Minute Book: January 1668 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: January 1668 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp229-244 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: January 1668 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp229-244.

"Minute Book: January 1668 16-31 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp229-244.


January 1668

Jan. 16.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir Henry Coventry called in, delivers a paper of his extra-ordinary charges in his late embassy to Breda.
Mr. Evelyn called in, prays for the excision of the clause of power of revoking his lease.
Sir Robert Long and the Tellers called in concerning Mr. Squibb's dispute. Mr. Squibb pleads by his Counsel. Mr. Ayliffe says the Tellers agreed to divide equally; that the Royal Aids are placed under the head of casualties but ought to be as subsidies; that the King's casual revenue is such as is not to be presumed to be till they come; that Aids are more properly reducible to subsidies because the two names are only English and Latin for the same thing; and that in the case of Thetford it was ruled in the Exchequer that that part of the town should pay as in case of subsidy. Similarly in the case of Sir Robert Pye for Berks.
Alderman Backwell has to-day paid 20,000l. and Alderman Bucknell will pay 5,000l. next Wednesday. Sir George Downing to remind my Lords to-morrow about Backwell's interest account.
[Ibid. pp. 21–2.]
Jan. 17.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Alderman Backwell's interest account to be paid on Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l.
The Earl of Peterborough called in: moves for his pension on Tangier account. The King to be moved in it.
Lord Ashley or Sir W. Doyly to be moved that Richard Beale late Solicitor [of the Aids] for Herts be given a solicitor's place for some other county.
"Mr. Slingsby and Mr. Bridgeman to be called in. He moves for the angel gold for healing, which spends about 6,000l. per annum, whereas formerly it came but to 1,200l. per annum." The healing gold was had out of the Mint. My Lords will settle a method for this business that an account may be made, whereas in the Privy Purse no account is to be made.
The Privy Seal for Sir Robert Viner's and Alderman Backwell's coinage account to be offered to the King.
Write Sir G. Talbott to stop pensions, but not the money to the Privy Purse.
The Earl of Lauderdale called in. Says he's in arrear 4½ years of his pension in the Bedchamber. Warrant for 1,000l. for him.
Certificates read from Sir Robert Long and Sir Philip Warwick about the Lord Treasurer having power of disposing offices in the Mint. To be sent to Mr. Slingsby.
The estimates of the provisions to be made this year by the Ordnance for a train of artillery &c., for Tangier are to be sent to Sir Robert Long, Auditor of the Receipt, and thereupon a warrant to issue on the present Privy Seal.
Lord Lexinton called in with Sir Thomas Williamson: moves for moneys due to him expended on the garrison of Newark: says that Lord Byron has got tallies for what he expended on that account. My Lords say that unless the Parliament do help the King they cannot pay these debts.
Col. Legg called in about Alice Holt Forest, complaining of great abuses by the country to the woods. Ordered that they set up their [forest] courts.
Write the Attorney General to know whether the Marquess of Worcester has settled the lands on the Crown which he is to settle in lieu of those to be taken from the Crown. Till this is certified the docquet is not to be delivered out.
Mr. Evelyn prays an absolute lease for 31 years. My Lords say that that clause will do him no hurt.
The Lord General to sign the letter to the Justices of Denbigh before it be given out.
Sir William Doyly says he has delivered the bonds of White and Carr to Sparks.
Mr. Gilbert, of Kent, to attend Sir William Doyly on Thursday about his account.
Mr. Glanvill says he can sell [a parcel of] the tin for 52½ [or 53 guilders] per cwt. Ordered to attend Alderman Backwell presently and if Backwell can get more for it, that it be sold.
The Excise Commissioners report about the abatements on the Bucks Excise.
Lord Holles moves again for his arrears on his French embassy. Warrant for him to be paid on the Chimney money next after the City.
Mr. Pepis called in: says there will be about 4,000l. necessary for such as are to be presently dismissed in Tangier. Write Alderman Backwell to speak with Pepis to-morrow about [lending] this 4,000l. as an exigent [to be repaid] on the Excise in course, or he [Backwell] may depend on my Lords for repayment.
A warrant on the Customs for a quarter's ordinary to Mr.Thynn.
The Excise Commissioners called in again about Excise abate-ments for the plague.
Summons to attend to be sent to Mathew Plowman, a Sub-Commissioner of Excise; for moneys in his hands unaccounted for.
Auditor John Phelips' suspension from his office to be taken off on his humble petition and on his expression of due sense of his error in the state of several accompts.
Edward Cornwall to take his oath of the truth of his demands for abatements for the plague. Process stayed against Mr. Beane, and he to make an affidavit of the truth of the account annexed to his petition. Capt. Brabant makes his demand of 2,400l. abatements for plague and war.
Mr. Ball moves to have Mr. Thomas Rudyard [as] his Teller: he (Ball) having but 400l. per an. out of which he maintains his clerks already.
Mr. Papillon's petition referred to the Customs Farmers. Mr. Prestcott who seized his ship from the Canaries is to attend on Monday.
Sir D. Gawden prays that his orders for 50,000l. on the Poll may be changed and charged on the Chimney money. Granted: to be registered after the city's money thereon. Also moves for 467l. a month on the Customs for his ordinary for the Navy from January onwards during the continuance of this contract. Look into his contract to see how this can done. Gawden says this was wont to be done by a Privy Seal. As to his tallow account my Lords will speak with the Earl of Anglesey about it.
The warrant for changing Sir Stephen Fox's orders on the Poll is to be offered to the King for his signature.
The warrant [for payment] of Mr. Hinton, the Queen's servant, read. To be considered after Easter.
Petition from Gilby and Major Broxholm for stay of process against Broxholm. Auditor Morice to attend with said Broxholm's Firehearth account.
A schedule of Mr. Wyvell's debts called in again. The Exchequer will not grant book debts.
Write Sir Gilb. Talbot to stop all further new deliveries [out of the Jewel Office], and particularly that to the Earl of Bath, till my Lords be satisfied whether it be a new delivery or not. Talbot to certify what he has paid this year of new deliveries.
Sir George Downing to advise with Sir Robert Long how to make the First Fruits payable immediately into the Tellers' Office in the Exchequer.
Sir Stephen Fox desires, in regard the Lord General is not willing for him to have the 12d. per £ [deduction] out of [the payments to] the Guards to be disbanded to-morrow, that he may have 10 per cent. for this money on his account. Sir George Downing to speak with Sir Robert Long to hasten Fox's orders on the Customs and the country Excise.
A warrant ordered to Sir Robert Long for paying the Customs Farmers' old tallies to this effect, viz. that the other 16,000l. per mensem on the Customs should be paid into the Exchequer, and that the whole thereof for Feb. and March should be applied to the old tallies in the course set down in the list: and the other moiety to the new tallies.
Ordered that at the end of February next my Lords have from the Commissioners and principal officers of the Navy a certificate of the prices of goods bought this month, and afterwards a quarterly account of the prices of all goods bought by them.
Sir George Downing to speak with Sir Robert Long if he can find any person fit to be employed as an Auditor. As also about from whom the Excise leases shall be.
Sir G. Downing to send to Mr. Sherwyn for a copy of the Great Seal empowering the late Lord Treasurer to empower Commissioners to grant leases of Excise.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 22–5.]
Jan. 20.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir William Coventry.
Write the Lord Mayor that since Sir John Laurence and others were here the Chimney Farmers have agreed to pay Sir Thomas Player 10,000l.; that my Lords are very sorry the city has been so long disappointed and will register the rest of the debt so that it may be duly satisfied.
Mr. Brabant called in about his Excise abatements. To come again.
Write Alderman Backwell that where my Lords do not find assignments entered for him in the Exchequer for the 20,000l. lately lent by the Customs Farmers, he take care to have those assignments entered; for that the [interest] will only begin from the date of the assignment.
The Earl of Carlisle called in with Sir John Lowther and Mr. Christian about Christian's arrears of Excise money.
[Ibid. pp. 25–6.]
Jan. 20.
Present: all my Lords together with the Lord Privy Seal, the Earls of Ossory, Anglesey and Burlington, and Lords Arlington and Berkeley and the Vice-Chamberlain of the Household: who all met at the Treasury Chamber by order of Council of the 15th inst. as a committee to retrench the charge of Ireland.
[Ibid. p. 26.]
Jan. 21.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir Gilb. Talbott produces a Privy Seal for his new deliveries to the Earl of Bath, but says they were never given to the Earl of Holland.
Sir Robert Long is for the future to endorse and number all orders on the Excise, Customs and Hearth money, application having been made to the Treasury by some who have orders registered on the Excise shewing that their orders are neither numbered nor endorsed as were those upon the 1,250,000l., the Poll Bill and the Eleven Months' tax, whereby they say they have no direction or light as to their course of payment so that the said orders are of much less credit than otherwise they would be.
Mr. Mohun acquainted that the messengers were sent to serve a process to enable the King to make a new lease of the [tin] coinage [duty].
Lady Sayers and Tho. Killegrew called in, and pray the passing of a docquet of her pension. The King to be moved.
Write Mr. Bendish to return his bills to Sir William Doyly.
Mr. Norcott, Receiver of Devon, has given an account to Mr. Controller that he has a commission from the late Lord Treasurer for the One and the Eleven Months' tax, and has given security. Norcott's letter referred to Sir W. Doyly to inquire as to the fact, and to answer the particulars as to exceptions and paying of bills of exchange.
Mr. Barcroft's bond, &c., to be delivered up to him.
Mr. Darcy's business moved. To have a warrant for 500l. arrear as by the King's demand.
Col. Gilby called in with Auditor Morice.
Write the Chimney Farmers to know if Major Broxholm has adjusted with them for Lady Day, 1666, for Lincolnshire. Broxholm to presently despatch his accounts for same. Process against him to stay on condition he bring a certificate that 3,200l. has been paid to Sir Tho. Player and that he only owes 900l. to the Chimney Farmers.
A warrant for Sir John Heath's salary as a King's Counsel.
Warrant for the 1,200l. for which Mr. Bowles had directions from the late Lord Treasurer, but for which he struck not a tally on Mr. Spencer for fear of non-payment.
Mr. Sawyer to be heard next Friday about the Barbados revenue.
Write Mr. Morgan, of Bristol, to account with Alderman Bucknell from November 28 for the French tonnage duty. "He [Bucknall] moves about his lease of the London farm. Mr. Attorney's breviat of it read. [Ordered] that he [the Attorney General] be careful the covenant of imported and exported beer be very full [on the point of the Farmers' liability] to answer the King about abatements on that account."
Write Major General Egerton and his partners that Mr. Bucknall excepts against the certificate [of the Excise farm] for Cambridge and Newmarket, saying that he took the whole county of Suffolk. My Lords desire them to settle the matter, and that the King may not lose. Alderman Bucknall offers to give or take 150l. for the choice of the sides of that county [or for the choice of the town of Newmarket].
Lord Delamer called in with the petition from Mr. Booth his brother, for the ground of the Excise Office. The report from Sir C. Harbord and Mr. May read. To be reported to the King.
Sir Stephen Fox called in: moves as in his paper, and that he may have 1,000l. per mensem for eight months more on the Customs. To attend to-morrow.
Mr. Boreman called in, he having pulled down a piece of the King's house at Greenwich, and yet makes not any fence against the King's yard, whereby the King's goods are daily stolen. Says he has already been at so great a loss that he prays to be excused from building any fence. Ordered to build up a board fence where he has pulled down the house.
Warrant for Sir William Wild's fee as King's Counsel.
The Auditors of Imprests called in. My Lords will consider their petition.
The warrant for the orders for Sir D. Gawden and Mr. C. Estoll to be offered to the King.
The Chimney Farmers present a paper of queries wherein they desire to be resolved. Referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General, the matter requiring great haste, as the arrears of Lady Day, 1666, will be lost if not sued for this term.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 26–8.]
Jan. 22.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
The letter to the Governor of Dover from Monsieur de Verzns (Verjns), a French gentleman lately landed at Dover from Portugal, read with Lord Arlington's paper. They represent they were only to land here in order to embark again in the packet boat for France. If so, the King will have no advantage taken of their non-entry of their 500 silver crowns, but that they be restored to them. Write the Governor of Dover to this effect.
Sir Allen Apsley's petition read. Ordered to have 900l. out of the payments by the Receiver for Lincolnshire.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir P. Warwick about the impost list.
Sir Tho. Tyddyman to have his wages assigned on the 100,000l. for seamen's wages.
Mr. Eaton's petition read. To be considered after Easter. Mr. Manaton's petition read. A report to be made to the King that he had a place given him for his services, that he kept some moneys in his hands, which he yet detain, which is a dangerous precedent. Sir Godfrey Lloyd's petition read. Inquire why these tallies are not yet paid. Henry Thomas's petition read. To be considered after Easter. The like order in case of petitions severally from Capt. Tyringham, Mr. Thornton, Viscount Fanshaw's widow, the orphans of Ham Chadwick, and Geo. Tomlins.
Warrant for 1,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for stores on the brandy money, which is over and above the 5,000l. a month out of the Customs for providing Navy stores.
Mrs. Nicholl's petition read. She is to certify to whose hand the money was paid.
Mr. H. Coventry's extraordinaries to be paid except 84l. for interest money. To be charged on Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l.
Widow Estcourt's petition read. Ordered that 11l. be abated on John Estcourt's Excise account; for the plague.
Petitions read severally from William Christian, Hugh Tynt, Jno. Whinyard.
Same read from Geo. Vine. To have a patent for the place of messenger, loco Mr. Kipps.
The Customs Farmers' report read on Mr. Papillon's petition. Warrant for a noli prosequi against the ship.
Capt. Cooke, master of the King's music, to attend to-morrow.
Sir Jo. Pretyman, with Mr. Wynnington, his Counsel, offers 9,000l. by way of composition or instalment of his debt to the King. To attend the Auditor to see of how much of his debt he can discharge himself. Mathew Langley and Mr. Bowles to attend herein to be helpful to prettyman in stating his accompts.
Mr. Rouse and Mr. Taylor, of Windsor, and Captain Baron, the Controller, to attend on Tuesday, concerning the dispute between said Taylor and Rouse, the said Taylor still intermeddling in receiving the rents of Windsor notwithstanding the order of suspension against him. Taylor to be suspended and notice to be given to the tenants. An order to be made in the Treasury that repairs at Windsor be put into the office of the Works. Mr. May to attend hereon to-morrow.
Mr. Purse (Pearse), of Somerset House Chapel, is to let Sir George Downing know if the Earl of st. Albans have not surrendered his patent as Governor of Jersey.
Petition read from Lady Jane Ratcliff. Ordered that the fee farm of 26l. per an. be put in charge with the Auditor and she have a lease of it for 21 years.
Same read from Capt. Cock et al., Navy creditors. When there is money my Lords will take care of them as soon as possible.
Same read from John Weekes. The Excise Commissioners to make an allowance to petitioners if losers: otherwise not.
The Alum Farmers are to pay in their arrears and finish their account.
Petition read from William Rosewell. Nothing now done in it. Same from Tim Coles. To be again considered.
A Clause to be inserted in the warrant for registering on the chimneys to pay the City, that though that sum is registered yet it's only on an estimate, and that no more is to be paid than the just debt with interest.
My Lords to meet now on Wednesday and Friday mornings to read petitions.
Write the Commissioners [for the Aids] of Shropshire concerning the abatement on the town of Newport for a fine, that the King must not lose his money, and that they take care to assess [the arrear] either on the county or town.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 28–31.]
Jan. 23.
Present: all my Lords.
[To be inquired] where to get money to pay over-interest money. Sir G. Downing and Sir Rob. Long to consider of providing it.
Warrant to Auditor Aldworth for allowing interest to Alderman Backwell for 3,000l. furnished to M. de Montbrun, and for the 6,000l. for Tangier assigned on Sir Stephen Fox.
Lady Portland's petition read. My Lords will consider it. The King to be moved herein.
A privy Seal to be passed for Henry Coventry's extraordinaries on his Breda embassy.
Alderman Backwell's petition read for liberty to export 15,000l. in gold and silver. My Lords to speak to the King that he may export 10,000l. in English coin.
Mr. Controller's resignation of his share of the logwood patent to be written in parchment.
Sir Steven Fox to have 8,000l. more by 1,000l. a month on the Customs, viz. on the 16,000l. per mensem in the Exchequer from the Customs and from the month he last had. Write Sir Robert Long to consider how Fox may be charged for all the extraordinary money he has received in 1666 and 1667 for new forces and disbanding.
Petition read from the [late] Customs Farmers about defalcations on the late farm ending at Michaelmas last. Sir John Shaw, &c., to state the amount of Customs on linen and all sorts particularly. The Auditors of Imprest to despatch their account, and also the Customs Commission account. Report of this to be made to the King and that my Lords will give His Majesty a full account of the matter on receiving the Auditors' report.
As to the French tonnage in Ireland, the Duke of Ormonde agreed with Mr. O'Neale to pay 200l. in England and 200l. in Ireland for same.
The letter from the Commissioners of Accounts to be shewed to Sir Robert Long to certify what is to done thereupon.
Mr. Marsh presents a paper about Lord Wiloughby's account of the 4½ per cent. in Barbados. Says they pay also other great duties to the ruin of the island. Mr. Marsh and Mr. Sawyers to attend on Tuesday hereon.
Warrant for paying to Col. Hollis (Hollys) and Mr. Whitacre the fees of the Master of Requests and Foreign Apposer respectively.
Sir George Carteret's new Privy Seal for his interest account to be offered to the King for his signature.
Warrant for the arrest of Cheyney Hallam.
The Commissioners of Sewers, Streets and Highways and for Hackney Coaches are to account forthwith with Auditor Chislett, they being to accompt once a year, but not having accompted for five years to Easter last. Chislett to hasten said accompts.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 31–2.]
Jan. 24.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Summons to be given to all the Lords (viz. the Lord Keeper, the Earl of Ossory, Lord Arlington, the Vice Chamberlain, the Earl of Burlington, the Lord Privy Seal, the Earl of Anglesey, Mr. Secretary Morice, Lord Berkeley, Viscount Conway) to attend on Monday concerning the Irish business, in accordance with the order of Council.
Warrant for Sir Ste. Fox for a week's pay to those of the Guards that are disbanded. Quere out of what money this is to be ?
Sir Gilb. Talbott's paper of deliveries to be tendered to the King.
Sir Rob. Long to certify what the brewers have paid of their 50,000l. and what the Customs Farmers have paid of their 30,000l. loan to the Earl of Anglesey.
Sir Ste. Fox to meet Sir G. Downing to-morrow about charging him with what he received in 1666 and 1667.
Complaint made about the delay in receiving interest money in the Exchequer. Over-interest to be settled to be paid and easily.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to apply 5,000l. of any money lent before the end of this month or February to buy hemp or any such foreign commodity as is most necessary. The Navy Commissioners to notify this to the Customs Farmers so as to hasten in the 10,000l. they are to lend now as the remaining part of their 30,000l. loan. The Customs Farmers to be requested to bring at least 5,000l. thereof into the Exchequer within the next three or four days.
Lady Ratcliff's counsel to be advised with from what time her lease is to begin.
Sir G. Downing and Sir Rob. Long to advise about the Earl of Anglesea's warrant for allowing interest money on his assignments.
The King to be moved about Alderman Backwell's interest money due from Sir Henry Wood.
Sir G. Downing to look over Sir William Temple's Privy Seal to see if there is any clause for extraordinaries: and then [in case there is such a clause] 200l. to be paid him for his Hague voyage.
Consideration to be had with Sir Robert Long as to what allowance is usual to such as bring advices of treaties. "See if any allowance to be had for small jobs."
Mr. Newport moves for an early payment of tallies to Mr. Rumball's children. The King to be moved that young Townsend allow them 50l. per an. out of his place, considering how he came by it.
The King to be moved in Council that [as far as concerns] the officers of the Wardrobe, contracts be made without any fees from the parties: and as to the Earl of Sandwich, that it be settled when he comes. Mr. Newport moves that the Wardrobe fees of the Earl of Sandwich be not paid.
Order of Council to be observed about transporting horses.
Edw. Seymour to continue to receive the profits of the Earl of Newburgh's office for this term, and then my Lords will settle further. He says there are great cheats in the sealing of sixpenny writs and not certifying to him. Mr. Edmunds, Mr. Elias Gladman and Mr. Cratford, belonging to the Lord Keeper's [Office], and Mr. Pindar, one of the Six Clerks, and Mr. Wilkinson, riding clerk at the Six Clerks' Office, to attend next Tuesday about this.
Sir Rob. Long to certify how ancient is the 50l. per an. to the Pages of the Bedchamber.
Mr. Wilkinson is desired to furnish my Lords with the establishment for Ireland in the Earl of Strafford's time and what other papers are necessary.
The Officers of the Works called in about their establishment and orders. [Affirm] that the chief workmen have no salaries; it's well if they are paid their wages. [Ordered] that in the case of every one who hath a clerk that hath any allowance it be certified that they attend and do their duty. According to the 15th rule of their orders there is no remain made or taken or ought to be. Mr. May to bring in his books for paying in course. "Mondays to be ordered what be payed each week and Wednesdays and Saturdays to be pay days. The Controller to make a charge on the Clerk of the Works every month."
Capt. Cooke called in. My Lords say they were scandalized that the music boys did not attend last Sunday. He says their clothes are so worn out that they keep within doors. He says he allowed Mr. Townsend 15l. per cent. for his settlement on the Exchequer for about 500l. and will be three years out of his money.
Mr. Moore moves for money for the Earl of Sandwich: says the Earl has had no money out of any prize. Lord Sandwich [sic ? for Ashley] says he has had money out of Capt. Hannam's prize. Lord Ashley to enquire about this prize money. Mr. Newport and Col.Reyme to examine what the usual annual deliveries of that office in the late King's time were and what now; and to stop all new deliveries till order from the Treasury. The matter of money for the Earl of Sandwich to be moved the first on Monday.
The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend on Tuesday about the Chimney Farmers' queries.
Warrant for 200l. to Mr. Legoose.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp.32–5.]
Jan. 27.
Present: all my Lords.
A list [read] of the counties comprised in Sir Edm. Sawyer's audit. Ordered that Col. Birch may have some of them for [auditing] the Hearth money accounts.
The Auditors of Imprests give in their exceptions to the accounts of the Customs Farmers, and to the Customs Commission account. The Customs Farmers to attend hereon next Monday.
The Grooms of the Bedchamber move for pay of their pension or salary.
Write Auditor Wood to prepare a new state of Sir John Pretyman's account.
The business of [reducing the establishment of] Ireland now considered, there being present the Earl of Anglesey, Earl of Burlington and Lord Arlington.
Lord Ashley makes report of the memorandums offered to the King, viz., as follows:—
A Privy Seal [ordered] for 150l. per an. pension to Ch. Gifford.
Warrant for Mr. Tregunell to be paid off and Mulbery Garden to be restored to him.
Liveries to tradesmen and supernumerary officers in the Wardrobe not to be paid.
The goods of the murderers of Kidderminster to be sold and the value given to the widow.
Alderman Backwell's Privy Seal for interest money signed by the King.
The Earl of Peterborough's pension to be paid for Tangier.
Sir Dennis Gauden's warrant for changing his poll orders is signed by the King.
James Darcy's warrant for his Privy Seal is signed by the King.
Ordered that Sir Gilb. Talbot's new and useless deliveries in the Jewel Office be stopped. The Earl of Bath's deliveries there to be paid in money if his predecessor's office appear to have been of that value.
Warrant for Lady Portland's pension.
Alderman Backwell's desire to export 10,000l. in English coin to be moved in the Privy Council.
The Customs Farmers' report about their accounts read to the King. Referred to the Auditors of Imprests.
Mr. Manaton's report not passed by the King.
The Privy Seal for Sir Rob. Viner's and Alderman Backwell's coinage account to be offered another time by the King.
The order in Council concerning the Welsh Judges not yet offered, but to be offered next time.
Mr. Booth's petition reported.
Lady Sayer's petition for her pension offered: not passed.
Sir George Carteret's two Privy Seals to be offered another time to the King.
Write the Earl of Anglesey, Sir Ste. Fox, the Wardrobe, Works, Treasurer of the Chamber, and Cofferer to cause all assignments of orders to be duly entered in the office of the Auditor of the Exchequer. The interest not to be allowed but from the date of the assignments.
Write Alderman Backwell that the 10,000l. remaining of the 30,000l. to be lent by the Customs Farmers be paid immediately. Also write him that his Privy Seal is signed by the King.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 35–6.]
Jan. 28.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir Robert Long to be spoken to that every day beforehand all interest [due on] that day be cast up.
The Attorney General to put a clause in the lease of the Farmers of the London Excise that they shall be exempt from juries.
Mr. Smith Receiver of Surrey, called in with Sir W. Doyly. Ordered that [the Earl of] Newburgh must pay his tax for his park in Surrey, for he has ploughed it. The Commissioners must levy it or my Lords must complain to the Privy Council about it.
The officers of the Exchequer are to meet to consider of giving quicker despatch to all that come to receive interest at the Exchequer or the 4 per cent. gratuity and further to speak with some of the bankers and agree with them about a moderate fee to be taken for payments on account of the said gratuity.
Henry Brabant's paper of demands for defalcations on his late farm of Northumberland Excise, is referred to the Attorney General. The Commissioners of Excise, Sir Ph. Warwick and Mr. John Playse (Place) to attend to-morrow with Capt. Brabant.
Sir Robert Long called in about the letter from the Commissioners for accounts.
The Farmers of the country Excise called in: move that they cannot pay their quarter's money in 21 days but will clear within the quarter. Ordered that after 21 days they shall pay interest; but for this quarter to be exempt. Also they affirm that Mr. Forth acknowledges that Newmarket was to be with the Cambridge farm. A warrant to the Solicitor [of the Excise] that Newmarket be wholly in the Cambridgeshire lease. Alderman Bucknall called in, prays that they may have the half of Newmarket in the Suffolk lease. Mr. Warcup's bonds for the Wiltshire Excise to be delivered when the money is paid. Process stayed against Mr. Weedon, Excise Farmer for Bucks, he being now upon his account.
Sir Fr. Dorington called in about his proposition for victualling the Navy. Says some persons will victual for 7½d. a day, whereas the present victualler has 8d. a day. Write the Commissioners of the Navy to certify with all speed whether any and what new covenant or alteration is fit to be made in the present victualler's contract.
Mr. Pindar and Mr. Wilkinson called in to consider how to prevent the frauds put upon the King in the Sixpenny writs. A way to be considered of for putting a seal on all writs and signing them by the Six Clerks and Cursitors. The Lord Keeper to be spoken to to make an order in the case.
Mr. Polhill desires he may give no security for his receipt of the Aids. Sir W. Doyly to certify if Mr. Price, late Receiver of Hereford, have given any security for his receipt of the Aids, and to be here to-morrow about another receiver for Kent since Polhill will give no security. The Lancashire letter about the Aids to be sent to Sir W. Doyly.
The Attorney and Solicitor General called in about the Chimney Farmers' queries. The Farmers called in. Ordered that as a direction as to the King's half-year and not as to their farm my Lords will give them the directions given by the Attorney and Solicitor.
Write Viscount Mordaunt to permit the Hearth officers, who complain of being denied entrance to Windsor Castle, to come thither and view all chimneys and firehearths there except the parts usually reserved to the King when he comes to the Castle. But that all dwellers there must pay the tax.
Write Mr. Rogers, Receiver of the Aids for Surrey, to attend on Monday.
Write the Farmers of the London Excise that they being about their country Excise lease need give no further security.
Ordered that the warrant for registering what remains due to the city on the chimneys be prepared to be signed by the King.
The Attorney and Solicitor General acquaint my Lords that the clause for imported beer, &c., ought to be only for what is imported and spent. Col. Birch says that if the covenant be made alike to all, and one judicatory to all, there can be no fraud. Then what is defalced to one county will still be upon him that imported it. Ordered that there be a covenant inserted that the Farmers reciprocally save each other harmless: and that the paying of salaries by the Farmers of the London Excise be by Treasury warrant. As to the Country Farmers Sir G. Downing is to draw up where the money is to be paid by them, when their bonds are to be given, who to let the leases and whether under the Exchequer Seal or not. A clause to be inserted in all their leases that if any rent is unpaid eight days after the quarter their leases shall be posted up to be let.
The paper [relating to the matter of counter] signing [royal warrants, which matter is in dispute] between my Lords and the Secretaries [of State] is to be sent up to my Lords to-morrow at Council.
Warrant to Col. Birch to cast up the accounts of the Firehearths for Lady Day, 1666, for Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Write the Chimney Farmers to bring their account of same to him.
The East India Company and the principal officers of the Navy to attend on Wednesday week about the account for the hire and freight of the ships "Mary," "Rose," "Dunkirk," "Leopard," and "Convertine," employed some years since in a voyage to the East Indies.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 36–9.]
Jan. 29.
Present: all my Lords.
A list to be made of all [accountants] taken into custody, with the reasons for each man's apprehesion.
Mr. Price gave the security of one Mr. Cornwall of the Commons House, and the bonds were delivered into Viscount Fanshaw's office.
Warrant for the arrest of Robert Gilbert, High Collector of the Aids for the lathe of St. Augustine in Kent, who is indebted to the King 696l. 18s. 1d., as appears by the affidavit of James Barbon.
Mr. Taylour called in about his receiving rents since he was suspended. Says he knows there's an order of Council against his receiving, and hath not disobeyed it, but is by patent Receiver of revenue of Windsor, and no judgment at law against him. Ordered to presently account or be committed in three days. Mr. Dudley Rewse (Rouse) also called in about the Windsor business. To attend on Monday with his account. Mr. Taylor says also that the tenants will pay; so Mr. Rewse is to go and demand the rents.
A list to be made of all Receivers that owe the King any considerable sums.
No business but petitions to be appointed for Wednesdays and Fridays.
A meeting to be appointed by the Lord Keeper at his Chamber with the Attorney and Solicitor General and Sergeant Maynard about the power of the Exchequer to punish abuses [in the Exchequer].
Capt. Brabant and the Commissioners of Excise called in concerning Brabant's demands for defalcations. They say they told Capt. Brabant they could make him no abatements for the war because he had no such covenants. Brabant and Mr. John Place to be here on Friday. Mr. Laurence not to prosecute Mr. Lester till further order. The Commissioners of Excise say Mr. George is so poor he's ready to starve. Resolved that if the Lord Keeper give him his habeas corpus my Lords will indulge it.
Warrant to the officers of the Ordnance to employ their tallies on the Customs in the purchase of land stores and sea stores and provisions.
The Alum Farmers to attend on Monday with their accounts.
Mr. Sayers and Mr. Cranfield present a paper about the 4½ per cent. collected by Lord Willoughby at Barbados. Ordered to present a more distinct paper showing what the whole is worth and by what rule they go in making their estimate.
The Customs Farmers to certify why they presently stop the Swedish Ambassador's goods, as to which said Ambassador makes complaint.
The Earl of Anglesey called in.
Alderman Backwell promises to pay in the remainder of the 30,000l. to be lent on seamen's orders. He moves about a Spanish ship that had liberty to bring Spanish wines but is now under prosecution. The King to be moved in Council about this. Backwell moves for a time to be appointed from whence interest is to commence on the 200,000l. lent on the Customs. My Lords say it must commence from the time the money was paid.
The Cofferer to have his money as in his note for entertaining the Dutch and Swedish Ambassadors.
Sir Robert Long to make up a state of the anticipations and debts on his Majesty's revenue from Sept. 29 last to the 25th Dec. last.
Mr. Moore, Solicitor for the Earl of Sandwich, called in. Lord Ashley to inquire of Capt. Hannam what money the Earl had out of his prize. The said Earl's Privy Seal for 3,000l. on the Chimney money to pass.
Mr. Kirke, Paymaster of the [Gentlemen] pensioners, is to certify Auditor Beale what money has been paid him on the first Fruits, said Beale pressing Sir John Prettyman to make up his accounts of the First Fruits, but the said Sir John alleging that he is impeded therein for want of such certificate.
A new Privy Seal ordered for H. Coventry's extraordinaries apart from his ordinary as stated, but without the interest money.
Mr. Tudor is to state the Hearth accounts for Lady Day, 1666, for Cornwall, Devon and Dorset.
Mr. Goodwyn's bond for the poll to be delivered up: he having passed his accounts.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 39–41.]
Jan. 31.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncomb.
Col. Gray to have a third of what shall be discovered and brought in of Piedmont money.
Lord Ashley gives in a paper of what money was received by the Earl of Sandwich of Capt. Hannam's prize.
Petition read from Christchurch Hospital, London. The Excise Commissioners to certify why they were not paid in their course. My Lords will take care of this business.
Mrs. Mell's petition read. To be considered when there is money. The like order in the case of the petitions severally from William Walker; the King's violins; Mr. Grabn; William Bedborow; the Armourers of the Tower; Clara Bolton; Lady Eliz. Gage; John Osbiston; Mathew Emerson; the Pages of Honour; the Armourers of Greenwich; and Kath. Lesley. Tho. Norton's petition read. To be considered before the late Customs Farmers' money is paid. Tho. Cox's petition read. My Lords will consider him as any occasion presents.
Sir G. Downing to draw a minute of the Bombay papers from Lord Arlington and send to the East India Company to know what they have done about taking out their patent of grant for Bombay.
Petition read from Patrick Crow. Referred to the Auditor to certify the amount. Same read from Sir Jo. Robinson. The King to be moved herein.
Viscount Andover moves for his pension and presents his Privy Seal for same, which was in lieu of his Bedchamber place.
Petition read from John Munford. Report to be made to the King against relieving petitioner. Same read from Sir Henry Herbert. To be considered with the King's servants. Same from Sir William Blakston. My Lords can do no more in his case.
The King's letter about reductions to be considered on Monday.
Petition from Lady Fanshaw read about a lease. Report to be made that this is contrary to the rule. Petition read from Peter Mathews. No cause of relief against law.
A copy of the Commission for the High Way, &c., read. A letter to be sent to Mr. Chislett hereon enclosing one from the Commissioners [of Sewers] about their accompts in answer to the paper given in to the Treasury by Auditor Chislett.
Warrant for 200l. to Lady Portland, as by the King's immediate command, and on the grounds of her patent for what her husband parted with for it.
Mr. Patrick called in: the case to be considered, and both sides summoned this day three weeks; else my Lords will lay the money on Wisbech.
Petition read from Nich. Mosley. Evidence to be made that Richard Cumberbatch was in custody, then he shall be arrested again.
Capt. Brabant and Mr. Place called in. Brabant is asked if he will be content to be made a saver on his farm, which at last he consents unto. Mr. Place offers his terms hereupon, viz. to make good the King's rent if he have the profit. Brabant ordered to pay in 2,000l. to make up his account, and submit to my Lords for the rest, which is about 400l. He answers he cannot do it. The Excise Commissioners to prosecute him, and he meanwhile to state his demands for defalcations for the plague.
Auditor Phelipps, the Auditor for Cambridge, to send an account on Tuesday of Mr. Hill's debt on the Hearth money of that county.
The paper about the Secretary of State countersigning royal warrants, &c., is to be sent up to the Privy Council.
Petition read from Widow Colthoff. Mr. May and Sir Charles Harbord are to enquire into the state of Foxhall House. Same read from Lady Graves. To be considered hereafter and she to certify in the meantime to whose hands the money was paid. Same read from Robt. Harding. The Attorney General to be spoken to about his title.
Letter read from the Commissioners for Tangier stating there's 35,000l. due from Tangier for interest. Mr. Pepys called in. His interest account to be brought in.
Petition read from Mr. Stevens, Marshal Farrier of the King's hunting horses. Ordered 100l. to be assigned him and 4,000l. to Sir Edw. Griffith towards this and such other services. Griffith not to dispose of same without my Lords directions.
Mr. Townsend and Capt. Cook to attend on Monday.
The Order of Council about land in Waltham Forest for a chapel referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Petition read from Simon Taylor. Referred to the Customs Farmers. Same read from Hen. Sydnam for leave to export 6,000 bags of wool. Cannot be granted as against the law. Same read from Hen. Fines: oath to be made about Cheyney Hallam. Same read from Tho. Bishop: Capt. Dean to be asked if that money is not already paid.
Viscount Hinchinbroke's docquet for 5,000l. read and ordered to pass.
Sir Ste. Fox to attend about his old tallies payable on the 16,000l. a month from the customs.
The list of persons taken into custody and of the reasons therefor in each case is to be hastened.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 42–5.]