Spain: December 1527, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Spain: December 1527, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: December 1527, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: December 1527, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

December 1527, 11-20

11 Dec. 259. Secretary Perez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 337.
Wrote on the last day of November, and 6th inst. by Captain Gayoso, who went to Naples on a mission from Alarcon, and at the same time to take the hats to the three Neapolitan cardinals just created. The Pope's liberation took place on the 6th. He left Sanct Angelo that very night, two hours before daybreak, and with a very small retinue went to sleep at a place of his called Crepanica, half-way between Rome and Orbieto, where he intends to stop until the Imperial troops have fairly evacuated this city.
When the Pope's departure became known the Romans in general were amazed at it, and the soldiers began to utter imprecations (decian diabluras). Yet before departing His Holiness took care to ratify the treaty, and create the three cardinals according to agreement. There is still there at Naples another [ecclesiastic], a son of the Duke of Atrie (Atri), who wishes also to become a cardinal, though it is generally believed that the Pope will not consent to it. Cardinal Campeggio, they say, is to remain at Sanct Angelo as Papal Legate, but hitherto no intimation of it has been received.
Cardinals Monte and Sanctiquatuor left on the very day (the 6th), and slept that night 12 miles from this city at a place called Galera, belonging to the Abbot of Farfa. Next day some of their suite went out to hunt after Spaniards (á caza de Españoles), and fell in with two of our countrymen driving some mules laden with the cardinals' luggage. They slew them both and returned to Galera. All the peasants in the neighbourhood of Rome are doing the same, whenever they meet Spaniards or Germans on the road, so that there is no going out of Rome except in numbers. No wonder that the Romans are so spiteful and full of revenge, for our soldiers have treated them with unheard-of cruelty. In this city and the surrounding villages many houses are standing with only bare walls built of masonry, all the rest having been burnt as fire-wood, and it is really pitiful to see the havoc that has been made. Unless the Imperial army evacuates Rome soon the destruction will be complete.
Has no answer to make to the Imperial letter of the 29th of October, received on the 6th inst., except that the Emperor's good and charitable intentions have become known and manifest to all parties by his ordering the Pope to be released unconditionally (sin condicion muguna particular) and exclusively for the welfare of Christendom ; wherefore, it is to be hoped that God Almighty will prosper his affairs, and make him victorious over his enemies. But for all that His Majesty must not forget to make proper provision for this army, since all we can do here will be insufficient, especially if the money which the Pope is to furnish does not come in time, as most people fear, considering the large sums the latter has to pay, and the small means (poco aparejo) in his hands, as the Prince of Orange, who has lately come to Borne, and the rest of the Imperial ministers must already have reported.
The cardinals who are to go to Naples are still at Ostia, waiting for the escort which Don Ugo has promised to send them. Colonna has sent the two cardinals who are to be his hostages to certain castles of his, where they will be in custody.
Up to the present hour neither the delivery of Civittà Castellana, nor that of the hostages whom the Pope promised as security for the payment of the 150,000 ducats to the captains and officers of this army, and double pay to the Germans, has been effected. A message has been sent to the Pope about it, but in the meanwhile the hostages have secretly left Rome one by one ; even Cardinal Ravenna, cousin to one of those who have absconded, has taken flight for fear of being arrested on his account. May God inspire His Holiness with the will of fulfilling his engagement, and being a good father to the Emperor, who, as a dutiful son of his, has just accomplished his liberation. May he bear in mind the many favours which the Emperor once granted to him and to the whole house of Medici, for if he forgets them, and follows the advice and directions of the enemy, things are sure to go badly for him.
The Prince of Orange arrived on the 8th, on which day a council of war was held. He there declared that, although the Emperor had appointed him commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces in the room of the Duke of Ferrara, he would still follow in all military matters the advice of the Imperial ministers.
The General [of the Franciscans] has been warmly requested to go and reside with the Pope [at Orbieto] until the Emperor appoints a fit person, but he has obstinately refused to do so, and accordingly Don Ugo has been written to, that he may give that commission to Mons. de Vere [Veyre], for it is not proper that at such time as this, when the ambassadors of France, England, and Venice are likely to flock round him and advise every hostile act against the Emperor, there should not be one of us to counteract their bad designs. The Imperial ministers are of opinion that he (Perez) ought to accompany Mons. de Vere on such a mission, and if so, though he is daily waiting for permission to return to Spain, he intends, if appointed, to go there and do his duty.
It appears that some of the confederates, who were close by, having certain intelligences at La Clusa [Chiusa?], a town belonging to the Siennese, marched in that direction. Their plans, however, were frustrated through the Siennese being informed in time, and therefore they had to desist, but it is said that they will remain in the neighbourhood, waiting for Lautrech, whom the Florentines are warmly requesting to go in that direction.
Announces the death of the Bishop of Alguer (Auditor Casador), and of Auditor Spinosa, both good servants of the Emperor. The latter resigned the "maestrecolía" of Salamanca in favour of its bishop (Bobadilla), now with the Pope, and the archdeaconry of Alcaraz, in the see of Toledo, in favour of a nephew of the General of the Franciscans. The rest of his moveable property he distributed among his servants.
Cardinal Campeggio has been announced as Papal Legate. He is confident that His Holiness will not break his engagements.
Most of the men-at-arms have gone to Naples, and the remainder talk of doing the same, as it is impossible for them to live without pay.
Up to the present hour we have not heard of the Pope having reached Orbieto, and the slanderers (maldicientes) pretend that he will not go thither, but to Bologna.
There is a report that he (the Pope) has given a cardinal's hat to a brother of Luigi Gonzaga, the colonel of Italian infantry in this Imperial army, and that the favoured individual has paid no less than 25,000 ducats for it. Cannot say whether the report is true or not; all he can say is that the new cardinal—who is very young and much given to pleasure (muy moço y dado á placer)—is as staunch a Frenchman as his brother is Imperialist.—Borne, 11th December 1527.
Signed: "Perez."
Addressed: "Al Sacratissimo et Invictissimo Cesar Rey de las Spañas y de las Indias, nro Soberano."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1527. From Rome. Perez. 11th December."
Spanish. Original, pp. 4.
11 Dec. 260. The Same to Secretary Alonso de Soria.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 340.
Encloses a letter for the Emperor. Has not received by Albornoz the bills of exchange payable at the bank of Symon Ruiz. The only letter of his (Soria's) that has come to liana is one dated the 29th of October, which Lope de Scoria addressed to him. Cannot proceed in the affair until he hears again, and gets funds.
There is great truth in the last paragraph of his letter, in which he wishes that Don Juan [Manuel] was 30 years younger than he is, to take the viceroyalty of Naples at this time. He (Perez) is entirely of his opinion; he thinks no one could fill that office so well. Unluckily he is so broken up by old age and various infirmities that, if appointed, he could scarcely go beyond Burgos.
Addressed: "To Alonso de Soria, Secretary to the Emperor and member of his Council."
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2.
11 Dec. 261. Prothonotary Caracciolo to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 342.
(Cipher:) Bartholomeo de Taxis, present bearer, has been despatched by Leyva on a mission to the Emperor. He will be able to inform him and his Council of Estate of our present position.
No intelligence has come from Rome, and therefore cannot say whether an agreement with the Pope has been concluded or not, or whether the army has left Rome. Nor is there any news of the reinforcements that are to come from Germany.
The Viceroy is dead. The Duke of Ferrara has made an alliance with our enemies. Lautrech and the ambassadors of the League are trying hard to win over the Marquis of Mantua, but have not yet succeeded. The Venetians have fortified Cassano. The Duke Francesco [della Rovere] is at Abia, which he has likewise fortified. (fn. n1) Should Lautrech come to the Duchy, recall his troops from the Novarese, as he could very easily do, raise the siege of Monza, and place part of his army at Marignano, we could not hold out for one month. Milan and the rest of the Duchy cannot possibly be defended with an enemy in the rear, stopping their supplies, &c. We are already in such want that men and children drop down in the streets (li homini e filioli moreno per . 'estrade de fame); citizens who used once to live in luxury are reduced to eat rye bread (pane de mestura) and to drink water, &c.
The members of the League are not, as we hear, on good terms with each other. Perhaps it would be advisable to send to Leyva, or to whoever else might be chosen for the purpose, ample powers to treat separately or conjointly with the Venetians, the Duke Francesco [Sforza], or the Marquis dc Mantua, and other lords having estates in Lombardy (. altri Señori de Lombardia), as any one of them might for his own particular ends wish to abandon the League at a given time. If so, the Emperor ought to send us instructions how to act, and what promises to make.— Milan, 11th December 1527.
Signed: "Caracciolo."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1527. Caracciolo. Milan. 11th December."
Italian, Original in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet, pp. 4.
12 Dec. 262. Secretary Perez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 337.
Captain Gayoso, who went to Naples with the three cardinals' hast, was the bearer of his (Perez's) two despatches dated the 30th of November and 6th inst. He is to embark there, and inform His Imperial Majesty of the Pope's liberation, which took place on that day. The same night, two hours before sunrise, His Holiness left Sanct Angelo, accompanied by a few of his own followers. He went to sleep at Crepanica, a village half-way between this and Orbieto, where he said he wished to reside as long as the army remained at Rome. Next day, when his departure became known, the people in general wondered, and the soldiers uttered all manner of imprecations (desian diabluras). Before departing he had a deed drawn ratifying the capitulation concluded with the generals of this array, and confirming also the nomination of the three Neapolitan cardinals. It appears that a son of the Duke of Atrie (Atri) has also applied for a hat, but it is doubtful whether His Holiness will give it him. Cardinal Campeggio remained at Sanct Angelo as Legate, though hitherto he has not given us notice of this.
Cardinals Monte and Sanctiquatuor left on the 7th with an escort. They passed the night at a place called Galera, 12 miles from this, belonging to the Abbot of Farfa (Napoleone Orsini), some of whose men were engaged all day looking out for Spaniards, until at last they found two with the heavy luggage of the cardinals. No effort that was made to save their lives could avail; they were murdered by the Abbots people. Such is the general animosity against us, that we cannot leave our houses from fear of being assassinated, and if we do we must go in large parties (en gavilla). No wonder at it; when the country people have been so cruelly treated by our soldiers. Here at Rome there are many houses completely gutted, and of which only the walls are standing, the timber having been carried away by the soldiers for fire-wood. Indeed if the army does not go soon the whole city will be destroyed, and the Germans are not inclined to move unless they are paid in full. That is the reason why the Imperial officers are straining every nerve to procure money, and have written to Naples for the 58,000 ducats of the three cardinals' hats, besides a clericato de camara, that a Neapolitan ecclesiastic has just bought.
There is no answer to the Emperor's letter of the 21st October, received on the 6th inst. The Pope's liberation was effected without any particular conditions, thus showing the upright and pure intentions of the Emperor. It is to be hoped that God will give him victory over his enemies, and help him, not only to recover what has been lost, but also to gain what the enemy " de in yllo (sic) tempore " still retains, and which belongs to the Emperor. But His Imperial Majesty should in the meantime make such provision for this army as to ensure success. No great reliance is to be placed in the Pope's promises, and therefore, in case of his failing, money ought to come from Naples or Spain, as the Prince of Orange, who has arrived at last, and other Imperial Ministers have not failed to observe.
The cardinals who were to go to Naples are still at Ostia, waiting for the escort which Don Ugo is to send. The two who were with [Pompeo] Colonna have been lodged at certain castles of the latter.
The delivery of Civittà Castellana has not yet taken place. A messenger has just been despatched to His Holiness requesting him to give orders, &c.
Nor has he given hostages as security for the payment of the 150,000 of the German captains and officers, at double pay, as agreed, for those who had been designated fled one by one, and even the Cardinal of Ravenna, (fn. n2) who was the cousin of one of them, ran away, from fear of being detained.
On the 8th inst. the Prince of Orange arrived, and declared that, though the Duke of Ferrara had been appointed commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces in Italy, he would nevertheless follow the advice and obey the commands of the Emperor's ministers and of the Council [of War].
The General [of the Franciscans] has been requested to go to the Pope and stay at his court until the Emperor should appoint some personage (persona principal) to represent him. He has flatly refused, and therefore Don Ugo has been written, to, asking him to send De Vere (Veyre) here, for it is not proper that whilst the Pope is surrounded by ambassadors from France, England, and Venice, the Emperor should not be represented at the Papal Court. He (Perez) has been advised to go thither with Vere (Veyre); intends to go unless he obtains in the meantime the conge' he has applied for.
News has come that the confederates, who were close here, attempted in vain to carry a town of the Siennese called La Chiusa. The conspiracy was detected. Yet it is reported that they intend remaining in the neighbourhood under the impression that Lautrec will take up his winter quarters there at the solicitation of the Florentines. Should God permit that this Imperial army quitted Rome, the Leaguers would not stay where they are, nor the French go in that direction &c. (fn. n3)
Signed: "Perez."
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, invincible Emperor, King of Spain and of the Indies, &c, our Soverign and Lord."
Indorsed: "To the King. Perez. 11th December."
Spanish. Original, pp. 5.
12 Dec. 263. William Stansaert to Mercurino di Gattinara.
S. E.L.1,559,
f. 516.
B. M. Add. 28,577,
f. 58.
Congratulates him upon his safe return to Spain after so many dangers as he has had to pass, from the enemy, as well as from the sea. Hears that his old friend Jacobus Grunembergius, "nescio ob quam Lutheranæ factionis suspitionem," has been summoned from the island of Canary to Spain, there cast in prison "difficulterque admitti ad sui defensionem." No sooner did he hear of it than he repaired to Antwerp, and tried to procure testimonials of his friend's life and opinions. All agree that a better and more virtuous man never existed; and that, far from favouring the Lutheran sect, lie has caused to be expelled from his own family certain people suspected of belonging to it, as will be authentically proved whenever the prisoner is allowed to defend himself. Encloses testimonial signed by the prior and convent of Carthusians at Schuete. Should any more proofs of his innocence be required, they shall not be wanting. Recommends him to the mercy of his judges for the sake of his sons, now being educated at Louvain—"qui Lovanii optimis cum literis, turn moribus, in magnam spem, optimo instituuntur respectu, postremoque quod Hispani (ut Vestra quoque Dignitas non ignorat) in huiusmodi accusationibus admittendis, ac quoque etiam accusatis nullo respectu damnandis sint plus iusto precipites," &c.—Brussels, 12th December 1527.
Signed: "Johannes Stansaert, Curiæ Brabantiæ advocatus."
Addressed: "Ilmo D. Mercurino a Gattinaria Ces. Mai. Cancellario Summo, Comiti Gattinariæ, &c."
Latin. Holograph, pp. 2.
12 Dec.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Cart de Erasmo,
&c. f. 25.
264. The Prior and Convent of the Carthusians of Schuete, near Brussels, to the Grand Chancellor Mercurino di Gattinara.
Have heard at Antwerp that the excellent and virtuous Jacobus Grunenbergius, their high patron, has been accused of holding the Lutheran heresy, imprisoned and sent to Spain, where he is not allowed to defend himself. All who know
him and his family believe in his innocence. They themselves are persuaded that his enemies accuse him wantonly, either from malice or avarice. Spaniards are always prone to accuse people, but slow in permitting the accused to defend themselves.
Beg him to see that justice is done to him.—Apud Bruxellam, ex monasterio quod vulgo vocatur Schuete, die 12o Decembris 1527.
Latin, Original, pp. 2.
12 Dec.
S. E. L. 1,553.
f. 205.
265. Girolamo di Castiglione (?) Governor of Milan, to the Emperor.
Exhorts him very earnestly not to allow the city of Milan to fall into the hands of the enemy. He, being Emperor, is bound to defend it.—Mediolani, 12th December 1527.
Signed; "Hieronymus de Castilione." (fn. n4)
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial Majesty."
Indorsed : "To the King. 1527. Milan."
Latin. Original .. 1.
13 Dec.
S. E. L. 1,554,
f. 601.
266. The Emperor to Giovanni Matheo Giberti, the Pope s Datary.
Begs him to use his influence with the Pope, and persuade him to accept his offers of peace,—Burgos, 13th December 1527.
Latin. Original draft.
13 Dec. 267. The Emperor to Secretary Perez.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 198.
Your letters of the 18th August, 2nd and 24th of September have come to hand.
There is no answer to be given concerning the affair of the Marquis of Astorga. His case being in the hands of lawyers, must take its course.
With regard to the permission you ask to come [to Spain], it is not convenient for us to grant it at the present juncture, your presence at Rome being indispensable until We appoint a new ambassador.
We regret to hear the demise of the Archbishop of Cosenza; he was a good and affectionate servant of ours. Respecting the provision of the said see and others lately made by His Holiness, certain protests shall be made whenever the agreement comes to be ratified.
We thank you very much for your information about the army and military affairs in general. Every preparation is being made here to meet all wants.
What you mention about the census of Naples will be attended to when the pending negotiations with His Holiness are brought to a close.
We cannot believe that the Germans, as you suspect, are in treaty with our enemies. Should it be so, it would be necessary to provide a remedy and have new levies made.
We have received no news from Italy for a long time. Bills of exchange to the amount of 400,000 ducats shall soon be remitted to Alfonso Sanchez.
Spanish. Original minute. 1¼.
13 Dec. 268. Powers to the Prince of Orange.
S. E. Prin. d'Ital.
f. 67.
Powers granted to Philibert de Chalon, Prince of Orange, to Antonio de Leyva, and Andrea de Borgo, to treat conjointly or separately with the Signory of Venice, with Alfonso d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, and with Federigo Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua.—Burgos, 19th December 1527.
Indorsed: "Mandatum ad tractandum cum Venetis cæterisque Italiæ potentatibus.
Latin. Original draft, .. 1.
13 Dec. 269. The Emperor to Pope Clement VII.
S. E. L. 1,554,
f. 574.
B. M. Add. 28,577,
f. 64.
Has written to his agents in Italy, "ut consilia omnia nostra de rebus, turn publicis, turn privatis Sanctitati Vestræ, quam uti patrem aperiant, cum eaque de publica Italiæ atque mus, penitus aperiant, cum eaque de publica Italiæ atqoe Christianorum omnium quiete agant nostro nomine ac tractent." —Burgos, 13th December 1527.
Latin. Original draft in the handwriting of Alfonso Valdés. pp. 2.
13 Dec. 270. The Same to the College of Cardinals.
S. E. L. f. 575.
B. M. Add. 28,577,
f. 64 v..
Is now writing to His Holiness about general peace. Trusts that they will be no impediment to it, &c.—Burgos, 13th December 1527.
Latin. Original draft.
271. The Same to the Cardinals, his friends.
The state of Christendom is such that any Christian, who has not entirely forgotten his duties towards God, must endeavour to mend it. The cardinals, who through the dignity of their office obtain so high a place among Christians, are bound to help more efficaciously than others, and try to redress the present evil. Begs them to give credence to what his agents will tell them in his name.—Burgos, 13th December 1527.
Latin. Original draft.
14 Dec. 272. Don Ugo de Moncada to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A.41,
f. 344.
B. M. Add. 28,577,
f. 66.
Along and severe illness has prevented his writing to the Emperor about the progress of the negotiations conducted at Rome by the General of the Franciscans and Mons. de Vere (Veyre). When they arrived at Rome the Pope was still at Sanct Angelo under the custody of Alarcon. He could not be liberated as soon as the Emperor wished, because the army, and principally the Germans, would not consent to his liberation unless the 250,000 ducats which he (the Pope) promised to pay a few days ago were forthcoming. As this condition could not be fulfilled, the Pope's liberation was necessarily retarded, until on Friday, the 6th inst., he was actually allowed to leave Sanct Angelo, as His Imperial Majesty has no doubt been informed by his ministers at Rome.
Encloses copy of the capitulation, as well as a list of the securities which under present circumstances could be demanded and given. As within a fortnight part of the money is to be paid, and the men refuse to quit Rome before, His Holiness considers that he will not be safe there, and, though he has put a garrison of his own in the castle, fearing lest he should again be taken prisoner, determined to go to Orbieto. The day on which he recovered his liberty, he left not as a Pope, but as a layman, mounted on a good steed, and, as some people will have it, with arms under his clothes. He was followed by one hundred and fifty horse of his and of Luigi Gonzaga, and took the road to Civittà Castellana.
Has written frequently and by various routes to the King of Bohemia (Ferdinand,) representing the extreme necessity there is of a speedy succour. Should his troops make an attack upon Venetian territory, so as to oblige them to evacuate the Milanese, and should this Roman army march on Lombardy, the Emperor's cause might be well served. Soria writes from La Mirandola, where he is now staying, that the Duke of Ferrara has ostensibly joined the League, but says that if the Imperialists go to Lombardy he will show that he is the Emperor's friend. The French, they say, are coming down to join the rest of the army of the League. The news has been afloat for many a day, but hitherto no certainty has been obtained, for as this Imperial army is so hated (odioso) all over Italy, we cannot obtain reliable information except with the greatest difficulty and almost by miracle.
Considers himself excused from treating about the army, knowing, as he does, that those who are in command of it are now sending Captain Gayoso [to Spain] for the purpose of representing its wants, &c. Will only remind the Emperor that as Soria is now doing nothing at La Mirandola, he might be employed either at the Court of the King of Bohemia, for the express purpose of hastening the military preparations that are being made there, or else to fill up the post of the Abbot of Najera in the Imperial army.
Has seen two letters of Don Iñigo de Mendoza, the Imperial ambassador in London, addressed to the late Viceroy, Don Charles de Lanoy, in date of the 28th of September and 5th of October, wherein he (the ambassador) presses him to obtain from the Pope .certain provision calculated to ensure and consolidate the marriage of Her Serene Highness the Queen of England. Wrote immediately to the General [of the Franciscans] informing him of this fact. His answer was that the time was not come for such applications; when the opportunity offered itself he would think of it. Has thought it prudent to inform the Emperor thereof.
Notwithstanding the arrival of the Prince at Rome, the Marquis del Guasto is working as hard as ever he can, assisting him in all military matters, and especially in the difficult task of taking the army out of Rome.
Since the above was written he (Moncada) has obtained the enclosed copy of what the Duke of Ferrara demands from the King of France and the League in return for his services.
Recommends the Archbishop of Capua (Fr. Nicolo Schomberg).
The Siennese have chosen the Prince of Amalfi to command their forces.—Naples, 14th December 1527.
Signed: "Don Ugo de Moncada."
Spanish. Original, pp. 20.
14 Dec. 273. The Same to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 346.
As in another despatch of this date he (Don Ugo) has fully reported on the state of [Italian] affairs in general, will here con One his observations to this kingdom [of Naples], which happens to be just now in the worst possible condition. What with the remittances made to the Imperial army at Rome, and the sums spent here towards the pay of the Spaniards and Germans, who came last year, and to whom considerable arrears were owed at the time of Lannoy's death, the treasury is completely exhausted. The men-at-arms, perceiving that the sums remitted to Rome nave spent exclusively on the German and Spanish infantry, and that they themselves have had no share in it, have for the most part deserted and come to this kingdom. We have no means to pay them their arrears, and therefore cannot send them back to the army, which, wherever it goes, cannot possibly march without them.
At the time that the Venetian galleys hove in sight of Sicily it was resolved that 500 Spanish infantry should go thither to the assistance of its Viceroy (Duke of Monteleone). He (Don Ugo) prepared to follow them if necessary. The Spaniards accordingly left Apulia (Puglia), and had already reached Calabria when news came that the Venetians had suddenly abandoned the undertaking and gone elsewhere. Orders were then issued to the Spaniards to return, and they have since been placed at Puzzuolo and other towns of this coast for fear of the enemy coming this way. It has since been ascertained that 36 sail of the enemy have gone to Sardinia, for the purpose of invading Sicily. Has again written to the Duke, promising to send to his assistance the same 500 Spaniards if required. He himself with 1,500 Germans will try to defend, as best he can, the coast of Naples, though he cannot conceal from His Imperial Majesty that, having no money to pay the men, he will not be able to do much. If peace cannot be concluded on honourable terms, war must be carried on with vigour, and the wants of the Imperial armies in Italy plentifully supplied.
When the confederated fleet came last winter in sight of Naples and effected a landing, a Spaniard, son of the late Mossen Pallares, "maestrodatto della Caua," was killed by his side by a cannon shot. He left an orphan sister, who has no means of subsistence except the office which her father and brother once held. Begs for a confirmation of the same, that she may dispose of it at will. Also for the confirmation of the office of "Presidente della Regia Camera della Summaria," vacant by the death of Andrea Gattula, to Don Juan Angelo Pisanello. Recommends Miçer Juan Antonio Muscettula (sic) for the post of "Credenciero" with a salary of 120 ducats a year. Also Count Policastro, who has served with great zeal. As to the archbishopric of Taranto, Mastro Hieronimo de Monopoli, of the order of St. Dominic, was duly appointed to it; but as the Pope refused to grant him the bulls, and gave that see to Cardinal Armellino, he could not enter into possession. Now that the cardinal is dead, there can be no difficulty in reinstating the said Monopoli, who is willing to pay annually to a son of Miçer Coll, "Regente della Cancelleria," the 500 ducats pension formerly reserved on the archbishopric of Cosenza. The office of the "mastrodattia de la Audiencia" of Otranto to Hernan Perez de la Rosa, son of Knight Commander [La] Rosa.—Naples, 14th December 1527.
Signed: "Don Ugo de Moncada."
Addressed: "To His Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Indorsed: "Don Ugo de Moncada. 14th December.'
Spanish. Original, pp. 5.
15 Dec. 274. Antonio de Leyva to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 350.
Bartolomé de Tassis, present bearer, will inform His Imperial Majesty of the state of affairs at Milan and the rest of the Duchy. Begs credence for him.—Milan, 15th December 1527.
Signed: "Antonio de Leyva."
Addressed: "A la Sacratissima Cæsarea Mta."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From Anthonio de Leyva. 15th December."
Spanish. Original, .. 1.
16 Dec. 275. Count Burrello to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 351.
Has received the Imperial letter of the 27th of October.
His father, the Viceroy of Sicily (Duca di Monteleone), had been dangerously ill, so much so that he had resigned the government of the island into the hands of the Archbishop of Monreale. Late advices, however, state that he had since recovered, and would again resume office. He had received by a vessel coming from Barcelona the Imperial letters of the 26th. Was quite prepared to defend Sicily against any .attack of the enemy.—Naples, 16th October 1527.
Signed: "El Conde de Burrello."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From Count Burrello. 16th December. By triplicate."
Spanish. Original, .. 1.
19 Dec. 276. Don Ugo de Moncada to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 353.
Wrote three days ago by the Bishop of Gerona (Boil), who sailed in a caravel from this port. The duplicate goes now by the Marquis of Astorga.
Since the Pope recovered his liberty and went off to Orbieto no more has been heard of him. He ha3 not written to the Imperial ministers [at Rome], nor has he yet delivered up Civittà Castellana, as he promised. Worse still, all messengers tor Orbieto have been stopped on the road, and communication between Rome and the Pope's present residence had ceased, So Alarcon advises in date of the 15th inst.
Hears also from the General of the Franciscans that the Pope had sent for him. He was to go to the frontier of the Siennese, and there wait for a safe-conduct which His Holiness had applied for. The Pope wished him to return through France, and take a message of his to the Emperor. Having had him in his company all the time he was in confinement, it would be but proper that he should keep him by his side now that he has recovered his liberty, instead of sending him back to Spain. However this may be, the General writes to say that he intends going by land; his journey will be a long one (su camino sera algo spacioso).
Guasto left this morning for Home, taking 40,000 cr. (escudos) from the two cardinals lately created here, besides 7,000 cr. more as proceeds of a "clericato di Camera" which he (the Pope) has bestowed on a native of this kingdom. The cardinals are the Archbishops of Naples and Matera. As the Bishop of Turpia (Tropia) could only give 18,000 cr. in specie for his hat, he declined to take it. It will be given instead to the Archbishop of Monreale, who is very willing to pay the 20,000.
Before his departure Guasto said he had letters from a friend at Rome advising that six companies of the enemy's infantry were about to invade this kingdom by the mountains of the Abruzzo. The information came from Cardinal Colonna. He (Don Ugo) knows nothing about this, but has taken his measures, and appointed to the government of that province the Prince of Melfi (Amalfi), and sent him a reinforcement of four companies of Spanish infantry, in addition to the 100 men-at-arms and 100 light cavalry already under his orders. Should the enemy invade this kingdom, as is announced, he will meet with resistance. If not required in the Abruzzo, the Spaniards will join the Imperial army at Rome, because, as they are not paid, they ruin the country wherever they go. "Will send all the troops that are not absolutely necessary for the defence of Naples, and keep only 1,200 Germans and 200 light horse, as he much prefers that to having the country round Naples destroyed and hearing the just complaints of the inhabitants, the more so that, should not the Pope fulfil his engagements, it is certain that most of the Imperial army, by order of its captains, will come this way.
Monsieur de Veyre is waiting for an answer from the Pope to go to Rome.—Naples, 19th December 1527.
Signed: "Don Ugo de Moncada."
19 Dec. 277. The Same to the Same.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 41,
f. 350.
B. M. Add. 28, 577,
Wrote by a caravel, which sailed for Barcelona three days ago and took on board the Bishop of Gerona. Writes again by the ship (nave) which takes the Marquis of Astorga, and encloses a duplicate of his former despatch.
Since the Pope recovered his liberty he has not written a word; nor has the delivery of Civittà Castellana taken place. No one can pass in safety from Rome to Orbieto, writes Alarcon on the 15th, whilst the General of the Franciscans (Quinones) advises that the Pope wished him to return to Spain, but go first to the confines of Sienna, and wait there for a safe-conduct from France.
The Marquis del Guasto left to-day for Rome. He takes with him 47,000 ducats of the two Neapolitan cardinals, the Archbishop of Naples and the Archbishop of Matera, each of whom has paid 20,000; the remaining 7,000 have been obtained by the sale of a "clericato de Camara." The Pope had also sent a cardinal's hat to the Arcbbinhop of Turpia (Tropia) but as he refused to give more than 18,000 ducats in specie, nothing could be done, especially as it was at the time that the Archbishop of Monreale was sending his 20,000. The Pope has been applied to to have his name substituted in the College of Cardinals.
Cardinal Colonna writes to say that news has been received at Rome of six companies (banderas) of the League being about to invade this kingdom by the mountains of the Abruzzi. No intelligence of the supposed invasion has been received from other quarters, but as it is better to be prepared, he has reinforced the governor of that province, Prince of Amalfi, with four companies of Spanish infantry. As the Prince had with him 80 men-at-arms and 100 light horse, it is to be supposed that this force will be sufficient to arrest the enemy should he invade this kingdom on that frontier.
Mons de Veyre is waiting for the Pope's answer to know whether his visit will be agreeable. According as it may be, he (Veyre) will decide whether to go to Orbieto or return to Spain.—Naples, 19th December 1527.
Signed: "Don Ugo de Moncada."
Addressed: "Sacræ Cesareæ et Cath. Majti."
Spanish. Original, pp. 3.


  • n1. La gente dil Duca Francesco eon in Abia (sic),e la anno fortificato parimente.
  • n2. Petro degli Accolti, Archbishop of Ravenna and Cardinal of Ancona.
  • n3. The remainder of (he letter is only a duplicate of that of the 11th.
  • n4. Probably the chief of the Municipality or Corporation, for at this time Carracciolo had the administration of justice and government of the city, and Leyva commanded the army.