Entry book: August 1695, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry book: August 1695, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1183-1192 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry book: August 1695, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1183-1192.

"Entry book: August 1695, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1183-1192.


August 1695, 16–31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 16. William Lowndes to the Secretaries to the Admiralty. The Treasury Lords conceive it necessary that the like instructions be given to Sir George Rooke, who is going to command the Fleet in the Mediterranean, as were given to Admiral Russell concerning the pay of subsistence to the four Regiments lately sent to Cadiz. Please acquaint the Admiralty Lords herewith to the end they may give their instructions accordingly. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 15.
Aug. 17. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 50l. to Lady Jane Berkeley for last June 24 quarter on her pension to be satisfied out of Tenths. Disposition Book XIII, p. 42.
Same to Mr. Bridgeman. In answer to yours of yesterday, I enclose all the papers that can be found in the Treasury anyways relating to the making a Register for Seamen. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 14.
Aug. 19. Same to Mr. Clark to procure a warrant, to be signed by the Lords Justices of England, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 11,925l. 6s. 5d. on account to the Commissioners of the Transports. Ibid. XIV, p. 416.
Aug. 21. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in loans on reversions on annuities, all as by the privy seal of Aug. 19 inst., supra, p. 1180. Money Book XIII, p. 13.
Money warrant for l,000l. to John Packer, esq., Usher of the Receipt, in part of a greater sum due to him for the expense of a great number of books and other things furnished in the Transfer Office relating to the tickets for payment of the Annuities for 16 years. (Money order dated Aug. 28 hereon.) Ibid, p. 14. Order Book IV, p. 228.
Aug. 21. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 28,045l. 7s. 6d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Forces: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on the Duties on coals and glass: and to be paid by him to the Victualling Commissioners, to satisfy so much due for soldiers' provisions who served on board the Fleet, being extra to the Victualling of the Navy. Disposition Book XIII p. 42.
Same to same to issue 96,036l. 13s.d. to same on the unsatisfied order in his name for the Forces: 96,016 13s.d. thereof out of loans to be made by said Earl on the Annuity Act and 20l. out of loans in the Exchequer on coal and glass Duties: to be applied as follows, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 43.
to complete 99,214l. 18s. 0d. for the month's subsistence [to the Forces] in Flanders, July 16 to Aug. 12 inst 74,274 18 0
to complete 7,600l. for the week's subsistence [of the Forces] in England, Aug. 6–12 inst. 3,891 3 10¼
for one week's subsistence more to said Forces to Aug. 19 7,600 0 0
for a further week's ditto to Aug. 26 7,600 0 0
to clear the allowance of 8d. a day to the private horsemen of the Earl of Oxford's Regiment from Jan. 1 last to April 1 last 2,306 0 8
to Col. Northcoate, for carriages, fire and candle for his Regiment of Foot in their several marches and quarters from 1693–4, March 20, to 1694, Sept. 22 153 18 0
to Col. Farrington, for the like disbursements for his Regiment of Foot, from the time of their raising to April 1 last; in the margin: memorandum: per Exchequer certificate a quarter short 190 13 0
for Capt. Butler, who lately came from the enemy: to carry him into Ireland 20 0 0
£96,036 13
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. Referring to the above directed item of 2,306l. 0s. 8d., please send for the innkeepers and others and see they be fully satisfied for the said Earl of Oxford's Regiment's quarters before you pay over this sum to the use of the said Regiment. Ibid, p. 42.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of any disposeable [unappropriated] money in the Exchequer 1,000l. to Mr. Packer, ut supra, p. 1183 (in the margin: 5 Sept., 194l. 4s. 10d. [paid]); Ibid, p. 43.
160l. to the Duke of Devonshire, ut supra.
The Treasury Lords to the Bishop of Salisbury. You are indebted to the king 623l. 7s.d. for an arrear of First Fruits which, as by your bonds, ought to have been discharged in April, 1692. There are tallies on the First Fruits remaining unsatisfied [for want of receipts from that branch of revenue]. We desire you to take care that this arrear be forthwith cleared. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 417.
The like letters respectively to
the Bishop of Colchester for a like arrear of 304l. 13s.d., due Sept., 1694.
the Bishop of Norwich for a like arrear of 417l. 3s.d., due in Oct., 1694.
the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry for a like arrear of 125l. 19s.d., due in Sept., 1694.
the Bishop of Hereford for a like arrear of 691l. 13s.d., due in July, 1692, 1693, and 1694.
Aug. 21. William Lowndes to Sir Scroop How, to prepare for declaration the yearly accounts of the Excise, as was usually done by Mr. Ashmole, the late Comptroller [of the Accounts] of Excise. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 417.
Aug. 22. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 30,000l. to Edward Russell on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of loans on the third 4s. Aid; and to be applied to the wages of seamen, to wit, the payment of the ships' companies just come from the Straits and the men turned over to the ships now going thither. Disposition Book XIII, p. 44.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the East India Company for the delivering up of certain bonds given by them for the exporting of divers goods and manufactures of the growth of this kingdom, together with an account annexed thereto of the goods by them exported, same being referred by the Lords Justices to the Treasury Lords. Old Letters (General) XIV, p. 417.
Aug. 23. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the 206l. 7s. 6d. to Consul Butts, ut supra, p. 1180, out of loans to be made by said Butts on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XIII, p. 44.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Kath. Verhuy, widow, praying payment of 105l. 3s. 9d., due to her late husband as a Lieut. in Baron d'Rechteren's Regiment of Horse. Old Letters (General) XIV, p. 417.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to attend the Committee for Trade and Plantations at the Council Chamber, Whitehall, on Wednesday, Aug. 28, with your opinion on the abstract of what is desired by the merchants in their Proposals to the said Committee, ut supra, p. 1170. Ibid. XV, p. 15.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the Pre Fines and Post Fines and the profits of all and singular fines of lands and tenements within the County Palatine of Chester and County of Flint, acknowledged before the Justices of the Great Sessions for those counties, as well in session time as in vacation, and all fines pro licentia concordandi: all in order to a new lease thereof to Nathaniell Booth for 31 years in reversion of the grant made 1692, Sept. 24, to Nathaniell his father and for services at the Restoration. The present grant is to be at a fine of 62l. 10s. 0d. and the former rent of 100 marks per an. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, pp. 21–3.
Prefixing: said Surveyor General's report on said Booth's petition for same. There ought to be a covenant in the grant that if the grantee impose unreasonable fines the party aggrieved may appeal to the Treasury. By a medium of 7 years past the said fines have yielded 47l. 17s.d. per an. in co. Chester, and 15l. 8s.d. in co. Flint, above the rent.
Aug. 23. Treasury warrant to the Attorney General to enter a noli prosequi to the information in the Exchequer against William Fawkener, merchant, for entering a parcel of galls, without garbling same, ut supra, p. 1175: being imported by him 4 years since in the Prince George from Smyrna, and only disposed of by him June 27 last for export, but seized by the city garbler as they were going in carts to the waterside: he contending that no such claim on the city's part for their garbling due has been made for 30 years in his memory, nor for a longer time in the memory of other merchants exporters and that the statute of James I for garbling of several commodities has been always understood to extend to such goods only as were “for the expense [consumption within] this kingdom” and not for such as were to be exported: and the Customs Commissioners having reported thereon the 6th inst. that notwithstanding the city garbler's information the Crown may discharge the prosecution for its own moiety. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 23.
Aug. 26. Treasury reference to Jno. Povey of Mr. Travers' memorial on behalf of Geo. Muschamp, esq., eldest son of William Muschamp, who formerly served faithfully for many years as a Commissioner of the Revenue, Ireland; shewing that said Geo. was some time since preferred (as he thought) from being collector of Customs at Carolina to be collector of Potomac in Maryland, which he finds to his great disappointment not worth 20l. per an.; also that the late collector of Potomac, Col. Blakiston, deceased, enjoyed the Receiver General's place of Potomac with the salary of 100l. per an., together with the place of collector there; and further that Mr. Plater, collector of Patuxent in Maryland, enjoys likewise the place of Receiver of Patuxent at the same salary of 100l. per an.: therefore Muschamp prays the said place of Receiver of Potomac, he being always bred up to business in the revenue of Ireland and being a very honest and industrious person. Reference Book VII, p.110. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 432–3.
Aug. 27. Warrant by the Lords Justices of England to Sir George Rooke, Admiral of the White and Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet in the Mediterranean, for continuing the subsistence to the four Regiments in the Straits, as by the royal sign manual of Mar. 14 last, supra, p. 949, viz.: 393l. 18s. 4d. to each of said Regiments per month during the time on ship board, and 205l. 0s. 7d. for time on shore: all by reason that Edward Russell, Treasurer and Admiral of the Navy (who by said sign manual was directed to make said payments) is returning home, and it is absolutely necessary that said subsistence be continued. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 258.
An exact account is to be kept of the money that it may be repaid to the Navy Treasurer out of money appointed for the use of the Land Forces.
Aug. 27. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to insert in their quarterly salary bill 30l. per an. for a salary to Mr. Griffith, the yard keeper of their office, instead of the 20l. per an. lately authorised for him. Money Book XIII, p. 14.
Aug. 28. Treasury order to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes to observe (a) infra. Ibid. p. 15.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Lords Justices of England, dated Whitehall, May 23 last, made on reading a report of same date from the Admiralty Lords, on the petition of Capt. Rikard, Commander of the King's ship Monmouth, who prayed an allowance of gunnage for a French man-of-war of 52 guns and a privateer of 18 [guns] destroyed by him on the coast of France “in May last” [1694]: said petition being referred to the Admiralty Lords by the King, 1695, April 28. It appears from a letter of Admiral Russell that a French man-of-war and a privateer were forced on shore in Conquest Bay by said Capt. Rickard, and thereupon burnt by the enemy. Although it does not appear that they were of the force he states, it will be an encouragement to others if the allowance he claims be made to him, his officers and ship's company.
Therefore the Lords Justices order the said allowance to be made accordingly.
Money warrant for 35l. to the Churchwardens of St. Buttolphs, London, for 5 years to 1695, June 24, on a perpetuity of 7l. per an. Ibid, p. 18.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 55,195l. 9s.d. to Charles Bertie, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Bertie on credit of the Annuity Act: and to be for land and sea service of the Office of Ordnance. Disposition Book XIII, p. 45.
In the margin: “Issued short a quarter.”
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 18,000l. lent by Mr. Bartholomew Burton on credit of the Post Office revenue, viz.:— l. s. d. Ibid, pp. 45–6.
to Charles Bertie for 2 per cent. gratuity on a loan of 50,000l. on the three-fourths of the Customs 1,000 0 0
to Capt. Studholme, Guide of the Roads 170 6 8
to Mr. Ford, Housekeeper at Newmarket 63 17 6
to Andrew Lawrence, Surveyor of the Ways 36 10 0
to John Welbeck, Stablekeeper at Reading 9 2 6
to Serjeant Powell for necessaries for the House of Commons 142 5 0
to Mr. Baker in reward 200 0 0
to Mr. Pottenger, Comptroller of the Pipe, in reward 53 6 8
to Mr. Granville for rent of Mote Park 150 0 0
to Mr. Hughes for disbursements 220 0 0
to Mr. Thompson in lieu of the like sum lately ordered him out of the arrears of taxes 200 0 0
to the poor of St. Buttolph's parish 35 0 0
to Mr. Ronseil [as royal] bounty 10 0 0
to Lady Arabella Macartie as same 75 0 0
to Mr. Aaron Smith for Crown Law suits 200 0 0
to Mr. Whittell [as royal] bounty 20 0 0
to pensioners payable out of the Lottery [rent], to supply the deficiency of that rent to clear their pensions to June 24 last (in the margin: issued 627l. 10s.d.) 650 0 0
£3,235 8 4
The Treasury Lords have agreed “that the persons who shall advance the said sum [or sums] in part of the tallies for the said 18,000l., which remain in Mr. Burton's hand, shall have the whole interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per an. for what they shall so advance from the dates of the said tallies.”
Aug. 28. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 7,600l. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Forces: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the Annuity Act: to be applied to a week's subsistence to the Forces in England to Sept. 2 next. Disposition Book XIII, p. 46.
And 2,000l. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby, on the unsatisfied order in their names for the Forces in Ireland: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Fox on credit as above; and to be paid to the Transports Commissioners on account of the Transport service.
Same to same to issue 1,000l. to the Earl of Rochford, on the unsatisfied order in his name as late Master of the Robes, to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl or by others at his appointment on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Lottery Farmers to pay this last June 24 quarter's rent into the Exchequer without delay. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 418.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. My Lords have considered the reasons put forward by Edward Deniston, Nathaniel Beale, William Browne, Thomas Wilson, Henry Carter, Benjamin Westwood, Nicholas Wanley, William Travers, Thomas Hamore, and William Pullen, late Excise Officers at the hearing on the 21st inst. for their quitting of their employments. My Lords decided that hereafter none of these men shall be employed in that revenue save by my Lords' particular direction. Ibid. XV, p. 15.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to dismiss Samuell Dassell from his employment as Register of the Certificates in the Island of Jersey in accordance with (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 205.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Lords Justices in Council, dated Whitehall, Aug. 15 inst., made upon reading a report of the 14th inst. from the Committee for Trade and Plantations, after considering the petition of Edward Cartret, Bailiff of Jersey, and the depositions before the Royal Court of Jersey touching Dassell's correspondence with the Preist of Chauze, belonging to the French, and his trading with France; the Committee concluding thereon that Dassell has been guilty of trading with France, whereupon the Lords Justices order his dismissal.
Aug. 28. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to establish an addition of 20l. per an. to the salary of the Collector of Great Yarmouth, and 10l. a year for a clerk there. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 206.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Gilbert Spencer for an allowance of 720l. for his extraordinary pains and charges as Receiver General for co. Kent of the second Twelve Months' Aid, first Quarterly Poll and Review of the Poll, and first and second 4s. Aids. Reference Book VII, p.110.
Treasury warrant to S. Traverse, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of the manor of Mere, co. Wilts, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, in order to a lease thereof to Sir Matthew Andrews for 31 years, “if there shall not happen to be a Duke of Cornwall within that time”: at the old rent of 34l. 6s. 11d. and fine of 500l. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, p. 24.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] (received by the Treasury Lords from the King) of Richard Warburton for a new lease of some lands in King's County and Queen's County, late the possessions of Patrick Trant, to which petitioner is tenant. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 44.
Renewal to same of the letter of 1694, Nov. 12, from the Treasury Lords to the then Lords Justices concerning William Grible, ut supra, p. 822. Ibid. VI, p. 459.
Aug. 29. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a Commission for Greenwich Hospital: the Commission to be to George, Prince of Denmark, and many others, detailed, to consider what part and how much of the structures and buildings now standing on the ground granted by the King and Queen, Oct. 25 last, supra, pp. 796–7, for said Hospital, are unfit for the intended Hospital and what alterations are fit to be made to such parts as shall be thought fit to stand, and to prepare a model of such buildings as they shall think most fit to be erected and to prepare a charter of foundation and statutes, constitutions, orders and ordinances for its perpetual management and good government: and although the King in the present necessity of his affairs cannot advance so considerable sums for the beginning and carrying on of the work as he desires, or will be able to in times of peace, yet he hereby declares that he will issue at Christmas yearly 2,000l. towards the edifying, perfecting and endowing thereof: King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 260–9.
Further granting power to the said Commissioners to receive all voluntary gifts and subscriptions which the piously disposed may be willing to make in imitation of the King's example and towards this good end of relieving the disabled and necessitous persons and increasing the navigation and naval strength of the kingdom: and with power to appoint collectors etc.: and that the names of such contributors be certified to the Treasury Lords from time to time, to the end a perpetual memorial may be made thereof: and that John Evelyn, senr., be Treasurer and Receiver General of all the moneys etc. so subscribed or bequeathed etc.; with the salary of 200l. per an. from Lady Day, 1695.
And with power to proceed in the pulling down of unfit portions and the erecting of new portions according to such model and directions as above approved under the King's sign manual and to give order for safe keeping and accounting for the moneys as above.
Aug. 29. William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners. I have read to my Lords your report of Nov. 19 last on the petition of the officers, clerks and other persons employed in the Naval Yards and officers of not above 100l. per an. salary. You are to direct the Navy Treasurer to pay the assessments on them for the second 4s. Aid. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 418.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Francis Molyneux, woollen draper, praying for the removal of a stop put on money in said Earl's hands, which ought to be paid him on his contract for clothing Visc. Castleton's Regiment. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Thatcher as wine taster, London port, loco Thomas Allen, preferred to be a land surveyor, Ibid.; the said office having been granted to John Banks, gent., but he having declined same. The salary of 80l. per an. is to be inserted on the establishment for Mr. Thatcher in like manner as is done for Mr. Prescott, the other wine taster. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 206, 207.
Treasury reference to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of Henry Player and Jane Sheare, shewing that great sums are due to them from the Victualling for beer brewed for the Navy, and praying that their bills of exchange on said Commissioners may be accepted towards discharge of Excise duty due from petitioners “as formerly.” Reference Book VII, p.110.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Boyle for restoration of 400l. seized by a Customs officer at Swansea on account of a false entry, he being innocent of the said entry. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of John Callant, praying that 91 casks of French mallosses [molasses], which he bought of the Prizes Commissioners by inch of candle, may pay only the subsidy and 25 per cent. Customs “and not the 8s. per cent. over and above the said subsidy etc., as is insisted on by the officers of the Customs.” Ibid.
Same to the Navy Victuallers of the petition of Anth. Tourney, praying payment of 8,000l. for furnishing the Victualling Office with iron hoops at a time when others refused to trust the said Office, and that he may have interest for [his money from] 6 months after the date of each warrant, “according to the custom of the Navy Board.” Ibid.
Aug. 29. Treasury reference to Sir Thomas Trevor, Attorney General, of the petition of Mary Milbourne, for a grant under a privy seal of the 68l. seized by the Sheriff of Middlesex by virtue of an outlawry sued at petitioner's expense against Thomas Wansell and one Plummer, on their counterbond to save petitioner harmless in being bound for them to one Palfryman. Reference Book, VII, p. 110.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sir Michael Mitchell of the city of Dublin, praying a grant of a 800l. mortgage forfeited to the King by Terence Dermot, late Alderman of Dublin; and a custodiam of an annuity of 200l. forfeited by Oliver Evetas, of co. Carlow: same being referred to the Treasury Lords by the King. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 44.
Aug. 30. William Lowndes to Mr. Blathwayt to procure the King's signature to the following warrants, viz.: Out Letters (General) XV, p. 16.
(1) for a privy seal for 2,000,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh.
(2) for 627l. 10s.d. to divers small pensioners on the Lottery farm.
(3) for 75l. to Lady McCarty and 20l. to Mr. Whittle.
(4) a constitution to appoint Col. Russell as Receiver of the Casual Revenue in Barbados.
Aug. 31. Report to the Treasury Lords from John Povey on the memorial of Mr. Travers on behalf of George Muschamp, ut supra, p. 1186. In 1691 upon the great disorders in Maryland the King found it necessary for the preservation of the peace and security of the country to take the government of that Province into his hands; and Mr. Nehemiah Blackiston and Mr. George Plater, being then collectors of the Plantation Duty for the districts of Potomac and Patuxent in Maryland by warrant from the Customs Commissioners, England, were by royal warrant further appointed to collect and receive the public revenue of the Province within their respective districts with the fee or salary of 100l. Blackiston is since dead, indebted about 1.400l. to the Crown for the country's money which the Governor hopes, with great difficulty, to secure from his executors. If Muschamp be appointed to succeed Blackiston as Receiver and Collector of the Public Revenue in Potomack he should be obliged to give the usual security for his trust. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 433.
Aug. Same to same [by William Blathwayt or John Povey] on Col. Dongan's petition and papers as by the order of reference of Sept. 7 last, supra, p. 767. It appears by a list of grants or patents of land in New York before 1681 that there had been granted to divers persons before that time about 158 lots or shares of land in Staten Island, with the reservation of one bushel of wheat yearly for each lot of about 80 acres of land, which at the rate of 3s. per bushell (being the usual price of wheat there) amounts to 22l. 8s. 0d. If the King think fit to grant petitioner the quit rents of all such lands on Staten Island as have been granted out [in this manner to various grantees] under the seal of New York he may reasonably allow 20 years' purchase upon a true survey of the same. As to a grant of the soil of all Staten Island with the several loyalties and privileges desired by petitioner, I conceive no estimate can be made thereof, a considerable part of the island being yet unsettled. But in regard of the situation of the island near the city of [New] York the trade of that city and Province may be obstructed and his Majesty's revenue much impaired in case a free trade should be granted as petitioner desires; and it may be likewise very prejudicial to the Government of New York [which is] the chief frontier and place of defence in the northern parts of America against the French, which will be greatly weakened by the grant of such privileges, royalties and by the erecting new jurisdictions in Staten Island. But if the King grant petitioner a confirmation of all such lands in said Island as have been granted under the public seal of New York and to erect same into a manor with power to Col. Dongan to hold Courts Baron and Courts Leet for the ordinary tenants or suitors of the said manor, with further privileges to hold 2 markets weekly and 2 fairs yearly within the said manor, I have nothing to object thereto; it being an act of grace to petitioner who did the Crown good service in the Government of New York, as well in reference to the Indians as against the French in those parts. Ibid, pp. 438–9.
This entry is followed by the following memorandum. “The Establishment for the Companies of Foot in New York, together with the additional Establishment are entered in the second volume, page 4.” [This volume is not forthcoming.]