. on the Subsidies anno 1708 [6 Anne c. 27] to discharge the like sum due to him on bills of exchange drawn on the said Commissioners. Ibid., p. 317.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Stephen Theard for remission of a fine of 50l. set on him for frauds committed in the Customs for which he was pilloried & which has proved his utter ruin. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Antho Springet, proposing his securities, detailed, as Receiver General of Land Tax for Co Sussex. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, p. 179.
April 29. William Lowndes to Mr. Peirson. You brought to the Treasury a petition of several merchants of London touching the passing of debentures at the Customs House. The Lord Treasurer will hear the petitioners on Wednesday afternoon. (The like notice to the Customs Commissioners.) Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 412.
April 29. Treasury reference to Sir James Montague, Solicitor General, of the sworn brokers' case as follows.
By the second rule of the Book of Rates merchants are to be allowed half subsidy [on re-export]. By the Additional Subsidy Act 2 & 3 Anne c. 18 the oath of the merchant's agent or servant is allowed herein. Query: sworn brokers are not servants to any particular merchant. They demand to make the oath for merchants for reexport. Can the Customs officers refuse thereof? Reference Book VIII, p. 318.
April 30. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Navy Commissioners to cause the Navy Treasurer to assign to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 30000l. out of the 100000l. in tallies & orders on the Land Tax anno 1708 which were issued to the said Navy Treasurer on March 26 last: to be as imprest and upon account towards defraying the charge of putting the docks at Portsmouth & Chatham into a posture of defence, the said work being ordered by the Queen in Council to be proceeded upon forthwith. (Letter of direction dated 30 April hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 245. Disposition Book XIX, p. 144.
Letter of direction for 157l. 10. 0 to Visct FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber: out of Civil List moneys: & is to be paid over to Benjamin Bedford in part of an agreement with him for the hire of a house for the Muscovite Ambassador, according to a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. Disposition Book XIX, p. 151.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing from the Earl of Sunderland relating to some brandy which was stolen from James Douglas merchant by one Oads and put into the hands of a Customs officer who sold it for 80l. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 413.
Same to same to report on the enclosed draft & instructions [missing] (sent by the Commissioners of Trade to the Lord Treasurer) relating to the Acts of Trade & Navigation & to be given to Lord Lovelace for the government of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey. Ibid., p. 414.
Same to Mr. Warpoole [Robert Walpole], Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant to authorise James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to pay to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1886l. 9. 8 for cannon ball for the King of Spain ut supra p. 220. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to prepare the draft of a Commission for setting out the port of Chester & assigning further places for shipping & landing of goods within the river Dee & said port of Chester. Ibid., p. 416.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Christopher Stevenson of London merchant for leave to amend an incorrect entry of wrought incle shipped on the Marlboro for Jamaica: same not being fraudulently designed. Reference Book VIII, p. 318.
April 30. Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of the officers and clerks of the Dockyard at Plymouth for refund of the tax assessments on their salaries. (The like for Portsmouth Dockyard.) Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Lord Archibald Hamilton for a grant of the office of Chief Ranger of Teesdale Forest & Chase of Marwood in Co Durham. Ibid., p. 319.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Samuel Stillingfleet, steward of her Majesty's manor of Portland. By a sign manual warrant of 3 Nov 1665 Charles II granted that for every ton of stone quarried within the common of the Isle of Portland (except what should be taken for the Crown) the sum of 12 pence should be taken, whereof 3 pence to be accounted for to the Crown & the remaining 9 pence for the sole use & benefit of the inhabitants. [By his memorial of the 11th November last Sir Christopher Wren] the Surveyor General of Works has represented that the said quarries belong to the Crown and that they afford much larger and finer blocks of stone than any quarries in England & care has always been taken thereof for preserving them from waste and that to prevent irregular & promiscuous working he has royal warrant as former [Crown Land] Surveyors had to license and direct the raising of stone in the said quarries & has long practised same with success but that some quarrymen of Portland dispute the Crown's right and without leave open new quarries and carry off stone at pleasure: and no prohibition or warning has any effect on them. You are hereby to enquire whether such offences have been committed & whether the offenders can properly be prosecuted in any of the Courts of the said manor or what other effectual course may be taken therein: also who collects the said 12 pence per ton and in what manner the charge is made on the Receiver General of Crown Lands for Co Dorset for the 3 pence thereof payable to the Crown & how much the same has amounted to for 4 or 5 years past.
Appending: the abovesaid memorial of Sir Christopher Wren to the Lord Treasurer. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, pp. 165–6.
Report dated Whitehall to Treasurer Godolphin from William Blathwayt, Auditor of the Plantations, on the petition of George Muschamp, her Majesty's Receiver of Potomac & Collector of Patuxent in Maryland. The places of Collector of the Two Rivers in Maryland viz Potomac & Patuxent depend immediately upon the Customs Commissioners of England, having in charge the receipt of the penny per pound of tobacco pursuant to the Act of 25 Car II c. 7 & 7–8 Wm. & Mary c. 22.
The places of Receiver within the Districts of those two rivers concern chiefly the receipt of the revenues of Maryland appropriated to the payment of the Governor's salary & to the purchasing of arms & ammunition for the use of that Province.
Col. Plater, Receiver of Patuxent being lately dead the petitioner prays to be transferred to that Receivership from that of Potomac, as being more convenient for the better discharge of his duty. I have no objection thereto (the petitioner having long served the Crown in those parts) provided he give security both in England and upon the place.
In the margin: undated statement of opinion by Sir Edward Northey [Attorney General]. I have perused the petition of said Muschamp and the Acts of the Assembly of Maryland & the Queen's Instructions to the Governor thereof. I am of opinion that the appropriation of the revenue given by those Acts and the Qu[een's] grant to the Governor are only of the nett produce of those revenues; and that therefore the charges of collection and management thereof are to be taken out of them; & by consequence her Majesty might appoint the salaries of the officers thereof to be paid out of those Duties. But I have not seen the petitioner's commission & cannot say how his case stands therein. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) II, p. 397.