Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: H, I". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Habart, captain, imperial messenger, takes letters to Don Iñigo de Mendoza, ii. 373.
Hacanea, (white steed) to be presented yearly to the pope for the fief of Naples, ii. 316.
Hackett, sir John, English ambassador in the Low Countries, 755.
Haggebutiers, arquebusiers, hackbootiers, hackbutiers, 40.
Haguenau in Alsacia, 130.
Hamburgh, ii. 279.
Hampton Court, cardinal Wolsey at, 26,145 629.
-, -, presented to Henry with furniture, &c, ii. 208–9, 212.
-, -, the English court at, 856, 881.
Hanneton, Philip, Flemish ambassador at the court of England, Int. xvii, 26.
-, -, the "audiencier," the peace of Ghelders signed in the presence of, ii. 849.
-, -, letter to, 36.
Hantencourt, v. Antoncourt and HamptonCourt.
Harana, . Arana.
Harnao, v. Arnault.
Haro, count of, v. Fernandez de Vleasco.
Harques, v. Arques.
Hassia, v. Hesse.
Hennege, Thomas, pension due to, 550.
Henri, duke of Orleans, delivered as hostage for his father Francis, 605; ii. 3, 548.
Henry VIII. of England writes in defence of Christianity, 67.
-, how the news of the battle of Pavia was received by, 82.
-, prepares to invade France, 153.
-, alarmed at the emperor's growing power, 226.
-, favours the Italian league and remits money to the pope, ii. 12.
-, and Wolsey wish the peace with France to be discussed and concluded in London, ii. 101–3.
-, objects to a truce, ii. 105.
-, assists the Italian league with money, ii. 109, 117.
-, concludes a treaty of defensive and offensive alliance with France, ii. 222.
-, first idea of the divorce said to have been suggested by Wolsey to, ii. 193–4.
-, strives to become the mediator of peace between Francis and Charles, ii. 668.
-, sends two lawyers to Rome to sue for the divorce, ii. 669.
-, which he says all the English bishops advise and approve of, ibid.
-, has a paper drawn and signed to that effect and forwards it to Rome, ii. 861.
-, Spanish chronicle of, Int. x.
-, almoner, v. Lee.
-, lord high chamberlain of, v. Sandys.
-, letters to the emperor (1525), 31, 64.
Henuache, v. Hennege.
Herbstein, Sigismond de, ii. 335.
Herbipolis, v. Wurtzburg.
Herly, Mauricius, ii. 994.
Hernandez (Pero), servant to the duke of Sessa, sent to Spain as courier, 601, 605,645.
-, returns to Rome with dispatches, 696–7.
Hernando, servant of the marquis del Guasto, v. Yciz.
Herrera, Andres de, Spanish captain (1527), signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 233.
-, Antonio de, historian, 999.
-, captain Felipe de, warder of Tarento in Naples, Int. xxvi.
-, -, to take the van of Guasto's army at Milan, 723–4.
-, -, wounded before Lodi, 770, 773, 785.
-, -, on a mission to Spain, ii. 88, 148.
-, -, death of, ii. 327.
-, knight commander Miguel de, warder of Pamplona in Navarre:
-, -, notice of, Int. xxv.
-, -, sent by Charles on a mission to the pope, 504–5, 508, 524–7, 635–6, 785.
-, -, arrives at Milan (29th November 1525), 504, 520, 723–4.
-, -, -, at Rome, 524.
-, -, his prudence, tact, and discretion much commended by the pope, 525.
-, -, sent to Siena, 544.
-, -, recalled and leaves for Spain, 595, 662, 726, 733, 772.
-, -, letters to the emperor (1525), 287, 298–9, 311; (1526), 363, 386, 396, 398, 413, 442.
Hesdin, in Flanders, 132.
-, negociations respecting, 142.
-, natives of, prisoners in Calais, 202.
-, Jean d' 128, 170, 190.
Hesse, Philippe, landgrave of, ii. 97, 335, 796, 815.
-, -, his lawsuit with count Nassau, 816.
Hieronimo, a servant of Pescara, 406.
Hijar (Ixar, Hixar), D. Antonio de, sent by Lannoy to treat with the lansquenets, ii. 395.
-, -, negociates with Andrea and Philippino Doria, 701, 704.
Hiniesta, v. Iniesta.
Holland, the fortresses of Flanders and, to be guarded against a probable attack of the English, ii. 224.
Honeya, v. Oneglia.
Honorato, v. Honoré.
Honoré (Honorato, Onorato, &c), French agent in Portugal, ii. 620, 628, 663.
Hoochstraëttc, count of, v. Lalaing.
Hornes, count of, v. Montmorency.
Horses, Neapolitan, sent to Spain, ii. 609.
-, Spanish, present of, sent to the archduke by the emperor, ii. 925.
-, -, introduction of, in France strictly forbidden, 618.
-, 500 Turkish, bought by Venice, ii. 695.
Hortega,.. Ortega.
Hortenbourg, v. Ortenburg.
Hostages, French, in London, released, 689.
-, -, demanded from Clement after the surprise of Rome by the Colonnesc, 928.
-, -, after the taking and sack of that city by the imperialists in 1527, ii. 231–2, 237, 242, 269.
-, -, three of the (all cardinals), conveyed to Naples, ii. 329, 332.
-, -, in the keeping of the Germans at the Colonna Palace manage to make their escape, ii. 488.
-, -, cardinals in Naples set at liberty by order of the Emperor, ii.
Hovero, meaning of the word, as applied to a horse, 925.
Howard, Thomas, earl of Surrey, duke of Norfolk, high admiral of England, 4.
-, -, ship belonging to, 34, 52, 86, 148, 152, 201.
-, -, to command the expedition against France, 87.
-, -, pension paid by the emperor to, 550.
-, -, present at a conference between Wolsey and Mendoza, ii. 107, 190, 193.
-, -, signs, at Henry's request, a paper showing that the divorce is much desired by the people of England, ii. 861.
Huesca, the bishopric of, given to cardinal Campeggio, 974; ii. 365.
Humyères, seigneur d', v. Brinon and Villaines.
Hungary, invasion of, by the Turks, 593.
-, king Louis of, killed at Mohatz, 598–9, 895, 932–3.
-, .overrun and conquered by Soliman, 1024.
-, the vayvod of Transylvania lays claim to the crown of, and has himself elected, 1051.
-, count palatine of, to convoke a diet for the election of a king after the death of Ludwig, 1051.
-, the marquis Casimir of Brandemburg sent against the vayvod [Zapolsky] in, ii. 266.
-, fears of a second invasion of, by the Turks, ii. 739.
-, news-letters from, ii. 188, 193.
Hurault, Jacques, bishop of Autun, an adherent of Bourbon; to be released from prison according to an article of the Madrid convention, 560, 563.
Hurbina, v. Urbina.
Hurtado, king-at-arms in Naples, 342.
-, de Mendoza, Diego, 953.
-, Francisco, v. Mendoza.
-, Don Lope, imperial ambassador to Savoy, sent on a mission to Savoy and Milan, 313–16.
-, to Rome with a message from Pescara to the pope concerning the arrest of Morone, 433.
-, account of his interview with the none 434–45.
-, advises the emperor to keep the duchy of Milan for himself, and take from Mother Church Parma and Piacenza, 443.
-, and to help the Colonnese, 444.
-, -, bearer of secret instructions for Pescara and Leyva, 505.
-, -, sent by Charles to Piedmont to make inquiries about the damages committed there by the imperial troops, 580.
-, -, arrests at Burgos the ambassadors of the league, and escorts them to the castle of Poza, ii. 576.
-, -, letters to the emperor (1526), ii. 253, 268, 292, 304, 306, 324, 346, 351, 359, 380, 383, 390, 394, 443, 450, 473, 481–3, 494, 496, 516, 518, 535.
-, -, imperial ambassador in Portugal, negociates respecting the line of demarcation of the undiscovered territories in America, ii. 787.
-, about the Moluccas or Spice Islands, ii. 914.
-, -, letters to the emperor, dated from Almeyrim or Lisbon, it 293, 371, 403, 426, 432, 546, 572, 616, 642.
-, -, notice of, Int. xxv, ii. v.
Hyeres (H feres), group of islands on the south coast of France, Biscayan ship captured near the, by Fr. Bernardino Baron de St. Brancard, the French vice-admiral, 602, 612.
Ibrahim Pashá, Turkish general, defeated and taken prisoner by the vayvode, 996.
-, in command of the Turkish cavalry, ii. 613.
-, Bey? sent on a mission to Venice, ii. 945, 1003.
Ibrea (also written Imbrea), imperial army in the Novarese, to remove their quarters to, 103, 105.
-, Switzers march from, to Asti, ii. 298–9, 308, 345.
-, St. Pol's auxiliaries at, 691.
Illescas, Gonzalo de, his "Historia Pontifical" quoted, ii. 999, 105; Int. xxiv.
Imola, Bourbon's army on the road to, ii. 138.
-, taken by Lantrec from Zuanne Saxadello and delivered to the pope's nuncio (1528), ii. 544.
Imperatore, Cesare, a Sicilian outlaw, 994.
-, -, prepares to invade Sicily, ii. 41.
Imperial army in Italy, successful at Pavia, 49–50, 56–9.
-, remittances in money or bills of exchange to the, 58, 59, 81.
-, by Henry, 73, 81.
-, great distress of, in Milan, 634.
-, and in Naples, ii. 734, 752.
-, maintenance of, stipulated by Wolsey, 81.
-, Pescara on his death bed entrusts the command of the, to Guasto and Leyva, 510.
-, who are said to disagree, ibid.
-, solicitors and notaries at Rome imprisoned and fined, 641.
-, army in the Milanese, the reform of the, much recommended by Hurtado and Leyva, ii, 580.
-, reduced to extremity for want of money and provisions, ii. 634.
Imperiale, Francesco, a Sicilian, called Imperatore by Guicciardini, 994, note.
-, summoned to a meeting for the election of four cardinals to be entrusted with the defence of the city, ii. 39.
-, in case of attack, promise to stay at home, shut their doors, and prevent their servants and retainers from going out, ii. 40.
Incisa, Federico di, agent of the marchioness of Monferrato in Spain, ii. 905.
In Cœna Domini, papal bull so entitled, sent to the council of Castille to be examined, 641, 691.
-, -, history of its various alterations, ii. 1000.
Inçago, in Lombardy, the confederates on hearing of Fruntsperg's arrival in Italy remove their camp to, 1013.
Indemnity to be paid by the emperor to Henry for his losses in France, according to treaty, negociations concerning the, 7.
-, Praet recommends the prompt payment of the, 8.
Indies (West), patriarch of the (1526), throws impediments in the way of pensions to Schomberg and others, 661.
-, -, news of the, 200; ii. 739, 865.
Inestre, v. Iniesta.
Iniesta, wrongly written Inestre, commandership of, in the order of Calatrava, conferred upon Leyva, ii. 162,1004.
Infantry, Spanish, petition of the, at Naples to the emperor, ii. 441.
-, under Alarcon sack two villages belonging to the Colonnese, 522.
Insbruck, Innspruc, Isbrug, capital of Tyro. (Austria), 90, 931, 1030; ii. 647.
-, -, provincial diets held at, 890, 891, 899, 902, 925, 932.
-, -, ducal chamber at, revenues pawned by Ferdinand, 934, 933.
-, -, letters dated from, 41, 563.
Insola (Roman States), written also Isola and Itola, the camp of the league at, ii. 216, 234, 239, 241.
Inzago, v. Inçago.
Irache, marquis of, v. Vintimiglia.
Ireland, the duke of Richmond to be king of, ii. 908.
Irun, v. Yrun-Yranzo.
Isabella, sister of Charles, married to Christiern II., king of Denmark, ii. 577, 682.
-, of Portugal married to Charles V., 254.
-, to govern Spain during the emperor's absence, ii. 898.
-, assisted by a council of regency, ibid.
Ischia, castle of, held by the marquis del Guasto, ii. 594, 694, 739.
-, -, letters dated from, 472–3, 499.
Ismail II., shah or sophi of Persia, defeats the Turks, 362, 425.
-, -, assists a nephew of Solyman in his rebellion, 1031.
-, -, letter from Charles to, 633.
Isola, v. Insola.
Itola, ii. 216, v. also Insola.
Isproug, v. Inspruck.
Isselstein, lord of, v. Egmont.
Italian powers, money subscribed by the, for the expenses of the war against France
(1525), 104.
Italians, described by the marquis de Astorga as selfish and of fickle disposition, ii. 264.
-, sharp and subtle, i. 203.
-, afraid of the emperor becoming sole master of their country, ii. 235.
-, bad effect produced among the, by the sudden departure of Lannoy with his royal prisoner, 224, 229.
Italy invaded by Francis at the instigation of pope Clement, 908.
-, sums to be demanded from, after the victory at Pavia, 106–7.
-, the avowed object of the league to drive the imperialists out of, 336, 665.
-, no money to be got out of, ii. 542.
-, advices from, ii. 291.
Iualian, courier in the archduke's service, ii. 59.
Iviza (Iviça), one of the Balearic Islands, Genoese vessels coming from, detained at Savona, 847.
Ixar, v. Hixar.