Minute Book: April 1668, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: April 1668, 16-30 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp302-311 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: April 1668, 16-30 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp302-311.

"Minute Book: April 1668, 16-30 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp302-311.


April 1668

April 16.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Tho. Clifford.
Mr. Bennet's account as Receiver of Somerset and Dorset is declared. Also Sir John Cuttler's as Receiver of Nottingham and Derby.
The Customs Farmers to attend on Tuesday next about their new grant and the Privy Seal.
Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow morning about supplying Sir William Temple and Sir Robert Southwell.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 141.]
April 17.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
A Privy Seal for 6,000l. on the Exchequer to be disposed as my Lords shall appoint without account. This to be in Charnock's name.
A Privy Seal for regulating the repaying of loan money into the Exchequer; with interest half-yearly till repayment of the principal.
Lady Fisher's business to be considered on Monday.
The letter from the officers of the Navy concerning the ship to be built by Sir Thomas Strickland is to be reported in Council.
Alderman Backwell called in. He will furnish Sir Robert Southwell with 1,000l. on the remainder of Sir Geo. Carteret's tallies; on condition he also have 150l. which he has furnished to Mrs. at Sir Robert Long's desire. He will also furnish Sir Robert Southwell with credit for 500l. on a letter from my Lords. Write Backwell to attend on Monday about settling these businesses.
Write Sir R. Long to deliver to the Earl of Anglesey 20,000l. of the 80,000l. of the seamen's orders and all the remainder of the orders in said Earl's name for the last 100,000l. for the seamen.
Sir Dennis Gauden and the Earl of Anglesey to attend on Monday about the 15,000l. to be assigned to said Gauden in accordance with the Order in Council out of the last 100,000l. orders put into the Earl of Anglesey's hands for the seamen: said Gauden being at the same time to assign to said Earl his 15,000l. poll orders.
[Ibid. pp. 141–2.]
April 20.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Warrant to the Earl of Carlingford for the 20 tuns of wine for the Baron D'Isolas. Memorandum [by Sir G. Downing]. To ask my Lords how this can be done: there must be a Privy Seal.
Mr. Atkins called in about their petition for brandy wines. They are each to give in their quantities and [then have] a warrant to deliver these quantities on security sufficient to the Farmers.
Sir Edmund Pooley to nominate some one to my Lords to execute the place of Cadwallader Jones as Customer of Sandwich.
Sir Jo. Minns called in about the Navy certificates. My Lords say the Navy Commissioners may certify what they please to the Exchequer.
Mr. Henry Howard called in about the business of farthings. My Lords to move the King about it.
The Earl of Castlehaven called in about his grant for arrears of Excise, &c., before anno 1660. Write the Excise Commissioners to certify a list of all such Privy Seals as have been granted by His Majesty upon the said arrears due before 1660; what warrants of the late Lord Treasurer have come to their hands upon them, and how much has been paid thereupon.
Lord Arundell of Trerice called in: presents a Privy Seal for a debt of 2,000l. due to him from the King, of which 1,000l. has been paid.
Mr. Killegrew called in with the brother of Mr. Powell, who was Receiver of the Eighteen Months' tax [for Co. Montgomery]. Mr. Powell moves to make Mr. Killegrew a lease at 100l. per an. titheless.
Lady Temple called in with Alderman Backwell about providing money for her husband. Resolved that Backwell pay into the Exchequer some money in his hands on the Dunkirk or tin account; and that same be issued out to her.
Alderman Backwell's Privy Seal is to be made ready for the King to sign.
Write Mr. Slingsby to return an account of the Dunkirk money quickly.
The Earl of Anglesey called in, presents a petition and reference of Sir John Berkenhead about paying money to him. My Lords say his references are no warrant.
Warrant on the Exchequer for 500l. for Lady Fisher.
Mr. Williamson called in about the Consul of Tripoli. Order for a Privy Seal for 200l. for him, whereof 100l. for what is past and 100l. [for one year on an ordinary of 100l.] per an.
The Wilsons' petition about the coiners to be read Wednesday next.
Sir R. Long and Sir Allen Apsley to attend to-morrow about the Privy Seal on the Excise for the Duke of York's children; to advise how same may be paid quarterly.
Sir William Wall called in: his petition read about arrears of his salary as purveyor of His Majesty's wines. The King to be acquainted with this business.
Lord Ashley to see the warrant about the tin.
Mr. Horwood to go to the Attorney General about Mr. Stamp's business.
The Earl of Anglesey and Capt. Cooke [Cock] and the other gentlemen concerned with him are to be at Sir G. Downing's house to-morrow morning about the said Cock, &c., making their assignments to the Victualler of the Navy and to the officers of the Ordnance.
Mr. Hartlib to carry to-morrow to the Lord Keeper the exceptions of the Chimney Farmers against the Chimney Bill now depending in the House: for his consideration.
The King's warrant to be got for the 10,000l. Privy Seal in Sir Ste. Fox's name: that it be writ fair over to Mr. Controller with the Privy Seal.
Write Mr. Colvill or Mr. Snow to lend 600l. to the Wardrobe upon the Wardrobe's order in the Exchequer.
The Earl of Nottingham called in. My Lords will move the King about his pension.
The officers of the Alienation Office called in: move for a new lease of that office and offer a draft. To be marginted and considered. Meanwhile the lease to go on.
Mr. Hardress, Treasurer of Grays Inn, called in: confesses that the house [Grays Inn] should pay 20 nobles to the King and the King to pay so much to the chaplains. They must pay the money and my Lords will consider as to the chaplain.
Mr. Finch to attend on Thursday with the country Farmers and country Excise leases. Write Lord Ashley to attend them.
Privy Seal for 22,500l. for the Privy Purse.
Dormant warrant for Sir Charles Herbet's [Harbord] salary on the Exchequer. Desire Mr. Fisher to return a certificate for Sir R. Long of what's due to Harbord, that a warrant may be prepared.
Lord Colepeper called in with Auditor Chislet about said Lord's account for Carisbrooke Castle. The account to be sent to my Lords [when] at the Privy Council, and to be ordered that each part of it be paid for the proper office.
Capt. Guillam called in: is told my Lords cannot consent to have the King's fines given away beforehand nor that perjury be forgiven. A report hereof to be made to the King that nothing is fit to be done in this business.
Sir Tho. Strickland to attend to-morrow about the salt petition.
Lord Colepeper to get a warrant for his loan money to the King. This to be on the 10,000l. Privy Seal.
More about the King's barbers' bills at the Exchequer. A warrant on the Chimneys for them.
The undersheriff of co. Oxford to attend to-morrow about Mr. Clutterbuck's business.
Sir Rob. Crooke and Auditor Parsons are to attend to-morrow about the account of Mr. Bennet, Receiver of Dorset and Somerset, for 1663.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 142–5.]
April 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Mr. Napper and Mr. Harbord to give a certificate of the verity of the fact about the tin.
Auditor Aldworth, Sir W. Doyly and Mr. Meynell to attend next Thursday about said Meynell's interest account. Doyly to bring with him then the state of the Receivers' accounts of the Royal Aid for Norfolk, Suffolk, Kent, Herts and Somerset.
Sir Tho. Strickland called in about the petition of the saltmakers in Northumberland. My Lords say he must call for the money and levy the duty for the future. A warrant to Sir Thomas to this effect.
Warrant for the Earl of Peterborough's pension.
Sir James Rushwood prays for a confirmation of the reversion of an office of Steward of Havering-atte-Bower, Essex, for Sir James Rushwood [sic ? for Mr. Buller]. To be considered. The Attorney General's advice to be taken whether the Queen can give this place without the King's confirmation, so as to be valid after his death.
Warrant for the Duke of Monmouth on his privy seal. To be on Sir Ste. Fox's 68,820l.
Warrant for Mr. Godolphin on his privy seal. To be on the Exchequer.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. Moves about passing his assignments to Capt. Cock. Write his Lordship about it.
The Farmers of the Country Excise called in. Agree to have their leases on [the terms of] my Lords' offer. Norfolk lease to be granted with the alterations provided by my Lords. Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Howland and Mr. Lawrence as to drawing a draft of a [sample form of a] lease for the country farm.
The Customs Farmers called in: move for the fees of the King's officers. Ordered that they pay taxes for [according to] their places. To attend on Tuesday next about their covenants for their new farm.
Sir Ste. Fox moves for repayment of 600l. which by my Lords' order he lent to the Earl of Anglesey. Warrant to the Earl to re-assign orders for 600l. to said Fox. Abbott [Downing's clerk] to draw the warrant, and Fox to send Abbott a short memorial on the business and assist him in drawing it.
Write Mr. Thomas Jarmans [Germans] of Rushbrooke, near St. Edmundsbury, to send an account of the King's revenue of Jersey and what constant payments are charged on it.
The Earl of Carlingford to attend to-morrow about his discovery relating to Jo. Bennet's account [of hearthmoney for co. Wilts] for 1663, which is now in Sir G. Downing's hands.
Warrant for a privy seal for Pendennis [garrison].
Mr. Colvile's interest money considered. The Earl of Anglesey to leave room for it on the first of his orders on the last 100,000l.
"A list [ordered] of the King's servants paid in the Treasury of the Chamber such as the last was."
Sir R. Long was wanted by my Lords this afternoon about settling the privy seal for the payment of the pension to the Duke of York's children. He is to attend to-morrow about it.
Warrant for a privy seal for repayment of loans.
Same for 22,500l. for the Privy Purse.
Same for 2,000l. for the Queen.
Same for 6,000l. in Charnock's name: to be sent to my Lords to get the King's signature to it.
Sir C. Harbord to draw a warrant for the lease of the New Spring Garden to Prince Rupert.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 145–6.]
April 22.
Present: all my Lords.
Write Sir R. Long about the warrant for the lands for the Countess of Castlemaine.
Sir Edw. Massy called in: moves for Mrs. Bolton. She to be considered when pensions are considered.
Every week a note to be made how each branch of the revenue is charged in particular.
Sir R. Long called in about the matter in debate concerning the King's pre-emption of tin. Mr. Courtny, a steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, to attend on Thursday.
The Marquess of Worcester moves that my Lords do consider the matter in difference in Monmouthshire about levying the tax of that county. The Marquess to speak with those in town and see if they will join issue here [in the Exchequer Court]. Otherwise process must go out against the County. Summons to be sent to such as the Marquess shall nominate to attend about it.
The Solicitor General to be joined with the Attorney General in the reference concerning Lord Lovelace's business.
Sir Hugh Bethell moves that no grant pass in bar of his pretence to the reversion of the manor of Rise, co. Yorks. His case to be represented to the King.
Sir R. Long moves for the Duke of York's children. Order for a warrant for the King's signature to pay that money quarterly, and Sir R. Long to draw it.
Jo. Sharpe's petition read. [Ordered] that he have three-fourths of his discovery. The Earl of Carlingford called in: is told that his is Jo. Bennet, Receiver of Hearth money for Wilts anno 1663.
Sir Edw. Seymour's petition is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
The Duke of Richmond called in: moves for 1,000l., part of a privy seal of 2,000l., on which 1,000l. is already paid. The King to be moved in it. A copy of the privy seal to be sent to my Lords.
Warrant for the pensioners for one year: to be on the First Fruits. Mr. Kirke to bring a certificate and copy of the last warrant.
Lord Ashley considers the account of Mr. Terry presented by Mr. Lightfoot.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 146–7.]
April 23.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
My Lords to be moved to-morrow that all the Auditors have order, when stating the Receivers' accounts of the Royal Aid, to set down the particular days of payment of each sum.
[Ibid. p. 148.]
April 24.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Mr. Hartlib to attend on Monday about a complaint made in Sir Walter Young's letter against one Chilcott, a collector of Hearth money in co. Devon.
All the memorandums that went up last time to the King are to be sent up again with all the papers, as well those signed as not signed.
[Ibid. p. 148.]
April 27.
Present: all my Lords.
Dormant warrant for Sir Tho. Daniell as Governor of [Arcliffe Bulwark].
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir W. Coventry for the particular of what is charged of debts on the King's revenue, and Downing to make a list of it all.
Sir W. Doyly called in with Mr. Bowdler and his auditor.
Warrant for Lord Darcy's perpetuity.
Warrant for the arrest of the following head collectors of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire: viz. Robert Haynes, Rich. Dance, William Lavington, Tho. Davis, Francis Little, John Widowes.
Warrant for one quarter to Roger Roe as solicitor.
Col. Whitley to attend to-morrow about his commission as Receiver of the Eleven Months' tax for Wales. The petition from the Receivers of the Aids for Wales read. Ordered that 10s. per 100l. be offered them by Sir W. Doyly for bringing the moneys of the Eleven Months' tax to the waggons.
Write Col. Birch and Sir W. Doyly to make a report of their certificate of the arrears on the Aids from co. Hereford.
Petition read from Sir W. Doyly, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, concerning his fees on [a sum of] 26,000l. Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow afternoon about the said fees.
Mr. Bowdler called in with Auditor Chislett about his (Bowdler's) two accounts for Firehearths: which said accounts are declared. Process to be stopped for what is in super.
A lease of Spring Garden to Prince Rupert.
Write to Sir John Baber, Dr. Downes and Dr. Waldron, the King's physicians, to appear at Alderman Bucknell's suit to give their evidence to-morrow at the Exchequer bar: it being a business which very much concerns His Majesty.
Lord Herbert of Chirbury's petition referred to the Attorney General and Sir C. Harbord.
The Solicitor General to hasten the report about the defalcations on the farm of Chimney money.
Write Sir Edmond Sawyer to let Sir Thomas Clerges be paid. Query. What now stops it ?
Sir William Warren called in about the Navy certificates on the Exchequer. My Lords are not willing to allow 10 per cent. for their [the Navy] money. The Earl of Anglesey to assign 6 per cent. Sir William Warren, the Earl [of Anglesey] and Sir D. Gawden called in. Sir William promises to accept 6 per cent. as others have no more.
Warrant for the arrears on the Duke of Albemarle's creation money.
Process stopped against Mr. Laurence Hyde as Master of the Robes; his account being before the Auditor.
Commission to Mr. Swinborne as Receiver of Northumberland, Newcastle and Durham for the Eleven months' and the One month's tax.
Alderman Backwell to produce his Dunkirk account according to the order of Council.
The exchange of the Poll orders is to be next to ... on the Chimney money.
Process stopped against Major Tolhurst on his Excise account. My Lords have resolved to consider further of the remainder of money standing out on this account.
Sir Anthony Cope to have his model and paper of agreement [of the re-building of the Custom House].
Mr. Henry Coker, late sheriff of Wilts, and as such Receiver of Hearth money for Wilts for 1663, called in with the deputy of Auditor Parsons. Write the King's Remembrancer to know what process has issued out to recover the in super of 777l. 0s. 6d. standing out on that account.
The Attorney and Solicitor General and Lord St. John to attend to-morrow about Lord St. John's warrant for the stop of felling wood for fuel in New Forest.
Mr. Barker called in: prays for 500l. on his Privy Seal in Porter's hands on the Chimney money of Berks. Porter to attend to-morrow concerning his Firehearth accounts as late Receiver for said county, he having still money of His Majesty's remaining in his hands.
The Duke of York's children to be paid on what shall be levied [sic, for saved] on the Excise officers. This to be considered to-morrow.
Sir Edw. Waller prays he may be paid on the money in the Exchequer or on the Customs. To come again.
Sir Trevor Williams and the other Parliament men for co. Monmouth, who are in town, to attend to-morrow in order to settling the dispute about the collection of the arrear of the One month and the Eleven months' tax on that county.
Sir Francis Mackworth called in: presents a docquet for a reversion of a chief collector's place for Gravesend. To produce his grant. Also all [such] grants are now during pleasure.
Sir Edw. Griffith, Treasurer of the Chamber, is to amend this certificate by inserting what the yearly salary and fee of each person is and for how long each one is in arrear: and also to send a list of bills charged on him.
Mr. Veile called in. My Lords will accept his assignments so far as they go.
Write Mr. John May to make a return of what wood they have seized under my Lords' warrant of March 12 last: in particular what for the Navy, what for other timber and what cordwood and what other things.
Warrant for parchment for Viscount Fanshaw's [office].
The Duke of Albemarle makes the following reports [from the King of the King's decisions as follow]:
The privy seal for the Custom House payments to be made in the Exchequer is signed by the King. Also another privy seal for 20,000l. for the Queen.
Mr. Seymour to have 200l. for two voyages into Portugal. A warrant on the general dormant [privy seal].
The Earl of Bath to be now paid on the Exchequer for what he's in arrear: and for the future a dormant warrant on the Exchequer.
A blank to be left for the 22,500l. for the Privy Purse on the Chimney money.
The business of the proposition for making new farthings is to be moved in the Privy Council, but first examined at the Treasury by my Lords. Write Mr. Slingsby (the Master Worker of the Mint) and the Comptroller of the Mint to attend my Lords on Tuesday week.
The Earl of Nottingham to have the half of his annuities. A warrant.
Sir William Wale's petition to be laid aside till further order.
The Duke of Richmond to be paid as other Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Quere the meaning thereof ?
The warrant for a privy seal for Consul Tooker was signed by the King.
Lord Ashley to be asked for the paper of memorandums.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 148–151.]
April 28.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Charnock to make a particular against Thursday of all money charged by my Lords first on the Exchequer, then on any particular branch of the revenue since their commission, with the month and day, sum and name of payee.
Abbott to draw a warrant for 1,000l. to the Duke of Richmond on his privy seal for 2,000l.
Warrant to Sir Edm. Sawyer to pay Sir Thomas Clerges according to my Lords' former order.
A distinct register book to be kept of all warrants for any man's custody and for all discharges.
Lord St. John called in: presents a letter from the woodwards of New Forest about the wood that Mrs. Wells desires. To be further considered on Monday.
A year's wages to Dr. Quarterman's widow. To be on the Chimney money.
Sir Ro. Southwell's privy seal to be written fair and presented to the King next time to sign.
The money for the Duke of York's children shall be quarterly made good out of the money that shall be saved from the retrenchment of one of the two offices of the Excise that are to be dismissed. Sir R. Long to draw a privy seal for this. My Lords are not disposed to procure the King's signature to the warrant which Long drew for the Duke's children to be paid on the Excise; as not thinking it fit that the King's letters of Privy Seal should be superseded by his sign manual: and being also indisposed to break in upon or interrupt the course of their register and payment in course [on the Excise]. They have, therefore, adopted the above expedient.
Warrant to the Earl of Anglesey to assign Sir William Warren [some fund for repayment] for what he has lent to the King.
The lease of the Alienation Office to pass and the Lords Commissioners' names to be inserted in it. The Commissioners for Alienations to attend Sir G. Downing to-morrow hereon.
Mr. Seymour to attend next Monday about what moneys have been paid by him out of the Hanaper, of which he has already given my Lords an account in writing.
The Earl of Peterborough's warrant to be altered and made out [to the effect] that the stop is removed.
The Marquess of Worcester, Sir Trevor Williams, &c., called in about the dispute as to the Monmouthshire taxes. My Lords propound that another day and place be appointed for a general meeting, and that all warrants on both sides be vacated, all fines remitted and process stopped.
Sir W. Doyly and the Receivers of South Wales called in. They say 10s. per 100l. is too little for bringing the money to the waggons. Mr. Sands, Receiver of Cumberland and Westmorland, to be considered with them, and the matter to be debated on Monday next.
Alderman Backwell to lend 4,000l. to purchase Berkshire House: to be on the credit of the tallies he had of the Queen Mother, and which are now by him to be delivered to my Lords. My Lords agree to this.
Sir W. Doyly's petition read about fees due to him from Alderman Backwell for the Swede's money. The Committee of Foreign Affairs to be spoken to about it by my Lords.
Alderman Backwell moves for his interest money on Tangier money, &c. The Auditor to have warrant to allow him interest from the time the money was paid by him. Mr. Creed to bring from the Commissioners for Tangier the prices of the Pieces of Eight, which is to be allowed to Backwell.
Malger Norton to be suspended from his receivership and arrested for the money in super on him in the account now declared, unless he pay the money by the first day of next term.
Warrant for a lease to Prince Rupert of the Spring Garden with liberty to build a house thereupon and pull down the present house: under the yearly rent of ...
A new warrant for Lord Holles on the Chimney money. The 50,000l. for the Victualler to be left out of it [the Chimney money].
The King's barbers to have all their bills paid on the Chimney money. Warrants presently for them.
The King to be moved about the exchange for Sir William Poultny's lands.
Sir R. Long to draw a privy seal for the tin to the Swedish Ambassador. Alderman Backwell will give Long instructions about it.
Mr. Chiffinch to certify if all is adjusted as to Berkshire House: and then the money will be provided on his privy seal for 4,000l.
Mr. Meynell called in about his interest account. Auditor Aldworth to inspect Meynell's accompt books and to proceed by them as to the days of his receipts or repayment of his principal money and to allow interest to those dates. Warrant for placing his poll orders on the Chimney money, and my Lords will give him a nearer [shorter dated] security when they can.
My Lords to meet on Thursday morning about the business of settling the Excise leases. The Solicitor General to attend then.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 151–3.]
April 30.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write Sir John Shaw to send to the Treasury on Monday next his account at large of all moneys by him received of the Navigation duty for Lady Day quarter: that my Lords may see how it _
The Customs Farmers to attend on Tuesday afternoon about the additional duty paid in weekly.
Capt. Cocke to attend to-morrow about his assignments.
Write Mr. Steward and Col. Birch, members of the House of Commons, to overlook the engrossed bill now in the hands of the Clerk of the House for the new imposition; to see if it be true engrossed.
Write the King's officers of the Customs to give the Farmers of imported liquors signed copies of all the entries of brandies or imported liquors in the Custom House since 1666, November.
The privy seal for the Consul of Tripoli is to be drawn again, that he may have the 100l. for this year's allowance advanced him.
The report on Lord Lovelace's business sent hither by the Attorney and Solicitor General is to be presented to the King for his further pleasure thereupon.
The business of settling the Excise is taken into consideration, and the petition of the Grand Commissioners read. The King to be moved that the London Commissioners [or Farmers] be the Grand Commissioners for Excise without any addition to them, and that 250l. per an. be allowed to each of the present Grand Commissioners till they be better provided for. The privy seal to be prepared for the above.
Write the Attorney General to hasten the draft of a lease for the Country Farmers [of Excise]. The 4th article agreed to. The Excise Commissioners to report accordingly. They are also to look after the securities to see that they are good, and none else to supervise it. Write Sir John Talbott and all the other farmers of the Country Excise that all arrears due at Lady Day last are to be paid in before June 1, and till that is done the new leases are not to be given out. Write all the new farmers to pay presently their advances, and not to have their leases till that is done. The officers of the Grand Excise under the present Grand Commissioners are to send to the Treasury on Monday their patents or commissions for their places.
"A warrant to the Attorney to draw the Alienation lease to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury."
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 154–5.]