Entry Book: May 1695, 6-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: May 1695, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1043-1059 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1695, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1043-1059.

"Entry Book: May 1695, 6-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1043-1059.


May 1695, 6–10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
1695. May 6. Money warrant for 46l. 12s. 7d. to the Agents for Taxes, to be by them immediately repaid into the Exchequer on William Love's account as Receiver General of the second 4s. Aid for co. Huntingdon, representing an overpayment on his account of the second Quarterly Poll for said county. (Money order dated April [sic for May] 6 hereon.) (Reference of Love's petition for this transfer.) Money Book XII, p. 505. Order Book IV, p. 188. Reference Book VII, p. 94.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,554l. 16s. 0d. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby on the unsatisfied order in their name for the service of the Forces, Ireland: to be issued out of loans on Duties on Marriages etc.: and to be paid to the Commissioners of Transports to answer several bills of exchange drawn upon the Treasurer of the Navy by Col. Codrington and Col. Kendall for hire of ships in the West Indies in the late Expedition to Martinique. (Same to the said Commissioners to so apply same.) Disposition Book XII, p. 247.
Appending: list of said bills: l. s. d.
Drawn by Col. Kendall.
1693, July 8, a bill payable to Jo[h]n Hutson for two months and two days' service of the ship Isabella Anne Katherine in the West Indies at 7l. 8s. 0d. a day 429 4 0
another payable to same for necessary money for 91 soldiers on board said ship for 36 days 6 16 6
1693, July 13, a certificate from Col. Kendall for 11 days' service more from the said ship, reckoning at 7l 8s. 0d. a day 81 8 0
July 8, a bill payable to Robt. Scotting or John Shorter for two months' and two days' service of the ship Katherine in the West Indies 335 5 0
a certificate from Col. Kendall for 11 days' more service of the said ship 63 10 6
Drawn by Col. Codrington.
1693, July 4, a bill payable to Edward Perrie for hire of the ship Resolution from 1692–3, Feb. 15, to May 10 following 290 12 0
June 5, a bill payable to Eliazar Dorby for the service of the ship brigandeen Freinds' Adventure from 1692, Dec. 22, to May 8 following, against Martinique 225 0 0
a bill payable to Capt. Samuell Willard or order for service of the ship brigandeene called the Swan from 1692–3, March 24, to May 3 following 48 0 0
Drawn by Col. Kendall.
a bill payable to Jo[h]n Whetson, esq., for his service as Secretary to the several Councils of War held in. the Island of Barbados during the time that the Fleet remained there 75 0 0
£1,554 16 0
May 6. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise for 1,500l. to Isabella, Duchess Dowager of Grafton, and Charles, Duke of Grafton, her son, for half a year to Lady day last on their pension. (Same dated May 15 to the Excise Commissioners to satisfy said tallies.) Disposition Book XII, pp. 248, 263.
Affidavit by Benjamin Scott of London, merchant, of his shipping in London port, 1694, Nov. 13, of 30 chalder of sea coal in the Success, Thomas Bur-wash master, for Barbados; and on 1693, Dec. 5 and 8, of certain leather, silk, plain globes, perpetuanos, English ticken, wheat, tin and turnery wares, pills, fans, masks, commodes bonelace, hair fringes etc., which, ship with all its goods utterly perished in the sea 1694, Dec. 22, betwixt Beachy and the Isle of Wight: [said affidavit being made with a view to allowance of equivalent Customs free shipment of other goods]. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 171.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Edward Mitchell, Receiver General for co. Gloucester of the second Quarterly Poll and second 4s. Aid, praying for an overpayment of 455l. 14s.d. on the latter account to be transferred to the former. Reference Book VII, p. 94.
May 6. Treasury reference to Mr. Mordecai Abbott of the following list of Regimental Agents. Abbot is to report on the securities they shall propose [for their fidelity in their trust] and to advise what sums [as guarantee] may be fit to be required of them. Reference Book VII, pp. 97–8.
Prefixing: said list:
Elkanah Downes: for the First Troop of Guards, Second Troop of Guards and Major Gen. Churchill's Foot.
Newdigate Owsley: for the Third Troop of Guards, Col. Wood's Horse, Col. Windsor's Horse and Brigadier Mathews' Dragoons.
James Cardonell: for the Troop of Grenadier Guards and Royal Regiment of Horse.
Thomas Freakleton: for Brigadier Lumley's Regiment.
William Spenceley: for Brigadier Leveson's Horse and Col. Lloyd's Dragoons.
Richard Roberts: for Col. Langstone's Horse, Col. Ingoldsby's Foot and Col. Fairfax's Foot.
James Deanes: for Col. Coy's Horse and the Earl of Arran's Horse.
Richard Butler: for Col. Windham's Horse.
Edward Paunceford: for the Duke of Schonberg's Horse.
Cha. Moreau: for Lord Galway's Horse.
Richard Whitworth: for the Earl of Macclesfield's Horse.
John Cage: for the Earl of Essex's Dragoons.
William Hamilton: for Sir Thomas Levingston's Royal Regiment of Foot, Sir David Coliear's Foot, Col. Lauder's Foot, Col. Geo. Hamilton's.
John Payne: for Col. Wynne's Dragoons, Col. Cuningham's.
David Campbell: for the Earl of Denbigh's Dragoons.
John Knewstub: for Col. Leigh's.
Geo. Watson: for the First Regiment of Foot Guards.
John Acton: for the Coldstream Regiment, Col. Seymour's Foot, Marquis de Rada's, Col. Courthope's, Sir John Jacob's, Marquis de Puisar.
William Graham: for the Regiment of Scots Guards, Col. Mackay's Foot, Sir Cha. Graham's, Col. Buchan's.
William Feyford: for the Regiment of Fuzileers.
William Wallis: for Col. Selwyn's Foot, Col. Trelawny's, Col. Tidcomb's, Brig. Erie's let Battalion, 2nd Battalion, and Col. Tiffin's.
Peter Gery: for Col. Beaumont's Foot, Duke of Bolton's, Col. Holt's for the West Indies.
Jenkin Lewis: for Sir Bevill Granville's.
James Moyer: for Col. Brewer's Foot.
Jonathan Watson: for Sir James Lesly's.
Richard Topham: for Col. Edward Colt's.
Major Spencer Broughton: for Col. Collingwood's Foot.
Geo. Moult: for Col. Stanley's.
Adam Cardonell: for Brig. D'Offarell's.
Thomas Penington: for Col. Mordaunt's.
David Nairne: for Col. Maitland's and Col. Ferguson's.
Peter Potter: for Col. Saunderson's.
James Campbell: for Lord Lorne's.
Tracy Pauncefort: for Col. Fred Hamilton's.
P. Daval: for Col. La Meloniere's.
Isaac Boniotz: Count Marton's.
Jansen de Tudebeuf: Col. Belcastle's.
John Payne: Sir Hen. Belasye's, Col. Coote's, Col. Brudenall's.
John Wilkes: Brigadier Stewart's.
Mr. Stevenson: Lord Strathnaver's.
John Meenis: for Col. Gibson's.
Peter Bernard: for Col. Farrington's.
Richard Harnage: for Col. Northcote's.
William Bridges: for Col. Russell's.
Companies etc.
Tracey Pauncefort: for the Company of Miners.
Bethell Peppett: for the Company of Invalids at Windsor, ditto at Chester, ditto at Tin-mouth [Tynemouth], ditto at Hampton Court and Sir Thomas Taylor's Company at Apnor.
Nathaniell Carpenter: Company at the Leeward Islands.
May 7. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William, Earl of Portland, of all those lordships or manors called Denbigh and Bromfeild and Yale in North Wales and all the rights, members and appurtenances thereof, and the [Crown's] reversion and estate therein: to hold to him and his heirs for ever in free and common socage and not in capite or by knight's service but by fealty: at the rent of 6s. 8d. per an. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 142, 193–205.
Appending: (a) particular (dated 1695, May 8, and made out by Charles Chetwind, deputy auditor of Wales) of the premises, formerly the possession of Sir William Stanley, kt., attainted: l. s. d.
Co. Denbigh.
The farm of the lordship or manor of Bromfield and Yale.
the perquisites of Court there 7 3 10
market tolls and pontage in the town of Leons 1 2 0
fee farm rent of Crackstrings Meadow, in the tenure of Charles Bradshaw 1 10 0
ditto of Barnstables Common, in the tenure of Robert Brerewood, and nine parcels of waste in Leons, alias Holt, in the tenure of Thomas Ridgeway et al. 0 2 11
ditto in the collection of the bailiff arising without the vill of Leons, alias Holt 62 2
ditto arising within said ville 87 7
ditto in the collection of the bailiff of Pickhill arising within the vill of Pickhill 33 13 1/8
ditto in that of the bailiff of Sesswick arising in Sesswick 8 8 8
ditto in that of the bailiff of Iscoyd arising in the commote of Iscoyd 49 0
lands and tenements in the manor of Hem, in the tenure of Sir John Trevor 7 11
ditto called Hem House, in the tenure of Anthony Tounsend, esq. 10 0 0
the pasture called Frith Williams, in the tenure of Samuel Powell, esq. 32 0 0
fee farm rents in the collection of the bailiff of Frith William in the manor of Hem, parcel of the lordship of Bromfeild and Yale 2 0 11
land called Lords Meadow in the manor of Hewlington, in the tenure of Sir Francis Compton 2 13 4
the marsh called Madox Moor in the commote of Hewlington [? Uwchaled], in the tenure of said Compton 16 0 0
fee farm rents in the collection of the bailiff of Hewlington arising in the said commote 8 9 9
ditto in Cobham Aimer in the collection of the bailiff in co. Denbigh 4 10 6
ditto in Cobham Iscoyd in the collection of the bailiff there 18 4 10½
coal mines in the commote of Esclusham, in the tenure of Sir Thomas Grosvenor, bart. 1 0 0
fee farm rents arising in the commote of Esclusham in the collection of the bailiff there 44 9
three ditto arising outside of Havadyr Argloth and elsewhere in the commote of Eglusegle, in the tenure of Sir John Trevor 2 4 6
divers other lands in Eglwysegle, in the tenure of Lady Consway, Ann Ravenscroft and Alice Owen 1 2 3
fee farms in Eglusegle in the collection of the bailiff there 17 16
ditto in Ruabon in the collection of the bailiff there 46 10 1/8
ditto in the vill of Abenbury [Abenburyfawr] in the collection of the bailiff there 33 1
ditto in the vill of Dymill in the collection of the bailiff there 25 0
divers lands in the vill of Moreton, in the tenure of Sir Francis Compton, kt 2 1 0
divers fee farm rents in Moreton in the collection of the bailiff there 15 0
ditto in Fabror and Coed Cristconeth in the collection of the bailiff there 15 14
divers manors there in the like collection 6 16
the farm of the tolls of Wrexham and the mill there, in the tenure of Joshua Edisbury 20 13 4
divers fee farm rents in Wrexham in the collection of the bailiff there 30 6
ditto in the vill of Bedwell in the collection of the bailiff there 25 13
ditto in Yale Reglarie in the collection of the bailiff there 35 0 1
divers other ditto in “Yale Prepos” in the collection of the bailiff there 38 5 1/8
the park called Glyn Park, in the tenure of Joshua Edisbury, esq. 3 19 8
the park called Dymill Park, in the tenure of Sir Francis Compton, kt 2 10 0
the park called Marsley Park, in the tenure of Samuel Jones, esq. 20 0 0
nine shops under the Court House at Wrexham, in the tenure of Peter Edwards 4 0 0
(Total rents of the lordship of Bromfeild and Yale, 753l. 14s. 0d.)
(b) The like particular (similarly made and dated) of the late monastery of Vale Cross: l. s. d.
the fee farm rent of the scite of the said monastery, in the tenure of Sir John Wynn, bart 188 2 10½
ditto of the said scite, in the tenure of same 35 0 0
ditto arising out of tenements in Lanegwest, parcel of said monastery, in the tenure of Gabr[iel] Goodman 0 1 2
ditto arising of tenements in Hulton, co. Denbigh, parcel of said monastery, in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart. 0 9 2
ditto arising within the lordship of Chirk, parcel of said monastery and in the tenure of said Middleton 0 4 8
ditto arising out of the lands in Passio Aimer, being forfeited lands of Sir William Stanley and part of said monastery and now in the tenure of Sir Robert Grosvenor, bart. 0 4 0
ditto arising from lands called Brinkilfe, co. Denbigh, being lands of the late Countess of March and part of said monastery and now in the tenure of John Price of Derwen 0 5 0
(Total, 224l. 5s. 10½d.)
(c) a like particular (similarly made and dated May 9) of the lordship of Denbigh: l. s. d.
farm of the profits of the mill of Mivott [? Meifod], co. Denbigh, in the tenure of Thomas Carter, esq. 2 14 4
ditto of the mill in Talloyn [? Tallern], in the tenure of Robert Hugh, gent 0 6 8
ditto of the mill in the vill of Skibcow, in the tenure of John Vaughan, gent 0 2 0
Parcels of the possessions of Robert, late Earl of Leicester. mill in the town of Denbigh, in the tenure of Margaret Wynne, widow 8 0 0
“lenen” mill in the vill of Ostrat, in the tenure of Margaret Wynne, widow 3 0 0
divers lands cantar in Astral [chantry lands in Astrad] 0 11 0
fee farm rents in the town and borough of Denbigh collected by the bailiff there 6 3 0
the herbage of Portley Park, in the tenure of Enbulus Lloyd and Robert Knowles 3 0 0
the park called Garnsuodiocke Park, in the tenure of John Chambers 10 0 0
mines of lead and coal in the waste of Denbigh, in the tenure of Sir Cirill Wych 1 0 0
fee farm rents in the commote of Issallet [Isaled] in co. Denbigh, collected by the bailiff there 185 2
perquisites and profits of courts in the whole lordship of Denbigh
the manor of Killford and the herbage of the park there, in the tenure of Lady Hester Salisbury, widow 40 0 0
the manor or commote of Dynmace [Dinas], parcel of the lordship of Denbigh, in the tenure of Roger Mostyn, esq 5 17 0
the park called Lleweney Park, in the tenure of Thomas Shaw, gent. 1 19 8
fee farms and lands called Wallfeild in Llewenny, in the tenure of Edward Chambers, gent. 0 17 8
divers lands in Llewenny called the Liveryes, in the tenure of Thomas Shaw 5 0 0
lands and tenements [in] Dollillyndew and elsewhere in co. Denbigh, in the tenure of John Williams and Thomas Shaw 1 2 4
divers other lands there, in the tenure of William Fitzharbert 0 12 9
11½ acres in Dollyllyndew, in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart 0 8 0
the farm of a messuage and 100 acres of pasture in Dollyllindew, in the tenure of Robert Davies 1 18
a tenement and 32 acres ibid., in the tenure of John Maddox, sen. 1 12 0
farm of three closes in the said Dellyllin, in the tenure of John Clough 0 12 0
farm of lands called Moyley Park, in the tenure of John Chambers 0 8 4
divers lands in Llewenny, in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart., 18s. 8d., and others ditto 6s 1 4 8
ditto there in the tenure of John Chambers 0 18 8
a boviat and 60 acres of land ibid., in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart. 3 6 8
divers lands in Berraigne [Berron] and Bodysgawen, in the tenure of Lady Jeane Salisbury, widow, and Lady Hester Salisbury 2 10 0
divers lands called Mayesykey, in the tenure of Lady Philadelphia Clark, widow 1 0 0
farm of divers lands etc. in Bodiscawen and Tallybryn, in the tenure of said Lady Clark 3 10 2
other lands in Bodiscawen, in the tenure of Ann Foulks, widow 0 18 4
divers lands in the commote of Eriviat, in the tenure of John Vaughan, gent., and John Parry 2 5 0
divers other lands called Haverder Twram in Eriviat, in the tenure of Edward Chambers 0 6 8
farm in Altvaynon, co. Denbigh, in the tenure of Robert Salisbury 1 1
divers lands and pastures in Altvaynon called Le Poole Closes, in the tenure of John Middleton, esq. 1 1 0
the farm of divers lands in the vill of Taldroth, in the tenure of John Vaughan, gent. 0 14 8
divers lands there called Glovers Meadow, in the tenure of William Vaughan, gent 0 8 0
divers other lands there called Newfriths, in the tenure of John Chambers 0 5 0
divers fee farm rents in the commote of Isdulas, in the collection of the bailiff there 90 7
lands and tenements called Mivot Farm in the commote of Isdulas, in the tenure of Thomas Carter, esq 10 0 0
divers lands and tenements called Kay George in the commote of Issalett [Isaled], in the tenure of William Foulks, gent 1 4 0
farm of the mediety of the manor of Dinorben Vawer, parcel of the lordship of Denbigh, in the tenure of Thomas Carter 4 0 0
the other mediety of the said manor, in the tenure of Cath. Parry, widow 4 0 0
divers lands in Regidocke in the commote of Issalett, in the tenure of Thomas Carter 3 17 4
other lands there called Wermawre in Issalett, in the like tenure 0 19 0
other lands in the vill of Abergele, in the tenure of Math. Leicester 2 7 0
the farm of lands in Sirrivor [Sirior] in the commote of Dynhengroon, in the tenure of Thomas Griffith, esq 6 8
the farm of the mediety of the vill of Talgarth, in the tenure of Ali[ce] Price, widow 0 10 11½
land called Shedlands in Hendregyda, in the like tenure 0 2 9
farm of lands in Boddringhwyn and elsewhere, in the tenure of William Price, esq 1 2 3
lands [of] Killken, Troverch and Massegweeke [Maesgwig], in the tenure of Thomas Griffith, esq. 0 13 4
the farm of lands in Wichmere Treverth, in the tenure of William Price and Richard Wynn 0 6 8
fee farm rents in Bodringhwyn, in the tenure of Owen Willin, gent. 0 9 9
lands in Hendredweg [Henclrewydd], in the tenure of Thomas Shaw 0 12 0
fee farm rents in the commote of Uchallet [Uwchaled] in the collection of the bailiff there 60 17
the office of collector of perquisites of Court there
lands in Barog Archwedlocke, in the tenure of John Wynn 1 13 4
other lands [? called or in] Carbnewith, in the tenure of Fulk Salisbury, gent 4 0 0
farm of lands in Archwedlocke, in the tenure of Robert Lloyd, gent. 4 15 4
lands in Prestigood, in the tenure of Robert Lloyd, gent 6 0 0
divers fee farm rents in the commote of Uchdulas in the collection of the bailiff there 98 10 1/8
office of collector of the perquisites of Court there
divers lands in Dunnerth and Rive in the commote of Rividallion, in the tenure of Robert Williams 5 6 8
lands in Erithin, in the tenure of Mathew Leicester 0 13 4
farm of lands in Talloine, in the tenure of David Evans 2 3 9
other lands there, in the tenure of same 0 11 4
farm of the mediety of lands in Rillzennis, in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart. 4 0 0
the other mediety of the said lands in Killkennis, in the tenure of Richard Davis and Robert Parry 8 0 0
divers fee farm rents in the whole commote of Kinmerch in the collection of the bailiff there 72 14 1/8
divers lands in Skybcon, in the tenure of Robert Evans 1 1 8
other lands there, in the tenure of Ann Robert ap Jenkin Lloyd 0 3 0
lands in Prion, in the tenure of Richard John Roberts 0 1 6
other lands there, in the tenure of Richard Kenrick 1 2 0
the farm of lands in the vill of Clifferio called y Mayne Lloyd, in the tenure of Owen Lloyd 0 2 8
farm of lands in Bahumbed in the tenure of Sir Walter Baggot, bart., and John Evans 3 0 0
other lands there in the tenure of John Vaughan 0 8 4
lands in Bahumbed in the tenure of John Vaughan 0 12 4
other lands there in the tenure of John Lloyd 3 0 0
other lands there in the tenure of Henry Roberts 0 15 8
other lands there in the tenure of John Vaughan 0 13 0
the farm of lands in Segroit and Carnevet, in the commote of Kinmerch, in the tenure of John Dolbin, esq 0 15 10
other lands there in the tenure of John Lloyd, gent 0 5 0
the farm of lands there in the tenure of Edward Wynn 0 11 0
the farm of lands [? there] in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart 1 0 0
lands there in the tenure of Thomas Knowesly 1 0 0
lands there in the tenure of Samuell Collings and Thomas Shaw 1 0 0
other lands in Segroit and Carnevet in the tenure of Eliz. Salisbury and Lady Grace Wynn 0 16 4
divers lands in Rernevet in the tenure of Robert Watson and Mary Masters 2 10 0
the mediety of lands in Rernevet in the tenure of Eubel Thelwall 1 4 0
the farm of lands in Llavassog in the tenure of Edward Fowlkes, gent 1 4 0
other lands there in the tenure of Robert, Lord Willoughby. 3 3 2
three closes in Havodlome in the tenure of Sir Richard Middleton, bart 0 13 4
farm of the mediety of the manor of Astrad, in the lordship of Denbigh, and in the tenure of Robert, Lord Willoughby 4 0 0
the other mediety of the said manor in the tenure of John Morris, gent 4 0 0
the farm of divers lands, Marvell Mawr, alias Rhidy Poole, in Erithin, in the commote of Uchdulas, in the tenure of John Wynne 0 10 0
farm of a cottage and lands thereto in Llewenney, parcel of the manor or lordship of Denbigh, in the tenure of John Chambers 0 2 8
(Total of the rents of the lordship of Denbigh, 726l. 2s. 81/8d.)
Followed by: Surveyor General's ratal of the above particular. The abovesaid lordships and manors of Denbigh and Bromfield and Yale have been valued at 1,720l. 16s. 3d., and now by the abovesaid particulars at 1l. 3s. 0d. more, over and above royalties, mines, improvements. This ratal is made out under a Treasury warrant of 1695, May 4, in order to a grant thereof to John Neale [in trust for said Earl of Portland].
Treasury warrant to the Postmasters General to pay 2,350l. to the Duchess of Cleveland for half a year to 1693, June 24, on her annuity of 4,700l. Money Book XII, p. 507.
William Lowndes to Mr. Duncomb. The Treasury Lords desire you to lend 3,000l. into the Exchequer to-morrow morning on an especial occasion for his Majesty's service; on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise; for which they have agreed that you shall have the usual allowance of 6 per cent, [interest] and 2 per cent, in ready money. Disposition Book XII. p. 248.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,358l. to Mr. Methuen, Envoy Extraordinary to Portugal, out of loans to be made by said Methuen on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Ibid.
Same to same to issue as follows out of loans in the Exchequer on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, notwithstanding any former direction for reserving any moneys out of the said loans: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 249.
to Paul Foley, Speaker of the House of Commons 255 0 0
to the Commissioners of Accounts 875 0 0
to Mr. Beaubuisson 118 13 9
to Mary Bocock and other small pensioners 1,514 13 4
to Lord Lucas 64 0 0
to Cha. Low 20 0 0
to James Cumin 20 0 0
to Mris. Ann Whynyard, alias Incledon 36 10 0
to Mr. Bentley 150 0 0
to Dr. Sherlock 56 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for Mr. Negus for repairs in the Mews [at Charing Cross] 637 7 5
to ditto for Mr. White for repairs at Richmond 65 4 11½
£3,812 9
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. There was recently issued to you (out of the remains in the Exchequer of the loans on the 300,000l. per an. of the Customs) 16.800l., whereof 11,800l. for the Battalion waggons and 5,000l. for the General Officers on account of clearings, ut supra, p. 1013, this issue being in lieu of tallies which had before been appointed to be applied to those two heads. My Lords now desire you to apply the said [previous] sum of 16,800l. in tallies to the payment of Messrs. Machado and Pereira in further part of 15.000l. to be advanced to them on their contract for bread and of 18,000l. [to be similarly advanced] on that for the bread waggons; on which contracts 15,000l. has been already directed. Ibid.
Same to the Postmasters General to pay 313l. 9s. 1d. on a bill of exchange drawn on you by Lambert Blackwell, Consul at Leghorn, for so much disbursed by him for the Velocita Tartan, Capt. James Peacock commander, on account of particulars as enclosed [missing] allowed by Secretary Sir John Trenchard by the King's command. Ibid, p. 250. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 386.
May 7. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Edward Nicholas 18,857l. 14s. 3d. on the order in his name for the arrears of the wages to the servants of the late Queen; and is intended to clear her debts to tradesmen and artificers: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Nicholas on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XII, p. 255.
Same to same to issue 63,313l. 14s. 5d. to the Earl of Bradford on the order in his name for the service of the Household: to be applied to clear that [the Cofferer's] Office to 1694, Sept. 29: to be issued out of loans made or intended to be made on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. You have not sent any of your printed weekly certificates of receipts and payments by the Navy Treasurer since Feb. 28 last. My Lords direct you to transmit to them forthwith all the missing certificates to this time and that you send them weekly for the future. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 384.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Deputy, Trolaud, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Francis, Earl of Longford, and Lady Ann his wife, praying a stay to the proceedings on Col. Wolsley's letter for a grant of a mortgage alleged to be forfeited by the outlawry and attainder of Sir Daniell Arthur of an estate in Dublin called White Fryars: said petition being referred to the Treasury by the King. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 24.
May 8. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William D'Nassau, Seigneur de Zulestein, of the premises found by inquisition as follows, being the forfeited estate in co. Northampton of William, late Marquess of Powys, as found by inquisition taken at the Talbott in Oundle, co. Northants, 1690–1, Jan. 2, before John Radford et al., being therein mentioned to be worth 1,158l. per an.; and likewise of the barony and castle called Powys Castle and other manors, lands etc., fairs, tolls etc., in co. Montgomery, similarly found by inquisition taken at the town of Montgomery 1691, Sept. 2, before Pryce Devereux et al., being therein mentioned to be worth 3,524l. 19s. 0d. per an.: and all which were thereupon seized into the King's hands. The present grant is to be of all the said premises and all the Crown's title thereto, excepting the rectories of Poole, Meifod, Guilsfield and Buttington, a moiety of the tithes of Meifod, three parts of the tithes of Pool, Guilsfield and Buttington, and ten acres of land, four acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture, being the glebe lands of the said rectories, which were lately granted to Wm., Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and — Bishop of St. Asaph. The present grant is to be to said Nassau and his heirs for ever at a rent of 13s. 4d. per an. to the Crown. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 149–182.
Appending: particular of the premises dated April 30 last and made out by Thomas Eden, Deputy King's Remembrancer; the said premises being found to be in possession as follows at the time of the outlawry of said Marquess at the Sessions at Old Bailey in St. Sepulchre's Ward, London, 1689, Oct. 9, before Sir Thomas Pilkington, kt., Mayor of London: l. s. d.
In Co. Northampton.
the farm of the manor of Oundle and one weekly market and annual fair there, a water mill and lime kilns there 74 0 0
the farm of the wood called Pike-wood of 100 acres there, and of the wood called Hillswood of 50 acres there, and of the wood called Pexley Wood of 26 acres there, and of the wood called Little Hale Wood of 30 acres there, and of the wood called Parsons Wood of 60 acres there 20 0 0
the farm of the capital messuage of Berested and the scite of the manor of Oundle in the tenure of Bridgete Pag and formerly of Thomas Maning, in reversion of a grant to Jeffrey Palmer et al. made 1667–8, March 1 8 0 0
the farm of the manor of Beggis in the parishes of Southwick and Barnewell in the tenure of Francis Ash by and Francis Hunde, and 30 acres of meadow in Killsey in the parish of Barnwell and twentieths in Frinsoe, Totuce, Shipwood Corner, Biggenfield and Sellyfield in Biggin 30 0 0
the farm of a messuage, four cottages, three acres of wood, 180 acres of land in Benefield in the tenure of John Stapleton 70 0 0
the farm of a cottage and 12 acres in Benefield in the tenure of Christopher Parker 6 0 0
the farm of the Abbacy of Pipe-well and a capital messuage and three acres of wood, 100 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture and 70 acres of land in the parishes of Great Oakley, Rushton and Wilbarston in the tenure of Francis Lindewell 500 0 0
£1,158 0 0
Co. Montgomery.
the farm of the barony and castle called Powis Castle in Poole parish and 300 acres and 200 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow and 300 acres of pasture in Poole in the tenure of said Marquess, Edward Howell and 16 others named 410 0 0
the farm of the manor of Llanerchydol in the parishes of Poole, Guilsfield and Buttington 18 7 4
the farm of the view of frankpledge and court baron pertaining to said barony and manor 2 0 0
the farm of nine messuages and 340 acres in Poole, Guilsfield and Buttington in the tenure of Samuel Pryce and 14 others named 135 9 8
the farm of a messuage and 20 acres in the said parishes and in the parishes of Berewe [Berriew] and Castle Caereinion in the tenure of Morgan Evans 0 5 0
ditto and 18 acres in Poole in the tenure of Richard Rogers 3 0 0
the farm of the manor of Halsiter in the parishes of Churchstoke, Hussington and Snead, with its rights, members etc 6 5 3
the farm of seven messuages and 21 cottages, a tile quarry and 250 acres in Church Stock, Snead Hussington in the tenure of William Williams and 34 others named 36 7 0
the farm of the manor of Titieffe in the parishes of Poole, Castle Caerynnyon, Buttington and Guilsfield 12 18 5
the farm of the capital messuage called Buttington Hall and 600 acres in the parish of Buttington in the tenure of Rene Aubines and 12 others named 425 0 0
the farm of 18 messuages, a smith's shop, slate quarry, cottage and 190 acres in the parishes of Poole, Castle Caereinion, Guilsfield and Buttington in the tenure of Christopher Clough and 62 others named 224 18 8
the farm of a messuage, water corn mill and 34 acres in Poole in the tenure of Richard Williams 7 0 0
ditto and 34 acres in Buttington in the tenure of John Heedge (Illedge) 3 5 0
the farm of the manor of Kerry in the several parishes of Kerry, Moch tree [Moughtre], Church Stoke and Montgomery 27 4 3
the farm of two messuages, 30 cottages and 35 acres in the said parishes in the tenure of Robert Jones and 29 others named 30 5 0
the farm of the vill or burg of Montgomery 22 16 7
the farm of the manor of Strata Marcella Majore, alias Strata Marcella Abbott, in the parishes of Poole, Guilsfield, Buttington, Berriew and Castle Caereinion 1 5 2
the farm of 24 messuages, three cottages, three water corn mills and 300 acres in the said parishes in the tenure of Joseph Nicholls and 24 others named 545 2
the farm of a messuage and 70 acres in Poole and Guilsfield in the tenure of Stephen Nicholls. 25 0 0
ditto and 35 acres in Guilsfield in the tenure of Mocton Griffithes 2 12 0
ditto and 37 acres ibid. in the tenure of Robert Griffithes 5 0 0
ditto and 82 acres ibid. in the tenure of William Pickstock 2 0 0
ditto and 25 acres ibid. in the tenure of Thomas Pussell 10 0 0
ditto and 23 acres ibid. in the tenure of Robert Griffiths 0 18 4
the farm of a smith's shop and garden and orchard of one acre ibid. in the tenure of Thomas Feild 0 11 0
the farm of a messuage and six acres ibid. in the tenure of Thomas Griffithes 0 10 0
ditto and 60 acres ibid. in the possession of Thomas Vaughan 15 10 0
ditto and 52 acres ibid. in the possession of Thomas Vaughan. 12 10 0
ditto and 70 acres ibid. in the tenure of Samuel Vaughan 18 10 0
the farm of the fourth part of a messuage in Tyrymynach and 37 acres in Guilsfield in the tenure of Samuell Vaughan 0 4 8
the farm of a messuage in Tyrymynach and nine acres in Poole and Guilsfield in the tenure of Anne Rogers 0 11 0
ditto and 12 acres ibid. in the tenure of John Symonds of Ganrogg [Gungrog] 3 0 0
ditto and 20 acres in Castle Caerinion and Poole in the tenure of Edward Parrye 5 0 0
ditto and 42 acres in Guilsfield in the tenure of John Leuis 1 0 0
ditto and 100 acres in Tyrymynach in the tenure of Thomas Pryce 44 0 0
ditto and 37 acres in Castle Caerinion in the tenure of Thomas Richard David 5 0 0
ditto and 18 acres in Gunroggvawr in Poole parish in the tenure of Eliz. Bishopp 2 0 0
the farm of 20 acres in Gunrogg Vawr and Gunrogg Vechan [Gungrog-fechan] in the tenure of John Poole 6 0 0
the farm of a messuage and 15 acres in Buttington in the tenure of Peter Vaughan 0 6 8
ditto and 40 acres in the manor of Strata Marcella Majore in the parish of Poole in the tenure of John Francis 9 0 0
ditto and 27 acres in Guilsfield in the tenure of William Humphryes 0 11 7
ditto and 35 acres in Poole and Guilsfield in the tenure of Joane Brasier 0 17 4
the farm of the manor of Strata Marcella Minor, called Strata Marcella Regis, in the parishes of Poole, Guilsfield, Buttington, Castle Caerinion and Mivor (Meifod) 22 10 6
the farm of a messuage, 22 cottages and 110 acres in the said parishes in the tenure of John Edwards and 24 others named 28 0 0
the farm of a messuage and 36 acres in Guilsfield in the tenure of Margaret Pitts, widow 2 0 0
the farm of a water corn mill and half acre of garden in Guilsfield in the tenure of Hester Wynne, widow 2 0 0
the farm of the vill or burgh of Poole 6 6 6
the farm of a weekly market ibid. held on Monday and four fairs per an. in the tenure of George Blackburne 20 0 0
the farm of six messuages and 22 acres ibid. in the tenure of William Lloyd and eight others named 35 10 0
the farm of the manor of Kedewen Ustweid and the farm of the manor of Kedewen Usceviend in the parishes of Newtown, Llandyssil, Llanllwchaiarn, Berriew, Bettws, Tregynon, Manafon, Llanllugan, Aberhavest, Llanmerewig 74 16 10½
the farm of the scite of the ancient castle called Castle Doley for Wyn and the forest called Doyley for Wyn Forest of 36 acres 4 0 0
the farm of 20 messuages, 29 cottages and 290 acres in the above parishes in the tenure of Thomas Jones and 76 others named 99 0 0
the farm of the vill of Newtown and a weekly market held on Tuesday and three fairs per an. in the tenure of Eliz. Baxter and Maurice Davies 20 0 0
the farm of the manor of Mechen Ushoed and Mechen Iscoed in the parishes of Inwod [Meivod], Llanvihangel, Llanwilling [Llanvyllin], Llanwishing, Llanwyddin, Pennant, Heymant [Hirnant], Llangynog and Llanrhyadyr 26 0 0
the farm of the vill or burg and the burgage rent of Llanvyllin 1 17 11
the farm of the capital messuage called Greenhall, two water corn mills and 450 acres in Llanvilling in the tenure of James Mathews and five others named 75 0 0
the farm of a weekly market in Llanvilling held on Thursday and four fairs per an. in the tenure of Griffin Thomas 8 0 0
the farm of five messuages, 84 cottages, a fulling mill and 540 acres in the abovesaid parishes in the tenure of Edward Lewis and 99 others named 110 0 0
the farm of the manor of Mondanant in the parishes of Harant [Hirnant], Pamant [Pennant], Llandgynog and Llanrhayadyr 29 14 6
the farm of the market and fair tolls of the vill of Llanrhyadyr in the tenure of Richard Hughes 1 0 0
the farm of two messuages, 37 cottages and 110 acres in the abovesaid parishes in the tenure of Hugh Probat and eight others named 34 16 0
the farm of the manor of Carenion Iscoed and Caerinion Uchcoed in the parishes Llanvevi, Llanveroyk, Llangadvan, Mayloyd (Malloyd), Garth Beibio, Llanguniew and Castle Carenion 25 13 10
the farm of 45 messuages, 67 cottages and 600 acres in the above parishes in the tenure of Catherine Edwards, widow, and 219 others named 377 19 8
the farm of 16 acres in Llangadfan in the tenure of Henry Davies 0 13 4
the farm of a messuage and 34 acres in Llanvair in the tenure of Evan Owen 1 0 0
the farm of 13 acres ibid. in the tenure of John Davis 0 6 8
the farm of 10 acres in Guilsfield in the tenure of Morton Griffithes 0 6 8
the farm of the rectories of Poole Meivod, Guilsfield and Buttington and 34 acres of glebe 400 0 0
the farm of a messuage and 70 acres in Llangmeo [? Llandrinio] in the tenure of George Wirrall and David Evans 35 0 0
ditto and a water corn mill and 34 acres in Buttington in the tenure of William Thomas 7 0 0
total of the annual value of the premises in co. Montgomery, 3,523l. 19s. 0d.
full total of the premises, 4,682l. 19s. 0d.
Followed by: memorandum by Thomas Eden, Deputy King's Remembrancer, that John Noell, esq., terre tenant of the manors of Strata Marcella and other lands there, pleaded in Michaelmas, 1691, against the seizure thereof, which plea was confessed by Sir John Somers, Attorney General: further that by Treasury warrant of 1691–2, Mar. 4, a particular was made of the rectories, tithes and glebe lands abovesaid: but whether any grant was made thereof “doth not appear to me.”