Entry book: March 1696, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry book: March 1696, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1332-1346 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry book: March 1696, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1332-1346.

"Entry book: March 1696, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1332-1346.


March 1696, 1–15

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 2. William Lowndes to Mr. Neale for an account of the particular proportion demanded by each officer of the Mint out of the allowance (not exceeding 14d. per lb. Troy weight) for coining the new money. Money Book XIII, p. 87.
Please attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow with Mr. Sheppherd with an account of the gold and silver delivered into the Mint [and] now coining and to be coined and of the money of the Coinage Duty now in your hands.
Mar. 2. Money warrant for 46l. 12s. 7d. to the Agents for Taxes to satisfy an overpayment on William Love's account as Receiver General for co. Huntingdon of the second 4s. Aid: to be immediately repaid into the Exchequer on said Love's account of the third 4s. Aid. (Money order dated Mar. 4 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 88. Order Book IV, p. 263.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Blathwayt. In your statement of the demands of Monsieur Schuylenburg for interest and exchange of money disbursed for the service of the Army in Flanders to 1696, Dec. 31, there appears due to him a balance of 3,618l. 1s. 6d. Please prepare a royal warrant to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay same. Bring it with you to Kensington on Wednesday next. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 66.
Mar. 3. Money warrant for 250l. to Sir Edward Ward, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, for his service as Chief Baron in Trinity term last. Money Book XIII, p. 87.
William Lowndes to Mr. Neal to buy (out of the overplus of Coinage Duty money in your hands) so much silver as will produce 500l. clear and to coin same, and to pay same into the Exchequer. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 67.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the above 500l. to Benjamin Overton, Warden of the Mint, ut supra, p. 1324. Disposition Book XIII, p. 101.
Same to Mr. Noell to pay into the Exchequer 300l. of the [Excise] money received by you as the King's part of penalties adjudged against brewers and distillers. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the above 300l. to William Wigan, clerk, et al., for repair of the church at Kensington, ut supra, pp. 1324–5. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Samuell Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of the Duke of Bolton, shewing that he had several fee farm rents and Visconty rents in cos. Hants and Wilts conveyed to him in lieu of several fee farm rents reconveyed by him to the Crown; that the said Viconty rents were paid to the bailiff of the Hundreds when they kept the Hundred Court for the sheriff's tourn and the rents being now out of charge [are now paid] to the sheriffs of the said counties and petitioner having no power to keep the said Courts cannot receive the rents as he ought: therefore praying a grant of the power of keeping the said Courts. Reference Book VII, p. 139.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Theophilact Blechynden, praying an addition to his salary of 100l. in consideration of the great increase of business as Clerk to the Securities and Assistant Secretary at the Excise Office. Ibid.
Mar. 4. Royal sign manual for 300l. to Thomas Pelham, esq., without account: being intended to be by him applied for the clearing and benefit of the harbour at Newhaven, co. Sussex. (Money warrant dated March 6 hereon.) (Money order dated March 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 339. Order Book IV, p. 268.
Mar. 4. Royal sign manual for 1,000l. to Thomas Woodcock, gent., as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated March 6 hereon.) (Money order dated March 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 340. Order Book IV, p. 268.
Same for the following payments, viz.: l. s. d. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 341. Order Book IV, p. 266.
to Sir William Bowes, kt., in satisfaction of all arrears of salary due to him when he was Master Forester and Chief Warden of the forests and chaces in the Lordship of Barnard Castle and Chief Keeper of the Forest of Teesdale, co. Durham, by patent under the great seal of England 66 13 6
to Edward Howard, esq, as royal bounty 50 0 0
to Eliz. Hayford, widow, as same 100 0 0
to Mary Garnier as same 10 0 0
to Alice Shipton as same 5 0 0
to our trusty and well beloved John Robins, alias Chaloner, esq., as same 1,000 0 0
£1,231 13 6
(Money warrant dated March 6 hereon.) (Money order dated March 10 hereon.)
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,000l. per an. to James Kendall as one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty: to be payable as from Christmas last: the King having lately constituted Edward Russell, Hen. Preistman, Rob. Austin, Sir Rob. Rich, bart., Sir Geo. Rooke, kt., Sir Jo[h]n Houblon, kt., and the said Kendall to be Admiralty Commissioners. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 341–2.
Royal sign manual for 10,000l. to Thomas Neale, esq., Master and Worker of the Mint, as imprest for the service of the Mint: to be issued out of moneys in the Exchequer of the Coinage Duty. (Money warrant dated March 6 hereon.) (Money order dated March 20 hereon.) Ibid, p. 345. Money Book XIII, p. 94. Order Book IV, p. 272.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to Charles Bertie on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Ordnance: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Bertie on credit of the fourth 4s. Aid: and to be applied to the sea service of the Office of Ordnance. Disposition Book XIII, p. 102.
Also 100,000l. to Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Russell on credit as above: and to be applied to wear and tear of the Navy.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. My Lords have laid before the King the report from you and Mr. Blathwayte on Sir Mathew Bridges' memorial. The King agrees to the latter proposal therein and has directed that tallies in a short time shall be struck for 2,384l. 8s. 0d. due to — Butler on account of what is due to the Regiment from 1692, April 1, and that Mr. Ashley and the clothier who shall now undertake to clothe [the Regiment] shall have all the offreckonings of the years 1695 and 1696 and [that they shall have] 500l. advanced to them on account of the offreckonings of the year 1696 and that the Regiment shall have redress by stopping the personal pay of Sir Geo. St. Geo[rge]. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 67.
Mar. 6. Money warrant for 320l. to Sir Joseph Williamson, Keeper of the Paper Office at Whitehall, for two years to 1695, Sept. 29, on his salary of 160l. per an. Money Book XIII, p. 95. Order Book IV, p. 269.
100l. to Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies, for half a year to same date on his annuity.
60l. 16s. 8d. to John Dormer, Assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies, for same on his same.
50l. to Richard L'Bass, Marischall of the Ceremonies, for same on his same.
50l. to Sir Charles Cotterell for same time on an annuity of 100l. by the privy seal of 1690, June 21, in lieu and recompense of all allowances by bills or otherwise which the Master of the Ceremonies did usually receive out of the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber. (Money order dated March 20 for this last sum of 50l.)
William Lowndes to Mr. B. Burton. Mr. Duncomb has agreed with my Lords to lend 10,000l. into the Exchequer to-morrow morning on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. They desire you to give him so many tallies of pro for the said loan as shall be desired pursuant to the warrant formerly signed by them in that behalf (in the margin: vide the Minutes of 6th and 9th March, 1695–6). Disposition Book XIII, p. 102.
My Lords also direct you to pay 550l. to John Willis [for Mr. Duncomb] out of moneys in your hands applicable to the paying of discount, gratuity and other charges about loans.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor], enclosing the petition [missing] of Alexander Johnstoun, esq., for a grant of Roger Strickland's forfeited estate in Yorkshire. Please certify my Lords the value of the said estate, the encumbrances thereon and the proceedings had in order to the recovering the Crown's title to same. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 68.
Same to Mr. Neale (Master Worker of the Mint). My Lords are informed that essaies [assays] taken by Mr. Brattle of the silver in ingots sent from the Exchequer to the Mint do differ from those which are taken thereof by Mr. Bowles at the Exchequer. My Lords direct that where the essaies vary a twopenny weight you cause such particular ingots to be essaied again by Mr. Brattle in the presence of Mr. Bowles, giving the said Bowles notice to attend at the Mint accordingly. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Evelyn. My Lords readily consent to your desire in yours of the 28th last for leave to come to England for three months to recover and confirm your health, “which I am sorry to hear you want.” My Lords heartily wish you an established health, as I do most particularly. Ibid.
Mar. 6. William Lowndes to Mr. Harris to attend the Treasury Lords next Monday afternoon. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 69.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 248.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, March 5 inst., that the embargo be taken off from all ships and vessels using the coast trade of this kingdom.
Treasury reference to Sir Thomas Trevor, Attorney General, of the petition of Christopher Billop, praying to be discharged from several recognizances forfeited by him by reason of some informations against him, which have been proved very groundless and notorious. Reference Book VII, p. 139.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a constat or particular of the farm called Eastcomb, near Greenwich, in order to a fresh lease thereof to Capt. William Saunderson to fill up his term to 99 years on a rent of 42l. 16s. 8d. per an. and fine of 550l., and with a covenant to discharge him of the yearly rent of 25 loads of hay and 50 quarters of oats reserved in the present lease; the King having consented to the remitting the said rent of hay and oats. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, pp. 97–8.
Prefixing: said Surveyor General's report on said Saunderson's petition for same. The said farm was granted in 1661 to James Fortree for life “in exchange for another [lease of the premises] then remaining by an old lease made in King Charles I's time to John Cook, gent.” The said Fortree died on Christmas Day, 1694, and a further term in reversion was passed 1692, June 28, to this petitioner's father. In the said old grant to Cook there was a reserve rent of 109l., but he afterwards had a renewal at a reduced rent of 42l. 16s. 0d. and 50 loads of hay in consideration of his charges in repairing a breach in the Thames wall. In 1662 one of the remaining lives was exchanged for Mr. Fortree and the rent of 50 loads of hay was altered to 25 loads of hay and 50 quarters of oats. The money rent of 42l. 16s. 8d. was lately valued [in order to a grant] to the Duke of Leeds “and a grant of the premises (amongst other things) directed by your Lordships' warrant to be passed to him for 31 years in reversion of the Queen Dowager's life.” Sir Charles Harbord valued this farm at 900l. [sic ? for 180l.] per an., and he accounted the constant charge of repairing banks and sewers (“the lands being subject to be overflown”) together with the said hay and oats at 107l. 2s. 0d. per an., leaving a clear yearly value (after the rent of 42l. 16s. 8d.) of 30l. 1s. 4d., which is not sufficient to repair and keep up the houses. Petitioner's father purchased Fortree's interest in 1691 for 25l. when 15 years were to come, “which may be accounted a dear price, and I observe things of this nature purchased for conveniency and accommodation so near London are generally sold at extraordinary rates. I rate the rent of hay and oats (being about 60l. per an.) at 650l. for the buying off and the desired reversion at 550l., or 1,200l. in all.
Mar. 6. Entry of a Treasury caveat in favour of the Earl of Romney that nothing pass at the Treasury for restoring of Daniel, Patrick, Elizabeth, Jane and Margaret Mulledy, children of Sir Anthony Mulledy, kt., deceased, to their father's estate in Ireland till said Earl be heard against the same. Notice to be given him or to Mr. John Pulteney at his house at St. James's. Caveat Book, p. 42.
The like in favour of Visct. Galway that no grant pass of the estate of Sir Patrick Trant in King's County and Queen's County and Kerry to Mr. Richard Warburton till said Visct. be heard against the same. Ibid.
Mar. 7. Money warrant for 200l. to Nicholas Baker on account for Crown law costs and charges. (Money order dated March 7 hereon.) (Money warrant entered in duplicate: apparently by a clerical error, there being only one money order for the single sum of 200l.) (William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same out of loans at the Exchequer on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.) Money Book XIII, pp. 89– 90. Order Book IV, p. 265. Disposition Book XIII, p. 103.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of John Taylour, his Majesty's engine keeper at Windsor Mill, shewing that there is a certain work betwixt the engine and the mill river separating the Thames river and the mill river, and at the end of the said work there is a wall about 30 yards to prevent the water from running out of the said mill river into the river of Thames, and about [the year] 1688 about eight load of chalk stones with several pyles was taken from the said work, and petitioner did by directions of Sir Christopher Wren prosecute one Daniell Beaumont and at the Assizes at Wickham a bill was found against him, but on trial he was acquitted, and on the 23 April, 1695, the said Beaumont preferred a bill against petitioner for having defamed him and scandalized him, and petitioner cannot withstand him and so is like to be ruined: therefore praying direction to the Attorney General to defend him and further desiring payment of such part of the mill rent as may enable him to make good “the said repairs” for the future. Reference Book VII, p. 139.
Mar. 9. Money warrant for 17l. 10s. 0d. to Sir John Hawles, kt., Solicitor General, for 1695, Michaelmas quarter, on his fee of 70l. per an. Money Book XIII, p. 90.
Treasury warrant to the Postmasters General to pay 4,700l. to the Duchess of Cleveland, being due at Midsummer, 1694. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 995l. to Thomas Baker, late Consul at Algier, for a bill of extraordinaries as follows in his voyage to Tripoli and in his return with his family from Algier. Ibid, p. 91.
Appending: said bill as sworn to by said Baker, London, 1695, Aug. 29, and as allowed by Secretary the Duke of Shrewsbury March 3 inst. by the King's special command: l. s. d.
my own provisions for the sea and my servants' equipage 82 10 0
charges on my being in the Algier and Tripoli Camps before Tunis 100 0 0
spent at Tripoly with usual gifts to the chief officers at the concluding the peace 200 0 0
left with and remitted to Mr. Skinner for his entertainment [ordinary, he being] to represent the Consul there till his Majesty's further pleasure 100 0 0
to the Captain and soldiers of the Turks man of war that waited on me three months 125 0 0
to the English Druggerman for his attendance on me thither and back to Algiers 37 10 0
£645 0 0
expended in my return from Algier with my family, being almost five months on the voyage and journey 350 0 0
£995 0 0
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 338l. 12s. 0d. to said Baker for a bill of extraordinaries, 1693, Nov. 20, to 1694, Nov. 20, in his service as late Consul at Algier. Money Book XIII, p. 92.
Appending: said bill, sworn to at Algier, 1695, Dec. 10, and allowed by Secretary the Duke of Shrewsbury March 3 inst. l. s. d.
duties to the several officers at the Festival of Bairam 35 17 6
the same at [the Festival of] Corban 35 17 6
presented to the principal officers of the King's house 36 1 0
to the Dey's Chief Secretary and favourite 73 10 0
to three pieces of the richest gold ribband for the Dey's Sultana, a former present of this sort [being] lost with Sir Francis Wheeler 21 0 0
more presented to her and her favourite in [the form of] damask etc. 28 0 0
to the officers of the Marine 25 0 0
subsistence and charges of sending homeward many delivered up men brought in for want of passes 35 0 0
relief to the poor galley slaves and others our sick and miserable countrymen 20 16 0
in small sums for several occasions 17 10 0
postage of letters at Leghorn and London 10 0 0
£338 12 0
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the Postmasters General to pay 422l. 6s. l1d. to said Baker for his bills of disbursements for his Majesty's [despatch boat] Tartan Velocita, 1693, Nov. 1, to 1694, July 1, being eight months' charges for men's wages. victualling, port charges, wear and tear etc. Money Book XIII, pp. 93–4.
Appending: said bill, dated Algiers, 1694, Dec. 20, and as allowed ut supra.
(a) accompt of said disbursements: dollars ryalls
to the Captain['s] and [his] boy's wages at 25 [dollars] per month 200 0
to six seamen's wages at 9 [dollars] per month 432 0
to five seamen's wages at 8 [dollars] per month 320 0
to provisions for 13 men for eight months, being 245 days at 7½ per man 442 2
to cost of wine to the Captain, accustomary in these seas; and other petty disbursements 40 0
port charges at Porto Ferrara, Legorne, Algier, Alicante, Genova, Corsica and Magork 250 0
1,684 2
1,684 dollars 2 ryalls at 4s. 6d. per dollar makes 378l. 19s. 0d. sterling.
(b) accompt of wear and tear expended for the Tartan Velocita from 1693, Nov. 1, to 1694, July 1: dollars ryalls
to canvas, cordage, blocks, deals, powder, tallow etc. as per account from Ligorne, Alicante and “this place” [Algiers] 63 0
more for basse ropes, iron for half pikes, muskets and blunderbusses etc. 27 3
a cable for her best Bower Anchor 87 4
a general careen for the Tartan 15 0
192 7
192 dollars and 7 ryalls at 4s. 6d. per dollar makes 43l. 7s. 10d. sterling.
Money warrant for 40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Thomas Trevor, kt., Attorney General, for half a year to 1695, Sept. 29, on his fee of 81l. 6s. 8d. Ibid, p. 95.
Same for 60l. to Ann Golding, 20l. thereof to complete 1693, June 24 quarter, on her pension of 120l. per an., and the remaining 40l. as in part of the succeeding half year thereon. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of loans to be made by the respective payees themselves on credit of the Continued Impositions as by the new Act [7 and 8 Wm. III, c. 10], viz.: l. Disposition Book XIII, p. 102.
to the Treasurer of the Navy to satisfy the [Excise officers'] advance to the Victuallers 20,000
to the Earl of Ranelagh to satisfy advance for the use of the Troops coming from Flanders 5,000
to the Commissioners of the Transports 6,000
to the Treasurer of the Navy more for the Victuallers 12,000
to the Commissioners of the Transports more 3,000
Mar. 9. William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay to Mr. Pereyra no more than 2,000l. of the 5,000l. lately put into your hands for the Forces sent from Flanders. Disposition Book XIII, p. 102.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 4,000l. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby, Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland; out of a loan to be made by them or their procurement on the Continued Impositions: to be by them paid to the Commissioners of the Transports. Ibid.
Same [to same] for issues as follows upon the several unsatisfied orders for the service of the Forces, the Navy and the Ordnance: to be issued out of loans to be made by the respective Treasurers and Paymasters thereof on credit of the Continued Duties as above and in such alternate course and order as follows, viz.: l. Ibid, p. 104.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 100,000
to Edward Russell for the Navy 100,000
to Charles Bertie for the sea service of the Ordnance 25,000
to ditto for the Land Service of the Ordnance 25,000
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 100,000
to Edward Russell for the Navy 100,000
to Charles Bertie for the Sea Service of the Ordnance 25,000
to ditto for the Land Service of the Ordnance 25,000
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 100,000
to Edward Russell for the Navy 100,000
Same to the Postmasters General to pay the 4,700l., ut supra, p. 1337, to the Duchess of Cleveland for a year's annuity to 1694, June 24, by 100l. a week in the proportions agreed upon as follows, viz. 50l. a week to Sir Robert Dashood [Dashwood] in part of a debt of over 6,000l. owing to him by her; 20l. a week to John Taylder in part of 1,000l. owing to him on an assignment from her; 10l. a week to Ja. Munday in part of 500l. owing on another assignment; and the remainder of the said 100l. per week to the said Duchess or such assignee as she shall appoint. Ibid, p. 105.
Same to Mr. Burton to attend my Lords to-morrow afternoon about discounting the tallies given to the Judges. (The like letter to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier].) Out Letters (General) XV, p. 68.
Same to the Agents for Taxes. Send me your report to-morrow on the petition of Cha. Williams for an allowance for his extraordinary charges as late Receiver General of the Aids, co. Monmouth, ut supra, p. 651. Ibid.
Mar. 9. William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Eliz. Cooper, relict of Capt. Arnolt Cooper, lately deceased, praying the continuance of her husband's pension of 4s. a day, he leaving her in a poor condition with four small children. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 69.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Dr. Patrick Dunn (with your report thereon) for the arrears of 436l. 13s. 8d. due on his pay as a physician to the Hospital in Ireland. Please inform yourself from Mr. Robinson whether it be reasonable this arrear should be paid out of the [Army pay deduction] fund for the said Hospital. Ibid, p. 70.
Same to Mr. Glanvill. My Lords direct you to receive and take on account of the Revenue of First Fruits (whereof you are Receiver) such moneys as by the Act of Parliament [8 and 9 Wm. III, c. 2] for remedying the ill state of the coin are required to be taken by the Receivers of his Majesty's revenues. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Brigadier Selwin and other officers of his Regiment, praying that the pay of the late Lieut. Gen. Kirke may be stated [? stopped] to discharge a debt of 1,000l. [for the like sum] which he received on account of his Regiment and converted to his own use, which [loss] falls on the personal pay of those officers. Ibid.
Same to Lord Coningsby to report (together with Mr. Fox) on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sir Richard Atkins, praying that the offreckonings of his Regiment may be computed from the respective days whereon the subsistence began and that the clothiers of the said Regiment may be paid 3,000l. concurrent with the 9,000l. due to Mr. Pauncefort for clothing the other three Regiments on the same foot[ing] with his. Ibid, p. 74.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 248.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, March 5 inst., that the embargo on ships and vessels trading from this kingdom to Ireland be taken off.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland. We received a petition from Eliz. James and George McCartney, executors of George McCartney, deceased, setting forth that the King signed a letter discharging them from a debt of 169l. owing by him as late Collector of Belfast. This matter was referred and was reported on by the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, before the said [King's] letter was obtained and that letter arrived [in Ireland] after the change of Government there. According to an article in your Excellency's Instructions the matter must be [afresh] referred to you. It has been so fully examined and so long depending that we recommend this petition for the said discharge to your particular care. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 77.
Mar. 10. William Lowndes to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay (out of the 300,000l. lately put into your hands, supra, p. 1340, by loans on the Continuing Act) 50,000l. to the Cashier for the Victualling of the Navy upon accompt for the service of the Victualling. Disposition Book XIII, p. 105.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 71,239l. 0s. 8d. to Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Treasurer on credit of the fourth 4s. Aid; and to be applied and paid to the Cashier of the Victualling for the service of the Victualling. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite, enclosing the account [missing] of Mr. Hill's contingent charges in the Pay Office in Flanders from 1694–5, Jan. 1, to 1695, Dec. 1, amounting to 14,514 florins 5 stivers: which you certify to be just to be allowed. Please procure a royal warrant to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay same. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 77.
Same to the Agents for Taxes. My Lords are informed that the Commissioners for the 4s. Aid in co. Herts have taken upon themselves to give instruction to the assessors to abate one fifth part of the value of the lands in their respective parishes. You are to enquire into same and to give my Lords an account thereof. Ibid, p. 70.
Treasury reference to Mr. Fox of the petition of Lieut. Col. Richard Billing, praying payment of the arrears due to him for his service in Ireland as Major of Brigade to enable him to discharge his debts contracted in equipping himself for the campaign [in Flanders]. Reference Book VII, p. 140.
Mar. 11 Royal warrant [to the Attorney or Solicitor General] for a great seal for a demise and grant to William, Earl of Portland, of lodgings in Whitehall as follows, viz. that piece of ground in the said palace abutting north 124 feet on a passage under buildings to another part of the palace and on buildings in the possession of Joost Keppell, and west 103 feet on another passage called the Stone Gallery (of which part was destroyed by the fire) and south on Crown land late occupied by buildings which were destroyed by the fire and the stable of the Earl of Essex (and extending from the said Stone Gallery to the Thames) and 105 feet east on the area or garden called the Terrace Walk and on the Thames: excepting always two rooms 33 feet by 13 feet on the second floor at the north-west corner and a small closet or shed thereto 9 feet by 7 feet which are now enjoyed by Sir John Somers, Keeper of the Great Seal, with the common use of the staircase and passage leading thereto: all ut supra, pp. 1313–4. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 358–9.
Appending: (a) constat of the premises; (b) Surveyor General's memorandum and ratal.
Mar. 11. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for enlarging the times for the purchase of annuities as follows. In the late Act [7 and 8 Wm. III, c. 10] for Continuing several Duties there are clauses permitting loans from and after 1695–6, Feb. 29, for annuities under the Act [7–8 Wm. III, c. 2] for Enlarging for the Times of Purchasing Annuities up to a total not exceeding 382,469l. (including sums contributed before the said date): to be repayable out of the fund of the said last mentioned Act or out of any unappropriated money of the next Aid or Supply to be granted by any Act of Parliament. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 348–50.
It appears by the certificate of Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, that 5,229l. and no more was advanced into the Exchequer before the said date upon the said Act. The Treasury Lords are hereby to direct the officers of the Exchequer to take in all sums pursuant to said Act not exceeding said total and to levy tallies of loan and draw orders of repayment with 6 per cent. interest payable quarterly and to register same etc. all in the manner etc. as prescribed by the said first named Act.
Same to same for a same for the Treasury Lords to direct the taking in of loans at the Exchequer for 150,000l. [sic for 1,500,000l.] on the abovesaid Continuing Act [7–8 Wm. III, c. 10] on credit of the Duties granted by the Act [4 Wm. and Mary, c. 15] for Continuing certain Acts and charging several Joint Stocks: all in the method (as to the striking of tallies and the drawing and registering of orders of repayment) as prescribed by the said Act of 7–8 Wm. III, c. 10, and with interest not exceeding 5 per cent. for the first 400,000l., 6 per cent. for the second 400,000l., 7 per cent. for the third 400,000l. and 8 per cent. for the remaining 300,000l. Ibid, pp. 351–2.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Joseph Keye as a waiter and searcher and to officiate as deputy to the patent searcher in Poulton port loco Henry Stephens, who relinquisheth same. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 249.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General and to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Edward Tregenna, shewing that he holds the parks of Hellesbury and Lanteglos in Cornwall by lease from the Crown, out of which [lease] timber trees are excepted, but he conceives the same [exception] does not extend to underwoods; that he is informed a proposal is made for a grant of such underwood to another person; therefore praying a reference as to his right in the said underwoods and if he has none such, then praying a preference in the purchase thereof. Reference Book VII, p. 140.
Mar. 12. Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to Richard Hill as Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Bavaria, Governor of Flanders: to be payable quarterly from March 1 inst.: with the usual clause for allowance of his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 346.
William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay as follows out of the 300,000l. charged [in your favour, ut supra, p. 1340] on the Act for Continuing certain Impositions and remaining in your hands for the service of the Forces, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XIII, p. 106.
for a month's subsistence to the Forces in Flanders from Jan. 29 last to Feb. 25 last, according to the new Regulation 102,356 6 0
to complete four weeks' subsistence to the Forces in England from Feb. 11 last to March 9 inst., according to the new Regulation at 6,602l. 18s. 1d. per week 6,246 13
to Col. Browne as of his Majesty's bounty 200 0 0
to Col. Brudenall in full of 1,086l. for levy money for the several Companies of his Regiment lately incorporated into other Regiments in Flanders and for 65 recruits in the room of so many reduced on their embarcation on board the Fleet in March, 1694 [1694–5] 686 0 0
to Col. Farrington in full of 1,116l. for levy money for the several Companies of his Regiment incorporated into other Regiments in Flanders 716 0 0
to Major Gen. Eppinger's Dragoons on account of pay 2,000 0 0
to answer Mr. Robinson's bill of exchange drawn Feb. 12 last from Stockholm, payable to Robert Jackson, being for special service relating to the war and to be placed to the account of Contingencies 500 0 0
£112,704 19
Mar. 13. Money warrant for 955l. to Richard Hill, Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Bavaria, Governor of Flanders; 500l. thereof for equipage and 455l. for a quarter's advance from March 1 inst. on his ordinary. (Money order dated March 17 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 96. Order Book IV, p. 271.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise for 650l. to Charles, Duke of Southampton, to complete 750l. for 1689, Sept. 29 quarter, on his pension. Money Book XIII, p. 97.
Same to same for like tallies for 1,500l. for George, Duke of Northumberland, for half a year to 1695, Sept. 29, on his same. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay (out of the 300,000l. lately put into your hands of the loans on the Continuing Act) 2,000l. to the satisfying of the advance to be made to Patrick Lamb pursuant to his contract with the Treasury Lords for victualling the Hospitals in the Low Countries. Disposition Book XIII, p. 106.
Mar. 13. William Lowndes to Mr. Paine to attend forthwith Lord Coningsby and Mr. Fox and to adjust with them the accounts of the Regiment late commanded by Visct. Lisburne to the time of his death. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 70.
Same to the Clerk of the Council, transmitting the petitions [missing] of divers persons, praying the Proclamation reward for the apprehending of several traitors. Please lay same before the [Privy] Council to the end the respective claims may be adjusted and an order obtained for paying the rewards accordingly. Ibid, p. 71.
Appending: [list of said traitors and their captors]:
for the taking of Goodman (Richard Reynolds, John Noble, Hen. Evans and William Knight, Robert Brightall).
for apprehending the two Higgons (Benj. Maris, Butterick Coachman).
for apprehending Davis (Mr. Turner, John Hampson).
for apprehending James Courtney (Mr. Stace, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Keene).
for apprehending Mr. Holmes (John Coward).
for apprehending Mr. Keyes (William Uphill, John Graunt, Sir Francis Vincent, William Reeves junr., Joseph Phelips, William Cock, John Hutton).
for apprehending Porter and Prendigrass (Tho. Trevor, Mr. Coombes).
for apprehending Mr. King (Stephen Applegarth, Jonathan Palmer).
for apprehending Knightley (John Cowsey, Geo. Cartwright, Nath. Ragland, Edwd. Jefferies, George Bishop, Richard Clarke, Tho. Cole, Nathaniel Chandler, William White and Joseph Wilkinson).
for apprehending Sherburne (Robert Wood).
for apprehending Sir William Perkins (Mr. Johnson, Ed. Jones, Sir Na. Powell and Capt. Leonard Powell).
for apprehending Brice Blaire (Edmond Rivett, William Stevenage and Robt. Thornele).
Same to the Excise Commissioners to satisfy the tallies for the Duke of Northumberland and the Duke of Southampton by weekly payments of 100l. from date hereof, supra, p. 1344. Ibid, p. 72.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to take off the respite of 110l. 8s. 0d. of the pay of Col. Daniel Dering, late Commander of a Regiment of Foot in Ireland, and 84l. 10s. 0d. on his son's pay as a Captain in the said Regiment, all as petitioned for by Helena Dering, widow of the said Colonel: the King having (on Mr. Fox's report thereon) declared his pleasure that the said respite be taken off. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners for an account by to-morrow morning of the money seized at or near Deal and of what prosecution has been made of the seizure of money formerly made at or near Bristol. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 249.
Same to [the Agents for Taxes], enclosing a letter [missing] of Sir Leonard Robinson, Receiver General of Aids for London, Westminster and Middlesex, together with “your” [? report on the] memorial from the Commissioners for the third 4s. Aid in the parish of St. James's in the liberties of Westminster, touching the arrears standing out on the said Aid. Please write to the said Commissioners, taking notice of the pretences made for not paying in the arrears and [tell them] that they hasten in the same and cause duplicates [of the assessments] to be returned as is directed by the said Act. Ibid.
Mar. 13. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer forthwith the money arising by the sale of Lustrings and Alamodes which have been seized and condemned. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 249.
Mar. 14. Privy seal for 200,000l. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance: as imprest for land and sea service for the Office of Ordnance. (Money warrant dated March 14 hereon.) (Money order dated March 14 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 347. Money Book XIII, p. 96. Order Book IV, p. 268.
William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to apply as follows 8,017l. 9s. 11d. out of the 300,000l. of [loans on] the Continuing Act lately put into your hands for the service of the Forces, viz. in satisfaction of the apothecaries' demands for drugs and medicines external and internal furnished by them for the service of the Land Forces, together with the Hospitals in Flanders, viz. 3,389l. 10s. 8d. as in completion of 6,389l. 10s. 8d. for their demands for medicines in the year 1694; and 4,627l. 19s. 3d. in full of their demands for the year 1695. Disposition Book XIII, p. 107.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith, enclosing a letter [missing] of William Dandy, a prisoner in the King's Bench. Give the Treasury Lords an account of his case and circumstances with all expedition. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 72.