Elizabeth: January 1566

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: January 1566', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp1-14 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1566', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp1-14.

"Elizabeth: January 1566". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp1-14.

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January 1566

A.D. 1566.
Jan. 2.
1. Francis, Earl of Bedford, to Sir William Cecil.
1. Understands by his letter that the Earl of Leicester's estate is not so good as of late it has been.
2. This Queen sends letters of complaint against him for the rescuing and revenge of their men taken at Chirnside, for that two of them that resisted were hurt, and are since dead. And also for that he sent a message to Home showing that he would do as he then said on the Lord's behalf in case he levied any power in the March to go to the Queen against them. Understands the greatest cause of the pursuivant's coming is to learn what preparation for war is made against this next spring here.
3. It is said that certain bulls are come into Scotland from Rome. A good eye should be had to this pursuivant, for that he brings letters to the Papists and Lady Lennox.
4. They have here a man of the Laird of Cessford's that lies for 100 bills.
5. There is news in Edinburgh that the King of Spain means to make war upon them (the English), and that great alteration of religion will shortly take place in this realm; and monks and friars be brought back. This Queen said this.—Berwick, 2 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 3. 2. M. De Foix, the French Ambassador in England, to Sir William Cecil.
Requests him to present a petition to the Queen from certain French merchants.—London, 3 Jan. 1565. Signed: Paul De Foix.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 4. 3. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
The bearer is sent from the Queen of Scots with very great complaints against him. Hopes that she will not credit this message further than to think that he is well able to credit his doings.—Berwick, 4. Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 5. 4. Pietro Bizarri to Sir William Cecil.
Contention for the Papacy between the Cardinals of Ferrara and Farnese. A Venetian gentleman has been condemned to death for conspiracy against the State, and several others and some foreigners arrested, but since liberated.—Venice, 5 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Ital. P. 1.
Jan. 5. 5. Advices from Italy.
Proceedings for the election of the new Pope. News from different towns in Italy.—Rome, 5 Jan.
Injured by damp. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 6. 6. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The bearer, Nicholas Harrington, leaving the office of constable to be captain of fifty, and the new supply being discharged, was discharged of his fifty, and so disappointed of all; wherefore he prays him have consideration that may tend to his relief.—Berwick, 6 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 8. 7. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
The Laird of Cessford being unable to answer her subjects above 100 bills delivered a gentleman of his name to remain as pledge and now would steal him away. He has promised to make a raid with above 500 of the thieves of Tividale. Desires to understand whether he should use any revenge for the same. The Queen of Scots has caused it to be proclaimed under pain of death that no victuals should be brought to them.—Berwick, 8 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 8. 8. The Earl of Bedford to the Privy Council.
Repeats what he this day wrote to the Queen. Desires that the Commissioners who are to come down for composition of matters between both realms may also travail on Murray's behalf.—Berwick, 8 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 8. 9. Remembrances for Nicholas Harrington sent to the Privy Council.
The Scots came one market day and spoiled and took away sundry victuals. The Earl of Bedford wrote hereof to the Lord Home but could get no redress. On the fourth market day the Under Marshal chased certain Scots until they came to Churnside, where he was set upon and some of his company wounded and seven taken. As the Earl of Bedford could not get anything answered he sought the amends thereof, as the bearer can declare. The thieves of Tividale continually make spoils. They will burn and destroy in England, and thereby break the peace so that all their attemptats are striken by and not to be answered. The Laird of Cessford has practised to steal away his kinsman whom he left as a pledge.
Endd. Pp. 5.
Jan. 8. 10. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Has received his letter of the 2nd, wherein he writes of the success of the Protestants in France. Look daily for the Commissioners. Murray might have his grace fully wrought by them. The thieves of Tivydale will make a raid in despite that they cannot have home one Carre a cousin of Cessford. The Duke here has his passport. There are means made to have Grange home again.—Berwick, 8 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Jan. 8. 11. Mons. De Rambouillet's Train.
List of M. De Rambouillet's train, consisting of nineteen persons, together with four other gentlemen and their followers.
Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 8. 12. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
1. News that the Queen of Scots is with child. She is well served with her secretaries, David and Balfour.—Moulins, 8 Jan. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—On the 11th the Cardinal of Lorraine came to the Court.
Add. Endd. P.1.
Jan. 9. 13. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Craves his favour and help in this his greatest extremity, and that he will move the Queen to pity his present state and that of other noblemen here with him, and travail with their Sovereign for their relief.—Newcastle, 9 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 9. 14. Queen Elizabeth to Mary Queen of Scots.
Whereas she complains of an entry made into Scotland by certain of her subjects making slaughter and taking prisoners, and that the Earl of Bedford has refused any redress, she knows of no manner of such entry into Scotland with such numbers. Takes the matter to be the same whereof she heard in the beginning of December, where the complaint ought rather to have been made by her subjects who were first spoiled and robbed. Will command the Earl of Bedford to advertise her the very truth with all the circumstances, and to make satisfaction and redress.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 3½.
Jan. 10. 15. The Queen to Thomas Randolph.
As the chief intention of this meeting on her part is covertly to procure the restoring of the Earl of Murray and the rest into their country, she has appointed the Earl of Bedford and Sir John Forster as her Commissioners. He is to use the best means he can that those appointed by the Queen of Scots shall be of like quality and of tractableness and good disposition towards the ending of such things as shall be treated of.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 10. 16. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
Requires him to return a plain and full declaration of the whole matter whereof the Queen of Scots complains, and in the meantime to procure a delivery of either side of the parties detained with their goods. Assures him that there can be no complaint coming out of Scotland which can alter any part of her good judgment conceived of his true and faithful service, but rather she will think his service to be the more faithful because it is misliked of them. Has resolved to appoint him and Sir John Forster to attend at the colloquy.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 10. 17. Affairs of France.
1. At an audience at Moulins on the 10th January, when a great number of the nobility were present, the Queen Mother addressed the Cardinal of Lorraine, and said that the repose of the kingdom was destroyed by private quarrels, and especially by two of his, the one against the Marshal De Montmorency, and the other against the Admiral for the murder of his brother, the Duke of Guise. The Admiral had protested his innocence, and declared himself ready to fight anyone who accused him, and therefore she desired the Cardinal to make some good agreement with him. The Cardinal in reply demanded justice from the King on Montmorency for the outrage committed by him, which was an insult to the whole house of Guise and its relations, of whom the King himself was one. He was content to leave the matter to the decision of the noblemen present who were related to him. As for the murder of his brother, he is not moved by any hatred of the Admiral, but merely wishes that justice should be done, and therefore desires that the matter may be tried by the Court of Parliament at Paris, and that he might not be asked to do anything to the prejudice of the honour of his family.
2. The Cardinal and the Admiral are at present made responsible for each others safety, and the arms of both parties are ordered to be given up, and that Mons. De Montmorency should come at once to the Court for the matter between him and the Cardinal. Madame De Guise has sent one of her gentlemen to Paris to the Council with evidence relating to the murder of her husband and to demand justice.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 8.
Jan. 12. 18. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
1. He is to send to the Queen of Scots and declare what intelligence he has of the intentions of the thieves of Tividale, requiring her to give straight order that there be no such attempt made.
2. If, however, any raid is made he shall do what is presently thought feasible for revenge by those of experience residing on the Borders. He is to let the Duke of Chatelherault and Grange pass.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 12. 19. Protestation of Gaspard De Coligni, Admiral of France.
Promises on his honour not to enterprise anything against any of the house of Guise.—Moulins, 12 Jan. 1566.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 12. 20. Advices from Italy.
Account of the election of the Pope.—Rome, 12 Oct. 1565.
Ital. Pp. 3¼.
Jan. 14. 21. M. De Foix to Cecil.
Asks for a licence to export three horses for M. De Brezé, captain of the guards; also for a passport for M. De Clairvaulx, who is going into Scotland, and that horses may be kept ready at the different parts for M. De Rambouillet and his train of 36 persons.—London, 14 Jan. 1566. Signed: Paul De Foix.
Add. Endd. Fr. P.1.
Jan. 15. 22. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
1. "The grey mare is the better horse" amongst their neighbours.
2. This piece of silver is the newest and last alteration of their coin.—Berwick, 15 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 15. 23. Dr. Christopher Mundt to Cecil.
The Emperor departed from Vienna towards Augsburg on the 7th of December, and will be there on the 18th inst. The Landgrave told M. De Lansac that his master had better remember the ends of his father and brother and not persecute pious people. It is said that all the Electors will be at the Diet.—Strasbourg, 15 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 16. 24. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Sends him a proportion of munitions and other necessaries for Her Majesty's service in the Master of the Ordnance's charge here and at Berwick.—Newcastle, 16 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Jan. 16. 25. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Participated to the Earl of Murray the Queen's good meaning for his well doing and restoring home to his country.
2. Will answer the complaints of the Scots on his return home.
3. Wishes that another might be appointed as a Commissioner with himself and Forster. The drowned man found in these parts is Yaxley. Murray is here at very great charges, commonly 20l. a week.—Newcastle, 16 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Jan. 16. 26. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Mr. Bartram Anderson, in whose house the Duke has lodged ever since his coming hither, is called to appear in Chancery. Prays him so deal herein that he neither be troubled to travel up thither, nor yet sustain damage for his non-appearance.—Newcastle, 16 Jan. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—The Duke has paid nothing for anything he has had, even so have his friends used the rest of the Lords.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Jan. 17. 27. Sir John Forster to the Earl of Bedford.
1. Complains of the long delays of the Warden of Scotland. The favour shown to those of Liddisdale in England has more procured them hatred in Scotland. The Earl of Bothwell will be in nowise satisfied but with Martin Elliott's head.
2. Sundry gentlemen of the Borders are committed to Edinburgh Castle and others sent for.—Alnwick, 17 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Jan. 18. 28. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's resolution touching the attemptat feared to have been done by the Laird of Cessford; albeit nothing has been attempted by him, her pleasure therein shall be accomplished. Sends him letters from different people.—Alnwick, 18 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 16. 29. Lord Scrope to Bedford.
Since his last, the Elliott's of Liddisdale have assembled 80 men to take revenge upon the Greames, and by occasion desisted from their purpose for that time. Beseeches him to write to the Queen that speedy order be sought of the Queen of Scotland in that behalf. The Master of Maxwell has since his coming home burnt and spoiled the houses of certain outlaws at the Stakeheugh, but the men escaped, He has also taken a man of the Laird of Johnston's (a notable thief), and burnt him at the cross in Dumfries.—Carlisle, 16 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Jan. 18. 30. Richard Clough to William Phayre.
Has received three letters from him which he has sent on to England. Sends him news from Scotland, and the Court of England.—Antwerp, 18 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 19. 31. The Queen to Frederic II., King of Denmark.
Whereas by his letter of 27 November 1565 he asks leave for his servant James Cullen, a Scotchman, to hire sailors for his service in her kingdom, she is sorry to have to refuse his request, both because of the war between him and the King of Sweden, and also because most of the English seamen follow the occupation of fishermen, which if they were to neglect this summer would bring great want to many of her subjects.—Westminster, 19 Jan. 1565. Signed: Elizabeth R.—R. Aschamus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 19. 32. Advices from Italy.
Coronation of Pius V. More than 30,000 people present. Intelligence from different parts of Italy and Spain of preparations against the Turk.—Rome, 19 Jan. 1566.
Ital. Pp. 2½.
33. Fair copy of a portion of the above.
Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 19. 34. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
The Coronation of the new Pope, Pius V., was appointed for the 17th inst. Preparations at Malta to receive the Turk. Gives a description of the person and character of Pius V.— Venice, 19 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 19. 35. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Since his last to him he understands that Earl Bothwell has burnt the Elliotts, whereupon Martin Elliott has sought of him assurance and oversight within his office, which he dare not grant. The Laird of Johnston, since the Master of Maxwell's return from Edinburgh, has offered to prove, by way of combat, all the articles that he gave in against the Master, who has written to the Queen that he may have licence to defend the same, either in his own person against the said Laird, any one of his sons, or any other of the Johnstons that will stand in maintenance of that quarrel, or otherwise with 40, 50, or 100 Maxwells against as many Johnstons.— Carlisle, 19 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 20. 36. William Phayre to Cecil.
1. Upon confirmation of the Pope's death the Cardinal Buon Compagno, his legate here about the affair of the unlucky Archbishop, thinking himself most like to be Pope, made such haste home that near to Saragossa he fell from his horse, and had almost broken his neck and smote his leg out of the joint. From France there is news that the Admiral is up with Boulogne, Calais, and Ardres against the French King, and that the Queen had sent to him a great sum of money; but the French Ambassador told Phayre that he had denied these and other fables to the King and his Council.
2. The Turk makes the wonderfullest haste in setting forth his armada, increasing his galleys to the number of 100 more than he had last year; and has caused all the trees about Constantinople to be cut down to build his navy. He makes ready 70,000 foot, and 8,000 horse. To meet all this the King of Spain prepares 31,000 men, of which 12,000 shall be sent to Malta, 12,000 to Sicily, and the rest to be distributed in places of importance. The Parliament of Grandees is prorogued to the King's pleasure. The Queen of Spain is with child. On Sunday last there were in the great hall of this palace the barriers, where the princes of Bohemia and other boys of their age did prettily. There is an astrologer that has great credit in the Court because he has happened to be right in three or four things, and now he finds that the Turk shall die before March. Prays that the King give not too much credit to the "astronomer." Is in want of money.— 20 January 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 7½.
Jan. 20. 37. Richard Clough to Phayre.
Acknowledges the receipt of certain letters. Sends also reports of news from Scotland, Germany, and Constantinople. —Antwerp, 20 January 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Jan. 21. 38. The Earl of Arundel to Cecil.
Thanks him for his letter. Informs him as to the state of his health.—Milan, 21 January 1566.
Add. Endd. Much mutilated. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22. 39. Sir Wm. Drury to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton.
When here he told him of the disgrace he had fallen into by the Earl of Leicester's displeasure; since then he has been restored to favour, and his Lordship has often promised he would declare his favour by works. Has written to his Lordship to undertake his suit to the Queen, as by his servant Scudamore, the bearer shall be preferred. Asks him to assist his Lordship's furtherance, and to give that order to his servant to begin and proceed therein as may best do him good.—Berwick, 22 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 22. 40. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
Beseeches him to further his suit that by his servant, Scudamore, the bearer, shall be preferred unto him.—Berwick, 22 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 23. 41. Advices from Sir Thomas Smith to the Earl of Leicester.
1. It is said that M. Dandilot has been in great danger. As he was going to shoot at fowl ten horsemen with arquebusses, some say 20, followed him, but he escaped to his house.
2. Jan. 11. The Cardinal of Lorraine came to the Court without his guard of pistolers, Marshall Bourdillon was sent to conduct him. He was feasted that night of the Cardinal of Bourbon, and brought into Court with Conde on the right side and the Duke of Montpensier on the left.
3. The Spaniards have slain all the Frenchmen that were in La Florida.
4. They of Metz are summoned to come to the Diet.
5. The rumour was here that the Scottish Queen was with child. The Queen Mother affirms that the Queen of Spain is with child.
6. Jan. 14. Is told that the agreement betwixt the houses of Guise and Chastillion is deferred for three months.
7. For press of lodging the ambassadors are not suffered to remain at Moulins. He and the Scotch Ambassador are at Bourbon L'Archambaud.
8. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the Admiral be so lodged in this Court that they must go up one stairs to their chambers. The best excuse he has heard of this is that the King should say to them both that he would make the one keeper of the other, and if either of them had any hurt he would impute it to the other.
9. The 19th of Nov. there parted from Vienna for a present from the Emperor to King Philip 70 horses, two coaches, and one waggon or chariot with their horses.
10. The King has sat in Council these two days about the according of the houses of Chatillon and Guise, and about the appanage or partage of the Duke of Orleans his brother.
11. The 15th of this month 30 companies of men were broken; and the King has revoked and taken away so many pensions as amount unto 300,000 francs a year. Many of the chamber, treasurers, and servants to the King be cassed also.
12. Jan. 20. The King's charges are unsupportable. These treasuryships and secretary ships and to be of the chamber and so all other offices, even of judicature were made in time of King Henry the Second, and Francis the Second saleable, to make money in time of need, and so for money increased to an infinite number.
13. Jan. 23. Here was a talk of a Legate of Rome who should pass by Flanders into Scotland. It is a Bishop of Scotland who was sent to Rome for a dispensation.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 23. 42. John Bennett to Cecil.
Having received his letters by Sir Henry Percy for his and his lady's lying within the manor at Newcastle, he has written not only to let him have all his stuff and furnishment of his household, but also anything that he or any of his may pleasure him in. Begs him to take order for his relief from a suretyship of 200l. in which he has been condemned. —Newcastle, 23 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 24. 43. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
Received hers of the 8th instant touching the complaints made upon him by the Queen of Scots, and thanks her for the opinion she conceived of him and his meaning in her service. Has also received hers of the 12th instant containing her resolution if the attempt threatened by the Laird of Cessford had come to pass.—Berwick, 24 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 44. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. The Duke, the Earl of Murray, and the rest have received two letters out of France, one from the King and the other from the Queen Mother, wherein is promised that Rambouillet shall employ his credit and travail for them.
2. The Queen of Scots has named the Earl of Bothwell and the Laird of Cessford Commissioners.
3. Sends him the conveyance he desires for the parcels of ground in Covent Garden.
4. Has been these three or four days troubled with a rheum and the evil, and sending for that purpose for a physician from Edinburgh, Randolph came hither with him.—Berwick, 24 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
Jan. 24. 45. Articles sent by the Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
1. Certain subjects of Scotland having come into the bounds of Berwick upon market day and spoiled many Scots bringing victuals to Berwick, and Lord Home denying that they were any of his men, he ordered the Under Marshal if any of the spoilers came to take and bring them to him. On the fifth market day the Under Marshal hearing that certain reivers were spoiling passed into the bounds with certain of the garrison without Bedford's knowledge, and espying the reivers at Downs Law coming with a trumpet in their company appointed certain to prick at them. The reivers fled through Foulden and Eddington, where one of the Laird of Eddington's men told the Englishmen that his master was making ready to help take them. After the passing of the English through the same town, the Laird of Eddington, Davy Home, and one of the Laird of Blackadder's sons rode to Chirnside and there set upon them and hurt two and took seven men and slew one horse and took eight.
2. As the Scots denied that they were within the bounds on that day he straightly charged the Under Marshal to tell the truth, who said that two of the reivers were standing on a knoll within the bounds, and that the rest had newly passed over the bound rood.
3. When Bedford considered this cruel and uncourteous dealing of his neighbours and heard that the Queen of Scots rejoiced at this scaith of his men and that he could get no delivery of his men, he sent certain captains with 300 men and the old garrison of horsemen to Chirnside to make search for them, and to bring them away together with the Laird of Eddington and Davy Home, and to bring as many horses and men as would redeem theirs. Notwithstanding his orders the soldiers brought sixteen men and forty-one nags to Berwick, together with four of their own men, and during the search was by chance one boy slain with a harquebuss shot and another hurt who lived ten days after and one who is recovered. Has sent home all the Scots save the Laird of Eddington and two others together with seven horses to fetch back his own men. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 8¼.
Jan. 25. 46. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
Gives an account of the character and antecedents of the new Pope, Pius V.—Padua, 25 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 25. 47. Oliver Harris and others to William Phayre.
Beg him to remember them and to procure their release from prison.—Tolosa, 25 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 26. 48. Frederic II., King of Denmark, to the Queen.
Letter of commendation for Albert Knopper, Doctor of Laws and one of his Council, whom he sends into England.— Copenhagen, 26 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 26. 49. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends intelligence from Rome. Gentlemen sent by the Seignory of Venice to congratulate the Pope. Turkish corsairs taken by the Venetians.—Venice, 26 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add., seal. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 27. 50. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
The Earl of Sutherland is fully reconciled with the Earl of Murray and has promised that if the Queen will licence him to return into his country to use all the means he can that Murray should be restored.—Berwick, 27 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 28. 51. The Earl of Bedford to the Earl of Leicester.
Desires him to further the Earl of Sutherland's enlargement and setting home with the Queen.—Berwick, 28 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P.1.
Jan. 28. 52. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Begs him to further the setting at liberty of the Earl of Sutherland.—Berwick, 28 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 28. 53. Alexander Citolini to Cecil.
1. Arrived at his destination on the 20th and spoke to the person and showed him that which was entrusted to him; everything gives him satisfaction. One is sent to Cecil with letters of credence from the Prince, by whom he will learn all. Does not dare to write. Has been with Mundt, whom he praises but has not told him a word of this business.— Strasbourg, 28 Jan. 1566. Signed.
2. P.S., on separate slip.—Writes to the Queen about a certain book and to the Earl about his horse.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 1.
Jan. 28. 54. Alexander Citolini to the Queen.
Expresses his willingness to serve her, though he admits that he is not worthy even to wait on her servants.—Augsburg, 28 Jan. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 55. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Desires that he will be a means with the Queen to grant the Earl of Sutherland liberty to depart homewards.— Newcastle, 29 Jan. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 56. Thomas Randolph to the Earl of Leicester.
1. James Thornton is returned by sea full fraught with all mischief within these two days to Eymouth. In the same ship also Mr. George Buchanan returned. Since the arrival of Clernau, the Queen is harder to do for any of those who she is offended with. If the Queen sends no man to join with Bedford and Forster in this commission she shall have neither good nor honour.
2. The Queen of Scot's faction increeass greatly in England. "Woe is me for you when David sone shalbe a kynge of England." Fears that it is true that she is with child.— Berwick, 29 Jan. 1565. Signed.
3. P.S.—Desires his favour for Jenyson. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
Jan. 29. 57. Death of Francois Duke of Guise.
Decree of the King of France in Council, declaring the Admiral Coligny innocent of the death of the Duke of Guise.
Copy, signed by the members of the Council. Endd. Fr. Pp.4.
Jan. 30. 58. Clapham to Cecil.
1. Came with Fowler, who called himself Forster, by sea to Yarmouth and Harwich, and then by horse to London, where Fowler remained all day in his chamber, saying that he owed money, and then went into the country.
2. Begs that he may be released.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Jan. 31. 59. The King of Spain's Commission to the Duke of Alva.
Appoints him Captain-General of all the forces in the Low Countries, and authorises him to take whatever steps he may deem fit to reduce the rebels to obedience.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 9.
Jan. 31. 60. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Informs him of the arrival of the Cardinal of Lorraine at Court. Many officers of the Court are broken. The new Pope is very sick. The Queen of Scotland is five months gone with child. All benefices are given to great men of the Court.—Moulins, last of January. Signed: George Beaumont.
Add. P. 1.
Jan. 61. Answers by Fowler.
1. Does not know of any intelligence that the King and Queen of Scotland have out of England at any time, but when their servants be sent in their affairs they bring home such uncertain news as passes abroad.
2. And for trust that they have in any particular person in the Court, to his knowledge they have most trust in the Earl of Leicester for the friendliness the King found at his hands. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Jan. 62. Emptions for Berwick.
List of stores required for the works at Berwick; the price amounting to 155l. 18s. 10d.
Endd. P. 1.
[Jan.] 63. Pasquinade.
Pasquinade on the Signora Capisuca, who is accused of having been the mistress of Pius IV.
Ital. Pp. 1¼.
[Jan.] 64. List of Cardinals.
List of Cardinals belonging to the Imperial, Catholic, French, and other factions.
Ital. P. 1.
Jan. 65. Speech of the French King to the Admiral.
Has heard what happened between him and the Marshal Montmorency, and desires that he will be friends with him, and forget that which has past.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.