Entry Book: June 1668

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Entry Book: June 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp576-587 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp576-587.

"Entry Book: June 1668". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp576-587.


June 1668

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 1 Treasury Commission for Richard Beale as Solicitor for the Aids for cos. Worcester and Warwick, loco Henry Townsend, whose commission is revoked for negligence. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 102–3.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for the state of the office [i.e. the pensions, &c., charged thereon] of Auditor Hill, which is still wanting: those for the other Auditors' offices being sent in this morning from Mr. Burges. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 161.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue for a particular list of all pensions and annuities payable by each receiver. Ibid, p. 162.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to dispatch the privy seal for the Excise leases now that Sir Samuel Moreland's name is out of the Grand Commission of Excise. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Davis, searcher of Rochester, concerning Mrs. Frances Masters' petition complaning of a seizure of a trunk. Ibid, p. 163.
Money warrant for 300l. to Sir Allen Apsley, Master of the Hawks. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 24.
Same, dormant, for 300l. per an. to Andrew Newport, as Comptroller of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid p. 25.
Same for 10s. a day to Sir Philip Musgrove, as Governor of Carlisle Castle. Ibid, p. 26.
Same for the perpetuity of 7l per an. to the churchwardens of St. Botolph's, London and warrant for 42l. arrears thereon. Ibid, p. 27.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 12,152l. 18s. 6½d. to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York on the One Month's tax: for 4,000l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier: for 400l. [sic for 4l.] to Sir Charles Adderley for reward for procuring 200l. to be lent to the King. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 145.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to William Legg in part of the privy seal of 1665–6, Feb. 27, for 139,314l. 18s. 0d. for the Ordnance. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XL. p. 4.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Sir Francis Clarke, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Kent. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 89.
Money warrant for 1,319l. to the Cofferer for board wages of His Majesty's eleven equerries and avener for the year of suspension. Ibid, XX. p. 74.
Same for 200l. to Margaret Price, widow, in part of 650l. arrears on her annuity of 200l. Ibid, p. 75.
Same for 22,500l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Col. John Russell, as Keeper of Chingford Walk in Waltham Forest. Ibid, p. 78.
Same for 45l. 12s. 6d. to George Cox, one of the Keepers of the Council Chamber, in part of 136l. 17s. 6d. arrears on his fee of 2s. 6d. a day. Ibid, p. 80.
June 1 Money warrant for 5,000l. to Viscount Hinchinbroke for the entertainment. &c., of the Earl of Sandwich, Ambassador to Spain. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XX. p. 81.
Same for 6,666l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Ste. Fox in part of 8,000l. per an. for especial and secret service. Ibid, XXIV. pp. 1–2.
June 2 The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the One and the Eleven Months' tax for co. Durham, in reply to their letter of May 29 last concerning Mr. Swinburne's giving security. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 101–2.
Sir G. Downing to Lord Ashley to attend the Council this afternoon concerning the Vintners queries. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. pp. 166–7.
Same to the Hearth money Farmers for a statement of their desires in writing. Ibid, p. 167.
Same to Sir R. Long to detain any moneys paid in by Sir Henry Coker on his Hearth money account for Wilts. Ibid, p. 168.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue for a certificate of the total of the King's revenue as it ought to have been answered at Michaelmas last and of the payments of pensions of grace, livery money, &c., thereon. Ibid.
Money warrant for 750l. to Lady Portland on her pension of 1,000l. per an. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 25.
Same for 102l. 13s. 4d. to Robert Tomkins for one year on his pension. Ibid, XX. p. 76.
Same for one year to William Hinton, provider of robes to the Queen Consort, in part of 100l. arrears on his fee of 80l. per an. Ibid, p. 77.
Same for 300l. to Sir Bernard de Gum in full of his annuity of 300l. Ibid, p. 78.
Same for 600l. to Lady Fanshaw for one year on her annuity Ibid, p. 79.
June 3 The Treasury Lords to the Lord Keeper concerning the petition of William Nott, stationer, for 98l. 17s. 3d. for necessaries furnished to the Great Seal in the time of the late Lord Chancellor. Desire him to direct payment. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 47.
Money warrant, dormant, for 300l. per an. to Bullein Reymes as Surveyor of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, XVIII. p. 26.
Petition from His Majesty's coachmen: praying their allowances. Referred to Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 60.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of London Excise concerning the advance quarter's rent on the new Country Excise leases. Ibid, XXIV. p. 73.
Same to Sir J. Talbot and the other Farmers of the Country Excise to pay in their last quarter's rent on the old leases and their advance quarter's rent on the new leases. Ibid, pp. 2, 2–3.
Money warrant for one year to William Dugdale, Norroy, in part of 210l. arrears on his fee of 40l. per an.: same to Ely Ashmole in part of 200l. arrears on his fee of 26l. 13s. 4d. and to Thomas St. George and Henry St. George in part of 133l. 6s. 8d. arrears each on their fees of 26l. 13s. 4d. each. Ibid, XX. p. 76.
June 3 Money warrant for 20l. each to Henry Dethick, Francis Sand-ford, and Thomas Halford, Pursuivants-at-Arms, in part of various arrears, detailed. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XX. p. 77.
Same for 50l. to Isabell Haughton for half a year on her pension. Ibid, p. 80.
June 4 The Treasury Lords to the [Auditor of the Receipt] to continue payment of Col. Fitz Gerard's pension of 500l. per an. out of the funds for Tangier; notwithstanding the order for suspending payment of pensions therefrom. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 48.
Appending:—Royal sign manual for same dated 1667, Sept. 24.
Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell to furnish Lady Trevor with 500l. for her husband, now in France. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous 1. p. 171.
Same to the Farmers of the London Excise to earmark the 6,666l. 13s. 4d. warranted to Sir Stephen Fox out of the Country Excise. Ibid p. 172.
Same to the Duke of Richmond to enrol in the Exchequer forth-with his grant of the alnage. Ibid.
Same to Lord Townshend to similarly enrol his grant of the 4s. a chaldron on exported coals. Ibid.
Warrant for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Robert Austyn, of Bexley, co. Kent. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 27.
Money warrant for 50l. to Frances Windebanck in part of 950l. arrears on her annuity of 200l. Ibid, XX. p. 81.
June 5 Treasury instruction to Sir W. Doily concerning his journey to Worcester, Hereford, and Oxford, ut supra, p. 575, under date May 30. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 103–4.
Orders on the Hearth money for 20,000l. for the Ordnance: 25l. for Mrs. Katherine Boynton on her pension: 1,425l. for Rebecca Brouncker on same: 1,380l. to Isaac le Goose for jewls: 100l. to Winifrid Wells on her pension: 100l. to Mrs. Price on her father's pension: 200l. to Dorothy Byron on her pension. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 1.
Petition from Sir John Shaw and Joseph Ash concerning the accounts for their office for encouraging and increasing shipping and navigation. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 111.
Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer to swear, &c., Robert Hall and Robert Tayre as Customers of Chichester. Ibid, pp. 111–2.
An account of loss to the Customs in case no more than 12d. per cwt. be received for leather exported according to the late Act for exporting leather. Ibid, pp. 112–3.
Referred:—To the Attorney and Solicitor General.
Certificate from the Duke of Albemarle and Sir G. Carteret of the appointment of Benjamin Glanvill to receive the tin contracted for by them on behalf of the King to be transported to Ostend. Ibid, p. 113.
Referred:—To Auditor Beale.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer for a writ for the sale of the goods of David Powell, late sheriff of Montgomery. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 143.
June 5 The Treasury Lords to Sir C. Harbord to rate a particular of the lands of David Powell, late sheriff of Montgomery. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII.p. 144.
June 6 Royal warrant for an allowance of 250l. each per an. to Sir Deny Ashburnham, Sir George Benyon. Francis Finch, and Edward Wingate, late Commissioners and Governors of Excise: till otherwise provided for. Ibid, XV. p. 128.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Hargrave and Mr. Wadlow or Mr. Sawyer making an appointment. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 175.
Warrant to Henry Seymour, Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper, or his deputy Edward Seymour, to receive all moneys arising upon Sixpenny Writs: the farmer thereof, the Earl of New-burgh, having been suspended from the receipt thereof by reason of the arrear of rent due theron from him to the King. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXII. pp. 135–6.
Same to John Wilkinson, present Comptroller of the Hanaper, to keep an account of said Sixpenny Writs. "Whereas the Riding Six Clerke is in his course Comptroller of all the profits of the said office of the Hanaper we have desired John Wilkinson to take and number the writs and duly to enter the said writs in the Comptrollement Book of the Hanaper that there may be a true and just accompt given of the profits arising upon the said writs." Ibid. p. 136.
June 7 Royal warrant for 8,000l. per an. payable to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service to be for the use of the Treasury Lords for salary: as also the 6,666l. 13s. 4d. already ordered for arrears thereon [by privy seal of April 30 last]. Ibid, XV. pp. 120–1.
June 8 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Newcombe for a book of all the acts of the last session. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 176.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise for an inventory of the King's goods in the Excise Office. Ibid.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 22,500l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse: of eight orders to the Earl of Anglesey for in all 30,000l. for the Navy: for 30 orders to Sir Dennis Gauden for in all 24 800l. for victualling: for 209l. 5s. 3d. to John Walker, Usher of the Receipt, upon his liberates: for 1l. to John Shaw for his procuring 50l. to be lent to the King: 1l. to Gerrard Andrewes for same: 1,000l. to Bartholomew Fillingham for the charge of the Office of Exchanges. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 146–8.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Anglesey to proceed in paying off the ships lately intended to be set forth to sea but since ordered to be laid up again: to be out of moneys to be advanced by Mr. Wadlow, et al. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XL. p. 4
Same to said Wadlow to furnish money for the above Ibid, p. 5.
June 9 Treasury warrant to Sir W. Doyly to deliver up the bonds of Samuel King. Receiver General of the Poll, co. Cambridge. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 104.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Capt. John Staplehill and Capt. Florence Sulivan, servants to Lord Willoughby, commissioned by him to raise companies against the French and Dutch, and who, being taken prisoners at Guardeloupe, have given bond for 20l. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 49.
June 9 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords concerning Dr. Gorge's pension; which was never before the Treasury Lords as such, but as a Committee in conjunction with other Privy Councillors of England and Ireland. The lists of pensions are passed, and have been presented to the King in Council, so the only way is to direct one of the Secretaries of State to insert Gorge's name in the lists to be signed by the King when he shall "think fit to authorise any of those things lately presented to your Majesty by the said Committee." Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 49.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Townsend and Mr. Cooke to attend the Privy Council to-morrow. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 177.
Same to Sir W. Doily for an account of all moneys due from all Receivers of the Aids to July 1 next, when the Act for 12 per cent. interest from them comes in force. Ibid, p. 178.
June 9
and 10
Same to Sir R. Long to send to the Treasury all the orders for the Victualler and Treasurer of the Navy on the Wine Act, there being immediate haste for the dispatch thereof, also for a certificate of letters patents of pensions granted in return for surrender of pensions, &c. Ibid, p. 179, 192.
June 9 Warrant for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Edward Smyth, of Edmondthorpe, co. Leicester. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII p. 27.
Money warrant, dormant, for the perpetuity of 7l. 13s. 4d. to the Churchwardens of St. John Baptist, Walbrook, London: and warrant for 46l. arrears thereon. Ibid, p. 28.
The Treasury Lords to the Attorney General concerning a clause in the draft agreement between the King and the Vintners. Ibid, XL. p. 5.
Money warrant for 6,266l. 1s. 0d. to Sir Ste. Fox for the several garrisons, detailed severally. Ibid, XXIV. pp. 3–4.
June 10 Warrant for a privy seal for Sir Ste. Fox for the garrisons Ibid, XV. p. 118.
Same for [payment of salaries due in] the year of suspension. Ibid, p. 119.
[?] Same for a great seal for removing all payments at the Customs to the Exchequer. Ibid, p 118.
June 10 Money warrant for 125l. to the Countess of Brentford: on her pension of 500l. per an. Ibid, XVIII. pp. 28–9.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and Receiver of Crown revenues, co. Kent. to continue the payment to Thomas Kidder, a Coldstreamer for the use of himself and George Elsmore and Gabriell Hopkins), of the rent of 23l. 3s. 6d. out of certain lands called Warden Down, in Dover, purchased by him [of the late usurped powers]: same having been suspended since Michaelmas, 1666. Ibid, XXXVII. pp. 119.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a bill to appoint John Ryde, Henry Guy, Griffith Bodurda, and John Man to be Commissioners for the Wine Act. Ibid, XL. p. 6.
Treasury allowance of five quarterly salary bills, prefixed, of the Excise Office. Ibid, XXIV. pp. 6–10
June 11 The Treasury Lords to the Lord Keeper concerning the salary to be paid to Edward Seymour for collecting the profits of the Sixpenny Writs Office: he having been appointed to collect same by reason of the default of payment of the rent due by the Earl of Newburgh for same. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 50.
Warrant for altering a tally for 250l. due to Thomas Elliot on his 500l. per an. for keeping the King's Harriers. Ibid, XVIII. p. 29.
Treasury warrant to Laurence Bathurst, John May, Esqrs. and Daniel Furzer, His Majesty's shipwright, to take off and release the seizure of iron, wood and coal in Dean Forest except the timber marked for the Navy: as by the order of the Council of the 5th inst. made on the petition of Sir John Wintour. Ibid, XXXVII. pp. 120–2
Appending:—Copy of said order in Council.
Same to the Auditor and Receiver of Crown Revenues for co. Chester, to continue the payment to Lieut.-Col. Joseph Wither of certain fee farm rents of 28l. 2s. 3d. per an. in Cheshire, heretofore purchased by him of the late usurped powers. Ibid pp. 122–3.
Same to Richard Gregory to release Samuel Fox, now in custody. for detaining some Hearth money of co. Huntingdon. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 93.
June 12 Sir G. Downing to William Fenne and Mr. Beckford, the Earl of Anglesey and Mr. Wadlow making an appointment. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 184.
June 13 Same to Mr. Laurence about Mr. Killegrew's business Ibid.
June 15 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for the list of pensions Ibid, p. 185.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for the sheriffs of Surrey, Sussex, Norfolk and Suffolk to continue payment to the Duke of Norfolk of his creation money as Earl of Surrey and Duke of Norfolk. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 123–4.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a bill to appoint the following as Commissioners for the Wine Act, viz John Ryve. Henry Guy, Griffith Bodurda, John Mann, John Winder, Thomas Brodnax, Giles Litcot, Henry Skelling, George Ryves, Robert Lewen. Henry Ryves, Samuel Day, John Wadlow, Thomas Coates, John Sawyer, Thomas Blagrave, John Henderson, Thomas Dios, William Hargrave, Richard Dermer, Richard Kensey. Ibid, XL. p. 7.
Money warrant for 21,334l. 11s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Chamber for one year's pay to the King's servants. Ibid, XX. pp. 82–95.
Appending:—detailed list of said servants.
June 16 Petition from Charles Trevanion. of Carhayes, Receiver of Aids of Cornwall, concerning the difference between him and his deputy, Charles Trevanion, of Garrane, as to the latter's accounts. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 104–5.
Referred:—to the Treasurer of the Chamber.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy of Ireland to hasten the business of the accounts of the Farmers of Customs and Excise, Ireland. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 51.
Sir G. Downing to Sir Edm. Sawyer concerning the accounts of Mr. Taylor, late Surveyor of Works at Windsor. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 186.
Petition from John Mather, of Topsham, mariner, concerning his his ship seized for some potashes brought from Holland. Ibid. p. 113.
Referred:—to the Customs Farmers.
June 16 The Treasury Lords to the Attorney General concerning the articles between the King and the Vintners. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XL. pp. 6–7.
Money warrant for 6,377l. 17s. 11d. to Lord William Alington and Anthony Samuell, executors of the Countess of Chester-field, in trust for her son, Charles Henry Lord Wotton, for extraordinary expenses and damages upon the Post Office 1665, June 30 to 1666, Sept. 30, according to indentures made with the king of date 1663, April 19, and pursuant to a privy seal of 1664, Aug. 31. Ibid, XX. p. 96.
Warrant to the Earl of Anglesey to assign to John Colvill 1,665l. 9s. 11d. for 6 per cent. interest on 42,000l. loan and 1,110l. 6s. 7d. for 4 per cent. reward on same. Ibid, XXIII. p. 5.
June 17 The Treasury Lords to Lord Ashley to examine Richard Pight's petition concerning his discoveries of moneys recovered to the Exchequer by him. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 51.
Royal warrant for the various local commissions for the Wine Act. Ibid, XV. pp. 119–20.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders as follows, viz., 12 orders for in all 1,319l. for the Cofferer to be paid to the Equerries and Avener for the year of suspension: for 1l. to Thomas Rotheram for procuring 50l. to be lent to the King: 1l. to Thomas Bradshaw for same: 10l. to Sir Thomas Clifford for 500l. lent to the King: 200l. to Isaac Meynell for 5,000l. and 5,000l. lent to the King. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 148–9.
Money warrant for 3,500l. to Mr. May for the Works Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XX. pp. 96–7.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 10l. to the Bishop of Ely for 1,000l. lent to the King: 1l. to Richard Gammon for 50l. loan: 200l. to Alderman Backwell for 10,000l. loan: 1l. to Leonard Gamon for 50l. loan: 60l. to Sir Thomas Bond for 3,000l. loan. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 149.
The Treasury Lords to Mr. Wadlowe to furnish the Earl of Anglesey with 4,000l. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XL. p. 8.
Same to the [Keeper of the Great Seal] to pass separate commissions to certain Commissioners, detailed, for the Wine Act, viz., for Bristol; for Lincoln and eight other counties, for Cornwall and two other counties, for Bucks and six other counties, and for Norfolk and six other counties. Ibid, pp. 8–10.
June 18 Same to Mr. Osborne, second Remembrancer of the Exchequer Court, to stay process against John Carill, late sheriff of co. Cambridge, on the 312l. 7s. 6d. in arrear of the 18 Months' tax on the Isle of Ely as to the rating of which there has been a difference. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 105.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Hillary, merchant in York, and the executors of Mr Loftus concerning Lieut.-Col. John Meautys' information as to moneys in their hands forfeited to the King. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 187.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to issue process against such Receivers of Tenths as have not paid in their moneys for the last year. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIX. p. 208.
Warrant to Thos. Townsend to take up 2,500l. on loan for the Wardrobe. Ibid, XXIII. p. 6.
June 19 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long as to the method of the Vintners paying in their 300,000l. loan on the Wine Act. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 189.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise in Southampton Buildings to reserve for the use of the Treasury the two cup-boards of drawers, four pieces of tapestry hangings and window curtains, the Turkey work chairs, book of maps, book of statutes and Bible, hangings, handirons, freshovels and iron chimney back pieces. Ibid, p. 190.
Same to Auditor Beale to perfect the Earl of Newburgh's accompt of the office of Sixpenny Writs. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long and Sir Ed. Sawyer transmitting the petition of Ralph Saunders, deputy to Robert Knollis, Receiver of Hearth money for co. Oxford: concerning the arrears of said duty totally lost by reason of the heavy visitation [of the plague] at Henley, &c. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 90.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to vacate and cancel a tally of 4,500l. in the hands of Sir Robert Viner struck on Charles Trevanion, Receiver of the Royal Aids for Cornwall, on three months of the said tax ended at Lady Day, 1667, which is more than can be paid by said Receiver by the sum of 2,154l. 16s. 3d. and in place of above tally to levy two other tallies, one for 2,345l. 3s. 9d. on said Trevanion, and one for 2,154l. 16s. 3d. on Sir Walter Moyle, the succeeding Receiver of said Aids. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 106.
The like warrant for similarly dividing a tally for 15,000l. held by said Viner on the Aids of London, which the present assignment falls short of satisfying by 1,400l. Ibid, p. 107.
The like warrant for dividing a tally held by said Vyner for 2,500l. on Roger Whitley, Receiver of Royal Aids for co. Montgomery. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against Charles Trevanion, of Carhayes, late Receiver General of Aids for co. Cornwall. Ibid, p. 108.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Suffolk in part of 3,250l. arrear on his pension of 1,000l. per an. as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid, XX. p. 97.
Same for 82l. 10s. 0d. to Sir William Armorer, one of His Majesty's Escuyers of the Great Horse Stable, for repairs of a house in the Green Mews. Ibid.
June 20 Privy seal for Sir Ste. Fox to pay in future the garrisons of Pendennis, Plymouth, Jersey, Guernsey, according to certain establishments, detailed. Ibid, XV. pp. 148–52.
Sir G. Downing to the Hearth money Farmers to return to the Auditors the surveys, views or books and accounts for the King's half-year of said duty ending 1666 Lady Day, "whether they be signed by the Clerks of the Peace as the law directs or only under the officers' hands appointed to view and collect" said moneys. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 192.
Same to the said Auditors to receive said surveys, &c. Ibid.
June 22 Sign manual for 530l. to Isaac le Gouse for a jewel Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. p. 124.
June 22 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to return Mr. Meynell's Poll orders and concerning the 8,000l. intended to the Earl of Anglesey on the Customs for April and March. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 193
Same to Humphry Beane, Excise Farmer for Essex, concerning the 776l. and 2,150l. due on his farm. Ibid, p. 194.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise in Southampton Buildings as to the further disposal of the furniture, detailed, of their office. Ibid, p. 195.
Same to Mr. Slingsby, Master Worker of the Mint, to attend a hearing of the farthing business this day week. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Townsend to assign to Andrew Newport and Bullen Reymes 2,500l. for the Wardrobe. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 31.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Keeper concerning the commission for the Wine Act for co. Bucks. &c. Ibid, XL. p. 11.
Money warrant for 500l. to Charles, Viscount Andover, as royal bounty. Ibid, XX. p. 98.
Appending:—Royal warrant for same, dated 1665, May 10.
Same for 304l. 3s. 4d. to Andrew Gallway, one of the Grooms of the Privy Chamber, for five years' arrears on his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day. Ibid, p. 99.
June 23 Sir G. Downing to Auditor Beale concerning Sir G. Carteret's and Mr. Slingsby's accounts of the Dunkirk money. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 196.
Same to Sir R. Long concerning the discharge of Mr. Meynell's Poll orders. Ibid, p. 197.
Money warrant for 46l. 14s. 3d. to Sir Baynham Throckmorton for repair of the Court House and prison at St. Briavels, in Dean Forest. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 29–30.
Same for 10l. to Eliz. Pinckney as royal bounty Ibid, p. 30.
Same for 6,000l. to the Master and Worker of the Mint Ibid, p. 39.
Letter of the 20th inst. from Henry Deane concerning French silks seized in the house of Mr. Minns, an alehousekeeper. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 114
Referred:—To the Attorney General.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lawrence to advise with the Attorney General as to exhibiting an information against the surviving members of the corporation (erected in 1649 for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England) to which came the lands petitioned for by Capt. George Cooke as a discovery. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 124–5.
Prefixing:—The Surveyor General's report on said Capt. Cooke's petition.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Nowell Warner for satisfaction for two houses of his (one called the Ship Tavern) with the passages thereto stopped up at Greenwich by the King's building there. Ibid, pp. 125–6.
Prefixing:—Order of reference from the King, dated 1667–8, Jan. 7.
The Treasury Lords to Mr. Wadlow to furnish the Earl of Anglesey with 14,000l.: on the Wine Act. Ibid, XL. p. 11.
Same to the Lord Keeper concerning the commission for the Wine Act for the northern parts. Ibid, p. 12.
June 23 Sir G. Downing to Sir Ed. Sawyer concerning the account of Capt. Lawrence Rooke, Sub-Collector of Hearth money, co. Kent. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 91.
Prefixing:—said Rooke's petition.
The Treasury Lords to the Barons of the Exchequer forwarding a letter from the Commissioners of Accounts. Desire the Barons to settle such order that all moneys levied upon the certificates mentioned in said letter, which shall be paid into the Receipt by the sheriff or any other shall be so distinguished in the payment that the officers may know upon what certificate each sum has been levied; to the end it may be known to what person the reward is due for the respective discoveries. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 52.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lawrence concerning the information brought in the Exchequer by Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Attorney General and plaintiff against Sir Henry Palmer, Bart., heir at law to Sir Roger Palmer, Cofferer of the late King's Household, to bring him [Sir Henry] to accompt for several sums amounting to 63.196l. 18s. 9½d. by him [Sir Roger] received between 1641, Oct. 1, and 1642, Sept. 30. Ibid, p. 56.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against William Kirkby, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Lancaster. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 90.
Same to Sir W. Doily to deliver up William Levet's bonds as Receiver of the Poll for co. Wilts. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 108.
Declaration of accompt of Robert Scawen, late Receiver General of Hearth money for co. Cornwall: for 1½ years to 1665, Sept. 29. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 96
Money warrant for 3,000l. to Laurence Hyde, Master of Robes, for the office of Robes. Ibid, XX. p. 99.
Same for 1,000l. to the Earl of Bristol in part of 6,000l. Ibid, p. 100.
Warrant for changing from the Poll to the Hearth money the 23,000l. orders to Isaac Maynell. Ibid, pp. 100–1.
Money warrant for one year each to Ann Jenkins, Eleanor Dike, Amy Bickerton, Izabell Carr and Grace Rattree, rockers to the late King's children: in part of 309l. 3s. 4d. arrears on their annuity of 30l. each. Ibid, p. 113.
June 25 Orders on the Hearth money for 300l. to Honora Harding on her pension: 200l. to Clara Bolton on same: 300l. to Lady Frazier on same: 225l. to Madame Le Gard: 225l. to Lady Killegrew: 225l. to Mrs. Thornhill: 225l. to Lady Clinton: 500l. to Henry Coventry, Groom of the Bedchamber: 500l. to James Hamilton: 200l. to William Chiffinch, Closet Keeper to the King: 600l. to Marmaduke Darey for repayment of loan: 900l. to Francis Mansell on his pension: 600l. to Lady Cornwallis: 500l. to Mary Blagg: 120l. to Ann Goulding: 1,000l. to Lord Gerard, a Gent of the Bedchamber: 1,000l. to the Duke of Richmond as of the Bedchamber, and 1,000l. as pension: 1,000l. to the Earl of Suffolk [as of the Bedchamber]: 1,000l. to Viscount Mandeville [as same]: 1,000l. to the Earl of Rochester [as same]: 500l. each to the following Grooms of the Bedchamber, Henry Seymour, John Ashburnham, Tho. Ellyott, David Walter, Edward Progers, Silius Titus, Thomas Killegrew, Robert Phelipps, William Legg and Richard Lane: 15l. to Jonas Savage for the discovery of prize goods. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 2.
June 25 Sir G. Downing to Auditor Beale to prepare the account of Sir John Shaw and Joseph Ash, Surveyors, Collectors, and Receivers of moneys arising by the Navigation Act. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 114–5.
Prefixing:—Said Beale's report on said account.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 8,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey for the Navy. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 150.
The Treasury Lords to Edm. Dunch, late sheriff of co. Oxford, to pay in the remaining 30l. of the 400l. levied on the sureties of Ralph Saunders, deputy to Robert Knowles, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Oxford. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 91.
Same to Sir Edm. Sawyer to allow 400l. upon the account of said Mr. Saunders. Ibid, p. 92.
Same to the Attorney General to engross the articles concerning the building of a ship by Capt. Hemskirke and John du Molin to sail three miles for two miles with any ship of the King's: by Sept. 29 next. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 52.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Lord Lucas due on the pension of 1,000l. per an. to Charlotte, Countess Dowager of Derby, which pension she assigned to Christopher Cratford and Robert Blanchard in trust for Lord Lucas as security for a loan of 3,000l. from him to her. Ibid, XX. p. 101.
Same for 2,000l. and 1,200l. to the Queen Mother for one year to Lady Day last in lieu of Wardship and Greenwax respectively. Ibid, p. 102.
June 26 Sir G. Downing to the Earl of Anglesey concerning Mr. Woosely's surrender to Mr. Taylor of his place of Receiver of Bucks and Beds. "There is 600l. in my office in the Exchequer in Spicer's hands ready to be lent upon your Lordship's 80,000l. order on the Eleven Months' tax if you please to send Mr. Fane with assignments to him for it." Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 200.
Same to Deputy Auditor Chislet concerning methodising the presentation of the seven Auditors' respective audits to the Treasury. Ibid, p. 201.
Same to William Loven concerning Lord Arlington's grant of Marybone Park. Ibid.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 2,000l. to Lawrence Hyde, Master of the Robes. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. pp. 121–3.
Allowance by the Treasury Lords of Richard Gregory's quarterly fees for attendance on the Treasury. Ibid, XVIII. p. 35.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 404l. 19s. 2½ d. for William and Robert Packer, Ushers of the Receipt, upon their liberates: and for 10,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey for the Navy. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 150–1.
Entry of the reference to Sir C. Harbord of the particular of certain hundreds in Dorset, and the royal warrant for grant of same to Lord Holles. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 128.
Same of same to same of the petition of Hugh Tynte concerning his arrears of rent for his lease of coals in the manor of Faringdon: he having practically obtained no coal there: and praying a new lease of said manor and of the manor of Midsomer Norton, paying the sixth part of any coal to be obtained. Ibid, p. 141.
June 26 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to issue immediate extent against Thomas Gawdy and John Kendall, sureties for Christopher Jay, late Receiver of Hearth money for Norfolk and Huntingdon. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 92.
Same to the Attorney General to prepare a grant to Hugh May of the office of Comptroller of Works loco Francis Wethered, lately deceased; and of the office of Paymaster of Works to Philip Packer loco said May. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 53.
Money warrant for one year to Charles Coleman, one of the King's Musicians, on his fee of 40l. per an. and 20l. per an. for strings. Ibid, XX. pp. 43, 36.
June 27 Sir G. Downing to Sir Ed. Sawyer and the other Auditors announcing the Treasury arrangement for presenting the Auditors audits of accounts, &c. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 203.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to pay over interest to Edward Backwell from the respective times of two loans, detailed, notwithstanding the Treasury warrant of Sept. 11 last, which limited such over interest to be from 1667, May 24. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 31–2.
June 29 Privy seal for 23,044l. 17s. 9d. to the Cofferer, being for board wages during the year of suspension (viz. 1663, Sept. 29, to 1664, Oct. 1), which said suspension was decreed by a royal warrant dated 1663, Aug. 25: the said diets and board wages having been formerly allowed by a precedent establishment for the Household bearing date 1662, Decr. 1. (Money warrant hereon dated July 22.) Ibid, XV. pp. 140–5. XX. pp. 121–2.
Appending:—A particular list of said board wages.
June 30 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for a list of all moneys charged on the Exchequer for the Navy and Ordnance since 1667. May 24. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 203.
Treasury warrant to Humfry Morice, Auditor of Crown Revenues, co. Notts, to engross, and allow certain items in the account of Thomas Corbyn, Surveyor General of Woods. North Trent, of moneys received by him for sale of bark, lops and tops. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 127–8.
Same for stay of process against Col. Roger Whitley, late Receiver of Hearth money for part of North Wales. Ibid, XX. p. 102.
Money warrant for 161l. to the Cofferer to be paid to Charles Le Gard, one of the Grooms of the Privy Chamber, in full of his arrears. Ibid, pp. 103, 78–9.