Elizabeth: April 1570, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: April 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp212-219 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp212-219.

"Elizabeth: April 1570, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp212-219.

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April 1570, 1-15

April 1. 786. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The French Ambassador that landed at Dumbarton has come to Niddry, whither is gone to him Lethington in his litter, being lame and not otherwise able to stir. The Lords Seton and Fleming came with him from Dumbarton. He has brought letters to the Lords and others of the French faction, and an assured promise to Lord Home that he shall neither want men or money, wherewith he is in great jollity. Other letters have come from the Queen of Scots and the Bishop of Ross comforting her faction. There is not in this town or Newcastle one last of corn powder, so that the Lord Lieutenant shall do a great piece of service, and this town make great defence if the French or any other come. Wishes that Calais might be an example to them. Sends certain articles which, if it please Her Majesty to agree unto, she may make her peace with those two arch traitors and their confederates. Egremont Ratcliffe and the others having some inkling of his preparations for them are sent to Orkney to be conveyed into Flanders that way.—Berwick, 1 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 1. 787. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
The Queen having granted leave to the bearer, who has contracted for the victualling of La Rochelle, to anchor in any of her roadsteads or havens, he desires that he may have some written form of license.—Sheen, 1 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
April 1. 788. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Desires him to urge the Queen of England to be more active in the defence of the cause of the religion.—London, 11 April.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Pp. 2½.
April 2. 789. Robert Hogan to Sir Henry Norris.
Has received letters from Bilboa that a man of his named Mather, whom he dispatched with letters of importance into England, has been put in prison at San Sebastian. If they have taken his letters from him it may be to his destruction. Earnestly prays him to write into England that in case anything happens to them otherwise than well they may have a consideration of the case. Desires him to write to him by way of the French Ambassador here addressed to his secretary, who will see any letters safely delivered.—Cordova, 2 April.
Signature cut off. Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 2. 790. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Has sent Captain Reed to the Court to answer anything that may be objected against him. Desires that he may not be "lingered" there, as his services are much needed at this time. Lord Home said that he would die a Dacre, for a Dacre kept his father and mother three years. Has had fair promises and does not mistrust their fulfilment, but it would be a "more hope" to him if in the meantime he might have the keeping of Leonard Dacre's house and lands till Her Majesty's pleasure were further known.
2. P.S.—The coming of the French Ambassador to Lethington and the others was to show them his commission, which was to will them to be earnest for the calling home of the Scottish Queen, and for the continuance of the old league between France and Scotland, for the maintenance whereof they shall want neither men nor money. It is much doubted that Morton will revolt to the Scottish Queen.—Berwick, 2 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp.1½.
April 6. 791. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Has brought so many kinds of provisions as the prices and freights thereof surmount the sum he has received by 2,884l. 1s. 8d., which he begs may be repaid to his deputy.— York, 6 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P.1.
April 6. 792. Mr. Chamberlain to Mr. Digby.
The undoubted quiet state of all things here is such that they only listen after new events from foreign parts. From France they hear great likelihood of agreement between the King and his Huguenot subjects. From Italy is expected much seeing that the Turk has discovered his intent to infest those parts. The Great Duke of Tuscany's aspiring is so much misliked as some trouble is like to fall out thereby. Of England it is thought that the begun troubles cannot so suddenly fall to quiet. The Queen with her force overrules all, unless it be that "our Lords," amongst whom he hears their old acquaintance Mr. Blackstone is, will make raids upon the Borders. Prays him to send some likely truths from Spain, for lack whereof they feign at large, which, in plain English, were a great fault, and therefore, for conscience sake, prays him to let them hear some truth if it be lawful. Desires to know how many of his letters have come to the Duchess of Feria's hands. They daily look for their friend good Mr. Gyles with many others, who may not longer presuppose security to themselves in body or soul where they are. Hopes he has not offended by writing to Mrs. Pickering.—Louvain, 6 April. Signed.
Add.: To H. Digby, attendant upon the Duchess of Ferri. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 7. 793. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. Came to Berwick on the 5th inst. for safety. The convention at Linlithgow will be great, that it may appear to the Frenchman who came to Dumbarton what party the Queen of Scots has. Spoke to Lethington, who for the most part keeps his bed, and when he goes abroad is carried in a litter. He is earnest to restore the Queen to her dignity. Found in Grange great honesty, and dutifulness to his Sovereign. Told him what he may assure himself of the Queen's goodwill towards him.
2. P.S.—The Bishop of Ross for all his close keeping wrote letters into Scotland of the 26th Feb.—Berwick, 7 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 7. 794. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The news of Lord Herries' liberty is confirmed. Lord Scope, Sir John Forster, and the Marshal are already with him, and he looks for Lord Hunsdon to-night. All the army is not yet come to York, notwithstanding which he means to set forward on Monday.—Newcastle, 7 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 7. 795. Deposition of Julio Mantuano.
Accuses Mr. Puttenham of having incited him to murder the Bishop of London, and having spoken evilly of the Queen's Majesty.—1 April 1570.
Endd. by Cecil. Ital. P. ½.
April 9. 796. The Earl of Sussex to the Privy Council.
Has sent forward certain bands to guard the frontiers. Of the horsemen only Mr. George Carey's band of 100 lances be yet come. Has given directions to the wardens for having their forces in readiness. Desires that more money may be sent. They have only four lasts of powder, which will serve 2,000 harquebussiers after sixteen shot of every caliver to the pound, but for four weeks, although the soldier shot but one shot in the morning and another at night to keep his piece clean. If it come to any service one last will not serve one day. There is but 4,000 weight of match, which will serve less time. Some of the shot are so ill-furnished that it had been better to have sent them as archers.—Newcastle, 9 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 10. 797. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Assures him of the truth of Lord Herries being at liberty. He has gone to Glasgow, and has wholly dissevered himself from Her Majesty's faction.—Featherstonehaugh, 9 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 10. 798. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
As her intention in the sending of her army under his conduction towards Scotland may be maliciously misreported, she has thought meet that some publication thereof be made on the frontiers. He is therefore to have the declaration herewith sent published in the three wardenries. Has in the declaration expressed that she has given him charge to use favourably the good subjects of Scotland who keep peace with her.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 10 April 1570. Pp. 1⅓.
April 10. 799. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has all things in readiness as upon the first repair of her army to enter upon the execution of her commandment. Has sent a special messenger to the Earls Morton and Mar and the Laird of Grange. Lords Herries and Home have openly discovered themselves at the convention to be of that side, and Lethington differs little from them. Herries has, on the west Borders, heartened his friends assured others that were doubtful, and made proclamation for all men to be ready at an hour's warning with fourteen days' victual, and is departed to the French convention. Cannot understand by any espial that there is any intention in any person in Scotland depending on her to join with their forces, but all others of the contrary party knit themselves together and prepare their forces to offend her.—Newcastle, 10 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
April 10. 800. The Earl of Sussex to the Earls of Morton and Mar and Laird of Grange.
Is sent not only to punish the open maintainers of the Queen of England's rebels, but also to join with the forces of such of the nobility as have shown themselves well affected towards Her Majesty and the continuing of the amity betwixt both realms. Desires to know how he may further any cause they have on hand. They may see the difference between the certain actions of England and the doubtful promises of France.—Newcastle, 10 April.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
April 10. 801. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
As the Queen has directed him to write to herself, if Her Majesty cannot well read his scribblings he begs that Cecil will help her. Desires him to send a cipher. The horsemen come out of the south very slowly. Hopes before the light of this moon be past to leave a memory in Scotland whereof they and their children shall be afraid to offer war to England. They have thrashed their corn, fled with their cattle, and unthatched their houses, so as the spoil cannot be so great as it might have been at other times.—Newcastle, 10 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp.1¼.
April 10. 802. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Lord Herries has made proclamation for all men in his rule to be ready with fourteen days' victual upon an hour's warning. There are many that lean to the Queen's part. Has written for furniture of money, weapons, and munitions.— Newcastle, 10 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
April [11]. 803. John Marsh to—
1. There arrived at Brussels eight days past one Chambers and Thomas Mason, who came out of Scotland with letters to the Duke of Alva from the Earl of Northumberland and his confederates; and four days past there arrived one Spenser and Callimor out of France; they request powder, munition, money, men, and ships, which cannot be granted till advice come from the King. In the meantime they are granted two ships which shall lie at Calais. One of the four shall lie at Calais, another at Boulogne, one in France, and the fourth here. On the 8th inst. William Bell and Henry Summerland arrived with letters to the Duke from the Earl of Northumberland of the last of March, and also letters from the French King and Council. They have licence to go to their ships and to Antwerp to buy powder.
2. There are three ordinary spies in England, all Spaniards, one John Delgado, who lies in the Ambassador's house; Peter Benavides who resorts thither; and Diego Ridiera, "a tall man of person eyed like a cat," whose charge is to go about England. It is not good that they should be dealt withal until the return of the merchants. Story remains at Brussels still a preferrer of all the English traitors' business and causes, and has continual access to the Duke of Alva, and lately rewarded with 250 crowns. Is informed that Prestall has gone to Scotland to do mischief. The Lord Keeper and Cecil must look to themselves, and had need when they go abroad to go well fenced, to defend the pistolet, for all mischief shall be attempted and no assistance lacking on this side. It is thought that the Duke of Anjou shall go with 6,000 or 8,000 Swiss to Scotland. Is informed of a Burgundian who is a fourth spy, and speaks English and Irish, and is sent into Ireland. He writes all his letters with alum water. This 11th April is advertised that Prestall took shipping at Campvere in Easter week by the name of Max.
Partly in the cipher of John Marsh.
April 12. 804. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Understands that the French Ambassador in Scotland minds to return into France, and that he minds to deliver and receive writings for the performance of the matters agreed on either side. Advises that two or three ships be sent from Chester to attend upon his passing by the Isle of Man, where it is likely that he and his writings should be taken.—Alnwick, 12 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
April 12. 805. Instructions for the French Ambassador.
He is to tell the Queen of England that his master considers that the great forces which she sends towards Scotland are not merely for the purpose of punishing her rebels. Also that he cannot in honour abandon the Queen of Scots, but that he will take upon himself her cause as if it were his own, in which he hopes to be assisted by the King of Spain. He is to demand that the Queen will retire her forces from Scotland and set the Queen of Scots at liberty.
Extract from a letter: Endd. by Cecil: 12 April 1570. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
April 13. 806. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Understanding that the Spanish Ambassador had said that he should never hear of any attempt that the French should make into Her Majesty's country but he would speedily advertise him thereof, he took occasion to visit him and thank him. Whilst conferring on the affairs of this country the Ambassador said that he little took care how these here agreed so that his master and Her Majesty continued the amity which so long had remained inviolate, which they both promised to further to the utmost of their powers. The Ambassador said that he thought the best way for a reconcilement would be for the Queen to write to the Duke of Alva; to which Norris replied, that as the first breach came from him she would not easily be persuaded to treat with him but with the King himself. After they had conferred on the mission of Vitelli, Norris showed him a copy of the Queen's letter to the King of Spain, to which she had hitherto received no answer; and further, declared that the cause why she had sent no Ambassador to be resident in Spain was the evil entreaty of Mr. Man, to which he made no other answer than that he was heartily sorry therefor. After talking of sundry matters Norris declared that there were bruits abroad how the King's ministers in the Low Countries had some inclination to succour the Queen's rebels, and also of the resort of certain fugitives and rascals of Ireland this last summer into Spain, to attempt such things as if they should follow that which is but an unkindness in appearance would become an open breach, which reports the Ambassador declared to be most untrue. Sable Hautonne is taken by those of the religion. The Queen Mother has appointed for her dowry the Duchy of Orleans. Mentions quarrels between different noblemen, and the levy of troops for the King in La Beauce. The Admiral has retired to refresh his forces. The negociations for peace proceed but the event is uncertain. —Angers, 13 April. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
April 13. 807. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
MM. De Biron and La Roche are come from the Princes to the Court. There is great bruit of peace, the principal matter staying upon the exercise of the religion, which the Princes demand to be generally admitted throughout the realm.— Angers, 13 April. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Hol. P. 1.
April 14. 808. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Thanks him for the great goodness which he daily extends to him and his. Informs him of the progress of the negociations for peace. On the 11th March proclamation was made for the stay of all ships coming out of Scotland not having the Scottish Queen's officers' passport.—Angers, 14 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
April 14. 809. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Warns him that if such liberty is granted to the Scottish Queen to send and write so oft as she does, the Queen of England has as much need to look unto herself as the Regent had before he took his death wound, unto which wicked act that Queen was not ignorant and as willing to have the end of the one as she was cause of that of the other. From Scotland he finds more mischief intended against them than France and Spain are able to bring if they were "quit of the cumber that that unhappy generation brings them unto." —Berwick, 14 April 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
April 15. 810. M. De la Faye to M. De Villiers.
M. St. Marie Agneaulx has determined to return to France with as many men as he can raise of those who are here, but most of them turn a deaf ear or make excuses. Hopes his letters have not miscarried. Warns him not to trust the Sieur De Mogueville too much. M. De Bonfosse has also solicited a pardon for having borne arms that he may retire to his house. The form of the said pardon has been brought over here, having these conditions, that he should suffer no worship in his house save the Roman Catholic, and that he should not serve again under the Princes or the Admiral except by the express command of the King. He now desists for a time from his suit.—15 April. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½.