Elizabeth: July 1570, 1-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: July 1570, 1-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp284-302 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1570, 1-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp284-302.

"Elizabeth: July 1570, 1-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp284-302.

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July 1570, 1-31

July 1. 1060. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Sends three letters written by a certain "personage" to Mde. De Mouy. The bearer will tell him his opinion concerning him. Although he is a double spy, yet he serves the other side the best. Begs him to keep these letters secret.—Sheen, 1 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 2. 1061. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends the copy of a letter from Lord Scrope. Thinks the Borders have not been so quiet in any man's memory.— Alnwick, 2 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 2. 1062. Lord Scrope to the Earl of Sussex.
Has received his letters and taken measures for the safe conduction of the Laird of Livingstone out of the realm. Lord Herries intends to put 100 horsemen and 100 footmen in garrison at Hoddam and Loch Maben. There are great dissensions between him and the Laird of Johnstone for their own particularities.—Carlisle.
Copy. P. ½. Enclosure.
July 2. 1063. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Directs him to tell the Lords of Scotland that it might be evil interpreted if she were to appoint them a government or governor by name, but that she can allow of any whom they by common consent may choose, and also that she thinks that none can be better than the Earl of Lennox. He is also to assure them that whatever the Queen of Scots and her party may say, she means not to break the order of law and justice by advancing her cause or by hearing her complaints against her son to make confusion of governments. He is secretly to give them 1,000 marks for the relief of their waged men. He is not to allow Thomas Livingston to pass to the Queen of Scots. The armour which was provided of the money levied in Yorkshire is to be distributed in sundry places of strength, for otherwise if it should be distributed to every township there might be more changes therein. He is to take order for the custody of the Countess of Westmorland
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 52/3.
[July.] 1064. Instructions given to Mr. Chambers, sent by the Duke of Chatelherault to the French King and the Duke of Alva.
He is to declare how the Duke was by the universal consent of the realm found nearest and most lawful to be governor during the Queen of Scots minority, and declared second person to the crown. Also how Morton and his accomplices have accused the Queen of the same crime of which they were the inventors, and crowned the Prince, her son. The Duke has the Queen's special commission of old to proceed in all things. Their houses are wrecked principally because they will not break the ancient league with France, and allow the Queen of England's deceitful and ungodly manner of proceeding. In case the Queen were not found worthy to "broeke" the authority the Prince will not succeed, as the right to the crown comes only by Her Majesty to him, and therefore will appertain to the Duke. He is to procure support of France according to the old bond and solicit for help of Spain.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
July 4. 1065. William Landgrave of Hesse to the Queen.
Commends the bearer, John Wolf, and begs that she will assist the Counts Palatine to pay off the burdens left upon his estate by the late Count Wolfgang.—Cassel, 4 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
July 4. 1066. Frederic II. to Queen Elizabeth.
Desires that she will procure the restitution of a ship and goods belonging to certain merchants of Bergen which have been seized by a French vessel and brought into her realm.— Copenhagen, 4 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.
July 5. 1067. Hugh Clough to Sir Thomas Gresham.
Informs him of his negotiations for procuring money for the Queen of England. This day the Duke of Holstein, the Pals grave Ludwig, and the Landgrave of Hesse, with 200 horse, being on their journey towards Keil, the two latter were desirous to pass through this town, and required licence so to do. The lords of the town sent two gentlemen and eight serjeants to conduct them to their lodgings as strangers who met them three miles off in the land of Holstein, and would have declared the lords of their town's pleasure to them which they were not suffered to do until they came upon the liberties of Hamburgh. The lords' pleasure was that they should enter the town as strangers by their guiding, whereunto the Palsgrave and Landgrave answered that as they took the town to stand in Holstein, so without guides they would peaceably enter the same. In fine, however, they agreed to accept three of the officers to ride before them into the town. From the gate to their lodging there was set in order about 1,000 men in armour, because the lords judged that this was practised by the Duke of Holstein, who makes claim to the town. This was so evil taken of the two noblemen that they would not once look on the burgomasters. Encloses copy of the Turks' defiance to the Venetians, who have 80,000 soldiers. On the 7th June the Emperor was royally entertained at Nuremburg. As he has one of his daughters already married to King Philip, "being sleapt by Duke Charles, her uncle, at Sprag [Inspruck] according to the order for King Philip," so he intends to marry the other to the King of France, but by whom it shall be done he cannot learn. Understands of 5,000 horsemen taken up in Germany for the King of France, and 10,000 footmen in Switzerland. There are hereabouts 1,600 horsemen, who themselves understand not certainly whom they shall serve. The Duke of Alva furnishes forty ships for the safe conduct of the Emperor's daughter to Spain. There are commissioners at Stettin to conclude a peace between the Kings of Sweden, Denmark, and the town of Lubeck. There have arrived in Antwerp 6,000 Walloons and 1,000 Spaniards.— Hamburg, 5 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
July 5. 1068. Thomas Randolph to Lord Hunsdon.
His life is so pleasant that if he were once quit of this country he would see Muscovy before he came here again. If they have not some good news against next convention farewell all friendship that here is to be had. Believes that the poor King will start up naked alone for any great number that will be left him. Keeps his chamber, and dare not set his nose out of the door.—Edinburgh, 5 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 6. 1069. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has sent a copy of her letter to Randolph. Sends a copy of a letter written to Lethington. Perceives that the King's side is greatly appalled and discouraged with Livingstone' passage into Scotland. In her letters her pleasure is that besides a writing signed and sealed by the Duke and others, they should give good assurance for the performance thereof; he desires to know what assurance he shall demand. — Alnwick, 6 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 4. 1070. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Perceives that his letter consists of three special points; the first, for an accord for the space of one month; the second, that the Lords of the Queen's party may convene safely; the third, that they may have licence to send to the Queen of Scots. Cannot consent to them unless they subscribe to the underwritten articles. First, that arms may cease on both sides bonâ fide; secondly, that the Queen's rebels be abandoned; thirdly, that no foreign force be received; and lastly, that no innovation be made in the government of the realm until the return of the messengers sent by the Queen of Scots to the Queen of England. The Bishop of Ross, in behalf of the Queen of Scots, has accorded to these four articles, and if they be not performed, then is the Queen of England discharged in honour from performing on her part anything beneficial to the Scottish Queen.—Alnwick, 4 July 1570. Signed.
Copy. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
July 6. 1071. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Is sorry that either the malicious Papists or impudent counterfeit Protestants use such slanderous dealing with the pen; but the slander of the evil breeds more commodity to the good than their praise. Has already written to the Queen touching the discharge of the soldiers; and if she will send some certainty as to which side she will allow in Scotland, he can make a certain plat of the forces and charges requisite. With this lingering she loses time, consumes her treasure, and hangs in danger to lose both sides.—Alnwick, 6 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 6. 1072. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Having great business to do in London he has written to the Queen for leave to come up, and begs Cecil's furtherance of his request.—Berwick, 6 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 6. 1073. The Queen of Navarre to Queen Elizabeth.
Desires her favour for the widow and children of Mr. Champernoun.—Rochelle, 6 July 1570.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 6. 1074. Robert Bullman to Walter Dowse.
There are two barks here of 50 tons a piece, which shall go to Scotland to a certain castle which is in the hands of the French with money and victuals. The one is a black bark with two tops, and the other a "rossen" bark with two tops. Prays him not to let it be bruited abroad that he gives this knowledge.—St. Malo, 7 July 1570. Signed.
Add. P. 1.
July 7. 1075. Determination of the General Assembly of Scotland.
It is concluded that the King's authority should be obeyed throughout the realm, and all ministers are commanded to pray for his preservation.— Edinburgh, 7 July. Signed: M. I. Gray.
Printed on a single sheet.
July 7. 1076. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends him a copy of a letter from Randolph with notes on the margin as to what he has done in those matters.—Alnwick, 7 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
July 5. 1077. Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
The Queen's party in Scotland will "rek" their own at the Scottish Queen's hands, for they have little confidence in the Queen of England, who so often changes her course. This is almost every man's speech, and preached in pulpit in plainer words than he lists to write. The Earl of Morton is grieved that they are so long held in suspense, when they might long before this time have united themselves and have had their country in quiet. Sends a letter from the Earl of Lennox, by which it appears that he knows not what answer Archibald Douglas had concerning the money which will marvellously discomfort him. The Laird of Grange's affection to the secretary has brought him into great suspicion, but Randolph doubts not of his honesty. There is some unkindness between Morton and him. The discharge of Sussex's soldiers was spoken of in this town six days ago, which makes some here the stouter. To-morrow a servant of Morton's will be with him with hawks.—Edinburgh, 5 July 1570.
Copy. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
July 8. 1078. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has sent a copy of her letter of the 2nd inst. to Mr. Randolph and required him to make a full declaration thereof to the Lords of Scotland. They were greatly appalled before and stood in terms to seek their own surety as they might, but hopes that now they will take courage again. They be greatly laboured by the adverse party that there might be a general reconcilement, and great offers have been made on their Queen's behalf if they will grow to that end, and it is very likely if they receive not shortly from Her Majesty some certain resolution of her pleasure, that they will seek some certainty for their surety, which they say is daily offered. Sends a copy of his letter to Lethington, who seems to intend to employ himself to procure all that may be for her surety, and the restoring of the Queen of Scots to her honour and estate, for he has collected the principal matters to be offered in that cause. If he had added to them that hostages should be procured out of France; that certain principal strengths in Scotland should be delivered to the custody of such as Her Majesty should appoint; that the nobility that have depended on the King should continue in their offices; that principal offices in that realm as they should "vake" should be bestowed by Her Majesty's advice and assent; that the Council of that realm be in like manner appointed; and that religion be so established as no alteration should be procured, he had gone as far as could well be offered or required. Lethington has required that he should so use his frank dealing that it be not prejudicial to himself. Where she has commanded him to decrease the garrisons if she accords with the Scottish Queen, the greater part of these charges will be in vain. Which side soever she takes, the time has been greatly lost and her charges increased, and the state of the Borders continued uncertain. Immediately upon the entering of the Laird of Livingstone into Scotland, certain of Buccleugh's and Ferniehurst's men joined with the Kers and other rebels, took a great booty of cattle from Wark, which they divided near Jedburgh. Complains of a faintness in Cessford and others who are joined to England in suffering them to pass through their country. His soldiers followed the rescue and took four miles within Scotland the Laird of Minto's eldest son and the Laird of Linton.—Alnwick, 8 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
July 5. 1079. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Has received his letter of the 29th of June, whereby he perceives that he would have the Queens of England and Scotland accord upon such conditions as would breed surety to both and amity between the realms, which he thinks will be the better compassed if the Queen of England would unite the nobility of Scotland by componing the differences of title between the mother and the son. He also thinks it convenient that the Queen of Scots should renounce all title to the crown of England during the Queen's life, and promise not to procure any offence to her, &c., which is to be written under her great seal and oath, and in case she violate this promise she shall by Act of Parliament forfeit her title to the crown of England. Sussex recapitulates all that has been lately done against the Queen of England, such as the stirring up of rebellion, the invasion of her realm, the receipt of her rebels openly, the convention of Linlithgow and receipt of the French messenger and other matters, and says that if these things are done when the Queen of Scots is in custody, his mistress may conceive that worse will be attempted when she is at liberty. Approves in general of Lethington's offers, but could point out some particular objections to the assurance for their performance, but will not presume to deal therein until the Queen of Scots has delivered her offers to the Queen. Where he asks his advice as to the course they should hold, he recommends them to give over dealing with the Queen's rebels and leave off all by practices in England. Trusts that whatever the sequel be, that Lethington shall not receive any prejudice by anything contained in his letter.—Alnwick, 5 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 5⅓.
July 8. 1080. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter of this date to the Queen. Sends him the copy of a letter from Randolph. If Her Majesty accord with the Queen of Scots he is sorry she has agreed to elect a governor, for the Earl of Morton will smart for it in the end.—Alnwick, 8 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
July 6. 1081. Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
Wrote in his last what he thought would become of this way lately taken with the Queen of Scots, that neither shall Her Majesty be sure at any time of her or of those with whom she now treats, or have on the other side one friend left to serve her turn. The Earl of Morton went yesterday over the water to Aberdeen, as he says, to recreate his mind, but Randolph doubts the worst. Has persuaded with him not hastily to give over this cause. Tullibardine was yesterday in town and spake great words of their Queen's coming home.—Edinburgh, 6 July 1570.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
July 6. 1082. Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
Livingstone has gone to the Duke and Argyle in Doune, and from thence to Blair Athol. His news is that the Queen shall shortly come home, and has appointed the day within six weeks. Huntly levies soldiers where he can get them. In this town were taken this day above a score who were prest by him and put in prison. Asks whether there was on Wednesday last a proclamation in Jedburgh for all men to be ready within 20 days to receive the Queen.—6 July 1570.
Copy. P. ⅓. Enclosure.
July 9. 1083. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 7th inst. the Ambassador of Spain came to him and willed his secretary read to him the abstract of a latter lately sent to him by the Duke of Alva. The Duke declared that the occasion why he armed in Flanders was to convey the Queen into Spain; and that it displeased him to the soul that those who governed the Queen of England's affairs kept them at such a point that he should need to declare that these preparations were not to Her Majesty's hindrance. He further said that the Pope had not done anything that has so much displeased his master as the late declaration, and that the Queen would shortly hear what he would do herein. The Moors are in great extremity through famine. The Turk makes great preparation by sea and land, and has set forth 250 galleys. The King of Spain and sundry other princes assist the Venetians, but this King refuses to do so; and not long since there has been a ship taken, and said to be sent from hence with munitions and artillery for the Seignior. This long lingering peace stays upon two points, the one being for payment of the princes' reiters, and the other for the restoring of the officers into their offices and estates. The armies cease not to molest one another the most they may. The Emperor is at Spires. The Princes Protestant are holding a diet where the Archbishop of Cologne shall declare himself of the religion. Is informed that there is in England one Lumbres who gives hither ordinary advertisements of such things as pass there. The Duke of Guise is fallen into the disgrace of the King it being broken out that he sought Madame Margaret in marriage, and it is thought by some some that she has consented thereto. The quarrel between the Duke Montmorency and the Marquis of Maine for the antecedence has been decided by the Privy Council in favour of Montmorency.— Paris, 9 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1¼.
July 9. 1084. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
They stand here upon doubtful terms between peace and war; but no occasion omitted to annoy one another. On the 8th inst. the Admiral made rendezvous of his army at La Charité. His army is volant, having little baggage which is charged upon mules and horses of carriage, and consists chiefly in horsemen having mounted 2,000 or 3,000 harquebussiers. The Cardinal of Lorraine is at his abbey of St. Denis, nothing content with this peace. The Duke of Guise has practised some secret motion of marriage to Madame Margaret. Thinks that if the young lady may have her will she would choose rather to tarry in France than eat figs in Portugal. Many nobles are lately repaired to the court. The King goes on Monday next to St. Leger to follow the chase.—Paris, 9 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 9. 1085. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires that he will procure the restitution of the bearer's goods, which have been seized.—Sheen, 9 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
July 10. 1086. Jehan de Court to Cecil.
It is now four years since he has been daily expecting to go into England, to present him with the portrait of the Queen, which he promised. As it is five years since it was taken, he thinks that it will not now be like her, and therefore sends him, by M. Raulet, one of the French King. Would be glad to take Her Majesty's portrait and those of the principal persons of her court. As the French King is very desirous to know how the Queen of Scots looks at present, he begs that he may have a passport for England, and leave to go and take her portrait.—Paris, 10 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 2/3.
July 10. 1087. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Sends him a note of payments and receipts on account of the army in the North. The total charge from the beginning to the last of June amounts to 26,246l. 3s. 3d., whereof there remains due, 11,012l. 10s. 1d.—Berwick, 10 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
June 30. 1088. Charges in the North.
A brief memorial of debt due to the army up to the last day of June 1570.
Endd. Pp. 2. Enclosure.
July 11. 1089. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The Earl of Morton is come to Edinburgh, and is much comforted with the Queen's answer. The adverse party have given out that a time is appointed for the Queen's delivery into Scotland, which wrought such a fear amongst them until Randolph made declaration to Morton of the Queen's last letter, as every of them was at a determination to shift for himself, and the preachers lamented the cause in the pulpit. Last week there was a convention of the ministers, who have confirmed the King's authority to be good. They have sent certain to the Lords of the contrary party to persuade them therein.—Alnwick, 11 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July, 1090. — to the Earl of Sussex.
This morning there came a man to him, who parted from Rochelle on the 20th, who assured him that the King's army was defeated by the Admiral on 16 June, his artillery all won, and the number of slain above 20,000. Monsieur was wounded to death, and Montgomery slain. Fifteen ensigns were presented to the Queen of Navarre.
P. ¾. Enclosure.
July 13. 1091. Imperial Diet at Spires.
List of propositions relating to the internal and external policy of the empire, to be discussed at the Diet held at Spires, 1570.—July 13.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
[July 13.] 1092. Diet at Spires.
Articles presented to the States of the Empire at Spires, by the Emperor.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 20.
July 13. 1093. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has received letters from Randolph whereby he perceives that the Lords of Scotland be greatly comforted with such private declarations as he has made to them. The Earl of Lennox writes that a passenger presently come from Brittany, affirms for certain that Thomas Fleming is ready to embark with 400 harquebussiers for the guard of Dumbarton. If this is true, Lennox will have but a short government. Old Christopher Norton and other rebels have embarked at Aberdeen for Flanders.—13 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 17. 1094. Maitland of Lethington to the Laird of Coldingham.
Lord Seton has gone secretly to his house at Niddry for doing of some particulars. Encloses a ring with a little pointed diamond. Sends a copy of his letter to the Earl of Sussex wherein he has gone very far but not without consideration. Sends news of a battle in France in which nearly all the chiefs of the Huguenot party are reported to have been slain.—Blair Athol, 17 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 17. 1095. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Complains very much of the want of money. The country exclaims pitifully for lack of pay for victuals and horsemeat, and if there was a present occasion of service in Scotland, he does not know how to lead the garrisons but for a three days raid. The captains of lances find themselves aggrieved that they and their peti-captains have but 6s. and 3s. like light horsemen. If they might have 8s. and 4s. he thinks they would be satisfied.—Berwick, 17 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 18. 1096. Cristoval Belzar and others to Sir Thomas Gresham.
Wrote to him on 21 June desiring that he would procure payment from the Queen to them of her debt by 21st August, and not having received any answer, renew their request.— Antwerp, 18 July 1570 Signed.
Add., with seal. Partly obliterated by damp. Fr. Pp. 22/3.
July 19. 1097. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
On the 17th the Earl of Lennox was sworn and proclaimed Regent. Tho Laird of Grange would neither come to the election nor shoot off any piece of ordnance upon request after the proclamation. Has written somewhat plainly to him. Leonard Dacres is openly received in Dumfries, and Herries has sent one of the Maxwells to procure that aid of money out of Flanders should be brought to the West coast. If the Queen upon these provocations will take ground to be revenged and thereby strengthen her own west borders and weaken the Scottish, he undertakes to pluck down all the castles and strengths in Scotland that be offensive or defensive against England, the doing whereof shall cost no more than the drawing of three demi-cannon and the carriage of powder and shot, and shall be executed within 10 days. Whatsoever the Queen may resolve between the Queen of Scots and her son, he points out the great advantage to England of this course of action.—Alnwick, 19 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 19. 1098. Lord Fleming to Lethington.
Does not think he will be contented with the answers brought by Livingstone, and he will easily see the craft thereof. The Queen of England and her Council never minded to keep one word of the promises made for the Queen of Scots' liberty, nor their rebels to cease from anything they mind to do. This is the third time that their sovereign has been "trompit" of crafty falsehood. Fears that this message will be a great hindrance to her cause. Desires him to write to Huntly and other lords to keep the day appointed, and that he will give him comfort for he is amongst perverse people, and a rude country full of dissent and falsehood.—Dumbarton, 19 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
July 19. 1099. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Thanks him for the remembrance had for the satisfaction of his credit in London. The Queen's charges rest at a standing rate since the 10th inst. and in small time will rise to great sums.—Alnwick, 19 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
July 19. 1100. The Earl of Sussex to the Laird of Grange.
Has received several letters from him in which he writes that he remains at the Queen of England's devotion in all matters that may continue the amity between both realms, but hears that he will not come to the Lords presently convened at Edinburgh. Finds a great difference between his writings and actions, and therefore wishes that he would indeed discover himself in word and action on which side he is. Touching his devotion to the Queen of England if he shall refuse to come into that company where her messenger has audience, truly wise men will think that he cannot carry any devotion to her.—Alnwick, 19 July 1570.
Copy. Pp. 2.
July 19. 1101. Michael Coulweber to Cecil.
Desires in the Duke of Mecklinburgh's behalf that he may have an answer to his letter which he wrote to the Queen of England; also that as he has been spoiled on the way by the Duke of Alva's freebooters that it will please the Queen and Cecil to consider him.—London, 19 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
July 20. 1102. The Earl of Lennox to the Queen.
The nobility and estates of Scotland, obedient to the King, having appointed him to the office of Regent, he begs that she will continue her favour towards them, and regard the untrue and dangerous practices of the rebellious faction.— Edinburgh, 20 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 20. 1103. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Informs him of his appointment as Regent, and thanks him for the comfort which has been done to them chiefly by his means. Prays him to procure the Queen of England's gracious and speedy answer from time to time in the causes of this state, which are properly her own.—Edinburgh, 20 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
July 20. 1104. Spanish Goods stayed in England.
Modern transcript of commission for John de Calveta and others to survey the goods of the King of Spain's subjects arrested.
Orig. in Domestic MSS. Endd. P. 1.
July 20. 1105. Randolph to Cecil.
Desires license to leave this country where his life cannot long stand with that disease of body and care of mind that ever since he last came hither he has been troubled with.— Edinburgh, 20 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
July 22. 1106. Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
On the 20th the Laird of Livingstone came, by whom he perceives how earnestly the Queen of Scots is bent to satisfy the Queen of England in all things. After a long conference with him he took in hand of new his Lordship's letters at divers times sent to him. Finds the substance of the articles in his letter of May 30 so well agreeing with what has been already past and agreed upon between the Queen of England, the French ambassador, and the Bishop of Ross, and also with the commandment, that Livingstone has from the Queen of Scots to the Duke, that he dares promise that he and the others shall set their hands and seals to them. Suggests different ways in which this may be done, and offers himself as an earnest instrument therein.—Blair Athol, 22 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
July 22. 1107. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On the 18th inst. Connor O'Brien, Earl of Thomond, came to his lodging, and said that his coming into France was to require his friendship, and to give him to understand that, like his father, he intended to remain the Queen's good subject during his life; but that of late Sir Edward Fitton, President of Connaught, came in forcible manner to apprehend him, and he resisting, one of Fitton's companions was slain. Being commanded by the Lord Deputy either to appear before him or to repair into England to her Highness, his answer was either to have leave to stay until he might make money to furnish his journey, or else that the said Lord Deputy should lend him some sufficient sum. On not obtaining this request the Earl chose rather to repair into France, and through Norris require Her Majesty's pardon, than being an Earl in so simple order present himself before her. Finds that if his pardon be denied he minds to require aid of the French King of harquebussiers to be sent into Ireland, which one of his servants has confessed. He has promised that if Her Majesty's pleasure is that he shall come into England, he will not fail to do it, but has required either Norris or his son to accompany him thither. Sends such instructions as were received from the Queen of Navarre and the Princes. There rests of these articles two points, viz., the payment of the reiters, and for towns for their sureties. They claim a promise which he made to M. Cavagnies, either of her Highness's letter or an ambassador to have been sent hither against this time. Has great need of his servants, who he desires him to cause to return. At the defeat of Puygalliard, La Noue was hurt of a harquebussado in the arm, and has been forced for safety of his life to have the same cut off.—Paris, 22 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
June 21. 1108. Articles of Pacification.
Instructions given by the Princes of Navarre and Condé, and the other Huguenot leaders, to their envoys, sent to Charles IX. to arrange the terms of peace, consisting of twentynine articles, chiefly stipulating for the free exercise of religion, an amnesty for what was past, and restitution to their offices and estates.—Buss [Bussy], 21 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 8. Enclosure.
July 23. 1109. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The Princes' deputies have ever since his last of the 9th inst. negociated with the King's Council according to their instructions. There has been much difficulty to accommodate the differences especially upon the payment of the strangers, which the said deputies demand may be equally proportioned upon the subjects of both religions; besides they require that where the King willingly grants them for their assurance the towns of Rochelle, Montauban, and Sansac, that he will exchange Sansac for La Charité and adjoin to them the city of Angouleme. Two of the deputies are gone to the Princes to understand their final resolutions, and also to make some longer abstinence of war. Touching the other articles, the King has condescended to a great part of them, namely, for the restitutions of their honours, estates, privileges, equality of justice, oblivion of wrongs, sales, levies of money, ransoms, releasing of prisoners with divers other particularities. And where the principal article concerns the exercise of religion, the deputies demanding three towns in every province, the King has only granted two, the nobility being permitted to have free exercise of religion in their houses for their families and all others, baptisms being likewise granted to them. Thinks that peace will shortly be concluded, the necessity of both their cases constraining them thereunto. The Nuncio understanding that they have demanded exercise of religion in the county of Vienne and Avignon, which appertain to the Pope, has repaired to the Court and declared that no peace could be holy or sound which was made with them who are out of the Church. The Ambassador of Spain having knowledge they have demanded not only the restitution of the Prince of Orange and Count Ludovic to such possessions as they enjoyed in France, but furthermore the King's assistance by letters of marque for the recovery of such as the King of Spain occupies of the said Princes, has likewise been to the King to dissuade the peace. The clergy and the city of Paris have also offered to maintain the war for eight months longer upon their own charges. Desires to know her pleasure as to how he shall deal with the Earl of Thomond, concerning whom he has written more at length to Cecil.— Paris, 23 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 23. 1110. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
With much ado he has caused the Earl of Thomond to send over one of his servants with Mather with his letter to the Queen. He is tractable enough and rather apt to follow perilous counsel than to be a deviser thereof. It were good to gain him by lenity as otherwise he will attempt any way he possibly can. Will hold a strong hand over him with fair promises until he hears how to proceed. If he once come into the French tampering he will not be so pliable.—Paris, 23 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 23. 1111. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Received yesterday letters from the Earl of Lennox by Mr. Elphinstone, a copy of whose instructions he encloses, and for that the same sufficiently declares their request, he forbears to trouble her with any long writing, and begs her to return her speedy pleasure therein.—Alnwick, 23 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 20. 1112. Instructions for Mr. Elphinstone.
Is to inform the Earl of Sussex how thankfully the Queen of England's comfortable advice was accepted by the nobility; and what honour and favour she had done to the Earl of Lennox in making special nomination of him for this charge. Notwithstanding this travail for a cessation of arms, it is without doubt that their adversaries intend with the whole force they may make to be at Linlithgow in the beginning of August next to hold their pretended parliament. As it is dangerous that they only should hazard battle with them, he is to ask for 1,500 or 1,000 footmen, two parts to be harquebussiers and the rest pikemen, to enter Scotland on the penult. day of July. Is to ask for money to entertain 500 men for half a year. As a great part of their adversaries best forces come from the west borders, he is to ask Sussex to give them some other thing to think about. They have refused to accord license to the Countess of Northumberland to speak with her husband, in consideration of the wickedness of the times. Desire that redress of matters on the Borders may be deferred till the end of this intended enterprise of their adversaries. Is to desire him not to receive any subjects of Scotland into the amity of England unless they first make their obedience to the King's authority. Is to remind Sussex of the inconvenience of Dumbarton's being kept against the King.—Edinburgh, 20 July.
Copy. Pp. 5. Enclosure.
July 23. 1113. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him to Elphinstone's instructions. The Earl of Huntly levies what force he can to come strongly to the par- liament at Linlithgow, and gives out that he has received 20,000 crowns out of Flanders of the Pope's money, and taken up upon his lands 10,000 besides. Has received letters from Lethington, but he writes nothing of what course he will keep. Hopes that if the Queen will send forces into Scotland to break this parliament, there will be no lack of money, and the same may also take the castles of Edinburgh and Dumbarton. Does not hear any certainty of Livingstone's movements.—Alnwick, 23 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
July 24. 1114. Queen Elizabeth to the Duke of Mechlinburg.
Has only just received his letter dated 23rd May, by which she perceives that he has been led to expect an annual pension from her by one of her councillors at Hamburg; and wherein also he informs her of the cruelties of the Papists in France, and of the defeat of the Huguenots, and also the great desire he has to be employed in the defence of the true religion.
2. In reply, she says that she never had any councillor in Hamburg, but if any occasion should arise she will be happy to employ him in military service. The affairs of those of the religion are not so bad as he has written, nevertheless she thanks him for sending warning of the common danger, and for the prompt offer of his services.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
July 25. 1115. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends him a writ of summons of the parliament in Scotland, and an intercepted letter from Lord Fleming to Lethington, whereby may be seen how all his actions depend upon Lethington. They trust much upon the keeping of this parliament, and fear greatly the breaking of it, wherefore he may consider of what importance the keeping or interrupting thereof is.—Alnwick, 25 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 25. 1116. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends the names of the noblemen who were present at the convention begun at Edinburgh on the 12th. They have resolved to elect the Earl of Lennox to be Regent, and to give his oath to-day or Monday next. They will give no ear to anything that comes from the Laird of Livingstone.— Alnwick, 25 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 12. 1117. Convention at Edinburgh.
List of the Lords who were present at the convention at Edinburgh, 12 June 1570, consisting of seven Earls, seven Barons, and eighteen spiritual Lords; the names of these latter are not given. Four other noblemen are looked for.
P. 1. Enclosure.
July 12. 1118. Election of the Earl of Lennox to the Regency of Scotland.
Conditions on which the Earl of Lennox takes upon himself the Regency of Scotland, chiefly providing that he shall maintain the true religion, not call in foreigners, and in all important matters submit to the guidance of the Lords of the Council.
Pp. 2¼. Enclosure.
July 25. 1119. The Laird of Livingstone to the Earl of Sussex.
Has written letters to Randolph requiring him to write to the Earls of Lennox and Morton to procure a promise for an abstinence from arms on the side of the King's party, like as he should cause the Duke and the others to do the same. It appears from his answer that he either has no will to do good offices in furthering this accord, or else has some new commandment from his mistress. Desires to understand if there is any such change. Requests license for certain of his servants to go into England to his wife and the Queen of Scots.—Blair Athol, 25 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
July 25. 1120. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Notwithstanding the fair promises made by the Earl of Thomond, which he advertised on the 23rd, he practised the same day with Ransey, one in great estimation with the Queen Mother, to come to the French King's presence, and the day following did the like with the Marshal Vielleville. It is necessary to send for him speedily, since he minds to practise mischief. If by fair promises he may be enticed into England, they may prevent his practices as may seem most convenient. On the 24th he privily stole to the Court and borrowed a horse of Norris, saying that he would ride into the fields. Will take order to understand his attempts there. Since his coming he has been persuaded by an Englishman that the readiest way to bring his attempt to success had been to have required aid of the King of Spain.—Paris, 25 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. In cipher, with seal. P. ½.
July 26. 1121. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Likes very well his device to take avenge of the west borders of Scotland, where Leonard Dacres and other her rebels are openly maintained, not doubting but that he will retain his intention in all secretness until he shall attempt it. It will be well if at his entry he demands of Lord Herries the restitution to his hands of Leonard Dacres and the rest, as she thinks he will not deliver them, and thereby he will not only have more justice to maintain his actions, but have in the sight of the world sufficient appearance to allow the same. Will send him money, though not as much as he would have.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
July 27. 1122. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Understands that two notorious pirates named Vanderberg and Escoval are detained, the one at London and the other at Dover. Hopes that they will meet with the punishment which they deserve.—London, 27 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
July 27. 1123. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Letter of credence for M. De Vassal whom he sends to communicate certain matters to him.—London, 27 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
July 29. 1124. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Where it is supposed that the adverse party will in the beginning of next month assemble their powers to hold a pretended parliament at Linlithgow, she would have him let it appear manifestly to both parties that if they will in such sort break the appointment made between her and the Queen of Scots, he will not suffer with her forces such as have manifestly maintained the common peace between the two realms to be oppressed by such as have manifestly broken the same by open maintenance of her rebels. If he sees it apparent that the Regent and his party will be overthrown, he is to give them such aid as he shall think meet. For answer to the demand of money he is to require them to consider what charges she has been at, but he is not to make this answer to be as a peremptory refusal to drive them into any despair. He is by his advice to have regard that the Earl of Northumberland be not suffered to escape. Has received his letters with a writ of summons of a parliament to be held at Linlithgow on August 7. Would not have Sussex enter Scotland in person.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 30. 1125. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Allows well of his usage of the Earl of Thomond, and although she knows him to be a person of small value in Ireland otherwise than her maintenance and favour has made him, having others of that house who are both in wit and courage and, in opinion of the country, for right of blood nearer to have the earldom than he is; yet can she be content for avoiding of practices upon pretence of his name that he be persuaded to come over to England, and as his cause may anywise permit to show him grace. Therefore he is to let him understand that she likes well his humble letter, and that his cause will be favourably heard and that he will find her disposed to mercy. If he should desire further assurance under her hand for certainty of pardon or for a protection to come and return without stay, he may say that he has received no other answer from her. Would be glad that he should have no further assurance, but if this will not satisfy him, Norris is to give him assurance under his own handwriting that if he shall not find such favourable answer to his demands as he may like, that by his intercession he may have liberty to depart out of England without let, and so she is content that Norris shall do without seeming to have any order so to do from her. Means to observe that which he shall grant. Will shortly send some one with a message to the King and Queen Mother in furtherance of the common cause of the Queen of Navarre and the Princes, which person shall take his place and so revoke him from his painful charge.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 30 July 1570. Pp. 2½.
July 31. 1126. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Has received his letter wherein he undertakes that the Duke and the other Lords of his party shall put their hands and seals to certain articles which he sent on the 30th May. Has received no answer to his letter of the 4th inst. containing certain articles differing from these, to the which if they will subscribe and send them to him he will not slack to do his part fully. If his party gather force to come to the annoyance of such as have shown themselves to be pursuers of his mistress's rebels, he gives him foreknowledge that he will not permit them to receive injury if by any means he can defend them from it.—Alnwick, 31 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
July 31. 1127. The Earl of Lennox to Randolph.
Informs him of the movements of their adversaries, who are raising men, and have made proclamation at Lanark that all men of that party should convene there by the 3rd of August. Prays him earnestly to advertise the Earl of Sussex, and beg him to hasten aid here with all diligence.—Stirling, 31 July 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 31. 1128. Charges in the North.
A brief memorial of money due to the army unto and for the last of July 1570, amounting to 15,308l. 3s. 1d.
Endd. P. 2/3.