Index of Persons and Places: N, O

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Index of Persons and Places: N, O', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: N, O', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: N, O". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Naas, co. Kildare, barony of, 176.

Nagle (Neagle), Andrew, Hearthmoney collector, 28, 198;

seaman in the Britannia, 198;

wife of, 198.

-, David, estate of, in Ireland, forfeited, 1116.

-, Peirce, estate of, in Ireland, forfeited, 1116, 1178.

-, Sir Richard, estate of, in Ireland, forfeited, 4.

-, Richard, Customs collector, Barbados, 437;

receiver of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty, Holetown, Barbados, 436–7.

-, -, feeman's place, Customs House, 833.

-, -, son of Richard, discharged from father's Customs debt, 323, 436–7;

soldier in Colonel J. Coy's regiment, 437.

-, -, waiter to attend glasshouses, appointment as, 1204.

Nairne, David, agent for regiments of Colonels Ferguson and Maitland, 1046.

Naish. See Nash.

Namur, Belgium, camp at, 1155, 1160, 1179;

castle, 1179;

sick and wounded sent to, 574;

troops lost at, 1241, 1247, 1251, 1273, 1295, 1351, 1414, 1418.

Nangle, co. Pembroke. See Angle.

Nangle, —, sheriff, corruption of, 616.

-, Walter, lands of, in co. Meath, forfeited, 927, 1013.

Nanny, —, Mris., pension from the Queen for, 1127.

Nantwich, co. Chester, inhabitants of, quartering troops, 299.

Napnen, William, loans by, 915, 916.

Napton, William, waiter and searcher, St. Mawes, 879.

Narborough, Sir John, concerning a wreck at Barbados, 112.

Narragh and Reban, co. Kildare, barony of, 316.

Narrow Water, co. Down, ferry of 654.

Nash (Naish), —, captain, bullion seized by, 366, 367, 382.

-, -, Customs officer, Carlisle port, 1413.

-, -, Customs officer, goods seized by, 413, 458.

-, John, Purveyor in Ireland, bills drawn by, 708, 768;

timber for the Navy, 588.

-, -, Receiver General of Crown Revenues, South Wales, 79, 97, 753.

-, Richard, landwaiter, Pembroke, 801;

removed to Angle, 801;

surveyor, Milford Haven port, 267, 314, 530.

-, Samuel, solicitor for coast bonds, 49.

-, William, outlaw, lands of, in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 720.

Nassau, Count de, major-general, aide-de-camp to, 123;

issues for, 103, 106;

regiment of, 92.

-, Henry de. See Auverquerque.

-, William de. See Zuylestein.

Nathy, Edward, loan by, 912.

Navan, co. Meath, 73;

barony of, 178, 316, 1013.

Navarro, Abraham, East India Company assisted by. 361.

Naworth, co. Cumberland, manor of, 343.

Neads, John, a captive in Algiers, 256.

Neagle. See Nagle.

Neale (Neal, Neeil), —, partnership in brewhouse and brewing trade in London, 1360.

-, John, estate of, in co. Kilkenny, forfeited, 980.

-, -, grant of Denbigh and Bromfield and Yale manors in trust for the Earl of Portland, 1006, 1052.

-, -, highwayman, 130, 239, 268.

-, -, surety for deputy postmaster at Preston, 1284.

-, Thomas, Master and Worker of the Mint, 223–4, 448, 649, 667, 842, 885, 930, 979, 990, 1268, 1316, 1322, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1349, 1350, 1412, 1421, 1422, 1428, 1429, 1431, 1434, 1437, 1442, 1443;

assistant to. See Hall, T. commissioner for the Million Adventure (Lottery), 552, 983.

commissioner of the Transfer Office for annuities on the Salt Duty Act, 609, 626, 1369.

grant of mines in America, 561.

grant of wrecks etc. near the Sable Islands, 50.

lease, Duke of Monmouth's house in Soho, 162.

petition for grant of Crown rent payable out of the New River water, 449.

petition for warrant to coin dollars, 346.

Neat. See Neyte.

Neau, Martin, lieutenant, Irish pension for, 634.

Nedham. See Needham.

Needham (Nedham), —, payment to, for the collegiate church of St. Peter's Westminster, for the interment of the Queen, 1263.

-, Eleanor, Mris., pension and royal bounty for, 31, 168, 771, 883, 987;

children of, 31.

-, Nicholas, pension for, 12, 13.

Needless. David, master of the Gilbert and Ann, 444.

Needwood Forest, co. Stafford, abuses and disturbances in, 273, 778;

axebearer and other officers, actions of trespass against, 273;

collector of rent in, 778;

enquiry whether taken into care of the Duchy, 1418;

lieutenancy of, granted to the High Steward of the Household, 273;

timber felling and sales, 522, 778, 1435;

timber required by inhabitants of Warwick, 1418;

wasted in, 778.

Neeil. See Neale.

Negus, Francis, Surveyor of the Royal Mews, 105, 157, 189–190, 272, 283, 616, 724, 895, 1053, 1071.

Neland, Nicholas, highwayman, 117.

Nelham, John, noontender, London port, 262, 469.

Nelmes, John, a Commissioner for Forfeitures, Ireland, 67, 190, 296, 457.

Nelthorpe, Sir Goddard, tenant, London, 542.

Neston, co Chester, inquisition at, 1220.

Nether Ballyclohy. See Ballyclohy.

Netherby, co. Cumberland, 17;

Hallburn (Hallbourne), 17;

Oakshaw (Askshaw) Hill, 17;

Slealands. 18.

Netherby Hall, co. Cumberland, 486.

Nethercomb. See East Greenwich.

Nethercross, co Dublin, barony of, 316, 364.

Netherlands, Postmaster General of. See Thurn and Taxis, Prince de la;

potashes from, 339. See also Flanders;


Netherton, Henry, highwayman apprehended by, reward for, 191.

Neuvenheuse. See Nieuwenhijs.

Neuvile, Baron de, Army payment 87.

Neve, Le. See Le Neve.

Neville (Nevell, Nevil, Nevill), —, admiral, victualling at Cadiz, credit for, 627.

-, -, house of, Queen's pension for rent of, 1128.

-, Sir Edward, loans by, 420, 524.

-, George, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Stafford, 672.

-, John, consul at Algiers, 256–7.

-, Marry, royal bounty for, 455, 722, 868.

-, Richard, fine of a lease of Winterton Ness and Orford Ness lighthouses, 1261.

-, Sophia, royal bounty for, 455, 722, 868.

Nevis, West Indies, agent for prizes at. See Crisp, J.;

Commissioners of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty at. See Belchamber, T.;

Mead, W.;

deputy Auditor of Plantations at. See Byam, E.;

ship for, 968.

New Castle, co. Meath. See Newcastle.

NEW ENGLAND, 239, 560.

agent for prizes. See Brenton, J.

chapel in, plate for. See Miles, S.

chaplain in or going to. See Dancy, J.;

Miles, S.

colonies of, 595.

convoy to, 387.

copper mines and minerals in, charter of incorporation of, proposed grant deferred, 425.

Customs collector and surveyor, complaint of, against the Governor of Massachusetts Bay, 420. See also Brenton. J.

fines and forfeitures in, due to the King, 952.

Government and Council of, 425.

Governor of, 1124.

inhabitants of, agent for. See Ashurst, Sir H.

masts from, 32, 127, 532, 1095;

for the Navy, contracts for, 630.

Militia in, Lieutenant and Comander-in-Cheif of, to supply money for forces in West Indies, 163–4.

mines in. caveat against grant of, 359.

Naval Officer in, place of, 955. See also Brenton, J.

pacquet for the Queen from, 302.

pitch from, Customs free, 32.

poor minister in, the Queen's pension to Bishop of London for, 1227, 1259.

prizes taken to, 940.

provisions imported from, 1095.

shipbuilding in, 127, 201, 522.

ships of or returning to, 2, 36, 45, 201, 204, 284, 302, 387, 410, 444, 462, 472, 492, 522, 581, 876, 903, 922, 925, 934, 978, 988, 999, 1072, 1073;

embargo on, 302, 945.

NEW FOREST, abuses in, 334;

commission to enquire into, 140, 227, 248, 264, 700, 709, 710, 1066;

commission superseded, 187.

Bill for, to be printed, 12.

bridges and passages in, repairs to, 623, 971;

repairer of, 623.

browsewood, 194, 759.

Burleigh Lodge, and rails, repairs to, 445, 962, 1066, 1203;

Master Keeper of. See Poulett, Charles, Marquess of Winchester;

two courts at, 1203.

Burleigh Walk, Master Keeper of. See Poulett, Charles, Marquess of Winchester.

casual wood, 15.

Cocks Lease tenement in, timber for building a malt house to, 485.

Decoy, the, repairs to, 982, 1009.

Denny (Dinny) Lodge, keeper of. See Saunders, —;

making a bridge by, 971.

Denny Walk, 194.

embezzlements, wastes and frauds in, 759.

encroachments, enquiry into, 759.

felling trees and underwoods in, 194, 241, 249, 279, 492, 500, 505, 507, 962, 1009, 1066, 1089, 1115, 1203.

Forest Courts, 759.

general enquiry into, commissioners for, and articles of instructions, 759.

hogs depastured, 759.

keepers of, tops and offal sold to, 1115;

wages for, 194, 1134.

King's Coppice, in Denny Walk, 194;

underwoods in, 920.

lodges and rails in, repairs to, 1115.

Lord Warden of, 194, 1134. See also Poulett, Charles, Duke of Bolton.

Lyndhurst. See Lyndhurst.

moorfalls or moor wood, 15, 194.

Navy Purveyor in, 249, 334. See also Eddy, W.

New Park Lodge, a pound in the Forest, keeper of. See Kingdon, T.

offal in, disposed to the King's use, 241.

officers of, complaint against for stealing timber, 388;

fee wood or fuel taken by, 759;

wages for, 194.

purprestures in, enquiry into, 759.

regarders, 249, 264.

Riding Forester. See Burrard, J.

Slethwood, causeway at, 971.

Swainmote Courts, 759.

timber from, 485.

for repairs etc., 445, 485, 623, 737, 962, 971, 982, 1009, 1115, 1203.

for the Navy, 14, 220, 241, 249, 279, 492, 500, 505, 507, 759, 1009, 1066, 1080;

stolen, 381, 388.

seized, 1080.

verderers, 249, 264.

wood sales in, 14, 194, 507, 920, 962, 971, 1089, 1203;

proceeds from, payments out of, 14, 737, 1134;

poundage on, 14.

Woodward of, complaint against, 335, 365;

fees of, 14, 15;

warrants for feeling trees, 194, 249, 1009. See also Dickens, F.

New Forest, co. York. See Arkengarthdale.

New Hampshire, Governor of. See Allen, S.

New Jersey, East and West Jersey, grants of lands, 239.

New Laith barn and cottage. See Almondbury.

New Mercats. See Newmarket.

New Park. See Richmond, New Park.

New Park lodge. See New Forest.

New River, the, brought from Chadwell and Amwell to London, 421.

water, governor and proprietors of, 420–1;

assessment arrears due from, 586, 627.

Crown rent payable out of, 449.

supplied to St. James's Palace, 76, 421, 860, 1318.

tax on, 565.

New Ross, Ross, Rosse, co. Wexford, ferry at, 99, 654.

New Sarum. See Salisbury.

New Town, co. Dublin. See Newtown

New Windsor. See Windsor.

NEW YORK, Assembly of, 71.

beaver skins from, 999.

chapel at, plate for, 646.

chief frontier and place of defence in North America against the French, 239, 1192.

Companies of Foot in, or being raise for, 45;

clothing of, 269, 777, 785, 837, 969, 1214;

establishment of, 1192;

issues for, 61, 91, 554, 557, 604, 607, 643, 751, 857, 1118, 1351;

recruits for, 1215, 1351.

Council of, 71;

committee of, appointed, 353.

Customs collector in. See Brookes, C.

defence of, militia from other colonies for, 743.

estates in, forfeited, grants of, 65.

executions in, for murder and treason, 65.

expedition against the French in 1687, money advanced for, 1273.

Five Nations of Indians and River Indians engaged against the French, 1131.

French invasion of, 46.

garrison at, money for support of, 1273.

Government of, 1017, 1192.

Governor and Commander-in-Chief, 71, 743, 1273, 1274;

commission as, grant of, 239;

Crown debts contracted by, 156;

powers of, 299. See also Dungan, T.;

Fletcher, B.

grants of lands, prejudicial to safety and trade of, 1192.

hemp produced in, 353.

Indians in, treaties etc. with, 1274.

merchants and inhabitants of, manned by, 1040.

method considered supplying forces in the West Indies, 353.

money for support of forces against the French, 1273, 1294.

money from Virginia for assistance of, against the French, 71, 1017.

money, value of, in sterling, 1274, 1294.

Order in Council relating to, 605.

patents, or lands granted in, before 1681, list of, 238, 1191.

pitch produced in, 353.

presents for the Five Nations of Indians and River Indians at Albany, 1131.

public service, receipts and payments for, 239.

quit rents, 238. See also Staten Island.

resin not produced in, 353.

revenue, collector or receiver general of, 1295. See also Brookes, C.;

exhausted by maintenance of Albany Fort, 71;

payments out of, 1273, 1274, 1295.

seal of, 1192.

ship from, 999.

ships for, 410.

ships of, or returning to, 462, 472, 1040, 1072, 1302, 1311.

ships seized, 1170.

soldiers going to, transport and victualling of, 664, 889, 1368.

soldiers in, temp James II., money disbursed for, 1273.

tar produced in, 353.

violation of Acts of Trade by neighbouring colonies, 249.

Newbiggin, co. Cumberland, manor of, 343.

Newcastle, New Castle, Ireland, manor of, 1038.

-, Fore barony, co. Meath, 252, 316.

Newcastle, Duke of, See Holles, John.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. Northumberland, Army officer travelling to, 386.

coal shipments at, 832, 961.

coals and culm at, management of, 1209.

coals from, 462.

collector of, 49. See also Holland, J.;

Isaacson, A.;

Pye, J.

commission for measuring keels of ships at, 1090, 1381.

comptroller of. See Holland, J.

corn at, price of, and duty on, 801.

Customer of. See Cox, J.;

Cox, N.

Customs officers, 893, 1234;

books of, relating to sea coals shipments, 1305.

Easter Quarter Sessions, 832.

express from, to Hull, Army allowance for, 386.

General Quarter Sessions, 832.

glass bottles shipped at, 961.

Justices of the Peace at, corn prices fixed by, 801;

rye prices fixed by, 832.

merchants of, 575, 801, 831–2.

Michaelmas Quarter Sessions, 832.

pilotage and shipping at, Army issue for, 387.

raising seamen in, 46, 49, 488, 902, 1290.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 152, 465, 589, 752.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Williamson, R.

salt duty at, management of. See Pye. J.

salt duty at places near, prejudiced by method of measurement, 1105.

salt pans in, 587.

sea coals shipped at, duty of 1s. per chaldron on, grant of, 1305.

ships for, 462, 1011.

ships from, for the Plantations, 430.

ships of, 832.

Solicitor for Assessments. See Christian, W.

Vice-Admiral of. See Lumley, Richard, Earl of Scarborough.

Newcomb, Dorothy, payment for printing Acts, proclamations etc., 425–6.

Newcomen, Eliz., et al., respites on pay of their husbands killed at Limerick, 560.

-, Lady Sarah, royal bounty for, 1005.

-, Thomas captain, Army pay arrears, 534, 581.

Newell, alias Hunt, Abbot, tenant, lands and premises, London, 405, 527, 541, 542, 543.

NEWFOUNDLAND, Bank of, 1323.

cargo of fish to be brought from, 462.

chaplain going to. See Miles S.

embargo on ships trading to, 441, 576, 959, 1017, 1289;

removed for ships granted permits to sail to, 429.

fish taken from the French at, 1216.

fishing ships for, 67.

fishing trade, 576, 959.

merchants trading to, 971, 1004, 1006, 1289.

prize ships from, duty on fish cargoes of, 1264–5, 1277, 1323.

ships for, 112, 139, 164, 165, 175–6, 193, 197, 265, 268, 273, 462, 959, 971, 1004, 1017–8, 1289–90;

to give bonds not to go to America, 1006, 1017, 1072.

Newfriths. See Taldroth.

Newhaven, co. Sussex, Customs officers, 201, 992, 1248;

harbour at, issues for, 1334, 1436.

Newin, Thomas, arrested for burglary, 943.

Newington, co Kent, 155.

Newland, co. Berkshire, rent out of, 1024.

Newland, Benjamin, brother of Charles, Army payment, 273, 324.

-, Sir Benjamin, a Commissioner for Public Accounts, 47, 192, 305, 411, 601;

low spirits imported by, duty on, 742, 779;

conger dulce exported from Plymouth, 822.

-, Charles, brother of Benjamin, Army debt due to, 273.

-, Philip, repairer of bridges and passages in New Forest, 623.

-, William, master of the Olive Branch, 1018.

Newman, Charles, master of the Mary, 1072.

-, John, Excise officer of the distillery, 754.

Newmarket, cos. Cambridge and Suffolk, Falconers (Faulconers) Lodge at, 1325.

Guard House at, land bought by Charles II. for, 1167, 1224.

“Hand and Sword” Inn, 1224.

King's house at, furniture at, issue for, 1225.

housekeeper in. See Elliott, E.;

Ford, R.

Wardrobe at, 1408;

keeper of. See Elliott, E.

Race, the, repairs to rails at, 1181.

racehorses at, issue for, 116, 1206, 1404.

Newmarket, New Mercats, Duhallow barony, co. Cork, 1086.

Newport, Andrew, complaint brought by against the deputy auditor of Wales, 659, 704;

Custos Rotulorum, co. Montgomery, 1292.

-, Francis, Viscount Newport, afterwards Earl of Bradford, Cofferer to the Household, 66, 83, 183, 188, 309, 357, 375, 390, 407, 439, 547, 586, 652, 675, 815, 923, 934, 950, 955, 1005, 1054, 1070, 1206, 1224, 1235, 1248, 1354, 1358;

loan by, as Cofferer, 1354;

Custos Rotulorum, co. Salop, 490, 1292;

Lord Lieutenant, co. Salop, 44, 490, 1292;

Receiver General of Assessments, St. James's and Whitehall palaces, 467, 590, 934;

grant of rents of Brigstock parks, 959, 990, 1004;

recommending J. Fawcett (Fossett) for employment, 166, 320.

Newsham, —, to go to Ireland, payment for, 1365.

-, John, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Warwick, 33, 152, 190, 227, 466, 589, 608, 723, 933, 1242, 1307;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Warwick, 1042.

Newson, Tho., tenant, Tipperstown, 177.

Newthall. See Nuthall.

Newton, —, alderman, tenant, Drogheda, 316.

-, -, tenant, house in London, 113.

-, Ann, widow of George, 85, 539.

-, George, collector of Excise, North Wales, debt of, 85, 539.

-, Isaac, Warden of the Mint, appointment as, 1358.

-, John, of Gray's Inn, 167.

-, -, of Lewes, collector of duties on stamped vellum etc., co. Sussex, 658, 672.

-, -, of London, merchant, wines etc. imported by, 831.

-, -, woodward of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, 1320. See also Newton, T.

-, Peter, of Clement's Inn, 167.

-, Philip, riding surveyor, Lulworth, co. Dorset, 877–8.

-, Thomas, woodward, Salcey and Whittlewood Forests, 62, 948, 1326. See also Newton, John.

-, William, servant to Sir T. Vernon, goods shipped by, 1159.

Newton Ferrers, co. Devon, 442;

Puslinch Marsh, 442.

Newtown, New Town, Nethercross barony, co. Dublin, 364.

-, [? Louth barony], co. Louth, 654.

-, [? Upper Navan barony]. co. Meath, 252.

-, co. Montgomery, 1058;

weekly market and annual fairs, 1058.

-, [? Delvin barony], co. Westmeath, 177.

Neyte, Neat, Chelsea, bailiwick of, 696.

Nichol, Nicholl, Forest, co. Cumberland 188–9, 486;

manor of, 343, 486.

Nicholas, —, of Lichfield, coppices in Kenilworth assigned to, 1033.

-, Edward, Receiver General of the Alienation Office, 308.

-, -, Treasurer and Receiver General to the Queen, 168, 174, 188, 237, 297, 433, 448, 460, 645, 803, 842, 853, 896, 905, 921, 923, 995, 1030, 1033, 1054, 1074, 1076, 1096, 1114, 1127, 1132, 1227, 1239, 1252, 1258, 1263, 1271, 1284, 1288, 1313, 1386, 1426;

loans by, 436, 443, 1054, 1081, 1109.

-, Sir Edward, lease, Old Spring Garden, 1243–4;

former Secretary of State, 1244.

-, Sir John, a clerk of the Privy Council, 37, 523, 718, 735, 1104, 1107;

house and land of, Old Spring Garden, 1244, 1300;

loans by, 532, 1107.

-, William, loans by, 912.

Nicholl Forest. See Nichol Forest.

Nicholls (Nicoll, Nicolls), —, alderman, tenant, Drogheda, 316.

-, John, lease of woods, Hendon manor, 711.

-, Joseph, et al., tenants, Pool, Guilsfield etc., 1056.

-, Richard, loan by, 909.

-, Stephen, tenant, Pool, Guilsfield etc., 1057.

Nicholson, Clement, ships and seamen for Virginia, 322.

-, Francis, colonel, Governor-in-Chief, Maryland, 819, 824, 1261;

Lieutenant - Governor, Virginia, 72;

trustee of the College, Virginia, 72;

visitor and governor of the “William and Mary College”, Virginia, 24–5.

-, John, captain, East India Company assisted by, 361.

-, -, Hackney coachman, 738.

-, -, master of the Beaufort, 360.

-, Richard, waiter, Bridgetown, Barbados, 447.

Nicoll, Nicolls, See Nicholls.

Nieuwenhijs (Neuvenheuse). —, colonel, regiment of, 92.

Nievelt, —, pension from the Queen for, 1128.

Nisby, Geo., a prisoner in Dublin Castle, 290.

Nish, Nissa, Servia, 371.

Nixon, —, chaplain, Army payment for, 229.

Noades (Nodes), John, chirurgeon to the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, 181, 207.

Nobbs, —, doctor, body of the Queen, opened by, 1078.

Noble, God., bill of, payment of, 1077.

-, John, reward for apprehending C. Goodman, 1345, 1362.

Nodes. See Noades.

Noell (Noel, Nowell), Edward, custodiam lease, lands in cos. Dorset and Somerset, 1124.

-, -, loans by, and rewards for loans, 41, 60, 61, 62, 174, 205, 362, 367, 400, 604, 718, 731, 1232.

-, [Edward, solicitor of Excise], 1296, 1333, 1427, 1442, 1444.

-, John, Strata Marcella Abbey mortgaged to, 54, 1009.

Nolbrough, Sam., master of the Mary, 1290.

Nolt, —, major, Army payment for, 668.

Noquier, Ste., of London, merchant silks seized, 151.

Norcliffe, Benj., stewardship of courts of St. Mary's monastery, York, 636, 696.

Norcote. See Northcote.

Norden, [John], survey by, 289.

Nore, The, ships at, issues for, 481, 534, 935, 944;

Buoy in, 534, 944.

Norfolk, county of, 314, 598, 626, 733, 745, 824, 899, 948, 952, 977, 1069, 1141, 1164, 1243.

Auditor of Crown Revenues. See Aldworth, W.;

Phillips, J.

collector of Excise in. See Dashwood, S.

merchants of, interested in linen manufactures of the United Provinces, 485.

raising seamen in, for the fleet, 489, 902, 1291.

Receiver General of Crown Revenues. See Pickays, A.

Receiver General of Taxes, complaint of correspondent of, concerning price of guineas, 1147.

Receivers General of Assessments, 34, 152, 464, 588, 934, 1208, 1276, 1308.

Receivers General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Blofield, L.;

Briggs, A.

stamped vellum etc. in, distributors of, and collectors of duty on. See Barnes, E.;

Marriott, H.

Vice-Admiral of. See Hobart, Sir H.

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard, Henry.

Norkett, John, reward for arresting highwaymen, 117.

-, Richard, reward for arresting highwaymen, 117.

Norman, Lionel (Lyonall), collector, Berwick, 334.

Normanby, Marquess of. See Sheffield, John.

Normansell, Richard, secondary to the sheriffs of London, 303.

Norris, John, joiner of the Privy Chamber, 352, 804, 807, 1230, 1257;

payment for two pictures of their Majesties, 979.

-, -, loans by, 182, 260, 912.

-, William, loan by, 910.

North, Arthur, and Company, of London, merchants, owners and freighters of the Thamer, 152.

-, Edward, house of, in Coleman Street, 746.

-, -, King's waiter, London port, 46.

-, Henry, grant of Mere manor, co. Wilts, 300.

North Bull, co. Dublin, near Dublin, 152.

North Foreland, co. Kent, French privateers off the, 413.

North Sea Fishery. See Yarmouth.

North Shields, co. Northumberland, collection of Salt Duty at, 692.

North Shoebury, co. Essex, Customs, officer at, 875.

Northampton, county of, 57, 606, 660, 609, 757, 936, 990, 1004, 1009, 1054, 1055, 1085, 1445. Errata, 1454.

auditor of, 63, 959.

chantry lands, 1021.

Custos Rotulorum of. See Hatton, Christopher, Viscount Hatton.

Excise officers, 44, 489–490.

fee farm rents, 1021;

unsold, receivers of. See Finnes, S.;

Hawkins, W.;

Hewett, J.

Lord Lieutenant of. See Mordaunt, Charles, Earl of Monmouth.

raising seamen in, for the fleet, 44, 490, 1292.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. Assessments, 32, 190, 388, 427, 463, 464, 588, 700, 706, 933, 1092, 1307.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Matthews, B.

Receiver General of Taxes, refusal of, to take half-crowns from inhabitants, 1006;

complaint of correspondent of, concerning price of guineas, 1147.

Receiver of Crown Revenues, 720. See also Hawkins, W.;

Hewett, J.

stamped vellum etc. in, distributor of, and collector of duty on, See Butler, E.

Northampton, co, Northampton, commissioners of Assessments, 692.

Northampton, Countess of. See Compton, Jane.

-, Earl of. See Compton, George.

Northborn, William, tidesurveyor, Exeter port, 452.

Northcote (Norcote, Northcoate, Northcott), Charles, waiter and searcher, Barnstaple port, 125.

-, William, lieutenent-colonel or colonel, agent for regiment of. See Harneage, R.;

issues for, 286, 554;

memorial from, 816;

regiment of, 737, 751, 755, 783, 788, 1046, 1182, 1184, 1196–7, 1206–7, 1221, 1402.

Northey. See Northy.

Northie, co. Sussex, 881.

Northop, Nicholas, highway robbery, 830.

Northstow, co. Cambridge, hundred of, 1026.

Northumberland, county of, Crown Revenues in, accounts of, 1095, 1209;

auditor of, 1209. See also Shales, J.;

Stephens, A.

Hearthmoney arrears received in, 527.

raising seamen in, for the fleet, 46, 488, 902, 1290.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 32, 38, 152, 196, 220, 302, 377, 435, 465, 589, 660, 752, 933, 1235, 1277, 1307.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Williamson, R.

Receiver General of Hearthmoney. See Bonner, J.;

Tempest, W.

Receiver of Crown Revenues. See Hawkins, W.

Solicitor for the 12d. Aid. See Christian, W.

stamped vellum etc. in, 698;

distributors of, and collectors of duty on. See Saunderson, C.;

Wilson, S.

Vice-Admiral of. See Lumley, Richard, Earl of Scarborough.

Northumberland, Duke of. See Fitzroy, George.

Northwich, Norwich, co. Chester, hundred of, bailiwick of the, 882.

Northy (Northey), William, goods shipped by, lost at sea, 1094.

Norton, co. Worcester. See King's Norton.

Norton, —, major, payments by, under C. Wandesford's will, 993.

-, -, present at forging of F. Mansell's affidavit, 1417.

-, Roger, clippings found by, 172.

Norway, deals from, 750, 1152.

goods imported from, 956.

masts from, 750.

ships of, 596.

ships seized by the French and taken to, 876, 900.

ships trading to, 1152;

contrary to the Navigation Acts, 596;

from Ireland, 866;

no embargo on, 831.

Norwich, co. Chester. See Northwich.

-, co. Norfolk, fee farm rent in, discovery of, 322.

houses in, 1262.

merchants of, interested in linen manufactures of the United Provinces, 485.

raising seamen in, for the fleet, 489, 902, 1291.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 34, 464, 792, 934, 1308.

Receivers General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Blofield, L.;

Briggs, A.

regiments ordered to march from and to, 726.

rent payable by, 644.

St. Peter, Mancroft, parish, 1183.

Vice-Admiral of. See Hobart, Sir H.

-, bishopric, bishop of, arrears of First Fruits, 1185.

Norwood, John, agent for the Earl of Romney for pay of garrisons of the Cinque Ports, 1353.

Nosell (Nosel), Lawrence, arrested for burglary, 943.

Nott, Alice, reward for apprehending G. Higgins, 1362.

-, [Robert], of the Great Wardrobe. 16, 172, 637.

Nottingham, county of, 96, 671.

Custos Rotulorum of, 1291. See also Cavendish, William, Duke of Devonshire.

Excise collectors, 44.

Excise officers, 489–490.

Hearthmoney collector. See Chappell, G.

Justices of, 1291.

Lord Lieutenant of. See Cavendish, William, Duke of Devonshire;

Holles, John, Duke of Newcastle.

raising seamen in, for the fleet, 44, 489, 1291.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 33, 152, 223, 420, 466, 589, 611, 696, 723, 933, 1237, 1308.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Truman, T.

Receiver General of Hearthmoney. See Blackburne, G.

stamped vellum etc. in, distributor of, and collector of duty on. See Bury, J.

Nottingham, co. Nottingham, lands in, extended for debt, 1223;

postmaster of. See Reynolds, C.;

Receiver General of Assessments, 1308.

Nottingham, Countess of. See Finch, Ann.

-, Earl of. See Finch, Daniel.

Nottingham, Peter, of Ballyowen, lands of, Ireland, forfeited, 4.

Nowell. See Noell.

Noye (Noy), William, comptroller, waiter and searcher, Aberdovey, 811;

searcher, Exeter port, 168;

waiter and searcher, Briton Ferry, 811.

Nugent, Lady Ann, jointure estate of, cos. Meath, Westmeath etc., 252.

-, Christopher, lands of, in Coolock barony, co. Dublin, forfeited, 251, 316.

-, -, of Dardistown, lands of, Ireland, forfeited, 4, 1264.

-, Edmund, outlawed for treason, estate of, Ireland, 925.

-, James, colonel, petition for arrears due to regiment of, 561.

-, -, ensign, a prisoner in Dublin Castle, 290.

-, -, of Donore, lands of, co. Westmeath, forfeited, 176–7, 269.

-, Sir John, of Taghmon, estate of, cos. Westmeath etc., forfeited, 252, 1264;

a Popish priest, outlawed for treason, 957.

-, Richard, colonel, brother of Sir John, estate of, co. Westmeath, forfeited, 1264.

Nunnington, Nunington, co. York, 686;

Hall, 486;

manor of, 486.

Nuptown, in Warfield. See Ampton Warfeild.

Nuremberg, Germany, sword blades imported from, 1268, 1330.

Nuthall (Newthall), John, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Surrey, 1308, 1438.


Oades, James, loans by, 299, 429.

Oakely, —, messenger, payment for, 1298.

Oakhampton. See Okehampton.

Oakley. See Great Oakley.

Oakshaw Hill. See Netherby.

Oates (Otes), Titus, doctor, royal bounty for, 716, 722, 1393.

Oatlands, co. Surrey, manor of, 1233.

Objent, Peter, Customs officer [at Maldon], ship seized by, 369. See also Robjent, P.

O'Brien (O'Brion, Obryan), Daniel, Lord Clare, lands of, Ireland, forfeited, 717;

grandson of Sir Daniel, 1126.

-, Sir Daniel (Sir David), loan from the bishop of Killaloe, 1126.

Errata, 1456.

-, Sir David. See O'Brien, Sir Daniel.

-, Sir Donagh, estate of, in Ireland, 351.

-, Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Inchiquin, house of, in St. James's Square, goods from Portugal sent to, 211.

-, Henry, 7th Earl of Thomond, rent arrears due to, 701.

-, Manus (Manas), custodiam lease, lands in co. Cork, 1026–7, 1370;

escape from Limerick during siege, 1027.

-, Marry, Countess of Inchiquin, formerly Mris. Villiers, Maid of Honour, marriage portion for, 221, 233;

present of plate for, at christening of child of, 187;

loan by, 233.

-, Sarah, Countess of Thomond, rents due to husband of 701.

-, William, 2nd Earl of Inchiquin, Governor of Jamaica, 143, 344–5;

estate of, in Jamaica, attachments on, 8;

mansion in Ireland burned out of revenge to, 588.

-, -, 3rd Earl of Inchiquin, Governor of Kinsale, 1121;

concerning father's estate in Jamaica, 8;

house of, near Cork city, burned, timber for, 453, 588;

petition for ship to go to Virginia, 175;

present of plate for, at christening of child of, 1223.

O'Cullane Awe [? Cullenagh], Carbery barony co. Cork. 259. Errata, 1449.

Odagh, Idough, Odough, Crannagh barony, co. Kilkenny, 993. Errata, 1453.

Odell, Edward, goods of Ann Burlace, 825–6.

O'Donell. See O'Donnell.

O'Donnell (O'Donell), Baldaric, colonel, bills of exchange, 499, 710, 951;

pension or royal bounty for, 104, 125, 499, 790, 937, 950, 951;

regiment of, 248.

Odough. See Odagh.

O'Farrell (De Offarrell, D'Offarrell, Dumfarrell, Offarrell), Francis Fergus, colonel or brigadier, agent for regiment of. See Cardonell, A. d';

petitions for grants of lands, Ireland, 511, 1000;

regiment of, 39, 92, 103, 124, 146, 282, 1045.

Offaly, co. Kildare, barony of, 317.

Offarrell. See O'Farrell.

Offenbach, school of, Queen's charity for, 1127.

Offerhande, [? Holland], ship of, 821.

Offin, Francis, tenant of the Cross Keys, near Hyde Park, 221.

Offley, Thomas, information against Sir E. Stead, 818.

Offlow, co. Stafford, hundred of, commissioners for the 4s. Aid in, 298.

Ogar, Edmund, colonel, pension or royal bounty for, 31, 168.

Ogden, John, master of the Desire, 175.

Ogilby. See Ogilvie.

Ogilvie (Ogilby), Bartholomew, colonel, lieutenant in the First Troop of Guards, journeys to Ireland, payment for, 843;

transport of Irish to France, 958, 991;

major in Colonel J. Coy's regiment, 958.

Oistins Bay, Austins Bay, Barbados, Port of, 447.

Okehampton, Oakhampton, co. Devon, 1135;

honor of, 698;

manor of, 829.

Old Bury, co. Sussex. See Oldbury.

Old Town, co. Meath. See Oldtown.

Oldbury, Aldingbourne, Old Bury, in Boxgrove Parish, co. Sussex, fee farm rents of lands etc. called, 881.

Errata, 1452.

Oldenburg, battalion, 384, 385.

Oldes (Olds), William, Gentleman Usher Quarter Waiter to the Queen, 1034, 1074.

- See also Oldys.

Oldhouse. See East Greenwich.

Olds. See Oldes.

Oldtown, Old Town, Deece barony, co. Meath, 629, 927, 1013, 1063.

-, North Salt barony, co. Kildare, 178.

Oldys, William, doctor, Advocate General of the Admiralty, 160.

- See also Oldes.

Olercar [? Ollersett in Beard manor], co. Derby, 967.

Oliphant, William, Army swords, debt due for, 763.

Olive, Robert, landcarriageman, London port, 565.

Oliver, Charles, captain, money due to, 93.

-, John, lease, Boyton, co. Cornwall, 567.

-, -, master mason to the Works, 536, 715–6, 1137.

-, -, master of the Mary ketch, 1072.

-, -, petition for money due to Charles, 93.

-, Thomas, Army clothing, 11, 30.

-, -, tenant, Boyton, co. Cornwall, 210.

-, William, of New England, mariner, 945.

Ollersett. See Olercar.

Olsenitz, —, major, of the Danish Forces, 385.

Oneale, See O'Neill.

O'Neill (Oneale), Andrew, waiter and searcher, Broadstairs, 485.

Onely, Nicholas, doctor, minister of St. Margaret's Westminster, issues to, for tithes of Kensington House and grounds, 514, 619.

Onslow, Foot, Chief Commissioner and Governor of Excise and arrears of Hearthmoney, 739, 1325.

Orange, French minister of, pension from the Queen for, 1129.

Orcades. See Orkney.

Orchard, Charles, customer, Barnstaple and Exeter ports, 731.

Ordway, Josiah, loans by, 221, 226, 283, 597.

Oreswick, Francis, outlaw, lands etc. of, co. Gloucester, 1263.

Orford Ness, Orfordness, co. Suffolk, lighthouse at, 952, 977, 992, 1261.

Orkney Islands, Orcades Island, 421.

Orleton, Arleton, co. Worcester, rent for the township of, 1025.

Ormonde, Duke of. See Butler, James.

Orpin, Richard, clerk to the comptroller of the Ordnance Office, Ireland, 494.

Orwell, co. Cambridge, rent for land in, 1026.

Osborne (Osberne. Osburne), Charles, trustee for Duke of Leeds, grant to, 880, 881.

-, Daniel, loan by, 14.

-, -, wood sales for buildings at Hedon, co. York, 412.

-, Edward, loans by, 64.

-, Sir John, Comptroller of Accounts etc. of Lotteries, 965;

Gentleman Usher of the Queen's Privy Chamber, 1034, 1074;

Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, 74, 871;

surrender of office of Treasurer's Remembrancer, 1257, 1278;

payments by, under C. Wandesford's will, 993.

-, John, boatman, Hull port, 17.

-, -, Prime Serjeant, Ireland, 364.

-, -, reward for apprehending a burglar, 815.

-, -, surrender of office of Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, 1257, 1278.

-, Peregrine, Earl of Danby, afterwards Marquess of Carmarthen, First Marine Regiment of, 2, 106, 125, 225–6, 226, 754, 758, 821, 930, 1099;

agent for, 754, 758;

recommends J. Meadows for surveyor's place, 976.

-, Thomas, Earl of Danby, Marquess of Carmarthen, afterwards Duke of Leeds, Lord Treasurer, 1142;

Commissioner of Appeals for Prizes, 636;

President of the Privy Council, 114, 147, 411, 715, 796, 1080, 1088;

allowance in lieu of office of Master of the Rolls, 114, 197;

at York, orders of, 565;

grantee of lands for erection of Greenwich Hospital, 796;

loans by, 461, 1080;

petition for renewal of lease of rents etc. in cos. Kent, Surrey etc., 880–2;

rent of Eastcombe farm, Greenwich, 1336;

trustees of, 880;

York seized by, 748.

O'Shaughnessy (O'Shagnassy, O'Shoghnassy), Roger, estate of, co. Galway, forfeited, 586, 873, 965.

Osmand, Nicho., commander of the Thomas and Francis of London, 961.

Ossory, Upper. See Upper Ossory.

Ossulston, Lord. See Bennett, John.

Ostend, Belgium, Danish forces transported to, 36, 1204.

French Huguenot officers carried to, 478.

horses sent to, 501, 1264, 1266.

ship bound from Rotterdam to, cargo seized, 413.

ships for, notwithstanding the embargo, 1361.

troops at, or transported to, 389, 417, 422, 426, 436, 441, 478, 501, 1262, 1264, 1266, 1420.

Ostrat. See Ystrad.

Oswestry, co. Salop, commissioners of assessments for, 103, 109.

Otes. See Oates.

Otterden, co. Kent, rent out of tithes of, 1021.

Ottoman Porte. See Turkey.

Otway, Sir John, of Gray's Inn, lease, Aldingham Hall, 167.

Otwes, Gerard, captain, commander of the Sunderland, 1216.

Oundle, co. Northampton, 1085, 1235, 1445;

annual fair, 1055;

Talbott, the, inquisition taken at, 1054;

weekly market, 1055.

manor of, 1055;

Berested, 1055;

Hillswood, 1055;

Little Hall Wood, Little Hale Wood, 1055;

Parsons Wood, 1055;

Pecheley Wood, Pexley Wood, 1055;

Pikewood, 1055.

Over, co. Cambridge, rent of messuage and lands in, 1026.

Overbury, Walter, a Commissioner for Hackney Coaches, 636, 703, 1117, 1380.

Overing, Noah, beer exported in name of, 976;

loan by, 721.

Overton, Benjamin, Warden of the Mint, 6, 59, 159, 166, 249, 567, 583, 929, 979, 1141, 1322, 1324, 1333, 1358, 1381, 1382, 1412;

deputy to. See Kenyon, R.;

a Customs Commissioner, 1358;

royal bounty for, 1324, 1333.

Ovington, John, clerk, going to Surat as chaplain, royal bounty for, 566.

Owen (Owens), Alice, tenant, Eglwysegle, 1047.

-, Arthur, captain in a Marine Regiment, 506, 528, 750. See also Arthur, Owen.

-, Evan, tenant, farm of messuage and land in Llanfair, 1059.

-, Richard, Army pay arrears, 41, 141.

-, -, petition for grant of Customs bonds, 1313.

-, Thomas, felon and burglar, 1136.

Owens. See Owen.

Owsley, Newdigate, regimental agent, 650, 1045, 1160.

Oxcleare, [co. Berks], rent out of, 1024.

Oxenden (Oxendon), formerly Dixwell, Elizabeth, wife of George, a Maid of Honour, gift of 2,000l. as marriage portion, 221, 233.

-, George, Judge Official and Commissary of Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports, 37, 203, 376, 684, 793, 973, 1233;

Professor of Civil Law, Cambridge University, 938, 1255, 1256;

gift of plate at christening of child of, 700;

name inserted in warrant for incorporation of the Bank of England, 647;

wife of, 700. See also Elizabeth.

-, Sir James, et al., commission to enquire into superstitious lands, co. Kent, 558.

Oxensterne. See Oxenstierna.

Oxenstierna (Oxensterne, Oxentem), Count [Gabriel Turlsson], envoy from the King of Sweden, diamond ring for, 627;

goods of, going to Sweden, 149;

lodgings in the Haymarket, 149.

Oxentem. See Oxenstierna.

Oxford, county of, 881, 967.

Clerk of Assize for, 502.

collector wounded in, 502.

Crown Revenues accounts, auditor of, 1209.

Custos Rotulorum of. See Bertie, James, Earl of Abingdon.

Excise officers, 44, 489–490.

fee farm rents in, 1022–3.

Hearthmoney collector. See Danvers, C.

Lord Lieutenant of. See Bertie, James, Earl of Abingdon.

raising seamen in, for the fleet, 44, 490, 1292.

Receiver General of Assessments, 33, 152, 464, 466, 589, 933, 967, 1307.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Parran, J.

Receiver General of Hearthmoney. See Cotter, G.

Receiver General of Taxes, complaint concerning price of guineas, 1147.

robberies in 502.

stamped vellum etc. in, distributors of, and collectors of duty on. See Busby, W.;

Langston, J.

Oxford, co. Oxford, 95, 1269.

Receiver General of Assessments, 33, 464, 589.

Recorder of. See Wright, W.

Oxford, bishop of, 436, 881–2.

-, circuit, clippers etc. prosecuted at, 292.

-, diocese, Tenths, arrears of, 436;

payments on, 196, 401, 436;

sub-collectors of, 436.

-, University of, Christ Church, dean and chapter of, rent arrears due to, 278.

Lady Margaret's Professor at, payments for, 10, 13, 795, 801, 1255, 1256.

paper duties payable by, 670.

Professor of Civil Law at, payment for, 795. See also Boucher, T.

Reader of Physic at, payment for, 795. See also Luff, J.

Receiver General of Assessments for, 33, 464, 589.

Oxford, Earl of. See De Vere, Aubrey.

Oxford, William, information of, 381.

Oxlebar, George, loans by, 917.

Oxwich, co. Glamorgan, Customs officers at, 53.