Elizabeth: November 1571

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: November 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp556-567 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp556-567.

"Elizabeth: November 1571". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp556-567.

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November 1571

Nov. 4. 2114. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
Understands that James Kirkcaldy, brother to Grange, is presently gone into France for money. The King's party who lately to small purpose besieged Edinburgh, are now glad to entrench themselves within Leith. Certain harquebussiers have embarked to maintain the Gordons against the Forbes. On the 29th ult. was a combat fought between two soldiers who had served in Denmark, the one crying, "God save the King," and the other the Queen, but he of the Queen's side was slain. A last of serpentine and 2,000 lbs. of corn powder embarked towards Leith. The King's side greatly want money, for they are at 1,200l. a month at Her Majesty's charges, and he sees not two pennyworth of good they do, either to themselves or to the furtherance of the Queen's purpose. The thieves of Liddlesdale with the traitors and outlaws of the bishopric ride daily and nightly as far as Bishops Auckland, and further, so as many have already come to Newcastle. The bishopric is very weak, as there is none to whom they may resort for succour, for the Bishop they make small account of; and whereas the Earl of Westmoreland, Swinburne, and others, kept houses, they are now void and nobody in them, so that part of the country is clean waste.—Berwick, 4 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 5. 2115. Lord Hunsdon to Lethington and Grange.
The Queen of England, chiefly in respect of the conspiracies which the Scottish Queen has practised with divers of her disloyal subjects, to her no small peril, is fully resolved to set up and maintain the King and his authority, and utterly to overthrow all his contraries, for the performance whereof she has sent him as her deputy with full power to treat and conclude with both parties. She has willed him to exhort them to remember the lamentable state of their afflicted country: "A pleasant and profitable time for murderers, thieves, and such as live only by the spoils of true men." Warns them lest they be considered the only beginners and maintainers of all this sedition and unnatural dissension, and thereby deserve the curse of the poor, which will surely reach to the heavens, and exhorts them to conform themselves to the King's obedience, and become his faithful subjects as they have been heretofore. If there are any reasonable conditions which they may require for their surety, he promises not only to deal with the Regent therein, but to cause the same to be faithfully observed. If they follow this advice the Queen will aid, protect, and defend them, but if they refuse the same, he assures them that she will bring them to it by force. Desires their present answer for that Her Majesty will not be trifled off with delays.—Berwick, 5 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 12/3.
Nov. 6. 2116. Henry Killegrew to Lord Burghley.
For lack of post horses in many places of Picardy, he arrived not here till the 1st inst., where he met Walsingham on the 3rd.—Paris, 6 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Nov. 7. 2117. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has repaired to Paris where he found Mr. Killegrew, who delivered Her Majesty's letters to him, by which he has just cause to think himself most bound to her for accepting in good part his service, and also for the care she has of his health. Sends news of the battle of Lepanto and the destruction of the Turkish navy. It is much feared that this victory, though generally it may grow to Christendom profitable, yet particularly it may grow dangerous, as it is like to increase the reputation of Spain. They doubt that the Queen Mother who directs all here, being fearful by nature, will incline to Spain. Walwich, a servant of the Countess of Emden, being sent to the Queen of England, is here sick. His commission is that some order may be taken for clearing the seas of pirates, and to move the Queen to grant the subjects of the said Countess an exemption of a certain custom.—Paris, 7 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Printed by Digges. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 8. 2118. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
This victory makes them here to startle, and desire most earnestly the amity of England. They much lament that the marriage proceeds not. If there were any inclination in Monsieur that way, there would be great likelihood of proceeding. The two pangs Her Majesty lately had show what need there is thereof. Hopes that the Queen may profit of the discovery of the late conspiracy, by showing some good example of justice, whereby she may be restored to the reputation due to a prince, for if she continues her wonted remisness in that behalf, he fears that she cannot long stand. Thanks him for the care which he has every way of his well doing.—Paris, 8 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Nov. 10. 2119. Lord Hunsdon to Lethington and Grange.
Has received their letter of the 9th inst., by Mr. Andrew Melville, wherein they seem very desirous that the controversies might be compounded; as also the misliking of the Duke and Huntley, that they, in respect of the greatness of their estate, should not have been specially dealt withal and written unto. In this matter, Her Majesty does not deal with any touching particular actions, but with their being principal counsellors for the holding the castle in the King's contrary, which she is determined to bring to his devotion, either by fair means or force. Does not think it reasonable that every private person whom this action touches should look that the Queen should deal with him particularly. Though it pleases them for form's sake to give the Duke and the Earl the pre-eminence, he is not so ignorant but that he knows how they came thither and what authority they bear. Has no commission to come into Scotland for any treaty. Marvels that Melville brought nothing but the letter, as they seem to mislike delays, and advises them to send somebody to meet the King's commissioners who repair hither on Wednesday or Thursday.—Berwick, 10 Nov. 1571. Signed: H.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 11. 2120. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
Fears that the Earl of Morton and his party will be found hard to agree to such articles as he will have to demand for the others, their private actions are so great and only maintained by the Queen's purse, the continuance whereof will not make them poor. They have between them 140 or 150 very good shot, and 2,000 as good pistoliers as can be. Morton having had taken from his grounds some 200 or 300 sheep, sent to require Grange to send them again, who answered that if any of his side had them he was sorry that they were no more. "Thus it appears for a few sheep Morton will not stick to send to his enemy." Is informed that if James Kirkcaldy is forced to land in England he will desire to be brought to the Court, but on his return he is willed to land anywhere rather than in England. Huntley has sent soldiers to maintain the Gordons against the Forbes. The soldiers of Edinburgh have been paid till the 8th inst.— Berwick, 11 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Nov. 12. 2121. House of Guise.
The King of France, being desirous to accommodate the differences between the princes of the House of Guise and the Admiral, directs them not to be accompanied by too large a train at their repair to court, which order they promise to obey.
Copies of two letters. Endd. Ital. Pp. 12/3.
Nov. 13. 2122. The Duke of Alva to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of credence for Tomaso Fiesco, sent over to complete the arrangements for the restitution on both sides.—Brussels, 13 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
Nov. 13. 2123. Christopher Mundt to Lord Burghley.
Begs him not to impute his long silence to negligence. The Emperor is at Vienna, and fears a war between the two Kings his sons-in-law. Payment of the reiters who served the Huguenots in France. Re-establishment of Popery in Baden. Begs him to use his influence with the Queen in favour of his son. Report of the intended French marriage of the Queen.—Germany, 13 Nov. 1571.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 14. 2124. The Regent Marr to Lord Hunsdon.
The commissioners for the King, being letted by some necessary occasion intervening, are stayed from coming to Berwick till Saturday or Sunday. Has granted the required license as soon as he could get knowledge of the names. Prays him not to allow any of the other commissioners to pass farther than Berwick, and to take heed of their doings. —Leith, 14 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Nov. 15. 2125. The Duke of Alva to Queen Elizabeth.
Informs her of the great victory won by Don John of Austria over the Turks, the news of which he knows will be very agreeable to her.—Brussels, 15 Nov. 1571.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 16. 2126. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
Doubts in which party he shall find most conformity, but greatly fears the King's side; their particular quarrels are so great, and the Queen's money so much enriches them. They have, since his coming, practised with the castle by Trebroune [Tullibardine], but the castle side will not trust them, placing their only security in the Queen. The Regent and the rest will by no means agree to the delivery of the Earl of Northumberland and the rebels. At his coming through Newcastle he took up hoys for the transport of ordnance and other necessaries for this enterprise. They of the castle are given to understand that, although the Queen makes this show of setting up the King, she will neither be at the charges nor send any men thither this winter. They have also the Duke [of Norfolk's] submission, wherein they say is no matter of death and hope to see him in his former estate. If he had thought the difficulty of ending this controversy had been so great, he would not have taken it in hand without the assistance of others, for he has to deal with the wisest men of Scotland on both sides, and no wiser than crafty.—Berwick, 16 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 15. 2127. Kirkcaldy of Grange and Lethington to Lord Hunsdon.
Having obtained, after some difficulty, the necessary passport, they intend to send Mr. Andrew Melville to him instructed to make some overtures as they trust to his contentation.—Edinburgh Castle, 15 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼. Enclosure.
Nov. 17. 2128. News from Italy.
1. Rome, 10 Nov. 1571. Division of the galleys and other spoil taken from the Turks amongst the members of the League. News from the court of France.
2. Venice, 17 Nov. Great public rejoicings for the late victory. Claim of the French King to the sovereignty of Flanders. The Venetians lost in the late battle 4,838 killed and 4,562 wounded.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 7.
Nov. 18. 2129. Instructions for Andrew Melville.
He is to declare that, although the Queen of England has of late conceived some offence against their Sovereign, they hope that she will not extend it to them, against whom no cause of offence may be alleged. The controversy between the two parties consists chiefly in two points, to wit, in whose name the authority shall be given forth to the people, and in whose person the government shall be established. For the first point, either party by yielding think that by their own confession they will make themselves guilty of lese majesty, but as the King is a minor, and therefore has not power to remit offences against him, it is much easier for his party to devise security by yielding than it is for the Queen of Scots'. Seeing this difficulty, they are willing to condescend that the authority should be given out under the name of both conjointly, which is agreeable to the overtures sent from England in the Earl of Murray's time and opened at the convention at St. Johnstone. Touching the second point concerning the regiment, the malice has taken so deep a root between both parties that in order to put both in like surety they advise that the realm may be governed by a council of twelve or sixteen, one half to be of those who acknowledge the Queen, and the other of them that acknowledge her son. They require to have authentic copies of all decrees and sentences against them in the pretended parliaments, that they may devise what security to require in respect of the same, the like whereof they offer to their adversaries. A sufficient yearly rent to be appointed to Grange for the safe keeping of Edinburgh Castle under his own rule until the Queen be restored or her son attain fifteen years of age. Other points are to be considered, as of the reparation of losses sustained by them, and re-imbursement of sums of money bestowed upon the entertainment of their soldiers. Will agree to anything that may satisfy the Queen of England, provided that their adversaries have no advantage or superiority over them by her means.—Edinburgh, 18 Nov. 1571.
Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
Nov. 19. 2130. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
The Spanish Ambassador, pretending to go to the court to take his leave, and from thence to go into Spain, is suddenly slipt away into Flanders. They give out that they of Mons have cut in pieces the Spanish garrison, which he takes to be but palace news. Ridolphi, who passed this way in post out of Spain about the midst of last month, remains in Flanders close in Chapin Vitelli's house.—Paris, 19 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Nov. 21. 2131. The King of Sweden to Queen Elizabeth.
Has received her letter brought by certain London merchants requiring that his brother Eric's debts to them might be discharged. Has not yet had time to consider about their payment. Reminds her of the treatment of his sister Cecilia, Marchioness of Baden, in England, whose goods were seized by her subjects, for which she has been unable to obtain any redress. Demands that they shall be at once ordered to restore such things as they have taken.—Calmar, 21 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 21. 2132. Lord Hunsdon to Lethington and Grange.
Has received their letter and demands by Mr. Andrew Melville. Marvels that they should send such [things] as they know the Queen of England will not agree to, as they may well perceive, if they list, by different letters sent to them. If they think to alter her they will be deceived, and had better take another course, for he assures them that this is the last time of asking. Returns Mr. Melville to them, by whom he would gladly hear some better resolution.—Berwick, 21 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. ½.
Nov. 22. 2133. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
The Earl of Morton and the Commendator of Dunfermline came hither on the 18th inst. with authority under the Great Seal of Scotland to treat and conclude of all matters tending to the quieting of the troubles in that realm. They are content to enter such hostages for the safe return of Her Majesty's soldiers, ordnance, and munition as shall be to his contentation. They answer plainly that it is not possible for them to do the enterprise without the aid of the Queen's soldiers, as well as her money and munitions, but promise to aid with horse and foot and to furnish victuals. They demand for the winning of the town and castle 3,000 footmen and 200 horse, besides the 800 they have in the Queen's pay, with twelve pieces of battery and all things incident unto them. After long debating they have agreed to deliver the Earl of Northumberland and the rest of the rebels to the Queen upon reasonable consideration of their charges. They request like deliverance to them of the Bishop of Ross. Sends the demands of those of the castle brought by Andrew Melville, which he has utterly rejected. Finds by their intercepted letters to the French King and the Queen Mother, and by their other actions, that they mean not to have their matters compounded by Her Majesty, nor to deliver the castle out of their hands, without which the King's side can have no security. The Queen should go through this matter with speed, as in the spring they will want no succour from France and Flanders. Lord Seton is ready to come to them with 10,000 crowns. If a French or Spanish force once enter Scotland they will not easily be had out; but if the castle be taken their coming will be stayed. Has had no cause to deal with the King's side for demands from the castle, whom he does not think will yield to reason till they see the Queen's forces come to Berwick. They have no serpentine powder left, and therefore begs that they will order twenty last to be sent to Newcastle.—Berwick, 22 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 22/3.
Nov. 18. 2134. Instructions for Andrew Melville.
Copy of the demands of the Queen of Scots' party sent to Hunsdon.
Endd. Pp. 22/3. Enclosure. See 18 Nov. 1571.
Nov. 22. 2135. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
Although he has once again sent John Case to them of the castle, he looks for no better answer at their hands. Has manifest demonstration that they mean to delude him with delay till their succours which they daily look for may come; he therefore desires him to persuade the Queen to send commission to Sir Thomas Gargrave to put 2,000 or 3,000 men in readiness. It were better for Her Majesty to be at the charges of 3,000 or 4,000 men for a month, and so have her determination quickly and surely accomplished, than with her money breed them good soldiers and be forced to a treble charge afterwards. Is glad to hear of Lord Oxford's marriage.— Berwick, 22 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 24. 2136. The Queen to the Regent Marr.
Thanks him for the favour he has shown to the Countess of Lennox, and desires that he will continue the same. Also that the Bishop of Caithness, brother to the late Earl of Lennox, may enjoy the stall of St. Andrew's.
Draft in Burghley's writing. P. 2/3.
Nov. 24. 2137. News from Italy.
1. Rome, 17 Nov. 1571. Particulars of the battle of Lepanto brought to Rome. The Grand Turk has deprived Occhiali of the government of Algiers. Great grief at Constantinople at the news of the defeat. Appointment to preferments of various cardinals.
2. Venice, 24 Nov. 1571. News from the Court of France. Decapitation of different people by the Grand Turk.
Ital. Pp. 6⅓.
Nov. 25. 2138. Nicholas Guildenstiern to Cecil.
Has received his letter respecting the money borrowed by King Eric from the English merchants, and informs him of the steps which he took towards its repayment during that King's time. The present King has not yet been able to decide what shall be done with his brother's debts.—Colmar, 25 Nov. 571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
Nov. 25. 2139. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
On Sunday night John Robinson, sometime servant of Lord Seton and now permanent with the Bishop of Ross, came out of England to the castle from the French Ambassador with letters that Lords Livingstone and Fleming had received of the Queen's dowry in France 40,000 francs, and were ready to ship with 300 soldiers either to the Frith of Forth, or if that were too cumbersome to Broughty Crag. They of the castle have sent different people to receive them. They mean to send up letters to the Queen only to draw time till the succours come. This was the cause why they sent him such articles. Lethington being already forfeited for the murder of the King, knows that there will be no pardon but that that will be excepted, and so he can have no surety, and therefore causes all these troubles. Desires that a pinnace or small bark may be sent hither.—Berwick, 25 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 25. 2140. The Earl of Morton's Demands.
The Queen of England having declared her deliberation to take the maintenance of the King's cause upon her, and they having already declared their opinion as to what is sufficient for the recovery of the castle and town of Edinburgh, earnestly crave to be resolved at what special day her forces will enter Scotland, in order that they may prepare hostages and vivers and assemble their own forces. This winter time is rather commodious for that service, the enemy not being sufficiently furnished with vivers, fire, and money, whilst their soldiers will be lodged in houses with abundance of victual and fire. The town being recovered, the castle may hardly hold out for extremity of cold, the house being situate so high. Urges speed as the other party expect foreign aid. Desires money for one month's pay which is in arrear to their soldiers, and also for 200 horsemen by whose means the town shall be stopped from further victuals and fire; also that the disobedient subjects of Scotland on the frontiers may be pursued by all the three wardens of England.
Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Nov. 25. 2141. The French Ambassador to Lord Burghley.
Complains that the officers of the customs have demanded the duty on certain Bordeaux wines, though his predecessors were always exempt from paying it, and he himself has an exemption for thirty tuns a year, which, however, is only a third of what his predecessors had.—London, 25 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Nov. 26. 2142. Lord Hunsdon's Answer to Morton's Demands.
Cannot presently appoint a special day for the entry of Her Majesty's forces into Scotland on account of his negociations with them of the castle not being yet ended. Will advertise his request for the money and horsemen. Touching the pursuit of the King's disobedient subjects on the frontiers, he thinks it is no good policy to have too many irons in the fire at once. Complains that Her Majesty's subjects are spoiled by none so much as by those who profess the King of Scots' obedience, and therefore if better redress is not done, he will be forced to suffer those under his charge to seek their own amends. Morton has forgotten to answer his two demands for hostages and for the delivery of the Earl of Northumberland and the other rebels, and therefore desires that he will give him the names of six hostages that he may consider of their estate, and also that he may know when and how the said Earl and the others shall be delivered.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[Nov.] 2143. List of Ordnance and Munitions.
Account of ordnance and other furniture that the Regent of Scotland can make towards the expurgation of the castle consisting chiefly of three culverings and eight barrels of powder.
Endd. P. 2/3.
Nov. 27. 2144. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
Has had all the captains before him, and debated the matter thoroughly with them what forces are necessary for the winning of the castle, who have resolved that 6,000 is the least. If the Queen will be at the charge of 4,000 for a month or six weeks, he doubts but that he will deliver her the castle. Till this be done they will never leave craving of money. Where they say that they have 800 soldiers, he thinks that there will not be found 500. Neither on the King's or Queen's side do they trust one another even among themselves. Trusts that the Queen will not do him the dishonour of letting any other man have charge of this enterprise. Has written for 100 cart-horses to be bought and sent here. Whereas the King's side sent 200 harquebussiers. for the maintenance of the quarrel between the Forbes and the Gordons, they are all overthrown and their captains slain. On Sunday a ship of Hull was cast away on the sands and broken in pieces. She was laden with fifty-six tuns of Gascoigne wine, above forty tuns are saved and only one boy drowned.—Berwick, 27 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. with notes of munitions on the back. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 28. 2145. Lord Hunsdon to the Queen.
Has according to her order travailed with them of the castle, but it appears that they mean nothing less than either to be directed by her, or to yield themselves to the King's obedience. Informs her of their demands. As she is now driven to use force, the sooner she begins the sooner and better end she shall have of it. Believes that when they see her forces in the field they will desire more reasonable conditions. Her forces will have very little help from the King's party, whose commissioners have told him that whatever ordnance and munition the Queen may send they cannot win the castle with their own people. As this service will redound to her honour and the credit of the executors he trusts that she will not let him "beat the bush and others have the birds."—Berwick, 28 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 28. 2146. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
As the Queen cannot bring them of the castle to the King's obedience by gentle words, he has made some demonstration that she will use force, as in bringing part of the ordnance and munition down to the wharf, and also brought three hoys from Newcastle for its transporting. Trusts that they will take order presently for the levying of sufficient forces. They are greatly encouraged since the receipt of the French Ambassador's letters. Though he makes no great account of winning the town, yet the castle was always accounted so strong that it was never attempted, and now they have made it stronger than ever it was. Within this twelvemonth they have brought as much earth and turf into it as has cost them above 1,000 crowns. The Queen must win it with her own forces and not look for help. Would be sorry to send so much ordnance without a sufficient number to guard it. All the money that the Queen has bestowed upon these men of war is to little purpose, for notwithstanding the 800 soldiers at Leith, they of the castle have what they list daily brought to them. The Regent has perfect intelligence of 300 Frenchmen who are to come to Boughty Crag, and yet cannot spare 100 soldiers to stop that enterprise. As it is a hard adventure to hazard so much ordnance by sea at this time of year, he desires that 100 strong carts may be sent to him. The Earl of Morton and the Commendator of Dunfermline desire money to pay their soldiers and to levy 200 horsemen, and also that 500 soldiers may be sent to them presently to do some exploit upon the enemy in the meanwhile.—Berwick, 28 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
Nov. 24. 2147. Lethington and Grange to Lord Hunsdon.
Are sorry that he mislikes their message imparted to him by Melville. Trust, however, that he will make no difficulty to some of their demands sent by him. See no particular respect why the Queen of England should allow one form of government in Scotland rather than another, unless it touches her own estate. The form of regiment touched on in their articles is liker to breed a civil concord amongst the lieges than that of their adversaries. Fears that he interprets the word surety to mean pardon, which they neither crave or will have from their adversaries, nor will they allow them to be their judges as they are not guilty of any heinous crime. Will not precisely stick to their own inventions provided their adversaries have no pre-eminence over them. Leave a large field to the Queen of England and her Council wherein they may walk at their pleasure. "It is too narrow a close which has but one passage to go out at." Pray him to procure copies of the decrees and sentences mentioned in their articles.—Edinburgh Castle, 24 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
Nov. 28. 2148. Morton and the Commendator of Dunfermline to Lord Burghley.
At Hunsdon's request repaired to Berwick, where they remained ten days in hope to have come to some conclusion. Send the whole of their proceedings by the bearer Sir William Drury, who repairs to the Court.—Berwick, 28 Nov. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 30. 2149. The Lady Cecilia of Baden.
Complaints of the Lady Cecilia to her brother King John of Sweden of her treatment in England, amongst other things that she was forced to pay all her own charges. At her walking within the court of England divers Englishmen cried out "pay us our money," and as she went to her lodgings plucked off her slippers and made in the street a fire of old shoes and slippers, and cried out, "this is a banquet for this sovereign lady." Another time she being bidden to see a comedy played, there was a black man brought in, and as he was of an evil favoured countenance, so was he in like manner full of lewd, spiteful, and scornful words which she said represented the marquis, her husband. Also her husband was arrested and all her plate and apparel to the value of 100,000 dollars seized, out of which John Dymock gave the Queen a jewel worth 16,000 dollars to the intent that he might have better sentence pronounced, and so enjoy all her goods. She could obtain no redress, but if she had remained longer would have been arrested herself, and would never have escaped alive out of England.—Colmar, 30 Nov. 1571.
Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Nov. 2150. The Earl of Morton's Requests.
Instructions for Drury to be communicated to the Queen of England to request her to grant him a certain sum of pension. Signed.
Endd. P. 2/3.
[Nov.] 2151. Admonition to the Regent Marr.
A ballad warning him against bringing in English forces to interfere in their quarrels in Scotland.
In 16 stanzas. Pp. 4.
[Nov.] 2152. Harbours in Spain.
A list of harbours on the north and north-west coasts of Spain.
Endd. P. 1.