Spain: July 1529, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1879.

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'Spain: July 1529, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: July 1529, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: July 1529, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

July 1529, 1-15

6 July. 57. The Emperor to Queen Katharine.
K. u. K. Haus-
c. 225, No. 39.
Madame and Aunt. In compliance with the promise made to the ambassadors of my good brother and uncle, the King of England, your husband, and with the desire expressed by those you yourself sent to me to Saragossa, I now appoint to reside in England as my ambassador Miçer Eustace Chappuis, (fn. n1) officer of Geneva and of my Council, who has been instructed by me to make every effort to persuade the King, my good brother, to keep his mind at rest, and cast away the doubts and scruples he has hitherto entertained, and may still entertain, respecting your marriage. Considering, however, the arguments and reasons which I then brought before the English ambassadors, and those which the said Miçer Chappuis is now about to submit to the said King, your husband, there is every reason to hope that his great virtues and magnanimity will ultimately triumph over his scruples, and lead him to act in this affair as befits him, and as We think he ought and can, with a conscience perfectly at case. As the said Chappuis, moreover, is now going to reside in London as our ambassador, I beg and entreat you to assist and favour him in the fulfilment of his mission, &c.—Barcelona, 6th [July] 1529.
Spanish. Original draft. p. 1.
7 July. 58. Christoval de Castillejo, Secretary to Ferdinand, King of Bohemia and Hungary, to Miçer Andrea Del Burgo, Ambassador at Rome.
S. E. Alemania,
L. 635, f. 53.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 376.
The Turk is coming down in force.
The King is expecting the arrival of the Archbishop of Rosano, the new Apostolic Nuncio, who is bringing the bulls for the Crusade. They come, alas! too late, for there will be hardly time to collect the revenue this year.
It is to be regretted that the Emperor could not obtain at the same time from the Pope the sale of all immovable property of the Church in the Low Countries (in partibus inferioribus) for 300,000 ducats. It is very urgent, indeed, that the Pope make this grant by way of assistance against the Turk, and also that he give His Royal Majesty permission for selling all immovable Church property throughout the Empire.
Danger from the Turks is great, but greater still is to be apprehended in Germany from the Lutherans and Anabaptists, as these last, who assert that they must be baptized again, and wish everything to be held in common, call themselves. (fn. n2) —Lintz, 7th July 1529.
Indorsed: "Abstract and copies of letters in the handwriting of Andrea del Burgo."
Latin. Original, p. 1.
8 July. 59. Ratification of the Treaty of Barcelona.
S. E. Princ. d. Ital.
L. 1,454, f. 78.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 384.
The treaty concluded between the Bishop of Vasone (Vaison) on one side, and the ambassadors of Charles, Emperor-elect on the other, concerning a marriage to be contracted between the Duke of Penna (fn. n3) (Alessandro de' Medici) and Margaret, the Emperor's natural daughter.—Barcelona, 8th July 1529.
Signed: "Bartolomé Gattinara—Louis de Flandre, Sieur de Praët, and Nicolas Perrenot."
Latin. Original draft. pp. 2.
8 July. 60. The Same Treaty, with the date of Barcelona, 10th of June 1529.
S. E. Princ. d. Ital.
L. 1,454, f. 79.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 385.
Latin. Original draft. pp. 2.
8 July. 61. The Emperor to the College of Cardinals.
S.E.L. 1,555, f. 43.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 385.
The last news concerning the Pope's health is so alarming that the contingency of his death must be feared.
In case of a new election being required, he (the Emperor) will abstain from all interference, and will only ask them to elect a good Pope. Sends Mons. de Praët with instructions,—Barcelona, 8th July 1529.
Latin. Original draft. p. 1.
9 July. 62. Carta Legitimationis Margarite de Austria.
M. R. Ac. d. Hist.
A. 44, f. 135.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 386.
Legitimates his daughter Margaret "cum igitur te prefatam Margaretam olim matrimonio soluti ex N. . . . solutam genuerimus."—Barcelona, 9th July 1529.
Latin. Contemporary copy. pp. 2½.
8 July. 63. The Emperor to Miçer Mai.
S. E. L. 1,555,
f. 106.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 378.
Your letters of the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 13th ulto have been duly received. (fn. n4) We now answer their various contents as follows:
You tell us that in the Roman archives documents are preserved to prove that the castle of Santangelo [at Rome] and the town of Hostia (Ostia) belong to the Empire, as well as the privilege of laying taxes on the Romans. We command you not to make any search for such papers, as We do not wish to arouse on this head the suspicions of the Pope, and of the Sacred College of Cardinals. Respecting the election of a new Pope, in case of the death of the present one, We have already instructed you to follow strictly the orders of the Prince of Orange (Philibert de Chalon), who knows our mind well, and We do not wish at the next election for a party. Pope, but for one who may be a good shepherd to the Christian flock, &c. We approve entirely of your interference in the quarrel between the Colonnese and the Orsini, as well as of your endeavours to establish peace between them. We wish you to persevere in your purpose until that desirable object be attained.
With regard to our journey [to Italy], and the manner in which the Papal Nuncio is to be treated here [at Barcelona], We inform you that everything is already settled and that a peace has been concluded between His Holiness and us. We herein enclose the original treaty which has been signed and sealed here [at Barcelona], that you may obtain from His Holiness the required ratification. We also enclose the marriage settlements between the Duke Alessandro [de'Medici] and our natural daughter, Margaret. You will take care that they are properly signed and ratified by His Holiness, together with the derogating clauses (derogaciones) therein contained.
In the affair of the Queen of England, our most beloved aunt, you have certainly done all that was in your power. We command you to persevere until the case be advoked to Rome.
The measures concerted with. Ascanio Colonna, that the Romans may get in their harvests peacefully, deserve our utmost approval.
With regard to Malatesta, it seems to us that it is the Pope's real interest and business to put him down at once. Should he (the Pope) require the assistance of our arms to that effect We cannot refuse it, since it is one of the stipulations in the treaty. For the same reason We completely approve of the help given to Braccio Baglione, the opponent of the said Malatesta.
The white steed and census of Naples.—Diego Jaymes de Haro.
The conferences which you said you had with a Milanese lawyer (fn. n5) respecting the Duke [Francesco Sforza], are no longer needed. Peace being already concluded between His Holiness and us, you must not meddle any longer in the political affairs of Italy, without obtaining first the Pope's sanction. Should the Duke of Ferrara (Alfonso d'Este) as you say, enlist troops in favour of the League, We will try to ascertain what his intentions really are, and if hostile perchance he will have to repent of his doings.
There is no occasion for you to speculate about the Florentines. You are to act in that affair exactly as His Holiness tells you, and in conformity with the articles of the treaty.
What you tell us respecting the inopportune recall of our ambassador from Venice, who, you say, might have sent us advices from that city, is no doubt true; but the thing being done, We need not revert to it. Only We will observe that since Alonso Sanchez' recall, more valuable information has been obtained by means of intercepted letters than that ambassador could have procured had he remained in Venice.
Ecclesiastic affairs. The provost of our Lady of Utrecht—Cardinal Sancti Quatuor—The military orders—Abbacy of Monte Aragon—Bishopric of Huesca, and bishop Cabrero—Cardinal Gaddi, and the archbishopric of Cosenza—Cardinals Doria, Cesarino, and Severino—Bishop of Mauriana, &c.
His Holiness, the Pope, must be thanked for the prayers and processions which he has caused to be made for the success of the conferences at Cambray, although, to say the truth, not much good is expected to come therefrom. However, His Holiness' intention s were good, and you must thank him in our name. If We did not inform him at the time of the intended meeting, it was owing to our want of confidence in its success, and to our knowing that he (the Pope) had been apprized of it beforehand, and even before We ourselves heard of it. Should His Holiness, however, wish for more satisfaction on this point, you can give it him as you think proper. Since writing the above, We have resolved to send Monsieur de Praët, (fn. n6) of our Council, to communicate certain matters to our most Holy Father. You will join him, and conduct together the business of that embassy until such time as We may be pleased to dispose of him otherwise.—Barcelona, 8th July 1529.
Spanish. Original draft.
Docketted: "El despacho que llevó Mussiur de Praët a viii de Jullio 1529." pp. 12.
8 July. 64. The Bishop of Trent (fn. n7) to Andrea del Burgo.
S. E. Alemania,
L. 635, f. 35.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 376.
King Ferdinand has left Ratisbon to hold a new Diet of the Bohemians at Budweis, where he intends asking them for a still larger subsidy against the Turk. The Bohemians are tolerably well equipped and armed.
News from Hungary state that the Turk is expected to arrive at Belgrade on the 25th. Should he succeed in conquering Hungary, the whole of Austria and Germany might be in danger. For this reason, if the King [Ferdinand] could advance quickly and occupy the mountain passes and the fords of the rivers there would be much gained. He might for this service use his Hungarians, and principally the light cavalry. At all events, the Turk will be obliged to retire or to fight, "gagliardamente," in which case let us hope that with God's help we shall be victorious and recover the places lost in Hungary. For if it were otherwise, there is no saying to what tribulations and dangers the faithful might be subjected through the increase of these Lutheran and Anabaptist sects, that are daily spreading over Germany.—Lintz, 8th July 1529.
Italian. Contemporary copy. p. 1.
8 July. 65. Martin de Salinas to the King of Hungary.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.,
c. 71, f. 216.
By Don Luis de Tassis, who sailed from this port on St. John's Day (the 21st of June), His Highness must have received the latest news. Since his departure, however, a treaty of friendship and alliance between His Holiness the Pope on one side, the Emperor and His Highness (the King) on the other, has been concluded and signed, and was proclaimed with due solemnity on the day of St. Peter and St. Paul. One of the Emperor's privy councillors, Mons. de Prat (Praët) by name, will be sent to Rome on this occasion, where he is sure to take as much care of the King's affairs as if they were the Emperor's. Mons de Praët wishes very much to know what degree of confidence is to be placed in Miçer Andrea del Burgo, now residing at Rome for His Highness, and whether the Imperial ambassador is to conceal from him any portion of his private instructions. To this end Mons. de Prat (Praët) takes a new cipher and alphabet, a copy of which will be forwarded to His Highness; but he (Salinas) cannot fail to observe that if the appointment of Fray Geronimo de Fonseça instead of Burgo for the Austrian embassy at the Papal Court be true, as late advices from Naples seem to indicate, some radical alteration must be made in the instructions, for the said Fonseça is not at all considered here a fit person for that post.
The Emperor's departure will take place in about a week, for news came that on St. Peter's Day the Imperial fleet was at Alicante, sixty leagues from this port.—Barcelona, 8th July 1529.
Spanish. Original draft. pp. 1½.
8 July. 66. The Same to Secretary Christoval de Castillejo.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.,
c. 71, f. 216 vo.
His letter to His Highness the King of Bohemia and Hungary will inform him of all occurrences up to this time. Mons. de Praët, once the Emperor's ambassador at the Courts of England and France, has been newly appointed to reside at the Papal Court. His mission seems to be to have this last treaty ratified by His Holiness, and at the same co-operate in the pacification of Italy and the settlement of the English business. Mons. de Praët is sure to take as much care of His Highness' affairs in Italy as if they were the Emperor's own, for such are his orders. He is very desirous to be useful in this as well as in other matters. He called the day before yesterday and inquired what degree of confidence might be placed in His Highness' resident ambassador at Rome, Miçer Andrea del Burgo. I have not hesitated to say in general terms that there had been no complaint of him as far as I was aware, and therefore that I could, without fear of any sort, communicate to him all matters relating to the treaty, and to the common interests of the two brothers, as the Emperor and His Highness might and ought to be considered in these matters as one and the same person.
A summary of the articles of the treaty is here enclosed that they may be well examined and weighed. Should there be any remarks to make thereon, His Highness might write to Praët and state them at once by means of the new cipher and alphabet, which that ambassador now takes to Rome, and of which a copy is enclosed. I have not the least doubt that Mons. de Praët will do anything he can to serve His Highness, and will take particular care of his personal interests in Italy.
Letters from Naples state that Frey (fn. n8) Geronimo de Fonseça has been appointed Austrian ambassador in Rome in the room of Andrea del Burgo, and that he has already taken possession of his office at the Papal Court. If so, I must observe that I have hitherto received no official news of his appointment, and that the opinion here prevalent among the members of the Privy Council is that Fonseça is not at all the fit man for such a post.—Barcelona, 7th July 1529.
10 July. 67. Commander la Rosa to the Emperor.
S. E. Princ. d. Ital.
L. 1,454, fol. 81.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 118.
The Emperor's arrival is anxiously expected by all his faithful vassals. Nothing can contribute so effectually as this to the entire pacification of the whole of Italy.—Napules (Naples), 10th July 1529.
Signed: "El Comendador Rosa."
Addressed: "To the Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. Commander Rosa. Pero Garcia."
Spanish. Holograph, p. 1.
11 July. 68. Il Duca di Gravina to Secretary Pero Garcia.
S. E. Princ. d. Ital.
L. 1,555, f. 45.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 140.
In credence of his servant, Misser Angelo, who is going to Spain for business of his own.
Signed: "Duca di Gravina," Rome, 10th July 1529.
Italian. Original, p. 1.
10 July. 69. The Same to the Emperor.
S. E. Nap.L. 1,453.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 142.
Was in Naples during part of the last siege, and, like other faithful barons, contributed money towards the support of the Imperial forces. Hearing that his estate had been sequestered by Lautrech, he obtained permission from Don Ugo de Moncada first, and afterwards from the Prince of Orange [Philibert de Chalon] to treat with the French about the release of his property, without fear of his ever being accused of rebellion on that account. (fn. n9) Was unsuccessful in his application, and, therefore, retired to Sicily. When after the signal victory obtained over the French, he had a right to expect that he, like other Neapolitan barons who remained faithful to the Empire, would have been rewarded for his services, he (the Duke) finds that his estate is about to be disposed of as if he were a traitor. Begs for justice.—Naples, 10th July 1529.
Signed: "Duca di Gravina."
Italian. Holograph, pp. 3.
[12] July. 70. The Emperor to Miçer Mai.
S. E. L. 848, f. 22.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 328.
Ambassador, &c. Your letters of the 5th, 8th, and 13th of June have been duly received. Since those sent by Albornoz, the courier, have reached their destination, and contain the explanation of many doubtful points in your general instructions, there is no further need of referring thereto, save to say, that you are to refrain in future from treating with the Duke Francesco Sforza, or with the Venetians, without previously informing His Holiness of the nature of the negociations. Our journey being now definitively settled for one day next month, and an agreement entered into with this Papal Nuncio respecting the terms of our treaty of peace with His Holiness, of which a copy has been sent to Rome. The moment that treaty comes back, duly approved and ratified by His Holiness, We intend to set sail in that direction; and We need scarcely say that the treaty once signed and ratified, no engagements whatever are to be taken with the confederated powers or others in Italy of which the Pope has not full cognizance.
Respecting the divorce case, We thank you for what you have hitherto done in the Queen's behalf, and command you not to desist until the advocation to Rome be decreed as demanded.
You were justified in dispatching a courier to Naples in order to ascertain from the Prince of Orange the number and quality of the towns and fortresses still occupied by the French in that kingdom; though We have very little hope of the Cambray conferences coming to a good issue.
His Holiness has answered in his own hand the letter sent by Diego James (fn. n10) de Haro.
Since the Pope seems to have an objection to certain ecclesiastical appointments, and especially to those recommended by Madame, you must not insist for the present. As to the bishopric for the son of Mons. de Laxao (Lachaulx), (fn. n11) there is no occasion now to apply for it, since there is no vacancy. As to the business of Marshal de Silly, (fn. n12) when a fit opportunity presents itself every effort shall be made on' our part to promote it as he deserves.—Barcelona,—July 1529.
Spanish. Original draft pp. 2.
[12] July.
S. E. L. 848, f. 25.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 334.
71. The Emperor to Gomez Suarez de Figueroa, his Ambassador in Genoa.
Your despatches of the 18th, 21st, and 23rd of June have been duly received. As by this time Rivadeneyra, the courier, must have arrived in Genoa with our letters and instructions, We need not refer to them, save to say that our journey will decidedly take place this month of July. (fn. n13) If in the meantime some advantage can be gained by directing the new levies under Count Lodovico Belgiojoso against the enemy We shall be glad.
Some time before our arrival in Italy, certain officers of our household shall go to that city and prepare lodgings for us.
Should the Grand Master of [the Order of] Rhodes (fn. n14) arm in favour of the French, which We can hardly believe, he will be punished as he deserves.
If the galleon taken at Porto Pisano belongs really to a Florentine merchant it must be detained until our arrival, and in the meantime employed in our service.—July 1529.
Spanish. Original draft. pp. 2.
13 July. 72. [The Bishop of Trent] to Andrea Del Burgo.
S. E. Alcmania,
L. 635, f. 53.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 376.
To-day [the 13th] II Signor Turmiano and el Capco. Castellatto, (fn. n15) were saying that they very much doubted whether the levies, which the Emperor wanted for Italy, and the King (Ferdinand) for Hungary, would not impede each other; because the King wants those for Hungary to be raised first, and the men prefer enlisting for Italy rather than for Hungary.—Trent, 13th July 1529.
Italian. Contemporary copy. p. 1.
16 July. 73. Secretary Castillejo to Andrea Del Burgo.
S. E. Alcmania,
L. 635, f. 55.
B. M. Add. 28,578,
f. 390.
Mons. de Rouis (fn. n16) is to take the command of the men-at-arms (le gente armigere); the infantry to be under Count Felis de Berdenberg (Werdenberg).—Budvicio, (fn. n17) 16th July 1529.
Italian. Contemporary copy in the handwriting of Andrea del Burgo. p. 1.
—July. 74. Miçer Mai to the High Commander of Leon. (fn. n18)
S. E. L. 848, f. 21,
B. M. 28,579,
f. 412.
If His Imperial Majesty does not arrive all is lost. He must come with peace, or else with a powerful army, so as not to put his own person and estate in jeopardy. Fair words ought to be spoken to the Papal Nuncio that he may report them at home and conciliate the Pope.—Rome,—July 1529.
The High Commander's answer to the above.
The Emperor's journey is decided upon. He will sail in a few clays. A preliminary agreement has been entered into with the Papal Nuncio, and a treaty made, which will soon be sent for ratification, in order that on the receipt of a similar document from His Holiness, with "bulla plumbea," as agreed, another one signed and sealed by the Emperor may be placed in the hands of His Holiness. Enclosed is the ratification of the treaty of marriage of the Duke Alessandro [de' Medici] with the Emperor's natural daughter [Margaret]. The ambassadors must procure the Duke's signature to the said ratification, as well as the Pope's approval to every one of the derogating clauses contained in it.
Indorsed: "Abstract of letters from Rome in July 1529."
Spanish. Original, pp. 2.
15 July. 75. Articles of an Agreement with the Lord of Monaco.
K. u. K. Haus-
c. 224, No. 43.
According to the agreements made at Burgos on the 7th of June, and at Tordesillas, on the 5th of November 1524, the Emperor promised to pay the Lord of Monego 200 "paghe morte "and 10,000 ducats annual pension besides, as long as the war between him and the King of France lasted. The Lord of Monaco engaged himself to hold his city and castle at the service of the Emperor, and be "amico de' amici et nemico de' nemici." Since then, for the further defence of the said port and city, the Emperor has promised to keep two galleys armed at his own expense, which agreement commenced on the 24th of January of last year. His Imperial Majesty, however, wishing to free the Lord of Monaco from the trouble of having to apply every year for the payment of the said pensions and consignments (consignationi), has instructed the "Magnifico Maestro Heustacchio Chapuisio sottosignato, official de' Geneva, maestro de Requeste et consegliere suo," to offer him (Grimaldo) instead an estate in the kingdom of Naples, yielding an annual revenue of 5,000 ducats, on condition, however, of the said lord and his heirs and successors holding the said fortress at the service and obedience of His Imperial Majesty, and of his successors, the kings of Aragon, Naples and Sicily. He has besides offered him the payment of all arrears and pensions as follows, "Cuntando le due paghe da li 5 de Novembro 1524, et la pensione dal lo de Zenaro 1525," which the said lord also renounces in consideration of the said estate, protesting, however, that he does not intend giving up any of his rights until the said promise be completely fulfilled.
That he may the better support his own rank and dignity, the said officer (Chapuys) has promised in the Emperor's name to have him (Grimaldo) presented to the bishopric of Maggiorica (Mallorca) with an annual ecclesiastical rent of 8,000 ducats. In consideration of which grant the Lord of Monego (Monaco) is also ready to renounce the archbishopric of Oristan, which he accepted lately.—Monago, 15th July 1529.
Signed: "Augustinus Grimaldus Monaci Dominus=Eustachius Chapuysius."
Indorsed: "Articoli con el Sr. de Monago."
Italian. Original, pp. 2.


  • n1. See the Emperor's letter of the 27th June, in credence of Chapuys under No. 49.
  • n2. "Et ex secta eorum qui volunt iterum baptizare et seducunt ut omnia sint communia."
  • n3. "Ducem Parmae," says the original consulted and transcribed by Bergenroth; but it is evidently a mistake. Alessandro de' Medici was never Duke of Parma, but of Penna, a town of the Roman Estates. It was Ottavio Farnese, the nephew of Pope Paul III., who in 1545 became Duke of Parma and Piacenza, and married Alessandro's widow. In another copy or draft of the same paper, also at Simancas, I read: "Ratificatio tractatus conclusi inter Episcopum Varionensem (sic) et oratores Caroli Imperatoris electi de matrimonio contrahendo inter Ducem Pennœ Alexandrumde Medicis et Margaritam filiam naturalem Imperatoris. Burcinonœ octavo calendas Julii MDXXIX. Again here Bartholomœus must be an error for Mercurinus, for the latter, who was still the Emperor's chancellor or prime minister, was then at Barcelona, and accompanied him to Genoa, whereas his cousin Bartholomew resided in Naples. Vasoniensis, here written Varionensis by mistake, is from Vasione, or Vaison, in the department of Vaucluse (France), the see of Girolamo or Jerome Selade, the Pope's "maestro di casa," who went as nuncio to Barcelona in April 1529. See vol. III., part 2, pp. 965-6.
  • n4. See above, Nos. 27, 32, and 38, that of the 3rd is not in the Archives.
  • n5. See No. 6, p. 22.
  • n6. Praët, here written Prat, is no other than Louis dc Flandre, sieur de Praët, whose despatches, as Imperial ambassador in England first, and in France afterwards, have been abstracted in vol. III., parts 1 and 2, of this calendar. The Spanish writers of the time often write his name Prat, thus mistaking him for Antoine du Prat, Francis' High Chancellor.
  • n7. Bernard Clesis. See vol. III., part 2 passim.
  • n8. If Frey is not a mistake for Fray, as members of the mendicant and other orders were generally styled in Spain, it must be admitted that this Geronimo de Fonseça belonged to one of the three military orders or brotherhoods, Santiago, Alcantara, or Calatrava, and that he was a professed knight of one of them, for such is the meaning of the word Frey as distinct from Fray, though both derived from Frater, whence Frayre and Freyre. About this time the family of Fonseça was in high favour, and two of its members had been successively archbishops of Santiago and Toledo.
  • n9. "Jo andare a concordarme con franceses con la recuperatione del mio stato, et che non se me potesse in nullo tempo imputarne rebellione."
  • n10. The original has "Fames," which I believe to be a mistake for James or Jaimes, as he is elsewhere called. See above pp. 64 and 119.
  • n11. At this time Charles Poupet de Lachaulx was ambassador in Portugal.
  • n12. Claude de Cilly, Scilly, or Silly, as his name is variously written in these despatches, had been ambassador of Charles in England. For his instructions, see vol. III., part 2, No. 9.
  • n13. The Emperor sailed from Barcelona on the 27th.
  • n14. At this time Philippe Villiers de l'Isle Adam.
  • n15. Thus in the copy from Scimancas, but I have my doubts as to the true reading. Castellazzo might easily have been turned into Castellatto by the copyist; but what may be the meaning of the abbreviation Capco. I am unable to decide.
  • n16. Thus in the original. Roeulx?
  • n17. Budvicio must be Budweis, in Bohemia, where King Ferdinand was at the time. The letter, therefore, which is a copy and bears no signature, may have been written by Castillejo, Castro, or some other of that king's Spanish secretaries.
  • n18. After the disgrace of Jean L'Allemand, Francisco de los Covos, High Commander of the order of Alcantara in the division of Leon, was promoted to the office of First Secretary of State. Both Mai's letter and Covos' answer are misplaced in Bergenroth's volumes among papers of the year 1530.