Index: S

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Sahavedra, Rodrigo de, a relative of the archbishop of Santiago, prisoner in France, ii. 829.

Saint Martin de Bomint (?) in the diocese of Dax, 576.

-, Quentin (dep. L'Aisne), 103–5.

Salamanca, city of, in Spain, bishopric of, 613.

-, its university, xvii.

-, -, opinions of, ii. 91, 679, 720, 755, 841; ii. 134.

-, law-suit between the sees of, and Santiago, 596, 866; ii. 162.

-, papers and letters signed at, 400, 430, 532.

-, Fernando de, Int. xxxviii.

-, Francisco de, treasurer, 380, 716, 743, 775, 776.

-, Gonzalo de, count of, 743.

-, Juan, Francisco's secretary, 776.

Salazar, Francisco de, Austrian courier, 743.

-, Liete, Pedro de, 841.

-, [y Castro], Int. xxvi. note.

-, de Mendoza, quoted, ii. 960, 971.

Saldaña, count of, v. Hurtado de Mendoza.

Salerno, prince of, v. Sanseverino.

-, archbishop of, v. Fragoso.

Salinas, Salins (Salins in France), the imperial ambassador La Chaulx detained by illness at, 458.

-, town of, in Spain (Guipuzeoa), 458.

-, viscount of, v. Gorrevod and Sarmiento.

-, —, imperial courier (1531), ii. 128.

-, Martin de, Austrian ambassador to the emperor, Int. xxviii.; 61, 67, 100, 170, 250, 431–2, 585.

-, in Bologna for the emperor's coronation, 431–2, 454, 471–3.

-, -, in Mantua, 484, 493, 495–6.

-, -, -, sent to Spain to collect money for his master, 187, 742, 746, 770–71, 774–7, 781–3, 784.

-, -, in Spain with the emperor; at the cortes of Monçon, ii. 84, 150, 296, 778–9, 783–5, 790–91, 919.

-, -, (1529) letters to Ferdinand, king of Bohemia, 11, 14, 31–3, 48, 65, 81, 111–12, 166, 167, 172, 174–6, 181, 185, 196, 212, 227, 238, 240; (1530) 251, 256, 258, 259, 262, 266. 267. 269. 271–4. 266, 267, 269, 271–4, 278, 282, 292, 293, 427, 465, 473; (1531) 652, 716, 839; (1533) 1086, 1118, 1125, 1141, 1146, 1150, 1166–8.

-, -, to the emperor, 220.

-, -, to secretary Castillejo, 469, 474, 1087, 1119, 1126, 1134, 1135, 1142, 1151.

-, -, to Cobos, 426, 466, 717.

-, -, to Juan Vazquez [de Molina], the emperor's secretary, 449, 451, 464.

Salisbury, a preacher in the diocese of, hooted and hissed by his audience in consequence of his having preached in favour of the divorce, ii. 412.

-, bishop of, v. Campeggio.

-, countess of, v. Plantagenet (margaret).

Salma (Salm), count, ii. 666.

Salona, in Dalmatia, taken from the Turks (1532), ii. 521.

Salsas, a town of Catalonia, ii. 904.

Salt, rent of the, in France, ii. 464.

Saltzburg, cardinal of, v. Lang.

Salndador, a quack; king Ferdinand sends for one, a Spaniard, who pretends to work miraculous cures, ii. 903.

Saluzzo, Saluzzes, marquisate of, the possession of, very important to the French, owing to its situation, 783.

-, troops in the, collected, ii. 233, 455.

-, Francesco, 13th marquis of, (1529–1537), 405, 751, 782; ii. 970.

-, -, delays payment of his contribution towards the expenses of the Turkish war, 811.

-, Giovan Luigi, 782 note; ii. 970.

-, -, dispossessed, ii. 970.

-, Luigi II., eleventh marquis de, ii. 970.

-, Michaele Antonio, marquis of (1528), ii. 970.

Salviati, cardinal Giovanni, 2, 21.

-, -, papal legate in France, 2, 21, 61–2, 73, 79, 162, 313, 561–3, 566–7, 732, 735, 737, 826; (1531) ii. 35, 309, 312, 650–1, 735, 737, 908.

-, Jacopo, Clement's secretary, 3, 61–2, 72, 81, 86, 135, 137–8, 143, 144, 154–5, 212, 218, 289, 290, 536, 610, 702, 732, 741–2; ii. 104, 603, 662–3, 684, 749, 908.

-, -, (1530) not so much in favour with the pope as formerly, owing to his entertaining a different opinion as to the kind of government to be given to Florence, ii. 732, 735, 737.

-, -, death of (4 Sept. 1533), ii. 803.

-, -, replaced by Sanga, ii. 858, 997.

-, Signora, wife of Giacopo, 334, 536, 539; v. also Mediei (Lucrecia).

Salzedo, Fr. Bernaldino de, provincial of the Francisean convent at Burgos, 882.

Sampson, Dr. Richard, dean of the Chapel, appointed to go on a mission to Charles, 190, 196, 215, 257, 259; ii. 965, 969.

-, -, the most violent supporter of the divorce, 238.

-, -, departs (8 Oct. 1529), 279.

-, -, formerly at Toledo, on a mission to the emperor, and yet the greatest enemy Katharine ever had, 257.

-, -, recommended to the emperor by the duke of Norfolk, 428.

-, -, returns from Italy, 514.

-, -, acting in London contrary to his engagements, ibid.

-, -, calls upon Chapuys (June 1530), and offers his services, 587.

-, -, as Henry's proctor in the divorce suit, presents to the chancellor of the see of Canterbury eight different documents to be copied and put in a probative form, 818.

-, -, -, being the opinions of as many universities, ibid.

-, -, in the deputation to queen Katharine, ii. 171.

-, -, -, his speech, ii. 172.

-, -, in the privy council, ii. 496, 669, 758, 782.

-, -, at Eltham in Kent, ii. 557.

-, -, appears as Henry's proctor before the archbishop of Canterbury, ii. 773.

-, -, deputed with others to call on the princess in 1533, ii. 819, 830.

San Antonio de Padua, the duke of Milan going to, for his health, 687.

-, Bartholomé, college of, in the university of Salamanca, 841.

-, -, opinion of, against Henry's divorce, 532.

Sanchez, Alonso, imperial ambassador at Venice, his recall considered a mistake, 66, 119, 163.

-, -, imperial treasurer at Naples, 765, 778.

-, -, leaves for Germany, 781.

-, -, cardinal Colonna's letter to, 218.

-, Gabriel, the treasurer and secretary in Naples, 333, 431, 831; ii. 145, 701.

San Clemente, Dr., of Naples, 13.

Sanct Angelo, castle of, at Rome, bonfires in, at the news of the ratification of the treaty of Barcelona, 139; ii. 129.

Sancti Angeli in foro piscium, cardinal, v. Lang.

-, [in Vado], count of, ii. 504.

-, Quatuor, cardinal, v. Pucci.

-, Spiritus, hospital of, at Besançon, 167.

Sandoval, Fr. Prudencio de, bishop of Pamplona, the historian, his history of Charles V. quoted, xiii., xxvi.; 127, 162, 321; ii. 986, 993.

-, y Rojas, D. Bernardo de, marquis of Denia, governor of Tordesillas in Castille, 409, 775.

-, -, letter to the empress, 246.

Sandwich, in Kent, ii. 451.

Sandys, Sandes, Sir William, lord chamberlain (1526–40), ii. 773.

San Esteban del Puerto, town in the kingdom of Jaen, Int. xvi.

San Geronimo, friars of, at Madrid, apply to Clement for a jubilee, 431.

San Felice, Miçer Antonio di, 701, 728.

Sanga, Giovan Battista, papal secretary, 6, 66, 81, 128, 136, 143, 203–4, 208, 240, 248, 270, 283, 288–9, 515, 557, 566–7, 605, 826, 840–41, 845; ii. 130–31, 370, 482, 570–71, 770, 908, 964, 997–8.

-, -, his differences with the bishop of Vaison, 270.

-, -, succeeds Jacopo Salviati as Clement's secretary, ii. 858.

Sangiacs, four, of the Turk, allowed to arm against all Christians except Poland and Venice, ii. 287.

San Giovanni di Moriana, the duke Carlo di Savoia at, 240.

-, di Verdara, convent of, Augustinians in Padua, 696.

San Isidro de Leon, the abbacy of, in Spain, solicited by Ferdinand for a nephew of his secretary, Christoval de Castillego, ii. 145.

San Juan y Polo (St. John and Paul, in Venice), 830.

-, prior of, 830.

San Lorenço, in the suburbs of Rome, letter dated at, 1129.

San Marcello, 680 note.

San Matheo, cardinal of, v. Egidio.

San Millan, Maestro Juan de, 841.

San Petronio, church of, in Bologna, brief of Clement secretly affixed at, 239.

-, Charles in, previous to his coronation (5 Nov. 1529), 322.

San Pietro, cathedral church of, in Mantua, 481.

San Salvador, abbey of, on the frontier of Naples, 15.

-, de Montesa, military order of, created by Alfonso IV. of Aragon (1317), 880.

San Secondo, Pietro Maria Rosso, count of, arrested by order of the emperor, ii. 532–3, 538–9.

-, -, released and allowed to proceed on his journey, ii. 541.

San Severino, Alfonso, duke of Somma, 13.

San Severino, cardinal Antonio, archbishop of Naples, 2, 13, 22–3, 61, 119, 153, 594; ii. 887.

-, -, not to be trusted, 165.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 95.

-, (Ferrante?), prince of Salerno, ii. 575.

Sansevero, in Capitanata, 364.

San Sixto, cardinal of, v. Gaetano.

Sansovino, Francesco, quoted, ii. 961.

Santa Croce, Santa Cruz, cardinal, v. Quiñones.

Santa Cruz, college of, at Valladolid, opinion of, transmitted to Miçer Mai at Rome, 753.

-, Francisco de, imperial messenger 566.

Santangelo, castle of, in Rome, 152.

-, -, documents said to be preserved, showing that, together with Ostia, it belonged to the Empire, 118.

-, -, bonfires in, on the receipt of news from Barcelona, and the notification of the treaty by Charles, ii. 129.

-, Montagna di, in Naples, surrendered by Renzo de Ceri, 363.

Santa Eufemia, priorate of, v. Santofimia.

Sant' Antonio, church of, in Bologna, Charles takes his oath at, 198.

Santarem, in Portugal, ii. 413.

Santiago, knighthood of, conferred on Luis Tobar, ii. 780.

-, [de Galicia], town, ii. 116.

-, de los Españoles, a church at Rome, 139.

-, [de Compostella], see of, 561.

-, the "Indutto Quadragnsimal" granted to the, for six months, 185, 561; ii. 33.

-, law-suit between the, and that of Salamanaca, 596, 866.

-, the deanery of, ii. 505.

-, archbishops of, v. Fonseca, Tavera.

-, de Galicia, town, ii. 116.

Santiseban, v. Sant Stephano.

Santlis, v. Senlis.

Sant Lorenço, in the suburbs of Rome, letter dated at, 1128.

Sant Martino, 378.

Sant Matheo, cardinal of, v. Ægidius.

Santofemia, Santofimia, a town in the kingdom of Cordova,

-, papal brief concerning the priorate of, 165.

-, commandery of, in the Order of Calatrava, disputed at Rome, ii. 55.

Santo Vito, v. San Vito.

Sant Sebastian, Fray Miguel de, professor at the college of San Pablo de Valladolid, his opinion on the divorce case, 753.

Sant Stephano, in Venice, prior of, solicited by the English ambassadors to give opinion on the divorce, 659.

San Thomaso, marchese di, v. Carrone.

St. Albans, abbey of, Katharine residing at the More, within the precincts of the, ii. 228, 277.

St. Andrews, archbishop of, v. Betoun.

-, permission to prosecute the archbishop of, ii. 753, 787

St. Asaph, bishop of, v. Barlo.

St. Bernard, order of, in Spain, reformer of, 775.

St. Claude, abbé de, v. Savoie (Pietro).

St. Dominic at Bologna, ii. 564.

-, -, Spanish friar, contemporary of, passage from his works adduced as argument in favour of the divorce, 582.

St. Esprit, order of the, badge of, worn by the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk at the reception of Mr. de Montpezat, ii. 609.

-, -, though not by the latter on the 24th of February, ii. 613.

-, -, conferred upon the vayvod Zapolsky, ii. 464.

St. Francis of Burgos, convent, 882–3.

St. Gall, in Switzerland, 46.

St. George, the standard of, to be prepared for the emperor's coronation at Bologna, 310.

St. Germain, Francis' court at, ii. 21.

St. Jean de Lus, 619.

St. John [of Jerusalem], order of; 36, ii. 30, 827, 869.

-, high commander or prior of, in England, v. Weston.

-, vice-chancellorship at Rome, to be given to Vosio (?), 260.

-, of Letran, at Rome, procession at, in thanksgiving for the peace of Cambray (Aug. 1529), 149.

-, and Paul (San Joan y Polo), convent of, in Venice, 696, 869–70.

-, -, prior of, v. Ognibene.

-, and Peter, assemblies of armed men on the eves of; their prohitition (in London) contemplated, ii. 721.

St. Julien, Mr. de, French gentleman, brings a present from Francis to Anne Boleyn, ii. 721.

-, -, goes to Greenwich, ii. 724.

-, -, to St. Osmer, ii. 581.

St. Paul, church of, at Lyons, 245.

St. Peter (San Pietro), at Rome; procession in, for the conclusion of the peace of Cambray, 149.

-, priory of, at Dunstable, ii. 647.

St. Pol, Francois de Bourbon, count of, 15, 26, 89.

-, -, about to march on Milan, 16–17.

-, -, disagrees with the duke of Urbino as to the manner of conducting the war in Lombardy, 49, 245.

-, -, on his way to Loretto, 636.

St. Quentin, 104, 162.

St. Thomas in Parione, church in Rome, 321.

St. Tropez (Provence?), Doria's galleys sack the town of (1529), 36.

St. Villeury (?), v. Fitz William.

St. Vincent, abbot of, Int. vii.

Sanuto, Marino, his Venetian Diary, quoted, Int. vii.; ii. 817.

San Vito, Vitores, in Friul, letters dated at, 1006–7.

Saracosa, in Sicily, v. Siracosa and Syracusa.

Saragossa (Zaragoza), capital of Aragon, 116, 177, 255, 329, 702, 880; ii. 779, 905.

-, archbishop of, v. Aragon (Juan de).

Sardinia, ii. 859 note

-, the galleys of the order of St. John on the coast of, bound for Malta, 180.

-, the churches of, said to be comprised in the bull of pope Adrian, 866; ii. 186.

-, coast of, ravaged by Barbarossa (1533), ii. 824.

-, viceroy of, v. Cabrero.

Sarmento, Luis, v. Sarmiento.

Sarmiento, D. Diego, captain of "bisogni" or raw levies in Italy, 337 note.

-, -, mortally wounded in battle, 603.

-, D. Diego Gomez, count of Salinas, ii. 59 note.

-, Francisco, captain in command of the Spanish infantry in Florence, 337 note.

-, Juan, Gonzaga's lieutenant sent to Siena, ii. 89.

-, Luis, imperial ambassador in Portugal, 184; ii. 82, 88.

-, Pedro, bishop of Palencia, present at the ratification of the treaty of Barcelona, Int. xxiv.; 116; ii. 81, 88.

-, -, goes to Rome, ii. 532.

-, -, on a mission to the empress Isabella, 337.

-, -, to Rome, ii. 532.

-, -, instructions to, 221.

-, de Mendoza, Da. Maria, wife of high commander Francisco de los Covos, ii. 553.

Sarmoya (?), le sieur de, 241; ii. 964.

Sarraceni, Gio. Michaele, bishop of Accerenza, ii. 205, 988.

Saspuerge, v. Saltzburg.

Sassa, v. Saxony.

Sassatello, Sessatello, Zuane, or Giovanne, servant of, 270.

Sauche, Jean or Jehan de la, 354, 427.

Save (Sau), a river of Illyria, the Turks to encamp during the winter of 15 between the, and the Drave, 695.

Savoie, Anne de, ii. 973.

-, Beatrix de, infanta of Spain, daughter of Dom. Manuel of Portugal, and wife of duke Carlo, iii.; 110, 196–7, 240–41; ii. 41, 132, 720, 963.

-, -, in Mantua, 471.

-, -, at Bologna, for the emperor's coronation, 474.

-, -, how received, 475, 479, 516.

-, -, offended at Gritti being apprehended within her dominions, ii. 197.

-, Claude de, count of Tende, governor of Lyons, 564, 567, 680.

-, Emanuel Philibert, son of Carlo III., 241, 963.

-, Jaque de, ii. 977.

-, Jeanne de, duchess of Mercœur, ii. 977.

-, Louis de, son of Carlo III., duke of Savoy, 241; ii. 963.

-, Louise de, duchess of Angouleme and Anjou, mother of Francis I., treating with Margaret for the peace of Cambray, 37, 39, 42, 57, 71, 102–9, 162, 242–4, 306.

-, -, intercedes for the duke of Ferrara, 313, 354.

-, -, illness and death of (1531), ii. 249, 274.

-, -, alluded, 465, 532, 708; ii. 6.

-, -, said to be averse to war, ii. 910.

-, -, chancellor and president of her council, v. Brinon.

-, Philibert de, 110 note.

-, Philiberte de, duchess of Nemours, wife of Giuliano de Medici, ii. 977.

-, Philip de, count of Geneva, duke of Nemours; his differences with duke Carlo III., 619; ii. 315, 330–31, 976.

-, Pierre de, duke of Nemours, 16, 315, 619.

-, Pietro, bishop of Geneva and abbot of St. Claude, uncle of Carlo III., 110 note.

-, René de, son of Claude, ii. 680 note.

Savona, in the Genoese, 116, 167 note, 870.

-, Charles at (9–12 Aug. 1529), 166–7, 170, 186, 188, 401.

-, the French fleet in the harbour of, 485.

-, Clement at (Dec. 1533), ii. 870.

Savorgnano, Dr. Pietro, 491.

Saxony, George, duke of, sends an agent to London to compliment him, and procure horses and dogs, 305, 332; ii. 908.

-, -, memorandum presented by, and four more Lutheran princes, 619, 640–41.

-, -, writes to dissuade Henry from the divorce, 642.

-, -, leaves the imperial court, 761.

-, -, to be excluded from the election of king of the Romans, 791.

-, -, writes to Francis, complaining of the emperor, ii. 160.

-, -, his defection, and Henry's remarks about it, 825.

-, -, son of, refuses to be present at the celebration of a mass after the election at Aix-la-Chapelle, ii. 37, 46.

-, -, report of his having taken Ferdinand prisoner, ii. 95.

-, -, in correspondence with Francis, ii. 165, 234, 289.

-, -, secretary of, to France with letters, ii. 121.

-, -, sends Francis two tracts written by Luther (1531), ii. 127

-, -, does not attend the diet of the Lutherans at Francfort, ii. 201–2.

-, -, a man sent to Augsburg to work the duke's conversion, ii. 305.

-, -, has already done some good, ibid.

-, -, great hopes entertained at Rome of his forsaking the Lutherans, ii. 315.

-, -, joins the Lutheran league against Charles, ii. 419.

-, -, report of his having refused allegiance to the king of the Romans, ii. 458.

-, -, but willing to keep the peace as long as Germany is threatened by the Turk, ii. 491.

-, -, letter to Henry VIII., 379.

-, John, duke of (1525–32), 809; ii. 992.

-, -, agent of, in London, 305, 332, 429, 433, 452.

-, John Frederic, duke elector of (1532), Latin letter to, on the council, 1094.

Savoy, 751; ii. 65.

-, an interview in, between the pope, the emperor, and Francis, proposed by the latter, 645.

-, duke of, v. Carlo.

-, duchess of, v. Beatrix and Savoie.

-, v. Savoie.

Scalenga, Scalengues (De Scalengues), imperial captain, governor of Asti; stops French couriers through the Astesan, and seizes their correspondence, 192, 195–7, 385, 493, 603, 607, 660, 764, 844; ii. 192, 195, 197.

-, -, at which the French and English ambassadors complain, 740.

-, -, seizes money destined to the Florentines, 193, 603–4; ii. 55, 210.

-, -, which Clement says belongs to him, and not to them, ibid.

-, -, if not returned it will be discounted from his debt to the emperor, 504.

-, -, instructed to arrest Georgio Gritti, ii. 196–7, 204, 209–10, 504, 989.

-, -, -, and the ambassador of the vayvod at his passage through the Astesan, 496; ii. 208.

-, -, -, also Marco Raffaelo (?), the Jew, coming to England from Venice, 825, 844.

-, -, refuses to return the 5,000 ducats taken from Baglione's secretary, ii. 55, 210, 504.

Scappos (Spahis?), Turkish, ii. 333.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 763.

-, -, to Cobos, 764.

Scaramucci, Scaramuccia, Miçer, a Milanese, 334.

Scarpinello, Agostino, Milanese ambassador in England, 394–5, 467, 532, 698, 804, 820.

-, -, visits Chapuys and gives his opinion on the divorce suit, 394.

Sçavre, Laurent, of Nuremberg, agent of the archbishop of Mainz in London (1529–30), 393, 450, 462.

-, -, said to be a pensioner of Henry, 393.

-, -, -, and to have come to England to intercede for cardinal Wolsey, 451.

-, -, closely watched by Chapuys' orders, 451, 453.

Scepperus, Cornelius Duplicius, sent by Charles on a mission to Hungary, ii. 127, 904, 907, 912.

-, -, to Switzerlamd, ii. 297.

Scherbes, (Therbes?), v. Tarbes.

Schomberg, Nicolas, archbishop of Capua, generally called "the Capuan," (II Capuano), 2, 10, 19, 21, 61, 62, 64, 69–71, 73–4, 77, 84, 143, 146, 160, 177, 208.

-, -, at the imperial camp with Chalon, 249, 267, 282, 287.

-, -, to be recalled, 192.

-, -, sent by Clement to the emperor to represent against the general council, 334.

-, -, appointed to go to Florence, declines on the plea of bad health, 635, 643, 861.

-, -, designated to go on a mission from Clement to Charles, 803, 826, 829, 835, 861.

-, -, in frequent communication with the imperial ambassadors at Rome, ii. 54, 74, 78, 93, 433, 480, 684, 729, 730, 732, 828.

-, -, to be recommended for a cardinal's hat, ii. 717, 888. 907–8.

-, -, -, much hurt at his not getting it, ii., 877–8.

-, -, letter to Francis, 107.

Schwytz, Swiss canton, ii. 310 note.

Scipio, physician to the duke of Milan, attends on Clement VII., 283.

Sclavonia, the Venetian fleet sailing in the direction of, 171.

Sclède, Jerome, bishop of Vaison in the dep. of Vaucluse (France), Clement's nuncio in Spain (1529), 1, 17–19, 21, 25, 72–3, 76, 115, 117, 136, 155, 183, 200, 248, 287, 289. 840; ii. 128, 276, 955.

-, -, leaves for Bologna, 480.

-, -, visits Vicenza, and learns there the doings of the English ambassadors at Padua and Piacenza, 552.

-, -, goes to Venice and persuades Vochterinus and others to retract and write against Henry's divorce, 525, 552.

-, -, leaves for Rome, 552.

-, -, again in Venice, 729.

-, -, about to leave for Germany in company of Alexandro de' Medici, 730.

-, -, said to have persuaded the emperor to decide as he did the Ferrara case, ii. 152.

-, -, -, and to have misunderstood Clement's instructions respecting it, ii. 190.

-, -, his differences with Sanga, the papal secretary, 170, 840.

-, -, in Germany (1531) on a mission from Clement, ii. 36.

Scotch gentleman sent to the Tower (Sept. 1533), ii. 787.

-, privateers, ii. 627.

-, gentleman, though describing himself as a servant of Francis, ii. 626–7.

Scots, their movements on the borders not considered very alarming, 257.

-, under great pressure [from France], and willing enough to make peace, ii. 440, 632.

-, yet, notwithstanding the truce, making raids and capturing English vessels at sea, ii. 488, 627, 698, 705.

-, -, and threatening to invade England with the help of the Irish, ii. 528.

-, -, the French remaining neutral all the time, ibid.

-, -, dislike Francis' interference with their affairs, ii. 761.

-, Henry complains of their spreading rumours to his discredit, ii. 762.

-, described fey the French ambassador (Beauvois) as a fine set of men, and the best soldiers in the world, ii. 753.

Scotland, ambassador from, to claim compensation for injuries sustained during the last war, 534.

-, -, and explain the reason of king James collecting a force on the borders, 618.

-, a deputation from, arrives in London (Nov. 1550), 820.

-, -, for the purpose, as it is rumoured, of asking for the hand of the princess for king James, 820.

-, the castles on the borders of, to be repaired by order of Henry (Dec. 1530), 857; ii. 337, 440.

-, a messenger (from the papal nuncio?) takes to, a letter from Clement concerning the convocation of a general council (Jan. 1531), ii. 28.

-, -, affairs of, and marriage of James, debated at Rome through cardinal Accolti, the protector of that kingdom, ii. 86, 88, 115, 192, 195, 913.

-, highlanders from, said to be encouraging the Irish rebellion, ii. 237.

-, skirmishes on the borders of (Oct. 1531), ii. 266.

-, papal auditor on a mission to, accompanied by Albany's secretary and another Scotchman (Dec. 1530), 857; ii. 337, 354, 364.

-, -, how received at court, ii. 863.

-, a new treaty of peace or extension of the old truce with, solicited by Henry through the intervention of France, ii, 424, 440, 465.

-, an express sent to, by the French ambassador (Apr. 1532), ii. 424–5.

-, Francis about to send an ambassador to, offering king James the hand of his daughter Madeleine, ii. 561.

-, -, who returns to London (July 1533), and gives Chapuys information, ii. 752.

-, -, his mission supposed to have been the marriage of king James to a daughter (Marguerite) of Mr. de Vendôme, ii. 417, 757.

-, affairs of, discussed at the conferences of Calais, ii. 582.

-, king of, v. James.

-, protector of, at Rome, v. Accolti.

-, principal secretary, v. Erskine.

-, one year's truce between, and England (Oct. 1533), ii. 818.

Scott, of Balwery, Sir William, Scottish ambassador in England, ii. 568, 575 (?), 858–59, 993.

-, of Pitgorno, Sir Thomas, Scottish James's ambassador in England (1531–2); ii. 568, 575, 858–9, 993.

Scrivan, captain, at Rome with money from Naples, 765.

Scutetto (Schultheiss, avoyer or advocate), in Switzerland, ii. 467.

Sebenico in Dalmatia, ii. 421.

Sedan chair, a handsome and richly decorated, three mules and their harness, presented by Francis to Anne Boleyn in 1533, ii. 721, 724.

Sedunense, Sedunensis, bishop of Siou, . Riedmatten.

Segni, Florentine historian, quoted, 167, 188, 291, 679, 685, 867; ii. 991.

Selve, Jean Odet de, sieur de Ciomyères first president of the parliament of Paris, 744.

Selade, Seladeus, a mistake for Selade, q...

Sena, Mariano di, consulted by the English ambassadors, persists in his resolution of voting in favour of the divorce, 527, 544, 547.

Senis, Micer Philippo de, dean of the chamber at Rome, 753, 781.

Senlis, town of France, 102, 105.

-, bishop of, v. Petit.

Senoncensis, v. Sens.

Sens (Senones), dep. Yonne, in France; archbishop of (Senoncensis), v. Prat.

Sentence, papal, in the divorce suit urgently applied for by Katharine and Charles, ii. 177.

-, -, indefinitely prorogued through Clement's hesitation, ii. 181, 222, 531, 579.

-, before giving, in the divorce suit Clement inquires what help Charles intends lending towards its execution, ii. 657, 806, 817, 832.

-, Katharine's inquiries on the subject, ii. 833–4.

-, to be procured at any cost before Anne's confinement, ii. 721.

-, an extraordinary ambassador from the emperor to be the bearer of it, ii. 722, 836.

-, again prorogued for one month, ii. 832.

-, -, for two more, ii. 841.

-, objections against the final, raised at Marseilles, ii. 836.

-, Francis entreats Clement at Marseilles to delay the, for five or six months, as in the meantime Henry may return to his legitimate wife and send away Anne Boleyn, ii. 847.

-, prorogued for one month more, ii. 848.

-, a further prorogation of the, discussed in consistory, cardinals Siena and Santa Croce voting against it, ii. 848.

Sepulveda, Juan Ginés de, writes against the divorce, Int. xxv.

-, -, work of, printed at Rome, ii. 913.

Sepusio, v. Zapoli and Zapolsky.

Sermacre (Commercy?), 102.

Sermonetta, town of the Campagne di Roma, 699.

Servia, the Turks to take winter quarters in (1532), ii. 520.

Sesena, v. Cesenna.

Sessut Vassi, Turkish corsair on the coast of Barbary, 543.

Sessa, duke of, v. Fernandez de Cordoba.

Sestini, Thomasso, a Florentine, 522 note

Setubal, in Portugal; letters dated at, 924, 1179.

Severino, v. San Severino.

Seville, in Spain, ii. 407.

-, archbishop of, v. Manrique.

-, university of, 753.

Sforza, Francesco, duke of Milan and Bari, 130, 208, 212, 247, 249, 251, 260, 265, 298, 300, 320, 603, 615.

-, -, at Lodi, 17, 26, 28.

-, -, negociations with, 31, 32.

-, -, to be suspended until the conclusion of the treaty of Barcelona, 123.

-, -, Clement intercedes for, 64–5, 85, 113.

-, -, renewed, and himself desirous of obtaining the emperor's pardon, 141, 164, 179, 197, 208.

-, -, sends a message to Mai through a Milanese friar, showing a disposition to obey the emperor's sentence, whatever it may be, 150.

-, -, in bad health, not expected to live long, 173.

-, -, prepared to accept any terms which Clement may make for him, 204.

-, -, sends new proposals, 210, 288.

-, -, is sure that the peace will be a lasting one, 291.

-, -, holding Cremona and other towns in the Milanese, 309.

-, -, refuses the terms offered to him, 265, 334, 336, 375.

-, -, re-invested in the duchy on the payment of a fine (Dec. 1529), 374, 403, 441.

-, -, present at Charles's coronation in Bologna, 471.

-, -, dangerously ill again, 478, 494–5, 560.

-, -, consumptive, cannot possibly live many weeks, 596, 603, 610.

-, -, said to be collecting troops, 636.

-, -, his debt to Venice, 654.

-, -, advised by his physicians to go to San Antonio di Padua, and thence to Loretto and Venice, 687.

-, -, to be dissuaded from his journey, or to be followed and watched wherever he goes, 687.

-, -, obtains permission to send an agent to France, 698.

-, -, daily expected in Venice, 698, 731.

-, -, arrives there (Oct. 1530), 749, 771, 777.

-, -, his reception by the doge, 754.

-, -, visited by Niño, to whom he explains the object of his journey, 772.

-, -, -, which is to obtain money to redeem the fortresses in his duchy pledged to the emperor, 772, 808.

-, -, Francis' proposal of paying the remainder of his debt to the emperor on condition of the new investiture of the duchy being transferred to his son, the duke of Orleans, 772.

-, -, summoned by Francis to restore the property of the "fuorusciti," 772, 782; ii. 46.

-, -, asks the signory's advice respecting the matrimonial alliances offered to him, 772.

-, -, applies for the hand of princess Mary of England, and sends an embassy for that purpose, 772–3, 786, 830.

-, -, delays answering the papal brief exhorting the Christian princes to help with money to the Turkish war, 811.

-, -, promises of a loan in England made to, by the earl of Wiltshire, that he may pay his debt to the emperor, 820.

-, -, about to make an alliance with the Swiss Catholics, 843.

-, -, his marriage to Margaret, the emperor's daughter, talked of, 204.

-, -, -, to Caterina, the niece of Clement, 609; ii. 183, 185, 260.

-, -, -, to Dorothea, daughter of Christiern of Denmark, ii. 969.

-, -, -, to a sister of the prince of Navarre, ii. 290.

-, -, his secretary and agent at Rome, 201, 249, 267; v. Corbeta.

-, -, his chancellor (Taverna) to negociate with the Swiss, ii. 311.

-, -, ill again, not expected to live long, ii. 566–7.

-, -, the execution of Maraveglia, Francis' spy, likely to bring, into trouble, ii. 756, 817.

-, -, -, though, according to Henry, not to be blamed for it, ii. 817.

-, -, sends his chancellor (Taverna) to Marseilles to explain the circumstances of the case, ii. 829, 850, 854.

-, -, to be informed by Caracciolo of all that passes at the conferences of Marseilles, ii. 881.

-, -, deed of re-investiture (23 Dec. 1529), 235.

-, Massimiliano, death of, in France, 261, 777.

-, Ottaviano, bishop of Lodi, 654.

Shenk, John, 68; v. Xenque.

Sherland, Sir Thomas Cheyne's place in, king Henry staying at, ii. 253, 524.

Ships, English, ii. 704, 874.

-, Biseayan, one taken on the Irish coast by English privateers, ii. 823.

-, Spanish, one detained in London, ii. 788.

-, Spanish, another captured by the Lubeckians on the English coast (1533), ii. 8:39.

-, French, with Charles's fleet, according to the treaty of Cambray, 458, 478, 685.

-, -, one so large (in Britanny) that she cannot be navigated, ii. 454.

-, Flemish, one (a pinnace) seized in London on suspicion of piracy, 68.

Shrewsbury, earl of, v. Talbot.

Sicily, 537, 663.

-, galleys of, 218.

-, the coast of, threatened by the Turk (1530), 502, 518.

-, patronage of the churches in, granted by Adrian, 186, 866.

-, wheat abounding in, 308.

-, opinion of theologians and doctors in, respecting the matrimonial cause, ii. 108.

-, invaded by Barbarossa (1533), iii. 824.

-, inquisitor of, ii. 869.

-, viceroy of, v. Pignatello.

Siena in danger of an attack from Malatesta, Petrucci, and Pitigliano, 15.

-, Lutheian friar preaching at, 23, 67.

-, furnishes artillery for the siege of Florence, 108, 163, 172, 176, 178, 211, 220.

-, Italian infantry under Marramao quartered in the territory of, 334.

-, revolution in (June 1530), 524, 583.

-, troubles, 659, 662.

-, the affairs of, far from being settled, 680.

-, again in danger of a revolution, 706.

-, imperial troops committing great ravages in, 781–3.

-, Monti, the four, or divisional quarters of, 807; ii. 983.

-, Gonzaga and Soria engage to remove Spanish infantry to other quarters, 823.

-, new troubles apprehended, 868.

-, matters at, said to be mending, 811; ii. 52.

-, Gonzaga and Soria to propose new terms, ii. 56, 76.

-, Charles advised to take possession of, ii. 68.

-, Captain Guevara, in command at, ii. 126.

-, the Spaniards evacuate the territory of, ii. 136, 162, 178, 525, 751; ii. 111, 829.

-, cardinal of, v. Bandini.

Sienese, their differences with count Pitigliano, 15, 22, 67.

-, offer their services to the emperor, 210.

-, glad to bear arms against their old enemies, the Florentines, 211.

-, promise siege artillery against them, 267.

-, solicited in vain by Florence to enter into a league against the emperor, 583, 644, 753.

-, object to the imperial troops being quartered in their territory, 784.

-, their disagreement with Ferraote Gonzaga on that account, ibid.

-, continually endangering the peace of Italy, ii. 66.

-, secretary (Mario Bandini?) agent of the, at Rome, going to procure the ratification of the agreement made with Gonzaga in 1531, ii. 67.

-, new terms to be made with the, ii. 68, 118.

-, intimate to the imperial delegates to quit the territory of the signory, ii. 89, 139, 191.

-, ask again for Piccolomini, ii. 183.

-, terribly alarmed at the news of duke Alessandro going to Florence, ii. 193.

-, differences between the imperial commissary and Pirro finally adjusted to the satisfaction of the, ii. 829.

Sigismond I., king of Poland (1506–48), 181, 463, 481–2, 755, 801; ii. 324, 334, 347, 756.

-, one of his daughters to be married to Henry, duke of Orleans, 644.

-, -, said to have declared his son (Sigismond Augustus) successor to his crown (1530), 463.

-, -, -, and to have made an alliance with the Turk, ii. 756, 861.

Sigismondo (?), Don, a close relative of the pope, his arrest at Rome procured by the imperial ambassadors, 218.

Siguença, Siguenza, episcopal town of Castille, in Spain, ii. 4 note.

-, bishops of, v. Loaysa, Portugal.

Silly, Claude de, v. Cilly.

Silten, in the Valais, ii. 467.

-, bishop of, v. Riedmatten.

Silva, D. Fernando de, count de Cifuentes, imperial ambassador at Rome, ii. 633, 658, 683–4, 709, 721, 725, 732–4, 736, 743, 779, 835–9.

-, -, succeeds Miçer Mai in the Roman embassy, ii. 868.

-, -, signs some of his despatches "El conde Alferez," and why, ii. 888 note.

-, -, not on good terms with cardinal Merino, ii. 703, 808.

-, -, attends the conferences of Marseilles (Oct.—Nov. 1533),

-, -, his conferences with Clement at Marseilles (1533) respecting Italian politics and the designs, of Francis, ii. 845.

-, -, concerning the commission given to Domenico Centurione, ii. 846–8.

-, -, disagrees with Merino on politics, ii. 684, 726–9, 731–2.

-, -, his secretary, v. Archangel.

-, -, letters to the emperor from Rome, 1059, 1069, 1071, 1078, 1082, 1085, 1097, 1101, 1103, 1113, 1128, 1159, 1163.

-, -, -, from Pisa, 1131.

-, -, -, from Marseilles, 1136, 1143, 1147–8.

-, -, -, to secretary Cobos, 1070, 1155.

-, -, -, the emperor's, to, 1122.

-, Miguel de, bishop of Viseu, Portuguese ambassador in Rome (1530), 611, 869 note.

-, -, his hotel in Rome attacked by the servants of the French ambassador (Sept. 1530), 871–2.

-, -, instructed to urge for the sentence of the divorce suit (1532), ii. 574.

Silvestro, Micer, auditor to cardinal Ancona; naturalisation of, 266, 566, 741.

Simancas castle, near Valladolid, 775.

-, archives of, account of papers in the, Int. i. ii.; 124, 871; ii. 6 note, 33 note, 348, 351, 462.

-, founded by Philip II. in 1567, 322 note.

Simandres, Pesiderio, one of the emperor's secretaries in Flanders, ii. 903.

Simonetta, Jacopo, auditor at the Rota, bishop of Pesaro, Int. xxiii.; 5, 6.

-, -, recommended by Mai, ii. 38, 206, 580, 633, 806.

-, -, sent to Marseilles to discuss the divorce case, ii. 659, 802, 835.

-, -, recommended for a cardinal's hat, ii. 888.

Sion (Silten) in the Valais, bishop of, . Riedmatten.

Siponto, v. Manfredonia.

Siracosa (Syracusa) in Sicily, archbibhop of (Ludovicus Platamonius), arrested, and sent to the castle of Sant Angelo, 152.

-, feuds between the inhabitants, ii. 334.

Siruela, count of, v. Velasco.

Sisa, meaning of the word, 396.

Sittig, George, captain of Grisons in the emperor's service, ii. 313 note.

-, Demps (d'Ems), Mare or Marco, ii. 313 note.

Slavonia, rumours of an invasion of, Croatia, and Hungary by Luigi Gritti and an army of Turks, ii. 859.

-, v. Selavonia.

Smalkalde, league of,

Smyrna, in Greece, 321 note.

Só de Castro y Pinós, D. Ramon de, v. Castro.

Sodderini, Thomasso, sent by the Florentines to the emperor (Aug. 1529), 167.

Soffy, Sophi, of Persia, v. Thamasp.

Soleure, Swiss cantou, ii. 309.

Soliers, Charles de, sieur de Morette, on a mission to the emperor, 458, 708, 971.

Solis (?), bishop, 865.

Solodoro, v. Soleure.

Solyman "the Magnificent," emperor of the Turks (1520–66), 15, 50, 127–8, 698; ii. 103.

-, -, at Sophia, 151.

-, -, invades Hungary, 169.

-, -, marches on Vienna, 169, 185.

-, -, the whole of Syria revolts against, 185.

-, -, at Buda, 317.

-, -, about to invade Hungary, 391.

-, -, lays siege to Vienna, 412.

-, -, preparing a powerful fleet to scour the Mediterranean, 502, 526.

-, -, said to have considerably relaxed in his warlike preparations, 543.

-, -, sends Gritti to Hungary, 657, 860.

-, -, arms against the Portuguese in the Red Sea, ii. 333.

-, -, at war with the Persians, 184, 421, 455, 463; ii. 324, 519, 797–8.

-, -, -, and with his own subjects, who revolt, 184, 455, 563.

-, -, (Nov. 1531), recovers from "il morbo caduco," ii. 287.

Somersham, Hunts; Katharine to be removed to, whether she will or not, ii. 892.

Somma, duke of, v. San Severino.

Sophia, in Bulgaria, Solyman the Grand Turk arrives at, 151, 458.

Sorbonne, La, or Faculty of Theology at Paris, 597, 612, 693; ii. 499.

-, the opinion of the, on the divorce solicited by the English ambassadors, 367, 450, 459.

-, -, its conclusion being that pope Julius had no power to dispense, 387, 665, 677, 756, 773; ii. 215, 497, 499.

-, an opposite conclusion signed by 15 doctors sent by Garay to the emperor, 497, 500, 550–51, 657, 670.

-, rector of the, 496–7.

-, an English student at the, sent by the duke of Norfolk to report on Du Bellay's doings in the matter of the divorce, 514.

Soria, Alfonso, imperial secretary, Int. xv.

-, Lope de, imperial ambassador in Venice, Int. xi.; 21, 86, 89, 168, 334, 563, 578, 583, 593, 732; ii. 402, 983.

-, -, appointed commissary-general to the imperial army, Int. xi.; 209–10.

-, -, at Piacenza, 168.

-, -, sent to Siena on a mission, 555, 593, 636, 644, 646, 732, 739, 749, 753, 781, 822, 868; ii. 7, 46, 56, 67–8, 76.

-, -, in Venice, ii. 834.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 1156

Sormano, II, Gasparo (?), paper describing a conversation between, and the Ferrarese agent in France, 640, 830; ii. 984.

-, -, his brother, 640.

-, -, v. Tormano.

Sotomayor, Don Diego de, 536, 539, 558, 594, 613, 841, 865.

Southampton (Southampton), 672; ii. 444.

Spahis, a Turkish militia, ii. 333.

Spain, exaggerated reports of the plague in, 799.

-, Charles's return to, decided upon, ii. 142.

-, said to be so bad that the empress could hardly find a safe place of residence, ibid.

-, riots, similar to those of the "Comunidades," apprehended in, 34; ii. 124–5.

-, frontiers of, to be fortified against the French, ii. 266 (Oct. 1531), ii. 492, 591.

-, bad state of the finance in, ii. 491.

Spalatro, in Dalmatia, governor of, ii. 521.

Spaniards, discontented at the emperor's long absence from the Peninsula,

-, hate to see their substance spent in foreign wars, 404.

-, in London, Chapuys complains to the duke of Norfolk that the, are worse treated than in Barbary, 627.

-, -, offer, as well as the German residents, their services to Chapuys when his house was burnt down (Oct. 1533), ii. 818.

Spelle, in Umbria, castle of, besieged by the imperialists, 191.

-, surrenders at discretion, 192.

-, the marquis Juan de Urbina mortally wounded at, 201, 207.

-, excesses committed by Chalon's troops at, 211.

Spezia, La, island, ii. 764, 816.

-, interview of Clement and Doria at, ii. 868.

-, letter dated at, 1155.

Spice trade, ii. 77.

Spies, of Micer Mai at Rome, and within the papal palace, 3, 19, 751.

-, of Chapuys, in London, ii. 451, 465, 842.

-, of Clement, in Venice, 554, 773.

-, of Niño, in Venice, to follow Marco Raffaelo to Trent, Milan, Asti, or wherever he goes on his way to England, 825.

-, of king Henry, in Spain, ii. 124–5.

Spinelli, Gasparo, secretary of the Venetian embassy in London (1533), ii. 513.

Spinola, the, of Genoa, recruiting forces in the Milanese, 831, 842.

-, Agostino, 844.

-, Bartholomeo, 842; ii. 32, 46.

-, Giovan Battista heads a revolution in Genoa, ii. 46

Spires, 858; ii. 4, 341.

-, diet of, 47, 99; ii. 4, 246, 311.

-, letters dated at, 527, 528.

Spoletto, sacked by the confederates under Braccio Baglione, 87.

-, French treasurer at, engaging men for an expedition to the Abruzzi, 584.

Squarçafigo, Squarcafigho, Umberto, banker at Naples, 541, 570.

Staber, Stauber, Laurenz, v. Sçavre.

Stafford, Edward, duke of Buckingham, alluded to, 325, 819; ii. 814, 819.

-, -, his son (Henry) to be married to Anne Boleyn ?, 325.

-, -, daughter of (Elizabeth), married to lord viscount Fitz Walter, 362.

-, Elizabeth, duchess of Norfolk, 366; ii. 814.

-, -, tries to take precedence of her mother-in-law at court, but is prevented by Katharine, 368.

-, -, remark made by Henry to, concerning Anne Boleyn there present, ii. 617.

-, -, message to be conveyed to, ii. 814.

-, -, sister-in-law of the duke of Norfolk, married to lord Fitz-Walter, 362.

-, Leonor, the duke of Norfolk's mother-in-law, to stand godmother to Elizabeth, ii. 789.

Stanley, Edward, earl of Derby, 360, 477, 628.

-, -, to be married without dispensation to a niece of his deceased wife, 762.

-, Lady Dorothy, countess of, daughter of the duke of Norfolk, 360; v. Howard.

-, -, dies of the plague (15 March 1530), 477.

Staphileo, Dr., auditor (?) of the rota at Rome, writes in favour of the divorce, 159.

Statute of premunire, ii. 22.

Steel cap, one made at Toledo for Ferdinand, the king of Hungary, 776.

Steve, Dr., v. Gardyner (Stephen).

Steward, v. Stuart.

Stilliart, commercial house of the, in London ii. 794.

Stillington, bishop of Bath (1466–91 ), alluded to, 883.

Stippiciano, Pirroda, v. Colonna and Civazzano.

Stock, v. Stokesley.

Stocker, v. Stokesley.

Strasburg (Argentine), 46; ii. 309.

Stokesley, John, dean of the chapel, deacon of Surrey, bishop of London, appointed 14 July 1530,

-, -, the greatest enemy queen Katharine ever had, 238, 257; ii. 967.

-, -, sent to France for the purpose of inducing the universities to conclude in favour of the divorce, 305, 351, 386.

-, -, leaves for Paris in company with George Boleyn, 305, 351, 422 432, 465.

-, -, writes in favour of the divorce, though formerly against it. 386.

-, -, is presented by Henry to the bishopric of London (Jan. 1530), 422.

-, -, in Paris, consulting several doctors of the Sorbonne, who promise him a favourable opinion, 432, 448.

-, -, -, and yet contrary to his wishes, 448.

-, -, to go to the emperor at Bologna in company with the earl of Wiltshire, 422.

-, -, -, but ordered to proceed at once to Rome, 512; ii. 974.

-, -, leaves Lyons for Rome, 528, 564; ii. 974.

-, -, to visit, first Venice, Vicenza, and Padua, for the purpose of procuring opinions of lawyers and canonists on the divorce case, 545, 624, 637, 650, 869.

-, -, finds at the latter place 11 friars ready to conclude in favour of the king for 10 ducats each, 637–8, 651, 656.

-, -, applies to the signory for permission to consult the Paduan university respecting the divorce case, 502, 658.

-, -, upon the doge's refusal uses threatening language, 503, 658.

-, -, goes to the college-hall accompanied by Casale and Croke, and urgently asks for an answer to Henry's letter, 662.

-, -, -, and upon the doge and council, declaring that the king's application cannot be granted, makes uses of intemperate language, 663.

-, -, goes to Padua, 665.

-, -, gives out that he is authorized by Clement to consult all theologians, as well as canonists and lawyers, friars or laymen, on the matter of the divorce, 697.

-, -, abundantly supplied with funds to bribe the doctors, 698.

Stokesley, John, &c., preparing to go to Bologna for the furtherance of Henry's plans, 679.

-, -, -, where he obtains the opinion of certain canonists, 727–8.

-, -, his doings in Venice as reported by the imperial ambassador (Niño), 655–6, 653–9, 662, 695–7.

-, -, in the King's suite at Calais, ii. 494.

-, -, signs Henry's letter to the Pope, ii. 608.

-, -, -, all the credit of the negociation, however, Casale attributes to himself, 830.

-, -, returns to England (Dec. 1530), 876.

-, -, in London for the convocation, ii. 39.

-, -, one of the deputation sent to Katharine in June 1531, ii. 171.

-, -, -, his arguments on the occasion, ii. 174–5.

-, -, to Paris with the duke of Norfolk, ii. 647.

-, -, alluded to, ii. 688.

Stow, John, his Annals of the Reformation quoted, ii. 999.

Strigonia (Stigonium, and Gran in Hungary), 50, 203, 378.

-, taken by the Turks, 829.

-, to remain in Ferdinand's hands after the peace with Turkey, ii. 807.

-, archbishop of (Swlyok), goes over to the Turk, 198.

Strozzi, Matheo, 167, ii. 688.

-, Philippo, takes a sum of money to Florence for Catherina's outfit, 748.

Stuart, 'Alexander, bishop of Murray, proposed for a cardinal's hat, ii. 851, 999.

Stuart, John, duke of Albany, French ambassador at Rome, urgently asks for an answer to his memorandum on the best means of carrying on war against the Turk, 335, 710.

-, -, returning to Rome, 701.

-, -, -, apparently to negociate about Caterina's property in France, 703.

-, -, -, but in reality to treat of her marriage to the duke of Orleans, 704.

-, -, suspected by the English ambassadors, who know him to be no friend of their king, ibid.

-, -, to replace Grammont in the Roman embassy, 747.

-, -, report of his going to Ravenna by water turns out untrue, 751, 764.

-, -, ill for some time, or feigning to be so, 782.

-, -, gone incognito to Ferrara or to some other place in Italy, for an unknown purpose, ibid.

-, -, trying to secure the services of Giovan Paolo da Ceri and other Italian "condottiere" in case of a war with Charles, 806.

-, -, his arrival at Rome a source of suspicion for the signory of Venice, 807.

-, -, in Rome again (3 Nov. 1530), 791–2, 793, 821, 830, 836, 842; ii. 266, 480, 483, 910, 913, 964.

-, -, advises Clement respecting the Turkish war, 794–6.

-, -, visited by the imperial ambassadors, to whom he explains his charge, 806.

-, -, thinking of nothing but pleasure, and yet visiting Clement at night, 823.

-, -, -, assures him that there will be no Turkish invasion in the spring of 1531, as announced, 841.

-, -, takes off the mask and declares that Francis wants Milan, 843.

-, -, about Caterina's marriage and other matters, ii. 18, 32, 35, 47, 50, 132; ii. 123, 128.

-, -, much closeted with Clement II. (1531), ii. 54, 58.

-, -, about the interview [of Francis, Clement, and the Emperor] not taking place elsewhere than in Italy, ii. 119, 128.

-, -, a squire of Francis' chamber (Pontremoli ?) sent to, with instructions, ii. 120–21.

-, -, (1531) his views on the general council and the matrimonial alliance with France, ii. 18, 33, 178–9, 188, 190, 221, 232–3.

-, -, negociating about ecclesiastical affairs connected with France, ii. 19.

-, -, to be temporized with until fresh orders, ii. 32.

-, -, league against the Turk proposed by, ii. 77.

-, -, going to the baths of Loretto and thence to France, ii. 123.

-, -, again to replace cardinal Grammont at Rome until the arrival of bishop D'Inteville, ii. 185.

-, -, writes (in May 1531) that the affair of the divorce is assuming there a better aspect, ii. 152.

-, -, Dr. Fox's mission decided in consequence, ii. 152.

-, -, to command the French fleet (April 1532), ii. 419.

-, -, secretary of (Jean Barbon), to Scotland on a mission (Dec. 1530), 857.

-, -, arrival of this latter in London (27 Dec. 1531) accompanied by a papal auditor, ii. 337.

-, -, son of, 703–4; ii. 980.

-, -, his advice respecting the Turk, 490.

-, -, letters to, from king Francis, 507.

-, -, brother of, v. Stuart (Alexander).

Stuffa, Giovanni della, the pope's chamberlain, on a mission to Nice, ii. 685.

Styria, ii. 519–20.

Suabian, v. League.

Suarez de Figueroa, knight commander D. Gomez, imperial ambassador to Genoa, 25, 459, 485, 604, 684, 852, 871; ii. 118, 231–3, 808, 828, 852, 912, 917.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 15, 21, 32, 37, 40, 46.

-, -, and instructions to, 71.

Suffolk, duke of, v. Brandon.

-, duchess of, v. Mary and Tudor.

Sulmona, prince of, v. Lanoy.

Sumaria Council della, at Naples, 644; ii. 961.

Sumer (?), Micer, vice-chancellor at Naples, 536.

Suriano, Antonio, Venetian ambassador at Rome (1529–31), 454 note, 609, 617, 626; ii. 976.

-, -, conversation with Miçer Mai, ii. 21.

-, -, his quarrel with Andrea del Burgo (1581), ii. 120.

-, -, not present at the congregation of Dec. 1531, ii. 347.

-, -, replaced by Venier, ii. 976.

Surrey, earl of, v. Howard.

-, -, letter to, 43.

Sussex, earl of, v. Ratcliffe.

Sustfringen, Dr. John, to be appointed to a place in the royal council of Castille, ii. 778.

Sweating sickness (suettin and suerye) in London, Henry's physician and several of the royal household taken with the, ii. 757, 782.

Sweden (?), Suabian League, ii. 90.

Sweets, the emperor Charles immoderately fond of sweets, ii. 42–3.

Swiss in the pay of the confederates, 26–7.

-, claim money from Charles, 128.

-, 6,000 expected in Italy to succour the Florentines, 526.

-, those serving under the prince of Orange likely to mutiny for want of pay, 501.

-, holding a general diet, 662.

-, Sforza and the duke of Savoy about to make a defensive alliance with the (1530), 842–3.

-, Catholics apply to Rome for help against the Lutherans, ii. 195.

-, -, to be furnished with money and 2,000 hackbutiers from Milan, ii. 259, 470.

-, -, make a separate treaty with Zurich, ii. 305, 308.

-, -, -, and prepare to march against the Bernese, ibid.

Swiss cantons, the six Catholic, declare war to the seven Lutheran (May 1533), ii. 664.

-, some of them embrace Lutheranism, 151.

-, -, invade Savoy, and try to convert the inhabitants to the new sect, 151, 308.

-, -, covenant made by the, 152.

-, -, Francis to pay part of his debt to the, to secure their services in case of need, 334, 824.

-, -, to make war on the Catholic cantons, 192.

-, -, become the allies of Francis, 835.

-, -, take possession of Geneva, 835.

-, -, Francis promises payment of part of his debt to the (1533), ii. 180, 185.

-, -, 6,000 ducats to each canton, ii. 733, 808, 828.

-, -, hopes of their reduction entertained by Clement, ii. 831.

Switzerland, the Catholic cantons of, to be helped with men and money, so as to enable them to fight the Lutherans, 241–2, 298–9, 301; ii. 338, 358.

-, about to return under the rule of Carlo III. of Savoy, ii. 92.

-, treaty between the Catholic and Lutheran cantons of (26 June 1529) 212.

-, money from Venice may be obtained for, if a good intelligence be kept with the Catholic cantons of, 785.

-, the peace said to have been concluded between the Catholic and Lutheran cantons by the mediation of France gives general satisfaction, 858.

-, -, the news thereof joyfully received in London, ii. 357.

-, -, La Pommeraye's remarks to Chapuys about it, ii. 357–8.

-, -, defeat the Lutherans at Cappel, ii. 311–2.

-, Lutheran cantons of, reported to have made peace with the Catholics, ii. 326.

-, Catholic cantons of, dismiss the Italians they had in their pay, ii. 326.

Swlyok (George II.), archbishop of Strigonium (1528–37), deserts to the Turks, 198.

Sylva, v. Silva.

Syracosa, in Sicily, bishop of, v. Platamonius.

Syria revolts against Solyman, 184, 455, 463.

Symoneta, Jacopo, auditor at the Rolta, v. Simonetta.

-, -, a friar of Padua, a very perverse man, 526, 546.