Treasury Warrants: September 1702, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'Treasury Warrants: September 1702, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Treasury Warrants: September 1702, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Treasury Warrants: September 1702, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


September 1702, 16-30

Sept. 16. William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners. The Lord Treasurer recommends Mr. Walbank, at present a surveyor of Excise. for one of the Excise collectorships now vacant, to wit one in Lancashire or one in Cheshire. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 68.
Same to Treasurer Godolphin [at Bath] enclosing a paper of cash [missing] shewing that the Civil List funds available in the Exchequer are 48,459l. 13s. 9d. "and I having sent for the officers concerned in those Branches and given them a charge as from your Lordship to use their utmost diligence, I hope that same will be increased by the date you fix and will be sufficient for present occasions. As for the money which will be wanting for public services by the [time of the] sitting down of the Parliament and the means of obtaining same, it is not possible for me to be exact but provision must be made for the following particulars:
£ s. d.
Subsistence to the Guards and Garrisons for 2 weeks ended Oct. 21 next 3759 12 2
3 months' clearings to same from June 24 last 12000
The money for the 40,000 men has hitherto been paid in gross sums on account so I cannot tell how far they have [received] for subsistence but their last remittance was for 25,000l. on Aug. 20 last.
As to the clearings for those Troops Mr. Cardonnell's letter intimates a desire that the time (I suppose he means the time of computing by the Establishment without muster rolls) be prolonged to the 1st June and I perceive by Mr. Tailor's letter that the Queen hath agreed thereto. As you ask my opinion I can only say that regularly there should be muster rolls and those should be very exact. There have been divers late precedents of paying by warrants upon the Establishment without muster rolls but my poor opinion is they are not justifiable but in cases of absolute necessity and that the greatest caution and restrictions possible are to be used, because otherwise they may serve to give away sums of the public money not due to any persons whatsoever.
What their clearings will come to is expected from Mr. Sweet and for their Subsistence you can only be informed by the Earl of Ranelagh. So I do not know what sum to insert in this place
I have perused the letter containing the demands of the Ordnance and have no objection to your ordering them, out of the present cash, for land service (though they mistake the sum already issued) for present occasions 10000 0 0
I have seen no demands from the Victuallers but for carrying on their course for 3 months to the end of March. You may remember that the Gentlemen of the Bank were spoken to and if they would advance money on the overplus of the Malt Duties you intended that the Victuallers should have it.
[There is] no answer as yet, but I take it that this service must be provided for if possible 195808 2 8
It is a certain determinate sum that must be taken out of the money for the Guards towards defraying the marine charge, and there now rests to complete the same 36068 16
The like out of the Navy money for the arrear due to the Sick and Wounded 15018 19
One quarter more to the Commissioners of Accounts 1375
The services above-mentioned are to be supplied out of the following particulars:
the complement of 600,000l. loans on the Malt Duty now in the Exchequer amounting to 48152 0
The overplus of the Malt Duties which by estimation will be 150,000l. or 200,000l. at the least
the remainder of the Queen's Donative 33008 4 11½
There is liberty to strike upon the Land Tax and Subsidies (whereon there is lent already 2,100,534l. 0s. 9d.) a further sum, but the tallies will be deficient and mischievous.
There is come in upon the [Land Tax and Subsidies] Act about 200,000l. The money arises very slowly. But I hope the return of the duplicates will encourage the lending of 100,000l. more; and until the proceed is known I expect no more from the lenders
The tallies and orders for 500,000l. in the hands of the Navy Treasurer reserved for such purposes as your Lordship shall direct will not come in course [of payment] until about Lady day next by reason of the slow payment of the Land Tax and Subsidies: but I conceive it will not be difficult in the meantime to borrow money on them at a very reasonable rate till the money comes [in] from the country; and out of these the wages of ships may be supplied.
As to the case of Mr. Painter I answer that the Queen's treasure (I take all moneys to be such in the strictest sense) cannot be paid over nor any poundage allowed out of same without her Majesty's authority under the great or privy seal at least; and the allowance [for fees] in this case [of prize money] ought to be reasonable with regard to the service to be performed. I do not apprehend that the paying over this money or the making the allowance can be grounded upon any thing in the present Commission of Prizes; and if Mr. Painter have this office I think he ought to have a patent with a precept to the Receiver of Prizes to pay over the money to Mr. Painter upon his acquittance that so the Receiver may be allowed it upon account before the auditor, and Mr. Painter's own allowance ought to be ascertained in it. But I find Mr. Brewer hath exhibited reasons against a distinct office which have been sent to you.
I find there is a large sum of the Civil List money in the hands of the present and late Receivers of the Duchy of Cornwall as you will see by the enclosed state [missing] besides what is due for last year.
I have returned the draft constitution for Mr. Burton [see below] with such amendments as seem to me necessary. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 69.
Sept. 16. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Francis Jones relating to money due to him on account of Customs. Ibid., p. 70.
Sept. 18. Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to John Brewer, Receiver General of Prizes, to pay the salary of 100l. per an. to Herbert Randolph as from June 24 last as Judge Official and Commissary of the Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports. Money Book XVI, p. 153.
Money warrant for 20l. to Visconti Cigala, clerk, for the charge of his passage to Guinea whither he is going chaplain. (Money order dated Nov. 19 hereon.) Ibid., p. 154. Order Book V, p. 416.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ James Tyler as a waterman attending the coastwaiters, London port loco Daniel Mulford lately deceased.
Walter Abdey as a waterman London port loco John Saywell deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XIV, p. 217.
Treasury reference, dated Bath, to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Samuel Burton proposing his securities, detailed, for his post of Receiver of the rents and revenues of the late dissolved Hospital in the Savoy. Reference Book VIII, p. 16.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Fran. Jones, Postmaster at Falmouth, praying that no process may issue against him for 370l. due on Customs bonds in regard he lost 1000l. in the late war. Ibid.
Letters patent by Treasurer Godolphin constituting Samuell Burton as Receiver of the revenues of the Hospital of the Savoy: it appearing by a writing under the hand and seal of Sir Nathan Wright, Lord Keeper of the great seal of England, dated July 31 last that upon a visitation then made of the Hospital called the Hospital of Henry VII (of which Hospital the Lord Keeper is visitor, as being a Hospital of royal foundation) one John Hookes clerk, John Lamb D.D., Nicholas Onely D.D. and Lyonell Cole, thereinbefore chaplains, were by "force and virtue" of the final decree of the said Lord Keeper, deprived of their several offices and the said Hospital is dissolved because there is now neither Master nor chaplain thereof. In the margin: a note of the said Burton's sureties. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, pp. 435–435b.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay to Charles, Earl of Mount-Alexander, Master General of the Ordnance in Ireland, 181l. 10s. 0d. and 5l. 12s. 3d., for Exchequer fees on the receipt of his moneys and for 126 drums wanting in the Stores, Ireland and for repairing 50 barrels of damnified powder rendered almost unserviceable. Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 237.
Sept. 19. Letter of direction for 367l. to the Navy Treasurer: for the Navy and Victualling: out of loans on the Malt Duties. (William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to apply same for the charge of transporting Sir Beville Granville's equipage and goods to his Government of Barbados.) Disposition Book XVI, p. 99.
William Lowndes to the Prizes Commissioners concerning the 3 prize ships at Plymouth. In view of the estimate for putting them into a sailing condition and the opportunity of embezzlement in so long a voyage [in bringing them to London] the Lord Treasurer thinks it best the sale of same be made at Plymouth. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 70.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes to depute Henry Hook as Sub Commissioner for Prizes in Plymouth port loco Jno. Mountstephen who has relinquished same. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 433.
Sept. 21. William Lowndes to the Navy Treasurer. I am to speak with you and the Navy Commissioners about affairs of importance. I go to dinner with them at their Board to-morrow, and desire you to be there. (The like notice to the Navy Commissioners.) Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 70.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. I am come to town by the Lord Treasurer's order to speak with you about the following: viz: (1) issuing so much as will subsist and clear Lord Lucas's Regiment as far as the rest of the Forces in England. Please sign a certificate in form for this:
(2) concerning Mr. Sweet's demand in his letter and account:
(3) for your opinion what credit may be necessary for the Forces with the Duke of Ormonde and where the same may be most properly lodged. I have other matters of great moment in charge, upon which I must speak with the Navy Board, the Bank and others and must forthwith write to the Lord Treasurer at the Bath. Therefore I entreat you to discourse with me at 8 to-morrow morning at the Cockpit because I must afterwards go into London. Ibid., p. 71.
Sept. 22. Money warrant dormant for 4l. a week to Henry Killegrew: to be paid to his own hands and not to the hands of any assignee: as royal bounty: commencing from Aug. 31 last, to which time an order has been already drawn. Money Book XVI, p. 153.
Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt for payment of the fee or salary of 64l. 2s. 1d. per an. to Leonard Thompson as Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer Court. (With a marginal order of renewal dated 1710–1 Feb. 10.) Ibid., p. 155.
Letter of direction for 37,068l. 15s. 0d. to the Earl of Ranelagh: out of loans on the Malt Duties: to be applied as follows:
£ s. d.
to complete 2768l. 15s. 0d. for subsistence of Lord Lucas's Regiment from June 25 to Oct. 7 next, he having already received 1700l. out of the money issued for the subsistence of said Regiment: and is to be placed to the account of the 264,875l. for Guards and Garrisons 1068 15 0
to complete the pay of the foreign Troops and the subsistence of the Subject Forces in Holland to Sept. 20 next 8012 16 10½
in part of 50,000l. upon account of a month's pay to the foreigners and a month's subsistence to the subject Forces in Holland viz. to Oct. 20 next for both: the above 2 items to be placed to account of the 700,000l. for the 40,000 men 21987 3
for a further subsistence of the Forces under command of the Duke of Ormonde: to be placed to account of the 87,125l. 10s. 0d. for 10,000 men for sea service 6000
£37068 15 0
Disposition Book XVI, p. 99.
Sept. 22. William Lowndes to the Receiver for the Duchy of Cornwall. You are forthwith to pay in the 3133l. 1s. 2¾d. owing on your accounts to 1700 Sept. 29: otherwise process will be directed against you. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 71.
Same to the Lord Treasurer [at Bath]. I met the Earl of Ranelagh this morning at 8 and found that he had taken care to get a credit for 20,000l. for Flanders. To satisfy same and to make a further provision for the Forces there, 30,000l. is this day issued out of loans on the Malt Duties to said Earl; which he conceives to be sufficient at present for this service. I cannot learn there has been any musters there [in Flanders]. The fault is laid upon one Marshal who notwithstanding the Earl of Marlborough's repeated orders hath been negligent. Such negligence useth to be severely punished in all armies. If they must be paid from 2nd Feb. till the beginning of June without musters it is to be considered whether they are to be reckoned complete or whether the first muster in June (which perhaps is defective) should not govern for the time past. Whereby something may be saved to the public.
The Earl of Ranelagh tells me that if 28,012l. 16s. 10¼d. more for the army in Flanders be furnished about a fortnight hence which will carry on the pay of the foreign [troops] and the subsistence of the English to Oct. 20 next that army will be sufficiently provided for till the meeting of Parliament. As to the Forces under the Duke of Ormonde you may remember that 12,000l. was put on board with them viz. 6000l. for Contingents and 6000l. for Subsistence; to be reckoned from the time of their landing there (which it seems was August 15 last) at 1474l. 8s. 5d. [? per week].
We [Ranelagh and I] have considered whether if Lord Ranelagh should write to Lord Chancellor Methwin to borrow 6000l. more at Lisbon and draw bills to be paid here it would not answer any further occasions which his Grace [the Duke of Ormonde] may have. But considering it is only 6000l. that is wanted and one would not put anything to hazard in that affair I thought it better to issue that 6000l. out of the said loans so that with what the Duke took with him he will have above 2 months subsistence from the time of his landing and then his men need not plunder. But I have desired the Earl of Ranelagh to take special care that the merchant who receives the 6000l. here and gives a bill of credit payable to the order of the Duke of Ormonde or the Commander in Chief be obliged to repay so much as is not made use of.
The sum of 1068l. 15s. 0d. subsists Lord Lucas's Regiment to Oct. 7 next which is as far as any are paid, none of the new Regiments being cleared as yet for want of the muster rolls. So that his Lordship [the Earl of Ranelagh] receives this day 37,068l. 15s. 0d. And he hath no further demands in prospect before the meeting of the Parliament except the following particulars
£ s. d.
to complete the month's pay and subsistence of the Forces in Holland as above 28012 16 10½
for a fortnight's subsistence to the Forces in England including Lord Lucas's Regiment when it becomes due 4128 15 6
for recruits for the Regiments of Oxford, Lloyd and Essex about 600l. each 1800
£33941 12
This will be needed about a fortnight hence and if it cannot be gotten otherwise some part of the [Queen's] Donative which must be completed may be applied thereto, I think, as properly as to any other services.
Since my sending Mr. Lowther to Bath I have received another letter from you wherein I perceive that you are of opinion that the money for [Navy] wages is to be raised upon the orders for 500,000l. and that 50,000l. thereof is wanted at present. I have likewise this morning spoken with the Navy Commissioners and Sir Thomas Littleton.
I send herewith a paper of the cash in the hands of Sir Thomas to the 14th inst. since which he has paid about 40,000l. and the whole balance is now about 126,000l. But (as they say) there is not above 5000l. or 6000l. of this applicable to wages. I will direct Mr. Tilson (who is not at present in town) to examine this more particularly. I am informed by the Navy Commissioners that they have now 20,000l. at Portsmouth (part of the moneys formerly issued) to pay off the ships already ordered to be paid, which will comprehend some of Sir Cloudesley Shovell's Squadron. And the 50,000l. now desired is to pay other ships not quite ready to take their money. They want no more at present provided they may have another 50,000l. at a week's warning. Sir Thomas Littleton is going with me to the Bank or to Garraways to get this money.
I hope there is nothing done already but what is suitable to your intention and the power you have given me and I shall be very careful in what remains.
I hear Mr. Campion is dead. Sir George Parker by the interest of the Duke of Somerset endeavours to get Mr. Campion's place and intends to go to Bath for that purpose. Sir George is a very honest gentleman, well esteemed in Sussex, lives near Seaford, where I have been several times obliged to him. Your favour to him will be well taken by his brother Bagott and other gentlemen of the House.
[Postscripium]. I have discoursed some of the Directors [of the Bank]. I find they have an answer to give your Lordship when you are come to town by which the General Council [of the Bank] refuses to advance money on the overplus of the Malt Duties. I asked the reason and was told the Act empowers your Lordship to borrow but not them to lend. The reason seems to me very frivolous. But the overplus will be good money and in a short time perhaps others may lend upon it. I believe they expected I should offer them some of the 500,000l. tallies for they would hardly give me time to propose a loan of so much as will make up 2,200,000l. on the Land Tax but they will propose such a loan (twill be about 100,000l.) to the Court of Directors to-morrow, and I have hopes from them it will be complied with and then we shall be pretty well provided for Land Services.
As to the advancing 50,000l. on the Navy tallies they make no doubt [as to that being feasible]. I refuse to allow them above 5 per cent. till the principal comes in; and have told them they have an opportunity to gain the reputation of bringing [the interest rate of] money [down] to 5 per cent., which I should not fail to represent to the House to their advantage. And I believe I shall have this 50,000l. paid to Sir Thomas [Littleton the Navy Treasurer] to-morrow at that rate and afterwards as much more on these tallies as shall be wanted. I am to be with them [the Directors] at 9 and [will] write to you again to-morrow. Out Letters (General) XVII, pp. 72–3.
Sept. 23. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed papers [missing] sent to the Lord Treasurer by Col. Dudley, Governor of New England: viz. (1) a list of the ships and other vessels cleared at the Naval Office in Boston in New England, 1701 Dec. 1 to 1702 June 1.
(2) a list of bonds taken by the Naval Officer there for ships and other vessels under the Act of 25 Charles II, c. 7 viz. from 1701 Sept. 8 to 1702 July 29. Ibid., p. 75.
Same to the Navy Treasurer enclosing a copy of the agreement with the Bank of England for the advance by them of 50,000l. to your hands for discharging wages to ships: the said advance to be made on credit of tallies and orders on the Land Tax and Subsidies payable anno 1702 next after 1,572,453l. 10s. 9d. [already charged thereon]. You are to apply said sum for discharging wages to ships accordingly.
Appending: copy of said agreement. Mr. Lowndes, pursuant to the Lord Treasurer's direction, having this day treated with the Bank of England for their advancing immediately the sum of 50,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for discharging wages to ships, upon the credit of tallies and orders as above, it is concluded and agreed that the Bank of England do forthwith advance the same at 5 per cent. repayable at not less than 10,000l. at a time; and Sir Thomas Littleton, the Treasurer of the Navy, shall forthwith deliver to the Cashier of the Bank, for security of principal and interest, 53,000l. of tallies and orders in such course as above, the Cashier of the Bank giving a note that when the said principal and interest shall be fully satisfied, the overplus remaining in the said tallies and orders shall be redelivered to the Navy Treasurer. Disposition Book XVI, p. 100.
Sept. 23. William Lowndes to the Lord Treasurer Godolphin [at Bath]. I have been again this day with the Gentlemen of the Bank who (as will appear by the enclosed memorial [missing]) have agreed to advance 5000l. upon a deposit of 53,000l. tallies, part of those in the hands of Sir Thomas Littleton (who will receive the money to-morrow), at 5 per cent. only from the time he touches the money till the tallies come in course of payment. which may be 4 or 5 months hence or more as the Agents [for Taxes] behave themselves. And if more be wanted on the like I find them very ready to supply her Majesty's services. though I reckon your Lordship hath already saved 10,000l. and is like to save as much more by registering the 500,000l. without interest.
I hope[d] they would have lent 100,000l. more on the Act after the said 500,000l. but they have excused themselves at present, giving for their excuse a dividend which their General Court hath made this day. But I apprehend they suspect the [probable] produce of the Subsidy and Poll money, which suspicion is increased by the small sums hitherto brought in. The Commissioners of Accounts multiply precepts upon me. I have spent some time with them and given them (as I hope) full satisfaction. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 74.
Sept. 24. Same to same [at Bath]. I have been at the Exchequer this morning and think it my duty to tell you that the Tellers (who by law are charged with the payment of the moneys for the 14 per cent. annuities and for one or more lives) do each of them put in a clerk for whom they are responsible. These clerks are in the Annuity Office and receive the money in gross sums from their Tellers and should pay the proprietors quarterly. Now it is discovered that about 3500l. (I hope 'tis no more) of the money issued by Mr. Edwards (Clerk of Mr. Godolphin) to Mr. Squib and other under clerks in the Annuity Office is wanting and hath been wanting for a considerable time; and this matter hath been secreted by the under clerks procuring the goldsmiths or others to give them forbearance. I think Mr. Godolphin's chief clerk should not have delivered [to] the underclerks money from time to time until they had brought him good vouchers to witness the payment of the money before received. I am told the under clerks in the said [Annuity] Office have brought in 2000l. in Malt tickets, Annuities and other effects (which I doubt were purchased by the public money) and that their security will be sufficient for the rest. Nevertheless your lordship I believe will not give countenance to such practices: and to remedy the same for the future I offer that these under clerks may daily produce their vouchers (as the Tellers do) and that the Teller or his first clerk do not give out any new sums till the preceding [sums] be discharged by vouchers: or rather (which seems most reasonable to me) that the Tellers be directed to make those payments in their own offices as they do of all other moneys. Ibid., p. 74.
Sept. 25. Royal warrant dated Bath to Col. Codrington, Capt. Gen. &c. of the Leeward Carribbee Islands. As that part of the island of St. Christopher which was lately possessed by the French has been brought under our obedience in great measure owing to your courage and conduct we graciously accept of that service. In order to the better settlement of that island it is necessary that an account be rendered to us of the number and quality of acres within that part of the island so reduced by you. Please cause a survey thereof to be made and returned to us with all speed. In the meantime you are not to dispose of any part of the said lands for a longer term than 3 years: but you are to send us an account from time to time of all persons that shall be desirous to take up or settle any part of the said lands so that they may receive our grant or confirmation of the same. King's Warrant Book XXI, pp. 443–4. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) II, p. 63.
[?Sept. 25.] Unfinished royal warrant [to the Attorney or Solicitor General] for a new Commission of Excise. [Commission hereon dated Oct. 8]. King's Warrant Book XXI, pp. 443–4.
Sept. 25. Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 15l. 5s. 0d. per an. to Walter Middleton as Customer of Milford Haven port.
10l. per an. to Matthias Miller as Comptroller of Carlisle port. Money Book XVI, p. 156.
Warrant by same, dated at Bath, to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Tannett (an extraordinary tidesman in Bristol port) as a tidesman in fee ibid loco John Hart who relinquisheth same.
Robert Pawle as a boatman at the Pill in Bristol port loco John Whitford dismissed.
John Smith as a tidesman, Bristol port loco Joseph Plomley who relinquished same. Out Letters (Customs) XIV, p. 216.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Thomas Webb for the place of Receiver General of [Taxes for] Co. Gloucester loco Richard Cocks deceased; and proposing his sureties detailed. Reference Book VIII, p. 16.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Briggs, surety for Mr. Thorowgood deceased, late collector of Lynn port, shewing that he has paid considerable sums since Thorowgood's death, whose accounts are not yet passed; notwithstanding which he is prosecuted. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer to enlarge the person of Sir Michael Biddulph who is confined as one of the sureties for Morgan Whitley; he having made a proposition for payment of 800l. in part of Whitley's debt. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 432.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to allow 413l. 13s. 6d. to the Paymaster General of Ireland, to be placed to the account of the revenue at large as so much paid by him to — for freight of the ship — which was freighted when the 3 Foot Regiments in Ireland of Sir Henry Belasyse, Col. Richard Brewer and Brigadier Zachery Tyffin were by Wm. III. ordered to be transported to Jamaica and other islands in the West Indies for the defence thereof and which were shipped at Cork and Kinsale but were forced back by violent winds and one of the transport ships was disabled and had to be replaced by the above. Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 238.
Sept. 25. Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay 2063l. 3s. 2d. to the Master General of the Ordnance Ireland to be expended in providing musket balls according to agreements to be approved by the said Master General: and further to pay 742l. 8s. 3½d. to Col. Richard Gorges, of which 600l. is to be distributed to 600 private soldiers at 20s. per man as royal bounty (being recruits detached from the several Regiments of Foot in Ireland ordered for the West Indies) and the remainder for Contingencies &c.
Appending: an account of powder and ball now in the Stores in Ireland and to be provided. Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 239.