Elizabeth: November 1563, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: November 1563, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp578-593 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1563, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp578-593.

"Elizabeth: November 1563, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp578-593.

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November 1563, 1-15

[Nov.] 1354. Camillo Cauli to Pierre du Bois.
His last letter was on the 26th. The "merchandise" is not in request, as all the Court is in trouble, they having taken an archer of the guard named Montigli, who endeavoured to kill the Admiral. The Protestants are in fear of being massacred. Hears that he complains that his letters do not come quick enough; they always arrive in Antwerp (fn. 1) in five days. Sends a letter which he has received from Throckmorton. (fn. 1) Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?], with seal. Add.: To Pierre du Bois, at Antwerp. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 1. 1355. Valentine Brown to the Lord Keeper and Cecil.
1. Has drawn a device for diminishing the charges enclosed, yet thinks that a greater number should be retained for future service.
2. By this order of the garrison without Captains the Queen may have her full numbers always in readiness with their own weapons and furniture; and when the time comes for them to serve, expert Captains may be set over them. 100 arquebusiers in this manner would not be so chargeable by more than 400l. a year as they would be with Captains. If this matter takes place, trusts it will come without him being named.
3. The pays here are nearly two years behind, the payments made being by prests. At Michaelmas last there remained due above 18,800l. The case is dangerous both to the Queen and himself. The needy people (seeing that he can find money from thence to discharge men, as in the case of the 200 who will be presently cassed,) think that he has received their pays but will not disburse the same to them.
4. Thinks it best to diminish the troops at several times, and forthwith to cass those two bands which were taken in by Lord Grey at the sending of Reade and Brickewell to Newhaven. Their pays will come to 3,292l. by the time answer can come hither. Nevertheless he will be able to pay them with 1,700l., which he thinks might be safely sent in gold by post to the Mayor of Newcastle, if closely trussed and sealed.
5. The trouble he has with the country hereabouts touching Clavering and his accomplices has caused him to be slack in answering their letters.—Berwick, 1 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 1. 1356. Throckmorton to the Quen.
1. Is straighter kept than before. The French have great occasion to desire peace, for these reasons, viz.: The division of religion may be named the first; the quarrel betwixt the houses of Guise and Châtillion, the latter being now fortified with the countenance of the Constable and his friends; the quarrels for the insolence committed since the beginning of these troubles; the Queen's desire to govern all, who therefore nourishes the pike betwixt these houses, thinking thereby to retain her authority. To these may be added, the poverty of the Crown; its small credit abroad and at home for not paying its debts; the doubtful terms and hollow amity betwixt Scotland and France; the few able men of appearance to make war by sea; the evil state of the King's navy; the disadvantage which the realm receives by not trafficking with England (whereby the French want yearly of four or five millions of gold), and the great fear they have of the marriage of the Queen of Scotland with the Prince of Spain. But now they are not so desirous of peace as they were. The reasons are that now they hope that this marriage shall quail; they also feel no war at her hands by sea, nor such impeachment of vent of their commodities as they mistrusted. And seeing nothing to endanger them, they will not harken to peace, unless it be to her disadvantage.
2. They quietly make their herring fishing and all their weekly business without impeachment; and much of it upon her coast. Their fish markets were never better furnished. Their mackerel fishing and the fishing of the New Land fish does not begin till next spring.
3. The Constable at his [Throckmorton's] first arrival on this side did as much procure his arrest as any of the Council. But since his last conference with him on the 1st ult., he has employed himself to have him enlarged. The Queen Mother will not condescend thereto, her malice being increased towards him by Secretary Aubespine and the French Ambassador there.
4. No man more desires to compound these matters to her contentation than the Constable. Herewith she will receive a letter which Cardinal Guise sent him, and one from him to the Cardinal.
5. Smith (accompanied with De Mauvissiere) had permission to come and speak with him, to whom he declared that another than he should be in the commission with him [Smith] to treat of the peace with the French, and that he might be safely returned thither before his colleague comes hither.
6. She has served herself by some on this side the sea, for whose entertainment he asks that 300 or 400 crowns of the sun be delivered without delay.
7. The voyage into Lorraine (where the Cardinal of the same should have met with this King as Legate from the Bishop of Rome,) is broken, as he hears, by the Constable.— Castle of St. Germain-en-Laye, 1 Nov. 1563.
8. P.S.—Hears that the Cardinal of Lorraine is at Rome, greatly honoured and much made of by the Bishop there. Here is some bruit that Orleans, Montauban in Guienne, St. Lo in Normandy, and certain other towns shall be further dismantled; which gives some argument that the Queen Mother does not mean best to the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and that party. The Cardinal of Châtillon and M. D'Andelot are at Paris. The Admiral is at his own house, and will come shortly to the Court. The King is at Villiers- Cotterets. The Prince of Spain has been sick of tertian ague, and is recovered. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Nov. 1. 1357. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Desires that money may be sent for those serving the Queen here. Repeats what he wrote to the Queen this day touching it being meet that he should not be Smith's colleague. Cannot imagine why Smith sent the safe-conduct, granted for Barnaby, into England, since it is to serve him from hence.
2. His state is worse, for his guards are reinforced to increase his charge, and to keep him and his more straight. Thinks the French Ambassador there finds more favour through his disfavour here.—Castle of St. Germain-en-Laye, 1 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 1. 1358. Throckmorton to Smith.
Now he is kept from all news, and faster than he has been, having two more guards. The base court of the castle is now kept as straight as the inward. This is coloured of a bruit of his escape. The next time he sends hither, Mr. Sadler's lackey had better come than the bearer. The wind has not been good to come forth of England these three or four days. When Mauvissiere returns from the Court, prays to be advertised concerning the marriage betwixt the Prince of Spain and the Crown of Scotland.—St. Germain, 1 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 1. 1359. Smith to the King of France.
Has received authority from the Queen appointing himself and Throckmorton to treat for peace between the two realms. As he cannot do anything without consulting Throckmorton, he begs that he may be set at liberty and allowed to come to him at Paris. (fn. 2) —Paris, 1 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 2. 1360. Smith to Throckmorton.
Yesternight Wilson returned out of England to Paris with the Queen's packet, commission, and instructions, whom he sent this morning to the Court with a letter, copy whereof he sends him by the bearer, and all letters privately written to him, saving one from Lord Robert, which he willed Wilson to deliver to him [Throckmorton]. It will be two morrows before he can return.—Paris, 2 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 3. 1361. The Queen to the Emperor Ferdinand.
1. Thanks him for his letter from Posen of the 24th Sept. It is a matter of great moment for her to act so gently with those who have so insolently acted against her laws and the quiet of her subjects; amongst whom the chief are those who during the reign of her father and brother offered the doctrine to others which they now so obstinately reject. These men she has spared at his request, but not without offending her own people.
2. Where he desires that churches may be set apart for the exercise of their religion in different towns, she cannot grant this with safety to the State and her own conscience. Her religion is the ancient one; and to build churches for rites which are contrary to the decrees of her High Court of Parliament, is to distract the minds of men, to nourish factions and disturb the whole state. Although she desires by somewhat winking at them to change the perversity of some men, still she can in nowise encourage by indulgence their encroaching spirit.—Windsor, 3 Nov. 1563.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 3. 1362. Another copy of the above.
In Ascham's hol. [?] Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 3. 1363. Throckmorton to Smith.
Things are come to an issue, and the French belike will set him at liberty within a day or two. By his letters he hears nothing, but from his particular friends at home; and peradventure when order shall be taken for his enlargement, the French will command of him some assurance for his not departing this realm, whereunto he knows not otherwise to answer than to refuse such obligation.—S. Germain-en-Laye, 3 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 3. 1364. Le Fevre to [Cecil].
Stuart (who knows better than he what may happen) thinks that he ought to have at least 200 crowns. The inconveniences which may arise will be no less to their prejudice than to the writer's danger. Has paid several extraordinary expenses. Clough has sent a letter for him, that in which it was enclosed was dated September 21. There is no talk here of England, but they temporize in order to see what the King of Spain will do, for on his movements depends their desire for peace or war against England. There is appearance of great troubles, for those of Lyons are resolved to defend the religion in their town, or not to receive the King. The Court is expected in Paris within eight days. Desires him not to send any letters to Smith through his means, for he has made him believe that he has gone, for divers reasons of importance.—3 Sept. 1563. Signed: Gio. Batta. Lippo di Modena.
Add.: To Pierre de Bois, Antwerp. Endd.: Le Fevre. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4. 1365. Charles IX. to Smith.
Reminds him of the conditions on which he will receive Throckmorton to treat. The Queen has told his Ambassador resident [in England] that it was reasonable that she should promise that Throckmorton should not quit France without the King's permission. If she has given him [Smith] authority to promise this in her name he will be welcome to-morrow. —Monceau, 4 Nov. 1563. Signed: Charles;—De L'Aubespine.
Copy. Fr.
Nov. 4. 1366. Smith to the Queen.
1. As heretofore, he moved one matter of war to her in Normandy, and another in Picardy, whereof she then made small account, yet he does not cease to travail, and therefore has made some overture. It is two months and more since he made it, when they were most in war.
2. The man he supposes is already in England, who shall be more able to open to her and her Council his advice. He speaks of De Montaigne, whose "carte" of La Rochelle, he sends herewith, and under another pretence has given him letters to the Lord Robert and Mr. Secretary, to whom he [Smith] wrote from Rouen of the same matter. The other letters he carried himself, and in the feat whereof he wrote, thinks he can do, but this at this time is most necessary. —Paris, 4 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig., a few passages in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 4. 1367. Smith to Throckmorton.
Advises him neither to give nor refuse the French assurance. He may say that being jointly in commission he cannot directly answer.—Paris, 4 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 4. 1368. Le Fevre to [Cecil].
Writes this as a cover to a dispatch to Cecil from Throckmorton, which the writer has just received. Has not had any letter from Cecil.—4 Nov. 1563. Signed: Alberto Malespina di Pontremoli.
Orig., one word in cipher, deciphered. Add.: Pierre De Bois, Antwerp. Endd.: For Mr. Secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4. 1369. Cuerton to Challoner.
Has received the 100 pistoles which he sent. Not 600 reals, but 550 were given to his servant. There is great death in London, where there die within the walls no week under 1,600. They write that the Rhinegrave is ready to go into Scotland. Many of the Queen's ships are come to Deptford and other ports, and all men put from them. The Cardinal of Lorraine will revenge the death of his brother, and has 20,000 men up against the Admiral. Condé takes no part. The Constable has the government of the King.—Bilboa, 4 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig., stained. Add. Endd.: Received by the guide that went with Robert Popley, 11 Nov. 1563. Pp. 3.
Nov. 5. 1370. Charles IX. to Smith.
Has determined to see Throckmorton on Monday at Meaux, whither he desires Smith to come. He may confer there with Throckmorton, and give the required pledge for him.—Monceau, 5 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Copy. Fr.
Nov. 5. 1371. Smith to Charles IX.
Can do nothing without communicating with Throckmorton, who is joined with him in the commission.—Paris, 5 Nov. 1563.
Copy. Fr.
Nov. 5. 1372. Smith to Throckmorton.
By the King's letter and his answer (copies whereof he sends), he shall understand what they deman. This morning M. De Foix's man carried his answer, for he thought it not necessary to send his own man again. The rumour is that the Bailiff and Provost of Orleans, and others, who in those times bore rule there, are discharged of their offices, as well as De La Curea of Dieppe.—Paris, 5 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 5. 1373. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. Allows of his advice; but asks whether there is order touching the matter of his assurance to the French. If the same be left at large, he means to follow his advice, if the French demand assurance of him. With answer of this he prays him to return the bearer with speed.
2. Yesterday Captain De la Salle was with him, and told him that the King would be at Paris within three or four days. A gentleman with him, said he passed the day before by Orleans, where the pioneers and Swiss work apace to demolish the fortifications and the walls of the town. He says the King of Spain and his son are at Monçon, where his subjects have granted him 600,000 ducats; and his subjects show the like benevolence in all other kingdoms of Spain, where the Prince has not been before. Marvels that Mr. Wilson tarries so long at the Court. Belike there are disputes about their matters.—St. Germain, 5 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 6. 1374. Throckmorton to Smith.
Thanks him for sending the King's and his own, but would have much more satisfied him if he had advertised him what instructions the Queen has given either to Smith or him for his behaviour with the French, and therefore prays him to return the bearer with answer. Also to send him the letter Mr. Wilson brought from Lord Robert.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 6 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 6. 1375. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Has received letters from the King that on Monday night he should be at Meaux, where he should meet Throckmorton. Understands Throckmorton shall have a horse and all other things prepared for him. The bearer tells him the Constable was the occasion of this; in pretence of some fear that he should first come to Paris. It is no great matter. At Meaux he trusts they shall have full talk; there he shall understand his despatch; and nothing will he [Smith] do without his advice.—Paris, 6 Nov. 1563.
2. P.S.—Prays him to think he neither writes nor does anything but what he is commanded.
Nov. 8. 1376. Lanfranco Fontana di Modena to Pierre du Bois.
His last letters were on the 4th and 3rd, with a packet of Throckmorton. Forgot to write that Wilson arrived here on the 2nd, and went to the Court, where he was a long time. L'Aubespine and Limoges are commissioners to treat with "yours." Stuart will not write until he has answer from du Bois, but informs the writer that the marriage between Spain and Scotland is looked on here as certain, as that with Austria is at an end. The Cardinal of Lorraine has returned to Trent, and is negociating a marriage between his master and the daughter of the King of the Romans; the Queen Mother does all she can to make him stay there, and sends to him the son of M. L'Aubespine. The Guisians are little thought of, as Condé is of greater eminence, if he knew how to manage. The Constable, D'Andelot, and the Cardinal are always with him. The Admiral goes to Fontainebleau. Stuart says that he knows that he is strongly in favour of England. They expect the King at Paris, for the purpose of arranging peace with the English. Twenty ensigns are sent towards Lyons to reduce it to obedience. The Captain of the Scottish guard is dead, and M. Des Loches has his place, with which the Scots are discontented. Captain Corberon is at the Court; when he comes here Stuart will have news from his country. The letter without address is for Middlemore.—8 Nov. 1563. Signed: Lanfranco Fontana Di Modena.
Orig. Hol. [?] Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: Le Fevre. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 8. 1377. Alonso De Truxillo to Challoner.
Has written three or four letters, but had no answer. Nothing to say, except that he has lately heard from Hugh Tipton. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Challoner, at Balbastro. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
[Nov. 9.] 1378. Declaration of the English Ambassadors.
The Queen is content that Throckmorton shall not leave France without the King's permission. He will conform to the commandment of the Queen; but this condition shall not constitute him a prisoner or derogate from his quality of ambassador.
Copy. Endd.: The first writing delivered to the King, which they redelivered. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 9.] 1379. The French King's Answer.
The King will set Throckmorton at liberty if Smith will promise in the Queen's name that Throckmorton shall not depart the realm without his express leave, and Throckmorton swear the same.
Copy. Endd.: Copy of that which De Florence brought, the double whereof he said was sent to M. De Foix. Fr. P. 1.
[Nov. 9.] 1380. Declaration of the English Ambassadors.
Smith says that the Queen has authorized him in her name to command Throckmorton not to quit France until the treaty has taken effect one way or the other, and this he binds himself to obey.
Copy. Endd.: The second writing which Sir N. Throckmorton and Sir Tho. Smith delivered. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 9.] 1381. Draft of portion of the above in English, in Cecil's hol. (fn. 3)
Nov. 10. 1382. Throckmorton and Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 1st inst. Smith received hers of the 27th ult., with instructions, whilst Sir Nicholas was still prisoner at St. Germain. Thereupon Smith sent the letter to the King, had answer, which he sends, and was appointed to come to Meaux.
2. The 8th inst. they met at Clay, in the way to Meaux, where M. De Lignerolle conducted Sir Nicholas, with a guard of arquebusiers, like a prisoner. And with Smith came Florence, the French Ambassador's secretary, to whom he said that he could not like this straight ordering of one who is joined with him in the commission, and that he thought it was not the King and Queen's pleasure. Florence himself misliked it, and so took post horses and went that night to the Court, and returned to them at supper, which was provided by the town of Meaux. And after his return the keeping of the watch of Sir Nicholas was slackened.
3. In perusing their charges they drew out what they take to be her last resolution, thinking the French would be importunate to have it in writing.
4. The 9th they dined at Monceau, the Queen's house, two leagues from Meaux, at her cost, and were well treated. After dinner they came to the King, the Queen sitting by him, and the Council standing by. Smith declared how things had proceeded to this time, and such things as are in her instructions touching Sir Nicholas, that he could not be a lawful prisoner; who also affirmed the same. The Queen answered that she would have them declare the same before the Council. So after a time they were admitted; and Smith rehearsed to them all the reasons mentioned in her letters, and said also their minds in gentle words.
5. They were bid go out for a time, and on returning, the Constable said that Sir Nicholas was a just prisoner taken in war. So they were again sent out, and MM. De Lansac, De Limoges and D'Aubespine to talk with them. Smith rehearsing the reasons why Sir Nicholas should not be prisoner, the Bishop of Limoges said he had made the same reasons above forty times, and answers had been made, and that they were resolved in the one, and Smith and Sir Nicholas in the other. D'Aubespine showed Foix's letters, and read that point. And they also read that piece of hers to them in French of her resolution for that matter.
6. After debating almost an hour they were called to the Council, and had this resolution that they took Sir Nicholas for a good prisoner. When the writers required this determination in writing, the French said it needed not, they would deliver them their writing, and so they delivered it, which is sent to her.
7. Then the Constable said that they should go again to Meaux and so forward. They were brought again by M. De Lansac to their chamber while the horses were made ready, and M. De Mauvissiere was to conduct them to Villemarc, half a league from Monceaux. They lay in the base court of a castle and supped at the Queen's cost, and were well treated for that night. Sixteen archers of the guard were sent, who watched them all night with their pistolets.
8. In the morning De Florence and Mauvissiere came to them, and showed that if there were no other resolution Sir Nicholas must be conducted to St. Germain, and that De Salle was sent to carry him thither with thirty archers of the guard. Mauvissiere brought word in the morning that Sir Nicholas must again to prison to St. Germain, that the King goes to-morrow to Fontainebleau, and that Madame De Lorraine is brought to bed of a son.—Villemarc, 10 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 10. 1383. Throckmorton and Smith to the Privy Council.
1. Any divorce betwixt them, whatsoever has been reported or they have conceived of each other, no such conceit can make them of other mind to the Queen's service.
2. They having ascertained Sir Nicholas of their desire of his enlargement, he thanks them for the same.—Villemarc, 10 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 10. 1384. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Seeing Cecil is persuaded that the French mean to accord the peace, it were a pity that it should be impeached through his mishap; he therefore desires that another may be appointed to join with Smith, and some way devised how he may safely return home before the other comes hither. Looks to be returned to St. Germain or some worse place.—Villemarc, 10 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 10. 1385. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 7th inst. Captain La Salle delivered him forth of the Castle of St. Germain unto Lignerolles, who with twenty of the King's guard carried him to Meaux, where he arrived the 8th. In his way thither his treatment was hard, but being arrived there it was amended.
2. There he met Smith, and on the 9th they had access to Monceaux, and there proceeded with the King, etc., as he and Smith have written to her.
3. She having accorded to such conditions as with her honour and his surety may not be enlarged, which the French will in no wise accord to, he desires that she will yield no further to their desires touching him in particular, for he would rather endure violence and outrage than be an occasion that her honour should be any way touched, or peace accorded for that respect to her disadvantage. And if she should, upon the difficulties moved by the French touching him, appoint another to treat with them, he will endure their usage until peace be either concluded, or some way devised how he may be sent home, as stated in his former letters; for it is not meet that she should condescend to such assurance for his departing as he has before informed her they demand. —Villemarc, 10 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 10. 1386. Smith to Throckmorton.
Has sent him their last negociation as his memory serves him. He will find Mauvissiere a gentle person and a good courtier. The writer will sup with him to-morrow night, and has invited Florence, M. De Foix's secretary. Asks him for the safe-conduct of John Thomas, either as Wilson's man or as Perswall, whose safe-conduct he shall carry. For his estate in these matters he must live in hope what the Constable by Mauvissiere will do. The King will be here in ten days. What contrariety they make they would gladly be at some good point.—Paris, 10 Nov. 1563.
Nov. 10. 1387. Almerigo Bor Fadino to Pierre Du Bois.
1. His letters of the 15th, 16th, and 19th have reached Antwerp, for he has received the answers, and he has since written four others.
2. The Prince of Condé has left the Court in anger, because they will not give the daughter of Marshal St. André to his son. He believes they intend to give her to Guise. The Constable has gone to fetch him back. Others have gone to fan the flame. They begin to dismantle Orleans, and will do the like to other towns. Smith is at the Court.—10 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?], with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add.: To Pierre Du Bois, merchant at Antwerp. Endd.:
Fevre. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 10. 1388. Gresham to Cecil.
Has received letters from his factor, Richard Candeller, of the 7th inst., with letters from Paullus Brocketrope and Maurice Rantzowe. Has told Cecil of the scarcity of money at Antwerp, for England, the exchange being now at 21s., and will be lower (if any attempt is made to take up any sum there), to 20s. in the pound. The most profitable way, therefore, is to send over so many sovereigns for the payment of Brocketrope and Rantzowe, with which he will go over himself, and give the best satisfaction he can to the rest of the Queen's creditors for the 23,465l. 9s. 8d. due on the 20th inst. If she cannot content them otherwise, if it were possible to send 10,000l. for payment, it would do more good than the whole sum is worth.—Intwood, 10 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 11. 1389. Throckmorton and Smith to the Queen.
1. After making up their last letters at Villemarc they went to Meaux; and next morning being invited by the Constable, they dined with him at M. D'Oysell's house, where he had to them many words touching the honour he, his ancestors, and his sons, had received in England. "Leave out the word ambassador," he said, "and speak neither of ambassador nor prisoner."
2. They answered of his goodwill towards the Queen and the peace they did not doubt. They had declared they were but ministers, and could not write or speak otherwise than according to their instructions.
3. Sir Nicholas said that although he was the person whose imprisonment is spoken of, yet it is not that but the Queen's honour whereof the Council of England sticks upon.
4. The Constable said that in war and making of peace he that has the advantage has the honour; and again desired that they should not stick at those small matters, but go on further.
5. As they were debating, De Florence came in and delivered this writing, saying that the King had sent it to them to send into England as answer to what they gave in writing.
6. They said it was more than was heretofore spoken, for not only the Queen, by her Ambassador, but also Sir Nicholas must swear more than if he were the most lawful prisoner in the world.
7. All that they could say for the enlargement of Sir Nicholas would not serve; the best answer of the French was that princes will give no account of their doings, but inferiors must of theirs to princes. The replying was interrupted by the coming of the Princess Roche-sur-Yon thither also to dinner.
8. Sir Nicholas, not finding himself well, desired to be at Paris awhile to have the counsel of a physician there. When he saw he must needs to prison again, he required to have Paris appointed him for his prison until the courier returned with answer from the Queen; and for that time he would promise not to depart. This request De Mauvissiere thought reasonable, and wrote it from Villemarc to the Queen Mother. She refused, and asked if they would promise that for Sir Nicholas' commodity, why stick to do it for the furtherance of the peace?
9. This request they again made to the Constable after dinner, which he thought reasonable, and promised to move the Queen therein. After a little more communing together betwixt them and the Rhinegrave by the way, they departed, Sir Nicholas to his old prison at St. Germain (conducted by Mauvissiere and twelve archers of the guard,) and Smith to Paris.—11 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with Smith's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 11.] 1390. Council of Trent.
Canons of the Council of Trent on the subject of the Sacrament of Matrimony, eleven in number, with the Decree on Clandestine Marriages.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 12. 1391. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. Answers theirs of the 27th ult. touching the hope that he had of peace. Was moved to think they meant it, because of the fear they were in of trouble amongst themselves, but this by the Queen and the Constable maintaining the edict of peace at Orleans is quieted. They also were in fear of the navy being then on the seas, which they have since accounted a vain fear. The Duke of Savoy was then sick, and it was thought that he could not escape, but this also is now ceased, the Duke being in health and keeping neutral. They also feared that they Prince of Spain should marry the Queen of Scots, and so have a title to England. Since then the Prince has been like to die, and they take it that he will not live long. Then there were besides little pikes betwixt them, the Pope and King Philip, for allowing the two religions, and for precedence of their Ambassadors, and somewhat for the Queen of Navarre.
2. Thus they see how time has altered things, and taken away many of those occasions. Yet they say they would have peace, and some reasons move him to believe them. One is, they want money; another is, the Queen and the Constable are old and weary of these troubles. The third (which he most suspects) is, they think to make an easier bargain with the English, who are both unable and unwilling to make a lusty war.—Paris, 12 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 12. 1392. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. Having signed his [Smith's] letters, he need say no more. Thinks it best he say nothing of John Thomas, but let him pass without any speech, as Mr. Wilson's man, or rather no mention to be made of him. Likes M. Mauvissiere better than he that brought him to the Court. If he [Smith] departs from Paris prays him to let him hear from him before he goes. Prays him to write to Lord Robert or Mr. Secretary touching his handling from St. Germain, attending Captain La Salle to take charge of him.—12 Nov. 1563.
2. P.S.—Has written to the Constable for his repair to Paris according to Smith's request yesterday, the copy whereof he shall receive herewith, which he prays him send to the Queen.
Nov. 12. 1393. Throckmorton to the Constable.
Desires his aid in obtaining leave to go Paris, to have advice for his health.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 12. 1394. Occurrences in France.
1. 19 Oct.—It was proclaimed in Paris that no man should wear any weapon but sword and dagger. Also that whosoever should hide any arms in his house, offensive or defensive, should be hanged before his own door. Letters sealed in the Chancery of "Commandment" to them of Montauban, Orleans, and St. Lo, to dismantle their towns.
2. The Court went from Paris to Ecouen, thence to Chantilly (both the Constable's houses), thence to Nanteuil, the Duke of Guise's; on Allhallow-day to Villiers Cotterets, and next day to Monceau, the Queen's house.
3. 29 Oct.—The Prince of Spain has been sick of a tertian, but is now recovered, but he is esteemed of a feeble and weak complexion. They are busy plucking down the walls at Orleans, and also of St. Catherine, the strength of Rouen.
4. 6 Nov.—Cardinal Châtillon and D'Andelot are at the Court, and were in the Council when they [Smith and Throckmorton] were at Monceau.
5. 9 Nov.—The Admiral is looked to be at the Court now at Fontainebleau.
6. The Captain of the Scottish Guard is dead, and his office is given to M. De Losse, a gentleman of the late King of Navarre.
Copy., with Smith's seal. Endd.: Occurrences of Sir Tho. Smith. Pp. 3.
Nov. 12. 1395. Clough to Challoner.
Has received his of the 17th Oct., and forwarded his letter to Cecil. The plague begins to cease, there died in London last week 401 persons. The King of Denmark is returned out of Sweden without doing anything worthy of writing.—Antwerp, 12 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Balbastro by means of Arthus, 10 Dec. 1563. Pp. 3.
Nov. 13. 1396. Smith to Cecil.
1. Cecil sees the inconvenience the sending of Sir Nicolas has brought. This half year almost they have only been about that matter. The French let not to say they use subtilty with them, and that as soon as he is admitted to treat as an Ambassador, at the first disagreement their treaty would cease, and he go his way. Thinks they now mind not greatly the peace. If their hostages escape they take their oaths to be dispensed; and so they think Throckmorton would do if he could escape.
2. One point of their instructions, they must refer to him again. The French Ambassador mistook him, and took all to his advantage.
3. The books he wrote for he has provided, but because they are fair bound dares not trust the bearer to carry them in post. Barlow will see them safely conveyed.
4. Thanks him for his offer to his wife, and entreats him to be her friend.
5. De Florence has done honestly at this time; and wishes he should come again.—Paris, 13 Nov. 1563.
6. P.S.—Sends him both the commissions, and he may put in what date he wills, for the first was not dated, and they will not occupy them till they be agreed upon this point whereat they stick.
7. Has sent him two grammars and Æsop's Fables in French; also the remonstrance of the Parliament of Burgundy, a seditious book, and printed at Antwerp, at the Spanish Ambassador's procuring, as it is said. It was thought it should be prohibited, but it is sold openly. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 13. 1397. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Desires him to return the bearer with his next despatch. This day returns to St. Germain, to be used at the French mercy.—St. Denis, 13 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 13. 1398. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
The ship belonging to certain merchants of Antwerp which she ordered to be restored had no sooner set sail than she was seized by another English piratical vessel called the Lord Robert, her cargo plundered and her crew made prisoners. Desires that the said vessel be released and compensation made to the owners.—Brussels, 13 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Nov. 13. 1399. Gurone Bertano to Cecil.
Has heard from Antonio Bruschetto, that Cecil has received the writer's letter of 5 September, and will accept his services. Is aware that he is informed, from Venice, of the proceedings of the Council, but will take care to inform him of other matters.—Rome, 13 Nov. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 23 [sic] Nov. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 13. 1400. Gurone Bertano to [Antonio Bruschetto?].
The Pope, at the end of the Council, will not proceed against " our most serene Queen." He promised the Cardinal of Lorraine to alienate 100,000 crowns of church property to the King of France; he has also cited the Queen of Navarre. He went yesterday to inspect the fortifications at Civita Vecchia.—Rome, 13 Nov. 1563.
Orig. Hol. Endd.: Del Sr. Gurone. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 14. 1401. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
Warrant to pay Sir Thomas Gargrave, Vice-president of the Council of the North, 40s. per diem.—Windsor, 14 Nov., 5 Eliz.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This word and the name of Throckmorton are expressed in cipher.
  • 2. One of a series of copies sent by Smith to the Queen, under his seal. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
  • 3. This and the previous document are on the same page.