Minute Book: August 1667, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: August 1667, 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp64-74 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: August 1667, 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp64-74.

"Minute Book: August 1667, 16-31 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp64-74.


August 1667

Aug. 16.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Earl of Anglesey's Privy Seal to be carried to the Signet.
Sir William Doyly called in and tenders a letter to some Commissioners for the Aids in Kent, which is passed. Also presents a paper of the names of the Solicitors of the Aids and their salaries. Write said Doyly to state George Pyke's account and to bring it to my Lords as soon as the waggons come in and to see what part of this charge [of waggons] may be retrenched.
John Griffith to have a reference to Sir Charles Harbord about his discoveries.
Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Fenn to attend on Monday about the tallies on Buckingham for the two naval regiments.
Col. Fitch, Receiver of Firehearths for Essex, called in. To account by the last of August.
The Excise Commissioners called in about the abatements for the plague. The case as to co. Buckingham read. Ordered that the Commissioners examine whether by his books the Farmer made his rent and charges during the plague and then to make no abatement in this or the like case, and that they dispatch according to this rule all accounts for defalcations on account of the plague. The Farmers of the Excise of Kent to carry their books to the Excise Commissioners and their officers to swear to them.
The Alum Farmers called in. Their account referred to Auditor Chislett. To pay in 1,000l. on Wednesday.
The two Mr. Forths, Farmers [of the Excise] for Kent, to attend on Wednesday to let my Lords know what they will pay in.
Warrant to suspend Cadwallader Jones from being Customer of Sandwich.
Robert Buts who lives at Levington, near Ipswich, and Thomas Buts, the Attorney at Mellesham [? Mellis], in Suffolk, to attend this day fortnight about money they are bound for, for the Excise of Suffolk.
The Excise Commissioners to attend on Tuesday about defalcations and arrears on the Excise.
Major Reeves and his partners and Mr. Beene called in about a clause in Reeves's patent concerning the Excise on exports out of London into Essex and other counties. Mr. Beene should also have kept account of what was imported into London out of Essex; without that being adjusted he is not to have his allowance. Mr. Reeves says Beene's demand is 1,014l. odd, whereas the whole brewing of Bow in Middlesex came to but 1,100l. The Solicitor General to be spoken with concerning this clause in Reeves's patent.
Write the Excise Commissioners that for the future all Farmers and Commissioners pay their rent and charge in full, and they must apply to my Lords concerning defalcations.
Order for a Privy Seal for 2,000l. to the Earl of Bath for the fortifications of Plymouth. Memorandum: there is 500l. hereof already paid by bill on Sir Walter Moyle.
Sir Cerill Wiche called in. [? On condition] that the King have only the tenth part of his lead mines he promises to lend 1,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax.
Write the Auditors to certify what Receivers of the First Poll and Benevolence have passed their accounts.
Sir George Downing to speak with Sir Robert Long about drawing such an order as the Queen's Counsel would have [to enable her] to get in her money from the Receivers.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 118–20.]
Aug. 19.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write Mr. Osburne, the Treasurer's Remembrancer, to know what process has gone against Nich. Baron, who would have killed the Master of the Rolls.
Dr. Creighton's reference read for a landwaiter's place. The King to be moved that these reversions are inconvenient, and are proper to be granted by the Treasurer.
Write the Farmers of the Chimney money that the Farmers thereof for Hertfordshire declare themselves satisfied with what was done by Viscount Fanshaw in the matter of their officer Stratton.
Motion made to Viscount Fanshaw that he take some days to consider what fees would content him for [making forth] bonds on all the new revenues such as Excise, Chimneys, &c.
Col. Kirby's brother called in. They will attend the Auditor for their despatch.
Mr. Scawen, late one of the Commissioners for bringing in the Aids, called in. Order to Mr. Pyke to pay him what is in arrear to Sept. 29 next.
Alderman Starling called in and denies that he withdrew from the Kentish account for Firehearth money what he paid in on the Bedfordshire account. To pay in for Kent by the middle of September. Walter Vaughan and Auditor Hill called in concerning Vaughan's account for the Firehearths for Pembroke. Vaughan to pass his account by the last of August.
Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Fen called in about the pay of the two naval regiments. Write Sir Robert Long for a copy of the late Lord Treasurer's warrant to Sir George Carteret to strike tallies on the Royal Aid of Bucks for the said regiments. Mr. Fenn to bring a clear account of the Bucks money. He says there will be about 3,000l. remains on the Bucks money for said regiments.
The Privy Seal for the 2,000l. to the Earl of Bath for the fortifications of Plymouth, is to be carried to the Signet.
Mr. King, Receiver of Hearth money for Suffolk, called in about the arrears for 1666, Lady Day. To pay in by Sept. 10.
Warrant for 840l. for Sir Stephen Fox out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax for a month's pay to some of the new forces not yet ordered to be disbanded.
Lady Villiers's docquet to pass.
Write the Attorney and Solicitor General that, whereas there are several points in dispute between the Chimney Farmers and the Justices of several counties, they hear the Farmers hereon and report.
The said Farmers to state Mr. Scawen's account for the Firehearths for 1666, Lady Day. The Salisbury certificate to be also sent to the Attorney and Solicitor General.
Auditor Chislett called in. Write the sheriffs of Rutland, Westmorland and Warwick to pass their accounts for the 18 Months' assessment, and the sheriffs of Leicester and Northampton to pay the remainder of their moneys thereon. Sir Robert Crooke, Clerk of the Pipe, to attend on Wednesday with an account of those who are behind or in super on the Eighteen Months' tax, First Poll, Benevolence and Firehearths: and of the prosecutions had thereupon.
Warrant to the Customs Farmers not to pay any more salary to Cadwallader Jones as Customer of Sandwich.
Warrant ordered against Nicholas Bowden for Benevolence money in his hands for Lancashire. The like against Mr. Smith for the like moneys for Herefordshire
On Dr. Creighton's business the King to be again moved against reversions, that my Lords may have opportunity to prefer such as merit: such as Deputy Auditor Chislett.
Warrant to Martin Foster to pass his accounts presently for the Benevolence money of Lincolnshire.
Thomas Veele called in. Prays suspension of process on the Chimney moneys of Gloucestershire.
Process suspended against Major Reeves and the rest of the late Commissioners of Hearth money for London.
Write the Customs Farmers to pay Sir Edward Turner and Sir Job Charlton; for that they will lend it to the King.
Sir William Blakeston to have till the end of Michaelmas Term to pay one moiety of his Excise arrears and the other by Candlemas.
Write Sir Robert Viner that Sir Vincent Churchill offers to lend the King 2,000l. now in his (Viner's) hands. My lords are willing to take tallies for this sum, so long as they are such as are put into his (Viner's) hands by the King's officers and at interest.
A proposition to be made to the King to give over paying interest for procuring Prest [Imprest] money for the Navy.
Auditor Wood to attend on Friday next with the account of Pendennis and Plymouth.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 120–3.]
Aug. 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir John Denham moves about his Privy Seal for [payment to him of] a fine [imposed ? on Nicholas Baron] for designing the death of the Master of the Rolls. Says the man was discharged as insolvent. Sir John Denham to prove this.
Lieut. Col. Gray called in about his discovery of the Piedmont money. Ordered that Sir George Downing see the records and what remains on that money.
Mr. Scawen and Mr. Pyke are to certify what was paid to Mr. Scawen.
The Chimney Farmers to certify on Monday next what money they have received on the tallies in their hands for 105,000l., and on what quarters of the Royal Aid.
On the order from the King about Holman's grant of the Receivership of Oxford and Berks the King is to be moved to declare that he will give no more of these places for life.
Mr. Gifford to attend Monday next about receiving moneys of this quarter for Surrey. Write some of the Commissioners for Surrey to quicken them for the Poll money. Write to Pembrokeshire for the Aids.
The docquet for 1,500l. for the Sick and Wounded is to pass.
Sir Charles Harbord to give an account of the intrinsic value of all leases of the King's lands, to whom leased, and the rent.
Sir William Doyly presents a paper for retrenchments on the solicitors and waggons [for the moneys for the Aids], "and that my Lords mind more that the work be done than altering the solicitors' salaries." Doyly to certify what solicitors do not live upon the place and do not do their work.
Write Lord Arlington to know if money is to be had from the Prizes in this exigency and from the remainder of the two East India Prizes.
The Warden of the Fleet sends an account of the prisoners in the Fleet on the King's account.
Mr. William Prettyman, now Receiver of the First Fruits, is to attend on Friday or be sent for in custody.
Mr. Glanvile to be sent for to come over with an account of the tin, and Sir William Temple is to send an account of what he has done.
The Excise Commissioners called in. Mr. Laurence is to prosecute with vigour the bringing in all moneys in arrear.
Viscount Fanshaw is ordered to issue process of immediate extent against all Receivers of the Eighteen Months' tax, Benevolence, and the subsidies, who have not passed their account or who are returned in super.
The petition from Sir William Batten, &c., referred to the Customs Farmers to report the fact and as to whose the forfeiture in these cases is to be.
Sir Stephen Fox called in with his Auditor about his interest account. The Auditor to allow some particulars in them and then to bring them in again.
The stop to be taken off the remainder of a tally for 1,400l. for Lord Holles.
Write Sir William Doyly to know what Mr. Levett, Receiver of the Aids for Wilts, is in arrear.
Sir Robert Howard moves the confirmation of a warrant of the late Lord Treasurer on behalf of his sister the Lady Draydon [Dryden], viz. for 3,000l., whereof part is paid. Ordered that the unpaid remainder be put into the 8,000l. for the Earl of Berkshire on the Eleven Months' tax: and that the order for her remainder be put into Sir George Downing's hands to be assigned by the Earl of Berkshire to her.
Mr. John Forth, one of the Farmers of the Excise of Kent, promises to pay 1,000l. next Monday.
The Spaniards called in about the ship seized with Canary wines. Mr. Frost, who bought the ship, to have his charges allowed him if he will surrender same.
Write the principal officers of the Navy that one of them at least be here on Friday next with their thoughts how to settle the payment of such officers of the fleet as are willing to take it [in assignments] on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Fenn, Sir Robert Long and Sir Stephen Fox to attend on Friday next about the moneys on the Royal Aids from co. Bucks for the two naval regiments.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 123–5.]
Aug. 23.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry.
Sir Robert Long tenders the bargain made by the Tin Farmers.
Sir Thomas Clarges' warrant from the late Lord Treasurer (on which 60l. is due) is to be paid.
The Bishop of Durham called in: informed that his clergy, viz. the Dean and Chapter of Durham, owe the King 300l. on the subsidies, and that they refuse to pay it, whereas always they were wont to pay it. Edward Arden and Auditor Aldworth to attend on Monday about this business.
Sir Andrew Riccard and others of the East India Company called in and presented a letter from the King by Lord Arlington about money due to them for Bombay, for which they also demand interest from the time it was due. They are ready to pay the 4,000l. due on account of the two East India prizes so as they have an acquittance in full for all the business of those two ships. They are to bring hither their [patent under the] Great Seal on Monday and the bargain that's made.
The docquet for money to the Earl of Anglesey is to pass.
The docquet for 40,000l. for over interest money is to pass.
Warrant for 970l. to Sir Stephen Fox for disbanding the new forces.
Sir Robert Long, Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Fenn called in about the Bucks money.
Warrant to the serjeant to arrest David Powell, [late] Sheriff of Montgomery.
Write Sir Henry North to advise with his neighbours and to certify my Lords as to whom they desire to be Solicitor for the Aids of co. Suffolk from the next quarter. Also to the Commissioners [of Aids] for that county to get in the arrears of the Aids.
A Privy Seal ordered for Sir Stephen Fox's interest account.
A warrant for the [ordinaries of the] Ambassadors at Breda.
Auditor Wood spoken to to bring in the last account declared for the Navy and Ordnance on Monday next.
My Lords to move the King about the tallies on Bucks and to have the late Lord Treasurer's warrant with them.
Mr. Daniell and Mr. Jones called in about Daniell's instalment. Jones desires till Monday to give his answer whether he will take the tally for 300l.
Mr. Arundell and Auditor Wood called in about the account of the Earl of Bath and of Plymouth garrison, which are now declared.
Mr. Prettyman, Receiver and Remembrancer of First Fruits to attend again on Wednesday next.
A Privy Seal for the defalcations allowed to the Farmers of the London Excise.
Dr. Creighton told it's better to keep the warrant by him than put himself to the charge of a Great Seal, till a place fall vacant.
Warrant for 350l. for Mr. Scawen as Commissioner for the waggons.
Write the Earl of Bath for an answer to my Lords' former letter, and the rather the peace being now to be proclaimed.
Sir Charles Harbord ("Herbert") written to about a lease in Hampshire from the King to Mr. Henry Philpott to certify the value of the demise; my Lords being informed that more was taken than should be.
Mr. Raleigh called in. Ordered to have his bonds delivered up to him and to have a warrant to levy any Hearth money uncollected. The Farmers of the Chimney money written to to pay Mr. Johnson according to his petition, viz. the allowances of 1s. and 2d. in the £ on what he collected. The King to be moved about the riot in Banbury against Mr. Sanders, Collector of the Chimney money. Mr. Sanders' letter to be given to the Privy Council.
Letter of thanks to the Commissioners [for the Aids] of Peterborough about the arrears of Northamptonshire.
Mr. Watts' petition referred to the Excise Commissioners to state and report their opinions.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 125–7.]
Aug. 26.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncomb.
A warrant ordered on Sir John Denham's Privy Seal on his discovery.
The solicitor of Aids for Sussex deprived of his commission. The Receiver of same to have 40l. per an. increase of salary.
Warrant for 5,000l. for the Sick and Wounded.
The agent of Captain Richard Unett (Unite) called in about a discovery of traitors' estates in co. Hereford. The matter is referred to Sir Edward Hopton et al., Justices of said County.
The account of the Farmers of the Greenwax is referred to Sir Robert Long, Mr. Sherwyn, and Sir George Downing.
Mr. Hartlib called in about Mr. Scawen's account of the Firehearths of Cornwall.
Capt. Widrington called in about the three new companies in Berwick.
Mr. Pepys to be here Wednesday next about settling the pay of the officers of the Fleet on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Bull and Mr. Auditor Wood called in about declaring the account of Pendennis [garrison] for the Earl of Bath; which passed.
Sir Robert Wiseman's fee of 20l. to be paid on the prizes.
A [circular] letter to be prepared for all the officers of the revenue to lend on the Eleven Months' tax grounded on the order of Council to my Lords.
Mr. Colvile's letter sent to Sir William Doyly to state and report and also to certify what has been sent up by every Receiver [of the Aids] by waggons and by exchanges.
Mr. Meynell called in about his interest account. My Lords will take it whenever tendered.
Sir Cerill Wiche to give every tenth dish [as royalty on his lead mines]. If he surrender, it is to be to the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor, not to the Lord Treasurer or Chancellor.
Mr. Bowdler, Receiver of the Aids and Chimney moneys called in about his Chimney money account. Auditor Chislett to attend hereon on Wednesday next.
Mr. Wardour to be paid his arrears of fees.
Mr. Nash's petition read. Mr. Prickman to attend Wednesday next.
Write Mr. Slingsby concerning a complaint that some have put their plate into the Tower and cannot get it coined. Write Sir Edm. Turner to attend on Wednesday about the coinage moneys from the outports, which is not returned hither.
Mr. George Lambe, late constable of Whittlesea, to be arrested.
Mr. Daniell and Mr. Jones called in about the instalment. Daniel to pay Jones on the 300l. tally by sums and dates detailed.
"The man that would take North to be transported, to be here Friday next."
A warrant for half-a-year to Lady Villiers on her coinage Privy Seal.
Mr. Duppa called in. Lord Ashley takes his papers and undertakes to acquaint the Archbishop of Canterbury with the case of the Parson of _, who refuses to pay his Tenths.
The Spaniards called in with Frost about their ship. Terms, detailed, arranged as to Frost's charges, and to be reported to the Privy Council.
Mr. Maux, Collector of Hearth money for Gloucestershire, called in with Mr. Hartlip. Write to the Chimney Farmers to know by Friday next what moneys they have in their hands as deposited by any Collectors or Farmers for security. Mr. Hartlip and Mr. Webb to attend to-morrow [hereon]. Mr. Maux has paid in 1,400l. and 200l. to the Farmers for 1666, Lady Day.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 127–130.]
Aug. 27.
Present: all my Lords.
Write Sir William Doyly to pay Lord Freschville's and Sir John Ware's parties [of soldiers] that guarded the last waggons [that brought up the moneys of the Royal Aids], as well as the other parties: but for the future that no such moneys be paid; it being only reasonable they should do the King's business for his pay.
Mr. Maux called in with Mr. Hartlib. Maux to presently make up his 650l. into 1,500l. for the last half-year in regard he has received so much for that half-year; and to pay the remainder by Sept. 24 and be discharged.
Upon an affidavit of Mr. Pigott and Mr. West that Alderman Andrews, of Leytonstone, refused to permit their deputy to enter his house, ordered that Andrewes attend on Monday next. Mr. Hartlib to take care hereof.
Write Mr. Osburne, of Hull, to know why he has not given the Chimney Farmers an account of what he has collected there for Lady Day, 1666, and that he do it forthwith or be arrested. Ordered that wherever the Farmers receive for themselves they also at the same time pay proportionably to the King for his half year. Any Collectors or Farmers of Chimney moneys shall be dispensed with from being here on the 10th prox. if they send a satisfactory account of what they have collected.
Warrant for 982l. 7s. 0d. to Sir Stephen Fox to pay off and disband three new companies in Berwick.
[Ibid. p. 130.]
August 28.
Present: all my Lords.
In his account on Monday next Sir William Doyly is to express on whom every bill of exchange sent up by any receiver, not yet paid, is charged, and for what sums.
John Clavely, rector of Basingstoke in Sarum diocese, to be arrested.
The restraint on the Customs [Farmers relating to their payment of tallies] taken off as far as relates to Charles Nevill, harness maker.
Mr. Nash and Mr. Prickman called in.
The Sheriffs to be sent for in custody as by Sir Robert Crooke's certificate.
The wool-combers to be apprehended on the affidavit from Dover.
The Earl of Anglesey to be reimbursed the interest money he shall pay, out of the seamen's orders on the Eleven Months' tax.
"Letters to France about transporting the Scotch regiment. This to be moved in Council."
John [Benjamin] Wright, late Sheriff of Essex, called in with his auditor, and his account of the 18 Months' tax is passed.
Jeremy Layton and Mr. Grimes, Sub-Collector of Stisted in Hinckford Hundred in Essex, and Robert Richards, Head Collector of that Hundred, sent for in custody.
Warrant for Sir Robert Wiseman's salary on the Prizes.
Sir William Doyly called in. "To be expressed in the lease [of lead mines to Sir Cyrill Wiche] at what time the tenth dish shall be taken, viz. as it ariseth; and but three years' time to digg."
Mr. Pretyman's papers referred to Sir Robert Long and Sir George Downing.
Mr. Sawyer called in about the Wood Farm to Sir Robert Paston [who] offers 6,500l. for that farm. Paston to attend next Monday. The King to be acquainted with it next Monday.
Proceedings suspended against John Forth.
Write the collectors of the outports in Sir Edm. Turner's certificate that if they return not to the Exchequer in three months what money is in their hands on the Coinage Act they will be sent for in custody.
Mr. Deering is called in and told that the King in Council refused to sign his patent as Receiver [of Crown revenues for co. Suffolk] for life; and will give no more such places for life, but durante beneplacito.
Mr. Bowdler, Receiver of Hearth money for Herefordshire, called in. Ordered to collect the remainder of Lady Day, 1666. My Lords will one way or another do him a kindness. Process against him countermanded.
Mr. Colvill to attend Sir George Downing about Mr. Bathurst's account.
Mr. Meynell brought in his interest account. Referred to Auditor Phillips.
Sir Robert Crooke to attend on Friday about William Adams' account as Receiver of the 18 Months' tax for Northamptonshire.
Warrant for Lord Arundell's fee of 10s. a day and for the 40l. per an. for the reparations of Pendennis out of the revenue of Cornwall.
The Spaniards and Mr. Frost called in. Write Sir Stephen Fox in accordance with the order of Council to pay 150l. to Augustine de Vretta (Huretta) master of the St. Andrew of Bilboa; and hereupon he is to pay 205l. to Mr. Frost.
Warrant for Capt. Holles' arrears of fees as Master of Requests.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 131–3.]
August 30.
Present: all my Lords.
Warrant ordered for the levying of the Queen's rents.
Such patents [for payments] on the revenue as are not enrolled are to be brought to be enrolled. An order to this effect when Sir Robert Long sends the list of them.
Viscount Fanshaw to certify by Friday next what rolls are come in of the Poll money and what they come to.
The Privy Seal for the abatements to the Farmers of the London Excise to be carried to the Attorney General: also the Privy Seal for Sir G. Carteret to pass the 200,000l. [to the Earl of Anglesey].
Auditor Phillips to have an order to pass the Cofferer's accounts.
Warrant for 1,357l. 2s. 8d. to Sir Stephen Fox for disbanding some troops: also for 12,902l. 16s. 8d. for the two naval regiments.
Robert Butts and his brother given till Michaelmas next about the Suffolk Excise.
Lady Stukeley's petition read for relief on her husband's bonds to the Excise. [Is told] that there are many in her case; that the example of abating were worse than losing the money. Ordered that Mr. Laurence supersede the extents against her in Devonshire for this debt.
The Excise Commissioners present a paper about arrears of Excise on Somerset, Gloucester and Dorset in dispute between Mr. Coppinger and Mr. Rawleigh. Resolved that Coppinger not having signed as to Gloucester my Lords cannot compel him to pay for it.
Mr. Rawleigh tenders another paper for apprehending Mr. Hooke, of Bristol, about arrears of Excise there. Hooke to attend my Lords on Tuesday next.
Col. Whitley's petition read for an abatement of 100l. on his farm of the Excise of North Wales. The Excise Commissioners to allow it him.
Write the East India Company about the 5,000l. due from them on the two East India prizes, to bring the money with speed.
The Excise Commissioners to look over the Privy Seal for abatements on the country Excise.
Sir Robert Long and Sir George Downing to prepare letters on the order of the Privy Council to all officers of the revenue to lend money on the Eleven Months' tax: and to prepare a list of the persons to be written to.
The letter from the Receiver for Northwich referred to Sir William Doyly.
Sir Robert Long, Sir Edm. Sawyer and Mr. Pretyman to attend next Thursday to give my Lords what information they can concerning the Pipe.
The Privy Seal for 30,000l. for pay of seamen in course, to go to the Signet. "But Lord Ashley took it home to consider it."
The Attorney General to attend on Tuesday morning next concerning the state of the manor of West Dereham, co. Norfolk.
Mr. Chr. Row's petition read about a discovery of moneys in the hands of the Treasurer and Commissioners of Camden House.
Mr. Duppa called in concerning Mr. Smith, Receiver of Herefordshire. [The orders to] the serjeant stopped till further order.
Sir Robert Crooke to bring in on Monday week an account of all moneys in super in the Pipe.
Dr. Troutbeck's stop on his pension on the Customs to be taken off. Memorandum: this a mistake.
Sir Vincent Churchill, Sir Robert Viner, the Earl of Anglesey and Sir Thomas Player to attend on Tuesday next about the 15,000l. [received by the Earl of Anglesey from Sir Robert Viner], and said Viner then to be spoken to about the 2,000l. of Sir Vincent Churchill's.
Mr. Roper to be paid his 56l. and the rest of the Pages of Honour to Midsummer last. Sir Robert Long certifies for them.
A warrant for 6 weeks' pay for Windsor garrison.
Write the Customs Farmers to pay Sir Job Charlton and Mr. Milward.
Mr. Crispe and Sir John Jacob move for taking off the stop of some tallies to them that they may pay their creditors. My Lords will further consider this matter.
The petition of John Norton, clothier, of Worcester, read. My Lords cannot take notice of matters passed in the wars.
Mr. Adr. May called in. Prays he may be paid on the 5,000l. of the two East India prizes. Auditor Beale to state his accounts.
Mr. Hinsius, agent for the Admiralty of Zealand, to be taken into the custody of a serjeant upon his bond of 5,000l.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 133–5.]