Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.
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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Quarata, marquis of (Bury?), 561, 678; v. Corata.
Quarta or fourth of all ecclesiastic revenues in Spain asked for and obtained for the prosecution of the war against the Turks, 18, 142–3, 172, 249, 265, 528, 563, 565, 567, 611, 668; ii. 92, 539.
-, bankers in Spain advance one million and half of ducats on the proceeds of the, 494.
Querea (Quiros?) sent by the signory of Venice to Hungary and Turkey to report on the state of affairs in those countries, ii. 457.
Quevedo, a Spaniard, procter at Rome. 567.
Quevas, v. Cuevas.
Quieta, Quieti, v. Chieti and Theate.
Quildara, v. Kildare.
Quindal, v. Kendal.
Quintana, Dr., confessor of Charles, Int. xiv.
-, Pedro de, secretary to the Catholic sovereigns [Ferdinand and Isabella], 880.
Quiñones, Fr., Francisco Fernandez de, cardinal Santacroce, Int. ix., x.-xii.; 1,10, 19, 20, 29, 60, 75–6, 135, 139, 147–8,155, 285–6, 742, 823; ii. 236, 978.
-, -, appointed with others to congratulate the emperor on his landing at Genoa, 88, 135, 139, 143, 168.
-, -, strongly recommends the Florentine expedition, 177.
-, -, taken prisoner by Napolone Orsino, 164, 179, 193, 657.
-, -, conditionally released, and allowed to proceed to Genoa, accompanies Clement to Bologna, arrives there, 311.
-, -, his "mastro di casa" or steward, v. Conchano.
-, -, offers, with Clement's permission, to go to Spain and collect one third of all ecclesiastic revenues for the purpose of a holy war against the Turk, 742.
-, -, asks leave to return to Spain, ii. 544 (Oct. 1532).
-, -, accompanies Clement to Marseilles, ii. 806.
-, -, appointed together with other cardinals to report on the opportunity of a general council, 814–15.
-, -, his opinion thereon, 821.
-, -, in the consistory of Nov. 1533, votes against the prorogation of the English matrimonial suit, ii. 848.
-, -, letters to the emperor, 38, 89, 91, 94, 189.
-, -, to the high commander, 88.
-, -, to his own agent at the imperial court, 504.
Quirinale, the pope's palace in Rome, 732, 792; ii. 708.
Quirós, a Spaniard, accompanies Lasco to Constantinople on a mission from Ferdinand to Solymán, 11, 126.
Raciani ( ), v. Russians.
Raffaele, Girolamo, 167 note.
Ragusa, community of, 614, 698; ii. 421.
-, agent of, residing at Venice, 521.
-, advices from, respecting the Turk, 657; ii. 122.
Rain, Pedro, imperial consul in Venice, 491.
Ramirez de, Fuenteal, Diego, bishop of Cuenca and Gerona, ii. 537 note.
Ramon, (?) Pedro, at Naples, 831.
Ramazzoto (?), family at Bologna, their feud with that of Peppoli, 49 note.
Ramossot, v. Ramazzoto.
Rance de Chery, v. Ceri.
Rangone, count Guido, a Modenese condottiere in the service of France, 637, 644, 653, 664, 698.
-, -, receives his congeé, 831.
-, -, his services solicited by the French, ii. 290.
-, -, his law suit with Casale, ii. 530.
-, -, in Venice, in communication with Niño, ii. 324, 420–21, 454–6.
-, -, on a mission from the emperor to the signory (1532),
-, Ginevra, ii. 968.
-, Hugo, bishop of Reggio, papal nuncio sent to the Lutheran princes (1533), ii. 728, 784, 831.
-, Niccolò, ii. 968.
Ransom, to be paid for the release of Francis's sons, not coming as quickly and regularly as stipulated, 438, 496.
-, the money of, found deficient, 541.
-, (Ramon, Roman?), Luis, 635; iii. 977.
Ras, island of, on the coast of Africa (?); Algerine galleys and fustees anchor at,(Jan. 1531), ii. 32.
Raspuil (?), in Switzerland, ii. 310 note.
Ratcliffe, Ratclyffe, Robert, lord viscount Fitzwalter, created earl of Sussex (Dec. 1529), 362; ii. 969.
-, -, -, in the privy council, ii 252.
-, -, -, forms part of the deputation sent by Henry to Katharine in Oct. 1531, ii. 263.
-, -, -, is appointed member of the council of Government, ii. 497, 536, 992.
-, -, -, sent with other privy councillors to intimate to the princess that she is no longer to use her title, ii. 819, 830.
Ratisbon, in Bavaria, 120; ii. 305, 314, 339.
-, third diet to be held at (1532),
-, -, delayed, ii. 432.
-, letters dated at, 941, 953, 957, 967.
Rausonnieres, sieur de, 258.
Ravenna, cardinal of, v. Accolti.
-, the city of, retained and strongly fortified by the Venetians, 16, 21,49, 141, 218, 310.
-, -, to be restored to Clement, together with Cervia, if he will join the Italian league against Charles, 150.
-, the duke of Albany going to, 749.
Ravenstein, William, duke of, ii. 476.
-, -, report of his marriage to Mary, the princess of Wales, ii. 476 note.
Rawdon Brown, his " Venetian Calendar" quoted, Int. vii. xx.; ii. 817, 962, 975, 978.
Raynera, Reynera,Renera, v. Renèe, of France.
Recim, Reciii, sieur de, v. Barres and Vecin.
Regente, regent, or president of the court of Sumaria at Naples, v. Muxetula and Figueroa.
-, the office of, granted to Muxetula, 577.
Reggio (Rhegium Lepidi) in the Modenese, long retained by the duke of Ferrara, 21,166,178, 609, 640, 670, 679; ii. 47, 56, 153, 784.
-, (Reghium Julii), in Naples, ii. 831 note.
-, bishop of, v. Centellas.
-, bishop of, v. Rangone.
Reichstadt, of Innsbruck, 100; ii. 793.
Rejoicings at Rome for the treaty of Barcelona between Clement and Charles (1529), 135.
Relator, reporter or prolocutor in a court of law; imperial for Katharine's case at the Rota, ii. 241.
-, in consistory of cardinals, 844; ii. 8.
Remiremont, v. Romaricomonte.
Remisorias, v. Letters remissory.
Renço da Ceri, v. Ceri.
Renèe de France, duchess of Chartres, married to Ercole d'Este, 245, 314, 639–40,653.
Renque (?), Juan, 68.
Reyna, archdeacon of Toledo; delivers opinion on the divorce case, 753, 887.
-, -, memorandum for, 576.
-, Juan, ii. 685.
Rhese ap Thomas, Sir, a Welsh gentleman;brother-in-law of the duke of Norfolk,sent to the Tower (Oct. 1530), 762.
-, condemned and executed (4 Dec.1531), ii. 248, 323.
Rhodes, island of, ii. 324.
-, order of, 124, 202, 307.
-, galleys of, to sail against the Turk 795.
-, grand master of, v. Villiers.
-, prior of, in England, v. Weston.
-, permission granted for the knights to settle at Malta, 834.
-, galleys of, to join in a chase against Turkish pirates, ii. 77.
Rhone, river of France, 242.
Ribadeneyra, knight commander Antonio de, 25.
-, -, imperial courier, 35, 124.
Ricaldo, Ricardo, II., English solicitor at Rome, v. Croke.
Rice, Ryce, v. Rhese.
Rich, Hugh, friar of Christ Church, Canterbury; executed (21 Apr. 1533), ii. 866, 1,000.
Richmond, Charterhouse at, 486.
-, the queen and princess to pass five or six days together at (May 1530), 366,532, 633.
-, duke of, v. Fitzroy.
-, letters dated at, 22.
Richmont, the king-at-arms, in attendance upon the earl of Wiltshire; takes a message from that earl to Chapuys,437.
Ridley, Dr., one of queen Katharine's counsel, ii. 993.
Ridolfi, cardinal, 45; ii. 542.
-, Luigi, a Florentine, ii. 988.
Rie (Rye), one of the Cinque ports, 787 note.
Riedmatten, Adrian, bishop of Silten or Sion in the Valais, ii. 133,467.
Rieuz (?) Mr. de, a gentleman from Britanny; at Cambray, with Louise de Savoie, 108.
Rimini, 289.
-, lord of, v. Malatesta.
-, Sigismondo da, much better treated at the court of Francis than the rest of the Italian " fuorusciti," ii. 51.
Rincon, Capt Alonso del, a native of Medina del Campo, in Spain, with a message from Francis to the Turk, Solyman, 447, 602; ii. 147, 193, 196, 421.
-, -, his mission to the vayvod, in April 1532, ii. 420.
-, -, at Ragusa, dangerously ill, ii. 457.
-, -, in Venice, in company with the French ambassador, circulating all manner of alarming rumours concerning the Turks, ii. 519, 572–3, 797–8.
Ripalda, Capt. Rodrigo de, 99, 145, 162, 176, 829.
Ripalta, Ripalti, v. Bipalda.
Ris, v. Rhese.
Rivadeneyra, v. Ribadeneyra.
Risby, warden of the Observants of Canterbury, execution of (21 April 1533), ii. 866, 1000.
Rivolta, the Venetians at, 37.
Robertet, the bailli, 102.
Rocandolf, Rocandorf, v. Roghendorf.
Roccadamor, abbey of, in Sicily, 12.
Rochefort, lord, v. Boleyn, Thomas and George.
Roche Guyon, La, a fief in France, once belonging to the constable Bourbon,824.
Roche-sur-Yon, princess of la, v. Bourbon Montpensier.
Rochester, plague at, ii. 253, 523.
-, bishop of, v. Fisher.
Rocion, Mr. de, 487.
Roco de Xauser (?), a native of Lucca, at Marseilles during the conferences, ii. 849.
Rodilla, monastery of, 713.
Rodomonte, v. Gonzaga (Luigi).
Rodrico (?), v. Ripalda.
Rodriguez de Pisa, Juan, " corregidor" of Granada; his services at Rome in the matrimonial cause of England, ii. 491.
-, -, his work on administration, ibid.
Roeulx, (Reux, Rieux, Orrus), Mr. de, v. Croy.
Roghandorf, Roghendorf, Wilhelm von, 39, 100; ii. 297,957.
-, -, to be appointed high lord steward to king Ferdinand, 492.
-, -, on a mission to Constantinople (1531), ii, 126–7, 141.
Roig y Jalpi, Gaspar, his history of Gerona, ii. 248 note.
-, -, at Constantinople with the Turk (1533), ii. 892.
Rojas, D. Enrique de, sent by the emperor to console the empress for the loss of their son, 668–71, 716, 771, 774; ii. 983.
-, D. Francisco de, Ferdinand and Isabella's ambassador to Henry VII. (1504), ii. 145, 887.
-, Da. Maria de, 88 note.
-, Da. Maria de, Katharine's lady-in-waiting, 887.
Rolans (Roelands), Purxelai (?), Pietro, ii.166–8.
Romagna, 699; ii. 55, 859.
-, the abbot of Farfa no longer secure in the, 657.
-, the imperial infantry to quarter in, 334,816.
Roman, Martin, to replace in Naples Jacopo di Bologna, 596, 865.
Romano, Simone, a captain in the Venetian service, slain at Brindisi, 218.
Romans, king of the, Ferdinand's election as, to be promoted, 509.
-, -, the dignity of, offered to Henry VIII. by Maximilian, 809.
-, -, bulls for the election of, applied for; one excluding the duke of Saxony (George) required, 791.
-, -, election of, opposed, ii. 12–13.
-, -, definitively made in favour of Ferdinand, 810, 831), 874; ii. 35, 37.
Romaricomonte, (Romarici Mons, and Remiremont,) abbey of, in the Vosges (France), 700, 717.
-, -, law-suit concerning the, to be tried at Rome, ii. 59, 744,829, 986,998.
-, -, the French in favour of one of the parties claiming it, ii. 806.
Rome, city of, (1529,) most of the "taboriones" at, resign their offices in consequence of the heavy taxes imposed upon the inhabitants, 14.
-, persons to be expelled from, at the emperor's desire (Sept. 1529), 239.
-, vacations or holy days (from July to Oct.) at, cause of the frequent suspensions of the proceedings in the divorce suit, 848; ii. 230.
-, the divorce suit avocated to. 154.
-, the Campagna of, overrun by the Orsini, 171, 705.
-, rejoicings at Rome for the peace of Cambray (Sept. 1529), 212.
-, -, for the delivery of the French hostages, 636.
-, for the defeat of Zwinglius and the Swiss lutherans at Cappel, ii. 282.
-, full of Spaniards (May 1530), 530.
-, rumours of plague at, 636.
-, congress at, for the purpose of dipcussing the enterprise against the Turk, 675.
-, great inundation at, caused by the overflowing of the Tiber, 751, 765,797; ii. 981.
-, dearth of provisions in, ii. 91.
-, governor of, v. Monte.
-, letters dated at (1529), 2, 3, 6, 17, 23, 29, 30, 35–6, 38, 41–2, 74, 77, 87–98, 100–1, 104–7, 115–16, 119, 121–2, 127, 133–4, 140, 142, 150, 158, 162–3, 165, 179, 180, 186–7, 189–91, 193, 198, 202, 204, 206, 215, 217, 219.
-, letters in 1530, 275.
-, letters dated at, (1531) 588–9, 591, 593, 594, 696, 599, 600–14, 616, 620–34, 636–7, 639–40, 642–45, 653–5, 657–9,663,665,667–73,678–9, 685–90, 693, 695,697–700, 702–8, 715, 718–19, 723–7, 729–34, 738, 740–51, 758–61, 766–71, 773–4, 779–81, 783–5, 787, 789–92, 794–5,797–9,803,806, 810–13, 815–17, 820–28, 830, 832, 834, 835–6, 840–5, 849–53, 855–9, 861–4, 867–9, 871–4, 876, 884–5; (1532) 887,889–90, 892–4, 900–3, 909, 913–4, 916–21, 925, 929–30, 932–3, 935, 937–8,941–2, 944–7, 949–50, 955, 960–61, 969–71, 973–4, 976–9, 981, 984–5, 988–92, 996–7, 1000, 1002, 1004–6, 1010–12, 1014–21, 1025, 1029, 1031–2, 1034–5; (1533) 1042, 1044, 1050–51, 1054, 1059–60, 1066–71, 1074–5, 1078–80, 1082–5, 1088–9, 1092–3, 1095–7.
Ronquillo, 13, 18.
Kosa, v. La Rosa.
Rosario, Girolamo, a native of Vicenza, secretary to the nuncio at the imperial court, 269.
-, -, takes messages to the imperial ambassador in Venice (Niño), 729.
Rosas, in Catalonia, landing of Charles at, 21 April 1533, Lit. iii.
Roses, war of the, alluded to, ii. 672.
Rossano, archbishop of, v. Coppa.
Rossel, Roussel, Russell, Sir John, v. Russel.
Rosso, Gasparo, Venetian ambassador in France, 73; ii. 956.
-, -, Pietro Maria, count of San Secondo, ii. 532–3, 538–9, 541.
Rosymboz, Pierre de, imperial ambassador in England, Lit. vii.; 29, 37–8, 107, 303, 318, 338, 342–3, 349–50, 355, 357, 427,429,453.
-, -, -, instructions to, 195.
-, -, in England for the ratification of the treaty of Cambray (Oct. 1529), 279, 306–8, 323, 327, 333, 353–54; ii. 928–9.
-, -, -, also to gain over people to the emperor's service, 429.
-, -, -, a rather difficult mission to carry out, as he has neither leisure nor the means required, ibid.
-, -, -, permission granted to, to see queen Katharine, 350.
-, -, -, comforts her by saying that all the Parisian doctors consulted believe her marriage to be indissoluble, 351.
-, -, -, on a mission to Scotland, 444, 464, 475.
-, -, -, returns, ii. 465.
Rota, ecclesiastical court at Rome, 191, 202, 433, 507, 725, 731, 749, 821; ii. 8, 50, 83, 91,94, 276, 326–8, 415, 433, 441, 461, 490,579, 686, 717.
-, auditor at, a native of Barcelona, recommended by queen Katharine, 266.
-, another sent as papal nuncio to Scotland, ii. 337, 354, 857, 803.
-, a Spaniard of noble blood, well versed in canon law, to come to Rome and fill the place of auditor at the (Dec. 1530), 858.
-, how composed, ii. 629.
Rotaland, v. Rutland.
Rotlovc Declyff, Danish ambassador in England (March 1553), ii. 627.
Roucarme, v. Noircames.
Rouis (?), 124; v. Roeulx.
Rovere, Micer Antonio della, 23.
-, Francesco Maria della, duke of Urbino, makes peace with Venice, and accepts the command of her army, 17; ii. 133, 521.
-, -, -, resigns it, and affects neutrality, 164, 174.
-, -, the Florentines apply in vain for his help, 269.
-, -, agent of, in Venice, 615.
-, -, in Rome, ii. 765.
-, -, death of (Oct. 1529) by poison, 284, 968.
-, Guidobaldo, ii. 470, 590.
Rua, gentleman of Alarcon's household, bearer of letters to the emperor, 328.
Rubiera, in the Modenese, 21.
-, Antonio della, agent of the duchess of Urbino, 212.
Ruccelai (?), Pietro Rolans, ii. 168.
Ruiz de Mota, Garcia, imperial notary, 883.
-, de Puebla (Ruy Diez?), son of Dr.Puebla, Ferdinand's ambassador in England, statement made by, respecting the divorce, 571.
-, -, his brother, archdeacon of Malaga, 881.
Runfla, game of the (?), 822.
Rup, Rupt, François de, sieur de Waury, a Frenchman in the imperial service, 280; ii. 179, 395, 575.
-, -, marries the lady of Frascati, 165, 560; ii. 959.
-, -, sues for the duchy of Traletto, ii. 966.
Russel, Sir John, of the privy chamber, introduces Chapuys, 222, 232–4.
-, -, his interference in favour of Wolsey much resented by Anne Boleyn, 449–50; ii. 963.
Russians defeated by one of Ferdinand's captains (1529), 379.
Rustieis, Vincentio de, a. Roman gentleman, 873.
Rustieq, Nieholas, a native of Antwerp and captain in the French service, sent by Francis to recruit men in Italy, ii. 449.
Rutland (Thomas Manners), earl of, ii. 602.
Rycio (Ricci?), Florentine courier, 212.
Rye, Gerard de, sieur and baron de Valançon, 18, 19, 685; ii. 246, 249, 252.
-, -, brother of, sent by the emperor to pope Clement, 677.
Rymelen, Sigismond de, 258.
Ryncon, v. Rincon.