Index of Persons and Places: P

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Index of Persons and Places: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: P". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Pace of Kilbride (Killbride). See Pass of Killbride.

Packer, John, allowance for printing loan orders on vellum, 439, 450–1, 454;

attending the Commissioners of the Million Adventure, 1125;

issues to, for necessaries for the Transfer Office for the Million Adventure, 1204, 1298. See also Packer, P.;

Usher of the Receipt, 23, 135, 561, 563, 575, 675, 692, 716, 855, 874, 971, 1183, 1184, 1265.

-, -, boatman, Harwich port, 324.

-, -, son of Philip, 750.

-, Philip, Paymaster of the Works, 750, 812.

-, -, issue to, for necessaries for the Commissioners etc. of the Million Adventure, 1159;

issue to, for necessaries for the Transfer Office, 1213. See also Packer, J.

Pacy, Samuel, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Suffolk, 231, 491, 589, 601, 1323.

Padbury, co. Buckingham, rent out of lands in, 1022.

Padmore, Arthur, highwayman apprehended by, reward for, 191.

Padshaw. See Padstow.

Padstow, Padshaw, co. Cornwall, collector of. See Bligh, S.;

Bowen, G.;

Leicester, F.

Customs officers, 1126, 1272.

staving of French wines prevented by the rabble of, 84.

Pag . . . (Pag), Bridget, tenant, Oundle manor, 1055.

Errata, 1455.

Page, Gregory, loan by, 721.

-, Henry, of Oxford, brewer, Excise debts, 95.

-, Matthew, visitor and governor of the “William and Mary” College, Virginia, 24–5.

Pagen. See Paggen.

Pager, Lyming, loan by, 912.

Paget (Pagett), —, lodgings in St. James's Street, Lord Paget's goods at, 918.

-, Henry, loans by, 378, 907.

-, Richard, loans by, 912.

-, Samuel, collector's place, Deal, 464.

-, William, 7th Lord Paget, Ambassador to the Grand Seignior, 121, 138, 370–1, 918, 1067, 1156, 1162;

arrival of, at the Ottoman Port, 1156;

Custos Rotulorum, co. Stafford, 490, 1292;

goods of, transport of, 918, 1067;

loans by, 138, 1162;

lodgings of, 1067;

Lord Lieutenant, co. Stafford, 44, 490, 1292.

Paggen (Pagen), Peter, merchant, agent for port duties in Maryland, 588, 602, 611, 641, 712–3.

Paincastle. See Painscastle.

Paine. See Payne.

Painscastle, Paincastle, co. Radnor, hundred of, duplicate assessment rolls for, 103, 886.

Painter, Allington, steward of Gillingham manor, co. Kent, 485.

Paise, John, of Reading, collector of duties on stamped vellum etc., co. Berks, 671.

Paiton. See Peyton.

Palatine, Elector of, envoy extraordinary from. See Vellbrück, Baron d';

horses and hounds for, 530.

Palfryman, —, surety bond, 1191.

Palmer, Ann, clippings seized from, 843.

-, Anthony, waterman, London port, 605.

-, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, bill in Chancery exhibited against, 690;

debts owed by, to Sir R. Dashwood, 1268, 1340;

ditto, to J. Munday and J. Taylor, 1340;

pension on the Post Office, 669, 690, 1053, 1069, 1337, 1340.

-, Isaac, tidesman, Whitehaven port, 204.

-, Isaiah, tenant, Shoulder-of-Mutton Fields, 540.

-, Sir Jeffrey, Attorney General, 153, 749.

-, Jeffrey, et al., reversion of grant, Oundle manor, 1055.

-, Jonathan, traitor apprehended by, Petition for reward, 1345.

-, Thomas, of Coventry, Army knapsacks, payment for, 230, 299.

-, -, postillion to the Queen, 1036.

-, William, a Commissioner for Stating the Accounts of the Army in Ireland, 157, 1228.

-, -, deputy clerk of the Privy Council, Ireland, 433.

-, -, major, lieutenant-colonel of Brigadier Lumley's Regiment of Horse, 149, 196, 844, 966–7.

Palmes, Guy, one of the four Tellers of the Receipt, 797, 802, 809.

Paltock, Thomas, Gentleman Usher Quarter Waiter to the Queen, 1034, 1074.

Pamant. See Pennant.

Pamunky Neck, Pomunkey Neck, Virginia, land at, granted to the “William and Mary” College, Virginia, 25.

Pancefort. See Pauncefort.

Pansier. See Pencier.

Panton, Thomas, lands of, in London, 541.

Papillion (Papillon), —, loans by, 260.

-, Philip, cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy, 1064, 1070, 1084, 1090, 1093, 1117, 1373, 1383, 1442;

loans by, 1093.

-, Thomas, a commissioner for Navy victualling, 1293, 1410;

loans by, 909, 913.

Paravacine. See Paravicini.

Paravicini (Paravacine), Sir Peter, a Commissioner for the Million Adventure (Lottery), 552, 983.

Pare Glyn Clywedoc. See Glyn Park.

Pardaillan, Mademoiselle de, pension from the Queen, 1128.

Pare, John, collector, searcher and waiter, Hole Port and Reads Bay, Barbados, 447.

Paris, Thomas, landwaiter and surveyor, Poole port, 872.

Park Hill. See Reigate.

Parke, Nicholas, King's waiter, London port, 188, 608, 784.

Parker, Sir Charles. Errata, 1450.

-, Christopher, outlaw, tenements and lands of, Bowland Forest, 796.

-, -, tenant, Benefield farm, in Beanfield, 1009, 1055.

-, George, concerning the estate of Wyke, brother of, 202, 1370, 1372, 1433, 1434, 1435.

-, Henry, established waterman rowing the coastwaiters, dismissed, 1080.

-, John, abbot of Chertsey, lands, co. Surrey, demised by, 482.

-, -, of Clannaborough, estate of B. Clougly, 370.

-, Peter, duplicate money order for, 170.

-, Tho., master of the John's Adventure, 978.

-, Thomas, Lord Morley and Monteagle, royal bounty for, 163, 165, 167, 186, 732, 733, 740.

-, Timo., landwaiter's place, London port, 396.

-, Wyke, brother of George, estate of, 202, 389, 986, 1372, 1433, 1434;

executed for murder, 389, 412, 986, 1372;

money due to, disposal of, 412.

Parkes (Parks), Robert, advances fraudulently obtained by, 679.

-, William, porter at the Exchequer gate, 135, 266, 740, 833, 928, 978, 1134.

Parkhurst, John, a Principal Commissioner for Prizes, 18, 335, 763.

Parks. See Parkes.

Parran, John, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Oxford, 466, 933, 967, 1307;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Oxford, 1041.

Parrott, Richard, highwayman arrested by, reward for, 117.

Parry (Parrye), —, money repaid by, issues out of, 1158.

-, Cath., widow, tenant, Dinorben Fawr manor, 1050.

-, Edward, tenant, Pool etc., co. Montgomery, 1057.

-, Francis, of St. James's. Westminster, a Commissioner of Excise, 227, 739, 1325, 1398;

icewells built by, in St. James's and Hampton Court Parks, 298;

lease, land near St. James's Park, 298;

office of, in Angel Court, 796;

patent for making copper coins, 666–8, 796.

-, John, tenant, in Ereiviat commote, 1050.

-, Richard, a commissioner for the 4s. Aid, 212.

-, Robert, tenant, Killkennis. co. Denbigh, 1051.

Parsons, —, tobacco duties, 1229.

-, Anthony, auditor of Crown revenues, 59, 576, 653, 975, 1181.

-, George, shoemaker, debt due to, 63.

-, Sir John, a commissioner for Navy Victualling, 261, 428;

complaint in Parliament against, 1293;

displaced, 1293;

lease, lands in Reigate manor, 1114, 1133, 1140;

tenant of the dissolved priory of Reigate, 1140.

-, John, steward of Reigate manor, 1069.

-, -, wagoner, petition for pay arrears, 324.

-, Sir Lawrence, Crown rent arrears, Dunboyne rectory, discharged, 1064.

-, Robert, major, captain of a Company of Foot, 818.

-, Thomas, master of the Elizabeth, 1006.

-, William, King's waiter, London port, 679.

Parsons Wood. See Oundle.

Partington, Mary, information exhibited in the Exchequer against, 825.

Partridge, James, bill of, payment of, 1077.

- See also Patridge.

Parvins, Mary, widow, royal bounty for, 50.

Pascala. See Pascall.

Pascall (Pascala, Paschall), Benjamin. lieutenant, French Reformed officer, pension for, 757, 966.

-, John, a Principal Commissioner for Prizes, 763.

Paschall. See Pascall.

Paschose (Paschoe), William, lease, tenement in Treverbyn Courtney manor, 280, 790.

Pasmore. See Passmore.

Pass of Kilbride, Pace of Kilbride, Pace of Killbride, Fartullagh barony, co. Westmeath, 493, 629.

Passage, co. Cork, ferry. See Donegal.

-, co. Waterford, ferry at, 99, 654.

Passio Almer, [? Almer, in Allington parish], co. Denbigh, fee farm rent out of lands in, 1048.

Passmore (Pasmore), Abraham, master of the Elizabeth, 175;

master of the Francis, 1018.

Passy, — de, captain, Irish Army pension for, 578, 609.

Patience, George, payments into the Exchequer, 562.

Patrickson, Richard, Deputy Lieutenant, co. Cumberland, 573;

Justice of the Peace, co. Cumberland, 573;

surety for W. Benson, 537, 573, 575, 694, 704.

-, -, searcher, Carlisle port, 403.

Patridge, William, tenant in Shoulder-of-Mutton Fields, 540.

Patteson. See Pattison.

Pattison (Patteson), James, deputy comptroller, Poulton port, 560.

Patuxent, River, Maryland, 747, 1186, 1191;

Customs collector and receiver of revenues in. See Plater, G.

Paul, —, widow, pension from the Queen for, 1128.

-, James, farmer of the prizage and butlerage of wines, London etc. ports, 1082, 1330.

-, Tho., highwayman arrested by, reward for, 117.

-, William, executor of James, farmer or sub-farmer of prizage and butlerage of wines, 821, 1082.

Paulen, Count de, Army payment of allowance of, 75.

Paulet (Paulett, Pawlett), —, care of coppices in Kenilworth, allowance for, 1033.

-, -, tenant, London, 541, 542.

-, Lord William. See Poulett.

-, William, captain, petition for share of bounty to Irish officers, 258.

-, -, gallery keeper at Whitehall, 149, 974.

Paulin (Pauling, Pawling), Robert, accomptant and comptroller-general of the Stamped Vellum etc. Office, 631, 697, 709, 793, 819.

-, Thomas, clerk in the Stamped Vellum etc. Office, 819.

Paulli (Pauly), —, resident from the King of Denmark, 731. See also Payly.

Pauly. See Paulli.

Pauncefort (Pancefort, Paunceford), Edward, agent for Duke of Schomberg's regiment, 1045.

-, -, royal bounty for, 721;

loans by, 731.

-, -, servant to the Queen, 1075;

bill of, payment of, 1076.

-, Tracy, Army clothing debts due to, 608, 1341;

bonds for duty on cloth sent to Ireland, 855;

loans by, 938;

proposal concerning the Hospitals in Flanders, 94;

refusal to contract for the Hospitals in Flanders, 218;

regimental agent, 282, 298–9, 299, 312, 369, 436, 479, 799, 1046.

Paustian, Bartram, inaccurate Customs entry, 778.

Pawlet, Pawlett. See Paulet;


Pawling. See Paulin.

Paxton, co. Huntingdon, rectory of, annual pension payable by Dean and Chapter of Lincoln out of 1019.

Paxton, Roger, captain, East India Company assisted by, 361.

-, William, of Durham, merchant, bill of exchange of, 162, 314.

Payly, —, house of, in Duke Street, sealing of goods at, 526. See also Paulli.

Payne (Paine), Henry, ensign, a prisoner in Dublin Castle, 290.

-, [John, Army agent], 93.

-, John, regimental agent, 1045, 1046, 1345.

-, Joseph, master of the Prosperous, 175.

-, Philip, superintendent of weighers, Bristol port, 464.

-, Thomas, loans by, 907, 916.

-, -, of Westminster, grant to, of Holme Cultram manor, 53, 57, 77, 96.

-, -, Sergeant-at-Arms, 715, 735, 1088.

Peachie, Jeremiah, East India Company assisted by, 361.

Peacock, Eliz., loan by, 907.

-, James, captain, commander of the Velocita Tartan, 1053, 1275.

-, Jos., master of the Bird, 444.

-, Ricarda, loan by, 916.

Pearce (Pearse, Peirce, Peirse, Perce), Ann, petition for concealed lands, Stepney, 149, 268.

-, Edward, lieutenant-colonel, grant to, of wrecks etc. near the Stags of Broadhaven, 843.

-, Jer., master of the James frigate, 1006.

-, John, false musters discovered by, 578.

-, Richard, undersearcher, London port, 1214–5, 1223.

-, Rowland, Groom of the Queen's Great Chamber, 1034, 1074.

-, William, master of the Bengal Merchant, 360.

Pearson (Peirson), —, agent for prizes, Montserrat, 595.

-, Thomas, paper duty collector's place, co. York, 651.

-, -, proposal for payment of debts due to, out of money advanced by, 342.

Peasley (Peisley), —, caveat withdrawn by letter of, 266;

chambers of, in the Middle Temple, 266.

Peast, Seal, bounty money for corn exported by, 840, 975.

Peatling Parva, Little Peatling, co. Leicester, lease of lands etc. in, 310.

Pecheley Wood. See Oundle.

Peck, —, stamper in the Stamped Vellum etc. Office, 966.

Peckham, East. See East Peckham.

Pedder (Peddar), —, captain, commander of the Sweepstakes, prize ships taken by, 328, 422.

Pedley, Roger, waiter and searcher, Wells, co. Norfolk, 1262.

Peele (Peel), Mary, widow of William, 558.

-, Thomas, of Brickhill, victualler, Post Office debt of, 423.

-, William, Customs debt of, for duties on tobacco, 558.

Peers, House of. See Index of Subjects—Lords, House of.

Peers, Charles, of London, merchant, cochineal seizures, 334, 369.

Peirce, Peirse. See Pearce.

Peirson. See Pearson.

Peisley. See Peasley.

Peiterson. See Peterson.

Pelham, Henry, prevention of commerce etc. to France from Sussex coast etc., reward for, 566, 582, 594, 600.

-, Sir John, Vice-Admiral, co. Sussex, 46, 488, 902, 1290;

loan by, 910.

-, Thomas, grant of lands in trust for Viscount Sydney, 4.

-, -, issue to, for Newhaven harbour, 1333.

-, -, loans by, 911, 916.

Pellier, Adam, royal bounty for, 1271.

Pemberton, co. Lancaster, 167.

Pembroke, county of, 1171, 1272.

assessments in, abatement of, 425, 544.

Crown Revenues in, collectors of. See Jones, W.;

Lloyd, B.;

payment out of, 601;

receiver of. See Nash, J.

grist and fulling mills in, 477. See also Milton.

Receiver General etc. of Assessments, 34, 152, 418, 435, 466, 590, 605, 933, 1308.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Howells, G.

stamped vellum etc., distributor of, and collector of duty on. See Evans, J.

Pembroke, co. Pembroke, collector of, seamen to report to, 49.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Philip;

Herbert, Thomas.

Pembruge, Charles, warehousekeeper, Bristol port, 929.

Pena, Joseph de la, picture shipped by, 605.

Penant. See Penneynt.

Penarth, co. Glamorgan, Customs officers at, 53.

Pencarreg, co. Carmarthen, Rhos (Rose) Vach fair, 157, 1141.

Pencier (Pansier), Andrew, silks imported by, 741.

Pendarvis, Alexander, rental value of Pendennis Castle, 728.

Pendennis Castle, co. Cornwall, Governor of, 427. See also Granville, John, Earl of Bath;

agent to. see Blake, J.

leased by the Crown, valuation for new lease, 157, 243, 427, 728, 834, 1064.

Lieutenant Governor of. See Waddon, J.

survey and map of, 699.

used as a garrison, 728.

Pendergrass, Thomas, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

Pendrell (Pendrill), Eleanor, royal bounty for, 455, 722, 868.

-, William, of great service to Charles II. in the escape from the Worcester fight, 963;

pension for daughters of, 963.

Penell. See Pennell.

Penfold, John, discovery of uncustomed goods, 889.

Pengry, Aaron, clerk of the Petty Bag, 717, 898–9, 905.

Penington. See Pennington.

Penn (Penne), Dorothy, widow, mortgagee of a brewhouse in the Fleet Ditch, 713.

Pennant, Pamant, co. Montgomery, 1058, 1059.

Penne. See Penn.

Penneck, John, supervisor of tin-blowing houses, cos. Cornwall and Devon, 1238, 1239, 1412.

Pennell (Penell), Kath., loans by, 912, 913.

-, William, master of the Crane ketch of Dartmouth, 6.

Penneynt Forest, Penant Forest, co. Carmarthen, customs of Amobrage and Raglat and profits of court in, 157, 1141.

Pennington (Penington), —, chambers in New Inn, 855.

-, Thomas, agent for colonel H. Mordaunt's regiment, 1045.

-, -, King's waiter, London port, 295, 717.

Pennsylvania, coasts of, 819, 824.

Governor of, 698–9.

ships hired to prevent abuses of Acts of Trade and Navigation, 819, 824.

ships trading with Scotland and Ireland, contrary to Acts of Trade and Navigation, proposals for preventing, 571–2, 676, 698–9, 824.

side trade of, revenue from I d. per lb. duty on, granted for maintenance of Protestant divines, 1244–5.

Penny, Dorothy, widow, brewhouse of, Excise debts, 418.

Pennyman, Thomas, of London, raw silk, seized, 354.

-, -, receiver general of duties on stamped vellum etc., 626, 657, 660, 697.

Penrith, co. Cumberland, 320.

Broad Myre, 1314.

Castle, 1253, 1314.

Cephrey Myre, 1314.

Common, the, 1314.

Cringely Myre, 1314.

Honor of 1140, 1253–4.

inhabitants of, injunction against, 1253.

Keldrick, Heldrick, Weldrick, Moor and Myre, 1253, 1314.

manor of, 1314.

town fields, 1314.

Penryn, co. Cornwall, collector of. See Dagg, J.;

Harry, E.;

Spry, T.;

tin-blowing house at, 522, 1239.

Pensex (Pensey), Henry, East India Company assisted by, 361. Errata, 1449.

Pensey. See Pensex.

Penshurst, co. Kent, rent out of the reenship of, 1021.

Penzance, co. Cornwall, Customs officers, 1106, 1282;

tin shipped from, 1099.

Pepper, —, captain, Army Payment, 292.

Peppett, Bethel, agent for Companies of Invalids at Chester, Hampton Court, Upnor and Windsor Castle, 1046.

Perce. See Pearce.

Percival (Percivall), Philip, warehouse-keeper, London port, 640.

-, William, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Cambridge, 671.

Pereira (Pereyra, Pereyre), Isaac, bread, bread-wagons, forage and provisions for the Forces in Flanders, 19, 744, 755, 799, 944, 949, 964, 972, 985, 995, 1053, 1070, 1234, 1340, 1439;

accounts of, 1244, 1414.

in Ireland, 8, 51, 184, 194, 206, 215, 225, 231, 593, 695, 711, 755, 758, 808, 811;

accounts of, 125, 299, 327, 434, 634, 711;

bread for the Danish forces, 383.

Commissary of the Provisions (Providore of the Forces), Ireland 383, 808.

house in Cork, used as store for corn etc., 344.

ships hired by, for transporting corn to the Forces in Flanders, 1065, 1251, 1419.

-, John, an alien, wine imported by, 1132, 1139.

Pereyra, Pereyre. See Pereira.

Perkins, Daniel, loans by, 911.

-, Matthew, tidesman, Bristol port, 728.

-, Richard, robbery on the high-way, 943.

-, Sir William, a traitor, apprehended, 1345, 1362.

-, William, loan by, 913.

Perrie. See Perry.

Perris, William, loans by, 907, 911, 916.

Perrott (Perrot), Daniel, et al., ship for Barcelona, 391.

-, Sir, John, possessions of, cos. Cardigan and Carmarthen, 1141.

Perry (Perrie), —, owner of the Bird, 444.

-, Edward, bill of exchange for hire of ship, 1044.

-, John, bond of, for East India Company's shipments, 1211.

-, Micajah, of London, merchant, tobacco impost bonds, 202, 1193.

-, Richard, et al., of London, merchants, owners of the Richard and Sarah, petition for payment for hire of ship, 143.

-, Thomas, Groom of the Queen's Privy Chamber, 1034, 1074.

-, William, lease of office of gauger of hogsheads etc. of wine etc., Bristol port, 677.

Perryman, James, master of the Pearle, 360.

Pershall, John, caveat against grant to Lord Fairfax of settlement on Lord Culpeper, 1353–4.

Persia, 1330.

Persode, Peter, loans by, 907, 916.

Perthill. See Stratton-super-Fosse.

Peter. See Peters.

Peterborough, co. Northampton, tenths of, 197.

Peterborough, Countess of. See Mordaunt, Elizabeth.

Peterman, Rose (Roth), King's waiter, London port, 582.

Peters (Peter, Petre), Abra., master of the Eulalia, 959.

-, Abraham, coastwaiter. London port, 186.

-, Jeke, master of the Young Tobias, 1040.

-, John, collector, Looe port, 76, 329, 1002.

-, -, receiver and collector of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty, Bridgetown, Barbados, 329, 883.

-, Thomas, house of, burglary at, 532.

Petersfield, Petersfeild, co. Hants, inhabitants of, issue to, for Army damages, 775.

Petersham, co. Surrey, manor of, rent out of, 881.

Peterson (Peiterson), —, captain, master of the Pearl, 411.

-, Anthony, bills of, payment of, 1263.

-, Henry, master of a ship from Bordeaux, 597.

-, John, of New York, mariner, 1072.

-, Soren, of Sweden. master of the Righter, 369.

Peth, the. See Longtown.

Petit (Petyt), —, engineer in Ireland, 181.

-, William, of the Inner Temple, keeper of the records in the Tower, 448, 497.

Petit Goave, Petit Guaves, Haiti, West Indies, escape of Capt. S. Elliott from, 1157.

Petre. See Peters.

Pett, Henry, watchman's place, London port, 240.

Petty, George, surveyor of petty Customs and subsidies, London port, 1001.

-, Henry, son of Sir William, quit rents, co. Kerry, abatement of 531, 582, 1162, 1199–1200.

-, Oliver, a prisoner in Dublin Castle, 290.

-, Sir William, quit rents, co. Kerry, 1199–1200.

-, William, porter and tidesman, Whitehaven, 872.

Petyt. See Petit.

Pevensey, co. Sussex, Customs officer at, 89.

Pewsey. See Pusey.

Pexley Wood. See Oundle.

Peyton (Paiton), Sir Robert, regiment of, 449.

Phelips. See Phillips.

Phelps (Phelp, Phelpes), James (Thomas), junior, lease, mills in Milton, co. Pembroke, 1171, 1272–3;

father of, a clothier, 1171.

-, Thomas, merchant, renewal of lost money order, 1285.

-, -, See also Phelps, James.

Philips. See Phillips.

Philipstown, Phillipstown, Ireland, tents destroyed at, 211.

-, King's County, barony of, 262, 1027.

Phillips (Phelips, Philips, Phillip), —, brewing at Deptford, proposal concerning, 6.

-, -, captain, commander of the Mary brigantine, 176.

-, -, captain, issue to, 1158.

-, —, colonel, royal bounty for, 1005.

-, -, Excise frauds detected by, 1210.

-, Ant., loans by, 721.

-, David, corn for Navy victualling, 414.

-, Sir Edward, Vice-Admiral, co. Somerset, 46, 488, 902, 1290;

Vice-Admiral, Bristol, 46, 488, 901, 1291.

-, Edward, el al., commission to enquire into sandy etc. land, co. Devon, 401.

-, Sir Erasmus, loan by, 908.

-, Fra., widow of Thomas, petition for annuity, 430–1.

-, Frederick, goods shipped in name of, 1094.

-, George, mortgaged estate of, co. Londonderry, 101, 506.

-, Henry, master carver to the Works, 387, 1138;

executors of, 716.

-, Jacob, lease, mills in co. Pembroke, 477.

-, James, highwayman, 192.

-, John, auditor of Crown revenues, London, and cos. Cambridge, Essex, Hertford, Hunts, Middlesex, Norfolk and Suffolk, 185, 653, 898, 975, 1260, 1382;

pension for, 943.

-, -, Excise collector, co. Middlesex, 60, 199.

-, -, loan by, 909.

-, -, reward for carrying despatch from St. Malo, 1161.

-, Joseph, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

-, Morgan, tidesman, Bristol port, 895, 1287;

tidesurveyor's place, 773.

-, Peter, boatman, Scilly Isles, 535.

-, Richard, collector, Sligo, 1198.

-, Robert, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, lease of Mere manor, 300–1.

-, Samuel, waiter to attend glasshouses at Gloucester, appointment as, 1204.

-, Thomas, captain, widow of, 430.

-, -, lease, mills in co. Pembroke, 477.

-, -, loan by, 938.

-, -, master of the Hanniball, 254.

Phillipson, Francis, grant to, of charcoal etc. from St. Leonard's Forest, 885.

Phillipstown. See Philipstown.

Phillistown, Fillistown, Upper Navan barony, co. Meath, 252.

Philpot (Philpott), Richard, waiter and searcher, Whitstable, 1126;

boatman, Faversham, 1126.

-, Tobias, watchman-in-fee, London port, 268.

Phippard, William, owner of the Mary, 1069, 1139.

Phipps (Phips), Sir William, Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief, Massachusetts Bay, 163.

Phips. See Phipps.

Pickard, Peter, captain, French ships destroyed by, prize money for, 1260–1, 1263.

Pickays, Agmondesham, Receiver General [of Crown Revenues], co. Norfolk, 898.

Pickhill, co. Denbigh, fee farm rent in the collection of the bailiff of, 1046.

-, co. York, grant of lands in, 486.

Pickstock, William, tenant, Guilsfield, 1057.

Picton, Stephen, reward for apprehending J. Smith, 1217.

Pidgeon, D., deputy auditor, 22.

Pidley, co. Huntingdon, 505.

Piedmont, Italy, battle of Marsaglia in, 473;

concerning imports of silks from, 1394;

French Huguenot Battalion in, payment for, 401.

Pierre, Francis La. See Stone.

Pierrepoint, William, 4th Earl of Kingston, Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent North, 785;

regiment of, 230, 296, 299.

Piff, Timothy, tidesman and boatman, Falmouth port, 689.

Piggs, Edmund, tithes, Halifax etc., 882.

Pigott, —, colonel, grant of lands, Queen's County, 1000.

Pigou, Stephen, merchant, Army clothing, 658, 989.

Pike Garden, the. See Southwark.

Pikewood. See Oundle.

Pilchard, Samuel, bill of, payment of, 1076.

Pilkington, Sir Lyon, surety for T. Egleton, 342.

-, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, 1055.

Pill, the, in Bristol port. See Bristol.

Pilot, Joshua, captain, royal bounty for, 236.

Pim. See Pym.

Pincarton, Robert, master of the St. Jagoe of New England, 988.

Pines, Ralph, highwayman apprehended by, reward for, 191.

Pinfold, Sir Thomas, Doctor-of-Laws, King's Advocate General, 1257.

Pingle, George, surgeon's mate, Royal Hospital, Ireland, 26, 169.

-, Henry, going to Maryland as chaplain, royal bounty for, 532, 536, 582.

Pinkney, Jacob, boatman, Sunderland port, 1323.

Pipewell, co. Northants, valuation of, 699.

Pipewell Abbey, co. Northants, concerning leases, 57, 1009, 1055;

survey to be made and steward appointed, 261.

Pippard, Christopher, of Drogheda, merchant, son of Ignatius, houses of, seized for debts, 356, 474–5.

-, Ignatius, of Drogheda, merchant, houses of, seized for debts, 356, 474–5.

Pirehill, co. Stafford, hundred of, assessments in, 689, 779, 872.

Pissine. See Pizzine.

Pitcher, Robert, tidesman, Yarmouth, 1106.

Pitches, Lambert, Customs officer, Leigh, 875.

Pitford (Pittford), John, convicted for burglary, 532, 684, 722.

Pitt (Pitts), George, junior, J. Hoyle killed by, estate of, forfeited, 49.

-, John, captain, Company of Miners of, 1118;

regiment of, 274.

-, Margaret, widow, tenant, Guilsfield, 1058.

-, Samuel, of London, merchant, goods exported by, 979.

Pittford. See Pitford.

Pitts. See Pitt.

Pizzine (Pissine), Barnabas, master of the Princess of Tuscany, 931, 961.

Plaigne, — de la or la, concerning estates of J. Bretonniere and F. La P. Stone, 1303, 1387.

Plaiter. See Plater.

Plate, Thomas, convicted for highway robbery, 1217.

Plater (Plaiter, Playter), George, collector, Patuxent River, Maryland, 641, 712–3, 747, 1186, 1191.

Platier, Robert le, merchant, goods of, seized, 1204.

Platin, Plattin, Duleek barony, co. Meath, 493, 639, 927, 1012.

Platt, Francis, clerk of the Cutting House of the Navy Victualling Office, 1293–4.

-, Jane, widow, lease of St. Christopher's or Christopher Inn etc., Eton, 624, 901, 1073, 1108–9.

Plattin. See Platin.

Player, Henry, beer for the Navy, payment for, set against Excise debts of, 1190.

-, Sir Thomas, Chamberlain of London, 45;

commissioner for the Disbandment of the New Raised Forces (1677), 367, 611.

Playle, Thomas, boatman, the Pill Bristol port, 976.

Playter. See Plater.

Pleave, Tho., master of the Happy Jane, 462, See also Gleaue, T.

Pleydell, Giles, lease, lands etc. in Cricklade St. Sampson, 567.

Plowden, Elizabeth, annuity for, 343, 370.

-, Francis, brother of Richard, outlawed in the rebellion, 370.

-, -, grant, lands in Furness, 980.

-, Richard, estate bequeathed to, 370.

Plucknet, Leo, loan by, 914.

Plummer, —, captain, master of the Joseph, 411.

-, -, outlawry sued against on counterbond of, 1191.

Plumpton Foot, co. Cumberland, 1314;

Arkbank, 1314.

Plumtree (Plumptree), Joyce, loan by, 909, Errata, 1452.

Plunkett, Angel, lands of, Derrypatrick, forfeited, 629.

-, Frances, pension from the Queen for, 1035, 1076.

-, Nicho., of Dunsoghly, inheritance of Clonguiffin sold by, 1332.

-, William, lands of, co. Dublin, forfeited, 646.

Plymouth, co. Devon, affidavit made at, 257.

bills drawn from, 185.

collector of, complaint by, 118, 414. See also Dickenson, G.;

Swanton, T.

conger dulce exported from, 822.

convoy going to, 1212.

Customs officers at, 118, 228, 414, 455, 460, 469, 841, 850, 879, 956, 1177, 1237, 1245, 1252;

establishment, 1237.

distillers of, prize wines sold to, 171.

Fort, establishment of, 644;

major at. See Ceely, P.;

Hook, H.

garrison, 1104.

Governor of. See Granville, John, Earl of Bath;

agent to. See Blake J.

mayor etc. of, 171.

merchants of, 49, 88, 144, 171, 217, 265, 322, 959.

Navy agent at. See Greenhill, H.

Navy Commissioners at, conduct money to be paid to seamen by, 447.

Navy officers at, 425.

Navy Yard at, decayed ships and stores in, sale of, 1005, 1348;

issues for, 141, 184, 1388.

prison at, building of, 717, 768.

prize goods at, embezzlement and sales of, 49, 118, 144, 171;

purchase of, for the royal service, 741;

time limit for disposal of, 251.

Prize Office in, officers of, 49, 171.

prize ships at, 171, 228, 251, 282, 467, 741, 1091;

fitting for fireships, 484, 501.

regiment marching to, 737.

riding surveyor's place. See Clinton, P.

sandy and oozy lands at, commissioners for, 401;

enquiry whether useful for enlarging the port etc., 425;

lease of, 401, 442, 471.

ship seized at, 7.

ships for, 1212.

ships from, 430, 959.

ships of, 1204;

burnt, 434;

sale of, 445.

sub-commissioners of prizes at. See Battine, E.;

Buckeridge, E.;

Carey, R.;

Cowse, W.;

treasurer to. See Dowrish, N. surveyor of. See Swanton, T.;

Wharton. J.

transport of English prisoners from St. Malo to, proposed cheaper rates for, 1225.

transport ships at, freight to, issues for, 232, 240;

discharge of, 289.

transport ships for 839.

Plymouth, Countess of. See FitzCharles, Bridget.

-, Earl of. See FitzCharles, Charles.

Plympton, co. Devon, tin-blowing house at, 522;

Honor of, 698;

quit rents in, 1135.

Pocomoko River, Maryland, collector of. See Blakiston, N.;

Muschamp, G.

Podmore, Arthur, service in office of First Secretary to the Governor of Ireland, grant to, of mortgage on lands, co. Waterford, 867–8, 959–960, 1356.

Poleman (Polman), John, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242, 1213.

Poley, Edmund, envoy extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy, 120, 138, 674, 676, 845;

loans by, 138, 676, 688.

Polgooth, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house at, 561.

Pollard, —, captain, letter of, concerning clearance of ship from Bideford, 1355.

Polman. See Poleman.

Polteney. See Pulteney.

Pomeroy (Pomroy), Mary, bill of, payment of, 1077.

Pomoarden, Jos., a captive in Algiers, 255.

Pomroy. See Pomeroy.

Pomunkey. See Pamunky.

Pond Riding Coppice. See Whittlewood Forest.

Ponder, Nathaniel, landwaiter's place, London port, 448.

Pool, co. Montgomery, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058;

annual fairs, 1058;

rectory of, 277, 1054;

vicar of, 278;

weekly market, 1058.

- See also Poole.

Poole, co. Dorset, collector of, 49;

salary of, saving out of, 878. See also Jacomb, W.;

Saville, G.

comptroller of. See Bendish, T.;

Bernard, R.

Customs officers, 606, 872, 878, 1348.

Receiver General of Assessments, 466, 590, 1307.

ships from, 430.

surveyor of. See Colquit, J.;

Paris, T.

Poole (Pool), Benjamin, surety for Sir William, 1178, 1396.

-, Godfrey, bill of, payment of, 1077.

-, John, tenant, Gungrog-Fechan etc., 1057.

-, Lady Margaret, widow of Sir William, Customs debts of husband, 531, 837, 902, 1178, 1395–6.

-, Thomas, weigher, Bristol port, 852.

-, Sir William, arrears of half pay due to as commander of the St. George in the Dutch war, 776, 837;

bills of exchange drawn by, 837, 902;

collector, Bristol port, 531, 802, 842, 1002, 1178, 1395–6;

executors of, 776, 802, 842.

Pooley, Richard, assistant to the Receiver of the Plantation Duty, 662.

Poore, Edward, highwayman, apprehended. 117.

Pooy, Adrain, captain, commander of the Arms of Amsterdam, 228.

Pope, —, captain, false musters, 578.

-, John, tenant of the “Katherine Wheel”, London, 541.

-, Michael, garden of, at Bristol, tobacco plantation in, 280.

-, -, and company, payment for service of the Benjamin in the West Indies, 504.

-, Roger, reward for apprehending C. Goodman, 1362.

-, Thomas, of Bexhill, Customs officer, goods smuggled by, 1246.

Pordon, George, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

-, Silvester, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

Port, Ferrard barony, co. Louth, 177.

Port Lesser. See Portlester.

Port Rusheene. See Portrushen.

Portadown, Oneilland barony, co. Armagh, ferry at, 99.

Portaferry, Ards barony, co. Down, ferry at, 654.

Portaloe. See Quoile.

Porte, the. See Turkey.

Portello, Isaac, Brazil wood imported by, 997, 1098.

Porter, —, a traitor, apprehended, 1345.

-, (Parker), Sir Charles, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 223, 433, 434, 451, 575 (Errata 1450), 624, 1297;

Lord Justice of Ireland, 433;

Remembrancer of the First Fruits and Tenths, 947;

Speaker of the House of Lords, Ireland, royal bounty for, 223, 1297;

rent of park near Dublin, 575.

-, Endymion, bedchamberman to Charles I, 1220.

-, George, office of surveyor of Petty Customs, London port, 1001.

-, James, commander of the Leopard, 409.

Porterstown, Porters Town, Farbill barony, co. Westmeath, 927.

Portester. See Portlester.

Portington, Timothy, of Malton, co. York, 38.

Portio, —, goods in Jamaica, 812.

Portland, co. Dorset, island of, steward of. See Stillingfleet, J.;

manor of, 328, 366, 403, 431, 437.

Portland, Countess of. See Weston, Frances.

-, Earl of. See Bentinck, William;

Weston, Thomas.

Portlester, Port Lesser, Portester, Lune barony, co. Meath, 378. Errata, 1449;

manor of, 109, 506.

Portley. See Postley.

Portlick, Kilkenny barony, co. Westmeath, 1013.

Portmarnock, Coolock barony, co. Dublin, 646, 705.

Portnahinch, Queen's County, barony of, 1027.

Porto Ferrajo, Porto Ferraro, Elba Island, port charges at, 1339.

Portotorres, Porto Torre. Sardinia, express sent to. 1296.

Portpatrick, co. Wigtownshire, paequet boats for mails between Donaghadee and, 271, 332.

Portrushen, Port Rusheene, Rathvilly barony, co. Carlow, 316.

Portsmouth, co. Hants, 1250.

artillery train at, 740.

assessment commissioners at, 1347.

beer for the fleet at, 400, 876, 888, 897, 918.

bomb vessels at, 740.

brewers at, Excise debts of, 118;

proceedings against, 1215.

camps at or near, 57, 604, 617, 1153.

collector of. See Weaver, J. Customs officers, 1126.

dock yard. See Portsmouth—Navy Yard.

drugs and medicines served at, 347.

Excise money for payment of the fleet at, 149.

garrison, issue for, 476.

master builder at. See Portsmouth—Navy Yard.

Navy Commissioners at. 49, 447, 492. See also Timewell, B.

Navy stores at, 647.

Navy Yard, decayed ships and stores in, sales of, 1005, 1348;

issue for, 321;

master builder at, 249, 507. See also Timewell, B.;

master builder's assistant, 507;

officers of, assessment on salaries of, 1347;

purveyor 1066. See also Eddy, W.;

shipwrights ordered to, issue for, 570.

ordnance at, purchase of house for, the, 699.

prize ships at or going to, 219, 228, 702, 708, 1109.

purveyor of. See Portsmouth—Navy Yard.

regiments at, 517, 604, 617.

ship from, 430.

ship of, 444.

ship at, issues for, 854, 935;

account of, 481.

silks entered and cleared at, 151.

soldiers carried to, from Cork, 386.

soldiers embarking at, 632, 650.

sub-commissioners of prizes at.

See Battine, E.;

Cowse, W. surveyor of. See Cole, L.;

Mellish, J.

Portugal, 327.

agent for prizes in. See Free-mantle, J.

coast of, ships wrecked on, 1072.

convoys for, 387, 393.

Custom House in, ships to land lead at, 198.

envoy extraordinary to. See Methuen, J.

envoy from, 267, 309, 461;

wine for, 52. See also Sosa, Don S. de.

goods for, 378, 1066.

goods for the Queen Dowager sent to, 136, 343, 365, 1175.

goods from, 211.

King of, 627, 673, 891, 1304.

lead from, proposal to prevent supplies of, for the French, 198.

merchants residing in, credit for the Navy, 669.

merchants trading to, extension of time limit for clearing ships from Gravesend, 1252–3.

Plantations of, in America, Brazil wood from, seized, 997, 1098;

sugar from, 1229.

ports in, 891, 940.

prizes taken to, 940.

ships for, 343, 365, 387, 393, 403, 462;

protection for, 374.

ships of, 267, 997, 1098, 1229.

William III's present of a ship to, 112.

wine, 833, 893, 1040.

Portumna, Longford barony, co. Galway, ferry at, 99.

Posseckstown, Possecktown, Possextowne, [co. Meath], 1063. Errata, 1456.

Possextowne. See Posseckstown.

Postlethwayt (Postlewayt), —, catalogue of St. James's library, 629, 645.

Postlewayt. See Postlethwayt.

Postley Park, Portley Park [? Postyn Park], co. Denbigh, herbage of, 1049. Errata, 1455.

Poston, Timothy, goods shipped by, 170.

-, William, captain-lieutenant, Army payment, 279.

Postyn Park. See Postley.

Potenger. See Pottenger.

Potomac, Potomack, River, Maryland, province or precinct of, collector and receiver of revenue in. See Blakiston, W.;

Muschamp, G.;

Governor of, 1221;

Proprietor of. See Calvert, Charles, Baron Baltimore;

revenue, moiety of, for the Proprietor of, 1221.

Pott. See Potts.

Pottenger (Potenger, Pottinger), John, Comptroller of the Pipe, 421, 426, 452, 836, 870, 935, 1176, 1187, 1218, 1261;

Master in Chancery in the Alienation Office, 310.

-, -, loan by, 910.

-, Thomas, agent for prizes, Ireland, 328, 875, 947.

Potter, Peter, agent for Colonel T. Saunderson's regiment, 1046, 1222.

Pottinger. See Pottenger.

Potts (Pott), John, lease, co. Cumberland, 17.

-, Richard, surveyor, Sunderland port, 1348.

-, Samuel, Receiver General of Hearthmoney, London and Westminster and cos. Hertford, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex, 635–6, 1015.

Poularick, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Poulce. See Pulse.

Poulett (Paulet, Pawlett, Powlett), Charles, Duke of Bolton, Errata, 1450.

fee farm rents, cos. Hants and Wilts, 1333.

[house of], notice of caveat to, 692.

loans by, 914, 915, 974.

petition for grant of hundred courts and rents in cos. Hants and Wilts, 1333.

regiment or regiments of, 75, 91, 146, 187, 204, 251, 272, 327, 468, 484, 607, 612, 668, 740, 762, 794, 817, 818, 1045, 1081, 1106, 1143;

agent to. See Geary, P.

Warden of the New Forest, 220, 248, 249, 388, 492, 505, 982.

-, -, Marquess of Winchester, custody of Burleigh Lodge, New Forest, 445, 1203;

Master Keeper of Burleigh Walk, New Forest, 962.

Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, 936, 939, 1033, 1074;

bills signed by, 1076.

petitions for superstitious lands, cos. Stafford and Worcester, 415, 584;

granted, 590–2. Errata, 1450.

Vice-Admiral, co. Southampton and Isle of Wight, 46, 488, 901, 1290.

-, Frances, Marchioness of Winchester, salary issue to, from the Queen, 1074.

-, Lord William, grant of concealed lands etc., St. Giles-without-Cripplegate, 609, 692, 759;

plate for, 700.

-See also Paulet.

Poulle, Benjamin, bills of exchange for Army subsistence, 525, 634.

Poulson, Gilbert, landwaiter, Portsmouth and Southampton, 1126.

Poultney. See Pulteney.

Poulton, co. Lanca, Customs officers at, 560, 1002, 1343.

Povey, —, royal bounty for, 1005.

-, John, [clerk to the Committee for Trade and Plantations], 185, 187, 206, 238, 249, 353, 375, 513, 711, 712, 758, 774, 807, 812, 815, 816, 817, 819, 923, 1186, 1191, 1195, 1213, 1244, 1265, 1351.

-, Richard, Treasurer for Sick and Wounded, 1098.

Powder, Powder East, Westpowder, co. Cornwall, hundred of, 192, 665, 956, 1083;

steward of, 192, 956.

Powder East. See Powder.

Powell, Arthur, of Carshalton, barn at Royston let by, 749.

-, Henry, of Hampton Court, Army provisions, 130, 429.

-, Sir John, Baron of the Exchequer, 1229;

Justice of the Common Pleas, 1229;

letter of, concerning clipped money for assessments, 1363;

loans by, 420, 422, 524.

-, John, loan by, 907.

-, Leonard, captain, reward for apprehending Sir W. Perkins, 1345, 1362.

-, Sir Littleton. Errata, 1450.

-, Sir Nathaniel, reward for apprehending Sir W. Perkins, 1345, 1362.

-, Samuel, Serjeant-at-Arms, attending the House of Commons, 491, 764, 771, 777, 1089, 1152, 1176, 1187.

-, -, tenant, Frith Williams, co. Denbigh, 1047.

-, Thomas, boatman-in-fee, Gatcombe, 852;

extraordinary boatman, Bristol port, 852.

-, William, caveat in behalf of, 746.

Power (Powers), Edmund, Army pay arrears, 292, 296;

custodiam rents, co. Kerry, 293, 350, 927, 1330;

not known to the King, 1436;

royal bounty for, 299;

Troop of Horse of, 293, 350.

-, Richard, Earl of Tyrone, Governor of Waterford, 366;

debt due from, 336;

mortgage on lands, Ireland, 960.

-, Roger, agent to the Earl of Burlington and Cork, 73.

-, Thomas, agent for prizes, Bide-ford etc., 359.

Powers. See Power.

Powis. See Powys.

Powis Castle. See Powys Castle.

Powle, Henry, Master of the Rolls, 448.

-, Sir Richard, lease, Egham manor, 419.

Powlett. See Poulett.

Pownall, —, lieutenant-colonel, Army pay arrears, 3.

Powny, —, regimental agent, 1403.

Powys, Marquess of. See Herbert, William.

Powys (Powell, Powis), Littleton, afterwards Sir Littleton, Baron of the Exchequer, 1229, 1241;

Justice of Chester, 38, 270, 470, 521, 636, 714, 892, 1107, 1318;

loans by, 410, 524. Errata, 1450.

-, R. (in the absence of W. Lowndes), 1125.

-, Richard, loans by, 688.

-, Sir Thomas, counsel, 1395, 1396;

opposition to grants of Marquees of Powys's estates, 1413, 1445–6.

Powys Castle, Powis Castle, co. Montgomery, barony and castle called, grant of, 1054, 1055.

Pranstown [? Roanstown], Ratoath barony, co. Meath, 629.

Prat. See Pratt.

Prater, George, captain, Army pay arrears, 286.

Pratt (Prat), —, proposal of, for amending the currency, 1415–7.

-, Charles, collector, Newhaven, 201, 1248.

-, Edward, master of the Daniel, 999.

-, Elias, collector, Berwick port, 1002.

-, John, searcher, Berwick port, 963.

Prediaux, Predieux. See Prideaux.

Preeston, William, of Liverpool, merchant, tobacco exports, 646.

Preicestowne. See Priest Town.

Preistman. See Priestman.

Prendigrass, —, a traitor, apprehended, 1345.

Prescott, [Henry], wine taster, London port, 1190.

-, William, loan by, 917.

Prestatyn, Prestlattin, co. Flint, hundred of, commissioners of assessments for, 212.

Prestigood. See Prysllgod.

Prestlattin. See Prestatyn.

Preston, co. Kent, rent out of tenements in, 1021.

-, co. Lancaster, 671;

deputy postmaster, 1284. See also Rishton, R.

Preston, Viscount. See Graham, Edward;

Graham, Richard.

-, Viscountess. See Graham, Ann.

Preston, Jenico, Viscount Gormanston, died in rebellion, money due to, 348.

-, John loan by, 916.

-, Sir Thomas, lands of, co. Lancaster, settled to superstitious uses, 936, 980.

-, Thomas, lease of superstitious lands, co. Lancaster, 936, 980, 992–3.

- See also Preeston.

Prestwich, Lady, pension from the Queen for, 1127.

Pretty [Pritty], Henry, quit rents, co. Kerry, 1199.

Prettyman, [William], Remembrancer of the First Fruits, 947.

Price [Pryce], —, objections to grants to the Earl of Portland, 1202, 1375.

-, Alice, tenant, Talygarth, 1050;

tenant, Shedlands, Hendregyda, 1051.

-, Ann, loan by, 908.

-, Daniel, Receiver of Assessments, co. Brecon, 22, 258;

Receiver of Assessments, cos. Brecon and Radnor, 466, 660, 1089;

petition of, 817.

-, Edward, loans by, 908, 911.

-, -, reward for discovering etc. publishers of libels, 649, 651–2.

-, Francis, waiter and searcher, Lime Kilns, Bristol port, 976.

-, John, captain, commander of the Loyalty, 202, 1079, 1081, 1106.

-, -, extent against, for Customs money sent to London, 1178, 1395–6.

-, -, of Derwen, tenant of lands called Brinkilfe, co. Denbigh, 1048.

-, -, Receiver General of the Revenue, Ireland, 37, 85, 472, 568, 1428.

-, Joseph, arrested for burglary, 943.

-, Matthew, waiter and searcher, Oxwich and Penarth, 53.

-, Samuel, tenant, Donaghcomper, etc., 178.

-, -, tenant, Pool, Guilsfield etc., 1056.

-, Thomas, deputy postmaster, Stourbridge, debt of, 508.

-, -, loans by, 912, 916.

-, -, of London, goldsmith, debts due to James II., lands of, seized, 47, 85.

-, -, tenant, Tirymynach, 1057.

-, -, tenements etc. of, in Norwich, seized, 1183, 1262.

-, William, tenant, Boddringhwyn, 1051;

tenant, Wickwer and Trofarth, 1051.

Pricestown. See Priest Town.

Prichard (Pritchard), John, waiter and searcher, Swansea, 452.

-, Rice, Hearthmoney collector, Wales, 304.

-, Susan, widow of Rice, 304.

-, Sir William, guns saved from the London wreck, share of, in payment of Ordnance debt, 548, 1237, 1411, 1417;

grantee of lands for erection of Greenwich Hospital, 797.

Pride, Hugh, lands of, cos. Dorset and Somerset, 1124.

-, Shadrack, lands of, cos. Dorset and Somerset, 1124.

-, Simon, lands of, cos. Dorset and Somerset, 1124.

Prideaux (Prediaux, Predieux), Helen (Ellen), royal bounty for, 455, 722, 868.

-, Sir Richard, valuation of Calstock Weir, 1173.

Priest, Titus, tidesman, Exeter, 1242.

Priest Town, Preicestowne, Pricestown, [? co. Dublin, Louth or Meath], 4.

Priestman (Preistman), Antho., issue to, for the table of the Queen's Bedchamber women, 1078.

-, Henry a Commissioner of the Admiralty, 629, 1334.

Prigg, John, Army clothing, 641.

Prince, Daniel, of Oxford, vintner, outlawed, 1269.

-, James, captain, Company of Foot of, in or going to Jamaica, 578, 604, 607, 637, 767, 837, 850.

-, John, bills of, payment of, 1077, 1078.

Prion, co. Denbigh, lands in, 1051.

Prior (Pryer, Pryor), Matthew, resident and minister at the Hague, 713, 738, 777, 845, 1009, 1081, 1136, 1154, 1156, 1248, 1304, 1357;

resident in Holland, 773, 777;

loans by, 1081, 1162, 1310.

-, Nath., master of the Hope, 502.

Pritchard. See Prichard.

Pritty. See Pretty.

Probat, Huge, et al., tenants, Hirnant, Pennant etc., 1059.

Probert, Henry, concealed lands, Stepney, petition for moiety of, 149, 268.

-, Walter, royal bounty for, 528, 531.

-, William, Receiver General of Hearthmoney, North and South Wales, 227.

Proctor, John, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Westmorland, 672.

-, -, tidesman, Liverpool, 144.

-, William, goods shipped in name of, 961.

Proger. See Progers.

Progers (Proger), —, widow of Charles, 38.

-, Charles, lieutenant-colonel or colonel, captain in the First Regiment of Foot Guards, 38, 274.

-, Edward, keeper of the Middle Park Hampton Court, 263, 283, 391, 1178;

loans by, 283, 907.

Prosser, Lewis, convicted for counterfeiting, 1310.

Prostons Lands, [co. Berks], rent out of, 1024.

Prothero (Prothro), Lewis, King's waiter, London port, 234.

Proudfootstown, Upper Slane barony, co. Meath, manor of, 4.

Prowland. See Crowland.

Pryce. See Price.

Pryer, Pryor. See Prior.

Prysllygod, Prestigood, co. Denbigh, lands in, 1051.

Psalter, Talbot, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

Pugh, David, bill of, payment of, 1077.

Puisar, Puissar. See Puizar.

Puizar (Puisar, Puissar), Louis de, Marquess, regiment of, 1045, 1284, 1426;

agent for. See Acton, J.

Pullein. See Pullen.

Pullen (Pullein), Thomas, Master of the King's Studs, 956.

-, William, surveyor and gauger in the Excise, 1188, 1399.

Pulman, Joseph, mariner, 1152.

Pulse (Poulce), Daniel, Page of the Queen's Backstairs, 1034, 1074.

Pulteney (Polteney, Poultney, Pultney), —, fine of, for relief of French Protestants, 1426.

-, -, lease, premises etc. in St. James's bailiwick, 480, 527.

-, Lady, widow of Sir, William, tenant, St. James's Street, 542.

-, Charles, son of Sir William, leases, St. James's bailiwick, 511.

-, John, a commissioner for the Million Lottery, 553, 983.

-, -, son of Sir William, leases, St. James's bailiwick, 508, 542, 1267–8, 1300;

house of, notice of caveat to be given at, 1337.

-, Sir William, lands and tenements of, in St. James's, Chelsea, etc., 30, 70, 70–1, 227, 405, 511, 540–3, 566, 1267, 1300.

-, William, captain, Army pay arrears, 375, 393.

Punter, John, carpenter at Windsor, 606.

Purbeck, Viscountess. See Villiers, Margaret.

Purcell (Pursell), —, colonel, counsel for, 1417. See also Shore, Sir B.;

married to daughter of Viscount Kenmure, 1417;

money due to, 1431;

outlawry of, reversal of, 1412, 1415, 1417.

-, Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas, concerning estate of Viscount Kenmure, 1404.

-, Garret, captain, former Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

-, Nicholas, concerning the estate of Viscount Kenmure, 1404.

-, Toby, colonel, Army pension for, 764;

regiment of, 59.

Purchase, Ben., lease, Coverham Abbey, co. York, 454.

Purefoy, —, captain, Army payment, 279.

-, Mary, lease, lands in Hartshorne, co. Derby, 300.

Purler. See Burler.

Purley Mabines [? Purley Parva, co. Berks], manor of, rent out of, 1022.

Purley Parva, See Purley Mabines.

Purnell, Joseph, boatman-in-fee, Gatcombe, 852.

Pursell. See Purcell.

Purvis, —, captain, master of the Wolfe, 411.

Pury. See Bury.

Pusey, Pewsey, co. Berks, rent out of lands in, 1022.

Puslinch Marsh. See Newton Ferrers.

Pussell. Thomas, tenant, farm of messuage and land in Guilsfield, 1057.

Pussey, Edward, tenant, Scotland Yard, 622.

Putham, Michael, waiter and searcher, Minehead, 460.

Pydar, Pyder, co. Cornwall, hundred of, assessments in, 1083;

stewardship of, 192, 956.

Pye, Herbert, clerk, vicar of Monmouth, stipend of, 871.

-, Sir John, loans by, 908.

-, John, collector, Newcastle port, 376, 587;

salt duty employment, Newcastle port, 587;

solicitor of coast bonds, 49, 376, 377.

-, Sir, Robert, Auditor of the Receipt, 749.

Pyle, Edward, loan by, 916.

-, George, lease, tenements in Castle Close, Exeter, 295.

Pym (Pim), John, house of, in Water Lane, 1066.

Pyne (Pynne), Sir Richard, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Ireland, estate of, co. Cork, 661;

tenant, Straffan, co. Kildare, 178.