Elizabeth: November 1563, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: November 1563, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp593-604 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1563, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp593-604.

"Elizabeth: November 1563, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp593-604.

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November 1563, 16-30

Nov. 16.
Keith, ii. 213.
1402. A Memorial for Randolph.
1. The Queen has seen the discreet answers made by the Queen of Scots, wherein he shall say that she perceives her good acceptation of her meaning.
2. Is glad that she does not disallow the manner used in division of the matters requisite to be considered in her marriage; that is, the contentation of herself, of her people, and of the Queen and her realm. Except manifest cause be given to the contrary, the Queen means not to show any offence towards any of the uncles of the Queen of Scotland.
3. A person meet for the Queen of Scots in marriage ought to be chosen of such as, having qualities agreeable to her own liking and to her realm, have no less disposition to continue the strait bond of concord betwixt the two countries. Would be glad if some nobleman within the Isle might be found. As for whom she deems not meet, Queen Mary may readily judge by the example of her marriage with the French King. If she will in her marriage show herself conformable to the Queen's opinion, Elizabeth will then proceed to the declaration of Mary's right, as of her natural sister or daughter.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 16 Nov. 1563. The second instruction for Mr. Randolph being sent to Scotland. Pp. 7.
[Nov. 16.] 1403. Fair copy of the above, varying towards the end, and dated 17 Nov. 1563.
Pp. 3.
Nov. 17.
Labanoff, i. 192.
1404. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
1404. Asks for a safe-conduct for William Campbell of Skeldoun with six other persons to pass to France.—Castle of Stirling, 17 Nov., 21 Mary. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Nov. 17. 1405. William Maitland to Cecil.
Desires him to further the request of the Queen of Scots for a safe-conduct, the rather because some stuff of hers is to be transported for her own use, which her ministers in France have stayed a long time for fear of danger by sea.—Sirling, 17 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: By Wm. Cambell. Pp. 2.
Nov. 18. 1406. John Selby to the Earl of Bedford.
Received his letters of the 21st inst. The Laird of Cessford, Warden of the Middle Marches of Scotland, has not met him since the Commissioners' order was passed, notwithstanding divers days of March have been appointed, whereby thieves are encouraged, and the English have not received justice.—Berwick, 18 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 18. 1407. Gurone Bertano to Cecil.
Is happy to see that Cecil accepts his services. King Henry (perceiving the assembly of the Council and the commencement of the war in Germany against the Protestants) made peace with France, and at the advice of the writer induced the Pope to believe that he would come to terms of reconciliation with the Holy See. The Queen should follow her father's example and make a truce with France. She should also have an agent in Rome, which would make the Pope believe that she wishes for an accommodation, and thus prevent him from proceeding to extremities with England. Refers to the examples of Henry VIII., Pope Clement, and the Emperor Charles. The news from the Council will come more speedily from Venice. Reports from France and Spain. —Rome, 18 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 7.
Nov. 18. 1408. Gurone Bertano to Antonio Bruschetto.
Has written a long and confidential letter to Cecil, he and his sons being anxious to serve the Queen and him. Possibly the Queen, the Council, and the Secretary do not sufficiently value the immense advantage of having an English Cardinal, who may become an English Pope. Will be glad to know how his profferred services are regarded.—Rome, 18 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: To Bruschetto, at London, 22 Dec. 1563. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 19. 1409. Smith to Throckmorton.
De Mauvissiere sent him two letters, one directed to himself, another to Throckmorton. He says they are both of one tenor. His talk is much like the tenor of his letter. Was with the Constable yesterday for the "Herba Turca" for the Lord Chamberlain, for which Mr. Middlemore wrote to him. Explains and vindicates the conduct of his servants, none of whom shall make any strife betwixt them. Requires him still to temper all the malice that this time can bring, and reserve himself till God sends them some prime time or summer.—Paris, 19 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 20. 1410. Marsilio della Croce to John Shers.
1. Ragusa, 23 Oct. The Turk is apprehensive of being murdered by his son Selim. A city is being strongly fortified in Cyprus.
2. Trent, 12 Nov. On the 11th the Council passed the canons on matrimony by 160 votes against 50 who wished to refer the decision to the Pope.
3. Rome, 13 Nov. The Signora Cecelia, the Pope's niece, has gone to lodge in the house of Marc Antonio Colonna. The Pope is busily employed against the heretics in France. The Cardinals have employed 80,000 ducats to fit out 100 galleys.—Venice, 20 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 20. 1411. Advices from Rome.
Rome, 20 Nov. 1563. The Pope has returned from Civita Vecchia, where he has given his blessing to the Spaniards about to sail to Naples. The Spanish Ambassador has arrived at Rome. The Cardinal D'Este is ill of the smallpox.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21. 1412. Throckmorton to Smith.
Mauvissiere has given him in payment fair words and contrary effects. Perceives he must stick by it until God provides better for him. Is sorry to enter into disputes with him about Robert Moore, or about any particular matter of his own; but because Smith thinks all the right on his side and the wrong on his [Throckmorton's], he must say something to the matter. Thanks him for his books, but marvels why he sent so many of one kind. Is not well at ease, for he finds great debility in his stomach, etc. Could pray to God to deliver him from his languishing life, but that he cannot conform himself to do the French so much pleasure. The Captain is loth to see him sick; he led him yesterday abroad into the fields, thinking thereby to amend his estate, but he finds small ease.—St. Germain Castle, 21 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 21. 1413. Smith to Throckmorton.
Does not perceive them otherwise inclined than when Throckmorton left them. When he spoke with the Constable for the herb he forgot not him, but he had no other answer than this, "Do ye think we will not as well conserve the honour of our King as you of your Queen?" Thought it not worth writing. Touching his men, thinks he does not remember their history. Touching his sending him so many books of one kind, a bundle was brought to him [Smith] (of which he sent him [Throckmorton] half) on Thursday, as from M. D'Anvill, and more he could not say. They should give them to their friends in England, that the fact might be better promulgated. Is sorry for his sickness. Yesterday the Admiral came into the town.—Paris, 21 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 22. 1414. Antonio Bruschetto to Cecil.
Lately sent, through Mr. Seris, bookseller, letters of 16th Oct., received from Rome; and today forwards others of Oct. 23rd (injured and wet) from Gurone [Bertano], and the writer's son, Sebastian, along with a copy of them.—Hackney, 22 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 1.
Nov. 23. 1415. Throckmorton to Smith.
To avoid follies that may happen by passions stirred up, he will give Smith the last word about the matters of such as have accompanied him and served him. Prays him not to trouble himself with these matters, but devise and employ himself how the Queen's service may be best advanced, and he rid forth of this realm. Had so little time at Meaux that he could scantily read over the commission and their instructions. If these men look that upon his coming forth of prison he can or will be ready to enter into negociation with them as one that has had liberty to pursue his instructions, they are much deceived; for they shall tarry his leisure whensoever he comes forth of prison, or else he [Smith] shall negociate alone. Belike the resort of the house of Châtillon will breed occasion of some new accidents, as reconciliation betwixt the house of Guise and them, or a further encounter.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 23 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 23. 1416. The Count of Mansfeldt to the Queen.
Recommends John Van Assenburgh as an experienced soldier.—Mansfeldt, 23 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. German. Pp. 3.
Nov. 23. 1417. English translation of the above.
Add. Pp. 3.
Nov. 23. 1418. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Wrote to him from Canstadt, in Wurtemberg, on the 29th Oct., telling him of his negociations with the Duke. When he receives the Duke's answer he will send it to Cecil. Fifteen days ago it was reported that the French King was going to Lorraine and Metz; since then the Rhinegrave has written that he would come to Nancy about Christmas Day, and that preparations were made both there and at Metz. The King hopes to draw to him at Metz certain of the neighbouring German princes. The Duke of Deuxponts has sent John Sturmius into France. It is probable that the King by liberal promises may obtain of the German princes that he may keep Metz, and by their presence and silence may strengthen that aggression. Frequent envoys were sent to the Princes Palatine of Saxony, Hesse, Wurtemberg, Deuxponts, and Weimar.
2. On the 4th April 1561 he wrote to him about the scandals that were reported against the Queen for her familiarity with Lord Robert. Similar calumnies were lately repeated to the Duke of Deuxponts, who was much vexed therewith. He and several other great princes wish that the Queen would turn her mind to marriage, both to take away their opportunities from her slanderers, and to raise up a legitimate and certain succession.
3. The Duke of Wurtemberg has offered to endeavour to reconcile France and England; and he has lately learnt from the Chancellor of the Elector Palatine that a similar embassy is likely from his master.—23 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24. 1419. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Neither his will nor education makes him like to contend. He need not pray him not to trouble himself with these matters, but prays him to think that he is desirous that the Queen's service might be done to her contentation. They here make not much haste to accord with them, and temporize with King Philip, perceiving that they are not so hot enemies. Will send either the original or the copy of the instructions, if he [Throckmorton] signifies that he may send them sure by his man. Prays him to reserve himself to times, which he trusts will come, when they both may take some pleasure in France.—Paris, 24 Nov. 1563.
2. P.S.—These three day the Court gates are kept so straight as that no man can come in. That matter is in hand (whereof he wrote) betwixt the houses of Châtillon and Guise.
Nov. 24. 1420. Camillo Cauli to Pierre Du Bois.
His last letters were on the 10th and the 16th. The Admiral is in as great reputation as ever, and D'Andelot also, who has been secretly ordered to arm for the sea. Stuart says that the Admiral is as much "yours" as ever he was, and that there is no need to doubt that point. He also says that the Scotch and Spanish marriage still continues. He has received letters out of his country from M. de Mare [?] and the Queen, promising him favour and honour if he will reconcile himself with the Guises. There is a slight talk of war with Spain; the marriage of the King is no longer spoken of. The King, after doing all he could to accord the families of Huile [Guise?] and Châtillon, has declared that if either injures the other he will take the injured party's side. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the King go to the baptism of the Prince of Lorraine. Thought that the Protestants would have hindered this journey.—Paris, 24 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?] Portions in cipher, deciphered Add. Endd.: Le Fevre. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 1421. Remembrance for Gresham.
Instructions and warrant for the prolonging of 23,465l. 9s. 8d. until the 20th May 1564, and for other matters connected with the finances of England.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 25. 1422. Sir Thomas Dacre to the Earl of Bedford.
Is glad that his Lordship is appointed Governor of Berwick in the place of the late Lord Grey, of whose room the writer has had the charge since his death. Incloses articles touching the late doings of Valentine Brown, Treasurer, which are to the prejudice of the statutes and authority of this town.— Berwick, 25 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 25.] 1423. Articles against Valentine Browne.
Articles of accusation against Browne for having disputed Dacre's authority; having summoned riotous meetings of armed persons; having liberated persons committed to ward; and having caused persons to assemble at night after the watch was set, who cast fireballs and squibs upon the walls.
Copy. Pp. 2.
Nov. 25. 1424. English Ships captured at Gibraltar.
Statement taken before Pedro Docas by John Cole and other English merchants, respecting eight English ships taken at Gibraltar on 25 Nov. 1563 by Don Alvaro De Baçan.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 9.
Nov. 26. 1425. Instructions to Throckmorton and Smith.
1. Does not think it reasonable that there should be no mention of Throckmorton either as a prisoner or ambassador. "Therefore how great and manifest wrong they have already done us to detain you, we have resolved on this point to stand to our former determination," (fn. 1) that he shall tarry there, if they will put him to liberty during the time of the treaty; and for tarrying or departing afterwards he shall make no mention. But if they shall press to have any promise made for that, he may say that she has fully resolved to have nothing said or done to make him as a prisoner. Wills Smith to declare thus much unto the King and Council.
2. But if that cannot be, he shall privately declare that she takes these exceptions to Sir Nicholas to be significations either of their offence privately to him, or else of delaying of time without any sincere meaning.
3. If he shall find they may be brought to send away Throckmorton if she sends another to join him [Smith], then he shall agree that if they will send Sir Nicholas to Dover, and a safe-conduct hither for any other whom she shall send in his place, he [Smith] shall bind her thereunto. Or, if that shall not be liked, she will promise to their Ambassador here to send a person, having their safe-conduct, to be ready to pass the seas as soon as Sir Nicholas shall arrive in any of her ports. If they mislike this point only in that Sir Nicholas should first come to Dover, he may yield thus much therein as to require that he may be brought to Boulogne; and that upon arriving there one come from her having their safe-conduct, then Sir Nicholas may come into England,—for assurance hereof she will be content with the King's promise, (fn. 2) to him, and so testified by some writing of authority.
4. If none of these proceedings shall like them, but they will keep Sir Nicholas there, then he may say that he knows of no way left to come to any communication betwixt them, but either for them to send some hither, or for commissioners on both parts to meet in some place in the Low Countries; or else (which is the last of all), for him to treat alone with some one having like authority; of which (although he may pretend it to be very perilous for him) he may say that if they like none of the other, he will not refuse to enter into treaty. And so he may say he has commission to do, so as he may at times confer with Sir Nicholas. And if no other way can take place, and this last is not misliked, her meaning is that he shall so do; and then for his direction shall consider her former instructions, using the advice of Sir Nicholas, if he can be so suffered, and likewise confer with the bearer, John Somer; not omitting to have special covenant for the delivery of Sir Nicholas without words to make him any lawful prisoner.
5. If he cannot obtain a full ratification of the treaty of Cambresy and the deliverance of Sir Nicholas, he should not proceed to make any full end; but seek some occasion of suspense, and advertise her of all his doings and of their intentions.
6. Has returned to him the last commission, and another of like force, saving the preamble, and remits the use of either of them to his discretion.
7. The French Ambassador confesses that his words in the writing differed nothing from the speech which he received from her Secretary.
8. She would that he should hold his treaty at Paris, or (for expedition) at Melun, or some such town somewhat distant from the Court.
9. If he finds them not toward to come to some good accord, he should roundly say that herein she desires chiefly to understand what they mean, whether peace or the contrary; for during this time spent in delays she has forborne many things that she means not by this trifling to endure.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and the end in his hol. Endd.: By Mr. Somer. Pp. 8.
Nov. 26. 1426. Copy of the first part of the above.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 26. 1427. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his last of the 10th the Admiral of France has had access to this Court, where he assists at the affairs, having his lodging within it. Whereupon the house of Guise would in nowise come thither, for anything the King or the Queen advised to the contrary. The Cardinal of Guise and the Duke De Nemours have had two or three conferences with the Queen Mother about their differences, which they will now compound.
2. The French are not best pleased with the King of Spain's proceeding, of their jealousy of the Prince of Spain's marriage with the Queen of Scotland, which is again renewed; she has also disappointed the alliance which was in good towardness betwixt the French King and the daughter of the King of the Romans, for now the French begin to talk to match their King with the Turk's daughter, who will become a Christian for that purpose.
3. This Court is kept straight, and the King reinforces his guards. It is in the Louvre, at Paris. The writer has remained in the castle at St. Germain, treated as he was before.
4. If she means to serve her turn by the King of Spain's amity, she will never have a meeter time than now.
5. Within these two days a Frenchman, an archer of this King's guard, was apprehended, who was minded to have killed the Admiral within the Court.—Castle of St. Germainen-Laye, 26 Nov. 1563. Signed.
6. P.S.—The French have caused an abstract to be made by their Council of all the treaties that have passed betwixt her ancestors and them until this day, which they have delivered to their Commissioners to treat of this peace, to arm themselves that they may the better demand excessively of her. So they have caused the treaty of Cambresis to be scanned to see what they can allege to disappoint her from taking any benefit by it.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 26. 1428. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Puts him in remembrance that some money be sent hither for the use of such as serve the Queen on this side.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 26 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: For Silvano. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1429. Throckmorton to Smith.
Will not warrant the safe arrival of the Instructions, and therefore it were better that he remained ignorant than the French should be made wise to their cost. This great divorce amongst them should work amongst them some more will to accord with them [the English], or else they understand that their matters at home are slenderly handled. Is there any breach betwixt the King of Spain and the French ? Cannot believe they will fall out with him. When did Mr. Wilson and the French Secretary pass?—St. Germain, 26 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 26. 1430. Throckmorton to Clough.
Is sure that he remembers how Alexander Silvano is here to do the Queen's service, and that he shall convey to England such things as come from Silvano. Prays him to order that he be furnished of three or four score crowns.—St. Germainen-Laye, 26 (fn. 3) Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To Jacques Roster, marchaunt, demourant on Anvers. Endd.: To R. Clough, per Silvano. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1431. Bernardo Cochelino Ferrimi to Pierre Du Bois.
The Admiral is in as much favour with the King as ever, who has commissioned him to prepare those things which are necessary for his office. The Scotch and Spanish marriage continues, that of the King is no longer spoken of. The King has charged the families of Guise and Châtillon to cease from their feud. These few days past no one has been allowed to enter the palace, except those of the households of the King and princes. They are filling up the ditches of Orleans and levelling the fortifications. Though the parties of Guise and Châtillon have accorded, numbers still join them. Stuart says that the Admiral [?] is as well affectioned towards the Queen [?] as ever. Hears every day from Throckmorton [?], and writes to him. They say that the King goes into Lorraine to be godfather to his nephew; the Cardinal of Lorraine and his brothers are there. Thinks that the Con stable and the Protestants will hinder [?] that journey. Stuart complains that his letters have not been answered.— 26 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. A few words in cipher. Add.: Pierre Du Bois, Marchand en Anvers. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1432. Intelligence from Rome.
1. Rome, 11 Dec.—Information respecting the proceedings of the Pope, and of the Cardinals of Este, Trent, Carpi, Morone, and others. The Admiral has entered Paris with 1,500 horse.
2. Cracow, 26 Nov.—Intelligence respecting the Hungarians and Wallachians and the Duke of Finland, brother of the King of Sweden.
Copy. Endd.: From Rome. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 1433. Sir Thomas Dacre to the Privy Council.
Having been appointed to the chief charge here, complains that the Treasurer lately took his son, the under marshal, and his gaoler, and committed them to ward without his consent or knowledge. The same night he went with three score armed persons to the Tolbooth, sent for the mayor and others, and remained there two hours. On the morrow in the council he much misused Sir Thomas. Since Michaelmas past a year, the writer can get no reckoning from him for his entertainment.—Berwick, 27 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 1434. [Stephen Sansowst ?] to Challoner.
Two armed English ships having. arrived here from Plymouth, their captains have been seized by Don Juan De Sunia, Governor of the Province.—St. Sebastian, 27 Nov. 1563. Signature torn off.
Orig. Hol. [?], with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From Stephen Sansowst. Span. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1435. [Gurone Bertano] to Antonio Bruschetto.
Has received two of his letters, those of 8th and 23rd Oct., and is glad to find the terms upon which he is with the Queen and Cecil. Scarcely knows how to write, or what style to adopt, and fears that his letters may be intercepted. They shall always be sent through Bruschetto, who can forward or detain them at his discretion.—Rome, 27 Nov. 1563.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 1436. [Gurone Bertano to Antonio Bruschetto.]
The Pope will not proceed against the Queen of Navarre. The alienation of the goods of the Church has been granted to the Cardinal of Lorraine. The Pope's health is precarious.— Rome, 27th Nov. 1563.
Orig. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1437. The Queen to Smith.
He is to give letters of safe conduct to such of the servants of the Queen of Scots as shall pass from France to Scotland. He shall also privately thank the Cardinal of Guise for his good will showed to Throckmorton.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1438. Edict of the Duchess of Parma.
As the plague is raging in England, and especially at London, she forbids the importation of any woollen goods or cloths from thence into the Low Countries until Candlemas Day.—Brussels, 28 Nov. 1563.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1439. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1440. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1441. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
Sends herewith the Prince's charge against Scotland, and the letter of the officers who sent the same to him. The charges since then have increased to 5,000l. What he wrote to him, Cecil, was true, and the lease is made of Petuorthe [?], and of the forest of Englewood; that quarter of the country is almost undone, and yet the wardens make return to hold to that lease though it has expired.—29 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1442. Passport for Tho. Parquen.
Warrant to Don Juan D'Acuna, Governor of Guipuscoa, to allow Thomas Parquen to pass into England, taking with him a chain of gold of the value of 1,500 reals.—Monzon, 29 Nov. 1563. Signed: Yo el Rey;—Fran. de Erasso.
Orig. Span. P. 1.
Nov. 30. 1443. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Marvels he has not heard of the piques betwixt the King of Spain and the French. First, for Piedmont, in the last sickness of the Duke; then for the new impositions of the French in Antwerp; and more for new fortifications besides Gravelines; and lastly, that the Pope has interdicted the Queen of Navarre's dominions.
2. The Pope has also degraded in effigy at Rome Cardinal Châtillon, and excomunicated and degraded six bishops more in France. The late Duke of Guise's mother, wife, and children have made themselves parties against the Admiral, and so the matter now goes to form of justice. This was done on Sunday last, on which day the King made his oration, which he sends herewith. Since then the court gates are no more straitly kept. Hears no word out of England, and is borne in hand that it was the 18th or 19th inst. before their man passed.—30 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 30. 1444. Clough to Gresham.
1. Yesterday a command came from Brussels to all the towns in this country, not to suffer any men or goods to land in any town of this country before Candlemas Day, from England, although the goods arrive immediately. Although the English fleet have come here, they cannot discharge before that day. A post is sent into Spain from the Court, and at this present all the nobles are together at Brussels.
2. He wrote before of the preparation of ships in France, and at this present there lie four great ships of war before Sluys waiting for English ships. They are of great burthen. The English who go from hence have only two small ships of the Queen, not half so well manned as the Frenchmen are. Unless the Queen takes further order, at some time or another she will have a great loss; for there are seldom more than half the men they should have; and if when they are set forth they have sufficient powder to serve their turn if they met the enemy, yet after fourteen days at sea they want more men and powder. This is the talk openly amongst the Frenchmen here, who say that English ships are but a brag, if they met with them they were their match, for when it comes to the point, it is the men that hit most.
3. The post has arrived from Germany, by whom he received a letter from Dr. Mount with a packet for Cecil, which he sends enclosed. Wishes good regard were had unto the "fleet of cloth."—Antwerp, 30 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.


  • 1. In the duplicate draft (see the next article) a note in Cecil's hand states that "this sentence was altered by express command of Her Majesty."
  • 2. Here ends the duplicate mentioned in the next article.
  • 3. The date is altered from 21st to 26th.