Spain: August 1529, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1879.

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'Spain: August 1529, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: August 1529, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: August 1529, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

August 1529, 21-31

21 Aug. 118. The Same to the Same.
K. u. K. Haus-
Wien. Rep. P.Fasc.
c. 225, No. 15.
The Emperor's letter, dated Barcelona, the 23rd of July, has come to hand through the channel of Madame the Princess de la Roche. Hears that letters of credence for the King, the Cardinal, and other personages across the Channel are being drawn up, and, therefore, hopes shortly to start for England. Yet he should very much like to have a conference with Madame before he starts on his mission, for certain doubts have arisen about his general instructions, a copy of which was forwarded by him to Madame. But, occupied as she now must be with the business of the Congress [of Cambray], there is very little chance of her being able to attend to this. Perceiving that Don Iñigo did not come to Mons as promised, and that the time for his own departure for England approached, he (Chapuys) decided to set out for Brussels, which he did, but found he (Don Iñigo) had departed the day before, leaving behind him a letter of excuse, and begging him (Chapuys) to put aside all scruples about the recall of Dr. Lee, as both the king of England and the legate wished for nothing short of having an Imperial ambassador at the English court, were it for no other purpose than the reputation to be gained by it at this present juncture.
Before his departure from Brussels the Bishop of Burgos (Don Iñigo de Mendoza) received a despatch from Rome, announcing the advocation thither of the Queen's case by the Pope. He also has had letters from that country which enable him to certify to Madame that the Pope has issued orders for the inhibition and execution to be made forthwith and at the same time. If, therefore, the whole was done before his arrival in England, it would seem as if nothing could be more opportune than the delay that has occurred. For his commission being entirely one of "douceur et amyteé," it stands to reason that it is far preferable the harm, if any, should be done before his arrival, and he (Chapuys) be freed from the suspicion of having brought it about, which might in a great measure have lessened the graciousness of his charge. Yet should he (Chapuys) find upon his arrival in England that the execution has been accomplished, every effort shall be made on his part to promote the successful issue of this affair, though in so secret a manner, and with such reserve, that these people will not suspect his being mixed up with it. There is plenty of time, since, until next October, the Roman cardinals will not attend to business of any sort. (fn. n1) —20th August.
If the French are as exact in the fulfilment of their promises as they have been careful in recovering from the English the Imperial obligations (obligaciones), it will be a proof that they intend henceforwards playing a better game than they have done hitherto.— Bruscelles, 20-1st August 1529. (fn. n2)
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys."
Addressed: "A l'Empereur."
French. Holograph. pp. 2.
20 Aug. 119. Loys de Praët and Miguel Mai.
S. E. L. 848,
ff. 79-80.
B. M. Add. 28, 579,
f. 68.
(Cipher:) Wrote on the 5th by a courier, by Ripalta on the 12th, and again on the 18th by Guillaume, the messenger. Are anxiously expecting an answer and instructions.
Four or five days ago the French ambassador entreated the Pope not to bind himself too much to his Imperial Majesty, or take engagements from which he could not afterwards disengage himself. It was a matter of history that popes and emperors were seldom on good terms with each other. He had better make a fresh league with Venice, the dukes of Milan and Ferrara, &c. The Pope himself told the ambassadors, and though the Frenchman is not a man of much authority, we deem it advisable to inform Your Majesty.
The Bishop of Tarbes (Gabriel de Grammont) is coming. We shall soon hear to what purpose, for he is sure to let it out speedily (se descubrirá presto). As he intended coming through Siena without any plausible reason, on his application to us for a safe-conduct we answered that it should be granted if the Pope wished it, but that we much preferred his journey to be through any other territory than that of the Sienese.
A man has lately come from Florence to attend, as he says, to his own private affairs, but in reality to spy out what the Prince's plan of campaign against Florence may be. The man himself believes that there will be no effusion of blood, provided His Imperial Majesty should clearly signify to the ambassadors now going to Genoa that his wishes are to re-establish there the rule of the Medici.
The bishopric of Traietto, &c.
The Venetian cardinals and those of the French party, five in all, have voted against our ten. It now remains to be seen whether the Pope will grant the fief or not. Cardinal Ravenna is doing good service in this affair, and says he can count upon his uncle, Ancona.
The Duchess of Urbino has again sent a message to the Pope, saying that not a soul shall stir in her estate to help the Florentines or oppose the Prince in his march. She is willing to receive at her court an agent from the Pope or from the Prince to report on her doings. Of her husband, the Duke, we hear that he has protested against Francesco Sforza and the Venetians, making them responsible for all the misfortunes that may fall upon them, for he says he has not the means of making war or helping them in any way.
A merchant from Siena, Christoval de Villena by name, has shown us to-day a letter from Florence, dated the 13th inst., in which it is advised that in Transylvania the royal army had defeated the Turks under Abraham Basha (Ibrahim Pasha) and the Vayvod. May the news prove true!
Barnaba (sic) Adorno, who went by the Prince's command to solicit the speedy arrival of the Germans, writes under date of the 13th inst. from Trent, that the German infantry and cavalry, as well as the levies from Flanders, were hastening their movements, and would be in Italy before the end of this month.
It is reported that the Marquis del Gasto (Vasto) with 2,000 Spaniards, and Fernando Gonzaga with most of the light cavalry wish to come from Naples to help the Prince in this Florence expedition. We have accordingly written offering him the services of those captains, but, in our opinion, the kingdom ought not to remain entirely without troops at a time when the Venetians are arming 20 more galleys.
The Archbishop of Capua (Schomberg) should be allowed to return [from Cambray], for certainly he can be of much use to us here.—Rome, 20th August 1529.
Signed: "Praët.— Mai."
Addressed: "To His Sacred Imperial Majesty."
Spanish. Original. pp. 4.
— July. 120. The Emperor to the Queen of England.
K. u. K. Haus-
Wien. Rep. Fasc.
No. 15.
Madame and aunt. According to the promise lately made by me to the ambassadors of my good brother and uncle, the king of England, your husband, and to those who delivered your verbal message at Saragossa, I now send to England as ambassador Miçer Eustace Chapuys, officer of Genesve (Geneva) of my Privy Council, that he may in my name try and persuade the King, my good brother, to ease his conscience and cast off any scruples and doubts he may have about the legitimacy of his marriage with you. This he can easily do if he will but duly weigh the many reasons and considerations which I then submitted to his ambassadors, and have now charged M. Eustace Chapuys, present bearer, to repeat. I confidently hope that the King's great virtue and magnanimity will prompt him to do that which I consider to be his duty and which must relieve his conscience.
As the said Eustace [Chapuys] is now going to reside in England as my ambassador, I earnestly beg and entreat you, Madame, to bestow favour on him, and assist him in anything he may want for the fulfilment of his charge.—Our Lord, &c., Barcelona [ — July 1529].
25 Aug. 121. Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 848,
f. 30.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 187.
[Cipher:] Wrote on the 5th inst. (fn. n3) reporting on late events, and principally on the Florence expedition, which both he (Mai) and the Cardinal (Santa Croce) have all this time strongly recommended to the Pope. As he invariably excused himself on the ground of his extreme poverty (se defendia con su pobreza), nothing could be done. At last it has been agreed that the Pope will give the Prince [of Orange], in various instalments, 9,000 more ducats, and that Florence being recovered and reduced under the Medicean rule, as it was formerly, 150,000 crs. shall be paid into the Imperial treasury, after deducting from that sum all the money he (the Pope) may have given in advance. A new league to be concluded between His Holiness, Florence, and His Imperial Majesty. We are trying to add an article whereby, in case of war, Florence and the Pope shall be bound to contribute 15,000 ducats monthly. If we succeed in the negociation we shall not fail to inform Your Imperial Majesty.
As the Pope and all these Imperial servants wish very much to see Your Majesty, it has been considered that this expedition to Florence was most urgent under present circumstances; first of all, to give confidence (asegurar) to the Pope, and secondly, the better to protect the kingdom of Naples from aggression.
The Venetians have taken Molfeta and Jovenazzo, and are still on the coast with their galleys; but should the Pope undertake Florence, as announced, the kingdom of Naples will be protected on that side until Your Majesty obtain the desired aim, by concluding a peace with your enemies, or punishing them for their offences. (fn. n4) On the other hand, Florence is a most important acquisition, not only on account of her position, but also on account of the sums with which she can, and must, contribute towards the expenses of the present war. All these considerations have moved us (Santa Croce, Burgo, and Mai) to detach Florence from the enemy, and try and win her over to Your Majesty's side.
It is rumoured that the Florentines are thinking of dispatching an embassy to Your Imperial Majesty. We should much like to be instructed as to what is to be done in this respect, previous to the Pope's consent; he certainly is doing all he can for conciliation, telling them that the Emperor's will must need be complied with according to the clauses of the treaty signed at Barcelona.
The other day news came by way of Siena that they (the Florentines) had made their calculations respecting the Emperor's arrival in Italy, and that the majority had voted for treating us as enemies, although a few entertained a different opinion, and that is why it was considered prudent not to postpone the expedition to Florence, as the reduction of that city would most likely be followed by the submission of Venice and Ferrara. (fn. n5)
We were afraid at first of the Duke of Ferrara opposing the undertaking, but we were mistaken; he has made no stir at all, nor is he likely to make it now that Your Imperial Majesty is in Italy, and yet he is said to be actually raising troops for fear of an attack on Modena and Reggio.
The same suspicions were entertained about the Duke of Urbino, to whose assistance, as reported, the Venetians were about to send 3,000 infantry, but the Duchess, his wife [Eleonora], has lately sent the Pope two or three messages by Antonio de la Rovera (della Rovere), to say that on no account shall any of her vassals take up arms [against the Emperor]. The same assurance has been conveyed to us [the ambassadors]; but both the Pope and the Prince [of Orange] are nevertheless thinking of sending people to report on the real state of affairs in the estate of Urbino.
Malatesta [Baglione], the chief cause of all this mischief, has himself lately been treating with the Prince, and offers now to take service under the Emperor. The Pope thinks that his proposals should not be disregarded; the ambassadors entertain the same opinion, provided Your Imperial Majesty lose no reputation thereby. However this may be, whether Malatesta makes his submission or not, the Imperial commanders have decided not to lose time at Perugia, but march straight on to Florence, for that city once reduced, all the rest will naturally fall.
The Pope a few days ago touched on the subject of the Duke Sforza's much talked of submission, but in the hope of His Majesty's speedy arrival in these parts the ambassadors are waiting to hear what will be his pleasure. The Duke [Francesco] has sent one of his most trusty servants to Morone, and this latter has dispatched a messenger to the Prince [of Orange] thereupon. Nothing will, however, be done without the Pope's intervention in this affair, or before fuller instructions are received by the ambassadors.
(Common writing:) As it was known by intercepted letters that the ex-Abbot of Farfa had offered to raise 1,000 men for Florence, a body of troops was sent to scour the roads. Having fallen in with one of the Abbot's secretaries, they took from him 3,000 ducats, which he was carrying to pay his master's men. At the Pope's express desire the commission was entrusted to one of the Prince's officers, to make it appear as if the arrest of the secretary and seizure of the money were ordered by the Prince and Pope conjointly, not by the Pope alone. In consequence of this arrest the ex-Abbot the other day secured the person of the most Revd. Cardinal Santa Croce, who was going to Your Imperial Majesty as one of the three Papal legates, and although he himself had expressly written two or three days before to say that the Cardinal had nothing to fear from him, or his men, and might proceed on his journey unmolested, yet he was stopped on the road and he and his suite robbed of whatever money they carried. The ex-Abbot has been written to, but he declares that he will not set the Cardinal at liberty as long as his own secretary remains a prisoner. (Cipher:) This is no doubt a grave affair, and one at which the Pope himself, the Prince [of Orange], and all the Imperialists of this city have been greatly shocked, so much so that the cardinals met yesterday to consider the case, and see what is to be done about it. Were it not for the loss of time which an undertaking of this sort is likely to cause, the Prince [of Orange] himself would willingly have started in pursuit of the marauder at the head of some of his forces, for the Cardinal's detention took place only four or five days' march from this place; but the Pope has given strict orders that the other two legates should proceed on their mission, leaving for another opportunity the chastisement of the ex-Abbot, who certainly richly deserves it for his insolence, and the many atrocities he has committed at other times.
(Cipher:) Cardinal Cornaro, who, as His Imperial Majesty must have heard by a former despatch, has lately thrown out hopes of a settlement with Venice, has just informed the ambassadors that he is expecting an answer from the Signory on Thursday next. The Pope is helping as much as he can in the negotiation, for it is in his interest, and he sincerely wishes for it. Prothonotary Caracciolo, who is now negociating at Mantua to the same purpose, has been told to hasten as much as he can his business in that quarter. Having asked His Holiness' advice as to what the Emperor had better do when he landed [in Italy], his answer was: "Let him bring with him a substantial peace, and treat all the Italian princes with mildness; that will be the surest way to do God service, and the best antidote against Turkish invasion, and the spreading of the Lutheran heresy over Germany."
(Common writing:) The French ambassador having the other day complained that this alliance [with the Pope] was the real cause of Your Imperial Majesty coming [to Italy], the Pope replied very wisely: "I have done my duty both to God and man. As far as the Emperor is concerned, I have always observed that with good management and fortune his affairs invariably prospered and turned out to his advantage," Next day the French ambassador warned the Pope not to bind himself so closely to Your Majesty that he should not afterwards be able to separate from him. Experience (he said) had shown that popes and emperors were not always in the best harmony possible. The Pope's answer on this occasion was that he feared nothing of the sort. He has since laughed at the ambassador's simplicity in saying such things, though if the truth be told the ambassador does not seem much qualified for the post, and sometimes is several days without getting a letter from his king.
Bulls for the Crusade and "Quarta."
Military orders of Calatrava and Alcantara.
Payment of the census or fee of Naples to be prorogued until the 1st of October.
Brief of absolution to the parties concerned in the trial and execution of Bishop Acuña.
The galleys of the order of St. John were on the coast of Sardinia on the 20th of July, bound for Malta.
A courier has arrived from England in nine days, bringing the duplicate of the powers of attorney granted by Her most Serene Highness the Queen of England, as well as a copy of the proceedings instituted hitherto. It is said that the sentence has been prorogued until the 1st of October, which is highly advantageous, for in the meantime the inhibition and the advocation of the cause [to Rome], which have been dispatched by six different routes, cannot fail to arrive.
It would be advisable to send some galleys to the coast of Puglia to prevent the Venetian fleet, in case of the present negociations with the Signory failing, doing more harm in those parts.
News has come from France by two successive couriers, intimating that a peace had been concluded, [at Cambray] between Your Majesty and the kings of France, England, and Hungary. But as no one seems to know here whether the confederated Italian powers are comprised in it or not, and if they are, in what capacity, the whole of Italy is anxiously expecting information on that score. We ourselves ought to be informed as soon as possible, because the Pope himself wishes to know the particulars, and is continually asking us about them.
At Florence all letters are opened and read. Therefore, though Your Majesty's visit to Italy is likely to put a stop to such practices, yet it would be advisable to have them addressed to Piacenza, or by sea to Plumbin (Piombino), whence they may safely come to Rome.
Yesterday was the day fixed for the meeting of Sancti Quatuor and Cesarino at the palace of Cardinal Ancona, for the purpose of discussing the Traietto affair; but as on the same day and hour a congregation of cardinals was announced to take into consideration the misdeeds of the ex-Abbot of Farfa it could not take place.
Bauri went away three or four days ago to be married to a daughter of the late Marco Antonio Colonna.
Cardinal San Severino, as Your Majesty has already been informed, has laid himself much open to suspicion (sospechoso) in the affairs [of Naples.]—Rome, 25th August (fn. n6) 1529.
Signed: "Mai."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on the margins. pp. 19.
28 Aug. 122. Lous de Praët and Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 848, f. 69.
B. M. Add. 28,579,
f. 91.
Have informed the Emperor in a former despatch that the English ambassadors had petitioned the Pope to have the summons and inhibition lately gained in the matrimonial suit of the king of England modified, and mentioned the answer made by them (Praët and Mai) on that occasion. Accordingly yesterday, the 27th, they waited on the Pope and told him that if he wished to suspend the trial for one month or two, so as to give the king of England time to consider and find out, as he said, on which side justice was, they (the Imperial ambassadors) would be glad of it. The suspension, however, was not to be so long as to send us to sleep (adormentarnos), and then take us unawares in their usual manner by renewing the suit whenever they (the English) found a fit opportunity (fn. n7) The Emperor and the Queen of England herself had no other wish than to put an end to this affair, if possible, by fair means. Should these prove unavailable, they wished to have it tried by law rather than remain in a state of perplexity and doubt.
As, moreover, the English ambassadors wished the Pope to advoke the cause to his court, we requested him not to do so; without, however, showing any mistrust or suspicion, as he might otherwise receive much annoyance on opposing such touchy and delicate people as these seem to be. Since the affair had been committed to the Rotta, and was to be referred afterwards to a consistory of cardinals, we suggested that His Holiness was not bound to take more trouble than he had already done about it.
The real truth is that although my colleague and myself show no mistrust of the Pope, we do not at all approve of his taking up the affair, for he may die, and be succeeded by another Pope whose circumstances may vary, and the English ambassadors be thereby encouraged to ask for new decrees, as they have done hitherto, and thus recover the influence they once had and still have at this court. (fn. n8) For the truth is that they (the English) are great favourites here; whether it be in consequence of the Pope's good faith and kind disposition towards them, or because they purchase favour from some of his ministers, we cannot say; but the fact is that they bribe right and left, and are known to spend large sums of money in this affair.
To the third article in their petition, which was that certain words which might throw discredit upon their king, should be suppressed in the warrant (commission), our answer was, that if they would only point out those they objected to we would do everything to have them modified or suppressed. (fn. n9)
We have, however, agreed with the Pope to wait until the treaty of peace recently concluded at Cambray is ratified and made public, as the English king may then modify his opinions respecting the commission issued on the 26th of July, at a time when he himself was very far from thinking that a general peace should be made.—Rome, 28th August 1529.
Signed: "Loys de Praët.—Mai."
Spanish. Original. pp. 2.
30 Aug. 123. Memorandum of Francisco de Los Covos, the Emperor's First Secretary. (fn. n10)
S. E. L. 26,
ff. 192-3.
B. M. Add. 28,579,
f. 98.
Owing to the news lately received of the armaments made by the Turk, the Emperor is absolutely determined to put an end to his business in Italy, in order to march to the assistance of his brother, the king of Hungary.
The Emperor and His Holiness the Pope are to meet at Rome, to consider the most efficacious means of arresting the progress of the Infidel. The ambassadors of France, England, and all the Christian powers to meet also there for the same purpose.
Subsidies in money to be immediately procured from the Emperor's various kingdoms in Spain.
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 3.
29 Aug. 124. The Emperor to the Pope. (fn. n11)
S. E. L. 849,
f. 5.
On his arrival at Genoa lost no time in writing to His Holiness. Has since received his letters brought by "nuo genero et figliulo," Alessandro de' Medici, as well as by Abbate Negro (del Nero?) and others. Is glad to hear that His Holiness is pleased with his coming, for as he (the Emperor) has already written and assured him many a time, it is only intended for his complete happiness and the benefit of Christianity. Having, moreover, understood from the said Alessandro, as well as from the cardinals, his legates, who came afterwards, and from his Nuncio (the Bishop of Vaison), that His Holiness wished to see him as soon as possible, he had decided, with the advice of the said Nuncio, to take the road to Piacenza, and thence send forward his army—both the Spaniards who have come with him and the reinforcements he is daily expecting from Germany, Flanders, and Burgundy—that he might, with greater security, oppose his enemies or make peace with them. Whilst things were in this state, and he was making preparations to carry out the above design, a messenger arrived dispatched by his aunt, Margaret, with the news of the peace of Cambray. Will, nevertheless, prosecute his journey to Piacenza, and decide there when and where he is to have an interview with His Holiness.—Genoa, 29th August 1529.
Spanish. Original draft. pp. 2.
30 Aug. 125. J. de Balbi the Emperor.
Lanz. Corresp.
d. Karl. V.,
Vol. I., p. 329.
Arrived at Aleppo on the 16th inst. Was obliged to stop in that city, being unable to proceed on his journey to Persia on account of the frontiers swarming with Turks, ready to attack the Sophi, who by this time has invaded the dominions of the Turk and taken several of his towns. Will do all he can to continue his journey towards Persia. Part of Syria has revolted against Sultan Solyman; but as his recent successes [in Hungary] have been celebrated, both here and elsewhere, with bonfires and rejoicings, Cairo and Damascus have not joined in the movement, and remain faithful. Has written from Dalzanto (the island of Zante), advising the arrival at Modon of about 50 galleys of the Venetians, and 15 more of the Turk, the crews of which were expecting news of His Majesty being soon in Italy and taking up arms against the Turk, in which case they will all revolt, inasmuch as all the Turkish forces in Syria are, as above stated, in front of the Sophi.
Has only 10 days to march before he reaches his destination.—Aleppo, 30th August 1529.
Signed: "J. de Balby."
Indorsed: "Received at Bologna on the last day of December."
French, pp. 2.
30 Aug. 126. The Emperor to the Empress Isabella.
S. A. G. Guerra,
B. M. Add. 28,579,
f. 93.
Wrote on the 22nd by Luis Sarmiento. Since then three cardinals have arrived, sent by the Pope, also four Florentine ambassadors, who have offered their submission. Wishing, however, to fulfil strictly his obligations to the Pope, has sent orders to the Prince [of Orange] to leave Rome with the army and lay siege to Florence. A Ferrarese ambassador has likewise come, who will be treated in the same way as the Florentines.
Intends going to Piacenza as soon as his army has been got together. Hopes to meet the Pope there.
With respect to the Dauphin and to the Duke of Orleans, his wish is that they be strictly watched and not allowed to speak to any one except in the presence of the Constable of Castille or of his brother, the Marquis de Berlanga. They are, moreover, to have 4,000 ducats a year for their common expenses.—Genoa, 30th of August 1529.
P.S.—Wednesday the 25th, at night. Guillaume de la Barch, (fn. n12) his secretary, arrived with the news of the peace concluded at Cambray. Bregilles, Madame's High Equerry, took a similar message to Spain. The ratification only is wanting, which he (the Emperor) will be glad to sign as soon as possible. Has written by this post to the viceroys of Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia, and Navarra, to have the peace proclaimed everywhere and lay the frontiers open.
Signed: "Yo el Rey."
Countersigned: "Covos."
Addressed: "To the most high and mighty Empress and Queen, our dear and beloved wife."
Indorsed: "From His Imperial Majesty to the Empress Isabella. Brought by Luis Sarmiento."
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. pp. 7½.
— Aug. 127. Miçer Mai to the High Commander of Leon (Covos).
S. E. L. 852,
ff. 29-30.
B. M. Add. 28,579,
f. 390.
Has had a conversation with the Pope respecting Ferrara, and Fornari's debt to the Capuan. His Holiness promised to look into both these affairs, and also to grant the Archbishop of Santiago [Tavera] the "Indulto quadragesimal" for six years.
With regard to the pension on Toledo the affair has been put into the hands of three cardinals to report upon. They are to meet soon, and he (Mai) is to be present at the deliberations.
Respecting the English business, the Pope says that he has heard that the father of the lady, and the rest are very sorry (arrepentidos) that they ever offered to state their reasons in writing. His [the Pope's] opinion is that the trial must go on, for he believes the English will ultimately yield [blanderean]. The Emperor ought to speak fair words to them, as he has been always in the habit of doing.
With regard to the Crusade, and the new application for it, he (Mai) has been referred to Cardinal Sancti Quatuor.
According to Mugettola (sic) three years are owing of the new "censo" (feudal rent) for Naples. One in the Duke's time, (fn. n13) another in his [Muxetula's], and a third since he [Mai] has been at Rome. On St. Peter's day next (fn. n14) there will be four, making altogether 28,000 ducats. Benevento has only been pledged for 19,000, so that next month 9,000 ducats will be required for the payment of the said feudal rent, besides 1,000 more for the trappings, &c. of the white steed (hacanea) (fn. n15) to be presented on the occasion. (fn. n16)
Spanish. Contemporary copy. p. 1.
128. (fn. n15) The Sums of Money claimed by the King of Hungary.
S. E. L. 635,
f. 145.
B. M. Add. 28,579,
f. 62.
Ferdinand, the king of Bohemia and Hungary, claims the following sums from his brother, the Emperor Charles.
1st. For the debt to George, Duke of Hesse 213,330
2nd. Paid to the regents (Regimiento) of the Empire, on the Emperor's account (fn. n17) 79,277
3rd. Paid to the Count Palatine, on account of what the Emperor owes him. (fn. n18) 17,000
4th. Paid to Count Horne 3,000
5th. Paid to the Duke of Brunswick, as part of the 20,000 gold florins which he claims as arrears 10,000
Making altogether 322,607
The King has received from the Emperor, his brother, 200,000 ducats in three different instalments, without including 200,000 more lately received, and which amount in full to the sum of gold florins 270,000
Which leaves a balance of gold florins 52,607 in favour of His Highness, the King – 52,607
To the above total sum owing to the King by his brother, the Emperor, must be added 140,417, being the debt of Naples with interest.
Six thousand florins, however, to be deducted from the Palatine's account, bring down the Emperor's debt to – 6,000
Spanish. Original. p. 1.
129. Opinion on the above Memorandum of Debts owing by the Emperor.
S. E. L. 635,
f. 146.
B. M. Add. 28,579,
f. 63.
With regard to the king of Hungary's claim on the treasury of Naples, amounting to 140,417 florins, its justice is at once acknowledged; but as the finances of that kingdom are so exhausted, it will be impossible to pay immediately so large a sum. An arrangement might, however, be made for the King to receive at Naples a proportionate quota every year, with interest, until the final extinction of the debt.
As to other claims, amounting together to 200,000 ducats, my opinion is, that if to the last remittance of 100,000 we add 10,000 more paid for discount, besides 50,000 remitted on former occasions, the Emperor's debt to the King, his brother, will be considerably reduced thereby, and the balance can easily be paid out of the service money to be demanded from the Lutheran princes and towns. And if the sums obtained from such sources, either by voluntary gifts, or by way of fines imposed as punishment for past offences, &c., be considerable, as is to be expected, the remainder, after paying the Emperor's debt to his brother, might be applied to settle the claims of the other princes; and then the 300,000 ducats, which the Emperor is to give shortly, could be devoted exclusively to the expenses of Ferdinand's election as king of the Romans, and also to the Hungarian war. This, however, cannot be thought of for the present, as our calculations might turn out incorrect.
With respect to the further sum of 200,000 crs., which the Emperor has promised to bestow on his brother, the King, there is no difficulty. Salinas may at once be sent to Spain to collect the money and bring it with him, for certainly 10,000 wisely spent now in the election will be more profit-able than 20,000 at a future period.
At any rate, if the Emperor's debt to his brother could not now be paid in full a proportionate sum might be taken out of the aforesaid 200,000 crs. and exclusively destined for that purpose.
In my opinion the expenses of the election ought to be attended to first; those of the Hungarian war next. Should, however, the King think that both undertakings can be conducted at once, let it be so, though with this understanding, that the election is by far the more important of the two, inasmuch as there has been already some talk against it.
The election to be dealt with in this manner: The sum of money to be spent therein, and which ought, of course, to be as small as possible, to be taken, as above stated, out of the 200,000 crs.; for, after all, it is but just that the Empire, for which His Imperial Majesty has made so many sacrifices and exposed himself to so many dangers, and the King's own patrimonial estates should divide the expenses equally. On the other hand, Ferrer's proposal (fn. n19) deserves consideration. The claims of the princes ought to be placed exclusively to the King's account. If he cannot pay let the Emperor lend him the money, and deduct it from his intended gift. But the Palatine's demands are, in my opinion, so exorbitant that the greatest caution must be used in examining them, lest by granting them in this case we should encourage other princes to make similar applications.
Spanish. Original draft in Gattinara's hand. pp. 3.


  • n1. Qu' eust grandement decoulouré et amoindré la grace de ma dite charge. Si toutesfoy, lon treuve quel' on ayt exploetté en la ditte execution, j'y donerey tel ordre quel appartient en esforçant le faire si secretement quil ne se puyssent apperçeuoyr que m'en soye mesle, ne que pense ce pourroit conduyre, puys que l'on a temps assez, c'est a sçavoir jusques a Octobre dans le quel les cardinaux no peuvent proceder a nulz actes.
  • n2. Under No. 14, in the same bundle, is a private and confidential letter of Chapuys to Nicolas Perrenot, sieur de Granvelle, dated Mons, 20th August, giving an account of his journey from Savoy to Belgium.
  • n3. Not in the bundle, which contains few letters before the end of August.
  • n4. "Y parece que haziendo esta empresa el Papa, está todavia á las espaldas del Reyno."
  • n5. "Por via de Sena se supo esto otro dia como havian hecho en Florencia sus cuentas, que dizen ellos, sobre la bienaventurada venida de V. Mt. y que los senadores y otros havian dado las havas del voto que tractassen á V. Mt. como enemigo."
  • n6. By a mistake of the clerks this despatch was dated April the 25th instead of August.
  • n7. "Quando tuviessen otra ocasion á su modo."
  • n8. "O quando cesare otro mal seria dar esperanza á los Ingleses que cada dia querrian nuevas decretales, como han pedido hasta agora ó otros regalos, porque en verdad ellos estan muy regalados. No sabemos la causa si es por sola la buena fe del Papa, ó si la compran de alguno de los ministros."
  • n9. "Que no faltariamos en lo que buenamente se pueda afloxar."
  • n10. According to a note on the dorse of this memorandum, circular letters were to he addressed to the President [Tavera] and to the Council of Castille; to the Bishop of Zamora; to the Council of Finances; the Archbishop of Toledo; the Count of Miranda [D. Francisco de Zuñigay Avellaneda]; Don Juan Manuel; [D. Alonso de] Fonseca; Diego Hurtado; the accountants of the Crusade; the Treasurer Alonso Gutierrez, clerk in the Finances, &c., and to all those who had anything to do with Salina's commission, which was to collect as soon as possible the service in money voted by the Cortes of 1528, and take it out of Spain; no easy operation, as may be seen by Salina's subsequent despatches.
  • n11. This letter, which the Emperor wrote in his own hand, was published by Zilet. i, Lettere di Principi, Venetia 1581, vol. ii. p. 185. If the date of the draft at Simancas is correctly given it must have been signed by the Emperor on the eve of his leaving Genoa, for, according to the Vandeness' Itinerary, he left that city on the 30th.
  • n12. Thus written in the draft, but evidently a mistake, for his name was Guillaume des Barres,about whom see part 2, p. 373. As to Bregilles, his Christian name was Jean. He had formerly been employed by Margaret of Austria. See Vol. III., part 1, p. 107.
  • n13. The Duke here mentioned must be Don Luis Fernandez de Cordoba Duke of Sessa, Imperial ambassador in Rome from 1523 until his death, in 1526. Muscetula (here called Mugettola) filled a similar post at Orbietto and Viterbo, till the arrival of Mai in 1527. See vol. III., part 2, pp. 849-51.
  • n14. The 29th of June 1530. (?)
  • n15. Hacanea (in Fr. haqueneé, It. chinea) was the hackney or white steed which the kings of Naples had to present every year to the Pope in sign of vassalage.
  • n16. As the letter is not dated, it is difficult to fix the precise day and month in which it was written. This must have been after the Emperor's landing at Villa-franca di Nizza on the 5th of August, and subsequent journey to Savona on the 9th, where he is known to have made a stay of three days. He then went to Genoa, where he remained till the end of the month. I have therefore placed it between the 12th of August, the date of the Emperor's landing at Genoa, and the 30th, when according to the Itinerary, the Emperor left for Piacenza. All this time Francisco de los Cobos, or Covos, High Commander of Leon, to whom Mai's letter is addressed, was Charles' principal secretary.
  • n17. On the margin of this paper are notes in Gattinara's handwriting like the following: "Let the vouchers be produced."
  • n18. The Palatine's receipt in full must also be exhibited.
  • n19. A treasurer of this name was about this time in Italy, having sailed from Barcelona with the Emperor. His Christian name was Bartholomé. See vol. III., part 2. pp. 611 and 757.