Index: G

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Gachard, his Analectes pour .' histoire de Belgique, quoted, ii. 689, note.

Gaddi [Pignatello], Nicolao, a Florentine; created cardinal by Clement (May 1527), ii. 200.

-, -, proposed as one of the hostages for the capitulation of Borne, ii. 232.

-, -, loses all his property at the sack, ii. 829.

-, -, considered a staunch imperialist, and recommended for the archbishopric of Cosenza in Naples, ii. 365, 951.

-, -, the bishopric of Cadiz (in Spain) given to a nephew of, 456.

-, -, letter to the emperor (1528), ii. 577.

Gaeta, warder of, goes back to Spain, 448.

-, the viceroy's fleet sails for, 1003.

-, defended by commander La Rosa, ii. 553, 727.

-, 600 Spaniards from Sicily land at, ii. 636.

-, cardinal Pompeo Colonna at, ii. 673.

-, Doria's galleys arrive at, ii. 770, 776.

-, letters dated from, ii. 168, 404, 418.

Gaetano, lord of Sermoneta, saves the crew of an imperial galley wrecked on the coast of Terracina, 1048.

-, -, wrongly suspected of being in secret understanding with the lord of Felicin, his kinsman, ii. 561.

-, -, in the imperial service, ii. 568.

-, Cesare, lord of Felicin, suspected of having joined the league, ii. 561, 568, 581.

-, d'Aragona, Federigo or Fadrique, count of Fundi, eldest son of Luigi, duke of Traietto, serves under Lautrec, ii. 553, 720, 771.

-, -, -, taken prisoner and confined in Castilnovo, ii. 792.

-, -, -, tried and executed, ii. 856. 865.

-, -, -, Hernando or Ferrante, ii. 771.

-, -, -, Lodovico, ibid.

-, Luigi, duke of Traietto, accompanies Francis in his voyage to Spain, 179.

-, -, arrives at Rome, ii. 160.

-, -, leaves for Naples, ii. 162.

Gaiazzo, Alonso di, lieutenant of his brother, count Lodovico, signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 233.

-, Lodovico Conte di, Italian condottiere, offers his services to the emperor, 287.

-, -, employed by Guasto and Leyva, 776, 797, 816.

-, -, one of his servants taken prisoner in France, 859.

-, -, deserts, and takes the command of the "Bande Nere," ii. 72, 90, 761.

-, -, his estate in Sicily confiscated, and bought by count Burrello, ii. 761.

-, -, in command of the Venetian infantry, ii. 873.


-, Gian Francesco da, 514, 569, 999.

-, Luigi, a Milanese, ii. 371,421,514, 999.

Galera, in the Milanese (?), ii. 494.

-, (Rom. Stat.), the abbot of Farfa at. ii. 494,498.

Galfridius, Galfrigidius (Geoffrey?), secretary to the earl of Desmond, sent on an embassy to Charles, ii. 833–4.

-, -, -, also called Gere, Jere, and Xere, ibid.

Galindez de Carvajal, Dr. Lorenzo, 663.

Galleys, the, of Rhodes, and two more of France, ordered to convey Montmorency to Spain, 290.

-, Soria advises to have them embargoed on their arrival, ibid.

-, papal galleys retained in Spain, and their captains compelled to take Spanish infantry on board, 311,326.

-, to be got ready at Genoa for the passage of Charles to Italy, 621.

Galliot de Genouillac, Jacques, seneschal d' Armagnac, in command of the artillery at Pavia, his nephew slain, 49.

Gallipoli (Otranto), holds out against the Venetians, ii. 677.

Gambara, count, 499.

-, -, Sessa's letter to the emperor in favour of, 285.

-, Umberto di, prothontary, vice-legate, and bishop of Tortona (1528), 499.

-, -, appointed papal nuncio in England, 605, 732.

-, -, sent to France on a mission, ii. 565.

-, -, which is unsuccessful, ii. 608.

-, -, on good terms with Alonso Sanchez, to whom he furnishes information respecting the plans of the confederates, ii. 870;

Garay, Dr. Pedro, a Spaniard, attends the meeting at Paris of the theologians appointed by the university of Paris to give their opinion on the divorce case, ii. 829–30.

Garcia, Geronimo, son of Pero Garcia, one of Charles' secretaries, ii. 254.

-, secretary Pero, 551–2, 565, 581, 857–8, 998; ii. 345.

-, -, chevalier Billia's affidavit respecting, 318.

-, -, letters to, ii. 312, 581, 584, 595.

Garda, lake of, Soria and doge Adorno meet Brunswick at Desençano on the, ii. 760.

Gardiner, Dr. Stephen, king's almoner and Wolsey's secretary, sent by Henry to the pope (1528), ii. 648, 885, 893.

Garigliano, river of Naples, to be passed by Vaudemont, ii. 75.

-, count Maddalone sent to the, ii. 720.

-, the passes of, occupied by the confederates, ii. 731.

Garninghem, v. Jerningham.

Garro, Spanish soldier serving under Gian Paolo Sforza; taken prisoner, ii. 305.

Gascons, Lautrec's army chiefly composed of, .993; ii. 421, 734.

-, count Pedro Navarro in command of the, before Naples, ii. 569.

Gascony, duchy of, 62.

Gasinar, captain of German peasants, a friend of likely to go over to the confederates, 944.

Gaspar, Argellensis, his appointment as papal nuncio to the diet of Spires objected to by Burgo, ii. 956.

-, German captain, v. Fruntsperg and Mar and Delmar.

Gastadores, in Italian "gustatori," 407, note.

Gastaldo, v. Castaldo.

Gasto, v. Guasto and Vasto.

Gatta or Catta, captain, a native of Gascony, one of Bourbon's followers, executed at Naples for treason, ii. 722.

Gattinaria (Gattinara), in Piedmont, the confederates under the marquis of Saluzzo march on, 983.

Gattinara, Giovan Bartholomeo da, bishop of Moriana, imperial agent in Rome, (1525-6), 118, 137, 148–9, 157, 202, 204, 660.

-, -, takes to Spain the draft of the treaty concluded between Clement and the emperor, 137.

-, -, commissary-general to the imperial army, ii. 92, 120, 125, 230, 160, 663.

-, -, to be rewarded with a cardinal's hat, 160, 663.

-, -, chancellor for the crown of Aragon, 922.

-, -, present at the sack of Rome, ii. 201.

-, -, writes an account of it, ii. 214-5.

-, -, which is wrongly attributed to the grand chancellor Mercurino, ii. Int. xix.

-, -, goes to Sant Angelo to negotiate with the pope, ii. 201, 213, 225, 231.

-, -, and is wounded by the infuriated Germans owing to Clement's delay in accepting their terms, ii. 201, 250.

-, -, takes possession for the emperor of Parma, Piacenza, and Lucca, ii. 250.

-, -, robbed by peasants, ii. 291.

-, -, letters to the emperor or to the grand chancellor, his relative, ii. Int. xx.

-, Mercurino da, grand chancellor of Spain, notice of, Int. xvi; ii. xxi-ii.

-, -, cardinal's hat promised to, 663.

-, -, causes to be read at Granada, in the presence of Castiglione, the papal nuncio, the emperor's answer to Clement's brief of the 23rd June, 905.

-, -, loses the emperor's grace, ii. 101.

-, -, leaves for Monserrat and Italy, ii. 148.

-, -, lands at Monaco, ii. 250, 254, 259.

-, -, returns to Spain, ii. 294, 334.

-, -, again entrusted with the conduct of foreign affairs, ii. 739, 772.

-, -, letters to the doge of Genoa, 317.

Gattinara Mercurino da, letters of, to the duke of Ferrara, ii. 129.

-, -, to Lope Hurtado, 391.

-, -, from Clement to, 71.

-, -, drafts of dispatches corrected by, 47, 148,378,410, 601.

-, -, memoranda of letters to the pope and to the Italian potentates, 997–9.

Gattula, Andrea, president of the Regia Camara, at Naples, ii. 505.

Gavi, Gavy, the estate of, to be given to Pescara, 407.

-, -, to Lope de Soria, 669, 694, 846, 848.

-, and Savona defended against the French, 850.

-, -, the confederates to take up positions at, 1013.

-, count Antonio di, v. Guasco.

Gavre, count of, v. Egmont (Jean).

-, prince of, v. Egmont (Lamoral).

Gay, master, 142.

Gaya, district near Novara; the French defeated by Urries and Belgioioso at, (1526), 1062.

Gayazo, v. Gaiazzo.

Gayoso, Alonso de, Spanish captain, signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 233.

-, -, sent on . mission to Lannoy, ii. 247.

-, -, to Naples with three cardinals hats, ii. 431, 481, 498.

-, -, to Spain. 503.

Gazella, Micer Marcello, 592.

Gelders, Ghelders, Gueldres, in Holland, the peace of, sworn to in the presence of the imperial "audiencier," 849, 866.

-, duke of, v. Egmont (Charles).

Genaro, Hannibale or Annibale di, 998.

Genençano, Ginenzano (Genzano), a small town in the Campania of Rome; Don Hugo de Moncada and Colonna meet at, 779, 793, 804.

-, -, taken by the papal troops, 997, 1007.

Geneva, Genevra, Jinebra, Geneva, the city of, attempts to join the Swiss confederation, 365.

-, -, eventually succeeds, 655.

-, count of, v. Savoy.

Genoa, signory of, parties in the, struggle for power, 60, 316, 427.

-, Adorni and Fregosi at, 60, 316, 427.

-, plebeians and nobles, 992.

-, a third party, denominated "della Unione," ibid.

-, galleys of the, to be got ready for the emperor's passage to Italy, 59, 621.

-, doge and community of, contemplate a union with France, 60.

-, -, money to be paid "by, for the expenses of the war, 105.

Genoa, doge and community of, Charles promises to indemnify the, for the damages caused in its territory by the Spaniards escorting Francis, 297.

-, -, galleys of, to be fitted out to bring Bourbon back from Spain, 611.

-, -, their number to be increased at the emperor's expense, ii. 258, 289, 371.

-, -, union of the Fregosi and Adorni discussed, 1001; ii. 289.

-, city of, in danger of an attack from Andrea Doria, 297-8, 707.

-, Don Hugo defeated and taken prisoner close to, 40; ii. 997.

-, -, defences of, to be improved, 900-3.

-, -, threatened by the confederates, 926, 956, 993.

-, -, besieged and taken by the Fregosi (18th August 1527), ii. 344, 348, 349, 369, 424, 437.

-, -, Andrea Doria takes possession of, ii. 824.

-, -, the union ultimately proclaimed at, ii. 654, 667, 795.

-, -, threatened again by St. Pol and the leaguers, ii. 826, 926, 956.

-, -, Dona's palace close to, plundered and set on fire by the garrison of Alessandria, ii. 867.

-, -, letters dated from, 24, 83, v. Adorno and Soria.

-, -, doge of, v. Adorno.

Genoese at difference with the people of Savona, whose port they destroy, ibid.

-, on bad terms with Francis owing to his refusal to give up Savona, ii. 672.

-, proclaim the union, ii. 667.

-, chose Andrea Doria for their supreme magistrate, 672.

-,want to appoint a "gonfaloniere," ii. 801.

Gençano, v. Genençano.

Geradada, v. Ghiara.

Gerald, John, adherent of the earl of Desmond, ii. 993.

-, -, junior, ibid.

Geraldines, the, adherents of the earl of Desmond and Kildare, ii. 991-4.

German (Lutheran) peasants lay siege to Nancy in Lorraine, 206.

-, -, captains of the, offer their services to Venice, 894.

-, -, one of them and four officers arrested by the imperialists, ibid.

-, lansquenets of the Lutheran sect arrive at Cadore in the Friuli, 809.

-, -, in Catalonia under Rogendorf destined to invade Languedoc and Provence, 37, 647.

-, -, at Pavia under Salm and Fruntsperg, 22, 57.

-, -, become troublesome owing to their pay not being issued regularly, 126.

German lansquenets, frequent mutinies of the at Milan (1526), 698, 704.

-, -, fall into discredit owing to their want of action and discipline, 1054

-, -, fresh reinforcements applied for by Pescara and Bourbon anxiously expected, 929.

-, -, arrive in Italy under George Fruntsperg, 1014,1018.

-, -, march on Lombardy, 1019, 1021.

-, -, cross the Pò and defeat Giovannino de' Medici at Governolo, 1034, 1037.

-,-, operate their junction with Bourbon, ii. 9, 38.

-, -, refuse to advance unless their arrears be paid, ii. 15.

-, -, offers made by Bourbon to the, ii. 16.

-, -, retain Guasto at their camp as security, ibid.

-, -, march on Florence, ii. 121.

-, -, mutiny of the, at Castel San Giovanni on the road to Bologna ii 131.

-, -, sack Rome and the houses of the cardinals indiscriminately, ii. 197.

-, -, plunder made by the, and other imperial soldiers calculated at 15 or 20 millions of gold, ii. 198.

-, -, atrocious behaviour of the, during the sack of Rome, ii. 199, 213.

-, -, gut the Spanish embassy and the houses of the imperialists in general, ii. 201, 227.

-, -, take plate and ornaments from churches and monasteries, ii. 198.

-, -, mutiny and gut Chalon's quarters, ii. 267.

-, - quit Rome (10th July 1527), leaving behind some of their captains to treat with the pope, ii. 269.

-, -, insist upon having an inventory made of all personal property within Santangelo, ii. 270.

-, -, and upon the pope and the cardinals being removed to Gaeta, ii. 311-312.

-, -, quite unmanageable unless they receive their pay regularly, ii. 387.

-, -, said to be in negotiation with the league, ii. 396.

-, -, meet at Campo di Fiore, and threaten to hang three of the hostages, ii. 445, 475.

-, -, march out of Rome, but return again, and sack the quarters of the Spaniards, ii. 467.

-, -, accused of being in treaty with the pope's agents to forsake the imperial service, ii. 536-7.

-, -, another serious mutiny of the, put down by Chalon, Alarcon, and Urbina, ii. 545.

German lansquenets rise again on the excuse that the Spaniards have cheated them out of one month's pay, ii. 554, 556.

-, -, agree to start in pursuit of the abbot of Farfa and Stefano Colonna on certain conditions, ii. 559.

-, the non-fulfilment of which (they declare) will be the cause of their remaining at Rome, ii. 560.

-, -, and of the destruction of that city, ii. 561.

-, -, reported to be in Bolognese, and marching to the relief of Naples, ii. 705.

-, -, in Naples dissatisfied with their colonel, ii. 699.

-, -, complain of not having wine and search the houses for it, ii. 700, 734.

-, -, mutiny and sack Alarcon's quarters, ii. 752.

-, -, new reinforcements of, applied for by the imperial commanders, ii. 655, 665, 668–9.

-, -, under Brunswick, enter the Bresciano, ii. 684, 686, 692–4.

-, -, described by Soria as a most unruly and heretical set of men, ii. 739.

-, -, rise in mutiny and desert their banners, ii. 770–4.

-, -, quit the imperial service and go home, with the exception of 3,000, whom Leyva persuades to remain, ii. 754–5,873.

-, -, a further supply of 7,000, to be provided by the archduke, ii. 754.

-, -, in consequence of Brunswick's Germans refusing to march to the relief of Naples, ibid.

-, -, in Lombardy under Leyva, insist upon being quartered at Milan, ii. 310.

Germany, state of affairs in, 12.

-, -, news from, 538, 544.

-, -, greatly in fear of an invasion from the Turk, 928.

-, -, learned men in, to write pamphlets in favour of the emperor, ii. 98.

Gere, also written Jere and Xere (Sherek?), an attendant of the earl of Desmond, v. Galfridius.


-, bishop of, v. Boil.

Ghent, viscount of, v. Melun.

Gherio, Goro da Pistoia, also called Gero Ghorio, bishop of Fano, papal vicelegate at Bologna, 290.

Ghiara, Ghiera, Gera d' Adda, a district of Lombardy, the imperialists quartered in the, 427.

-, -, occupied by the Venetians, 937, 983.

Ghinucci, Girolamo, auditor of the apostolic chamber, bishop of Ascoli, and of Worcester, generally called episcopus vigorniensis, English ambassador to Clement, to follow Casale and negociate at Rome, 345, 447.

-, -, and discuss the articles of the Italian league, 475.

-, -, returns to England, 926, 942.

-, -, sent by Henry to France and Spain, 1010.

-, -, leaves again for Rome, ii. 315.

-, -, at the emperor's court as English ambassador, ii.

-, -, recommended by Charles to the pope, ii. 322.

Ghisterin?, letter dated from, 11.

Gianmatheo (Giovan Matheo), v. Giberto.

Giardino, II, plain so called, close to Milan, 816.

Giberti, or Giberto, Gianmatheo, bishop of Verona, Clement's datary, 149, 639, 803, 835.

-, -, to go on a mission to France and England, and thence to Spain, ii. 137, 149, 157, 160.

-, -, demanded as hostage for the capitulation of Rome, ii. 210, 232.

-, -, in Venice on his way to his diocese, ii. 523, 532, 544.

-, -, causes of his ill-will against the emperor, ii. 22, 282, 922–3.

-, -, returns to Rome, ii. 917.

-, -, recovers his influence over Clemenr, ii. 920.

-, -, about to be sent to Spain as legate, ii. 923.

-, -, conferences with Miguel Mai, ii. 954–6.

-, -, excuses himself of his former hostility, and protests of his goodwill towards the emperor, ii. 955.

-, -, letters to Messer Capino, ii. 449.

-, -,-, to Umberto di Gambara, 453.

-, -, -, to the bishop of Pola, 454.

-, -, -, to the bishop of Veroli, 458.

Gibraleon, 697.

Gilino, v. Giulino.

Ginebra, Gineua, v. Geneva.

Ginençano (Rom. Stat.), v. Gençano and Genençano.

Gioachino da Passano, Giovan (Joachim and Jockin), a Genoese, seigneur de Vaux, and French ambassador in England, Int. xiii.

-, -, -, his protracted stay in London made a subject of complaint on the part of the imperial ambassadors, 11, 12, 14, 23, 26,40, 52, 79,160.

-, -, -, lodges at Wolsey's confessor, 24.

Gioacbino da Passano, Giovan, &c, presents made by, to Agostini, ii. 23.

-, -, his dismissal applied for by Praët, 14.

-, -, ultimately obtained (June 1525), 209.

-, -, back in England, 251; ii. 83, 85.

-, -, in Wolsey's confidence, ii. 917.

-, -, expected at Viterbo, ii. 747, 749.

-, -, sent on a mission to Ferrara, ii. 604, 852.

-, -, at Venice, ii. 446, 451.

Giovanni, Baptista, secretary to doge Adorno, v. Baptista.

Giovannino, v. Medici.

Giraco, marquis of, v. Chirazzo.

Girart or Girardo, secretary to Lope de Soria, ii. 526.

Girolamo, bishop of Vassone (Selada, bishop of Venosa?), "mastro di casa" to pope Clement, sent on a mission to the emperor at Barcelona, ii. 965–6.

Gismond, Gismondo, French secretary in Venice, 258, v. Sigismondo.

Gismundino, v. Sigismondino.

Giuliano, Micer, v. Spezzia.

Giulino (Giuliano, Julian, Gilino, &c), Camillo, Milanese secretary and agent in Spain, 261, 268, 328, 385, 585, 674; ii. 656, 999.

-, -, -, affidavit of, 319.

Giustiniana, Genoese carack belonging to Giustiniano II Gobbo v. Gobba.

Giustiniani, Sebastiano, Venetian ambassador in France, 822, note.

-, -, letter to Andrea Gritti, 557.

Giustiniano, Fabrizio, surnamed "II Gobbo," or the humpback, captain of Genoese galleys, 611, 651.

-, son of, to command a Genoese galley, 578.

-, -, prisoner of Doria, ii. 346, 678.

-, -, recommended by Chalon, ii. 698, 751.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 448.

Glaudio, v. Claudio.

Gobba, la, captain-galley of II Gobbo, 579.

Gobbo, v. Giustiniano.

Goderano, baron de, v. Valquornera.

Goer, lord Richard, ii. 993.

Goicoechea, D. Manuel, Int. ix.

Goiçueta, Miguel de, master of the ship Magdalena, ii. 271.

Golisano, count of, Int. xxii.

-, Don Pedro de, lieutenant and cousin of the preceding, 986.

-, countess of, ii. 668.

-, letter to the emperor, ii. 408.

Gonzaga, Eleonora Hippolita, duchess of Urbino, detained at Venice with her son Guidobaldo della Rovere, ii. 322.

Gonzaga, Eleonora Hippolita, duchess of Urbino, set at liberty, ii. 567.

-, -, -, in treaty with Andrea Doria for her husband, the duke, forsaking the Venetian service, ii. 913.

-, Federigo, marquis of Mantua, money to be paid by, for the expenses of the war after the battle of Pavia, 104.

-, -, -, preferred by Clement for the duchy of Milan, 522.

-, -, -, suspected of secretly favouring the Clementine league, 933.

-, gives Fruntsperg free passage through his estate, 1013.

-, -, -, co-operation of, to be secured at any cost, 1030; ii. 899.

-, -, -, ambassador of, at Venice; doing all the harm he possibly can to the imperial cause, ii, 254.

-, -, -, joins the Italian confederates, 923; ii. 497, 526, 540.

-, -, -, sends them his contingent of 50 lances, ii. 557.

-, -, -, raises 4,000 infantry for the avowed purpose of defending Parma and Piacenza against the imperialists, but in reality to help them against the league, ii. 692.

-, -, -, ambassador of, negotiating at the imperial court, 900; ii. 738.

-, -, -, observes strict neutrality, ii. 875.

-, -, -, appointed to treat with Venice, ii. 985.

-, -, -, letters to the emperor, 342.

-, -, -, of the emperor to him, 671.

-, Ferrante or Hernando, joins the imperial army, ii. 90.

-, -, present at the taking of Rome, ii. 218.

-, -, signs the capitulation, ii. 232.

-, -, appointed by the prince of Orange to the command of the cavalry, ii. 527, 535.

-, -, leaves for Naples, ii. 545,1031.

-, -, defeats the French close to Nola, ii. 771, 773, 857.

-, Francesco, 1037; ii. 1003.

-, Giampietro, of the house of Mantua, 792, note.

-, Hercole, brother of Federigo, the marquis, 500, 561.

-, -, created cardinal, ii. 496, 522, 933.

-, -, Mai's conversation with, ii. 953

-, Giulia, widow of Vespasiano Colonna 951.

-, -, furnishes artillery to the abbot of Farfa, ii. 767.

-, Luigi, da Castelgiflredo or Goffredo, serves under Giovannino de' Medici, 1037.

-, -, his daughter married to Vespasiano Colonna, ii. 232.

Gonzaga, Luigi or Lodovico surnamed Rodomonte, duke of Traietto, 714; ii. 138, 170, 496.

-, -, recommended by Leyva, 858.

-, -, in Naples, ii. 711.

-, -, inherits from his grandfather, ii. 771.

-, -, cardinal's hat to be given to a brother of, ii. 496.

-, Luigi, different from the preceding, to go to the diet of Spires as papal nuncio, ii. 956.

-, Perino, patriarch of Aquileia, created cardinal, ii. 670.

-, a bastard from Milan, going with a message to Lautrec, taken prisoner by Verticello, the robber (1528), ii. 702.

-, da Bozzolo Federigo, son of Giampietro, 792, 903–4, 934.

-, -, sent to defend Florence against Bourbon, ii. 90, 160.

-, -, death of (1528), ii. 533.

Gonzalez, Davila, Gil, historian, quoted, ii. 100, note.

-, de Mendoza, Pero or Pedro, governor of Calabria, son-in-law of Alarcon, ii. 769, 778, 868-9.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 608.

Gorgonçola, Gorgonzela, Gorgonzola, in Lombardy, ii. 450, 1013.

Goro, v. Gherio.

Gorrevod, Laurence or Laurentz, count of Pont des Vaux, the emperor's lord high steward (Oberst Hofmeister), 841, 884; ii. 525, 968.

Gouffier (Guillaume), sieur de Bonnivet, admiral of France, 777.

Governo [lo] in the Mantuan territory, 606.

-, Giovannino de' Medici defeated and wounded at, 1037.

Gozzo, island of, on the coast of Tripoli; offered by Charles to the knights of St. John, with Malta and Tripoli, ii. 786.

Grado, captain Alvaro de, field-master of Spanish infantry, ii. 978.

Graf, II Gran, 680, v. Hesse?

Grammont, Charles de, bishop of Aire, in France, lieutenant-governor of Bayonne, ii. 617.

-, Gabriel de, bishop of Tarbes, French ambassador in England, ii. 109, 188, 208, 220, 222, 227.

-, -, in Spain, 83, 109,208; ii. 227, 283–4,321.

-, -, takes leave of the emperor at Burgos, ii. 548.

Gran (Strigonia), letters dated from, ii. 346–7.

Granada, angry words said to the French ambassadors at, respecting Francis' behaviour, become an excuse for the defiance and declaration of war to the emperor, ii. 640.

Granada, archbishop of, v. Alua.

-, Adelantado of, v. Mendoza and Hurtado.

-, letters dated from, 425, 457, 508, 510–1, 528, 567, 603–6, 609–10, 624, 625, 633.

Granvelle, sieur de, v. Perrenot.

Grassa, town of Provence, fortified by the French, 149, 612.

-, bishop of, v. Grimaldo.

Gravano, barony of, confiscated from Carlo Miravale, ii. 728.

Gravelines, the tollins of, and Antwerp, ii. 821.

Gravelingas, Gravelinas, v. Gravelines.

Greenwich, the English court at, 1, 2, 19, 29; ii. 639, 849, 854, 863.

-, -, preparations for the reception of the French ambassadors at, ii. 109, 111.

-, -, letters dated from, 60, 621.

Greto, Livio, also called Lilio Groto, secretary to sir Gregory da Casale, 453.

Grey, Thomas, marquis of Dorset, 52, 194.

-, -, arrears of pension due to, by the emperor, 550.


-, letter from Charles to, ii. 332.

Grimalda, Genoese carack, 133.

Grimaldi, brothers, bankers in Genoa, ii. 852.

Grimaldo, Micer Agostino, bishop of Grassa and lord of Monaco, 59.

-, -, -, follows faithfully the emperor's cause in Italy, ii. 389.

-, -, -, willing to exchange his estate for a corresponding one in Milan or Naples, ii. 871, 876.

-, -, -, agreement with the emperor to that effect, ii. 904.

-, -, -, letters to the emperor, ii. 682.

-, -, -, to Micer Antonio [Grimaldo?] his agent in Spain, ii. 798.

-, -, -, to Lope de Soria, ii. 362, 395.

-, -, -, receives money from the emperor's ministers to provide for the defence of his estate against the confederates, ii. 423.

-, Ansaldo, Genoese banker, 148, 153, 282, 735, 803, 920.

-, -, contracts to build 12 galleys for the emperor, ii. 289.

-, -, negociations with, ii. 856–7.

-, -, the emperor's thanks to be conveyed to, for his eminent services, ii. 920.

-, Micer Antonio, instructions to, ii. 198.

-, Giovanni Battista, Genoese banker, 282, 289, 369; ii. 735, 919.

-, Girolamo, cardinal, ii. 920, 952.

-, Leonardo, 688, 800, 884; ii. 856.

Grimaldo, Niccolo, 282, 282–8, 299; ii. 289, 334, 339–40, 369, 735.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 230.

-, Stephano, 59, 232, 251, 289, 299, 334, 339–40; ii. 375.

Grimano, Domenico, patriarch of Aquileia and cardinal, ii. 559, 950.

Grisons, negociations with the, for the passage of imperial troops through their territory, 817.

-, take Chiavenna, 493.

-, fail ultimately, 863, 883, 890; ii. 310.

-, their friendship to he secured that they may not stop the German reinforcements, ii. 899.

Gritti, Andrea, doge of Venice, ii. 79, 149, 162.

-, -, declaration of war to, by the duke of Brunswick, ii. 149, 419, 678.

-, Luigi, natural son of Andrea, in Constantinople with the Turk, ii. 796.

Grono, II, secretary to cardinal Triulzo, delivers an oration on the day of the proclamation of the league at Rome, ii. 784, 793.

Gropain, Gropen, v. Gruppen.

Grossetto, river, close to Talamon, on the coast of Siena, ii. 151.

-, bishop of, v. Petrucci.

Grottaferrata, in the Campania of Rome; Don Hugo de Moncada at, 806, 822.

-, taken by the papal troops, 1007.

Grotta Menara (Rom. Stat.), ii. 658.

Gruppen, imperial messenger, dispatched by Don Hugo to the emperor, ii. 317,412, 833.

Grutaferrata, v. Grottaferrata.

Guadarrama, chain of mountains north of Madrid, ii. 14, note.

Guarnino, close to Milan, in Lombardy, the Venetians and Sforzini encamped at, ii. 448.

Guasco, Antonio, lord of Gavi, pardoned by Bourbon, takes service with the French, 903.

Guastatori, fr. guastadeurs, sp. gastadores, meaning of the word, 407.

Guasto (or Gusto), more correctly Vasto, marquis del, v. Davalos d'Aquino.

Guayacan, or Palo de Indias, ii. 816.

Gueldres, v. Gelders.

Guerrazzi, his "Vita d'Andrea Doria" quoted, ii. 867.

Gues (?), Martin de, ii. 464.

Guevara, D. Iñigo de, sent from Naples to Spain on a message, ii. 791.

-, Marco Antonio, count of Potença, his quarrel with Guasto, ii. 646, 654, 667.

-, -, -, a son of the former, killed, ii. 672.

Guicciardini, Micer Francesco, the historian; called also Il Guicciardino and Vichardino, quoted, 772, 844.

-, -, lieutenant-general of the papal army in Lombardy (1526), 639, 690, 730.

-, -, proposes marching to the relief of Florence, 1001, 1018, 1038 ii. 90, 215.

-, -, letters to Proveditore Pesaro (1526), 555, 558.

-, -, -, to count Guido Rangone (1527), ii. 20.

Guienne, duchy of, demanded by Charles, 62.

-, -, old claims of England on the, to be put a stop to, by the marriage of the dauphin to princess Mary, 617.

-, -, king-at-arms of Francis, delivers the challenge to Charles, ii. 551, 638, 640, 737.

Guilford, the court at, 276.

-, Henry, English captain in the service of the emperor, prisoner in France, 560.

Guili, in the Astesan, invested by Pedro Navarro, ii. 288.

Guiot (written Quiot), captain, secretary of the imperial legation in London (Guyot de Heulle ?), 145.

Guipuscoa, the emperor's letter to the "corregidor" of (1528), 297.

Guis, Agostino, banker, ii. 550.

-, Sigismondo, prisoner in Spain, ii. 910.

Guise, town of France, to be attacked by the English army under Norfolk, 87,135.

-, duke of, v. Lorraine.

Guisnes, county and castle of, 96, 206.

-, captain or governor of, v. Fitzwilliam.

Gurce or Gurk, bishop, v. Lang.

Gurrea, v. Urrea.

Gutierrez, Alonso, treasurer-general in Spain, 160; ii. 337.

-, Francisco, imperial messenger, ii. 565.

-, de Meneses, Alonso, gentleman-in-waiting to archduke Ferdinand; missions of, to England, 50, 51,102-3.

-, -, to Spain, 102.

Guyenne .. Guienne.

Guzman, Diego de, gentleman-in-waiting to the archduke; leaves Spain for Germany to take service against the Turks in Hungary, ii. 60.

-, D. Martin de, prisoner in France, set at liberty (1527), ii. 2.

-, -, v. Nuñez and Ramirez de Guzman.