Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1879.
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'Spain: August 1529, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: August 1529, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: August 1529, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
August 1529, 11-20
11 Aug. | 105. Louis de Praët and Miçer Mai to the Emperor. |
S.E.L.848, f.49. B.M. Add. 28,579, f. 38. |
Have heard by letters from Genoa of the Emperor's safe arrival at the island of Eras (d'Yéres). As by this time His Majesty must already be in Italy and at Genoa to restore peace and tranquillity to the whole of Christendom; as, moreover, His Holiness is about to dispatch the Abbot of Nero, (fn. n1) and the Prince to send to-morrow Captain Rodrigo de Ripalda, they (Praët and Mai) will end by wishing their lord and master a most happy welcome.—Rome, llth August 1529. |
Signed: "Loys de Praët. Mai." | |
Addressed: "To the Sacred Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Sovereign Lord." | |
Spanish. Original. p. 1. | |
11 Aug. | 106. The Same to the Same. |
S.E.L. 848. f.49. B. M. Add. 28,579, f. 39. |
Wrote on the 5th inst. of general events, and principally of the expedition against Florence, with regard to which, though they pressed the Pope to fix the conditions, nothing definitive could be achieved for some time, (fn. n2) as the Pope invariably excused himself on account of his extreme poverty. At last he agreed to give the Prince [of Orange] 80,000 ducats at various dates, and promised besides that, on the surrender of that city and the restoration of the Medici there, the Florentines should be compelled to pay 150,000 more, from which the 50,000 are to be deducted. A new league to be concluded between himself, the Emperor, and the Florentines, and in case of war the latter to pay 15,000 ducats monthly towards the expenses of the Imperial army. Such is the agreement proposed; the terms will be settled this very night. |
As the Prince and all these captains wish very much to see the Emperor [in Italy], it has been agreed that the expedition must not be delayed. The reduction of that important city cannot fail to be beneficial to the Pope, and to the kingdom of Naples also, for the Venetians have lately taken Molfetta and Jovenazzo, and their fleet is threatening the coast of Puglia. The Prince, whilst attacking Florence, can easily relieve Naples if assailed by the enemy, and wait until, by making peace, or punishing the Florentines, the Emperor sets matters right. These considerations have led us to hasten the conclusion of the agreement, inasmuch as Florence is a very important city from its situation and the money it can furnish in time of war. | |
There is a rumour that the Florentines are about to send an embassy to the Emperor. If so, they should not be allowed to treat except with the Pope's previous sanction. | |
Letters from Siena state that some days ago a council of "notables" was held at Florence, respecting His Imperial Majesty's expected arrival, and that out of 80 members, 68 had voted against his being treated as an enemy. It is possible that now that the agreement with the Pope is fairly concluded, and the expedition against that city decided upon, the majority may change their minds. However this may be, the undertaking, if properly conducted, is sure to facilitate also the reduction of Venice and Ferrara. | |
It was suspected at first that the Duke Alfonso [d' Este] might and would oppose the undertaking; but he made no signs of it, and the suspicion vanished away. Nor is it likely he will dare now take up arms after the Emperor's landing in Italy, though it is generally reported that he goes on making levies of men for fear of Modena and Reggio being snatched from him. | |
The same suspicions were entertained about the Duke of Urbino (Francesco Maria della Rovero). It was even reported that the Venetians were about to send 3,000 men to his help. The Duchess, however, has sent two or three messages to the Pope by one named Lirovera (sic), assuring him that not one of the Duke's vassals shall stir. Nevertheless the Pope and the Prince [of Orange] are thinking of sending thither some soldiers of fortune (aventureros), to ascertain if what the Duchess says is true or not. | |
Malatesta, who was the main cause of all these troubles, has written to the Prince, and offered to enter the Imperial service. The Pope and all of us think that his offer should be entertained, and that even should his proposals be inadmissible, he should be left undisturbed at Perugia until Florence is completely reduced. | |
The Duke Francesco Sforza has likewise sent a messenger to Moron, and the latter one to the Prince, to the effect that he (the Duke) is very desirous of obtaining the Emperor's pardon and grace. We have been very cautious not to move in this affair until the Emperor should send us instructions; in the mean time we will take care, according to orders received, that no agreement be made without His Holiness' cognizance. | |
The Abbot of Farfa (Napoleone Orsino) we heard, was about to raise 1,000 men for the service of the Florentines; and in fact some of our men captured the other day on the road to that city a secretary of his with 3,000 ducats, &c. Next day the Abbot himself sallied forth, and took Cardinal Santa Croce prisoner. He now sends word that if we send back his secretary he will set Santa Croce at liberty. | |
Cardinal Cornaro, &c. | |
French Ambassador and his intrigues. | |
The orders of Calatrava and Alcantara. | |
A post has arrived from England with the duplicate of the powers granted by the Queen, and also a copy of the proceedings in the divorce case. He says that the sentence is prorogued till the 1st of October, which is a very lucky move, for in the meanwhile the inhibition and advocation of the cause, which have been forwarded by six different ways, will arrive in England. | |
All the faithful servants of His Majesty are of opinion that after the Emperor's landing on the coast of Genoa the fleet should be sent to Puglia, to prevent the Venetians doing more harm on that coast. | |
The Florentines are in the habit of intercepting and opening all letters that pass through their territory. It would therefore, be advisable that all correspondence should come to Rome by way of Piacenza (where the Pope has established relays of horses), or else go by sea to Piombino. | |
The affair of Traietto-Bauri (Waury) gone to be married to a daughter of the late Marco Antonio Colonna. Sanct Severino [the cardinal] is not to be trusted, and for this reason the Council of Naples delays as much as possible to give him possession of the archbishopric of Tarento. | |
The Pope's brief to the Grand Master of Rhodes about Santa Eufemia.—Rome, 12th August 1529. | |
Signed: "Praët. Mai." | |
Addressed "To His Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Spanish. Original. pp. 10. | |
12 Aug. | 107. The Archbishop of Capua to the King of France. |
S.E.L. 496, f.71. B.M. Add. 28,579, f. 44. |
Advises him to ratify as soon as possible the treaty concluded at Cambray (fn. n3) between himself, the Pope, the Emperor, and the kings of Hungary and England, as otherwise a rupture might be the consequence. |
Headed: "Summary of the letter of the Archbishop of Capua to the king of France."—Lyons, 12th. | |
Italian, p. 1. | |
12 Aug. | 108. News of the Turk (fn. n4) |
S.E.L. 848, f.76. B.M. Add. 28,579, f. 45. |
The Turks are marching on Hungary. Our master, the King, is doing his utmost to go out against them, but his resources are scanty. Unless powerful assistance comes soon from the Christian princes there is no knowing what will become of us. |
Transylvania, as I said in my last, has been mostly occupied by the Moldaves, though we still possess a few castles in it.—Lintz, 12th August 1529. | |
Italian. Contemporary copy. p. 1. | |
— | 109. News from Genoa. |
S.E.L. 496, f. 72. | The Emperor's forces amount to 13.000 Spaniards, counting the 9,000 Leyva has under him. As to the lansquenets, who are coming down from Germany, nobody knows their number, although there has been, as I am informed, the greatest possible difficulty in recruiting them. It is said that the Emperor intends going to the Mantuan to meet them. I do not believe, however, that he will cross the Po, on account of the expense of constructing bridges for his troops to pass over; besides, he may not wish to abandon the route to Rome (la strada Romea), in order either to make peace or else attack the Duke of Ferrara. |
I hear that the Emperor has solemnly promised His Holiness not to take his crowns until Modena, Reggio, Cervia, and Ravenna have been restored to him; but I should say, that being so powerful, he can easily oblige the Pope to do his will, considering he has neither a place to take refuge in, nor galleys in which to go away. | |
The Emperor has not much money with him; all his trust is in that which he is to get from the king of France. | |
The command of the Imperial forces has been given to Antonio de Leyva, which shows that the Emperor intends disposing of the duchy of Milan at his pleasure, or perhaps keeping it for himself. Meanwhile the Duke of Bari has gone to Alessandria, which he has strongly fortified. He also intends strengthening Pavia, whither he has sent six pieces of ordnance; all of which would show that he intends to reject the Emperor's terms; but it seems to me that whatever his efforts he can only meet with loss and shame. | |
A courier has arrived dispatched by Mme Margarita, announcing that the Turk had already taken possession of the whole of Hungary, and was marching upon Vienna, and entreating the Emperor to hasten to the assistance of his brother [Ferdinand] who, he says, is unprovided with the means of defence.—August 1529. | |
Italian. Copy. | |
14 Aug. | 110. The Emperor to Praët and Mai, his ambassadors at Rome. |
S.E.L. 1,555, f. 113. B.M. Add. 28,579 f. 45. |
The King.—Mr. de Praët, our chamberlain and Privy councillor, and Miçer [Miguel] Mai, our ambassadors in Rome. |
From the island of Yères first, and from Savona afterwards, We wrote to you (Praët) and Mai announcing our arrival there, and telling you that We would write again soon more fully. After staying at Savona three or four days, that the infantry might land, We came here [to Genoa] on Thursday the 12th inst., and were received with affection and joy by this Republic, which had previously sent us her ambassadors to the former place. | |
We intend stopping here some days (algun dia), in order to receive letters from you, as well as from the Prince of Orange, and learn the present state of affairs; also for the purpose of affording rest to the men, who have been long at sea. We also expect letters from our aunt of Flanders, to know for certain if peace has been made or not; for letters from Cambray of the 30th ulto state that it was then on the point of being signed. Until We receive authentic information from various parts We do not intend to move from this place, nor have We decided yet which road We shall take. Should We go through Piacenza, you will assure His Holiness that every precaution shall be taken to prevent the men from doing injury to the country people. | |
The Florentines sent to us, to Savona, one person with letters of credence, to say that they were glad to see us in Italy, and to request that We would give audience to four ambassadors more, (fn. n5) whom the community intended sending us in order to treat of certain matters, and, if necessary, to offer their excuses for the past. They wished us in the meantime to send orders to the Prince not to invade their territory, since they they desired to act uprightly (pues se querian poner en razon). We, of course, delayed an answer to this request until the credentials of the Florentine ambassador were properly examined, which being done, and the whole affair communicated to the Papal Nuncio, We caused the following reply to be made in our name: "The ambassadors of the Community may come to us whenever they please in all security," nothing more. The Florentine, however, insisted that orders should be transmitted to the Prince [of Orange] to stop his march, and finally said: "The four ambassadors will make all possible haste; but since our request is not granted the Community, if attacked in the meantime shall be defended," and he went away. The Papal Nuncio has already written home about this, and has likewise been informed of the designs of Florence by certain letters just intercepted in which mention is made of Puglia and the Venetians, as well as of levies being made, for the relief of their city. | |
We have had letters from our brother, the king of Hungary, of the 28th ulto, advising that the Turk had advanced as far as Belgrade, with the intention of not stopping in Hungary but passing on to Austria, and taking up winter quarters on Christian territory. You will inform His Holiness and the College of Cardinals of this news, and do your best for the assistance of our brother. | |
Affair of Utrecht.—Memorandum of Lachaulx and Granvelle, respecting the hospital of Sancti Spiritus at Besançon.—Genoa, 14th August 1529. | |
Spanish. Original minute. pp. 5½. | |
15 Aug. | 111. Martin de Salinas to the King of Bohemia and Hungary. |
M.Re.Ac.d.Hist. c. 71. |
The Emperor is sending a special messenger to announce his safe arrival on this coast, as well as the receipt of His Highness' letter of the 28th June, containing the very sad news of the invasion of Germany by the Turk. No resolu tion, however, has yet been taken in this last particular, owing to the Emperor's waiting to see how the conferences at Cambray will end, and what answer the Pope will make to the Emperor's letter, as his wish is to be completely disengaged before he goes to the assistance of his brother. |
The Marquis of Mantua (Frederigo) is expected here [at Genoa], and likewise some cardinals whom the Pope sends to congratulate the Emperor. The Imperial troops that landed at Genoa have marched towards Monferrato, there to join Antonio de Leyva.—Genoa, 15th August 1529. | |
Spanish. Original draft. p. 1. | |
15 Aug. | 112. The Same to the Same. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. C. 71, f. 217 vo. |
The King's letters of the 27th ulto and 12th inst. have been duly received. Should have liked to have announced by that time the conclusion of the peace, but nothing certain was then known about it. Official news, however, has since been received, on the 26th ulto from Rome and from other places, and on the 27th the usual rejoicings commenced. Before the Emperor's landing at Genoa a galley was sent, having on board several officers of the Imperial household (aposentadores), with orders to prepare suitable lodgings for the Emperor and his suite; besides which, the ambassador who resides here [Lope de Soria] has dispatched a special messenger to the Pope. Without waiting for further information, the Duke [Alessandro de' Medici], the Pope's nephew, who, it is said, will soon marry the Emperor's daughter [Marguerite], arrived here and was well received. Then came the Marquis Mantua (Frederigo Gonzaga) without much pomp (triunfo). He spent a few days at Court, and went away, whether contented or discontented he (Salinas) cannot say, for certainly his claims (partidos) seem to be rather exorbitant. Florentine ambassadors came next under safe-conduct. They threw themselves at the Emperor's feet and implored his mercy, but protested at the same time against being subjected to the Pope's rule. Cannot say what will be the upshot of this affair, nor to what determination the Emperor will come. |
The Prince of Orange had left Rome, and is coming through the territory of Florence, by which means we shall soon ascertain whether the intentions of that Community be peaceful or otherwise. | |
Three cardinals—Frenesi (Farnese), Santa Croce, and Medici, came last as Papal legates, and were kindly received by the Emperor. With them came also some Roman nobles. | |
The Emperor has sent to France Mons. de Laxao (Lachaulx) to be present at the swearing of the peace. | |
Count Noguerol has arrived with His Highness' despatches. He (Salinas) has seen some of the Privy Council and can positively assure His Highness that this business of the Turk will be attended to before any other. | |
As soon as the Venetians, who seem very anxious for peace, have made their submission, the Emperor will devote himself exclusively to the Turkish war.—Piacenza, 6th September 1529. | |
Spanish. Original draft. pp. 2. | |
18 Aug. | 113. Instructions to Leonard, Count of Noguerol. |
S.E.L. 635, f.52. B.M. Add. 28,579, f. 59. |
You are to go to Genoa, or wherever the Emperor, our brother, may be, offer our congratulations for his safe arrival in Italy, and tell him how much We regret that the state of affairs in Germany prevents us from going personally to visit him. |
To say that Sultan Solyman, with a most formidable army, double the number of that which he brought three years ago, when King Louis was slain [at Mohatz], is advancing fast. He has already taken and destroyed Cinco Iglesias Funfkirchen, in Hungary, putting to the sword every one of its inhabitants, and intends, according to all accounts, to march on Vienna. | |
You will tell him that the resources placed at our disposal by the Imperial Diet, and what few are left in our own paternal dominions are insufficient to arrest the progress of the Infidel, and that if it be true, as reported, that a peace with France has been concluded, this is the time for the whole or part of his Italian army to come to our assistance. Should this not be possible His Imperial Majesty might at least succour us with 3,000 Spanish hackbutiers, of whom we stand more in need than of any other force. | |
You will beg the Emperor in our name to have a strong fleet fitted out at Naples and Genoa, with which to attack or threaten Verona, sure as We feel that any warlike demonstration in that quarter will cause the enemy to retreat to his own dominions, besides which, any maritime armament of the kind is sure to inspire courage to our men. Should the Emperor hesitate for want of funds or for some other cause to grant us this succour, you will still request him to provide us with reinforcements out and on account of the sums he owes us. | |
As the Venetians are not included in the treaty with France, and possibly His Imperial Majesty may be obliged to carry on war against them, it is opportune to observe that they (the Venetians) are generally considered to be the promoters and instigators of all these Turkish armaments, and therefore the sooner war is declared against them the better. In our opinion the head of the serpent should be crushed first, and this can be done better and cheaper by sea. If so let the Emperor know, that in case of an attack by water there is at present here (at Lintz) a very learned person (persona muy docta), and of great experience in these matters, who can conduct the undertaking. | |
For the best means of carrying out these our instructions you will consult Martin de Salinas, if he should already be at Genoa with the Emperor.—Linze (Lintz), 18th August 1529. pp. 2. | |
— | 114. Report of Secretary Idiaquez on a letter of King Ferdinand to the Emperor, his brother. |
S.E.L. 635. B. M. Add. 28,579, f. 59 vo. |
The King gives as an excuse for the non-arrival of the German recruits that they have been kept long on the road, by want of means, and by having also to wait for the cavalry, which, being unpaid, does not advance. |
Intelligence has been received that the Engrave (langraf), assisted by the Lutherans, is actually collecting troops to replace the Duke of Viertenberge (Wurtemberg) in possession of his patrimonial estates, that he may annoy the King now that he seems in difficulties and has his hands quite full. | |
Spanish. Original. p. 1. | |
18 Aug. | 115. Louis Praët and Miçer Mai to the Emperor. |
S.E.L. 848, ff. 62-3. B. M. Add. 28,579, f. 48. |
Wrote by Captain Ripalti (sic), informing him (the Emperor) that the cardinals appointed by the Pope to look into the Traietto business had met to deliberate. Have learned since that two ways of settling the difference are proposed: either to grant that duchy [to the Emperor] in payment of the costs which he sustained there, or as a simple fief. Neither proposition, however, seems acceptable, inasmuch as the mortgagees (creditiuos) of such estates do not generally obtain the same obedience from their vassals as the real lords do, and as the Emperor's wish is that people in Italy should live in peace and security, the object could not be attained by such means. |
The Pope upon being advised of the Emperor's landing at Savona, has inquired which route His Majesty intends taking. He has been told that nothing has yet been decided. | |
(Cipher:) Hear that the Pope has again spoken to the Venetian ambassador and asked what the Signory's decision is. The ambassador's answer is that until the articles of the treaty of Cambray are made known the Signory cannot decide. Upon being asked what they intended doing in case of their not being comprised in the treaty of peace, the ambassador replied that the Signory would wait to see what course the Emperor would pursue in Italy; and the Pope having observed that from the experience of the past they might anticipate that it could not be otherwise than one advantageous to the country, the Venetian ambassador replied: "In that case the Signory is sure to listen to reason and act for the peace of Italy, consistently with their own security. Should it be otherwise, the Republic is determined to arm and defend its frontiers." | |
It appears that the Pope suggested also to the ambassador that in case of Venice rejecting the terms of the peace the Emperor might send his fleet to the Gulf and cause them some uneasiness. Somewhat startled at this last observation the ambassador rejoined: "If such be the Emperor's intentions, I may tell Your Holiness at once that the Signory will arm 50 galleys for the defence of the Gulf." "The principal difficulty in this matter (he added) is to know what is to become of Milan and to whom it will be given." In this opinion of the ambassador the Pope himself appears to concur, for the other day, knowing that he had given audience to one of Sforza's secretaries, Mai and he (Praët) asked him what were his ideas on the subject, and he (the Pope) answered: "The Milan question is indeed more important than the rest. I will consider it attentively, and if asked to give my opinion upon it will state it sincerely, though such is the Emperor's wisdom that he hardly requires my advice." | |
Of the insult offered by the ex-Abbot of Farfa (Napoleone Orsino) to Cardinal Santa Croce His Majesty has already been informed. Since then we learn by letters from Florence, which have been intercepted, that he (the Abbot) intends enlisting certain forces at Bracciano to overrun the Campania of Rome. It is clear from other letters, also intercepted, addressed by him to his captains, that he perseveres in that intention, and is enlisting under his banners all the soldiers he can. As besides the indignity of his conduct towards that cardinal, it is very probable that after the Imperialists have quitted the Roman territory and gone to Florence the Pope himself may not be secure from the Orsini; an offer has been made in the Emperor's name to assist him with money and troops raised in the lands of the Colonnese, or anything else he may want. | |
(Common writing:) One of the six duplicates of the inhibition of the English business has reached Trent, so at least we hear by letters from Mantua of the 4th inst. | |
From Naples the news is that the Venetian fleet had suddenly disappeared from the coast of Puglia. Some of the galleys had sailed for the high seas in the direction of Sclavonia, 12 more threatened the Abruzzi and the estates of the Marquis del Vasto. | |
Colonna and Alarcon seem to dissent on matters of government. Neither are the Marquis del Gasto (Vasto) and Ferrante Gonzaga on very good terms. It is reported that the latter would not acknowledge the Marquis as his superior, and that the light horse under his command are almost in a state of mutiny for want of pay. The same is said respecting the men-at-arms, although it has been reported since that somehow or other they had been lately disbanded. As to the Italians under Fabrizio Marramao (Marramaldo), the report is that they are in a state of complete mutiny, though hopes are confidently entertained that by distributing to them four months' pay the mutiny will subside. | |
Compensation for Naples. | |
Have thanked the Pope for the promotion of Chancellor Gattinara to the cardinalate, and at the same time petitioned for the bishopric of Moriana in favour of (Bartholomeo?). The answer was that the Emperor's pleasure should be done in all things. | |
Bishopric of Barcelona, and pension on it for the Bishop of Arras (Granvelle). Domenico Pastorelli presented for the bishopric of Alguer. | |
Bishopric of Huesca. Hopes to get the bulls, though Knight Commander Urries has applied for and obtained a provision of supererogation in favour of his brother, the bishop. This was obtained through Sancti Quatuor, but the Pope has promised to have it revoked. | |
The Prince intends leaving Rome to-morrow.—Rome, 15th August 1529. | |
Signed: "Loys de Praët. Mai." | |
Addressed: "To His Sacred and Imperial Majesty." | |
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on the same sheet pp. 4. | |
18 Aug. | 116. The Same to the Same. |
S. E. L. 848, ff. 60-1. B. M. Add.28,579, f. 54. |
Yesterday, the 17th, the Prince left for Foligno, whence he can threaten Perugia, and see whether he can take it by a coup de main. Should be unsuccessful he will leave it and proceed to Florence. He will stop at Foligno five or six days, to give time for the Italian infantry under Fabricio Marramao, as well as the artillery coming from Siena, to join him. We trust to God that without further pressure Florence will surrender or capitulate. Two nights before the Prince's departure a soldier attempted to break into a shop; he was arrested, tried by court-martial, and hung from a tree before his own lodgings. |
Crusade, Quarta, &c. | |
(Cipher:) This English case, like the fan-palm (palmito), puts forth every day new shoots. Yesterday the English orators had more than two hours' audience from the Pope, and to-day again a pretty long one. It appears that they now ask that the advocation be not made in the customary form, but that the trial itself be committed to the Pope personally, not to any one else. Our answer has been, that His Imperial Majesty will not object to anything not interfering immediately with the Queen's rights, provided it leads to the King's abandonment of his error. Yet we intend calling tomorrow on Cardinal Ancona, to whom the Pope has entrusted the affair, and will do our best to discover what the King's real intentions are, for at first sight there seems to be something at the bottom of this new move. Of the three English ambassadors two have now left; one only remains, the lawyer (letrado), about whom we wrote the other day. This might be a sign that they intend going on with the suit. | |
Miçer Andrea del Burgo has been dangerously ill. He is better now, and has applied for leave of absence to go home; the King [of Hungary], however, has refused it on the plea that his presence is much required at Rome just now. The news he (Burgo) has from Hungary is that up to the 19th ulto. the Turk had not yet reached Belgrade. | |
Were told by the Pope this very morning that he had received intelligence of the peace having been concluded at Cambray, and also that there were two different treaties (capitulaciones): one public the other secret. The former comprising all the Italian potentates as confederates and allies of France, provided they made an application within four calendar months. The secret one leaving everything as it were at his (the Pope's) choice. "This grant of so long a term as four months (observed the Pope) might deceive the confederates, who seeing that time was given them to deliberate, might possibly think that they were wanted for the conclusion and settlement of the peace." We told His Holiness that if the confederates thought so they were very much mistaken, and begged him accordingly to send for the Venetian ambassador and undeceive him. He promised he would, though the matter is so public now that the Venetians themselves and the Pope know very well how things stand, besides which the real difficulty is the Milan question, which will perhaps prevent them and the rest from accepting peace. Accordingly we again requested His Holiness to tell us what he thought of that affair, that we might write home. His answer was: "I really cannot say, unless the Emperor's plans and wishes are first known to me: whether he wants the Duchy for himself, or to bestow it on some other prince." "To speak freely (he added) my opinion about the Duke Francesco Sforza and the Duchy is, that if he is not really guilty of the charge brought against him in the first instance, it would be wise and re-assuring to leave him in possession under certain conditions." Our reply was thus worded: "It was never the Emperor's intention to keep the Duchy for himself, but if he is to bestow it on another prince he will naturally prefer his own brother, the king of Bohemia and Hungary, provided the plan meets with Your Holiness' approbation, and ensures the peace of Italy. Your Holiness is aware that many are of opinion that the Duchy ought to be sub-divided." "Never," replied the Pope, "that will not suit the Emperor, inasmuch as Venice would undoubtedly benefit by it, and become in the end mistress of the whole." The Pope then observed that the Duke was in bad health; he had lost the use of his hands and feet, and was not expected to live long. The conference ended by the Pope recommending us to wait until we heard Your Majesty's pleasure, and that in the meantime he would ponder and reflect. On another occasion he told us that he did not approve of the Emperor lowering himself so much as to march personally against the Duke of Urbino, or any other captain of the Venetians, and that in case of dividing his army the Emperor ought to make two camps against Venice for the speedier reduction of that city. "At any rate (he added) Verona ought to be attacked, for it is not so strong a place as they (the Venetians) declare. It would be a very important position for the passage to Burgundy." | |
The ex-Abbot of Farfa is about to join the Florentines. The Pope says that he will try to steal from him (hurtar), or take by force of arms his stronghold of Bracciano, whence he is known to make continual incursions to the very gates of this city.—Rome, 18th August 1529. | |
Signed: "Loys de Praët. Mai." | |
Addressed: "To His Sacred Imperial Majesty." | |
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on the same sheet. pp. 4. | |
20 Aug. | 117. Eustace Chapuys to the Emperor. |
K. u. K. Haus- Hof-u.-Staats Arch. Wien.Rep. P. Fasc. c. 225, No.13. |
Wrote last from Monego (Monaco). Has seen the Duke of Savoy and been at Genesve Has also called on the Duchess of Lorraine at Nancy, and delivered the Emperor's message. On the llth he arrived at Namur. Went thence to Envers (Antwerp) to visit Mons. de Bourgues (D. Iñigo de Mendoza, bishop of Burgos), who had landed there from England some time before. Held a long conference with him respecting the affairs of that country, and on the 16th departed for Valenciennes. At Malines (Mechlin), he (Chapuys) heard that the ambassador [Mendoza] had gone to Brussels. Intends going thither this evening in hopes of finding him. Hears that there is no longer a question of recalling Dr. Lee; that the king of England, on the contrary, wishes his ambassador to remain as long as possible at the Emperor's court, and him (Chapuys) to go as soon as he can to reside at his court. Has here received the Emperor's letter, dated Barcelona, the 22nd of July.— Mons, 20th August 1529. |
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys." | |
French. Holograph. pp. 2½. |