Entry Book: December 1694, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: December 1694, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp852-863 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1694, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp852-863.

"Entry Book: December 1694, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp852-863.


December 1694, 16–31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 17. Money warrant for 200l. to John Thompson in reward for his service as solicitor for the due assessing the taxes in London, Westminster and Middlesex. (Money order dated Dec. 18 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 399. Order Book IV, p. 141.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office for the half year ended 1694, June 24: total, 2,138l. 17s. 8d. Money Book XII, pp. 400–1.
Money warrant for 40l. to Rebecca Smith for prosecuting Drury Drake, a notorious highwayman, who killed her husband, Thomas Smith, a constable in St. Giles', Westminster, when pursuing and apprehending him: the judge who sentenced Drake to death not having certified the sheriff as the Act requires for entitling said Rebecca to the Proclamation reward as for arrest of a highwayman. (Money order dated 1694–5, Jan. 3, hereon.) Ibid, p. 403. Order Book IV, p. 146.
William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to satisfy (out of the arrears of the Review of the Poll) the residue of salary due to the Agents for Taxes. Disposition Book XII, p. 176.
Same to the Commissioners of the [Stamped Vellum and] Paper Office. My Lords have considered your memorial of the 4th inst. concerning your incidents. They agree that your Receiver pay such incidents accordingly and recommend to your particular care that same be reasonable. Your Receiver will require my Lords' warrant for allowance of same upon his accounts. You are therefore to send in a quarterly bill of such incidents for their allowance. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 334.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Champion as boatman at Bristol port loco Matthew Gilman, dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 125–6.
Thomas Poole (an extraordinary weigher ibid.) as weigher in fee ibid. loco Anthony Bullock, deceased.
Thomas Golsworthy as tidesman at Topsham in Exeter port loco John Wither, who has quitted same
John Long to act for the Comptroller and searcher at Shoreham and Brighton in Chichester port loco Hulbert Southwood, dismissed.
Thomas Powell (an extraordinary boatman, Bristol) as boatman in fee at Gatcomb in Bristol port loco Joseph Purnell, deceased.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 127.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, Dec. 16 inst. (made on a report of the 15th inst. from the Admiralty Lords) for leave to the sloop Ann with 12 men to return to Jamaica, notwithstanding the embargo; she having been sent from Jamaica to his Majesty (with letters for their Majesties' service) with an account of the state of that island.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Edward Scarborough, praying to be continued collector at Liverpool, as the proposed exchange between him and the collector at Bideford will be of infinite loss to him. Reference Book VII, p. 73.
Dec. 17. Treasury reference to Sir Edward Ward, Attorney General, and Samuell Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Henry Thomas, shewing that he and his wife's father before him have enjoyed a water mill in the parish of Eccleskimmin, co. Carmarthen, by lease from the Crown, with lands and winnowing places thereto, but same have been for many years past kept from him by John David and others who have encroached upon the same, and petitioner has almost ruined himself with endeavouring to recover and maintain the Crown's right: therefore prays relief. Reference Book VII, p. 73.
Fresh Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant of the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, for plate, ut supra, p. 773, to Dr. William Stanley. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 372.
Dec. 18. Money warrant for 300l. for equipage and 364l. for three months' ordinary from Oct. 30 last at 4l. a day to George Stepney, esq., Minister to the Elector of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse Cassel under his privy seal of the 13th inst. (Money order dated Dec. 21 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 397. Order Book IV, p. 141.
Same for 153l. to same for 51 days, 1694, Sept. 8 to Oct. 29, on his ordinary of 3l. a day under his privy seal of 1692–3, March 5, as Agent in Germany, “which terminates from said 29 Oct.” (Money order dated Dec. 21 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 397. Order Book IV, p. 141.
Same for 414l. 15s. 0d. to same for a bill of extra-ordinaries, 1694, June 14 to Oct. 30, in his said service. (Money order dated Dec. 21 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 397. Order Book IV, p. 141.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Auditor for Wales and to the Receivers of Crown Revenues in North and South Wales for the payment from time to time of the following yearly sums payable by patent out of the Revenue of Wales, viz.: l. s. d. Money Book XII, p. 402.
to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer 95 6 8
to the second Baron 90 3 4
to the third Baron 76 0 0
to the fourth Baron 66 10 0
£328 0 0
Same to same to pay to Henry De Nassau, Seigneur D'Auverquere, the yearly rent of 800l. payable by patent out of the revenues of the Crown in South Wales and the yearly rent of 1,200l. payable out of the like in North Wales. Ibid.
Same to the said Auditor and to the Receiver of said Revenues for North Wales to pay out of the said revenues the pension of 50l. 2s. 3d. per an. payable to the Bishop of St. Asaph by virtue of an order or decree of the late Court of Augmentations. Ibid.
Money warrant for 20,000l. to Edward Nicholas, Treasurer to the Queen, as in part of 50,000l. for her use by the privy seal of the 13th inst., supra, p. 842. Ibid, p. 403.
Dormant warrant to the Receipt for payment of the pension of 600l. per an. to Sir Samuel Morland as granted by patent of 1678, Sept. 26, to wit one of 400l. per an. and one of 200l. per an. out of Tenths: to be hereby paid by tallies on the collectors or Receivers of Tenths. Ibid, p. 404.
Hereon 150l. is to be paid forthwith for 1694, June 24 quarter.
Dec. 18. Treasury confirmation of a dormant warrant of 1693, July 21, for payment of 50l. per an. to the Mayor and churchwardens of New Windsor; as an annuity for the Church and poor there. Money Book XII, p. 109.
William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XII, p. 176.
Out of loans on the Exchequer in general.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence of the Forces in Flanders 30,000 0 0
to ditto for subsistence for the Regiments of Erle and Lillingston 700 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy; to be paid over to Mr. Shallett on bills drawn by the Consul of Barcelona by order of Admiral Russell for the charge of expresses from the Fleet 105 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby for Monsieur Montigny 32 5 0
£30,837 5 0
Out of loans to be made by Mr. Stepney himself on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.
to Mr. Stepney 1,234 15 0
Out of seizures.
to Mr. Cawthorp and Mr. Randes, Receivers for co. Lincoln; being so much by them overpaid on the 3s. Aid [the 2s. Aid and the Additional 12d. Aid] 1,000 0 0
£33,072 0 0
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to send 20,000l. (out of the Bank money in your hands) to Portsmouth to pay off the ships there and to apply a further 10,000l. of Bank money for payment of recalls. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith. Despatch your report on Mr. Arnold's demand for seizing horses. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 334.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Col. Mordaunt for the offreckonings due to his Regiment, amounting to 3,930l. 6s.d., to enable him to pay clothiers and other tradesmen for necessaries provided for said Regiment when under the Earl of Monmouth. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of a messuage and tenement in Shipton, co. Berks [Bucks], parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, in order to a new lease thereof to Ralph Sherwood, adding the name of Ralph his son to the existing lives in being: at the former rent of 3l. 3s. 4d. per an. and fine of 40l. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 360.
Prefixing: said Surveyor General's report on the petition of Ralph Sherwood, sen., for same. The tenement is one of those granted in 1664 to Mr. Seymour for the life of Joseph Legmore [Seymour] in reversion of a lease by Charles I to Ralph Sherwood, petitioner's grandfather. Petitioner's life was added in 1674 on the petition of Mr. Seymour, Ralph Sherwood (petitioner's father) and Richard Sherwood (his uncle) being then surviving heirs. The premises are valued at 50l. per an. The life now to be added is under two years old.
Dec. 18. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of lands in Maydencot [Maiden Court], co. Berks, parcel of said Duchy, in order to a lease thereof to John Shugburgh and Frances his wife for 31 years from 1692, Aug. 19, at the former rent of 7l. 15s. 8d. per an. and fine of 20l. Warrants not Relating to Money, XIV, p. 361.
Prefixing: report, ut supra. By lease under the Exchequer seal dated 1671, Aug. 19, Charles II granted to Eliz. Lady Moore several parcels of land with a sheep walk and four acres of coppice in Maydencot at the above rent. The said lease expired in 1692, Aug. 19, since which time the premises have been enjoyed by petitioners without accounting for the mesne profits. They were valued by the Parliament's survey in 1650 at 4l. 14s. 4d. per an.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, enclosing the petition [missing] of Tracy Pancefort, merchant, praying delivery of four bonds for 68l. entered into by his servant Mathew Bretheridge for the duty of cloth sent into Ireland for Col. Russell's Regiment of Horse, which would have been imported there duty free under the Proclamation [of 2 Sept., 1690] if the general embargo in England had not detained them beyond the time limited in said Proclamation. Please direct the delivery of said bonds. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 465.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of John Allen of Dublin that no grant pass of the messuage or tenement called the White Fryars with the houses and grounds thereto near the city or suburbs of Dublin, formerly the property of the Earl of Longford, without notice to said Allen or to Jasper Roth of Watling Street, London, merchant, agent of said Allen. Caveat Book, p. 39.
The like of a caveat in behalf of the Earl of Monmouth that no grant or lease of the manors of Shepton Mallet or Curry Mallet, co. Somerset, be made till he be heard. Notice to be given to Mr. Penington at his chambers in New Inn. Ibid.
Dec. 19. Money order for 1,525l. 0s.d. to John Packer, esq., Usher of the Receipt, for necessaries by him delivered to the officers of the Receipt in Michaelmas and Hilary terms, 1693. Order Book IV, p. 146.
Dec. 19. William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the fines of leases) 1,000l. to Viscountess Fitzharding “upon such warrants as you shall receive for that purpose.” (In the margin: 5 Jan., [paid] in part 725l.; Feb. 20. 115l.) Disposition Book XII, p. 176.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed report from the Customs Commissioners on William Middleton's memorial concerning the testimony given at last Easter Sessions for the ascertaining the prices of corn for the city of London. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 334.
[?] Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 127.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, Dec. 19 inst. (made upon a report dated the 15th inst. from the Admiralty Lords), granting leave to the Robert and William, 120 tons, William Moore master, and the Phoenix, with [in all] 30 [English] seamen, to sail to Jamaica, on the petition of several merchants trading to Jamaica and of Thomas Dade and other merchants of London: the said ships being to go in place of the James and Mary, which was lately disabled after being loaden by running on shore in the river, and it appearing that those ships are the only ones (besides the Ann sloop) intended for Jamaica at this time and carry several necessities for the inhabitants thereof.
Dec. 20. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 700l. to Henry Guy for secret service (600l. thereof out of fines for alienations, 38l. out of Tenths, 38l. out of coffee and tea duty, 23l. 19s. l l¾d. out of low wines and¼d. out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise). Disposition Book XII, p. 177.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 178.
Out of loans on the Exchequer in general.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for seven weeks' subsistence, Oct. 14 to Dec. 1 inst., to 12 Companies of the First Regiment of Foot Guards at 287l. 6s. 6d. per week 2,211 5 6
to ditto for subsistence to six Companies of the Coldstream Regiment for same time at 142l. 14s. 0d. per week 988 18 0
to ditto for subsistence to the Dutch Foot Guards for same time at 403l. 10s. 0d. per week 2,824 10 0
to ditto for four weeks' subsistence to four Troops of the Earl of Arran's Regiment of Horse on account of 52l. 3s. 0d. for each Troop per week 834 8 0
to ditto for the like for four Troops of Col. Windsor's Regiment 834 8 0
to ditto for six weeks' subsistence to Col. Rechteren's Regiment of Horse on account at 179l. 14s. 6d. per week 1,078 7 0
to ditto for six weeks' subsistence to one Troop of Steenbach's Horse on account at 25l. 15s. 9d. per week 154 14 6
to ditto in full of four weeks' subsistence to Col. Leigh's Regiment of Dragoons on account, 726l. 13s. 4d. being lately ordered for them in part 436 0 8
to ditto in full of four weeks' subsistence to Brigadier Hastings' Regiment of Foot on account, 181l. 16s. 0d. being lately ordered for them in part 638 6 4
to ditto for three weeks' subsistence to Brigadier Stewart's Regiment on accompt 615 1 9
to ditto in full of four weeks' subsistence to Col. Venner's Regiment on accompt, 181l. 16s. 0d. being lately ordered them in part 638 6 4
to ditto for four weeks' subsistence to three Companies of Col. Beaumont's Regiment on account, at 15l. 3s. 0d. per week to each company 181 16 0
to ditto for two weeks' subsistence to Col. Row's Regiment on account 410 1 2
to ditto in full of the subsistence to Dec. 31 inst. to Capt. Hyde's Company now embarking for New York 204 0 0
to ditto in full of subsistence to same time to Capt. Weemes' Company 254 0 0
to ditto for Col. Wynn for providing horses and accoutrements for re-mounting the Troop of Dragoons of his Regiment lately taken by the French and carried into Dunkirk: at the rate of 12l. for each horse and accoutrement 720 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Lammersom on account of pay to bombardeers and gunners going to Savoy 300 0 0
to ditto on account of subsistence to the Forces in Flanders 30,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers on account of the Mediterranean Fleet 10,000 0 0
£53,324 3 3
Dec. 20. William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Earl of Ranelagh. Send my Lords the particulars of the money you receive by the month for the subsistences of the Forces in Flanders. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 334.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. On behalf of the East India Company Sir John Fleet et al. have attended my Lords about the two 6 months' time granted by their charter [viz. as to the application of said privilege to or] for the payment of Customs for goods of particular persons (not for account of their joint stock) imported in the two ships Charles the Second and Sampson. You and the said Company are to agree a statement of the case to be submitted to the Attorney and Solicitor General. On the Company giving bond to abide by their determination you are to offer no further obstruction to the goods in dispute. Ibid.
Dec. 20. Establishment under the King's sign manual for a Regiment of Foot for the service of the island of Jamaica and for other charges [for the Commissary General etc.] as below: to date from 1694–5, Jan. 1, from which time the establishment for John Murray, esq., Commissary of Provisions, and for his clerks, commencing from 1694, Oct. 1, is to cease: (Field and Staff Officers: Colonel, 12s. a day, Major, 5s.; Chaplain, 6s. 8d.; Adjutant, 4s.; chirurgeon, and two mates, 9s.; Quartermaster, 4s.; six Companies, each of a Captain, 8s. a day; two Lieutenants, each 4s.; Ensign, 3s.; six Serjeants, 1s. 6d. each; six corporals, 1s. each; two drummers, 1s. each; 200 privates, 8d. each: total establishment for the Regiment, 19,284l. 3s. 4d. per an. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 287.
For John Murray, esq., Commissary General of the Provisions, Ammunition and Stores, and who is also to do the duty of Deputy Judge Advocate, Deputy Commissary of the Musters and Paymaster of the Forces, 1l. 7s.d. a day; for his clerks, 9s. 10½d. a day; to John Sylvester, assistant to said Commissary, 8s.; to Dr. William Flemming, physician to these Forces, 1l.; to William Mortimer, apothecary to the Forces, 10s. 11½d.; to his mate, 2s. 87/8d.: combined total of the whole establishment, 20,725l. 3s. 4d. per an.).
Dec. 21. William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to levy tallies [on the Excise] for 750l. to the Duchess Dowager of Grafton and Charles, Duke of Grafton, her son, for last Michaelmas quarter on their pension. (Henry Guy dated Jan. 4 to the Excise Commissioners to pay said tallies.) Disposition Book XII, pp. 178, 183.
Same to same. My Lords have appointed the Bank of England to pay into the Exchequer tomorrow morning 24,335l. 18s. 9d. in further part of the subscriptions to the Bank and on Saturday week, the 29th inst. [19,999l. 19s. ll¾d.] the full remainder of the 1,200,000l. to complete the whole subscriptions. As these payments shall be made you are to issue both the said sums to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy [for seamen's wages]: the money to be reserved in the said Treasurer's hands to be applied [thereto] as my Lords shall particularly direct. Ibid, p. 179.
Same to same to issue (out of loans on the Exchequer in general) 12,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for services as follows, viz.: l. Ibid.
for the Victuallers, for victualling the Fleet in the Mediterranean; on account of the year 1695 10,000
for bills of exchange and imprests 2,000
Dec. 21. William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of arrears of the Review of the Poll) 116l. 4s. 9d. to the executors of Isaac Willison, late Receiver General for co. Cumberland of the first and second Poll. Disposition Book XII, p. 179.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of James Bernard, a French Reformed Lieutenant of Lord Galway's Regiment, praying to be paid his pension in Ireland and to be allowed some part of it to bear his charges thither. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 335.
Same to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to pay in the abovesaid 24,335l. 18s. 9d. and the balance of the 1,200,000l., ut supra, p. 858: both sums being intended to be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of John Richardson for 40l increase to his salary of 80l. per an. as Accomptant for the Salt Duty [to make it the same salary] as he received as Accomptant for the Hearth Duty. Reference Book VII, p. 74.
Dec. 22. William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to Mr. Bartholomew Burton to pay 150l. to John Bellamy for 2 per cent. discount on 7,500l. lent by him on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XII, p. 179.
[?] Same to [the Earl of Ranelagh] to pay Col. Cooper half a year on his pension. Put this item on your next [weekly] memorial [for money]. Ibid.
Dec. 22. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise) 55l. to me [Guy] for secret service. Ibid, p. 180.
Same to same to issue as follows out of same: l. Ibid.
to Mr. Lambert Blackwell, Consul at Leghorn 500
to Sir Henry Belasyse 400
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed case [missing] of the Earl of Nottingham and his lordship's letter relating thereto, touching several hundred barrels of tar ashore upon the island of Foulness and the shore of Shoe-bury and Southchurch in Essex, claimed by his lordship. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 335.
Same to Mr. Wintour. My Lords have appointed you as their Majesties' Clerk in the Crown Office of the King's Bench loco Simon Harcourt, esq., to transact and take care of their Majesties' affairs in the said Office: for which they will allow you the 60l. per an. allowed to said Harcourt. Ibid, p. 336.
Dec. 24. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XII, p. 180.
to Dalby Thomas for charges in managing the late Million Adventure 500 0 0
to Mr. Conyers [as royal] bounty 50 0 0
to the executors of the late Archbishop of Canterbury 279 12 6
to Bernard Granvile for the rent of Mote park 150 0 0
to Lord Lucas for diet of prisoners [in the tower] 602 0 0
to Mr. Smith, one of the [King's] master cooks 53 4 6
to the undersheriffs of Middlesex for apprehending highwaymen. 590 4 11
to Nicho. Salter for apprehending two burglars 20 0 0
to the executors of Lord Lovelace for his salary as Justice in Eyre 166 13 4
to Earl of Abingdon as Justice in Eye Trent South 166 13 4
to ditto for apprehending deer stealers 100 0 0
to Rebecca Smith for apprehending highwaymen 40 0 0
for the purchase of the advowson of the rectory of Hampton 200 0 0
to the Cofferer for a quarter [for their Majesties'] charity 55 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for ditto 125 0 0
to ditto for two years' rent for the door into Channell Row 6 0 0
to William Aldham and other poor pensioners “according to such warrants as you shall receive” 1,149 13 4
to the Paymaster of the Works for rent and charges of the New River water for St. James's House to Michaelmas last 160 12 5
£4,414 14 4
Dec. 24. Henry Guy to same. My Lords desire you and all the other officers of the Receipt to attend in your respective offices on Friday next, their Majesties' service requiring the same. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 336.
William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to Sir John Shaw for an account from 1688, Nov. 5, to the present day, of the produce of the subsidy [included] within the potash farm. (The like letter to Gyles Lytcott [Customs Comptroller].) (The like to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier], distinguishing the moneys which have been paid into the Exchequer within that time thereupon and what sum is now remaining in your hands.) Ibid.
Dec. 26. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of general loans [loans on the Exchequer in general], viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XII, p. 181.
to the Earl of Ranelagh on account of subsistence to the Forces in Flanders 30,000 0 0
to ditto for 14 days' subsistence for the Detachments going to Jamaica 551 10 0
to ditto for contingencies for the said Detachments 500 0 0
to ditto for 60 days' subsistence to the officers of those Detachments 347 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby to be paid over to the Commissioners of Transports on account for transporting 2,000l. [sic erratum for 2,000 soldiers] to Cadiz 2,000 0 0
to ditto on account for transporting the soldiers to Jamaica 5,917 2 7
£39,315 12 7
Dec. 26. Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay the above-said 551l. 10s. 0d., 500l. and 347l. to Mr. Murray, Commissary for the Jamaica Expedition. Disposition Book XII, p. 181.
Same to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing a duplicate [assessment roll] of assessments to the third quarter of the Quarterly Poll within co. Gloucester. Please transmit same to the King's Remembrancer's Office. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 336.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send to Mr. Stepney's lodgings at the Black. Boy near Scotland Yard to seal his goods that are going for Holland. Ibid.
Dec. 29. Money order for 10l. to John Low, gent., one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer, for 1694, Christmas's quarter's allowance for locking up the treasure of the Receipt. Order Book IV, pp. 152, 153.
10l. to William Wardour for same time for the like duty.
Dec. 31. Royal sign manual for 1,000l. to Barbara, Viscountess Fitz Hardinge as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated 1694–5, Jan. 2, hereon.) (Money order dated Jan. 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 39. Money Book XII, p. 410. Order Book IV, p. 144.
Same for 500l. to Dalby Thomas for defraying the incident and other charges relating to the execution of the Commission issued to the Managers or Directors of the late Million Adventure: without account save such as he is to render to the said Managers or Directors. (Money warrant dated Jan. 2 hereon.) (Money order dated Jan. 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 40. Money Book XII, p. 410. Order Book IV, p. 144.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Sidney, Lord Godolphin; Sir Stephen Fox; Charles Montague, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir William Trumbull and John Smith) for 1694, Christmas quarter's salary. (Money order dated Jan. 2 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 404. Order Book IV, p. 143.
Treasury warrant to the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches to pay 50l. to Henry Killegrew as reward for his services in and about the managing and carrying on the business of licensing the said coaches before 1694, June 24: to be paid out of the fines or rents of said licenses. Money Book XII, p. 404.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded Seamen and Exchange of Prisoners of War to pay Richard Holder of London, merchant, owner of the ship Elizabeth, William Tuder master, 13s. a head for the freight of 65 persons, being wives, children and servants of 130 Irish officers and soldiers, who in Feb., 1690–1, were by the said Commissioners ordered to be put on board the said ship to be transported to Calais, but who refused to go without they might have with them their said wives, children and servants, whereupon you the said Commissioners ordered the master to take said supernumerary persons on board, but have only paid freight for the 130 soldiers and officers and refuse to pay for the wives etc. without Treasury order: but it appearing that on an order of the Earl of Romney, then Secretary of State, you the said Commissioners promised the 65 persons to be put on board; wherefore you think it just that the freight should be paid at the same rate as for the officers, viz. 13s. a head, as they were cared for like the other persons and the ship had a tedious chargeable voyage. Ibid, p. 411.
Dec. 31. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to apply (out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise) any sums not exceeding 2,000l. towards payment of interest on the orders for loans made on credit of the Exchequer in general, which [loans] are to be repaid out of the second Quarterly Poll. Disposition Book XII. p. 181.
Same to same to issue (out of loans on the Exchequer in general) 5,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy: to be paid over to the Victualling Commissioners on account of the Victualling service for the year 1695. Ibid, p. 182.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to order their cashier to reserve in his hands in cash 1,000l. weekly of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise to be disposed of as my Lords shall direct, “being the like sum which hath been paid into the Exchequer weekly by him and was thence issued from time to time for the use of the Queen.” Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 337.
Same to the Commissioners of the Transports to forthwith agree with the masters of ships that are to carry the soldiers to Cadiz at as cheap a rate as you can so as [provided] the service may not be delayed thereby. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a Commission under the great seal to William Dobyns and five others, detailed, to enquire of and seize the estate of Hester, Lady Eland, deceased, an alien born, made a denizen but not naturalized, who was entitled to a reversion in fee after the death of the Queen Dowager in a fee farm or yearly rent of 550l. issuing out of the manors of Bradbury and Hilton, co. Durham, and who has made no lawful disposition of her said interest and has no other kin than aliens. Ibid.
Royal warrant, under the King's sign manual, to the Lords Justices, Ireland, for a patent under the great seal of Ireland for a grant to William Burgh of the office of Comptroller General and Accountant General in Ireland in place of and upon surrender thereof by George Toilet, who was granted said office by patent dated 1691–2, Jan. 7. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 465–6.
Dec. 31. Royal warrant, under the King's sign manual, to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to give orders for collecting the rents etc. of such parts of the forfeited estate of Richard, late Earl of Tyrconnel, as are not already disposed of or granted away and for paying said rents etc. to the Receiver General of Ireland separately from other the King's treasure there and until there be arisen sufficient thereout to satisfy the principal and interest of the bond of 800l. dated 1676, Dec. 16, entered into by said Earl by the name of Richard Talbot of Westminster, esq., to Marmaduke Boynton, esq., since deceased, conditioned to pay said Boynton 400l., the payment of which bond is solicited by Alexander Higgins in right of his wife Susanna Tobyn, executrix of said Boynton; the money on said bond all save 100l. being still due thereon, but the said Earl's forfeited estate not being liable to answer it. Of the King's grace and favour it is to be hereby fully satisfied out of the funds as above. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 467–8.