Entry book: August 1695, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry book: August 1695, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1174-1183 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry book: August 1695, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1174-1183.

"Entry book: August 1695, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1174-1183.


August 1695, 1–15

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 2. Warrant by the Lords Justices, dated Whitehall, to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,000,000l. to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy, as imprest for the Navy and Victualling. (Money warrant dated Aug. 2 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Aug. 2.) (Money order dated Aug. 2 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 246. Money Book XIII, p. 4. Order Book IV, p. 223.
Aug. 2. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 18,997l. 10s. 1d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance: out of loans to be made by said Bertie on credit of the Marriage Duties: to be applied to sea service of the Office of Ordnance. Disposition Book XIII, p. 39.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Fawkener, merchant, praying for remission of the King's part of a parcel of galls seized by the City Garbler for not being garbled. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 414.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. My Lords notice that the accounts of the receipts and payments made by the Treasurer of the Navy or his Cashier have not been sent to the Treasury from your Office for some time past. You are to cause them to be made up to this time and to distinguish therein the moneys paid by Mr. Stephens since the time of the last account from what has been paid since his death by Mr. Doddington, the present Cashier. For the time to come the said accounts are to be constantly transmitted hither in the method which was at first directed. Ibid, p. 415.
Same to Mr. Twitty. Send my Lords an account how far the annuity or pension of 200l. per an., granted to Francis Mansell, deceased, and his wife and two sons, Charles and Francis, for their respective lives, has been satisfied at the Exchequer and how many of the said lives are now in being. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to visit goods as in (a) infra at Somerset in order to their transport to Portugal for the use of the Queen Dowager: taking care that no prohibited goods pass therewith. Ibid. XV, p. 14.
Appending: (a) schedule of said goods (glasses and furniture).
Same to same to send to the Downing Street house of Thomas Baker, late Consul at Algiers, his goods arrived from Cadiz in the King's ship Mary, taking caxe, ut supra. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Ephraim Sandford of Kirkby Kendal, co. Westmorland, gent., shewing that he was collector of Excise there for two years, where he has not gone above seven rounds, but was turned out without any reason given him: therefore praying to be restored or to have a convenient time to balance his accounts, or for reasons to be stated for turning him out. Reference Book VII, p. 109.
The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. The King has appointed Benjamin Timewell, esq., late Navy Commissioner at Portsmouth, to serve in that capacity at Kinsale. You are to permit the import, duty free, of his household goods, being about 240 parcels. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 42.
Aug. 7. Money warrant for 2,000l. to Sir Francis Child, his Majesty's jeweller, for jewels as follows, viz.: 350l. for a jewel of diamonds given by the King to the Count de Riverne, Envoy Extraordinary from the Elector of Bavaria and Elector of Cologne; 300l. for a jewel of diamonds or a ring given by the King to Monsieur Tetto [Tettau], Envoy from the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel; 200l. for a diamond ring given by the King to the Envoy from the Duke of Brunswick; 350l. for a diamond ring given by the King to Count Rantzau, Envoy from the King of Denmark; 300l. for a diamond ring or jewel given by the King to Count La Bowtelier [Bouthillier], Envoy from the Duke of Savoy; 200l. for a diamond ring given by the King to Baron Blombergh, Envoy from the Duke of Curland; 300l. for a diamond ring given by the King to Baron D'Veltbrook [Vellbruck], Envoy Extraordinary from the Elector Palatine: all as certified by the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, June 11 last. (Money order dated Aug. 7 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 5. Order Book IV, p. 224.
Same for 142l. 5s. 0d. to Samuell Powell, esq., Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons, for his disbursements for coals, candles, sweets [? disinfectants], mops, brooms and other necessaries for the said House during the last Session of Parliament and also in reward to the messengers for serving of orders according to the direction of said House in said time. (Money order dated Aug. 7 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 5. Order Book IV, p. 225.
Same for 53l. 6s. 8d. to John Pottinger (Pottenger), Comptroller of the Pipe, for services in sending out all supers upon the accounts of the Receivers General of the Taxes of all England in the Summons of the Pipe twice every year and also in drawing them down into the Great Roll of the Pipe in order to the issuing of process for the levying of the same. (Money order dated Aug. 7 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 6. Order Book IV, p. 225.
Same for 170l. 6s. 8d. to Michaell Studholme, Keeper and Guide of his Majesty's Roads, viz. 63l. 17s. 6d. for 1¾ years to 1694, Sept. 29, on his patent fee of 2s. a day; and 106l. 9s. 2d. for his riding charges in same time as certified by the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, being at the rate of 3s. 4d. a day. (Money order dated Aug. 21 for 106l. 9s. 2d. hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 6. Order Book IV, p. 228.
Same for 1,160l. 7s. 6d. to the executors of Sir John Trenchard, deceased, late one of the Principal Secretaries of State; in part of 1,500l. disbursed by him for secret service and not yet paid him: the remaining 339l. 12s. 6d. being to be satisfied to his widow by granting to her the quantity of 1,0401/8 ounces of white plate delivered to the said Secretary out of the Jewel House. (Money order dated Aug. 7 for 1,160l. 7s. 6d. hereon.) (William Lowndes, dated Aug. 10, to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay said 1,160l. 7s. 6d. out of loans to be made by said executors on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.) Money Book XIII, p. 6. Order Book IV, p. 226. Disposition Book XIII, p. 40.
Same for 50l. to Jane, Lady Berkeley (Jane Temple, now wife to John, Lord Berkeley), for last June 24 quarter on her pension of 200l. per an. payable to her until satisfaction to her of the 2,000l. usually given on the marriage of a Maid of Honour. (Money order dated Aug. 7 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 7. Order Book IV, p. 225.
Aug. 7. Money warrant for 160l. to the Duke of Devonshire, which with 382l. 4s. 7d. otherwise paid or satisfied to him will make 542l. 4s. 7d., in full satisfaction of the surplusage on the foot of an account declared 1692, Sept. 29, of the pulbic moneys of the kingdom received and paid by him for assisting the late Revolution in 1688. (Money order dated Aug. 7 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 7 Order Book IV, p. 226.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to the Duke of Shrewsbury on the unsatisfied order in his name for secret service: 1,976l. 4s.d. there of out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise and 23l. 15s.d. out of Duties on Low Wines. Disposition Book XIII, p. 39.
In the margin: “to be distinguished as follows: 500l. for a quarter on 2,000l. per an. to 1695, Lady day, the time his Grace staied in the Lower Office, and 1,500l. residue on the 3,000l. per an., but both issued on the privy seal for 3,000l.
Same to same to issue 3,038l. 16s.d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Forces: 2,688l. 16s.d. thereof out of Contributions for Reversionary Annuities and 350l. out of loans on the Duties on Coals etc. Ibid.
Same to same to commence as from April 14 last the [weekly] certificates, which my Lords lately desired you, supra, p. 1175, to transmit to the Navy Commissioners, of the issues made to the Navy Treasurer: the Navy Commissioners having desired that they should commence from that date. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 416.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Roberts (an extraordinary tidesman, London port) as a tidesman in fee, Plymouth port, loco John Rolt, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) p. 204.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Darbie, Receiver General for co. Dorset of the first and second 4s. Aid, Review of the Quarterly Poll and second Quarterly Poll, praying allowance of 194l. 10s. 0d. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. Reference Book VII, p. 108.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Taylor, merchant, for an allowance of 3,000lb. weight of tobacco omitted by the clerk on petitioner's taking out a certificate from the collector inwards [London port], in order to pass his cocquet outwards for [re-export of] 34,800lb. of tobacco imported by him in 1694, April and June; the whole 34,800lbs. having been in truth shipped out, as appears by the searcher's books. Ibid, p. 109.
Same to same of the petition of Isaac Bernard et al., haberdashers, praying a non pros. to an information brought against them by Dutton Colt, collector at Bristol port, for alamode silks which he seized,” and were exposed by them to sale in Bristol Fair, they being no importers of goods but had bought them in their common course of trade.” Ibid.
Aug. 7 Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Peter Warner for employment in the Customs, he having been bred a merchant and well skilled in merchandises. Reference Book VII, p. 109.
Same to Mr. Ryley of the petition of Edward Proger, keeper of the Middle Park at Hampton Court, praying that the stable to the lodge, the granary and the paddock may be repaired, being in great want thereof. Ibid, p. 110.
Same to same of the said Proger's account of money laid out for repairing the pales, great lodge and underkeepers' lodges and for hay for the deer in said Middle Park from 1691–2, March 23, to 1694–5, March 21, being 188l. 15s. 9d. Ibid.
Treasury warrant [to the Attorney General] to stay proceedings against Dame Margarett Poole or Benjamin Poole or other the securities of Sir William Poole, late collector of Bristol port: the King having lately granted to Thomas Wilkins several debts, including that owing to the Crown by said Sir William; but on a hearing [before the Treasury Lords] of counsel on behalf of said Dame Margaret, relict of said Sir William, it appeared that he did in his lifetime return [to London] by Arnold Browne a greater sum than appears as remaining due to the Crown and that an extent has issued from the Exchequer Court against said Arnold Brown and John Price for recovery thereof and it is reasonable to await the effect of the said process: the said Wilkins having agreed by an instrument under his hand of July 10 last to submit to the Treasury Lords any disputes as to any debts contained in his grant as above. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, pp. 14–15.
Report from the Treasury Lords to the King on the petition of Richard, Earl of Bellomont, praying a grant of the forfeited estates of the Earl of Kilmare [Kenmare] and Peirce Nagle. We referred same to the Lord Deputy, who referred it to the Attorney General, Ireland, whose report thereon [missing] we herewith submit. The Lord Deputy is of opinion your Majesty may, in consideration of petitioner's great merits and sufferings, very reasonably grant his request. We have no objection to such a grant. Ibid, p. 16.
Treasury letters patent constituting Bartholomew Burton, esq., as Comptroller of the Annuities on the Million Adventure as by the Salt Duty Act [5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7]; to inspect, examine and control all the accounts of the moneys received or paid thereon: all loco William Lowndes, who has relinquished same: with the salary of 200l. per an. as from June 24 last. Ibid, pp. 16–17.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Ireland. We have the report from you and the rest of the late Lords Justices, Ireland, on the petition of William Fanshaw and Charlotte Sarsfeild concerning the estate of Col. Patrick Sarsfeild, deceased, which is seized into the King's hands, and also the report of the late Solicitor General [Ireland] thereon. We intend to lay same before the King on his return for his pleasure therein. The said Charlotte Sarsfeild has since presented to us a second petition. Please stay all proceedings against her or the said estate till the King's pleasure be known. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 43.
Aug. 8–18. Royal warrant, under the King's sign manual, dated “at our Camp before the Castle of Namur,” to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute John Bridges, esq., as Agent and Solicitor to the Customs Commissioners loco Richard Hutchinson, deceased: with a salary of 300l. per an. for himself and for maintaining an able assistant and another person under him: all as from June 24 last. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 254.
Aug. 8–18. Same to same for a same to constitute Edward Wharton, goldsmith, to the office of Receiver General of the moneys arising by the licensing of hackney coaches and stage coaches: with the salary of 62l. per an. for himself and for such clerks whom he shall employ under him: from Lady day last during pleasure. Ibid, p. 253.
Aug. 8. Money warrant for 9l. 2s. 6d. to Richard Welbeck for three quarters to 1694, Sept. 29, on his fee of 12l. 3s. 4d. per an. as Stable Keeper at Reading. Money Book XIII, p. 8.
Same for 63l. 17s. 6d. to Robert Ford for 1¾ years to same date on his several fees amounting to 36l. 10s. 0d. per an. as Housekeeper [of his Majesty's House] at Newmarket. Ibid.
Same for 36l. 10s. 0d. to Andrew Lawrence for one year to same date on the fee or salary of 2s. a day of his office of Surveyor General of the Ways, Gates and Bridges, from which he is suspended. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 5l. to Margaret, widow of William Abernethy; placing same to the account of Contingencies. Disposition Book XIII, p. 40.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing letters [missing] concerning a cask of butter entered at Swansea by one Fry, wherein there was about 400l. in money, which is now secured in the [Customs] warehouse there. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 13.
Aug. 9. Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay the Duke of Southampton's tallies for 375l., ut supra, p. 1168, by 50l. a week, beginning “immediately after the weekly payments which you at present make to his Grace shall expire.” Disposition Book XIII, p. 40.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure the King's signature to the enclosed warrant for remitting 655l. 12s. 1d. out of the quit rents in Virginia to the Treasurer of the Ordnance there. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 416.
Also to a warrant prepared in accordance with the Treasury Lords' report to the King concerning a grant of some lands in Ireland to be passed to the Earl of Bellomont.
Treasury reference to Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby of the petition of John Hakewell et al., troopers, praying their arrears of pay for service in Ireland in the late Brigadier Villiers' Regiment of Horse and that Lieut. Col. Carpenter, who succeeded in the command of said Regiment, may be made accountable for money he has received for the said service on account of said Regiment. Reference Book VII, p. 109.
Aug. 11. Royal warrant, “given at our Camp at Watergoos,” to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the Treasury Lords to take in at the Exchequer loans on the Reversions of Annuities as by 6–7 Wm. III, c. 5, § 10, to a total as follows, which together with the yield of the Contributions on said Act shall not exceed 618,420l. 0s. 6d. in all: as by the terms of said Act: the said loans to be charged on the Exchequer in general and to be repayable out of the Contributions to come in [after Aug. 1 inst.] for reversionary annuities as by said Act or failing same then out of the next Aid to be granted by Parliament. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 251–2.
And as it appears by a certificate of the Auditor of the Receipt that only 171,013l. 0s. 6d. was advanced and paid into the Exchequer before 1696, Aug. 1, the day limited by the abovesaid Act, on the purchase of such reversions, the total of loans hereby authorised is to be 447,407l., making up the full total as above: the interest to be 5 per cent. payable quarterly.
Same to the Treasury Lords for a pension of 2s. a day to John Dwyre, gent.: from date hereof: during pleasure. (Treasury warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) Ibid. p. 252. Money Book XIII, p. 13.
Royal sign manual, dated same, to pay 200l. to Henry Baker, gent., as royal bounty, without account. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 253. Money Book XIII, p. 13. Order Book IV, p. 229.
Same for 150l. to Bernard Granville, without account, for half a year's rent to June 24 last for Mote Park, which was laid into Windsor Great Park. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 254. Money Book XIII, p. 13. Order Book IV, p. 227.
Same for 1,000l. to William, Earl of Rochfort, late Master of the Robes, as imprest and to satisfy arrears grown due in the Office of Robes during the time of his being Master. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 255. Money Book XIII, p. 13. Order Book IV, p. 229.
Same for 206l. 7s. 6d. to John Butts, gent., Consul residing at Elsinore in Denmark, for a bill of extraordinaries in said service, 1693, Nov. 3, to 1695, May 2, as allowed by Secretary Sir William Trumball. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 21 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 255. Order Book IV, p. 227.
Same for 6,876l. 15s. 4d. to the Bank of England in reward and full satisfaction of all interest which they might anyways demand for their advancing into the Exchequer all or any part of the three last payments of their subscriptions for the Bank sooner than they were obliged to do by the clause in the commission for taking their said subscriptions on which the Charter of Incorporation to them is granted. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 256. Money Book XIII, p. 13. Order Book IV, p. 229.
Aug. 11. Royal warrant, dated “at our Camp at Watergoos,” to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a discharge to the executors of John Bennett, late of Shaston, co. Dorset, gent., Receiver General of [Crown land] revenues within cos. Dorset and Somerset, to which office he was appointed 1660, August, giving securities, detailed, in 3,000l., and at the termination of his accounts at Michaelmas, 1675 and 1676, he remained indebted 781l. 1s. 1¼ 1/8, as certified by Auditor Anthony Parsons; since which time 100l. has been levied on the estate of Sir Richard Grobham How; and William Bennett, gent., who married Patience, sister and executrix of Thomas son of said John Bennett, has offered to pay 350l. as a moiety of said debt if the balance may be discharged in consideration of the condition in which said John died, “not leaving assets liable to pay said debt”: it is hereby ordered that on such payment of 350l. remainder of said debt be discharged and also the bonds of him and his sureties. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 270–1.
Same, dated same, to the Lord Deputy, Ireland, for a commission to pass the great seal of Ireland to constitute the Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal, Ireland, the Chancellor of the Court of Exchequer there, the Chief Baron and the rest of the Barons of the Exchequer there, as Commissioners of Accounts, Ireland (to inspect and pass the accounts of the Receiver General of the Revenue, Paymasters of the Forces, Ordnance, Victuals, Works, and every accountant). Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 42.
Aug. 12. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners for a certificate what money stands charged on Tho. Tipping, esq., as received of the Customs of Exeter port or elsewhere in 1688. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 14.
Aug. 14. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to satisfy the money orders of the Agents for Taxes and of the officers of the Tally Court, out of the duties on low wines. Disposition Book XIII, p. 42.
Same to the Paymaster of the Works to apply as follows the 731l. 1s. 3d. ordered to you by the money warrant of “this day's date” [Aug. 15, see infra, p. 1182], viz.: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 44.
for so much due on account of public pavings at Lady day last 500 0 0
for repairing the stables at Gogmagog Hills and the rails at the Race at Newmarket 84 1 3
for making a room at Westminster for the Bishops to robe themselves in 147 0 0
£731 1 3
Aug. 15. Money warrant for 220l. to Hugh Hughes, gent., late his Majesty's Agent in Germany; for a bill of extraordinaries in his said service as allowed by Secretary Sir William Trumbull. (Money order dated Aug. 21 hereon.) Money Book XIII, p. 12. Order Book IV, p. 228.
Aug. 15. Money warrant for 731l. 1s. 3d. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works: upon account for the service of the Works: to be satisfied by tallies on the Post Office. See supra, p. 1181. Money Book XIII, p. 13.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,570l. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Forces: 200l. thereof to be issued out of the loans on the Duties on Coals and Glass and the remaining 1,370l. out of Contributions for Reversionary Annuities: the said sum to be applied as follows, viz.: l. Disposition Book XIII, pp. 40–1.
in further part of 7,600l. for the subsistence [to the Forces] in England for the week ended the 12th inst 670
for the families of the three French Regiments of Foot on account of the pay of said Regiments for an allowance of 50l. a month each [Regiment] and is for six months ended March [31] last 900
Similarly to issue 9,000l. to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy, on the unsatisfied order in his name: to be issued out of Contributions, ut supra, and to be for the Victuallers of the Navy and to be applied by them as follows, viz.: l.
for the Victualling in general 5,000
towards discharging the credit which said Victuallers have had in the outports from the Excise Commissioners 2,000
for new bills to be had from the said Commissioners or any others for credit 2,000
Especial care is to be taken that such Contributions for Reversionary Annuities as have been paid into the Exchequer since Aug. 1 inst. be reserved towards paying off the loans which will be made thereupon according to the directions of the Act in that behalf, ut supra, p. 1180.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to open at the Earl of Dorset's lodgings in Whitehall a box imported in the Lepord, Joshua Winter master, from Leghorn, being a present sent to said Earl. Care is to be taken that no guineas or prohibited goods be passed therewith. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 416.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities of the following Regimental Agents, ut supra, pp. 1159–60. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 486.
Prefixing: in each case their petitions proposing the names of their sureties, viz.:
Richard Harnage as Agent to Col. William Northcote's Regiment of Foot.
Ditto as Agent to Col. William Selwyn's Regiment of Foot.
Peter Davall as Agent to Major General La Meloniere'e Regiment of Foot.
Isaac Boniotz as Agent to the Count d'Marton's Regiment of Foot.
Janson d'Judebeuf as Agent to Col. Bellcastle's Regiment of Foot.
George Watson as Agent to the Earl of Romney's First Regiment of Foot Guards.
Aug. 15. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant and release under the great seal of England to Thomas Seaman of the city of Norwich, esq., of divers messuages and tenements in the parish of St. Peter of Mancroft, in the city of Norwich, and the two Crown rents thereon; which premises were seized into the King's hands as being of the estate of Thomas Price (by grant from James II), and which were granted 1691, Oct. 12, to William Betts, gent., on trust to sell same for the benefit of the Crown, and the said Betts having sold same to said Seaman for money to be received for the use and benefit of the Crown. Warrants not Relating to Money XV, pp. 19–20.
Money order for 46l. 13s. 4d. to John Tayleur, second Secondary in the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office for 1¾ years to 1694, Sept. 29, on his fee for the execution of all the originals transcribed out of the Court of Chancery into the Exchequer. Order Book IV, p. 245.