Specimen of Ancient Calendars

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Specimen of Ancient Calendars', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol1/clv-clvii [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Specimen of Ancient Calendars', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1864), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol1/clv-clvii.

"Specimen of Ancient Calendars". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1864), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol1/clv-clvii.

No. 10.

Specimen of Ancient Calendars.
Despatch. Calendar.
A.D. 1624, July 4, [N.S.] Madrid. A.D. 1624, July 4, [N.S.] Madrid.
Letter No. 306. File No. 58. Despatches Spain.
Most Serene Prince,
I, Moro, ( (fn. 1) ) having made the necessary preparations for presenting myself to the King, we have been all this time pressing for audience of his majesty, but are unable to attain it until tomorrow, this delay being caused by the numerous festivals spiritual and temporal which in this country are solemnized all alike. In the meanwhile I have been visited by the representatives of the powers here resident, with the exception of the ambassadors from Germany and France. This last was prevented by a serious illuess which seized him on my first arrival, and augmented in such wise that fears were entertained for his life, though he now begins to rally, and after my audience, provided always that he choose to admit me, I shall go to visit him, as on account of this impediment I do not think it fitting to abide by the usual punctilio which entitles me to receive the first visit.
In letters of the ambassadors, Cornaro and Moro, 4 July 1624. No. 306, from Madrid.
That the ambassador has pressed for audience of his majesty, but cannot obtain it until tomorrow.
That he has received all the visits of the representatives of the powers resident here, with the exception of the ambassadors of Germany and France.
That the one from France did not visit the ambassador Moro, because he was seriously indisposed.
The Imperial ambassador ( (fn. 2) ) although on our meeting repeatedly in the Chapel Royal, and at the houses of the nuncio and the French ambassador, he told me, Cornaro, several times that he meant to come, and would assuredly pay his compliments to me, Moro; giving this to be understood even in the presence of the ministers aforesaid; and although he repeated it to me yesterday morning in his own house, where I deemed it advisable to anticipate the usual and necessary ceremony of taking leave of him for the sake of rendering the visit more obligatory, yet notwithstanding has he never made his appearance. The delay of so many days must assuredly be intentional and for some object, and we are of opinion that he aims at meeting me, Moro, for the first time in chapel, there to see how I address him ( (fn. 3) ), and then take counsel: but this caution necessarily implies the intention of some change, and of taking vantage ground, considering a neutral territory the best suited to similar innovation, and that of the chapel more fitting than my own house. I will keep on the watch to avoid any disparagement of grade, as your Excelleucies command me, and, if by any means possible, not dissolve the intercourse; though I much regret that in addition there should be this untoward illness of the French ambassador who otherwise would have been in chapel between us; and with him I could have occupied myself; but now, I am of necessity compelled to sit beside the Imperialist, and either keep perpetual silence, which everybody would remark, or else talk freely with him. ( (fn. 4) ) German ambassador does not visit the ambassador Moro, and his ends
That the one from Germany, although he told the ambassador Cornaro and others, that he meant to compliment the ambassador Moro, has never made his appearance, it being supposed that his object is to effect the first inter new in chapel, to see how he treats him with regard to title.
Ambassador Moro on the watch.
That the ambas sador Moro will be cautious to avoid disparagement, and execute the orders of the state.
Nuncio discusses the affair of the Vattellina.
That at the visits received from the other ministers of the powers, the nuncio commenced by saying about the afiair of the Valtellina, that the articles drawn up at Rome were good and reasonable; that his holiness had always had in view the interests of the Catholic religion; and that for the rest, as the forts were to be razed, and the passes to be opened, the interests of all parties remained in surety.
During the visits paid me by these other ministers, I elicited nothing whatever from their conversation worth repeating to your Excellencies, save that the nuncio, touching accidentally on the affair of the Valtellina, began saying that the clauses stipulated lately at Rome by his Holiness were good and reasonable: that with some little modification they might be admitted; that it was necessary to have due regard for the interests of the [Catholic] religion; that on this his Holiness had been intent; and that for the rest, as the forts were to be razed, and the passes to he opened, the interests of all parties were secure. Reply of the ambassador Moro.
That as it was the first interview he did not choose to enter into certain details, but said thus, in general terms, that the safe and fitting plan would be to replace matters in pristino, and leave them as they were during so many centuries; and that it was never well to confound the interests of religion with those of state, but rather to keep all causes of disturbance and innovation at a distance from Italy.
Expectation of ambassador from Denmark.
That an ambassador from Denmark was expected at the court from day to day, it being reported that he is coming to negotiate peace between the Lord's States and this Crown, and that he is the bearer of an offer to acknowledge it; but that the States insist on permission to navigate in the Indies, and on mutual liberty of conscience.
At a first interview, and this conversation Wing accidental, I did not chuse to enter into certain particulars, but answered him in general terms, and with a certain smile on my countenance, thus: Jeweh returned to the English embassador.
“Most Illustrious Lord, the proper and sure way would be to replace matters in pristino, and let them remain as they were during so many ceniuries: for experience showed clearly that it is never well to confound church policy with that of state, and the greatest service which can be rendered to the Catholic Religion will always consist in ever keeping at a distance from Italy all opportunity for tumult and innovation.” That the jewels which the Prince of fanta on his departure have been returned to the English ambassador by D. Andres de Prado, together with the reply to the writing, which will accompany these present.
His most illustrious lordship could only answer me that it was true, and I thought fit to start another topic. Restitution of letters to the aforesaid.
An ambassador from Denmark is expected here daily: areport circulates to the effect that he is coming to negotiate peace between the Lord's States and this Crown: certain ministers have been heard to say that his offers purport their readiness to acknowledge this Crown; but that they insist on permission to navigate in the Indies, and ou mutual liberty of conscience as well in provinces subject to his majesty as in those now ruled by the Slates The coming of this ambassador is certain; with regard to the reality of these terms that we are unable to assert authentically. Moreover he counted down to him 15 letters which that Prince sent to said Infanta, without any mark of their having been opened; as the Catholic King, being aware of the disposition and conduct of the King of England, did not think fit to retain so considerable an amount of precious jewels, they having been accepted solely on account of the marriage.
The resolve taken, as I, Cornaro, wrote, to return the jewels left for the Infanta by the Prince of Wales on his departure, was executed; D. Andres de Prada having been to the house of the English ambassador ( (fn. 5) ) to consign them, delivering to him likewise the reply: to the protest ( (fn. 6) ), which reply I enclose, and it agrees with the statement already made. He, moreover, counted to him one by one, some fifteen letters, which bore no marks of having been opened, and which had been sent by that Prince to said Infanta, saying that the Catholic King being acquainted with His Britannic Majesty's sentiment and actions, it did not appear fitting to him to retain so considerable an amount of precious jewels, as they had been accepted solely for the marriage. Declaration of the English ambassader
That the English ambassador received that he would act as trustee, in order subsequently to execute such orders as shall be transmitted to him; but he is nevertheless perplexed by this proceeding of the Spaniards.
The ambassador received the whole, declaring that he acted as trustee, in order hereafter to execute such orders as shall be given him; but this proceeding of the Spaniards perplexes him vastly; and he confesses, that having had some hint of the matter a few days previously, he endeavoured to prevent it. Reply to the Mantuan ambassador's statement.
With regard to the statement made by the ambassador from Mantua concerning the wish to know the King's pleasure about the arrangement made with Savoy, he has been answered that as it is not to take effect for eight years his majesty might delay declaring himself until then; but that nevertheless before proclaiming his desire and interference, he wishes to know what towns it is purposed to assign the Duke of Savoy, as there are many on those borders which would prejudice his interests; and that, in the next place, the world would marvel that the Duke of Mantua should accept money in payment of dower; and not in like manner by way of exchange demand places in the Langhe (sic), especially as it is notorious that there are several which the Duke of Mantua necessarily requires for the conjunction of his territories in the Montferrat. Such was the precise answer; whereupon the ambassador made a rejoinder to the first point alone, requesting to be informed which, were the places whose alienation from his master would prove prejudicial to the King; as he would inform the Duke; but as yet the ambassador had received no farther communication. That concerning the statement made by the Mantuan ambassador about his wish to know the King's pleasure touching the arrangement with Savoy; he was answered that, as it was not to be effected for eight years, his majesty might delay unbosoming himself until then; but that, nevertheless before proclaiming his wish and intervention, he desired to know what towns it was purposed assigning to the Duke of Savoy, as there were many on those borders which might prejudice his interests; and that the world would marvel that the Duke of Mantua should accept money in payment of dower, and not demand an exchange of places in the Conghe (sic), knowing that there were several there needed by the Duke to connect his territory in the Montferrat.
The ambassador's rejoinder.
The ambassador replied solely to the first point, requesting to be informed which were those places whose alienation by his master would prejudice the King, as he Avould give him notice; and until now, nothing else has been said to him.
Concerning the Conich of Naples, the Secretary Ceresa told me, Cornaro, on the day before yesterday, that the requisite information had not yet arrived; and he promised positively that before my departure, stringent and valid orders should be decreed for the indemnity payable to Tosi: the promise will be as usual deceitful, so I shall not await it, and purpose departing immediately after the presentation to his majesty of his Excellency Moro, not chusing to lose my passage on board the gallies, which are coming to Vinaros; nor have we anything else to notify to your Excellencies by these present, lest a courier who we are told is to be dispatched to Rome this night, should start without our letters. Promises of the Secretary Ceresa.
That the Secretary Ceresa said, concerning the affair of the Conich at Naples, that the information demanded had not been received, and he promised positively that stringent and effective orders should be issued for indemnifying Tosi.
Gratiæ Serenitatis vestrae, &c.
From Madrid the 4th July 1624.
Your Serenity's
Lunardo Moro,
Alvise Corner,
(Translated from page 11 (tergo) and following of the Calendar. Spain, No. 9 from 1624 to 1627.


  • 1. The ambassador Moro had recently arrived at Madrid as the successor of Alvise Cornaro.
  • 2. Francis Christopher Khevenhüller, author of the “Annales Ferdinandei.” His squabble with the Venetian ambassador Moro, which took place on the Sunday following the date of this letter, is described by Wicquetort, “L'ambassadeur et ses fonctions,” vol. 2, p. 19. Khevenhiiller was Count of Frankenburg, and at the time of his assault on Moro, 35 years old; the affiay took place at a time when great stress was laid on placing and titles.
  • 3. Meaning by what title.
  • 4. Khevenhülier claimed the title of “Excellency.” but had determined merely to give that of “Illustrissimo” to Moro, who was ordered to insist on reciprocity in this matter, and hence arose the scuffle alluded to by Wicquefort.
  • 5. Sir Walter Aston, ambassador in ordinary. The Earl of Bristol, ambassador extraordinary, arrived in London at the end of April 1624, and was reported to have brought, back all the jewels: this, however, was untrue; but a ship was sent for them afterwards, and they reached England in October 1624. [See Nichols, vol. 3 p. 973.]
  • 6. A document filling five pages, the copy of which had been forwarded by Cornaro to Venice in a despatch dated Madrid 2 June