Minute Book: September 1667, 3-13

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: September 1667, 3-13 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp74-83 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: September 1667, 3-13 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp74-83.

"Minute Book: September 1667, 3-13 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp74-83.


September 1667

Sept. 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir Robert Paston called in. To send his grant hither to-morrow.
Sir William Doyly called in and "asked how the letter to Sir Henry North about appointing a solicitor for suffolk came to be directed to him and Sir George Winive and did not deny its being by him so directed."
Write Col. Walden, Receiver of Huntingdon, that my Lords are ready to put him out but in civility send this time to him: if no satisfactory account they'll put in another.
No money of Hampshire come in this quarter.
The Attorney General called in. Ordered that the King's Remembrancer cause process to issue out about the manor of West Dereham, that the judgment of the court may be known.
Sir Andrew Ricards, Governor of the East India Company, called in about the order of the two East India prizes, viz. as to what the Company demands for their quietus that they may pay it in. Left a draft of a Privy Seal which Lord Ashley took with him. Mr. Blackburn to attend to-morrow about an answer to it and thereupon they will pay in the money while the quietus is passing. Warrant to the Custom House to pay the [Company's] bills.
Warrant to Auditor Phillips to cast up the Bombay account of the East India Company with interest.
Moved by the Attorney General that Mr. Noell, Receiver of Hearth money for Rutland, may not be sent for.
Mr. Bucknall to attend to-morrow about propositions for the country Excise.
The Customs Farmers ordered not to pay the salaries of the King's officers this quarter without order.
Auditor Chislet called in about the account of Col. Kirby and his brother of the Hearth money for Lancashire. His brother demands 1,180l. for charges, the Justices of the Peace having sat in all parts of the county at his charge about settling that revenue. The sum brought in by penalties is 1,714l. The Auditor to allow him the moiety. Write such Justices of Peace as Col. Kirby shall nominate, to call such constables before them as he shall desire to get in arrears.
Warrant for registering 100,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax for seamen's wages: "but not yet registered."
Sir Edmund Sawyer and Auditor Aldworth called in.
Alderman Andrews called in about his Chimney money and required to attend the Privy Council to-morrow. Auditor Chislett to have an order in writing for searching for those payments. Auditor Aldworth says that the returns of the Firehearth money for North Yorkshire were sent up by the Clerk of the Peace and delivered to Mr. Richards, the youngest attorney, and are lost. So also Mr. Chislett informs that the Roll for Lincolnhire is lost in the King's Remembrancer's Office. Write Viscount Fanshaw hereon to give an account on Monday next. Sam Holbech, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Leicester, sent for in custody.
Sir Robert Viner called in. His account to be sent to Sir William Doyly to be stated by Monday next with his opinion what can be done to hasten in these moneys.
Sir Robert Long to be advised with about a Privy Seal to discharge the Earl of Anglesey of the 15,000l. he received of Sir Robert Viner, who had it from Sir Thomas Player. The Earl of Anglesey to meet Sir George Downing at Sir Robert Long's about it.
Write the Customs Farmers to take off the stop on Sir Robert Viner's tallies.
Write Sir H. North to acquaint him how the letter for a solicitor came to be directed to the other gentleman with him and that he himself pursue the first intent, which was that he advise with whom he will.
Mr. Hiensius to have his liberty on his adjustment of his account with Sir George Downing how many men he owes to the King for the release of the Zealanders here; on his and Mr. Waltendunk's bond to discharge as many Englishmen in Zealand, provided that he pick not all those last in prison.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 135–7.]
Sept. 4.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Bendish, Receiver of Norwich, ordered not to return any money but by direction of Sir William Doyly and the rest of the Commissioners [for bringing up the Aids, &c].
Baron Spelman called in about some rolls of the Poll money come to his hands. Ordered to take the Hereford roll and take oath on it, though not brought by one that swears to it.
Sir William Doyly informs that Mr. Herlakenden is dead. Write Sir Norton Knatchbull, Sir Robert Barnham and Sir John Banks to advise about a new receiver for Kent.
Sir George Carteret's Privy Seal for assigning the 200,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey is to pass.
The Excise Commissioners called in and present the Privy Seal for the defalcations to be allowed on the country Excise.
Mr. Gawden called in and demands 32,000l. more; to be registered on the Eleven Months' tax. Write Mr. Pepis to certify on Monday next how much of the declaration for the Victualler is performed, that my Lords may know if it is necessary to supply him with more money.
Sir Rich. Otley and his partner to attend this day fortnight.
Thomas Fletcher's petition referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Alderman Bucknall to attend Friday next.
Write Sir Robert Long to certify on what Privy Seal the tallies of Sir Robert Viner were struck.
Process suspended against the Farmers of the London Excise. Write them to give in their account to Col Birch.
Auditor Phillips's deputy called in about the account of Mr. Keene, Receiver of Hearth money for Suffolk.
Mr. Richards, of Essex, to be discharged.
The docquet for 10,000l. for Sheerness to pass.
Mr. Bowdler's petition about money sent in the waggons referred to Sir William Doyly.
Write to Auditor Phillips to state Mr. Colvile's interest account.
Raleigh, Hooke, Copinger and George called in about arrears of Excise for Bristol. My Lords will not meddle any more with their disputes but expect the King's rent.
The Privy Seal for abatements to be allowed on the country Excise, sent to Sir Robert Long to peruse.
Auditor Aldworth, Mr. Sherwyn and Mr. Norton to attend Monday next with Norton's account.
The next time the Attorney General comes he is to be spoken to about Mrs. Kar's docquet.
Mr. Laurence gives an account about Mrs. Moon's grant from the King.
Warrant for a month's salary to Mr. Morice.
Mr. May [and the officers of the Board of Works] to have a letter to Mr. Tayleur to view what repairs he has made at Windsor.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 137–9.]
Sept. 5.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncombe.
Mr. Harbord called in. Offers a warrant for an examination as to the spoils made in the Forest of Dean and other forests. A new instruction given for Dean Forest. A commission ordered for a view of the waste committed in New Forest since 1660.
Write Sir Robert Long that none of the King's officers [are to] have any orders delivered them except the Navy.
Warrant for 1,397l. for Sir Stephen Fox.
Mr. Pretyman called in. Cannot find his commission, but says he executes his office [of interim Receiver of First Fruits] by the Lord Treasurer's consent during his brother's suspension. Ordered that whoever has the place is to account every quarter for the future. Sir Edm. Pooly to have a commission to execute the place of Receiver of First Fruits during Sir John Pretyman's life.
Write Sir Robert Long to certify what is due for Lord Robartes's diet [as Lord Privy Seal].
Sir Robert Long, Sir George Downing and Mr. Sherwyn to confer with Sir Robert Crooke about the business of the Pipe. Sir Robert Long informs and complains that the Pipe make allowances by acquittances without tallies, as [for instance] in the Greenwax farm and by this means can never know what the revenue or farm makes. So [in the same way] the Pipe have put the sheriffs' proffers out of charge in the Great Roll. Ordered the Pipe should make no allowance but by the Lord Treasurer's [direction].
Mary Williams' petition about an outlawry read. My Lords will sign the grant of the lease.
Mr. Finch's petition motioned about farming imported liquors. Referred to the Customs officers to report the value.
The King came in about the business of the patent of the Customs Farmers. The new Farmers called in, bidden to withdraw and called in again.
Sir John Watts's petition read. My Lords can give him no further time. Sir Stephen Fox to assign 250l. to Ambrose Norton, Esq., for the stables on the 68,000l. on the Eleven' Months tax.
Write the King's officers of the Port of London to know the value of 5s. per ton on French shipping.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 139–40.]
Sept. 6.
Present: all my Lords.
Mr. Controller moves for a letter to the Farmers of the London Excise that my Lords will give them a new lease, thereby to encourage them to lend him moneys.
Docquet for 30,000l. to pass for wages for officers of the Navy.
Write the Lord Privy Seal to pass the Privy Seal for transferring the 200,000l. [from Sir George Carteret to the Earl of Anglesey, present Treasurer of the Navy] and for the 30,000l. for the officers of the Fleet.
Mr. Blackburn presents an account from Auditor Phillips about Bombay. The sum therein named is to be allowed [to the East India Company] out of the Customs on their ships that shall come in hither. Sir Robert Long and Sir George Carteret to consider whether a Privy Seal, or what, is necessary for the paying this money on the Customs.
Write the Earl of Anglesey that my Lords understand Sir George Carteret has assigned 15,000l. of the 200,000l. to him, and that moneys lie in the Exchequer ready to be lent "which my Lords let him know that no delay be by him."
Sir Robert Long and Mr. Sherwyn to attend Monday next about considering of settling a way of registering for the Customs; that no more tallies be struck on them.
Sir Hugh Cholmly and Mr. Crispe called in with Auditor Chislett about their accounts for the Alum Farm. Cholmley to bring a copy of the patent of the grant of the alum works to the Earl of Strafford. Then my Lords will pass the account.
Warrant on the Customs for the Lord Privy Seal's diet money.
Write the Commissioners [for the Aids] in Blackenhurst Hundred, co. Worcester, to quicken in the Aids; that my Lords are loth to complain to the King in Council; on the other hand that the money is exceedingly wanted and His Majesty much prejudiced thereby.
Mr. Ashburnham complains of some wood cut down in Beckerings Park, a park he holds of the King in Bedfordshire. John Duncomb, of Isenglo, the person complained of, to attend my Lords on Monday week.
Sir Fr. Holles called in. Sir Robert Long to send a copy of Lord Holles's Privy Seal for his embassy to France, and what has been paid him thereon.
Alderman Backwell called in.
The petition from the Farmers of the London Excise for defalcations on exported beer to be considered Wednesday next.
The man that conveyed Mr. Lock away is to be here on Monday.
Mr. Pretyman to attend on Monday as to his pretences to the office of Receiver of First Fruits.
Sir Stephen Fox to attend on Monday about his demand of 1,397l. to disband forces in Jersey and Guernsey.
William Crosse, attorney, to attend on Monday about Nicholas Bacon's bond.
Process suspended for eight days against Mr. Thomas Tomlinson, of Yorkshire.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 140–2.]
Sept. 9.
Present: all my Lords.
Lady Harby's petition read. Write Sir John Wolstenholme and Sir John Shaw to try and agree the parties by Wednesday week.
Warrant for 2,300l. to the Earl of Anglesey "and to take in my Lords' letter on which it was advanced."
William Burges called in, who came from Sir Thomas Budd: Says there is about 800l. in his hands of the Poll money for Hants. Inform Sir William Doyly hereof.
Process to be stopped against Alexander (Arthur) Spry, security for the Tenths of Exeter, on his promise to pay.
Sir Edm. Sawyer presents Sir Fr. Clerke's account of the Hearth money of Kent. Clerke to pay in his moneys presently. Mr. Porter to pay in 1,300l. presently on his account for Berks.
Sir John Wintour's docquet to the Great Seal to pass.
Warrant for 10,000l. for the officers of the fleet on the Privy Seal for 30,000l.
Mrs. Boynton, maid of honour, called in: prayed payment of her pension.
Write Sir William Moyle to charge a bill on Mr. Fillingham for the first 500l., and it shall be paid: but that for the 1,500l. it must be immediately answered into the Exchequer.
Ordered that James Clerk's lease of the Manor of Moulsey, near Hampton Court, pass not till Col. Progers be heard.
Sir Robert Long and Sir George Downing to speak with Sir John Watts about Mr. Windham's tally.
Warrant for the Duke of Albemarle's creation money on the Customs, and for the Earl of Oxford's fee of 100l. per an. as Justice in Eyre of all the King's forests.
Warrant for the arrest of the Receiver of the Tenths of the Bishopric of Yorks as having great sums of money in his hands and not paying it in nor the tallies struck upon him. The like for the Receiver of the Tenths of London, and for all other Receivers in Auditor Wood's certificate except Durham and Lichfield. Similarly for all in Canterbury Diocese who owe money.
Write Sir Robert Paston that my Lords intend not to void the King's kindness to him, but are on the other hand unwilling the King should have such collops sliced out of the revenue. They therefore desire to speak with him.
Maulger Norton and Auditor Aldworth called in about Norton's account. Immediate extent to issue against his estate.
Write all the King's officers in the port of London to attend to-morrow afternoon to consider how to cause as many entries as may be to be made before Michaelmas.
Write the Customs Farmers to know who that Thomas Turner is to whom this last week they paid 850l.
Write the principal officers of the Navy to attend on Wednesday next about considering what stores are absolutely necessary to be bought and provided, and what charge of the yards may be taken away according to an order in Council of this day.
Bevis Lloyd called in: produces a certificate of great uproars in Taunton against the Chimney officers. The Privy Council to be acquainted herewith on Wednesday next.
Mr. Hartlib acquaints my Lords that the 10,000l. [sic for 100,000l.] is being paid to Sir Thomas Player as the money comes in.
Warrant to the Customs Farmers to grant Sir William Batten's petition about some goods seized.
Sir Robert Long to attend to-morrow.
Write the new Farmers of the Customs that the King having acquainted my Lords that they will lend money for paying off the fleet my Lords desire to know what they will lend and then they may have the 380,000l. assignments for the seamen for their security.
Sir Thomas Veile called in about the account of the Firehearths of Gloucester.
Mr. Wyvell, of Yorkshire, written to to forthwith pay in his money on pain of arrest.
Sir George Downing to see what the charge of the garrisons on the Customs amounts to.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 143–5.]
Sept. 10.
Present: All my Lords.
Emanuel Thomas presents a petition on behalf of Mr. Lugger and his security.
Warrant to discharge Mr. Thomas Dogget's lands bought of Mr. Thomas Daniell.
Sir Robert Long to certify in his weekly certificate what money the E. [of Anglesey] assigns of his 380,000l.
Write the Cofferer of the Household to know what littermen are in arrear on the 20d. a day: and to pay them. Petition read from Mr. Bishop, the butcher. Mr. Sawyer, the King's cook, called in. His petition shall be considered in a short time among the first. Mr. de Kesar's petition read: to be settled to be paid in course speedily.
Petition read from the Surveyor of the Highway. To be answered shortly.
Lady Jackson's petition to be speedily considered when there is money.
Write the late undersheriff of Hereford to pay to Mr. Bowdler 120l. of the Chimney money in his hands by Michaelmas next.
The King's officers of the Customs called in about hastening in entries before Michaelmas that the less defalcations may be demanded. To bring to-morrow a copy of the late Lord Treasurer's warrant in this case when the late [Customs] Commissioners entered upon their farm.
The officers of the Customs moved that the Dutch take Portuguese Comrs. [Sic ? for prizes]. That an Ostend man-of-war that came hither and conveyed away soldiers took a Portuguese ship in Margate Road laden with Englishmen's goods.
The Customs Farmers propose a paper about taxes for the Custom House during the time of their Commission account: that it ought to be paid by the officers.
Sir Edmond Pooly to have the place of searcher of Kent.
Sir Robert Long spoken to about making a scheme of the King's debts and revenue against the sitting of the Parliament. Ordered that Long and Sir George Downing set about doing it.
The King came in and brought the petition of Andrew Newport and James Halsall on behalf of the children of Mr. Rumball, late Surveyor of the Customs. [The King] says Mr. [Rumball] received and distributed all his letters for several years before his restoration, and desires his children may not starve.
The King says he was dealing with the new Farmers of the Customs about borrowing money of them. Also my Lords acquainted the King with their sending to his officers of the Customs about hastening ships in before Michaelmas to pay Customs.
Write Sir Robert Long and Sir Charles Harbord to consider what is fit to be done about the Queen's jointure.
Mr. Pretyman's business to be heard on Friday next.
The Chimney Farmers called in about the account of Lady Day, 1666. The Receiver of Berks is to presently carry his accounts to the Auditor to state. So also for Beds and Sussex. Mr. Carr and Mr. King to have Suffolk divided between them. The Chimney Farmers to give an account to-morrow in what counties the King's receivers have interrupted their receivers as to Lady Day, 1666, and as to which of them have since accounted to the Farmers for their receipts. Write the Auditors to certify if the King's Receivers of the Hearth Money have accompted for Lady Day, 1666. The Farmers to attend to-morrow with the Collectors.
A Privy Seal to be drawn for 3,000l. per an. for the maintenance of the Duke's nursery instead of the Duke of Cambridge's 3,000l. per an.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 145–7.]
Sept. 11.
Present: all my Lords.
The Marquess of Worcester's petition read and referred to the Attorney General to report the fact as to the King [viz. his interest in tail and that of all other heirs to the estate.
The late Lord Treasurer's warrant read for payment to the Earl of Carbery as President of Wales. The Earl to first bring in the account of what he owes the King.
The docquet for the abatements to the Farmers of the London Excise is to pass.
The Excise Commissioners called in. Ordered that the Farmers of the Excise of Dorset pay their arrear of 100l.
The petition from the Farmers of the London Excise for abatements on exported beer referred to the Excise Commissioners. Mr. Bucknall says they have nothing to do with them.
Write the Justices of co. Somerset to certify the fact of the late uproars in Taunton against the Chimney Farmers.
Sir Robert Paston to attend on Friday.
Write the Justices of Monmouth to certify concerning the affidavit of Phillip Redmond, wounded by Thomas Kemis.
Sir William Doyly called in. Mr. Cooper, of Nottinghamshire, to be written to as to the moneys in his hands, which the Solicitor of the Aids says the country paid in. If he do not give a satisfactory account my Lords will put another in his place. Humphrey Price, Collector of the Hundred of Pool in Shropshire [sic for Montgomery], to be arrested; also such of the Collectors of Hereford as Sir William Doyly gives the names of.
Col. Webb and Mr. Hartlib called in on behalf of the Chimney Farmers.
Mr. Laurence to be advised with as to what further can be done against Cadwallader Jones and other the securities of Mr. Harris.
Mr. Bowdler's petition read about the money of his which Gifford took away. My Lords will see if they can retrieve this money out of Gifford's hands. If not, they'll allow it on his account.
The principal officers of the Navy called in [and inform my Lords] that about 12,000l. or 14,000l. per week will serve to pay off the seamen.
Viscount Fanshaw to take Mauger Norton's securities for 1,300l. to be paid next sealing day after Hilary Term.
Write such of the Collectors of the Hearth money for Cornwall, Cumberland, Westmorland, Staffordshire, and Herefordshire, as have not passed their accounts, that my Lords expect they pay no money to the Farmers for 1666, Lady Day, but to Sir Thomas Player, and to account in the Exchequer. All Collectors to take oath, &c., in manner detailed, as to their payments in of their receipts.
Sir Job Charlton's and Mr. Milward's money to be paid in course on the Eleven Months' tax and not on the seamen's orders.
The King's Counsel to state their opinion whether Guernsey and Jersey should pay [Hearth money], being exempt in the bills for the tax [Royal Aids] and Excise.
Viscount Fanshaw to certify what Poll rolls are returned into his office, together with the value of them.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 147–9.]
Sept. 13.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry.
Auditor Aldworth called in with Mr. Broxholme concerning the latter's account for Chimney money for Hull in the sheriff's time. To have till the end of Michaelmas term to pass his account.
Warrant for the salaries to the seven Auditors.
Sir Robert Paston produced a paper about his Wood Farm.
Mr. Tregunnell called in about his land by Goring House: prays he may have his land again and something to repair the walls. Mr. May, Surveyor of the Works, is to survey the walls and see what they will cost to repair. In the meantime an order for Mr. Tregunnell's rent. Mr. Cogain to attend on Monday hereupon. To move the King whether he will return this land to Tregunnell or not.
Auditor Aldworth presents Mr. Tomlinson's accounts for the Hearth money for the North Riding of Yorks. The Auditor to allow him one quarter's increases and no more, in regard no more comes clear to the King by reason of decreases.
The Excise Commissioners present a paper of subscriptions by Excise officers to the loans to His Majesty.
Sir John Shaw's report read as to the duty of 5s. per tun on French wines. Sir B. Gascoign and Major Huntington to attend next Wednesday.
Warrant for 2,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox.
Sir Cerill Wiche's docquet to pass.
The new Farmers of the Customs called in. Sir John Wolstenholme represents how impossible for them to advance money seeing they must pay once a fortnight, and the Canary wines not now coming in and the East India Company have time and the Irish cattle not coming in. Alderman Backwell prays they might pay but once a month and that they might have tallies for their 200,000l. My Lords tell them they will settle. My Lords to consider next Monday of settling the tallies on the Customs. Alderman Backwell promises to lend 10,000l. on the Customs. Auditor Phillips to attend next Wednesday with Alderman Backwell's interest account.
Warrant for 10,000l. for Sir Ste. Fox for the disbanding.
Sir John Wolstenholme, Mr. Coventry and those concerned for Lady Harby called in. Pray their tallies may pass, and then agree amongst themselves.
Sir William Coventry moves on Mr. Wren's behalf for a Privy Seal as Secretary to the Admiralty. Coventry ordered to draw one.
Sir Robert Long to prepare register books for payment in course for [loans, &c. on] the Customs, Excise and Chimney money.
The Customs officers are to attend Sir Robert Long to let him know what tallies on the Customs are paid, that so he may certify what are yet unpaid.
Sir Robert Crooke called in: presents a state of moneys charged in the Office of the Pipe. The papers to be considered by Sir Robert Long and Sir George Downing.
Sir Robert Long always to return [some] one back with papers sent him.
Sir Edm. Sawyer called in: presents Mr. Rogers' account of the Chimney money for Surrey. To pay in all by the first week of the term. John Arderne, for Brixton Hundred in Surrey, to pay in 156l. 12s. 3d. before Sept. 29.
Richard Dance, of Chipping Norton in Oxford, Collector of the Aids, to be arrested.
Write the Commissioners [of the Aids] for Hants to quicken the collecting of the Aids: and enclose to them Mr. Gallot's letter to Sir William Doyly complaining of the great slowness in the county in paying the assessments.
The alum business to be heard on Friday next.
John Ground and John Ekins to attend this day fortnight at the desire of Mr. Lambe.
Mr. Pretyman heard by Sir William Scroggs, his counsel. Scroggs says that from Queen Elizabeth's time (who put the First Fruits under the Exchequer) there was only a Remembrancer, who was also Receiver. Mr. Sherwyn says that after Sir Chr. Hatton (in whose time was some disorder) there was appointed a Receiver as well as Remembrancer, and so continued till now.
Sir John Watts's petition read. Watts to speak with Sir George Downing hereon and to let him know which of his sons he wishes to have the place.
Auditor Parsons and Mr. Chislet to attend on Monday.
Sir Robert Long to deliver not more than 5,000l. of the 15,000l. to Mr. Pepys for Tangier.
My Lords will speak with the Attorney General next Privy Council day about Mrs. Karr's docquet.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 149–151.]