Elizabeth: September 1565, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: September 1565, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp442-458 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1565, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp442-458.

"Elizabeth: September 1565, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp442-458.

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September 1565, 1-10

5. Sept. 10. The King removed from Xainctes to St. Jean d'Angely.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 1438. Charges for Berwick.
Estimate of the expenses of the garrison under different governors.
Orig. Hol. Endd.: Articles made for John Abingdon, riding to Berwick. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 1439. The Lords of Scotland to the Queen of Scots.
Are enclosed in this town and can flee no further. Have sought nothing but the maintenance of the true religion, which they and the most part of this realm profess. Beg that she will leave off her rigorous pursuit and suffer their cause to be tried by her council. If they are still pursued, their blood shall be as dear sold as any that ever shed within the realm.
Copy. Endd. by Randolph: Sent from Edinburgh to Glascow, the first of September. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 1440. Proclamation of the Lords of Scotland.
Summon all that profess the Lord Jesus, or who bear any love to the commonwealth, with all diligence to assist them with their presence and counsel.
Copy. Endd. by Randolph: Published in Edinburgh the 1st of September. To Mr. Secretary Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 1441. Paul de Foix to the Queen of Scots.
The King and Queen Mother of France have sent M. Mauvissiere with suggestions for composing the affairs of her kingdom. The Queen of England has also agreed to send some one with him. Has always found in the Queen great friendship and affection towards her. Cecil is also very well disposed to settle affairs for her profit and advantage. Has asked the Queen to send him. Mauvisiere has asked for the deliverance of the Countess of Lennox, which the Queen has refused.—London, 1 Sept. 1565.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 1 Sept., by Stafferton. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 1. 1442. Randolph to Cecil.
1. There arrived here yesterday with the Duke, Murray, Glencairn, Rothes, Boyd, and Ochiltry, to the number of 1,200 horse. This place they think strongest for them and nearest to their friends. Argyll is looked for to be here on Monday with his forces, which will be as many as those that are already come to this town. The occasion of their coming hither is that they will not be the onsetters, but defend themselves as long as they may; and also it is thought to be the fittest place to justify their cause, against whom there has yet nothing proceeded orderly, nor offence showed. Their friends that have not yet declared themselves like their coming hither, and some, such as are not far from the Queen, have advertised that there is no means to be had for them, but either to have their bodies or to force them to leave the country. Does not see how they are able to withstand her force, for neither are there so many as she has, nor yet have they any arquebusiers, nor so shortly shall they be able to levy any. This night they are advertised that she departed from Glasgow, and intends to drive these men out of the town, or to lose the whole; so that to-morrow or Monday she is certainly looked for. She puts no small affiance in the castle, and thinks so with shot to annoy her adversaries that they shall not be able to help themselves. Wherefore these men have taken this purpose: if they find their number sufficient they will rather meet her two miles before she comes to this town, and there fight or compound to their advantage; or if they find not themselves strong enough, they will leave this town and take Leith, so are they out of the danger of the castle, and have the port open for any that will repair unto them out of Fife, Angus, &c. For the hope also they have of some help from the Queen, and standing in need of arquebusiers, they have sent to Bedford to require only 400.— Edinburgh, 1 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Assures him that Murray will accord to nothing that the Queen is not party in. If she will give him credit to say or do further here, her mind must be known with diligence.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 1. 1443. Bedford to the Queen.
One Wilson, coming into these parts with a letter of marque from the King of Sweden, has taken the Earl of Sutherland coming out of Flanders towards Scotland, who is in his keeping here. He is of great party in his country, and follows the Queen and her religion, and therefore might the more annoy her friends there. Prays her to signify how long he shall stay him and those that are with him, and also her resolution touching the matters that Captain Brickwell came up to her and her Council, for they look every day when the March shall break in upon them on these borders, and for lack of direction know not how they shall impeach them. Weighing what service Wilson may also do for impeaching of others the like passage (he means the Earl of Bothwell), prays her to be his good lady, and not to think upon such things as may be brought against him.—Berwick, 1 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 1. 1444. Bedford to Cecil.
1. To the same effect as his letter to the Queen of the same date touching the Earl of Sutherland, and the fear of an inroad on the Marches.
2. Had not Wilson's ship been furred with long lying abroad, she had caught Mr. Yaxeley, for she chased his ship and shot at him. Sends herewith two letters from Sir Francis Englefield, at Louvain, brought by this Earl.
3. The Lords of the Congregation mean to send to the writer to aid them with 300 arquebusiers, now at their being at Edinburgh. Would know what answer he shall make them. —Berwick, 1 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 1. 1445. Charges at Berwick.
Notes of expenses incurred on divers accounts at Berwick.— Sept. 1565.
Orig. Endd.: 1. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 1446. Persons taken with the Earl of Sutherland.
Names of seven persons taken with the Earl of Sutherland.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 1447. The Queen to Smith.
1. Upon Thursday last the French Ambassador came to her with Mauvissier, who brought letters from the King and his mother, containing request as follows:—That the King (having heard from the Queen of Scots in what doubt she stood of her subjects, and of the troubles like to ensue in that realm, and likewise of some unkindness conceived against the said Queen) has sent expressly thither to give her advice how to compound the controversies with her subjects, and by the way not only to communicate to the Queen of England his purpose, but also to require her to appoint some one to join with Mauvissier in this action.
2. She told them how unseasonably this offer comes to her to deal therein, for at the present was newly arrived from Scotland one of her chamber, John Tamworth, who, being sent to the Queen with like message and intention that the King has, was by that Queen lightly answered, and in returning otherwise used than the terms of amity required. The Queen of Scots so answered as appeared thereby she had no such meaning, either to satisfy the Queen's demands, or to follow any advice to procure quietness to herself; and would needs have Queen Elizabeth make an assurance for herself and her new husband's mother and her heirs to succeed her [Elizabeth]. And as the advice she gave Queen Mary for procuring quietness with her subjects, she refused to hear any advices, not so much as thanking her for her goodwill; and so dismissed her servant. According to his instructions Tamworth treated only with the Queen, and not with her husband, declaring that he had no other commandment, which Queen Mary did not disallow, until at his going away she caused a safe-conduct to be sent him in the name of her husband as King and her own, which he refused for lack of authority from the writer; requiring either to have a safe-conduct in the Queen's own name, or else some one of her servants to conduct him to the frontier, which was denied him. On his way on this side Dunbar he was taken by a number of horsemen arrayed in manner of war, and violently from thence conducted to the castle of Hume, where he was detained prisoner, though gently used by Lord Hume, until after a few days he was dismissed. This happened unseasonably at this time, which she [Elizabeth] declared unto them to the intent that they might see how unmeet it was for her so suddenly to renew the like offers unto her [Mary], until she might perceive how she had better advised herself of her former doings.
3. To this they could not otherwise answer but that they misliked this her manner of proceeding with the Queen; and although they confessed that Queen Mary gave her cause to deal with her no further, yet they entreated her to join with the King to do a good act.
4. It was agreed that they should write to Queen Mary and advertise her of the whole matter that had passed betwixt Queen Elizabeth and them, of the offer of the French King, and of the cause of her stay to join with him, and thereupon to require answer from her; which they writing, Queen Elizabeth was contented at their request to send into Scotland, and upon hope to have answer within ten days M. de Mauvissier tarried here.
5. Smith is to repair to the Court, and impart unto the King and his mother her acceptance of this their offers of friendship; and whatsoever they shall hear of her in these matters of Scotland betwixt the Queen and her nobility, they shall find her to have as honourable and friendly consideration of the Queen of Scots to procure her due obedience of her subjects as her best friends could require, and that the grounds of these troubles are not the matter of religion (although in some part that is mixed with it), but a disorderly proceeding of the Queen in the matter of her marriage, and in the government of her realm since her marriage. Herein she so offends her nobility, as the greater part of them are brought to despair of their lives and estates for not consenting to the violation of the laws and orders of the realm.
Orig. Draft. Endd. Pp. 8.
Sept. 1. 1448. Valentine Dale to Cecil.
Has written to their Lordships what he has done with the Spanish Ambassador touching his requests. Desires to know whether he shall give him anything in writing.—London, 1 Sept. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 1449. Challoner to Phayre.
1. Complains of his health. Desires him to further Sir Thomas Gresham's suit for the recovery of his money. Sends commendations to different people in Spain.—London, 1 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Will move Mr. Secretary again for Phayre for more diets. Ralph Scudamore advertises him of a great packet for the Countess of Feria sent by his cousin, Dorothy Chamberlain.
Orig., partly in Scudamore's hand, with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 2. 1450. Bedford to Cecil.
This day came hither Captain Brickwell with resolution for all things he had in charge to give information of, saving that for the Lords of the Congregation nothing is expressed. And for that purpose he received this morning a letter subscribed by the Duke, the Earl of Murray, Glencairn, and others, craving to be holpen with 300 arquebusiers out of this garrison. Knows right well the goodness of this cause, and the Queen's goodwill and care towards them, and that now it is requisite to have them thus holpen, for that now their cause is to be in this manner decided, and that it now stands upon their utter overthrow and undoing, since the Queen's party is at the least 5,000 and they not much above 1,000. Besides that she has arquebusiers and they have none, and want the power that the Earl of Argyll should bring them, who is not yet joined with theirs. Prays him to learn her Majesty's pleasure in this behalf, what and how he shall answer them in this. Desires to know how he shall deal in this matter, he having in this piece but 800 soldiers. Received from the Lords the two papers enclosed.—Berwick, 2 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 2. 1451. Randolph to Cecil.
This day was in good hope that all things should be well, and that these Lords should have been able to make their party good against such as pursue them. In this town they find neither help nor comfort of any persons. The Queen follows them so near with such forces (and so much stronger by reason of her arquebusiers) that she gives them no time to rest in any place. This town also has been so beaten this whole day and night with cannon and other shot out of the castle that the townsmen, in whom they most trusted, are now likeliest to turn their arms against them, wherefore they are now, at 3 a.m., retiring. Yet for a time to give place unto her displeasure against them, and after this (if no better comes of it), if they find any likelihood to make their part good, they will adventure their lives and leave the success to God. It is thought by the wisest that little good can be done at this time without some greater support from the Queen than can well be in readiness in short time; wherefore it is determined that if they find not themselves in sufficient number to encounter the Queen, then every one shall retire where he believes that he shall be in most surety. Of some of the best Cecil shall hear very shortly either in the East or West Marches. Has advertised such as have charge there, that the arrival of the others be not found strange.—Edinburgh, 2 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—James Macconell is dead of the hurt he took in his head when he was taken.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 2. 1452. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to the Privy Council.
Sends the petition exhibited by the magistrates of the towns of Nieuport, Dunkirk, and Ostend to M. De Montigny and his colleagues. Unless there is redress, they fear to lose the benefit of the fishing, which is their only living.—Bruges, 2 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 3. 1453. Scrope to Cecil.
Has here taken the musters by virtue of a commission from the Lord Lieutenant, whereupon the Borderers gather such presumption of wars as he can scarcely keep them from disorder, and fears that they shall upon such bruits as they have thereof use hostility. Prays him remember his former suit unto the Queen for the Earl of Lennox's lands near him, either to purchase at rate according to his former motion, or otherwise.—Carlisle, 3 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 3. 1454. Gresham to Phayre.
Three days past sent him letters from the Spanish Ambassador for the Prince, Ruy Gomez, and Don Francisco Fonseca, touching the 1,566 ducats which Don Francisco owes him. Desires him to speak earnestly to Ruy Gomez, that he may write sharply to Don Francisco to see him paid. If he will not pay, Gresham will labour that the Queen shall write to the King and declare how unhonestly he is handled.—London, 3 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 3. 1455. Phayre to Cecil.
They say here that the Queen's marriage with this King's cousin is out of all hope. These folk do speak much too broad and too much shamefully. The King has lost a great deal of reputation by not succouring Malta. He has 105 galleys, 50 ships, and 30,000 or 35,000 soldiers. The money which came from the Indies and was embargoed is now released. The King and Queen are at Segovia with the Prince, who has been very sick. He had been managing his horses one morning, and was in a marvellous sweat when he came home, and put off his clothes and got him to his naked bed, the which he had caused to be cooled with a pan or scaldetto full of snow, a proper invention; it had almost cost him his life. His good toys do make his father not over hasty to set him up in household. Since his coming to Segovia the King has given audience to no ambassador. The King will enter into Toledo with good St. Eugenio's bones on 25th instant. This week they buried old Mr. Moffet. He was shriven and houselled, "aneyled," and was buried in grey friars' weed. Is in great need of money.—Madrid, 3 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Sept. 4. 1456. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The Queen minded to have taken the Lords here, but that the Saturday was so foul a day she had gone near them, and yet she rode twenty miles that day. She returns to Stirling, and from thence to Glasgow, where she is this Tuesday. The Duke, with the rest of the Lords, were yesterday at Hamilton, this night at the Laird of Drumlanrick's house, who now takes open part with them, as also the Master of Maxwell that is come to them, promising assistance with all the power that he can make. He purposes to convoy them to Dumfries, either to defend them against all her power or to put them in safety into their friends' hands at Carlisle, and will shift for himself. Many of her forces fall daily from her that are weary of the matter. She has also entered into suspicion with all men, saving a few that are about her, as much with the Lord of Morton as any, and yet he has not the wit to leave her, how often soever that he has promised it.
2. The Lord of Argyll some say is near them, and if that be so, he may hear that she leaves Glasgow before she takes her rest. All her ladies and gentlemen are left behind her, saving one. It is reported that she sometimes bears a pistolet, and had that time one in her hand when coming near Hamilton she looked to have fought. Her husband only in the whole company wears a gilt corslet, all others after their country fashion armed in jacks. The Lord of Murray repairs into England as he wrote that shall be the last refuge. If in the meantime any good be thought to be done, they will leave nothing unattempted that lies in their power. Murray repairs into England. One hundred gentlemen are determined to set upon him in battle wheresoever the Queen's husband be, and either to slay him or tarry behind lifeless amongst them. Other devices there are to like effect. If this continue, they trust not a little in the Queen's support. If they had only 300 arquebusiers and 150 pikes, doubtless this matter had been ended ere now. If they go with their whole force to Dumfries, without doubt they look for some support of men from Berwick to Carlisle, which may be convoyed without danger. Cecil knows how needful it is to have money to their provision; and what has been received, and how much was promised for three or four months he knows. These things provided may greatly advantage when the time comes. It were also requisite that it were known what should be said in Her Majesty's behalf to one part or the other, if they come to communication. Some only stick for religion; others will not yield, but that the amity may be confirmed, and good assurance taken for it. This whole month has not received anything from him. Cecil has heard that the Earl of Sutherland was found in a ship coming to Scotland. He is no fit man for this time, nor any that are in his company. Prays God to send him that took the Earl of Sutherland to light as well upon the Earl Bothwell and Lord Seton; two worse friends to England, or greater enemies to this action there are not in Scotland. The Lord of Bedford is too straight-laced within his commission. If he be not in this point enlarged that he may have power to spare upon a great necessity 400 or 500, Her Majesty's other help will be out of time to do what now with little might be ended. If he may believe such as speak well, it may be easily brought to pass that one country may receive both the Queens before it be long. It admits no delay, nor will it be done with a pound or two, though he is assured 8,000l. or 10,000l. would bring it to pass. If in the world there be a more malicious heart towards his Sovereign than she that reigns here, he desires to be hanged at his return home, or counted as a villain for ever.
3. James Macconell's wife is returned with her whole force that went to rescue him. He was wounded in the forehead, and thereof died. Old O'Donel may get him a new wife where he can, for his wife is married to Shane O'Neil and her father was at the bridal. The Earl of Argyll has lately received letters out of Ireland, as from the Deputy, requiring to know whether he will take part against Shane O'Neil or not, if he be set upon by authority of the Queen of England. These letters his Lordship suspects comes from no man that has authority, for they bear not the form nor that manner of inditing, though they be in English, as in like cases are used, and therefore thinks it is a fetch of O'Neale's to know his mind; wherefore he has given a doubtful answer, that neither of them shall be wiser, into whose hands soever it comes. This he received from his Lordship.
4. The Queen's Council commanded him to travail with this Queen in behalf of Thomas Stevenson, of Knockfergus, that had a ship stayed here by the Laird of Bargayne, etc., which matter was ended two months since to the parties' contentment.
5. Yesterday this town made their musters in terrible fear. They were able to make but 150 arquebusiers, and in the whole 800. Their provost is Cragmillar, vain, and like to breed cumber.—Edinburgh, 4 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 4. 1457. Mundt to Cecil.
A town in Hungary having surrendered on terms, the garrison on their exit have been massacred by the Turks. The Emperor's army is compelled to remain in the stronger places. It is said that this war is undertaken by the Turk to make the Vaivode King of Poland.—Strasburg, 4 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 4. 1458. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to Cecil.
Desire to know the Queen's pleasure for the suspension of this diet for a time.—Bruges, 4 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 4. 1459. Nicholas Wotton to Cecil.
The Commissioners are in some perplexity, as it now seems that the Queen would condescend to some things which they looked not for rather than break, so that they dare scant persist so stoutly as they would. The Lady Cecilia of Baden passed this way in haste. Begs that he may not have to remain here during the winter. At their meeting yesterday there was a question moved for suspending this diet. Saw a letter from Rome of 11th ult., in which it said that there were marriages concluded between the French King and King Philip's sister, and the Prince of Spain and the French King's sister. Also some news about Malta.—Bruges, 4 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 4. 1460. Viscount Montague to Cecil.
If the motion for suspension of the whole treaty take not place, but this for the absence of himself and M. De Montigny be allowed, desires that he may have the Queen's letter for his discharge, and also to know what answer he shall make to the request for promise of return.—Bruges, 4 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 5. 1461. Bedford to the Queen.
1. Has received her letters of the 28th ult. for the levying of 600 footmen and 100 horsemen for this garrison, etc. The supply of horsemen is committed to Mr. Marshal here; and of the footmen in Norham and Wark shall in each be placed 100, and the rest to furnish up this garrison.
2. As for Eyemouth she shall not need to fear it. Of flesh, bread, and drink they have good store at Berwick; but butter, fish, and other salt store they have none. Received by Captain Brickwell 400l.; out of this 400l. he has appointed that 50l. be given to the Elwoods, which shall be done in such secret manner as in this case behoves. If they will acquit themselves in this matter as they have begun, for the countenance of their service they shall have the other fifty.
3. The French desire to treat a peace in Scotland. It were good that there were an assured peace or else open war, for the thieves on the Borders are now most busy. The Lords of the Congregation are retired to Peebles, where for lack of shot they are in great distress, and like to receive the overthrow. The Master of Maxwell is come to them, and the Earl of Argyll is looked for.— Berwick, 5 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 5. 1462. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Lord Hume has made proclamation that no Scottsman shall talk with any Englishman, nor yet bring any victuals to this town. He sent him word that he would do so, and oftentimes has proclaimed the like, but yet it has not been so thoroughly observed. Here is the Earl of Sutherland, who married the Earl of Lennox's sister; would know the Queen's pleasure for him. The Laird of Cessford has written to the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches, whose letter he encloses. He may not come to any day of Trewe in open and wonted manner without proclamation in that King and Queen's names.
2. As for Cecil's desire to have certain ground in the Covent Garden to enlarge his houses on his garden walls, will cause Mychell to wait upon him to know his pleasure, and that done he shall make him answer that shall not mislike him, albeit he makes no small account of that ground.
3. The Lords of the Congregation are retired to Peebles, where for lack of shot they are in great distress.
4. The Master of Maxwell is not come to the Lords.
5. Sends herewith the examinations of the three men that were stayed here, and now are sent up to him. Prays him remember the charges of their board here. Mentions other matters, of which he wrote this day to the Queen.—Berwick, 5 Sept. 1565. Signed.
6. P. S.—In the boat of twenty-six tons, wherein the Earl of Sutherland was taken, were 400 or 500 shovels stowed as ballast, and it is thought that every ship that comes from Flanders brings the like carriage with them.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 5. 1463. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Met the Lord Warden of Scotland at a "treste," 31 August, where they proceeded in justice without making of any proclamation, albeit the Scottish Warden had commission not to have met unless he had proclaimed both the King and Queen, whereunto Forster would not agree. But other day of trewe must be kept and proclamations suffered to pass, or else the Borders can no longer continue in quiet.—Alnwick, 5 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Sir John Forster to my master, with a letter of the Lord Clifford. Pp. 2.
Sept. 5. 1464. Scrope to Bedford.
1. Upon receipt of Bedford's letters of the 2nd instant the writer attended the arrival of some of the Lords of the Congregation; and something considering their tarrying (for that Randolph signified that they departed Edinburgh on Saturday last at 1 a.m. hitherwards), yesternight he sent a man to Dumfries to inquire of their speed, who brought word that they are this day (accompanied with the Master of Maxwell) repaired unto Dumfries. The Master has written to him thereof, copy of whose letter he encloses to him, to the end that he may consider and advertise how he shall use them. Has appointed to meet the Master of Maxwell and some of the Lords to-morrow; and if they shall desire to repair hither, and here to tarry or depart at pleasure, the writer intends to grant the same.—Carlisle, 5 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—If the Queen, upon these doings of the Master, shall appoint a new officer against him, Scrope asks how he shall do in their meeting.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 5. 1465. The Master of Maxwell to Scrope.
1. The Lords of the Congregation being come here, before 1 September, desire to be assured whether if they be further pursued, and come to him, they shall have liberty to remain and depart at their pleasure.
2. Desires him to speak openly whether, in case the Queen besieges his house, Scrope will come with all his force to the resisting of it. Desires him to appoint a day to confer with them.—Dumfries, 5 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 1466. Bedford to Cecil.
Matters in Scotland pass better than when he last wrote. If they might have the help they desire he might then doubt the less. They are now drawn near their friends; and though the Queen would not command it, yet if she would but wink at his aiding therein, and seem to blame him for attempting such matters as he with the help of others should bring about, he doubts not but things would pass in other sort than they do. Trusts Cecil will hasten some resolution what and how they shall do if the Lords call for help. — Berwick, 6 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Upon closing this, came advertisement from Lord Scrope of the coming of the Lords to Dumfries, as by the letter from the Master of Maxwell to Scrope, and his Lordship's letter to the writer, shall better appear. Wishes that it might be signified both to Lord Scrope and him whether and in what manner the Lords at Dumfries shall be aided.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 7. 1467. The Queen to Bedford.
Allows his taking the Earl of Sutherland, and directs him to keep him and his company safely, and to let the Duke and his company know. Wilson has spoiled not only Flemish and French, but also English; and she is pressed by the Ambassadors of France and Spain more for his apprehension than that of any other pirate. He is not to be used directly. In case of a raid, the Earl is to omit nothing which may tend to the defence of her subjects without violation of peace.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. partly by Cecil, and dated: 7 Sept. 1565. Pp. 3.
Sept. 7. 1468. The Queen of Scots to Randolph.
Accepts in good part that the Queen should send one with M. De Mauvissiere to entreat of all causes of misliking between them. Will not however consent that he or the Queen shall meddle any way betwixt her and her subjects. —Stirling, 7 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Partly defaced. Pp. 2.
Sept. 7. 1469. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 1470. The Queen of Scots to Bedford.
Is informed that the Earl of Sutherland, coming from beyond sea, and repairing to his native country, is detained as prisoner at Berwick. She marvels at this in time of so good intelligence betwixt her and his Sovereign. Prays him to put the Earl to liberty; or if he will not so do, that he will signify the bearer what has been the occasion of his stay.—Glasgow, 8 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 1471. Châtelherault, Murray, and Glencairn to Randolph.
1. Ask him to warn Bedford that they suspect the man that should come means not truly. All the heads they seek are the establishment of that religion which they profess, with the abolishing of the contrary, surety of their lives and heritages, and that the common weal of this country be governed by the advice of the nobility, and not by strangers. This is the whole that ever they have sought, as the declaration (whereof they send a copy) fully testifies. Desire him to signify to Bedford that they cannot find themselves content until be again on the fields, and that the arquebusiers and pikes may be sent to Carlisle with expedition as to the time when they may be in the fields.— Dumfries, 8 Sept. Signed.
2. P.S.—Desire to be manifestly advertised, that they may give information to their friends.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: The Lords to Th. Randolph for answer to him of the advertisement given to them of Beton's coming. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 1472. Murray to Randolph.
Has seen the copy of the letter and long discourse sent to Randolph concerning M. Mauvissiere. Randolph knows Murray's mind thereupon already. If the matter tend to that conclusion, the writer desires that he and some dearest to him may have licence for certain years to play. Desires him also to write to Bedford to cause the soldiers to haste at Carlisle; and also to be vigilant in the furniture of the money.—Dumfries, 8 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 1473. Challoner and Scudamore to Phayre.
1. Urge him again to attend to the recovery of Gresham's money.—St. James', 8 Sept. 1565. Signed by Challoner.
2. P.S.—Next week the King of Sweden's sister will arrive. There are appointed to receive her, Lord Hunsdon and Lady Cobham. Challoner is very sick still, God send him health, and money enough to relieve a "sight" of poor rogues.—London. Signed by Ralph Scudamore.
Orig., in Scudamore's hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 2.
Sept. 9. 1474. Bedford to Cecil.
The Tividale men fall to pricking, and at night range abroad by thirty and forty in a company. Within two nights they came to Haggerston, and there not only wounded for dead two men and a woman, but also stole thence a gelding and a mare; and going home took certain victuallers of their borders coming to this town, whom they took prisoners, and made them deliver their bonds so to enter upon their call.—Berwick, 9 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 9. 1475. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Immediately after he received the Queen's letters he despatched the bearer towards this Court. Much ado he had before he could be suffered to let him go out of this town; so curious this Provost is to seem to do good service, that no man should come where the Queen is but she must be first warned. At length he sent him with a servant of his, but he would not speak with her before she came to Stirling, where he delivered the letters to her. One day he tarried for his answer, and the next came hither, from whence he departs to-morrow. How she is minded towards the Lords he can perceive by her own writing, which he herewith sends him. They think there can be no worse end unto them than that which is made by an accord. As he was commanded so did he advise them, but has got no answer. Perchance they intend to make it by mouth, or some one from them to the Queen, as he hears that the Earl of Rothes shall be sent from them to her to show their griefs.
2. The Earl of Morton has now also left the Queen, and has promised to take open part with the other. All men mislike this kind of government, but know not how to remedy it. All men are now given to mischief; steal who lists, kill who can, speak who will, there is neither justice nor punishment of vice. The Earl of Argyll sent to Lennox about 1,000 persons, who have harried most part of the country; some others also there are of his that have been in Athol and spoil as fast there. The theives of Liddesdale spare not to ride within eight miles of this town.
3. The Queen this day departed from Stirling, and purposes to go to St. Andrew's; by the way she will take, if she can, Castle Campbell and Loch Leven. From St. Andrew's she will to Dundee, and so to St. Johnston's, with both which towns she is greatly offended, for support they had in readiness to send unto the Lords. Word is come to this to furnish the castle with victuals and munition, and to keep strict guard that none transport their goods out of the town, by which means she thinks to keep them in awe. What he shall be whom this Queen sends, the writer knows not. Believes for all that is written to him that she is more willing to accord than she would seem. Has sent the copy of her letter to the Lords to advise upon.—Edinburgh, 9 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: By Stafferton, and also by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 9. 1476. Randolph to Bedford.
Encloses a couple of letters, which he asks him to read and send by his man to Mr. Secretary with all despatch.— Edinburgh, 9 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 9. 1477. The Lady Cecilia of Sweden to the Queen.
Thanks her for sending ships and people to meet her.— Canterbury, Sept. 9, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 9. 1478. John Marsh to Cecil.
Is informed that in Zealand there is a ship of 120 tons well appointed for the wars; and it is determined that if the Queen will not fit forth some ships to keep the Land's End from pirates, they will do it themselves. Has learnt that the Admiral of Scotland, who has been in France and at Brussels, has hired his passage for Scotland so as in no wise he may touch in any part of England. He reports that he came for provision of munition. Some say he came for money. Corn is at very great price. — Antwerp, 9 Sept. 1565. Signed: John Mershe, governor.
Orig. Add. Endd.: From John Marshe, governor of the English nation at Antwerp. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 1479. The Lords of Scotland to the Queen.
Having been pursued from place to place they have retired to Dumfries. Beg that she will give them aid and defend their religion, lives and heritages.—Dumfries, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed: James Hamilton, James Stewart, Ochiltre, Glencairn, John Maxwell, Rothes, and Drumlanrig.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: By Manvile [sic]. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 1480. Murray to the Queen.
Notwithstanding of late his mind was to retire towards her to thank her for the favour that he with his friends have always received at her hands, matters have fallen out that the weal of the cause in hand compels him to make residence with the rest of the noblemen that joined presently in action with him. Therefore upon occasion of M. Mauvisier's arrival he has desired the bearer to communicate his mind to her.—Dumfries, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 1481. The Lords of Scotland to Cecil.
Crave his assistance in their suits to the Queen. Such occasions are presented as neither the common cause itself, nor any particular that sustains the same, has at any time had more need of his favour, as the bearer can declare.—Dumfries, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed by James Hamilton, James Stewart, Rothes, and others.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: By Mr. Melvyn. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 1482. Murray to Cecil.
Repeats what he wrote this day to the Queen, and desires that the gentleman (Cecil's old acquaintance) he sends may have his advice in such things as he has to propound.— Dumfries, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 1483. Bedford to the Queen.
The Lords of the Congregation fear worse will come upon them. Sends to Mr. Secretary their letters, whereby appears what good hope they conceive of her aid to them. Prays her resolution as well in this as touching the Earl of Sutherland to be signified by the bearer.—Berwick, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. P. 2.
Sept. 10. 1484. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Being pressed by the Lords of the Congregation to know what shall be done, has sent this gentleman, a soldier called Nicholas Arrington, to declare their estate.—Berwick, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 1485. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Randolph and he also, making account that before this they should receive resolution and order to send the Lords aid, promised that upon knowledge from above they would not fail so to do. Sends him as well their letters to Randolph as a letter from him, whereby Cecil shall see their full desire. Asks him procure perfect resolution from Her Majesty both to satisfy these Lords one way or other, and also how he shall deal with these matters of the thieves of Tividale.
2. If it please Her Majesty he would be glad to see the Lords at Dumfries, if they continue there and aid come for them; and he would leave in his place the Lord Warden and Mr. Marshall here.—Berwick, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
3. P.S.—Forwards a letter brought from the Scottish Queen by Beton. It is all "tratta" to delay time and work more mischief to the Protestants.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 1486. Instructions for Robert Melvile.
1. To require of the Queen of England for the pacifying of this cause 3,000 men; thereof 1,000 arquebusiers, 1,000 pikes, 500 bowmen, and 500 horsemen; and to remember that money be sent for their pay to Lord Scrope with haste.
2. Item.—Some field pieces, such as shall be most expedient to be conveyed with their footmen. Item.—In case their adversary take a strength, that there be provided ready mounted with powder, bullet, and also necessaries, some battery for assieging the same.
3. Item.—That certain ships be sent to keep the Firth and east coast, to the effect that intelligence may pass to the Court at London, and also the intelligence out of France may be stopped from the adversary; and some ships also in the Firth of Clyde, where a few will serve. Of this shall come that intelligence shall be interrupted, the towns of the sea coast shall seek to the Lords, and adjoin the cause, which will be a great number, and also will be a victualling to the army.
4. In case the Queen enters in communing, it is thought good that the Lords with the Queen's forces be first in the field, for that shall draw the communing better on, if it likes her to have it. Otherwise it may be suspected that under this communing they intend to gather their forces both here and in France, and to weaken the noblemen and their friends that sustain this cause, that thereafter they shall not be able to sustain the religion, nor the amity betwixt the two realms.
Copy. Endd.: 10 Sept. 1565. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 1487. Smith to Cecil.
Was never more desirous to come home. In Smith's last packet Cecil had a book whereby he may guess how the house of Guise stands in this Court; and he now sends one whereby he shall know how the other faction stands. But if Languedoc should have put in print their complaints of M. D'Anville and his lieutenant, and likewise Guienne those of M. Monluc, it would have been a more strange and miserable spectacle.— Xainctes, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 1488. Otto Duke of Brunswick to the Queen.
Letter of credence for his servant, Andrew Saur.—Harburg, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By Andreas Saurer à Mommelsdorff. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 1489. Otto Duke of Brunswick to Cecil.
Letter of credence for his servant, Andrew Saur.—Harburg, 10 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By Andreas Saurer of Mommelsdorf. Lat. Pp. 2.