Elizabeth: February 1563, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: February 1563, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp123-136 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1563, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp123-136.

"Elizabeth: February 1563, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp123-136.

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February 1563, 11-15

Feb. 11. 284. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Brown to Cecil.
They have caused Flemynge and six other gunners to take shipping with him at Newcastle for Newhaven, and have informed the Treasurer of Newhaven to what date they are paid They have divers times since the death of their late Governor vainly called upon his clerk and the steward of his house for the books and precedents of the statutes and ordinances of this town. They allege that Hedley and Capell, who are in London (and in whom his Lordship put most trust) have them. The writers therefore beg that he will cause them to give them up.—Berwick, 11 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 11 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 11. 285. Memorial for Throckmorton.
1. Upon coming to Portsmouth he shall receive 14,000l. of Sir William Kellwaye, to be conveyed with him by some belonging to Sir William, to see it told at Newhaven. And upon his arrival there he shall receive 4,400l. of Poulet, so that he will have 20,000l. with the 1,600l. he took with him.
2. He shall have a form of articles to be signed by the Admiral and as many of his association as he can obtain, to which if he agrees, he shall pay him the said 20,000l. And as the Queen means to send either with him, or immediately after him, 10,000l. more, he shall also pay the same, which makes 100,000 French crowns. And if he does not receive the 10,000l. presently, he shall say that she had consigned a part thereof into Almain, and that it will be ready at Newhaven in a few days.
3. He shall ask the Admiral how he means to conduct this great cause to some good end. If he finds that he has no other way of continuing his cause but by her maintenance and payments, he shall assure him of her goodwill to the cause; but that her subjects are unwilling.
4. This has moved her to will him to discover how, with some good countenance towards the enemy, he might come to such appointment as might not ruin the cause of religion but keep it alive, and therewith provide for the delivery of Condé, and for the surety of them to continue in their estates. He will doubtless add thereto provision for the surety of herself and the Princes of Almain, who while they were in peace, for his help entered into offence with the rest of Christendom. And he shall therewith insinuate to the Admiral how necessary it is that their assurance should depend upon a compact to be made by the French King with her and the Protestant Princes who have aided them.
5. He may say that she has cause first to require that Calais should be delivered to her, and also to require a sufficient sum of money for its restoration to the state wherein it ought to be by the treaty, or in lieu thereof, to grant her hostages for four years for the conservation of peace until she may re-edify the ruins thereof, and of Guisnes and other places.
6. She also demands such sums as she has bestowed upon the fortifications of Newhaven, which may amount to 40,000 crowns. She is also to have what money she has lent or shall lend the Admiral and his associates, in this time. By having these demands assured, she will be content to withdraw her army from Newhaven. This is the least that she can well demand, considering what charges she has sustained from the beginning of these matters.
7. But that the Admiral may see her inward mind to attain a better peace, he shall say that she can be entreated for his sake, rather than leave the matter uncompounded, to straiten her demands into these fewer points. She would first have the restitution of Calais, with hostages for two years only, to keep peace until she has repaired the same. She would forbear her charges upon Newhaven, and the sums which she has lent or shall lend to the Admiral. Otherwise than be thus satisfied, she is fully bent to employ all her forces to maintain what she has taken in hand. If these conditions are denied her, she doubts not but to enter into other dealings to make her adversaries offer her reason; having the full consent of the three Estates of her realm to maintain this quarrel, and for intermeddling in this matter of treaty. The Admiral may procure by some indirect means her being treated with, so as to prevent suspicion of his favouring her purposes otherwise than he may avow. And, if it is needful (for the continuance of the reiters whilst the treaty shall continue for peace,) that some more money should be provided, upon appointment had with the Admiral she will lend them her credit in Almain for 100,000 crowns more.
8. If this manner of proceeding should appear to him not likely to be followed, and that the Admiral will either plainly or covertly enter into the matter of Normandy, he shall, rather than see the matter left desperate, (so it may come of themselves,) give them comfort of her allowance to publish her title to Normandy, if they think good, and to avow that the Admiral is her Lieutenant there, and that all his company are to enjoy that duchy freely under her for their livelihoods.
9. She does not mean that he should begin this matter of Normandy with the Admiral, except he can avow that other of value deal with him; and her meaning is not, if they shall enjoy Normandy under her, that any charge should be drawn from this realm for the maintenance thereof.
10. He shall also deal with the Marshal of Hess in the best manner he can to continue him and his reiters in the service.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 11 Feb. 1562. Pp. 7.
Feb. 12. 286. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Writes by Lethington. They must begin to nourish the love between their Sovereigns, and favour amongst their subjects. Will not leave off so godly a work. Refers for other things to Lethington. Commendations to "my Lady, your bed-fellow."—Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1562. Signed: James Stewart.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 287. The Queen to Warwick.
Sends Throckmorton to treat with the Admiral, and has willed him to impart the intent thereof to him; and if the 10,000l. or 11,000l., which she could not send with Sir Nicholas, cannot come to him in time, rather than the Admiral should be in danger for lack thereof, he [the Earl] and Poulet may confer about so much money or plate being procured from the burgesses of Newhaven upon bonds, which she promises shall be speedily repaid.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 12 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 288. The Queen to Warwick.
Whereas she has heretofore forbidden him to take any enterprise without the town, now she gives him full authority to do such services as shall be beneficial, but would not that he set his own person in any adventure.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 12 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 289. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
Upon hearing last Monday of the coming of the Admiral and that he would lie that night about Touques, sent Mr., Francis Somerset thither, as well to welcome him as to understand his state and pretences. Somerset returned with a letter and a gentleman of the Admiral's band, named M. Chateler; and the credit, which he was sent with they caused him to put in writing, which is here enclosed. He demands aid of men and money, the non-arrival of which they excused by saying that the winds had been contrary. The Admiral's power is 4,500 horses of service, besides 300 varlets and horses of carriage; and he had left 6,000 footmen and 1,500 horse at Orleans with his brother, D'Andelot, and makes his account of 10,000 footmen from the Queen. Whereunto he thinks to make 3,000 men in these parts, and to join with them 2,000 footmen of his garrison at Orleans; and with these companies he is determined to seek Guise. He makes no doubt of doing this with the Queen's help; but he accounts himself as being ruined and unable to hold up his head without her aid in men and money. He is now lying at Dives, two leagues from Touques. He is determined to go to Caen, as he thinks that town will open to him. He stands in some hope of winning the castle. By taking away two or three bridges upon the river behind him, he can keep his back well warded from the enemy, and so lie in more. surety until his forces are united.—Newhaven, 12 Feb. 1562 Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Poynyngs, Denys, Bromefelde, Fysscher.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 12 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 12. 290. Warwick and Poulet to the Privy Council.
1. If the Admiral should, for want of present aid, be discomforted or driven to make a composition, they may reckon not only upon the whole power of France being bent against this piece, but that the same will, with the assistance of Spain and Scotland, and their confederates, be also undoubtedly extended against England. But if he be now aided with 10,000 men and 200,000 crowns, further inconvenience will be stayed, and may serve a better purpose than the employment at another time of a far greater number at larger charges. It would be better for the Queen to convert a good part of her plate into coin than slack her aid. It is hoped that the men are in readiness. If 5,000 were joined to the Admiral's band, he might be able to abide the enemy's power until the rest came over.
2. The Admiral will come here to confer with Warwick, who must deal herein at large without commission, wherein he and the others are marvellously perplexed, for by giving him a denial, or by complying with his requests, folly may be imputed to them by either party. Sends herewith a copy of their last to the Council, for the passage was so ill that they doubt whether it came to hand.—Newhaven, 12 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 12 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
[Feb. 12.] 291. Throckmorton's Conference with Admiral Coligny.
1. The Queen desires to understand from him truly his intentions, and how he minds to conduct his doings, in order that she may communicate her opinion and unite her actions with his. She also desires to know how he will be able to reinforce himself with footmen and horsemen, seeing the enemy is stronger than he is with footmen at least, and of all other things necessary to the war, and has the riches, puissance, and authority of the King, who has given order to make new levies of Swiss and reiters. Condé has only the country of Languedoc to stand at his devotion; and although he has some in Normandy and Dauphiné and sundry parts who are well affected, yet he has no revenue to put them forth. She also wishes to know whether the Princes of Almain will aid him with men or money; also what enterprises he means to take in hand, and whether he intends to levy the siege of Orleans.
2. When the Admiral has plainly declared all these things, the Queen has commanded Throckmorton to declare her estate and opinion. Her goodwill shall always stand them in stead; but if the Admiral accounts that the payment of his army and the maintenance of the war should depend only on her, she has commanded Throckmorton to declare that her subjects will not willingly contribute to such charge, seeing the war is not to the profit of their realm. Therefore she advises the Admiral not to refuse reasonable conditions of peace, that the cause of religion be not utterly ruined, while the safety of himself and his associates is well provided for, the Prince of Condé's liberty obtained, the satisfaction of the Queen for her money disbursed, the rendition of Calais, and such other matters as Throckmorton shall declare. The Queen desires to know the terms of the overtures of peace lately made between them and the enemy. Does not think that they would forget to provide for her surety and satisfaction, considering the expense she has had in helping them. Therefore the treaty should be made between her, the French King, and the Princes Protestant; and also now in time, before any lack be known to the enemy, some reasonable peace should be accepted.
Partly in Throckmorton's hand. Pp. 3.
[Feb. 12.] 292. Huguenot Noblemen with Admiral Coligny.
The names of such noblemen as came with the Admiral from Orleans:—The Marshal of Hesse, General of the reiters; the Prince of Pourcain; the Count of Rochefoucault; MM. De Grammont; De Rohan; D'Avaret; De Mouy; De Daras. Noblemen of Normandy; M. D'Avesne; Zucoville [Jechoville]; Colombieres; La Mothe; and Bessart.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 12.] 293. Men and Munition sent to the Admiral Coligny.
Five bands of soldiers of 200 each. Pistols, lances, cannon, and munition.
P. 1.
Feb. 12. 294. The Admiral Coligny's Requests to Warwick.
The Admiral requests, by Chastillier, the following concessions, viz.:—
1. If the money that the Queen promised for the payment of the reiters is in Havre, he desires that it may be sent to the Admiral immediately, as, relying on her promise, he has appointed the 15th inst. as the day of payment.
2. If it is in England, he begs that it may be sent for at once, with all haste.
3. If it is not sent in time it will be the ruin of the cause through the mutiny of the reiters, who may even kill the Admiral.
4. As the Admiral's forces are all cavalry, he desires that an infantry force of not less than 10,000 men be sent from England.
5. In the meanwhile he begs the Earl to send all the footmen, artillery, and munitions that he can spare.
6. As Condé is a prisoner, the Admiral and the chiefs of his army pledge their word and all they have to the Queen as security for her money.—Havre de Grace, 12 Feb. 1562. Signed: Chastillier.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 12 Feb. 1562; Chastillier's credit to my L. Warwick. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 12. 295. Admiral Coligny to Poulet.
Desires him to use his influence with the Earl of Warwick in the interests of the Admiral. Is sure that in doing so he will please the Queen.—Dives, 12 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 296. Advices from Italy.
1. Genoa, 29 Jan. 1563. The children of the King of the Romans have refused a present from the state of Genoa.
2. Milan, 3 Feb. The Duke of Sessa's debtors. Count Giacomo Trivultio proceeds to Rome. 5 Feb., M. D'Elfestain has arrived as Ambassador from the King of the Romans for the confirmation of his election. The Bull of consent to the Articles of the Council [of Trent] has not yet passed.
3. Venice, 12 Feb. 1563. Activity in the arsenal at Constantinople. A gentleman of the house of Pescara hanged for an attempt to shoot his father-in-law. The harquebus was tied to his feet.
Endd. by Cecil: 29 Jan. 1563. Pp. 3.
Feb. 13. 297. Sir Henry Percy to Cecil.
1. The Earl of Bothwell, committed to his custody, is in great heaviness because of the enmity of his Prince, the hatred of his enemies, and from being in captivity; and specially because he has not had the means of obtaining some mercy from the Queen, or the nobility and governors of the State, in whose power his case stands. He has several times lamented to him that he feared lest his unfriends should desire his deliverance, which he thinks would be his ruin; and his poor living would be hindered by his long absence from his country; which the writer understands is the case with many of the nobility and the highest. The Earl has sundry times asked him how he could gain the Queen's favour, and also that she would either make peace for him with his Prince (whom he never offended, saving the breaking of her ward, for which he offers to be tried by his peers,) or suffer him to remain at liberty in her realm, and not to depart without her pleasure.
2. Seeing that he is a man of the frontiers, and of great power, (for Liddesdale is his, wherein are many great offenders to this realm; also a good piece of Tiviotdale, with the residents in which he is in great friendship, as the Carrs, the Trumbulls, the Scots, and the Rotherfortbs,) the writer puts Cecil in mind whether the Earl's friendship might stand the Queen in any service. He drew other matter from him in conversation, which he must be excused from writing, as it might hereafter be prejudicial to a nobleman and his neighbour. The Earl desires that he may have an audience, and offer his services; he is very wise, and not the man he was reported to be.—Castle of Tynemouth, 13 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 13 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 298. Admiral Coligny to the Queen.
Has lately sent two gentlemen to her to give an account of their proceedings and state. Having now approached so much nearer he sends M. De Teligni, a gentleman of the King's chamber, with further information.—Camp at Dives, 13 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 13 Feb. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 299. Admiral Coligny to Cecil.
The insecurity of the roads has hitherto prevented his sending any gentleman of rank to the Queen; but now, having come to the coast of Normandy, he sends M. De Teligny, this bearer, with commission to assure him of their confidence in his goodwill.—Dives, 13 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 13 Feb. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 300. Admiral Coligny to the Council at Havre.
Having requested Warwick to supply men, munitions, and money, he writes to them also desiring their assistance herein.—Dives, 13 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 301. Admiral Coligny to Warwick.
Has been informed by the Queen of England that a considerable sum of money is at Havre for the payment of his soldiers, and desires that it may be sent to him immediately; for although his reiters were in good heart, he cannot employ them as he would until he has paid them. The Marshal of Hesse also knows of the money being at Havre. Has also ordered M. De Beauvoir to come to him, with all the French soldiers who are in Havre; who informs him that he cannot muster more than 300 or 400 men under arms. If the Earl will not send him at least 500 English, he will not have enough footmen either for the field or for a siege, or even to guard the artillery. Begs him to send as many as he can spare. If he sends 2,000 he will still have quite sufficient to garrison Havre. He would be annoyed if their enterprise failed through lack of such assistance as he could render. Desires him to send as much powder as he can spare; the 4,000 weight that he has given is very little. Desires also that he will send 200 or 300 lances of those in the magazine at Havre. There were never soldiers more willing to do good service than his.—Dives, 13 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 13 Feb. 1562. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 13. 302. Admiral Coligny to Warwick.
Desires him to further the bearer, M. De Teligny, on his voyage to England with all diligence.—The camp at Dives, 13 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 303. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Trent, 9 Feb. 1563. The session is again prorogued to 22 April, when the sacrament of matrimony will be discussed. Certain articles in four classes (here given) have been issued to the theologians for discussion, upon two of which Salmeron has spoken to-day.
2. Milan, 10 Feb. The King of Spain has appointed Gio. Andrea Doria to sail against the Turks. The Italian States are preparing a league against the Huguenots.
3. Rome, 13 Feb. The Pope is in better health. Legates will be sent to the Emperor and the Kings of Spain and France. The Huguenots are doing much mischief in France. The Queen Mother does her best to quiet matters; but this is difficult. The process of the Archbishop of Toledo is referred to the Inquisition here.
Ital. and Lat. Pp. 3.
[Feb. 13.] 304. Pasquinade against the Council of Trent.
Satirical verses against the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and ecclesiastics, especially against the Council of Trent.
Endd. by Cecil: Feb. 1563. Ital. Pp. 6.
Feb. 14. 305. The Queen to Warwick.
Authorizes him to appoint Sir Hugh Poulet, Sir Morris Denis, and Cuthbert Vaughan, Esquire, as her Commissioners to order the accounts of the officers of the victuals and the Master of the Ordnance.
Corrected draft. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 14. 306. The Queen to Montgomery.
Has received his letter by Mr. Horsey, whom she sends back with a sum of money; not so much, indeed, as she would wish, as she has to send great sums to the Admiral. Refers him to the report of Horsey.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 14 Feb. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 307. Thomas Wood to the Privy Council.
Received their letters of the 30th ult. Has sent a note of furniture received with the 100 Surrey men brought by John Vaughan from Portsmouth.—Newhaven, 14 Feb. 1562.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 14 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 308. Armour, etc., received at Newhaven.
A note of armour, etc., removed by Thomas Wood, of John Vaughan, on the 31st of October last, with the 100 soldiers brought to Newhaven by him. Signed by Thomas Wood.
Orig. P. 1.
[Feb. 14.] 309. [Thomas Wood ?] to —.
Has been thinking how this great charge may be eased. Has drawn up certain articles with that view, which follow. A commission to be granted to Denys and Vaughan respecting provisions, and Sir Walter Mildmay should be sent to take account of the Treasurer.
Orig. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 310. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Court Van Horn, a merchant of Middleburgh in Zealand, six weeks ago freighted a vessel (called Le Lyon Bleu) at Bordeaux with 140 tons of Bordeaux wine, twelve sacks of feathers, and other merchandise. This vessel was taken by an English armed ship commanded by Thomas and John Morgan, and brought into Tenby, where the wine was sold for 8l. the tun, although the master of the ship proved that the goods belonged to the King of Spain's subject. She therefore desires that restitution may be made.—Brussels, 14 Feb. 1563. Signed: Margarita.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 14 Feb. 1562. Fr. Broadside.
Feb. 14. 311. Advices from different Places.
1. Trent, 1 Feb. The case whether residence is of divine right or no is not fully agreed, albeit a number be in the affirmative. The French Prelates were much offended with the Legate saying that the Pope had full power to govern the Church universal, against which they protested, and said that it should never pass as lawful matter from a Council. Whereupon the Legates prorogued the session until the octaves of Easter, to see what time would breed. In the meantime they have delivered to the Bishop Quinque Ecclesiarum an answer in writing to the Emperor's petitions, which they have sent by him, in company with Signor Comendone. Touching the request that the Pope and Cardinals should be reformed, nothing is looked for therein but what shall please the Pope, whose goodness is such that it is not doubted but he will do therein what shall be most for God's service and the Church. They mind not at this time to treat of the Communion under both kinds and of the marriage of priests; which, being misliked by the whole Synod, they pray the Emperor to desist from these demands, as they cannot be moved without great confusion. It is easy to see what fruit will grow of this assembly.
2. The matter of precedence between France and Spain is like to breed much dislike. The Legates seem minded to give it to Spain, as they have appointed France a place apart from the other Ambassadors until the case is determined. To this they will not yield, alleging it to be prejudicial to the King's possessions. It is not known for what purpose the Cardinal of Lorraine is gone to the Emperor.
3. Rome, Feb. 6. The Pope is still ill of dropsy. He has showed Signora Virginia great kindness at her departure. A Bull of reformation of the Court is abroad in print. The Duke of Florence has sent Signor Aurelio Frugosa to Spain to bring the Prince back. There is great talk about the dissensions of the Prelates in the Council; some maintaining the decrees of the Council of Bâle, others those of Florence.
4. Trent, Feb. 9. A dispute about the sacrament of matrimony was begun to-day. Touching the matter of precedence it was ordered that the Dean of Paris should be first heard, and afterwards the Dean of Salamanca. The King of the Romans arrived at Inspruck on the 6th inst. in company with the Duke of Bavaria and the Archbishop of Saltzburg.
5. Constantinople. The Turk sets in order but sixty galleys.
Endd.: 14 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 15. 312. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Asks favour for the bearer, who has slain one of his countrymen, but the Queen has exchanged the penalty from death unto exile.—Edinburgh, 15 Feb. 1562. Signed: James Stewart.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 15 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 15. 313. Randolph to Cecil.
1. "Chartellet, M. D'Anville's trusty servant," has by violence attempted this Queen's dishonour. Yesternight, the 14th, she, being at Burnt Island in her way to St. Andrews, going to bed, Chartellet retired to a secret corner, and, only two of her gentlewomen present, set upon her in such impudent sort that she cried for help, " and the matter so manifest that no colour could be found to hide the shame and dishonour. The Earl of Murray was sent for out of his lodging, whom the Queen incontinent commanded to put his dagger into him, which incontinent had been done if God had not put into his mind to have him reserved and to be justified according to order of law." For this cause the Lord Chancellor, Justice Clerk, and other of her Councillors, are sent for to meet her at St. Andrews. Thus much he knows by a secret message from an assured near privy friend. "Thus your Honour heareth the beginning of a lamentable story, whereof such infamy will arise as, I fear, how well soever the wound be healed, the scar will for ever remain. Thus your Honour seeth what mischief cometh of over-great familiarity that any such personage showeth unto so unworthy a creature and abject a varlet as ever Her Grace used with him. What colour soever can be laid upon it, it was done for his master's sake; yet I cannot but say it had been too much to have been used to his master himself by any Princess alive." Of this matter the Laird of Lethington is not privy, for it was since he left her; nor has he written anything to him, because Cecil may use this matter as he likes. This morning received a letter from the Lord of Murray to the Laird of Lethington, willing him to send back all letters he had of Chartellet to his master, or any others, without any mention of the cause.
2. What is already suspected by some of the great desire that M. D'Anvill has to be here was long since conjectured by the good usage of his servant. How welcome he will now be to this nation Cecil shall find hereafter.
3. Before his departure out of this town (which will be within three days,) towards St. Andrews, he will further advertise Cecil.—Edinburgh, 15 Feb. 1562, late in the night. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 15 Feb. 1562. Pp. 3.
Feb. 15. 314. Madeline De Roye to the Queen.
1. Has been informed by the Elector Palatine that it would be very advisable for the Queen to send her letters patent to the Count D'Altembourg to acknowledge the levies that he must make to succour the cause in France, so that the Papist Princes and Bishops may not hinder him. Begs her to do so quickly, the enemy having raised 4,000 Swiss. They are levying men on all sides, which makes it more incumbent on all true Princes to put forth every effort to confound them. —Strasburg, 15 Feb. 1562.
2. P. S.—Does not wish her to go to further expense, knowing how much more she has spent already than she promised, but desires merely the letter in order to satisfy the Princes. Signed: Madeline De Mailly.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 15 Feb. 1562 Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 15. 315. Madeline De Roye to Cecil.
1. Has been informed by the Count Palatine that it would be extremely advisable that the Queen should send a patent to the Count of Altemburg, securing for herself the levies which he is now raising, in order that the Papist Bishops and Princes may have more cautions how they hinder or murmur against the evangelical Princes. For this cause she has written to the Queen that this patent may be despatched with all speed to the Count, in order that he may bring into France the aid promised to the writer. Begs Cecil to help her for the love of God and for pity on "this good Prince, who is a prisoner." They will not be ungrateful, as she has asked his [Cecil's] son to inform him.—Strasburg, 15 Feb. 1562.
2. P. S.—They do not wish to put the Queen to any expense, she having already done so much for them. Signed: Madeline De Mailly.
Orig., with seal. The P.S. in hol. Add.: 15 Feb. 1563. Endd.: Madame De Roye. Seal. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 15. 316. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Send herewith a packet of letters, which after being two days on the seas were returned by contrary winds; also letters received this day from Condé and the Admiral. Have resolved to aid the Admiral presently with five bands of footmen under Captain Turner, and with the munition mentioned in the enclosed schedule. They think themselves less weakened in men by the departure of all the Frenchmen from hence.
2. Upon this request of the Admiral they have sent to Montgomery to return the 300 men at Dieppe.
3. The Admiral has written very severely to M. Beauvoir for an earnest proceeding in justice upon the offenders in the late conspiracy here. This request proceeded upon intelligence received otherwise than by them. They have taken order with M. Beauvoir for the arrest and stay of Francis Clerk's vessels and prizes here. What shall be done for the setting forth of the galley? There is a greater galley, called a galeyas, besides another galley, the Brigandine, which was English, and certain shallops prepared at Rouen for the keeping of the commodity of this river.—Newhaven, 15 Feb. 1562. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Ponyngs, Denys, Bromfelde, Fysscher.
4. P. S.—The wall between the Vidame's fort and the pier is so decayed by the seas that not only that but the tower at the end of the jetty will shortly be overthrown. Twenty masons should be sent over for the redress thereof, and for the cisterns here. About 200 labourers have arrived here, and they are looking for a greater number.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 15 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 15. 317. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. The Admiral is within five leagues of Caen, and being well friended there, will make his first enterprise upon it. They have gathered from the Princess of Condé's letter, and by the staying of the gentleman from the Admiral, (who has now repaired to the Queen,) that the Admiral has determined to keep the field if he is presently aided by the Queen with men and money. But if he receives aid in money only, he will return with his reiters to succour Orleans, which is besieged by Guise, who has won a faubourg on one side of the same.
2. Of the 5,000l. brought hither by Poulet nearly 2,000l. have been disbursed to Montgomery; leaving more than 3,000l. with the writers. Sending the appointed men to the Admiral, and fetching away the soldiers from Dieppe, and the victuals, will require at least 1,500 crowns.
3. Fécamp lies too far from the Admiral for him to do any good thereupon, and too near the Rhinegrave for this garrison to deal with it by itself, without the navy. They have been credibly informed from thence that the Rhinegrave's company has this week been victualled. They have stayed all private suspects of treason; but it has come to pass, but without their knowledge, that the matters touching M. Beauvoir are known to the Admiral. Beauvoir has deceived Condé and the Admiral in money levied by him, and converted to his own use to the amount of 300,000 francs.
4. MM. De Grammont and Rohan arrived here yesterday. They make the most piteous request for aid in men and money.—Newhaven, 15 Feb. 1562.
5. P. S.—The French say that the Queen does not hold to any of the capitulations she promised. They would that pinching were turned into frankness in the advancement of this weighty affair, that the soldiers here may have a thorough pay, from the want whereof they not only die daily, but also live in such misery that they run away to the Rhinegrave's camp. Two soldiers went thither of one band yesterday, and others passed before.
6. There may seem to be a saving by staying the pioneers from hence, and by the abridgment of the prescribed number, but the Queen does not know what loss she sustains thereby. The piece being well fortified might be kept with fewer men. If 2,000 pioneers had been well employed here, they would have made it guardable against all the power of France with a little or less number than are now here.
Orig., in the hol. of Poulet. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 15 Feb. 1562. Pp. 11.
Feb. 15. 318. Francis Bravo to Challoner.
Concerning the payment of 1,000 ducats to Challoner, according to advises received by the writer from Flanders.— Vallidolid, 15 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 15 Feb. 1562. Span. Pp. 2.