Treasury Warrants: July 1702, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'Treasury Warrants: July 1702, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Treasury Warrants: July 1702, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Treasury Warrants: July 1702, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


July 1702, 21-31

July 21. Money warrant for 260l. to Robert Barker, Deputy Remembrancer of the Exchequer Court, as allowance for the 4 years 1698–1701 at the rate of 40l. per an. for a clerk for entering duplicates of taxes and 25l. per an. for postage and carriage of said duplicates. (Money order dated July 31 hereon.) Money Book XVI, p. 114. Order Book V, p. 391.
Treasurer Godolphin's warrant to the Stamps Commissioners to refund tax assessments on stamp officers of under 50l. per an. salary. Money Book XVI, p. 118.
July 21. Same dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the fee of 15l. 4s. 4d. per an. to John Cox as Comptroller of Lynn Regis port. Ibid., p. 122.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to distribute and apply 55,144l. 0s. 11d. to Deficient Funds as follows: the said sum having arisen between June 23 last and the 21st inst. from branches of the revenue as follows viz. 10,783l. 4s. 0d. from the Window Tax; 3580l. 10s. 6d. from Additional Impositions; 164l. 6s. 7½d. from the new Salt Duty; 5899l. 5s. 3d. from the new Duty on Paper Continued; 7820l. 15s. 5d. from New Customs; 3050l. 14s. 11d. from the Duty on Marriages; 23,845l. 4s. 2d. from Continued Impositions: the distribution and application to be hereby as follows:
Deficiencies as computed by Act of Parliament. How they stood upon the Register the 21st July, 1702. The distribution and application hereby ordered.
First 4s. Aid 55622 10 5 49455 1 6 629 12
Third 4s. Aid 407372 0 3 315702 0 3 4611 4
Fourth 4s. Aid 917101 13 694761 7 9 10381 2
Second Quarterly Poll 89273 13 4 83165 13 4 1010 11
Three Fourths Customs 213447 15 9 154947 15 9 2416 2
Salt 1711500 0 0 1049246 16 6 19373 5
Two Thirds Additional Excise 160000 0 0 89054 11 11 1811 2
Additional Impositions 445177 7 4 371000 0 0 5039 3 5
Vellom and Parchment 224114 7 196106 17 2536 17
Marriages 648000 0 0 467215 0 0 7335 0
4871611 8 0 3470655 4 55144 0 11
Ibid., p. 159.
Order by same for the execution of a Treasury warrant of 1698 Oct. 19 ut supra Tr. Cal. XIV, p. 159 for additional allowances to the warehousekeeper of stamped paper and his clerk.
and of 100l. per an. to the Comptroller of the Stamp Duties and 50l. per an. for a new clerk under him. Money Book XIV, p. 190.
For the confirmation of the Treasury warrant of 1694 Oct. 17 for an addition to the salary of the Accomptant and Comptroller of the Stamped Vellum Duties and for allowances to 3 clerks to him see supra Tr. Cal. vol. X, p. 793. Money Book XII, p. 281.
Letter of direction for 1100l. to the eleven Masters of Chancery out of Civil List moneys: for two half-years to 1702 June 24 on their annuities of 100l. each. Disposition Book XVI, p. 85.
Same for 8206l. 13s. 6d. to the Earl of Ranelagh: out of loans on the Subsidies and Land Tax [as by 1 Anne c. 6]: to be applied as follows:
in part of 264,874l. 10s. 0d. for Guards and Garrisons [anno 1702]. £ s. d.
for 4 weeks' Subsistence to the Troops in England to Aug. 12 next at 1879l. 16s. 1d. per week 7519 4 4
for Lord Lucas for fire and candle for the Garrison of the Tower 1700 Dec. 25 to 1702 June 24 190 10 0
in part of 87,125l. 10s. 0d. for 10,000 soldiers for sea service.
for 2 weeks' subsistence for Seymour's Regiment of Foot from June 25 last 368 19 2
for 38 men detached from Holt's Regiment and 26 men from Gibson's Regiment towards recruiting the Battalions on the Fleet: at 40s. per man as by the royal warrant of the 8th inst 496 19 2
£8206 13 8
Disposition Book XVI, p. 86.
July 21. William Lowndes to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to enquire further whether Bolingbroke Fens in Co. Lincoln are held and enjoyed under the grant of Charles I which at first reserved the said rents: on which matter and the concealed rents thereof you reported June 22 last. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 49.
Same to the Queen's Remembrancer to take only 30l. in all [as fees] for the 50,000l. security to be given by Mr. Ferne for his office of Customs Cashier; in lieu of the usual fee of 6s. 8d. per 100l. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Peregrine Bertie. The Lord Treasurer gives you 3 weeks or a month's leave of absence from your office of one of the 5 undersearchers of London port. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to prepare a royal warrant to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 1403l. 7s. 0d. to Samuell Atkinson and Nicholas Roop for transporting horses to Holland. Ibid., p. 53.
Same to Mr. Barker [Deputy Queen's Remembrancer] to take only the accustomed fees on taking Mr. Lilly's securities as Receiver of the Post Office revenue. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Pauncefort to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Mr. Santini and partners concerning the fall of the exchange in Holland and proposing that the million of guilders which was to be remitted in August next may be postponed for a quarter of a year. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches to employ Micha. Brown (at present your messenger) as your housekeeper in place of Jos[eph] Markendale lately deceased: and Uriah Ironmonger as messenger in place of said Brown. Ibid., p. 54.
Letters patent by Treasurer Godolphin constituting Job Dowle as searcher of Gloucester port. Out Letters (Customs) XIV, p. 213.
Treasury reference to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Abraham Trent for discharge from the King's Bench prison where he lies for the Excise debt of Thomas Bryan for whom he was surety. Reference Book VIII, p. 8.
July 21. Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of John Lauze for a fresh lease of a small messuage in Richmond commonly called the Fryers. Ibid., p. 9.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Thomas Ellis for discharge of the debt of 200l. charged upon him by Thomas Albert, Receiver of the Land Tax for Worcester; petitioner being in a very poor condition. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of the inhabitants of All Saints in the city of Oxford praying some timber out of Whichwood Forest towards repairing their church which is rebuilding. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Dame Jane Milbanks (widow and relict of Sir Mark Milbanks bart.) and Francis Anderson, grandson of Sir Francis Anderson Kt., who with others became sureties for Sir Henry Brabant for the rent of his lease of the Excise of Durham and Northumberland, concerning the 1572l. 2s. 9½d. set in super on him in the accounts of Excise. Ibid., p. 10.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Williams for the place of a tidesman in fee London port. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of John Gaudet, merchant, for leave to make a post entry for some French wine from Bordeaux which he lately entered for account of Mr. Salter. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Rowland Gideon, merchant, concerning the drawback on a trunk of East India wrought silks seized for short weight. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Jo[h]n Fargeon et al, French Protestant refugees, free denizens of this Kingdom; praying to be exempt from paying Aliens' Duties "as they allege to have been for several years past." Ibid., p. 12.
Report by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen on the Governor of Virginia's demand of stores and arms for the defence of that Province viz. to the value of 3388l. 3s. 4d. (the said matter being referred to the Lord Treasurer by order in Council dated May 18 last). There is no parliamentary provision for this. I therefore propose that your Majesty's revenue of quit rents in Virginia [which is] reserved for the emergent occasions of that Government (whereof the sum of 4970l. 11s. 0d. is now in the hands of the Receiver there) be applied to pay the said 3388l. 3s. 4d. to the Office of Ordnance in England: and that directions be given to the Governor there to take care that the inhabitants who shall receive same do respectively pay the cost thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 390.
Same by same to same on the report by the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations so far as relates to the supplying the money demanded for the public use of the Island of Barbados and the Leeward Islands in pursuance of an Address of the late House of Commons (the said matter being referred to the Lord Treasurer by order in Council dated May 21 last). I find by an account of the Receiver of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty in the Caribbee Islands that there are effects in the Crown's warehouses there to the value of 5500l. I propose that 3500l. thereof, when sold, be applied in the first place for sending over an able engineer, a storekeeper, a master gunner and 17 other gunners as mentioned in the said report viz. in advancing them a quarter's salaries and in laying out upon such fire arms and "ammunition as is most wanted in that island" see infra p. 322 under date Aug. 6]: and that the remaining 2000l. be employed towards making good the demands of the Governors of the Leeward Islands "as far as it will reach by a proportionable quantity of each species" and especially of fire arms and ammunition: and that the further produce of the same revenue (after the 1000l. per an. to the heirs of the Earl of Kinnoul) be applied by royal direction from time to time as shall be found most requisite. Warrants not Relating to Money XVI, pp. 390–1.
July 21. Letters patent by Treasurer Godolphin constituting Robert Pauling gent to be Accomptant and Comptroller General of the Stamps Duties. Ibid., p. 395.
July 22. Money warrant for 1456l. to Alexander Stanhope, Envoy Extraordinary to the States General; 910l. thereof for 6 months 1701 March 26 to Sept. 24 on his ordinary as Envoy and 546l. for 6 months as Plenipotentiary from 1701 June 26 to Dec. 25. (Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.) Money Book XVI, p. 113. Order Book V, p. 388.
Same for 273l. to John Wych, for one quarter's ordinary in advance as Resident with the Hanse Towns viz. from June 19 last the day of his departure out of the presence. (Money order ut supra hereon.) Money Book XVI, p. 113. Order Book V, p. 389.
Same for 285l. 2s. 6d. to the Bishop of Sarum for half a year to 1702 March 25 for the Order of the Garter. (Money order dated July 29 hereon.) Money Book XVI, p. 115. Order Book V, p. 384.
Same for 467l. for the officers, detailed, of Waltham Forest, one moiety thereof for their fees for the year due 1695 Lady day and the other moiety for the present officers thereof for the year due 1701 Sept. 29. (Money order dated Aug. 5 hereon.) Money Book XVI, p. 116. Order Book V, p. 386.
Same for 35l. 5s. 10d. to Thomas Cartwright for a surplusage on his account as sheriff of Co. Oxford for the year ended 1700 Sept. 29. (Money order dated July 29 hereon.) Money Book XVI, p. 119. Order Book V, p. 385.
Letter of direction for 2310l. 12s. 4d. to the Paymaster of the Works: out of Civil List moneys: to complete 4810l. 12s. 4d. viz. 108l. 18s. 6½d. for the charge in the Office of Works for the late King's funeral and 4701l. 13s. 9½d. for the charge in the said Office for the Queen's Coronation. Disposition Book XVI, p. 86.
July 22. Same for 61l. 17s. 9d. to the Earl of Ranelagh: out of loans on the Subsidies and Land Tax [as by 1 Anne c 6]: as in further part of 87,125l. 10s. 0d. for 10,000 soldiers for sea service: to be paid over (with 3181l. 8s. 0d. formerly issued) to Lord Coningsby, Paymaster General of Ireland, to complete 3603l. 13s. 1½d. (after the exchange deducted) which was advanced there for 6 weeks' subsistence to the 5 Regiments of Foot brought from Ireland, to wit from the respective days of their embarcation. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Paul Docminique Esqr. praying to be allowed the 500l. charged on him for recruit horses for the Third Troop of Guards and Grenadiers when in Ireland and 619l. 13s. 10d. for transporting the said Troop to and from Ireland. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 53.
Same to same to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Lieut. Col. Edmond Rouse for payment of his established pay as Governor of Upnor Castle "as the Governors of Sheerness and Tilbury have." Ibid., p. 54.
Same to same. On the petition of John Champante please certify what sum will carry on the subsistence of the 4 Companies at New York to 24 Dec. next and no further. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Shales to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Samuel Hause praying that 200l. with interest (for which he stands engaged for the late Lord Griffin) may be paid out of said Griffin's estate now vested in the Crown. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Capt. Upton with a vessel for a 3 months' trial for the guard of the coast of Cornwall at a charge of 982l. for fitting her out and 1800l. per an. for the charge of maintaining her at sea: according to his petition but on condition such ship be employed only for the service of the Customs. Out Letters (Customs) XIV, p. 203.
Same to same to permit the Danish Envoy Mr. Van Stucken [Hans Henrik Baron von Stocken] to send to Denmark a pacquet of women's gloves, which he was sending but which have been seized. Ibid., p. 205.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William Borrett for a lease of a part of the ruined palace of Richmond which is not habitable. Reference Book VIII, p. 11.
Same to same of the petition of John Periam for renewal of his place as Steward of the manor of Milverton Co. Somerset. Ibid.
Same to the Stamps Commissioners of the petition of Richard Marryott, Henry Headley and Henry Marryott praying to be discharged from the 131l. 9s. 7d. remaining due on their bond for Henry Marryott's true accounting as Stamps Collector for Co. Norfolk. Ibid.
July 22. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer to deliver to Sir John Stanley his surety bonds as late one of the four Tellers of the Receipt; he having duly answered all the moneys in his hands at the time his said office was granted to James Vernon. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 394.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to assign the Lammas ground in Datchet Mead to the trustees of Benj. Adams in exchange for 1½ acres of meadow ground taken into Windsor [Little] Park: and also to dispose of the several little slips or pieces of land left out of the [Great] avenue there (containing about 6 acres valued at 7l. per an.) to Richard Topham for 150l.
Prefixing: said Surveyor's report dated June 6 last to the Lord Treasurer. By the Act of last Session 1 Anne, c. 12 private Acts concerning exchange with the Dean and Canons of Windsor certain lands not taken into the Great Avenue, the Little Park or for other accommodation of Windsor Palace are vested in me for the purpose of sale: viz. 2 small tenements on the north side of Pound Street "but these being within the line of the Avenue if the same were continued home to the Castle the disposal thereof is submitted to your Lordship's pleasure": some Lammas ground in Datchet Mead which may be assigned to Benjamin Adams in exchange for 1½ acres of meadow ground to Adams as above. The remainder which is alienable by the said Act consists of several little slips left out of the Avenue containing in all about 6 acres valued at 7l. per an. lying intermixed with the lands of Richard Topham. [These] he offers 150l. for. Ibid., pp. 396–7.
Treasurer Godolphin's commission to John Meredith as a Surveyor of the Duties on Houses and on Marriages loco James Jones. Ibid., p. 256.
William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland concerning the petition of Robert Sandys, late Collector at Athlone, concerning 100l. taken from him by thieves. Treasurer Godolphin thinks it may be a bad precedent to make allowances for a pretended robbery; but you can consider him some other way if you think he was really robbed. Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 224.
July 23. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a re-grant to Lord Robert Russell of the office of Clerk of the Pipe. King's Warrant Book XXI, pp. 399–400.
Same to same for a same for a new Commission for Hackney Coaches: the Commissioners to be Daniel Blake, Edmund Clerke, Charnock Heron, William Congreve and Abraham Magny. Ibid., p. 403.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 3000l. to the Earl of Nottingham, a Principal Secretary of State, for Secret Service see infra p. 337. (Money order dated Aug. 26 hereon.) Ibid., p. 404. Order Book V, p. 399.
Same to same for a privy seal for 2000l. to Sir Charles Hedges as a same, for same. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 26 hereon.) Kings Warrant Book XXI, p. 404. Money Book XVI, p. 144. Order Book V, p. 399.
July 23. Same [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal dormant for 30l. per an. to the Bishop of Exeter for the minister of Lostwithiel as from 1701 Xmas; as granted by the Queen's predecessors to assist the town when destitute of an able minister for want of the allowance they formerly received from the Farmer of the Pre-emption of Tin: same to be hereby payable out of the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall. King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 408.
Same to the Treasury for 500l. to Capt. George Delaval without account: for his service and expense in his late voyage to the Emperor of Morocco whither he was sent by Wm. III. for the redemption of English captives; and for his expense in entertaining the Moors who had been brought here about that negociation as well as in their passage home. (Money warrant dated 29 July hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 6 hereon.) Ibid., p. 411. Money Book XVI, p. 127. Order Book V, p. 390.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Sir Edward Sherburne Kt. as royal bounty.
and 100l. to the Mayor &c. of Lyme Regis for one year to 1701 June 24 for repair of their Cobb. (Money warrant dated Aug. 4 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 6 for said Sherburne.) King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 412. Money Book XVI, p. 128. Order Book V, p. 391.
Same for 300l. to the Provost and Fellows of Eton College as royal bounty towards their charge in re-edifying &c. their College: to be payable out of the fine of a lease payable by them. (Money warrant dated Aug. 4 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 413. Money Book XVI, p. 122. Order Book V, p. 391.
Royal warrant to the Treasury for 40l. per an. to John Taylor as keeper of the engine and mill at Windsor, to which office he is hereby [re]appointed. King's Warrant Book XXI, pp. 414–5.
Same to same to authorise Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South, to raise 420l. in the Forest of Dean by sale of wood: to be for wages to the Conservator and Keepers of said forest for 2 years to Xmas 1701. (Treasurer Godolphin's warrant hereon accordingly dated Aug. 4.) Ibid., p. 415. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 407.
Royal sign manual for 150l. to Sir Bevill Granvill, heir male of Bernard Granvill, for half a year's rent of Mote Park to 1702 June 24. (Money warrant dated Aug. 4 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 416. Money Book XVI, p. 130. Order Book V, p. 391.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a re-grant to John Baber of the office of Comptroller of First Fruits; with 150l. per an. salary from Xmas last. King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 416.
July 23. Royal warrant to the Treasury to pay 1436l. 6s. 3d. to the Royal Oak Lottery pensioners, detailed, for half a year to June 24 last on their annuities: viz. to Henry Foubert and 25 others detailed. (Money warrant dated August 18 hereon.) (Money order dated Sept. 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 429. Money Book XVI, p. 130. Order Book V, p. 409.
Same to same for 10s. a week to John Whittle as from 1701–2 Feb. 11 as royal bounty towards his support and maintenance: as in continuation of William III's grant to him. (Money warrant dated Aug. 29 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 30 hereon. With a marginal order dated 1710–11 Feb. 21 for renewal hereof.) King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 436. Money Book XVI, p. 151. Order Book V, p. 395.
Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier for payment of the salary of 20l. per an. to Marmaduke Dean and William Nicholls as Comptroller of Chester port.
3l. 6s. 8d. to Richard Waring as Searcher of same. Money Book XVI, p. 117.
Money order for 40l. to Roger Millart, clerk to the Agents for Taxes; for half a year's salary to June 24 last. Order Book V, p. 383.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to insert on the establishment of half pay, Ireland, the names of Major Montjoy (who has the same pretence with Lieut. Col. Gwillim "whom we have lately admitted into the said establishment"); Capt. Thomas Meridall (late of Col. Cullinbine's Regiment, having by reason of infirmity resigned to Capt. Le Hunt); and Lieut. John Pacy (Lieut. in Col. Conningham's Regiment of Dragoons resigned to Lieut. Noah Gadroy by reason of being infirm and unfit for service). Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 225.
July 24. William Lowndes to the Attorney General to report on the grant desired by Thomas Morton and Elizabeth his wife of the custody of Margaret James an idiot and the estate belonging to her. (Same to said Morton to attend the Attorney General hereon.) Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 55.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Rotier for payment of the arrears of his 250l. per an., as formerly, out of the Coinage Duties moneys. Ibid.
July 28. Privy seal for 5l. a day to James Vernon for his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark; in which employment he is continued by the Queen. King's Warrant Book XXI, pp. 409–10.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Byerley of the office of Collector and Receiver of New York of Customs, Excise, Quit rents &c. with the fee of 200l. per an. out of the revenue of New York, or in default thereof out of any the Queen's treasure: as from June 24 last past: all as amply &c. as Thomas Weaver, Chidley Brook, Matthew Plowman or any other his predecessors therein. Ibid., p. 418.
July 28. Money warrant for 141l. 17s. 10d. to Sir John Turton on his termly fee viz. for 21 days 1702 May 18 to June 8 on which day his commission as a Justice of the Queen's Bench was superseded.
141l. 17s. 10d. to Sir Henry Hatsell for same as late a Baron of the Exchequer.
216l. 4s. 4d. to John Smith and Robert Price for 16 days 1702 June 8 to 24 being the 2 Judges constituted upon the removal of said Turton and Hatsell. Money Book XVI, p. 121.
William Lowndes to Mr. Blathwayte to prepare a royal warrant for paying 3603l. 13s. 1½d. (less the exchange between England and Ireland) to Lord Coningsby for 6 weeks' subsistence advanced by him to 5 Regiments of Foot (Major Gen. Erle's, Earl of Donegal's, Col. Collenbine's, Visct Charlemont's, Brigadier Hamilton's) which were embarked in Ireland May 14, 15 and 16 last. Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 56.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to repay to the Excise Commissioners the 44l. lately disbursed by them in charges in condemning brandy lately seized in Norfolk. Ibid., p. 57.
Same to the Earl of Montagu to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Phillip Guibert for payment of 71l. due to him for upholsterer's work for the late King's use at Windsor.
the like petition of Thomas Plomer, fringemaker, for payment of 300l. remaining unpaid of 1354l. 16s. 3d. for goods delivered for the late King at Windsor, Hounslow and Kensington. Ibid., pp. 57, 58.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of the Dean and Canons of Windsor shewing that the Castle Wall on which several of their houses stand is mightily out of repair and in danger of falling. Reference Book VIII, p. 11.
Same to Phillip Ryley of Col. Granvill's bills of disbursements for St. James's Park in 1700 and 1701, amounting to 127l. 12s. 0d. Ibid., p. 13.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against the executors of Jno. Shales, late Commissary General of provisions for the late King's army in Ireland, for moneys set in super on him in the accounts of Charles Harbord and of Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby successive Paymasters of the Forces there. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 397.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Brigadier D Offarell concerning his custodiam of certain lands there which have been taken out of his hands by unforfeiting ancient proprietors and yet his tenants are disturbed for the rent thereof. Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 224.
July 29. Royal letters patent re-appointing Samuel Travers as Surveyor General of Crown Lands. King's Warrant Book XXI, pp. 446–7.
July 29. Warrant by the Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay 50l. to Edward Anderson, Edward Edwards, Isaac Jacobs for services in preventing the running of wool from the northern borders into Scotland. Money Book XVI, p. 122.
Money warrant for 1505l. 11s. 1d. to Sir Robert Beachcroft and Sir Henry Furness for the surplusage on their account as sheriffs of London and Middlesex for the year ended 1701 Sept. 29. (Money order dated Aug. 4 hereon.) Ibid., p. 123. Order Book V, p. 386.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Excise Commissioners to pay 50l. to John Vero (formerly a supervisor at Worcester) for discovery of frauds between the Excise officers and the Victuallers of Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1701. Money Book XVI, p. 124.
Money warrant for 1300l. to John, Earl of Marlborough, for a quarter's ordinary to 1701 Dec. 26 as Plenipotentiary to the States General. (Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.)
910l. to James Cressett for 6 months ordinary to March 2 last as Envoy Extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneberg. (Money order ut supra.)
910l. to Geo. Stepney for same to Feb. 27 last as same to the Emperor of Germany. (Money order ut supra.)
500l. to Sir Lambert Blackwell for same to 1701 July 23 as same to the Great Duke of Tuscany. (Money order ut supra.)
910l. to Paul Methuen for same to 1700–1 March 7 as same to the King of Portugal. (Money order ut supra.)
910l. to Philibert D' Hervart for same to 1700–1 March 16 as same to the Swiss Cantons. (Money order ut supra.)
728l. to John Robinson for same to 1701 March 29 as Resident at the Court of Sweden. (Money order ut supra.)
226l. to the executors of Hugh Gregg who died in the King's service as Resident at the Court of Denmark 29 Dec. 1701 being 160l. on his ordinary of 1l. a day 1700 Sept. 22 to 1700–1 Feb. 29 and 22 days on his ordinary of 3l. a day 1700–1 Feb. 29 to March 22. (Money order ut supra.)
113l. to Jacob D' A. Ceres Marmande for 113 days ordinary as late Secretary at Brussels for the affairs of his late Majesty viz. 1701 July 30 to Nov. 20 the day of his return from that employment. (Money order ut supra.)
182l. to Phil Plantamour for 6 months to 1701–2 Feb. 4 on his ordinary of 1l. a day as remaining for her Majesty's service at the Court of Berlin. (Money order ut supra.)
600l. to Robert Cole for one year to Feb. 10 last on his salary as Agent and Consul at Algiers. (Money order ut supra.)
190l. to Benj. Lodington for half a year to 1701 Sept. 29 on same as Agent and Consul General at Tripoly. (Money order ut supra.)
309l. to the executors of Sir Paul Rycaut, late Resident with the Hanseatic Towns: viz. for 103 days 1699–1700 March 17 to 1700 June 28, the date of his return from that employment. (Money order ut supra.)
182l. to William Aldersey for 182 days on his ordinary as Agent at Hamburg as by the late King's privy seal of 1701–2 Feb. 19: viz. from 1701–2 Jan. 1 to 1702 July 2 "on or about which time the allowance of 3l. per diem to John Wych who succeeds the said Aldersey as being appointed her Majesty's Resident with the Hanse Towns will commence." (Money order ut supra.)
382l. to Cha. Whitworth employed by the late King in his service at Ratisbon in Germany and since continued in the same quality by her present Majesty: viz. 200l. for equipage and 182l. for 3 months' ordinary from 1701–2 Feb. 1 to May 3 last. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book XVI, pp. 124–6. Order Book V, pp. 387–9.
July 29. Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 466l. 13s. 4d. per an. to Robert Townson as Collector Inwards, London port.
the salary of 8l. 13s. 4d. to Job Dowle as searcher of Gloucester port. Money Book XVI, pp. 127, 140.
Money warrant for 175l. to Dr. John Wallis and his grandson William Blencowe for 1¾ years to 1701 Xmas on their annuity. (Money order dated Aug. 5 hereon.) Ibid., p. 127. Order Book V, 391a.
Money order for 53l. 6s. 8d. to John Cook, Clerk of Foreign Estreats in the Exchequer Court, for one year's fees, detailed, to 1701 Lady day. Order Book V, p. 385.
Letter of direction for 600l. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, out of Civil List moneys due before March 8 last: to be paid to Signior Verrio for painting at Hampton Court performed before March 8 last. Disposition Book XVI, p. 87.
Same for 1500l. to the Navy Treasurer: out of loans on Subsidies and Land Tax [as by 1 Anne c. 6]: as in part of 2,080,000l. for sea services: to be paid to Walter Whitfield for subsistence to part of the Marine Regiments under his pay as part of the 10,000 soldiers for sea service: to wit the Regiments of Mordaunt, Holt and Saunderson and 7 Companies of Col. Villiers' [Regiment]. Ibid., pp. 87, 87–8.
Same for 7432l. 12s. 8d. to the Navy Treasurer: out of Civil List money: as in further part of the Queen's donative of 100,000l.: to be applied to the quarters and cure of Sick and Wounded Seamen from 1701 Sept. 29 to 1702 June 30: to be placed to the head of Wages and Victualling respectively in proportions of three-fifths and two-fifths. Ibid., p. 88.
William Lowndes to Mr. Bromfeild to clear the considerable sum owing on the fourth 3s. Aid for Co. Sussex whereof you are Receiver: otherwise Exchequer process will be directed against you. (The like letter to the Earl of Bradford for arrears of said Aid for the palaces of Whitehall &c. during the time you were Receiver there.) Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 57.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Works. It is the Queen's command that Mr. Wise do forthwith take into his care and charge the several royal gardens at Kensington, Newmarket, Windsor and Hampton Court. Ibid.
July 29. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Henry Robotham as tidesman at Yarmouth loco John Ash deceased.
Richard Howell as tidesman and boatman at Nangle in Milford port loco Matthew Burnell who relinquished same.
Sampson Trevetham as Surveyor of Customs at Elizabeth River in Virginia loco William Trevetham deceased.
Philip Gower and John Knight as tidesmen and boatmen at Looe loco John Scadgell and Simon Williams dismissed.
David Bell, John Lloyd and Robert Holland as tidesmen and boatmen at Fowey loco John Nowell, John Higgins and Robert Cernsew dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) XIV, pp. 198, 202.
Same by same to same to permit John Culliford, a deputed searcher at Gravesend, and John Parker, surveyor of the river at Southampton and the adjacent coast, to exchange places. Ibid., p. 205.
Same by same to the Attorney General to non pros the information of Devenerunt against the pink Bethiah, belonging to Charles Bell and others, being laden with currants from Venice and not properly manned: she having gone out properly manned with 11 men and the master all English but 3 died and 3 ran away. (Same to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the lading of said ship.) Ibid., pp. 205, 206.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Andrews proposing his securities detailed as Receiver General of the Duties on Houses and on Marriages for Co. Warwick.
Samuel Clarke as same for Co. Hereford.
Caleb Powle as same (and for all arrears of taxes due under Mr. Whitley) for Cos. Brecon, Radnor, Anglesea, Carnarvon, Merioneth and Montgomery.
Thomas Lloyd as same (and for all arrears of taxes due under said Whitley) for Cos. Chester, Denbigh and Flint. Reference Book VIII, p. 3.
Same to the Postmasters General of the petition of Francis Philipson for payment for his service in making up the accounts of the Post Office for 3 years ended 1699 March 25 which were unstated by Auditor Aldworth at the time of his death. Ibid., p. 11.
Same to the Queen's Remembrancer of the petition of Thomas Pennyman proposing his securities, detailed, for his office of Receiver General of Stamps. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Nash, late Commander of the Shoreham [Customs] sloop, showing that during his absence in London his vessel with all on board perished in a great storm. Ibid., p. 12.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against Thomas Cobb and Richard Cobb late Receivers General of Taxes for Co. Southampton and Isle of Wight. Warrants not Relating to Money XVII, p. 397.
July 29. Order by same to the Trustees for Fee Farm Rents to make reprisal to Charles How for a rent of 5l. per an. arising out of the tithes in Dinton Co. Bucks. (conveyed to Henry Feilding 1681–2 March 17 and enjoyed by him and his heirs until 1693 Michaelmas when it was found to be in lease and so not grantable by the said Trustees): the reprize to be out of a rent of 6l. out of the manor of Ardington alias Yardington [Yarnton] Co. Oxford and 4 other small rents at respectively 10s., 10s., 3s. 8d. and 5s. 10d. making together 7l. 9s. 6d. out of lands in Bustall, the Forest of Brilly, lands in Gayhurst and Grendon and out of lands called Creek: all in Co. Bucks.
the rent of 5l. at 16 years' purchase amounts to 80
and with the arrears of 8 years to 1693 Michaelmas being 40
make a total to be reprised of 120
The rents in lieu thereof amounting to 7l. 9s. 6d. per an. at 16 years purchase come to 119 12 0
so the purchaser is contented to lose 8s. per an. Ibid., p. 401.
July 30. Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Henry Palmer praying to be continued in his employment as Solicitor of the salt Duty, he having discovered a fraud of 1700l. in 2 brewhouses and several other frauds. Reference Book VIII, p. 19.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to continue till further order the payments on the late King's Irish Establishment and to allow payments made thereon since March 8 last. Out Letters (Ireland) VIII, p. 226.
July 31. Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to William Aglionby as Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons. King's Warrant Book XXI, p. 413.
William Lowndes to Mr. Hildeyard to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Edmund Boddicot, innkeeper of the Red Lyon in Richmond, Surrey, for payment of 15l. 0s. 2d. for the Court dinner provided for the gentlemen at a court holden for the "said manor" 1695 April 15; praying for some to be paid out of the fines and profits of the "said Court." Out Letters (General) XVII, p. 58.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Sir John Manwareing Bart., one of the securities of Morgan Whitley late Receiver of Taxes for Chester and North Wales, shewing that his son and daughters Charlotte and Eliz. will assist in selling part of his estate to pay 4600l. which Whitley says is in his hands: therefore praying for the freedom of his person and for the remainder of his estate. Reference Book VIII, p. 12.
Same to Samuell Atkinson et al, late Commissioners of Transports, of the petition of Phillip Causon (Causton) and Hannah his wife, administratrix of Capt. Robert Fulwood deceased, shewing that he is entitled to 2859l. 19s. 6d. part of 5155l. 13s. 6d. owing for hire of the ships Newcastle Merchant and Exchange for the Irish transport service: that the debentures for same are in the hands of Jo[h]n Mountford, a clerk in the Transport Office, who receives the interest and will not pay petitioner's proportion without a considerable [discount] allowance. Reference Book VIII, p. 12.