Index: B

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Further Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Documents From Archives in Vienna. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Further Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Documents From Archives in Vienna, ed. Garrett Mattingly (London, 1947), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Further Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Documents From Archives in Vienna. Edited by Garrett Mattingly (London, 1947), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Further Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Documents From Archives in Vienna. Ed. Garrett Mattingly (London, 1947), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Badajoz, Spain, bishop of. See De Mesa, Bernardino.

-, bishopric of, Wolsey's pensions on, 91, 95, 109, 189, 268, 285, 357, 363, 371, 438.

Balsano, Italy, 49.

Barba, Bernardino, bishop of Casale, 383.

Barcelona, Spain, 75, 166, 167, 269, 464.

Bari, archbishop of. See Merino, Stephano Gabriele.

Barres, Guillaume des, Margaret of Savoy's secretary, 6, 154, 222, 224.

Barrois, J?, Seigneur de, French ambassador to Scotland (1522), in London with powers to join peace negotiations, 58.

-, -, Charles warns imperial ambassadors against, 63.

-, -, means no good in Scotland, Henry thinks, 82.

-, -, returning to France, 116.

-, -, dines at Richmond, 118.

Barzia, Juan de, Spanish captain visits English warships in Thames, 67.

-, -, Fitzwilliam will show fleet to, 71.

-, -, has reported state of English naval preparations, 76.

-, -, returning to Flanders, 82, 98.

-, -, will inform Charles of English naval preparations, 103.

-, -, bringing Spanish sailors from England, 105.

-, -, and passim, pp. 67-109.

Basle, Switzerland, 12, 245.

Basques (French), land of, 287.

Btie, Seigneur de la. See Vernade, Olivier de la.

Bath and Wells, bishop of. See Clerk, John.

Baume, Pierre de la, bishop of Geneva, 86, 284, 448.

Bayard, Chevalier de. See Terrarl, Pierre du.

Baygem, Seigneur de. See Northout, Jean de.

Bayonne, mutiny of French troops in, 9.

-, Charles recommends naval attack on, 130.

-, French troops concentrating at, 149.

-, garrison of, attempts to revictual Fuenterrabia, 167.

-, French ships pursued into, 201.

-, Charles obliged to attack, 239, 241.

-, imperialist fleet blockading, 254.

-, Charles hoped to surprise, 287.

-, imperialist army will go into winter quarters around, 295.

-, surrounding countryside laid waste, 296.

-, Wolsey objects to imperialists' failure to besiege, 321-2.

-, Charles encourages Henry to attack, 328.

-, Henry declines to attack, 352.

-, bishop of. See Bellay, Jean du.

Bearne, kingdom of, imperialist army in, 295.

-, -, Wolsey belittles conquests in, 325.

Beaulieu, Seigneur de, 435.

Beaurain, Sieur de. See Croy, Adrien de.

Bedia, Anthoine de, an imperialist courier, 35, 46, 51, 86, 88, 104, 126, 129, 132.

Bhrobie (in Navarre), captured by Spanish, 142.

Belgrade, 204.

Bellay, Jean du, bishop of Bayonne, 450.

Benevente, count of. See Pimentel, Alonzo de.

Benolt, Thomas, Clarencieux king-at-arms, sent with letters to the Swiss, 26.

-, -, to deliver Henry's defiance to Francis, 137, 138-9.

Beobia. See Bhrobie.

Berghes, Jean, Sieur de, forwarding money for pensions, to London, 210.

-, -, consults with Chapuys, 449.

-, Maximilian de, seigneur de Zevenbergen, 143.

Berkeley, Sir Maurice, deputy marshal of Calais, 60, 264.

Berners, lord. See Bourchier, John.

Bertolotti, Bernardo, special envoy of the pope, arrives in England to urge peace, 155.

-, -, Henry's answer to, to be sent to Charles, 162.

-, -, English ambassadors communicate Henry's answer to, to Charles, 169, 170.

-, -, Adrian VI sends to inquire after, 173.

-, -, briefs delivered to Henry by, 206, 209.

-, -, Henry agrees to proposals brought by, 213.

Berwick-on-Tweed, 144.

Besanon, Franche Comt, Bourbon at, 279, 282, 284.

-, Russell sent back to, 324.

-, English money still at, 350.

-, Chapuys at, 448.

-, treasurer of, entertains Chapuys, 448.

Beveren (or Bevres), sieur de. See Bourgogne, Adolphe de.

Biagrassa, Italy, 334.

Bicocca, Italy, 98.

Bidachen, French Navarre, 296.

Bilia, cavaliere de, Milanese ambassador to Charles V, 343.

Biscay, bay of, 145, 212, 216, 254.

Biscaya, province of, 36, 211, 430.

Bissy, Claude, seigneur de, Charles V's marchal de logis, bearer of letters to Rome, 195.

-, -, returns with letters from the pope, 222-3.

-, -, sent to Bourbon, 269.

-, -, letters to Bourbon, to be addressed to, 286, 306.

Blioul, Laurent du, 256.

Blois, France, ladies of French court left at, 149.

-, Louise and Claude at, 330.

-, Capua reaches Francis at, 343.

-, Robertet writes from, 366.

Blount, William, Lord Mountjoy, to receive Christian of Denmark at Dover, 241-2.

-, -, communicates with de Praet, on behalf of the queen, 411.

Blythe, Doctor, bishop of Chester, sent to the Tower, 219.

Bohier, Thomas, General of Normandy, proposed as envoy to England, 367, 428.

Bois-le-duc, Brabant, 222.

Boissot, Didier, his son, 74.

Boleyn, Anne, leaving France, 30.

-, -, unpopular in England, 450.

-, -, Henry will never abandon, 452

-, -, one of her ladies, 451.

-, Sir Thomas, later earl of Wiltshire, letter to, from Charles V, 222.

-, -, his daughter's return intended to reconcile him with enemies, 30.

-, -, bearer of letters from Margaret of Savoy, 71.

-, -, arrives with Sampson at Laredo, 159.

-, -, received by Charles V, 164.

-, -, advised Charles on his reply to Bari's peace proposals, 167.

-, -, has written that Charles' preparations are tardy, 220.

-, -, has left Spain for England, 223, 226.

-, -, de Praet prefers Jerningham to, 235.

-, -, Henry's offer through, referred to, 288.

-, -, back from Rome, 450.

Bologna, Italy, 36, 293.

-, French governor of. See Lafayette.

Bonnivet, sieur de. See Gouffier, Guillaume.

Bonvizi, Don Andrea, Passano's chaplain, 405.

Bordeaux, France, English ships in, seized, 89, 90.

-, weakly held, 130.

Boulangier, Richard, an imperial courier, 142, 144, 156, 350, 366, 374, 375, 397, 401, 433. (See also Richard?)

Boulogne, France, garrison of Ardres absent at, 9.

-, French troops concentrating near, 141.

-, cannot be taken this season, 144-5.

-, French ships loading wine at, 190.

-, English wish to besiege, 208, 213, 216, 220.

-, de Praet fears English may waste whole summer before, 218.

-, Margaret says siege of, waste of time, 223.

-, English insist on besieging, 224-5.

-, de Praet thinks cannot be taken, 235.

-, impregnable, Sandys says, 240.

-, de Praet hopes English will not spend more than fifteen days on, 241-2.

-, Charles asks Henry not to waste time besieging, 265, 271, 273.

-, reported weakness of, revives Henry's wish to besiege, 267.

-, de Praet urges abandonment of project to besiege, 275.

-, -, Wolsey agrees, 276.

-, Charles suggests Henry may besiege next year (1524), 297.

-, de Praet says siege of, will be fruitless, 306.

-, English spy at, 336.

-, French ships from, in Channel 436.

Boulonnais, the, 152-3.

Bourbon, Charles, duke of, count of Montpensier, Constable of France, commanding French at Rheims, 10.

-, -, has refused command at Bayonne, 149.

-, -, is willing to serve the emperor against Francis I, 190.

-, -, will not delay his rising, 191.

-, -, negotiations with him, to be kept a close secret, 193, 195.

-, -, has withdrawn from French court, 199.

-, -, negotiations with, to be handled hereafter in Spain, 199, 201.

-, -, his secret badly kept in England, 211, 233.

-, -, his proposal too late to be acted on this year, Henry says, 215.

-, -, his quarrel with Francis due to his refusal to marry Louise of Savoy, Henry says, 216-7.

-, -, his reconciliation with Francis reported in England, 216-7.

-, -, la Motte sent by, 225.

-, -, still determined to serve the emperor, 226.

-, -, would be endangered by delaying rising, 227.

-, -, English ambassador should be sent to, 228.

-, -, Charles V's offers to, through A. de Croy, 228-9.

-, -, reported wounded in engagement with French, 242-3.

-, -, Wolsey's objections to an agreement with, 244.

-, -, Beaurain and Knight to interview, 245.

-, -, la Motte questioned about in Flanders, 246.

-, -, Wolsey's conditions for aiding, 247.

-, -, Wolsey believes he will not rebel against Francis, 249.

-, -, Charles V thinks his rising of decisive importance, 253.

-, -, pay for his German troops asked, 256.

-, -, his popularity in France, and prospects for success, 258.

-, -, will not control German infantry, 259.

-, -, Beaurain's agreement with, 261-2.

-, -, sending envoy to Charles V, 262.

-, -, will not insist on English support, 262.

-, -, Charles approves Beaurain's agreement with, 265.

-, -, formal treaty with, to be drawn in Spain, 269.

-, -, his rising delayed, 272-3.

-, -, Russell's agreement with, 274-5.

-, -, reported on his way to Spanish frontier, 277.

-, -, Werdenberg has had no word from, 278-9.

-, -, his envoy asks Wolsey to pay Werdenberg's Germans, 279, 280, 283-4.

-, -, has arrived at Besanon, 282.

-, -, his flight from Chantelle, and adventures in France, 283-4.

-, -, Charles has forwarded his share of the expenses of the rising, 286.

-, -, discovery of his conspiracy premature, 287-8, 293.

-, -, is on his way to Spain, 292, 294, 303.

-, -, may act as mediator for truce, 295.

-, -, to command imperialists in Italy, 296.

-, -, plans to invade France with the army of Lombardy, 297-9.

-, -, has sent Penthivre to England to explain the failure of his rising, 303, 306, 313.

-, -, de Praet fears his followers may be discouraged by English coldness, 304, 310, 311.

-, -, Henry asks that he be given command of the army in Picardy, 315.

-, -, Charles says impossible to alter his plans for the invasion of Provence, now far advanced, 316.

-, -, question of English contribution to the expenses of his invasion raised by de Praet, 317-9.

-, -, English powers asked for formal agreement with him in Spain, 318-9.

-, -, de Praet can obtain no promise of further English payments to him, 324.

-, -, Henry will not contribute to the expenses of his invasion, 329.

-, -, Charles includes him in allies who must agree to peace terms to be negotiated by pope, 343, 345-6.

-, -, feels confident that many French men-at-arms would come over to him could he pay them, 348-50.

-, -, Henry makes English invasion of France contingent on his success, 352, 354, 359, 363.

-, -, is eager to be revenged on Francis I, Capua says, 355.

-, -, Clement hopes English will contribute to expenses of his invasion, 356.

-, -, Wolsey says his invasion of Provence entirely for the emperor's benefit, 360.

-, -, his victories in Italy, 361.

-, -, no likelihood of his being aided by English, unless he is very successful, 364.

-, -, Pace reports his successful advance, 365.

-, -, Wolsey proposes he be given Milan, 369, 378, 381.

-, -, Henry will make no further contribution to his expenses, de Praet understands, 370.

-, -, his progress in Provence reported by Pace, 371.

-, -, lacks money, Pace says, 371.

-, -, imperialists not supporting vigorously, Pace reports, 372.

-, -, Wolsey thinks he should winter in Provence, promises money, 372.

-, -, sends Casale to urge English invasion of France, 375-6, 379, 380.

-, -, Wolsey promises English invasion to support, 376-7, 380-1.

-, -, Wolsey urges imperialists send money and reinforcements to, 377, 381.

-, -, hopes to reduce Marseilles, 379, 380.

-, -, transfers of money to, difficult, de Praet says, 381.

-, -, English wish him to cross Rhne, and march on Lyons, 383.

-, -, French troops reported going over to, 383.

-, -, English will not support, unless he marches on Lyons, 384-5, 388-9, 391.

-, -, his army feared for, 384-5.

-, -, Pace optimistic of his success, 386.

-, -, Francis moving south to oppose, 387.

-, -, Pescara reports his army in grave danger, 391.

-, -, Pace reports his siege of Marseilles, 392.

-, -, rumoured to be in retreat, 393, 397, 401.

-, -, Wolsey accuses imperialists of failing to support, 393-4.

-, -, Charles denies having failed to support, 394-5.

-, -, Pace reports he intends to give battle to Francis, 397, 400.

-, -, news of his retreat confirmed, 398-9, 401.

-, -, retreat described, 401.

-, -, Wolsey blames imperialists for his failure, 402-3.

-, -, said to have been driven from Milan, 404.

-, -, proposes invasion of Burgundy in 1525, 407-9.

-, -, his provisions for the defence of Lombardy, 408-9, 421-2, 427.

-, -, Wolsey unwilling to support his plan for invasion of Burgundy, 409, 413.

-, -, Boussu being sent to encourage, 420.

-, -, Pace's conversation with, 426-7, 429.

-, -, Wolsey proposes he command Anglo-Imperialist army in Picardy, 428.

-, -, his servants to be pensioned, 449.

-, -, and passim, pp. 190-429.

-, Charles de, duke of Vendme, at Rheims, 10.

-, -, Francis I's letter to, intercepted, 294.

-, -, made lieutenant-general of France, 438.

-, -, leader, with his brother, of one faction of French nobility, 448.

-, Franois de, count of Vendme, 448.

Bourbonnais, the, 229.

-, chancellor of, 283.

Bourchier, John, lord Berners, deputy of Calais, 60, 337.

Bourg-en-Bresse, Franche Comt, 244-5, 261, 272.

Bourgogne, Adolphe de, seigneur de Beveren (often called de Bvres), admiral of Flanders, writes Margaret of plans for Surrey's campaign in Picardy, 154.

-, -, delayed on his embassy to England, 435.

-, -, Norfolk complains to, 438.

-, -, leaving England, 439.

-, -, his return to Margaret's court, 441-2.

-, Jehan de, 375.

-, Philippe de, bishop of Utrecht, 132, 347.

Boussu, Jean, sieur de, 420, 425, 428.

Bouton, Claude de, sieur de Corbaron, matre d'htel to Ferdinand of Austria, 252.

Brabant, duchy of, men-at-arms of, serving English, 1.

-, -, Charles received as duke of, 2.

-, -, estates of, delaying vote of supplies, 154, 222.

-, -, in danger of invasion, 179.

-, -, interests of, not likely to be considered in England, 436.

Brandenburg, Albert of, Grand Master of Prussia. See Albert.

-, Joachim, margrave of, 181.

Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk, escorts Lachaulx, 73.

-, -, present at privy council meeting, 177, 342, 349, 438.

-, -, to command defensive army on south coast, 182.

-, -, his pension, 189, 304.

-, -, invasion of France by, suggested, 197, 212.

-, -, knows of Bourbon's conspiracy, 233.

-, -, will command army invading France, 236, 241.

-, -, at Calais with his army, 269.

-, -, ordered to delay invading France, 275.

-, -, has asked reinforcements, 281.

-, -, to march straight on Paris, 284.

-, -, has retreated to Valenciennes, 291.

-, -, transmits Margaret's request for English garrison along frontier, 293.

-, -, agreed with Buren to terminate campaign because of bad weather, 298.

-, -, to command English army invading France, 377, 380.

Bray, France, 154, 281.

Bredem, seigneur de, on mission from Ferdinand of Austria, 392, 396.

Brescia, Italy, 426.

Bresse, governor of. See Gorrevod, Laurent.

-, treasurer of. See Vionet.

Brest, France, French shipping in, 43.

-, galleys making for, 123.

-, blockade of, proposed, 125.

-, descent on, proposed, 133.

-, -, Surrey will attempt, 140.

-, Surrey's capture of, reported, 142.

-, French resistance at, 152-3.

-, Francis assembling navy at, 181.

Bretagne, Ren de, count of Penthivre, letters from, to Charles V, 254, 306, 313.

-, -, Wolsey proposes support for his claim on the duchy of Brittany, 133.

-, -, offers his services to Henry as a friend of Bourbon's, 294, 306.

-, -, sent by Bourbon to explain break-up of German infantry, 303.

-, -, may report unfavourably to Bourbon on English attitude, 304.

-, -, unable to get any definite decision in England, 310.

-, -, Charles replying to, about his pretensions in Brittany, 315.

-, -, de Praet excluded from discussions with, 324.

-, -, writes de Praet from Bourbon's camp, 371.

Bridewell palace, London, 19.

Brinon, Jean, president of Rouen, French ambassador to England, 428, 431, 435.

Bristol, 262.

Brittany, allied fleet should observe the coast of, 43.

-, naval activity near, 123.

-, descent on, proposed, 125.

-, Surrey's raid on, 140, 144, 152.

-, Esterlings loading salt in, 181.

-, Henry hopes to make another descent on, 182.

-, English invasion of, suggested, 201.

-, imperialist fleet to cruise near, 270.

-, Penthivre's hopes for rising in, 303.

-, Penthivre's claims to, 303, 315.

Bruges, Flanders, letters dated from, 113, 122, 139.

-, Charles' negotiations with Wolsey at, referred to, 24, 30, 41, 47, 135, 197, 199, 217, 392.

-, Charles expects to keep Easter in, according to Spinelly, 99.

-, -, Spinelly's report denied, 110.

-, Scottish secretary arrested at, 205.

-, de Praet's lands in the neighbourhood of, 274.

-, de Praet denied permission to visit, 289.

-, de Praet's difficulties with the burgesses of, 305, 315.

-, deputies of, receive de Praet's oath in London, 326.

-, de Praet's duties at, require his attention, 421.

-, de Praet's office of bailli of, 271, 274, 276.

-, treaty of, Henry prepared to swear to, 15.

-, -, imperial ambassadors ask commission to receive Henry's oath to, 18, 28.

-, -, Henry supposed to declare war on France on the emperor's arrival in England, according to, 22, 39.

-, -, Charles says commission to receive oath to, unnecessary, 24.

-, -, treaty of London still in full force, according to, 34, 47, 56-7.

-, -, Wolsey wishes to modify provisions for loan in, 41, 50.

-, -, Henry swears to, 45.

-, -, Wolsey says its provisions really favourable to French, 52.

-, -, Wolsey's naval proposals covered by, Charles says, 54.

-, -, Henry's oath to, acknowledged, 55.

-, -, Wolsey perturbed by Charles' insistence on exact terms of, 65.

-, -, English ambassador will show copy of, to pope, 86.

-, -, Charles insists on adherence to, 111.

-, -, Lachaulx will inform Adrian of, 113.

-, -, Wolsey says English will adhere scrupulously to, 118-9.

-, -, Charles declares its terms, agreed to on Wolsey's advice, oblige him to make war on France unassisted, 122.

-, -, terminated, copies to be burned, 164, 170.

-, -, its provisions regarding "Great Enterprise" and indemnity, referred to, 196-7.

-, -, And passim, pp. 15-119.

Brussels, letters dated from, 1, 3, 33, 46, 53, 61, 75, 78, 93, 94, 95, 116-7, 122, 131, 255, 262.

-, master armourers of, not permitted to go to England, 3.

-, Charles' court at, 33, 86, 98.

-, Jerningham leaves, 263.

Bryan, Sir Francis, 40.

Buda, Hungary, 417.

Buren, count of. See Egmont, Florent d'.

Burgos, Spain, letters dated from, 269, 313, 314, 328, 340, 346, 349, 362.

Burgundy, county of (Franche Comt), its safety to be assured in negotiations with Swiss, 12.

-, -, letters from, disclose French proposals for truce, 36.

-, -, Margaret of Savoy complains of French confiscations in, 71.

-, -, Margaret's possessions in, to be secured in any peace negotiation, 132.

-, -, Bourbon's servant sent to, for safety, 256.

-, -, Beaurain arrives in, 261.

-, -, German troops for Bourbon should have reached, 275.

-, -, Bourbon escapes into, 284.

-, -, Bourbon asks English money be left in, 292.

-, duchy of, Charles' duties as duke of, 3.

-, -, French have offered to cede, 48.

-, -, English suggest threatening, 195.

-, -, de Praet suggests Bourbon invade, 293.

-, -, Charles says Bourbon will invade, 294.

-, -, Francis disregarded threat to, 381.

-, -, emperor's claim to, 406.

-, -, Bourbon hopes to invade, 407, 409, 413.

-, -, peace negotiations deadlocked by emperor's demand for, 448.

-, -, Charles reported ready to renounce his claim to, 456.

-, duke of. See Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.

-, house of, 80, 308.

-, marshal of, instructions to, from Charles V, for his embassy to Switzerland, 12.

-, president of. See Marmier, Hugues, president of Dle.