Entry Book: May 1695, 1-5

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: May 1695, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1016-1043 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1695, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1016-1043.

"Entry Book: May 1695, 1-5". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1016-1043.


May 1695, 1–5

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 1. Royal warrant to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, directing that from April 1 last all his payments and issues in Flanders be made at the rate of 10 guilders 6 stivers for each £ and that he have full allowance from time to time in any of his accounts of the Forces for the loss occasioned thereby: all by reason that by the royal warrant of 1691, Dec. 23, he was directed to pay the Forces in Flanders at the rate of 10 guilders 10 stivers per £ from 1691–2, Jan. 1, but by reason of the alteration of the exchange between England and the Low Countries the bills that have been drawn since Nov. 1 last for the subsistence of the Forces there have been drawn at 10 guilders 2 stivers per £ and no more: but it was thought necessary for the service that Ranelagh should continue to issue the money there for the Forces at the said rate of 10 guilders 10 stivers until April 1 last, but by contract between the Treasury Lords and Sir Joseph Herne and partners for the supply of money to the said Forces from April 1 last Ranelagh is to take their bills at 10 guilders 2 stivers per £. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 109.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for any sums not in all exceeding 20,000l. to Sir Francis Child, kt., the King's Jeweller, for jewels furnished or to be furnished for the King's service by warrant of the Lord Chamberlain. Ibid, p. 144.
Same to same for a same to authorise the Treasury Lords to satisfy, out of the surplus of the 300,000l. per an. of the Customs [as by the Act 6 and 7 Wm. III, c. 3], the deficiency (with 6 per cent. interest thereon) required to repay the loans on the three fourths of the Customs under the Act 2 Wm. and Mary, c. 4 (which granted a subsidy of tonnage and poundage for four years), and as authorised by the privy seal of 1689, March 25, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 16: it appearing that in the register of the said Act there yet remain unpaid 227,447l. 15s. 9d. principal money for which tallies have been levied and orders drawn. (Treasury warrant accordingly to the Receipt dated May 18 to so apply said surplus as it comes in for repayment of said orders in the course in which they stand registered. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated April 9.) Ibid, pp. 145–6. Money Book XII, p. 517.
May 1. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to constitute Bartholomew Fillingham, Thomas Hall, Philip Ryley and James Dewy as Agents for Taxes (Agents for holding intelligence and to correspond with the Receivers, to take care that they bring in their receipts of taxes and arrears thereof and to take care that the accountants be duly and timely brought to pass and finish their accounts and that all ipsums and supers and other debts on said accounts be duly prosecuted and that all rents and other beneficial matters reserved to the Crown upon any grants not yet put in charge be duly brought and put in charge before the proper officers): with 200l. per an. salary each: all in place of the privy seal of 1689–90, March, which-appointed said Fillingham, Hall, Edmund Woodruffe (now lately deceased) and Ryley. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 186–9.
Same to same for a same to transfer to William Lowndes, esq., all the King's interest share in the Bank of England, the King having subscribed 10,000l. thereon for himself and the Queen and there being 6,000l. or thereabouts of their proper moneys already paid towards satisfying the said subscription: provided always that the 4,000l. remaining to be paid thereon shall be satisfied and answered to the Bank by the said Lowndes or his heirs or assigns. Ibid, pp. 189–91.
Same to Sir Edmond Andros, kt., Lieutenant and Governor General of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, to charge and allow upon the account of the King's revenue of quit rents in Virginia the sum of 765l. 3s.d. as follows: it appearing that upon the revenue of 2s. per hogshead in said Colony for the year 1693 there has been charged 100l. sent to the Government of New York for the assistance of that Province against the French over and above 500l. already ordered by the King to be sent thither out of his said revenue of quit rents; as also 200l. upon the fortification in Virginia and 465l. 3s.d. for the usual charges of the Government [have been paid out of or charged upon the said revenue of 2s. per hogshead] more than has been received from the said revenue within the said year, making in all the said sum of 765l. 3s.d.: which the said Governor has prayed may be so repaid out of quit rents. Ibid, pp. 206–7. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 424.
William Lowndes to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Col. Edward Dutton Colt on behalf of himself and the officers of his Regiment for [discharge of] the deduction of 1,410l. 5s.d. on account of recruits etc. during their service in Ireland, as has been done by royal warrant to other Regiments that served there. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 382.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 170.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, April 28 last, granting leave to the following ships to sail to Newfoundland, notwithstanding the embargo, on giving bond to go thither and to no other part of America, viz.:
Fairfax, Nicho. Fairfax master, 200 tons, twenty seamen, ten landmen.
Francis, Abraham Passmore matter, 120 tons, ten seamen, five landmen.
Seraphin, Robert Hacker master, 90 tons, seven seamen, three landmen.
Olive Tree, Christo. Browning master, 70 tons. seven seamen, three landmen.
Adventure, William Middleton master, 60 tons, seven seamen, three landmen.
Alary Anne, James Mandevile master, 40 tons, four seamen, two landmen.
Olive Branch, William Newland master, 180 tons, twelve seamen, eight landmen.
Primrose, Joseph Wackham master, 70 tons, six seamen, three landmen.
Gift, John Wallis master, 80 tons, six seamen, ten landmen.
Providence, William Bates master, 100 tons, ten seamen, six landmen.
Hopewell, John Richman master, 90 tons, seven seamen, five landmen.
St. George, Daniell Russell master, 80 tons, eight seamen, four landmen.
Canary Merchant, Thomas Manston master, 50 tons, six seamen, three landmen.
Unity, Samuell Elliott master, 60 tons, six seamen, four landmen.
May 1. Treasury order to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to the Earl of Portland the fee farm rents in the following schedule, for which he has contracted at 16 years' purchase, he first producing a tally purporting the payment of the purchase money. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 423–431.
Prefixing: said schedule: l s. d.
Co. Lincoln.
annual rents out of lands late belonging to the manor of Bardney, payable to [sic? by] Richard Lacy 5 0 0
rents of several lands late belonging to the Blessed Mary in Swineshead, payable by Mary Sarson, widow, 3l. 12s. 5d. and 5l. 4s. 8d. 8 17 1
annual pension out of lands etc. late of the manor of Prowland, payable by Richard Ravensor at 13l. 6s. 8d. per an.; also a cottage in the parish of St. Michael in the city of Lincoln at 4s. per an., payable by the Dean and Chapter 13 10 8
rents of assize in Sutton, called Rysee 5 9
Castle Guard rents there 1 6 8
fee farm rents of lands in Aldeburgh 3 2
rent payable to the chantry of Bennington 4 0 0
rent of lands in Whitton 1 10 0
obit lands in Claythorpe 1 0 0
rents payable to the late chantry of Hen. Gunwell 13 6 10
Co. Huntingdon.
annual pension out of the rectory of Paxton, payable by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln 13 6 8
Co. Yorks.
rents payable by the free tenants of the town of Kellingham [Killinghall] 10 0
rents in Rosset [Roshurst] and Beckwith, paid by the tenants or inhabitants there 16 15
rents in Bilton, paid by the inhabitants there 16 19 10
rents in Hampsthwaite, paid by ditto 4 7
rents in Felliscliffe, paid by ditto 8 18 5
rents in Memwith [Menwith], paid by ditto 1 7 4
rents in Holme, paid by ditto 2 14 4
rents in Darley, paid by ditto 2 5
rents in Thimble [Thimbleby], paid by ditto 2 10 3
rents in Clifton, paid by ditto 8 17 1
rents in Fewston, paid by ditto 5 16
rents in Clint, paid by ditto 14 7
rents in Birstrath [Birstwith], paid by ditto 8 8 11½
Co. Leicester.
fee farm rents of lands called Lady Waste 1 15
ditto of a tenement in Willoughby 0 10 0
rents of assize in Swannington 1 7 8
fee farm rents of lands called Anstrynay 0 3 8
ditto of a common oven in Leicester 1 0 0
farm rents of lands called Grooby Lane 0 6 8
fee farm rents of lands in Bristol [Birstall] 0 0 4
Co. Chester.
ditto of Runcorn Mills 0 13 0
farm rent of Widenis [Widnes] Mill 1 13 4
rent of lands called the Fence in Wheitley [Whitley] 0 10 4
fee farm rent of Congleton Mills 1 6 8
Co. Lancs.
ditto of a vaccary called Swains-head 3 16 8
ditto of a pasture called Little-close 0 10 0
ditto of a pasture called Long-more 0 10 0
ditto of a pasture called Bonteshall 0 10 0
farm rent of lands called Mihalgh 3 6 8
fee farm rent of land called Scoreing Moss 0 4 0
ditto of a pasture called Bannerhurst and Colthey 1 13 4
ditto of a vaccary called Hasilhurst 1 18 8
ditto of lands in Blesedale [Blesedale] and Mirescough [Myerscough] 3 6 1
ditto of lands in Broadhead and Goosenargh 1 10 0
ditto of a vaccary called Tavisbrook 0 10 0
ditto of the Tithes and Lowings in Thorpanstile and Tangree 1 1 3
ditto of lands in Lolcar [Holker] besides 3s. 9d. every second year and½ [? 2s. or½d.] for knowings 1 0
ditto of a tenement in Fluckburgh [Flookburgh] 1 12 9
rents in Bolton, Silverdale and West 4 12 11
fee farm rent of Whitebeck Mill 1 0 0
rent of fishing upon the sea coast. 2 6 8
rectory of Whithington [Whittington] 2 13 4
there is also payable out of the bailiwick of Broughton [in Cartmel parish] in co. Lanes every two years and half for customary duty called Knowing, 11l. 11s.d. 4 10 6
fee farm rent of lands called Anger-ton Marsh [Moss] 0 13 4
ditto of a wood called Yearside [Yarlside] Wood 0 1 8
the rectory of St. Michaell and St. Mahold [Maughold] in the Isle of Man 6 13 4
fee farm rents of lands in Catterton [Chadderton] 1 8 0
rents payable to the late chantry in Middleton 6 13 8
a stipend in Warrington 1 1 8
rents payable to the late chantry called the College of Jesus in Eccles 24 3 4
part of the rent of the late chantry of Beckinstraw 0 19 2
a stipend in Warton 2 7 6
a rent payable to the late chantry of Bretherns House in Lancaster 3 6 4
Co. Monmouth.
fee farm rent payable for Skenfrith Mill 1 3 4
ditto payable for lands called Buckholt [Bockholt, in Brimpsfield, co. Gloucester] 0 14 0
ditto payable for escheat lands in White Castle 9 0 0
ditto payable for a chantry in co. Gloucester 0 4 0
Co. Wilts and Devon.
ditto payable for the Park of Hungerford 1 6 8
ditto payable for the Chappie there 1 18 8
ditto out of certain lands called Meddom and Lake 1 16 0
besides for a Comorah payable every third year out of the Lordship of Kidwelly, 19l. 2s.d. 6 7 6
memorandum: there is in the charge of the Receiver General an annual payment from the sheriffs of the counties of Essex and Herts for Creation money 40 10 10
Co. Northampton.
fee farm rent payable for divers chant[ry lands] in cos. Northampton and Hunts 3 5 5
ditto payable for park of Higham Ferrers 3 6 8
Co. Warwick.
an annual rent payable for the manor of Rudfen 100 5 0
Co. Kent.
a rent out of the manor of Elmington [Ellington] 0 19 0
ditto out of lands in Crundall [Crundale] 0 7 6
ditto out of the Reenship of Pens-hurst 17 17 5
ditto out of the Reenship of Cheivening [Chevening] 14 13 1/8
ditto out of tithes of Otterden 0 15 0
ditto out of the 50 acres of lands in Flinglesham 1 5 5
ditto out of Elgingwood, alias Kedlingwood 1 0 0
ditto out of the bailiwick of Wing-ham 126 1 111/8
ditto out of tenements in Greenwich 0 13 4
ditto out of tenements in Preston 0 1 4
ditto out of lands in Borden 0 2 4
ditto out of tenements in Godstone, 1s., and lands there, 1s 0 2 0
ditto out of the manor of Westram [Westerham] 0 2 0
ditto out of lands in Hollingbourn 0 2 0
ditto out of lands in Boxley 0 6 8
ditto out of lands in Milton 0 5 0
ditto out of lands and tenements in Faversham 0 3 8
ditto out of tenements there 0 2 8
ditto out of the parish of Flit-comb 1 5 0
ditto out of lands there 0 5 6
ditto out of the manor of Hunter-comb 3 15 0
ditto out of the manor of Marden Pinckly 4 11 4
[Co. Northampton.]
ditto out of the manor of Wappenham 0 7
ditto out of the rectory of Wappenham 0 4
ditto out of the manor of Culworth 1 2 10
ditto out of the manor of Sulgrave 0 11 5
ditto out of the manor of Ashtwell [Astwell] 1 2 10
ditto out of the manor of Thorpe Mandeville 1 2 10
[Co. Berks and Bucks and Oxford.]
ditto out of the manor of Midgham 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor [of] Easton 10 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Knight Ellington 0 10 0
ditto out of the manor of Purley Mabines 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Shottesbrook 0 4 4
ditto out of Bagshot vaccary 1 5 0
ditto out of the bailiwick fines 0 10 0
ditto out of the tenements in Datchet 0 1 0
ditto out of Cuffield vaccary 1 0 0
ditto, payable by the inhabitants of Hatley [Hadley] 0 1 0
ditto, payable by ditto of Tongham 0 1 0
ditto, payable by ditto of Farnborough 0 1 0
ditto out of a tenement in Abington [Abingdon] 0 3 0
ditto out of the manor of Tubney 1 0 0
ditto out of lands in Hanney 1 0 0
ditto out of Fishside manor in Garsode 0 4 0
ditto of lands in Pewsey 0 13 4
ditto out of a tenement in Lockinge 0 2 11¼
ditto out of lands in Chilton 0 18 0
ditto out of the manor of Hardwell [Harwell] 0 10 0
ditto out of the manor of Frilsord [Frilford] 1 4 0
ditto out of lands in Balking 0 0 10½
ditto out of lands in Longworth 0 6 8
ditto out of lands in Denchworth 1 0 6
ditto out of the manor of Besleigh [Besselsleigh] 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Witham 1 17 0
ditto out of lands in Padbury 0 3
ditto out of lands in Sugworth 0 10 0
ditto out of the manor of Lyffold [Lyford] 1 0 0
ditto out of lands in Woolaston [Woolston] 0 1 6
ditto, payable by the inhabitants of Ussington [Uffington] 0 11
ditto out of lands in Watchfeild 0 10
ditto out of other lands there 0 2 0
ditto out of lands in Goosey 0 4 0
ditto out of lands in Leckhampstead 1 0 0
ditto, payable by the inhabitants of Sunningwell 0 16 0
ditto out of the manor of Boxard [Boxford] 0 4 8
ditto out of the manor of Kingston Lesleigh [Lisle] 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Beedon 2 10 0
ditto out of the manor of Leverton 0 10 0
ditto out of lands in Wheatley 0 11
ditto out of lands in Denton 0 6 5
ditto out of Chaweers Manor in Gasington [Garsington] 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Sampford [? Sandford] 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Beerford [Barford] St. Michael 1 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Buckland 1 0 0
ditto, payable by the tithing men of Clewer 0 17 8
ditto, payable by ditto of Daworth Manuell [Dedworth Maunsel] 0 6 2
ditto, payable by ditto of Dodworth Loreing [Dedworth Loryng] 0 6 2
ditto, payable by ditto of Windsor Underore 0 1 0
ditto, payable by ditto of Spittle Street 0 1 6
ditto, payable by ditto of Old Windsor 0 2 0
ditto, payable by ditto of Ampton Warfeild 0 1 0
ditto, payable by ditto of Wingfeild [Winkfield] and Ascot 0 5 6
ditto, payable by ditto of Inglesfeild [Englefield] in Surrey 0 2 0
ditto out of Goodwin's tenement in Wingfield [Winkfield] 0 0 5
ditto out of Runalls in Old Windsor 1 0
ditto out of Taylors Mead in Wingfield [Winkfield] 0 0 8
ditto out of Langford's Lands 1 19 9
ditto out of lands in Clewer 0 10 6
ditto out of Heathers Lands in Windsor Castle 0 1
ditto out of the Church House in Sunninghill 0 0 4
ditto out of a cottage there 0 0 1
ditto out of another cottage there 0 0 4
ditto out of Bakers Lands there 0 0 4
ditto out of a. cottage late Montague's 0 0 4
ditto out of lands in Shootes 0 1 0
ditto out of a tenement, orchard and garden near Clewer Land 0 3 4
ditto out of the manor of Sunninghill 0 2
ditto out of Searle's lands there 0 0 1
ditto out of Feild's Lands there 0 0 6
ditto out of Robinson's Lands there 0 0 8
ditto out of a tenement late Milton's there 0 0 4
ditto out of Cotterill's Lands there 0 0 6
ditto out of a tenement and garden near Dr. Lister's Lodge 0 4 0
ditto out of lands in Old Windsor 1 1 1
ditto out of other lands there 0 6
ditto out of other lands there, 6s.d.; 10s. 8d.; 2l. 2s. 3d.; 0s. 4d. 2 19
ditto out of late Worships 0 10 0
ditto out of the manor of Chalworth 0 3 0
ditto out of lands called the Ley 0 15
ditto out of Clifton Lands 0 4 11½
ditto out of the Dean and Prebends' lands 0 8 10
ditto out of Tyle place 1 1 1
ditto out of lands there 0 6 6
ditto out of lands near Shawland 0 0 6
ditto out of an house there 0 1 0
ditto out of Fawkes Grove and Freinds lands 0 7
ditto out of lands late Leavers 0 0 3
ditto out of Robert Croft in Barfeild 0 2 6
ditto out of lands late Leavers 0 9 4
ditto out of Church Close and six pieces of land late Leavers 0 2 1
ditto out of lands there 0 2 0
ditto out of Leavers Lands 0 2 4
ditto out of Folly John Park 1 0 0
ditto out of Prostons or Harts Lands 1 2 4
ditto out of Hursts Lands and Taylors mead 1 0 11
ditto out of Hodge Lands in Wingfeild [Winkfield] 0 2 0
ditto out of lands in Garstons Hill 0 2 0
ditto out of Hodge Lands and Hammond Maintagues 0 7 1
ditto out of a pasture Nealhil, late Mountagues 0 13
ditto out of Merrifeild, Ryditch and Newland 0 14 0
ditto out of Lamsbrooke 0 7 2
ditto out of lands in Buntingbury Brocas 0 2 6
ditto out of Holmehead late Mountagues 0 8 8
ditto out of Reddsoles 0 1 0
ditto out of White's Lands 0 1 8
ditto out of Hutchins and Oxcleare 0 5 7
ditto out of Fernehill 2 11 5
ditto out of part of Agnes Mountagues Lands 0 1 1
ditto out of Taplow Mills 11 0 0
ditto out of the manor of Taplow 13 6 8
ditto out of the manor of Holmer 14 3
ditto out of the manor of Burnham 15 0
ditto out of the fishing there 7 0 0
ditto out of the scite of Burnham manors 11 18 1
ditto out of the manor of Upton 59 6 11½
ditto out of Upton Grange tithes 10 0 0
ditto out of Upton Demesne tithes 4 0 0
ditto out of Burnham manor tithes 15 11 0
Co. Lincoln [and elsewhere].
the fee farm rent of divers lands in the East, West and North Fen, payable by divers persons, viz. Henry Goldstone, 60l. per an.; Robert Longard, 50l.; William Bagnoll and Robert Sharpe, 86l. 4s. 0d.; Sir Abra. Dawes, 86l. 0s. 2d.; Geo. Kirke, esq., 109l.; Will. Beecher, 225l. 611 6 0
the fee farm rent of the city of Worcester 30 0 0
a rent payable out of the manor of Aldermaston 3 4
a rent for the township of Suckley 1 10 0
ditto for the township of Markley 0 13 4
ditto for the township of Strawley 0 6 8
ditto for the township of Bodenham 0 12 0
ditto for the township of Glashampton 0 5 4
ditto for the township of Worsely 0 4 8
ditto for the township of Scidmerly Adam 0 7 0
ditto for the township of Scidmerly Oliver 0 7 0
ditto for the township of Chins-more 0 13 8
ditto for the township of Monull 0 14 0
ditto for the township of Stockton 0 12 0
ditto for the township of Hawley Willner 0 7 0
ditto for the township of Arleton 0 7 0
ditto for the township of Hamerly Child 0 12 0
ditto for the township of Edwin 0 6 8
ditto for the township of Holme and Holme Castle 0 5 4
ditto for the township of Eastham 0 12 0
ditto for the township of Little Keyre for minute particulars of assart lands arrented 0 12 0
ditto for the township of Sapye [Sapey] and Harperley [Harpley] 0 12 0
ditto for the township of Clifton upon Teme 0 7 0
a rent for certain lands and tenements called Bullfinch Lands 0 3 8
ditto for the profits of the County Court held at the Castle of Worcester 0 6 8
ditto for the fee farm of Norton called Blagranc, late paid by William the son of Hugh de Belu 1 2 0
ditto of the View of Frankpledge of all and singular the inhabitants within the “burrow” of Bewdley, late paid by the bailiff and burgesses of the said borough 1 0 0
ditto for the fee farm of the borough of Bewdley, late paid by same 1 0 0
Co. Cant. [sic for Camb] and Hunts.
a rent for the town of Fulmer for the sheriff's aid 1 0 0
ditto for the town of Trumpington 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Trumpington 0 2 0
ditto for the manor called Stonehall in Harston 0 2 0
ditto for the manor called Scroopes Manor of Harston 0 2 0
ditto for the View of Frankpledge in Comberton 0 3 0
ditto for ditto in Shepretts [Shepreth] 0 4 0
ditto for the manor of Haslingfeild 0 2 8
ditto for the manor of Flamberd in Shepreth 0 0 8
ditto for land in Orwell 0 2 0
ditto for the manor of Catenham, called Harston Manor, in the Hundred of Chesterton [co. Cambridge] 0 2 0
ditto for a closure of lands in Harwoods in Westwick 0 6 0
ditto for a manor in Dry Drayton 0 3 0
ditto for the View of Frankpledge in Dry Drayton 0 2 0
ditto for the manor of Land beach in the Hundred of Northstow 0 6 8
ditto for a messuage and lands in Hogginton 0 1 6
a rent in Childerley 0 3 0
ditto in Childerley for the View of Frankpledge 0 2 0
ditto for the manor of Boxworth 0 10 0
ditto of John Smith and partners in Conington 0 2 0
ditto of a messuage and certain acres in Over 0 2 0
ditto for the township of Willing-ham 0 1 8
ditto for the manor of Conington 0 2 0
ditto for lands in Knapwell 0 2 0
ditto for the manor of Hinxton 0 4 0
ditto for the township of Swaffham Bulbeck 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Stoqui [Stow Quy] 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Fulbourn 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Islam [Isleham] 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Cloggeshall in Fordham 0 2 8
ditto for the manor of Tho. Boles there 0 4 0
ditto for the View of Frankpledge in Isleham 0 6 8
ditto for ditto in Snelwell 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Saxton Hall in Wodditton [Wood Ditton] 0 6 8
ditto for the manor called Camoishall 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Lonsloo 0 6 8
ditto for the manor called Bormans 0 4 0
ditto for the manor of Caxton 0 9
ditto for the manor of Eltisley 0 6 8
ditto for the manor of Croxton 0 9 11
a rent in Caxton 0 5 0
ditto in Eltisley 0 6 8
flitto in Kingston 0 5 0
[no total stated]
The arrears of rent due at Lady day last are reserved and to be answered to his Majesty.
May 1. Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, for a custodiam under the seal of the Exchequer Court, Ireland, to Manus O'Brion for three years of the forfeited lands of Jasper Grant, junr., viz. lands called Kilmurry in the Barony of Condons and Clangibbon, Co. Cork, containing 500 acres and of the value of 60l. per an. the said O'Brion having “at the time when we laid seige to our city of Limerick” made his escape from the enemy's quarters and brought considerable intelligence to our camp and was very serviceable on many other occasions of which the King has a gracious remembrance. The rent is to be such whereby O'Brion may receive to his own use 50l. per an. for the said three years. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 16.
May 1. Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, for a patent under the great seal of Ireland for a grant to Edward, Earl of Meath, of the manor of Lea in King's County and Queen's County, as by the survey as follows and in as full and ample manner as same was held by Sir Patrick Trant: said Earl having petitioned for same as compensation for his great losses by the late rebellion and for the loyalty and good affection of him and his tenants and forasmuch as said Trant enjoyed petitioner's estate by grant from the late King James he prayed a grant of a small part of said Trant's estate, viz. the said manor and lordship of Lea, being 1,093 acres and not worth above 180l. per an. The grant is to be to said Earl in free and common socage for ever as of the Castle of Dublin. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, pp. 21–3.
Appending: said survey of the premises, as certified by Richard Thompson, Deputy Surveyor General, Ireland: the proprietor's name of the whole being given as Robert, Lord Digby, Baron of Geashill, Protestant:
In Queen's County: Portnahinch Barony.
Lea and Insacoly: 120 acres country measure; 482 acres by estimation, whereof 210 arable and 10 meadow, the rest unprofitable underwood, rough land and red bog: worth 30l. [per an.] in 1640.
Garry Vacamy [Garryvacum]: 40 country acres; 101 acres by estimation, whereof 6 acres arable, the rest unprofitable as above: worth 10l. [per an.] in 1640.
Lough: 40 acres country measure; 127 acres by estimation, whereof 73 arable and 2 meadow, the rest unprofitable as above: worth 10l. [per an.] in 1640.
Doolaght [Doolough]: 40 country acres; 80 acres by estimation, whereof 60 arable, the rest underwood and rough: worth 10l. [per an.] in 1640.
Kilbride: 40 country acres; 143 acres by estimation, whereof 65 arable, the rest underwood, rough land and reel bog: worth 10l [per an.] in 1640.
King's County: Phillipstown Barony.
Transcan and Tenerranagh, half ploughland: 160 acres by estimation, whereof 47 acres arable 73 pasture and 40 underwood: worth 10l. [per an] in 1640.
Report to the Treasury Lords from William Blathwayt on the two petitions, supra, pp. 1010–1, of Christopher Codrington. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 421–4.
(1) As to the petition concerning Col. Codrington's salary, the allegations are true. There is a late Order in Council dated Jan. 28 for the bringing the revenue of Four and Half per cent. hither [to London] in specie. The collectors [there] have therefore no authority to pay the Governor's 700l. per an. Since the date of said order directions have been given to the collectors in Barbados to pay Col. Russell, Governor of that Island, his salary of 1,200l. per an. out of the said Duty. Col. Codrington's case is no ways different and it is reasonable that the like order be given for him. Also there is a charge of 80l. per an. for a gunner and two matrosses for the fort of St. Christophers since the taking of that island from the French, and other extraordinary charges attending the government. These may be ordered to be paid upon the place out of said revenue to such person as the Governor shall appoint, not exceeding 300l. per an., save by special Treasury order.
(2) As to the second petition concerning Col. Codrington's expenses and engagements, I have seen an account of the provisions bought for the services mentioned and said to have been furnished to the Regiment in the Leeward Islands. I believe it to be true, such Companies as are kept at St. Christophers having nothing else to subsist upon, that island remaining implanted since it was last taken from the French. The account amounts to 964l. 4s. 8d. It may be ordered to be paid out of the subsistence of the Regiment and placed to that account; “the Governor or such as he shall employ taking care for the future to sign and allow such bills of disbursements.” As to freeing the Governor from such engagements on the like occasion in the future, I cannot propose any method for it but that the Governor do continue the same care of the Regiment, which he will be encouraged to do if your Lordships give order for the repayment of this sum and such other sums as he shall expend for the same account for the future upon bills to be transmitted by him to your Lordships “until your Lordships shall think fit to order the payment of subsistence weekly to that Regiment as to others, whereby such detachments as are sent to St. Christophers will be enabled to maintain themselves.”
May 1. Deputation by William Blathwayt [as Auditor of the Plantations] (“by direction of the Lords of the Treasury”) to Edward Byam (Byann), esq., to be his deputy in the said office within the islands of Nevis, St. Christophers, Montserrat, Antigua and the rest of the Leeward Caribbee Islands in America. (Treasury appointment of said Byann as deputy as above, with directions to Blathwayte to so constitute him.) Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 417. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 432.
May 2. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh, on the unsatisfied order in his name, for the service of the Forces 98,550l., viz. 8,832l. 14s. 10¾d. out of loans in the Exchequer on the 300,000l. per an. of the Customs and 89,717l. 5s.d. out of loans on the Duties on Marriages, Births etc.: to be applied as follows, viz.: l s. d. Disposition Book XII, p. 243.
in part of 99,274l. 18s. 0d. for the month's subsistence [of the Forces] in Flanders to May 20 inst. 8,832 14 10¾
in further part of said subsistence, which together with said 8,832l. 14s. 10¾d. will make 30,000l. issued in part 21,167 5
in part of 108,952l. for the Contractors for the forage and other uses of the war 60,000 0 0
for one week's subsistence for the Forces in England from April 30 last to the 6th inst. 7,600 0 0
for Monsieur Vander Esch on a contingent warrant for Madame Sgravemore 730 0 0
for Dr. Colbach on the King's warrant for providing instruments, linen, rollers, medicines and other necessaries for the Forces in Flanders and for his equipage 220 0 0
£98,550 0 0
May 2. William Lowndes to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 150l. to Sir James Jeffryes in lieu of his pretensions as late Colonel in Ireland to 1690, Aug. 30, and as Governor of Duncannon Fort to 1691–2, Jan. 1. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 382.
Same to same for a same to authorise same to pay 150l. to Monsieur La Fausille, Lieut. Governor of Sligo, on account of his arrears of pay as Capt. of Grenadiers in the late Col. Calimote's Regiment now under Col. Bellcastle. Ibid, p. 383.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Mary Sayer of the manor of Berkhampstead, ut supra, pp. 982–3, for 11 years from 1715, Lady day, at the former rent of 53l. 14s. 9d.: with a special clause for the immediate granting to the lessee the stewardship of said manor: all at a fine of 400l. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 458.
Royal warrant for an additional allowance out of the revenue of Ireland of 18d. a day to Lieut. Peter D'Lome (de Lom) over and above the allowance or pension of 2s. a day payable to him pursuant to the [Irish Army pension] Establishment: to make his allowance 3s. 6d. a day, being the pay of a Reformed Captain of Foot: to date as from 1695, May 1: during pleasure. Out Letters (Ireland) VII, p. 58.
May 3. Same to the Earl of Ranelagh for a pension of 3s. a day to the Sieur de La Baumee as from May 1 inst.: out of contingencies of the Forces: to be paid him on the certificate of the Commissary General of the Musters in like manner as other [Army] pensions are paid by said Ranelagh. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 145.
Money warrant for 4,300l. 12s. 6d. to Charles Shales, his Majesty's goldsmith, for diamonds, gold works and gilt and white plate delivered into the Jewel House between 1694, July 18, and 1095, April 13, as by certificate of Sir Francis Lawley, Master of the Jewel House. (Money order dated May 13 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 500. Order Book IV, p. 190.
Appending: said certificate of jewels etc. delivered, including 1,802l. 9s. 0d. for a large diamond George for his Majesty's use, set with large brielon, and divers quantities of lesser brielon diamonds and curiously “enamiated” with a gold collar of the Order [of the Garter] and plain gold Georges; 700l. 11s. 3d. for 1,205 ounces 1 dwt. of gold plate curiously wrought and enchased; 133l. 16s. 0d. for new making 452 ounces 17 dwt. 12 gr. of gilt store plate; 479l. 13s. 0d. for new gilding 4,372 ounces 17 dwt. 12 gr. of gilt store plate; 489l. 18s. 7d. for 1,081 ounces 5 dwt. of white plate, great part finely wrought; 195l. 5s. 9d. for new making 1,973 ounces 10 dwt. of white store plate; 484l. 17s. 11d. for repairing, mending and boiling 28,405 ounces 12 dwt. 12 gr. of white store plate; 10l. paid to the coppermaker; 40l. 16s. 0d. to the cutler; 8l. 5s. 0d. to the smith and 15l. to the officers of the Jewel House for three quarters' allowance for yearly necessaries to 1695, Lady day.
May 3. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in loans on the Act for further Interests in Annuities, making out and registering tallies and orders for repayment all as by the privy seal of April 30 last, supra, p. 1003. Money Book XII, p. 502.
Money warrant for 30,000l. to Edward Nicholas, esq., in full of 50,000l. for the late Queen, as by the privy seal of 1684–5 [sic for 1694–5], Feb. 6, supra, p. 896: to be on account towards satisfying the arrears of salaries, wages and other allowances due to the said late Queen's servants and for paying of her debts to tradesmen and others for goods furnished for her service and towards defraying the charge of mourning upon her decease and towards paying such allowances as the King shall establish or appoint for the said servants, necessaries and contingent charges. (Money order dated May 8 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 502–3. Order Book IV, p. 189.
Same for 120l. to Thomas Barnwell, gent., Deputy Sheriff of co. Bucks, for so much paid by him to several persons for apprehending and prosecuting John Brown, alias Beasly, Richard Monday and Thomas Eaton, convicted for robberies on the highway at Aylesbury March 4 last, in pursuance of the late Act for apprehending highwaymen; as by the certificate of Justice Rooksby. (Money order dated? May 9 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 503. Order Book IV, p. 187.
Same for 64l. to Robert, Lord Lucas, Governor of the Tower, for diet and lodging for Col. Mac Elligott, a prisoner there, being for 32 weeks, 1694, Sept. 27, to 1695, May 9, at 40s. a week. (Money order dated May 9 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 504. Order Book IV, p. 184.
Same for 20l. to Cha. Low, clerk, for the charges of his transportation to the Leeward Islands, whither he is going chaplain. (Money order dated May 19 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 504. Order Book IV, p. 187.
Treasury approval of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Salt Office for the half year 1694, March 25 to Sept. 29: total, 266l. 15s. 10d. Money Book XII, p. 514.
May 3. William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 118l. 13s. 9d. to Mr. Beaubuisson out of the 3,797l. 1s. 10½d. directed to be reserved out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XII, p. 242.
Same to same to issue 100l. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby on the unsatisfied order in their names for the service of the Forces: to be issued out of loans in the Exchequer on the Duties on Marriages etc.: and to be paid over to Toby Molloy on a contingent warrant. Ibid, p. 243.
Same to same to issue 162l. to same on same: to be paid over to Lieut. Col. Du Borda in lieu of all arrears on his pension of 8s. a day which was placed on the Establishment of Ireland to April 1 last, from which time it is the King's pleasure that same shall cease [pass from the Irish to the English Establishment, see supra, p. 1038]. Ibid, p. 244.
Same to same to advance to Paul Foley, esq. (till such time as the warrants can be despatched), the 255l. directed this day for him [as below] on his allowance of 5l. a day as Speaker of the House of Commons and the 125l. similarly directed to him as one of the Commissioners of Accompts. Ibid.
Same to same to issue [the abovesaid] 255l. to said Foley for 51 days' allowance as Speaker as above to the 4th inst. and 875l. to the Commissioners of Accounts for a quarter's salary to April 25 last. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay an allowance of 2s. a day from Jan. 1 last to Henry Graves as half pay allowance on the list of small pensions until he be put into Chelsea Hospital. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 383.
Same to same for a same to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 162l. to Monsieur Du Borda, ut supra; and further for inserting a pension of 5s. a day for the said Du Borda on the Establishment of the Forces, England: to commence from April 1 last. Ibid, p. 384.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing reports and papers [missing] touching the abuse in collecting the duty on wheat. You are to direct Mr. Hutchinson, your solicitor, to bring an information against the persons that made or obtained the oaths as therein for their fraud in deceiving the King of his duty. Ibid, p. 383.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manors of Marden, alias Mawarden, and Kingsland, co. Hereford, in order to a grant of the reversion in fee thereof to Thomas, Lord Coningsby, and his heirs: for a fine of 995l. 15s.d. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 418–20.
Prefixing: said Surveyor General's report on said Lord Coningsby's petition for same. The premises are in jointure to the Queen Dowager. The manor of Marden was surveyed in 1650 and valued at 301l. 17s. 0d. per an., viz. 28l. 18s. 3d. in quit rents, 15l. profits of courts, 51l. 19s. 7d. rents reserved on leases and 205l. 19s. 7d. improved value of the demesnes. The greater part of the said demesne lands were granted 38 Eliz. to Sir Thomas Coningsby for three lives and 21 years at 49l. 5s. 10d. rent. In the same survey the manor of Kingsland is valued at 55l. 5s.d., whereof 3l. 4s. 0d. in old rents reserved on the leases of two small tenements (the chief part of the demesnes having before that time been granted out of the Crown to Sir Robert Harly), 31l. 14s. 11½1/8d. in quit rents, 18l. 18s. 0d. in improved value of said tenements and 1l. 10s. 1d. profits of courts. The demesne lands of Marden were granted on lease by the Queen Dowager and her trustees 1692, July 25, to David Rowlands, esq. There is a bill in the Signet Office (which it may be presumed passed the great seal) for grant of this manor to Charles Bertie for 31 years from the termination of any interest of or under the said Queen Dowager. I estimate the desired reversion at 402l. 5s.d. and 93l. 10s. 0d. for the manor of Kingsland and 500l. for the manor of Marden, or 995l. 15s.d. in all.
May 3. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of certain coppices in the Honor, lordship and manor of Killingworth [Kenilworth], as follows, in order to a grant thereof to the Earl of Rochester for ever in consideration of 1,000l. to be first paid by him into the Exchequer. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 420–2.
Prefixing: Surveyor General's report, dated 23 June, 1694. The said Honor, lordship and manor of Kenilworth, the park or chase there, with divers other lands in co. Warwick (excepting thereout certain coppices or woodlands called Stonely Coppice, Blundell's Coppice, Shawbury Coppice, Knight's Coppice, Glasshouse Coppice, Whorston's Coppice, Ten Acre Coppice, Harpersford, alias Little Reynolds Coppice and Button Coppice, as being in lease to Sir Charles Berkley, afterwards Visct. Fitz Hardinge), were granted to the now Earl of Rochester, present petitioner, by Charles II. 1665, July 17. The lease to Visct. Fitz Hardinge expired 18 March, 1691–2, and the parcels therein as above lying intermixed with petitioner's estate, he desires a grant of the [Crown] inheritance thereof in like manner as he enjoys the rest of said lordship. The said coppices were surveyed in 1650 at 663 acres and the cut of the underwood was valued at 83l. 2s. 0d. per an. and the timber then standing at 6,000l. But in 1660 it was found that the coppices had formerly been fallen by turns, so that about a fourth part was always kept enclosed and the rest laid open to the commoners, the town of Killingworth having right of common there; and that in the Civil Wars the timber was cut down and the wood all destroyed, except in Stonely, Buttons and Blundell's Coppices of about 150 acres then weakly enclosed, but the underwood much wasted; which enclosure was made by agreement between the purchaser of the manors and woods those late times and the inhabitants of Killingworth, whereby this 150 acres was to remain in severalty and the rest of the wood ground allowed to the commoners, according to which agreement a distribution was made and a proportion allotted to every freeholder and copyholder, which they enjoyed as their own land. The herbage of the said enclosed ground was certified in 1660 to be let for 19l. per an. and Sir Charles Harbord, the Surveyor General, advised a lease thereof at 20l. per an., the lessee covenanting to plant yearly 10 acres of oak, it being then considered that though the said agreement and distribution were become void by the Restoration of Charles II, yet it would be difficult to re-assume the same, the poor of Killingworth being numerous who would pretend they should be injured thereby.
Sir Charles Berkley assigned his interest to Mr. Lovet, a Counsellor at Law, who made a new agreement with the townsmen to keep in severalty about 161 acres, part of the said three coppices, which he let out to two undertenants and enjoyned them to stock up and clear that part thereof which was fit to plough and build a farm house and two large barns, which are still thereon, and the premises now enjoyed by Mr. Harborne at 50l. per an. (which rent is due to the King from 1692). Mr. Lovet also contracted with the inhabitants to pay them 8l for every year that the other part of the said three coppices should be enclosed for the preservation of the young springs after every fall; and he dying, his widow held the same for some time and gave 3l. per an. to one Pawlet for looking after the woods, and afterwards assigned to Thomas Man of Killingworth for 300l. Mr. Man conveyed to Mr. Nicholas of Lichfield, who felled the underwood (at about 20 years' growth) in 1685 and sold same for but 60l. and three guineas, which could be very little if any profit, seeing there was 8l. paid to the town for the first four or five years at least while the woods were enclosed. At the late happy Revolution the poor of Killingworth threw down the mounds and fences and laid the same open to the common, whereby the underwood was much destroyed by cattle, being then about three years' growth. The same remains in common to this day. I value the timber now in the said coppice [sic for three coppices] at 303l. 2s. 6d. and the fee simple of [all] the premises at 1,000l.
May 3. Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to fell three loads and 25l. worth of dotard timber in Shrob Walk in Whittlewood Forest for the repairs of the lodge, stable and brewhouse of Valentine Budd, keeper of said Walk. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 457.
May 4. Establishment under the King's sign manual, dated Kensington, of the salaries and charitable pensions to the family and servants of the late Queen Consort: to continue during the King's pleasure: Per an. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 96–8.
l. s. d.
Officers and servants of the Household, Chamber and Stables of the late Queen.
Lord Chamberlain: Marquess of Winchester 1,200 0 0
Vice Chamberlain: George Sayers, esq. 500 0 0
Treasurer and Receiver General: Edward Nicholas, esq 400 0 0
Sir William Trumbull to dispose of 1,200 0 0
Principal Secretary Abell Tassin D'Allone, esq 300 0 0
Gentlemen Ushers of the Privy Chamber: Phillip Bertue, esq., Oliver de la Muce, esq., Sir John Osborne, bart., 200l. each 600 0 0
Cup Bearers: John Stanly, esq., George Watson, esq., 33l. 6s. 8d. each 66 13 4
Carvers: Charles Nicholas Eyre, esq., Thomas Lister, esq., 33l 6s. 8d. each 66 13 4
Sewers: Henry Mordaunt, esq., Edward Heron, esq., 33l. 6s. 8d. each 66 13 4
Gentlemen Ushers Daily Waiters: Henry Bulstrode, esq., Jo[h]n Remy de Montigny, esq., Edward Lloyd, esq., 150l. each 450 0 0
Gentlemen Ushers Quarter Waiters: William Olds, esq., Thomas Paltock, esq., Simon Archer, esq., Robert Bowes, esq., 75l. each 300 0 0
Grooms of the Privy Chamber: Mr. John Marsh, Mr. Thomas Herbert, Mr. Thomas Perry, Mr. Thomas Marshall, 60l. each 240 0 0
Pages of the Presence: Mr. Bernard Gates, Mr. Abraham Kemp, 40l. each 80 0 0
Pages of the Robes: Mr. John Keydell 30 0 0
Pages of the Backstairs: Mr. John Jones, Mr. Peter van Lewen, Mr. Daniell Pulse, Mr. Hamlet Kirke, Mr. Richard Bradley, Mr. James Worthington, 80l. each 480 0 0
Grooms of the Great Chamber: Mr. Randolph Sparrow, Mr. William Snow, Mr. John Viccars, Mr. Rowland Peirce, Mr. John Wilson, Mr. Mathew Clerk, Mr. Symon Douglas, Mr. Anthony Dagley, 40l. each 320 0 0
Apothecary: Christian Harell, esq. 200 0 0
Maids of Honour, until their pensions are paid: Mris. Steward Walburt Howard, Mris. Anne Greenville, Mris. Eliz. Mohun, Mris. Henrietta Villiers (added apparently later married), Mris. Mary Berkly, daughter to Visct. Fitz Hardinge, Mris. Mary Berkly, daughter to Visct. Dursley, 200l. each 1,200 0 0
Women of the Bedchamber Mris. Van Golstien (dead), 400l.; Mris. Cary Jesson (dead), Mris. Dorothy Cason, Mris. Rachell Windham, Mris. Martha Lockart, Mris. Mary Compton, 300l. each 1,900 0 0
Laundress: Mris. Eliz. Worthington 150 0 0
Seampstress Mris. Dorothy Ireland 150 0 0
Necessary Women: Eliz. Wiele, 50l.; Margaret Wood, 40l. 90 0 0
Porter of the Back Stairs: David Harris 40 0 0
Clerk of the Closet: William Stanley, D.D., 20 nobles 6 13 4
Auditor General: Edward Clarke, esq 100 0 0
Secretary's clerk: Mr. Daniell Monreau 10 0 0
Treasurer's clerk: Mr. Edward Godfrey 30 0 0
Master of the Horse: Edward, Visct. Villiers 800 0 0
Equerries: Charles Golsteine, Henry Killegrew, Charles May, esqrs., 220l. each 660 0 0
Pages of Honour: John Brocckhuysen, James Elphingston (“dead”), William Frankland, esqrs., 100l. each 300 0 0
Coachmen: Wessel Boshoof, Christopher Ronch, Herman Van swell, Lenderd Snellart, John Catchlove, 75l. each 375 0 0
Footmen: Samuell Clark, John Trantur, Benj. Booth, Robert How, Isaac Grafar, Jacob Fink, Jacob van Woestine, Benj. Ramsey, Hayman Browner, Richard Little Hales, 53l. each 530 0 0
Bottleman: Henry Gardies 50 0 0
Mris. Frances Langford 200 0 0
Mr. John Duvall 200 0 0
Mris. Susan Barry 40 0 0
Mris. Mary Lee 50 0 0
Mr. Bernard Gales [sic? for Gates] 20 0 0
Mr. John Keydell 40 0 0
Dr. William Stanly 200 0 0
Mris. Kath. Seigler 60 0 0
Mris. Ursula Seigler 60 0 0
Mr. Daniel Marrott 75 0 0
Lady Scharborough, relict of Sir Cha. Scharborough 150 0 0
Mris. Margaret Burgess 50 0 0
Mris. Eliz. Worsop 20 0 0
Mris. Frances Plunkett 30 0 0
Mris. Ellinor Ross 20 0 0
Mris. Frances Barrow 30 0 0
Mris. Mary Ashton 30 0 0
Jane Dove 20 0 0
(total of pensions, 1,295l.)
Robert Astree 24 0 0
Peter La Touche 100 0 0
William Kemp 10 0 0
Robert Clerk 10 0 0
Purveyor of the Stables 40 0 0
Yeoman of the Stirrup: John Lauze 100 0 0
Yeoman of the Carriages: Thomas Smith. 18 0 0
Chairmen: Thomas Chamberlain, Benj. Cotton, Oswald Fawnes, 36l. each [evidently a name omitted] 144 0 0
Grooms: John Vausal, Thomas Millet, each 40l 80 0 0
attending the Queen's Master of the Horse, one Chairman, 73l.; one Groom, 40l.; two Footmen, each 53l 219 0 0
Secretary's clerk: Daniell Moreau 90 0 0
Treasurer's clerk: Edward Godfrey, over and above 30l. per an. above 70 0 0
Master of the Barges: Christopher Hill, over and above 20l. per an. above 30 0 0
24 watermen: 3l. 2s. 6d. each, to be paid to the Master [of the Barges] for each man 75 0 0
Messengers: John Haly, Charles Bint, 11l. 1s. 8d. each 22 3 4
Ann Dewhart, who used to clean the Privy Chamber 30 0 0
William James, who used to make the fires in the withdrawing room 10 0 0
£15,278 16 8
and whereas there was usually paid by or deducted out of the salaries of her said late Majesty's five coachmen as above an allowance of 12d. a day to each of the five postillions, Jacob Joye, Thomas Palmer, David Haverd, Richard Coling and James Smallbones, it is the King's pleasure that said allowance be continued to them and be deducted from them [the coachmen] out of the salaries as above quarterly or otherwise as said salaries shall be paid, viz. 18l. 5s. 0d. each 91 5 0
May 4. Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to permit the Bank of England to export and carry out of England for or towards the payment of the Forces in Flanders such quantities of English bullion not exceeding 200,000 ounces in the whole as the Treasury Lords shall certify to be intended for that use: and further upon any agreement to be first made with the Treasury Lords for supplying the said Forces in Flanders to grant similar leave to said Bank to further export English bullion so as the whole hereunder be not more than 700,000 ounces: to be entered in the Custom House and the other requisites concerning exportation as by the late Act [7 and 8 Wm. III, c. 19, £ 10] to be duly observed. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 137.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for an annuity or yearly pension of 200l. to Jane Temple (now wife to John, Lord Berkely) as late one of the Maids of Honour to the late Queen: to date from Lady day last, “until such time as the sum of 2,000l., usually given on the marriage of a Maid of Honour, shall be satisfied to her.” Ibid, p. 138.
200l. per an. similarly to Mris. Eleonora Francklyn (now wife to Edward May, esq.) [as late a same]: to date as above and on like conditions.
May 4. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William D'Nassau seigneur D'Zuylesteyn of an annuity or yearly sum of 1,000l. out of the revenue of the Post Office: to be payable quarterly as from Lady day last for life: to be payable by the Receiver General of the Post Office without further warrant from the Crown or from the Treasury Lords: all for good and valuable considerations. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 1426.
In the margin: memorandum: a like warrant, signed by the King, 4 Dec, 1695, only instead of the words William D'Nassau, seigneur D'Zuylesteyn were inserted the words William, Earl of Rochford.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Henry D'Nassau seigneur D'Auverquere of an annuity or yearly sum of 2,000l. out of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall: to him and his heirs and assigns for ever from Lady day last: to be payable without further warrant as above: and if at any time by reason of there being a Duke of Cornwall or by reason of any decay in the revenues of said Duchy same cannot be satisfied thereout then it is hereby to be settled and charged on the Hereditary Excise. Ibid, p. 143.
Same to same for a same for a grant to John, Lord Cutts, and Ralph Hygate, gent., of all the Crown interest in all the lands, plantations, messuages, tenements, goods, chattels, debts etc. of William Meires of the Island of Barbados in America, lately deceased, intestate and without kindred. Ibid, p. 144.
Royal sign manual for 208l. 10s. 0d. to Hugh Gregg, gent., residing in the King's service with the King of Denmark: to be for a bill of extraordinaries, 1694, Oct. 1, to 1695, April 1, in said service, as allowed by Secretary Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury. (Money warrant dated May 8 hereon.) (Money order dated May 9 hereon.) Ibid, p. 147. Money Book XII, p. 506. Order Book IV, p. 187.
Same for 1,000l. to Baptist May as royal bounty: without account. (Money warrant dated May 10 hereon.) (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 147. Order Book IV, p. 183.
[?] Establishment under the King's sign manual for a garrison for the town of Sligo in Ireland, the King thinking fit that the said town be made a garrison in like manner as several other towns there: to date from 1695, March 25: Per an. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 148.
l. s. d.
the Governor, 1l. a day 365 0 0
storekeeper, 1s. 11/8d. a day 20 0 0
one gunner, 1s. a day 18 5 0
two matrosses, 9d. a day each 27 7 6
£430 12 0
May 4. Royal sign manual for 665l. to Sir John Trevor, for 133 days, 1694, Oct. 31, to 1694–5, March 13, on his 5l. a day as late Speaker of the House of Commons. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 148. Order Book IV, pp. 189, 190.
Paul Foley, 225l. for 1694–5, March 15, to May 4 inst., on the like allowance as present same. (Money warrants dated May 8 hereon.) (Money orders dated May 9 hereon.)
Same for 1,000l. to Col. Charles Godfrey, without account: in part of the arrear of a rent charge of 1,000l. per an. payable to him in right of his wife out of the manor and demesne lands of New Castle in Ireland. (Money warrant dated May 10 hereon.) (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 183. Order Book IV, p. 183.
Royal warrant for 3,000l. to Mris. Henrietta Villiers, late one of the Maids of Honour to the Queen, for her marriage portion, being 2,000l. usually bestowed by the King, and 1,000l. more by the late Queen. (Money warrant dated May 10 hereon.) (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 184. Order Book IV, p. 183.
Same for 850l. to Dorothy, Countess of Dorchester, as royal bounty towards the maintenance and support of her daughter, the Lady Katherine Darnley. (Money warrant dated May 10 hereon.) (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 184. Order Book IV, p. 183.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, England, to pay an allowance or pension of 5s. a day to Lieut. Col. Du Borda from April 1 last: on certificate from the Commissary General of Musters as usual with pensioners paid by the Paymaster General of the Forces. King's Warrant Book XVIII, p. 209.
Same to Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby, Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay said Du Borda 162l. for the arrears of his pension of 8s. a day on the Irish Establishment to April 1 last, see supra, p. 1031. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Lowndes], on the order in my name for secret service, the 3,000l. this day advanced into the Exchequer on the Four and a Half per cent. Duty. Disposition Book XII, p. 244.
Same to the Postmasters General to satisfy in the course as follows the 6,000l. tallies for the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners and the 23,000l. tallies for the Works, viz. the former by 300l a week from date hereof concurrently with the weekly payments already directed out of the Post Office revenue; the latter by 500l. a week from the end of the 500l. a week already directed out of said revenue to the Paymaster of the Works. Ibid, p. 245.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 17,892l. 4s. 6d. to the Earl of Ranelagh on the unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Forces: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the 300,000l. per an. of the Customs: and to be paid to Monsieur Schuylenburgh to complete the 82,892l. 4s. 6d. which remained due to him on disbursements for the service of the war in Flanders; towards which 65,000l. has been already paid him. Ibid, pp. 245–6.
Appending: (a) an account of the moneys disbursed and claimed by Monsieur Schuylenburgh to 1694, Oct. 31: l. s. d.
for so much paid to Mr. Meesters on account of the Ordnance, 34,320 guilders 3,332 0 8
for several payments relating to the Land Forces, 587,397 guilders 57,028 17 0
for several payments for secret service, 156,796 guilders 13 stivers 15,222 19 6
for interest [of] money, 75,276 guilders 5 stivers 7,308 7 4
£82,892 4 6
(b) an account of money due to Monsieur Schuylenburgh for several payments made in Holland by the King's order: Guilders. Stivers.
1692, Aug. 6, paid to Mr. Meesters on account of the machines 34,320 0
Dec. 5, to Monsieur Dolph, Quarter Master General, for special service 7,150 0
Sept. 21, paid to Heycoop, the contractor, for forage, on account 125,000 0
Oct. 29, paid to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel upon account of subsidies 171,247 0
Dec. 25, paid to the Elector of Brandenburg upon the same account 84,000 0
Sept. 8, advanced to the contractor for forage in Flanders upon account 100,000 0
Nov. 9, paid to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel upon account of subsidies 100,000 0
Secret Service.
Nov. 2, paid to the Baron de Goertz, Envoy from the Emperor, for especial services 11,000 0
[? 1692–3], Jan. 28, remitted by the King's order to a person in France 2,000 0
[? 1692], Aug. 12, paid to the Baron de Frize, Envoy from the Elector of Saxony 3,500 0
Aug. 13, paid to Lord Lexinton, Envoy to Denmark and to the Houses of Luneburg 110,000 0
Oct. 31, paid to the Count de Windi[sch]gratz, the Emperor's Envoy 10,000 0
[? 1692–3], March 22, [paid] to the Baron Goertz 4,442 10
[? 1692,] Aug. 20, paid to the Baron Steyn, Envoy from Prince Louis of Baden 3,000 0
paid more by the King's order in the years 1692, 1693 and 1694, for secret service 111,854 3
778,513 13
Monsieur Schuylenburgh claims likewise an allowance for 6 per cent. interest of the foregoing sums to Jan. 1 next [? 1694–5], and for the interest of several other sums repaid him, viz. to the time of his being reimbursed 75,276 5
853,789 18
May 4. William Lowndes to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 500l. to Sir Richard Atkins to complete the levy money for raising the Regiment of Foot now under him. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 384.
Same to Lord Russell. Since my letter of April 16 last, supra, p. 991, about payments to Mr. Soames, he has petitioned my Lords for removal of the stop thereon in regard he is to attend this campaign in Flanders “and for [the reason] that he hath at several times offered and is still ready to try the title to the said office with Mr. Jones.” My Lords have agreed thereto and you are to remove the said stop to his pay upon that account. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Mullaney for leave for the ship Robert, 60 tons, 60 [sic for six] men, to return to New York, she being manned “wholly by merchants, inhabitants of that country.” Reference Book VII, p. 93.
Same to same of the petition of Luis Dacost (Dacosta), alien merchant, shewing that he imported from Viana in Portugal 61 pipes of wine on which he paid alien duties, but not finding a market here he shipped part for Holland on the Young Tobias, Jeke Peters master, including seven pipes which at importation had an allowance of a third for damaged wines, for which Henry Canby brought an information in the Exchequer; petitioner's act being done in ignorance (as being an alien) he prays he may have the benefit of his [drawback] debenture for the remaining pipes whereon no damage was allowed at importation. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of William Killegrew for liberty to make vaults on Tower Hill for accommodation of merchants “according to a plan annexed” [missing]. Ibid, p. 94.
May 4 et postea. Same to the Agents for Taxes of the following petitions of [proposed] Receivers General for the Duties on Marriages, Births etc., to examine their proposed securities for their said office: the names of the proposed sureties being given in each case. Followed by: (a) warrants in each case to the King's Remembrancer to take the said securities; (b) Treasury commission appointing the said Receiver. Ibid, pp. 95, 96. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 461–2, 463–4.
Richard Cocks for co. Gloucester: reference dated May 4: warrant dated June 13 for taking securities: commission dated June 13.
Sir Leonard Robinson for London, Westminster and Middlesex: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 10 for taking securities: commission dated May 10.
Nathaniell Rich for co. Essex: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 13 for taking securities: commission dated May 13.
John Mason for Cambridge County, town and university and Isle of Ely: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
Lawrence Ambrose for co. Berks: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
Thomas Richards for co. Herts: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
Hugh Horton for co. Bucks: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
John Parran for co. Oxford: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
Gilbert Spencer for co. Kent and Canterbury: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 18 for taking securities: commission dated May 18.
John Child for co. Wilts: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
William Love for co. Huntingdon: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
Hen. Whitebread for co. Beds: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 9 for taking securities: commission dated May 9.
Tho. Mathews for co. Hereford, Brecon and Radnor: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 9 for taking securities: commission dated May 9.
Nicho. Baker for co. Worcester: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 9 for taking securities: commission dated May 9.
Thomas Cobb for co. Southampton and Isle of Wight: reference dated May 4: warrant dated May 8 for taking securities: commission dated May 8.
Ralph Williamson for co. Yorks and York city, Hull, Durham and Northumberland, Newcastle and Berwick: reference dated May 9: warrant dated May 13 for taking securities: commission dated May 13.
William Kent for co. Lancs: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 31 for taking securities: commission dated May 31.
John Elwill and Tho. Stawell for Devon and Exeter: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 28 for taking securities: commission dated May 28.
William Green for co, Stafford and Lichfield:
reference ut supra: warrant dated June 5 for taking securities: commission dated June 5.
Thomas Trueman for co. Notts and Leicester: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
August[in] Briggs and Leonard Blofeild for Norfolk and Norwich: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 18 for taking securities: commission dated May 18.
Thomas Bromfeild for co. Sussex: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
Morgan Whitley for cos. Chester, Denbigh, Flint, Montgomery, Carnarvon, Anglesea, Merioneth and Cardigan: reference ut supra: warrant dated June 5 for taking securities: commission dated June 5.
Thomas Doyly for co. Monmouth: reference dated May 13: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
William Cawthorp and Thomas Kent for co. Lincoln: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 21 for taking securities: commission dated May 21.
Charles Brawn for Somerset and Bristol: reference dated May 16: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
Samuel Bradshaw for co. Derby: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
Geo. Howells for cos. Glamorgan, Carmarthen, Cardigan, Pembroke and Haverford West: reference dated May 17: warrant dated May 29 for taking securities: commission dated May 29.
John Newsham for co. Warwick and Coventry: reference ut supra: warrant dated June 11 for taking securities: commission dated June 11.
Andrew Huddleston for cos. Cumberland and Westmorland: reference dated May 20: warrant dated June 13 for taking securities: commission dated June 13.
Robert Chaplin for co. Suffolk: reference ut supra: warrant dated June 13 for taking securities: commission dated June 13.
Benj. Mathews for cos. Northampton and Rutland: reference dated May 28: warrant dated June 5 for taking securities: commission dated June 5.
John Darbie for co. Dorset: reference ut supra: warrant dated May 31 for taking securities: commission dated May 31.
Geo. Hosier for co. Salop: reference dated June 5: warrant dated June 7 for taking securities: commission dated June 7.
Richard Tregear for co. Cornwall: reference dated June 7 warrant dated June 13 for taking securities: commission dated June 13.
Thomas Doyley for co. Surrey: reference dated June 13 (one of his securities being Laud Doyly of Lombard Street, goldsmith): warrant dated June 24 for taking securities: commission dated June 24.
May 4. William Lowndes to the Attorney General to report his opinion on the enclosed draft [missing] of a bond to be entered into by the [Regimental] Agents of the Army. Out Letters (General) XV, p. 1.
May 5. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to grant to James, Duke of Ormonde, Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, William, Earl of Portland, and Secretary Sir William Trumbull the following parcels of plate and jewels in trust for the sole use and disposal of Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, in such manner that William, Earl of Derby, may have no power, benefit or advantage thereof: together with warrant to Sir Francis Lawley, Master of the Jewel House, to deliver up and cancel all receipts and acquittances for the premises, viz.: the King having caused to be delivered to said Countess as Groom of the Stole to the late Queen and as Lady of Her Robes divers parcels of plate, amounting in the whole to 2,457 ounces, whereof 90 ounces is gilt plate, which at several times were delivered to her out of the Jewel House for the use of the Queen Consort and her servants: and also divers other parcels of gilt plate, amounting in the whole to 1,569 ounces, and 400 ounces of white plate, which were likewise used by the Queen Consort and were not in charge in the Jewel Office; and also one pair of diamond earrings which were worn and used by the said late Queen: the present grant being in consideration of the great affection which the said Queen did bear to the said Countess. King's Warrant Book XVIII, pp. 140–2.
Letters patent by the King granting to John Combes, esq., of the Middle Temple, the office of one of the Justices of Chester and Flint: with all emoluments and as amply etc. as Sir Edward Herbert, Sir Edward Lutwich, kt., and Sir John Trenchard, kt., deceased: quam diu se bene gesserit. Ibid, p. 210.
“A like patent to [same to be] Chief Justice of the counties of Denbigh and Montgomery.”