Elizabeth: February 1563, 5-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: February 1563, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp112-123 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1563, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp112-123.

"Elizabeth: February 1563, 5-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp112-123.

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February 1563, 5-10

Feb. 6. 255. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Received his of the 27th ult., and such as he commanded Mr. Somer to write, by the which they hope that the Guisian's rage against Christ and His Word shall end in their destruction, and the perpetual ignominy of as many as take their part. The murder of the Langrave of Hesse's son, and the Duke of Lunenburg has so kindled men's hearts against the whole race, that scarcely can they refrain to put it in writing and clap it upon the Queen's gates or doors of her chambers. What the preachers have said in the pulpits and what talk there is in open assemblies cannot but come to her ears. Of the faith that may be given their promises, warning is given to Protestants by the oath which the Queen Mother, the Duke, the Constable, and others made amongst themselves, viz., that whatsoever they promise, it should not be performed. This is come to the Queen's knowledge. For the faith of young Pigilion, what can there be looked for otherwise of a man descended of so noble a race? Certain of their Marys, hearing that Pigilion should be delivered for Killigrew, thought him to be of over small value to be given for so great a personage. This matter came so far that comparison was made of their worthiness, and they were both stoutly defended. "If Flemyng had had at that time knowledge how honourably Pigilion hath kept his faith, without doubt Liveston that day had put him clean out of service."
2. Has communed with James Macconel in the hearing of the Earl of Argyll, who promised that so long as the Queen will grant upon conditions the lease that he has been long suitor for, he will not only perform what he shall be bound unto by those covenants, but also will serve against what enemy soever she has in Ireland, his allegiance reserved. In those articles sent him by the Lord Deputy [of Ireland] he found two or three very hard. He promises to send them and to say in what sort he desires to have them amended. Two days ago he got knowledge that Captain Pers of Nongforgus [sic] was arrived in Kintire, with commission from the Lord Deputy to speak with him about that matter. Has written unto him to tarry his coming, and desired the writer to send George Butshede to keep him company in the meantime, which he has done; so that Cecil will be shortly advertised what shall be done therein. He earnestly desired of the Queen that the slaughter of his kinsmen may be punished, before which time it will be hard for him to persuade his brother to serve in person, though unto all this the Earl of Argyll has been privy. Finds the Earl himself willing to do whatsoever he thinks most for the Queen's contentment; and he said to the writer that when she attempts anything against Shane O'Neal he will assist her to the uttermost of his power. This he willed Randolph to write to Cecil.
3. It is now resolved that the Lord of Lethington shall visit the Queen from hence. He never took charge with worse will, specially if he pass into France. He hears now a-days of so many murders and men shot with dags that he has no will to come into those dangers. For his mistress's service he will say whatsoever lies in his power. He is charged here to have been an over good servant unto her. His advice is followed more than any others. Hears of a letter written to this Queen from the King of Sweden, containing a request that none of her ships should sail into Moscovia, or her subjects have any traffic there.—Edinburgh, 6 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 6 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 6. 256. Randolph to Lord Robert Dudley.
It is purposed that Lethington shall shortly visit the Queen from this Queen, who is very desirous that the controversies in France should be accorded, and would gladly be a mean therein. Has sought to know whether it comes of herself, or of her uncles' advice; but knows not what to think. Lethington will in those cases be plain with his Lordship. He will travail for her advantage. Her affection is not small for her uncles.—Edinburgh, 6 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6.
Forbes, ii. 326.
257. The Queen to Warwick.
1. She has ordered 1,000 pioneers to be sent to Newhaven, and wishes to have as many of the other numbers already there rebated, being 5,415, besides such as serve upon the seas; and moreover she pays for 496 upon dead pay. The charges are so great that she cannot conveniently increase the same with these 1,000 pioneers, except upon greater necessity than is now seen. She has resolved that her charges should not exceed the entertainment of 5,000 persons in that town. She would not that the enemy or her friends should understand by any means that she diminishes her numbers there; lest the one should take courage and the other discomfort; therefore she has only dealt with a certain number of her trustiest councillors, so that her determination should not be known abroad. None should know this but himself, Poulet, the controller, and other necessary officers.
2. For the doing hereof, first, he is to sort out the sick, the weak, and unfit soldiers in every band; and tell the captains that he will not keep them in wages to spend her money and victuals without service, but send them home, and give out that he will procure men from home to fill up the bands. He may give leave to such as he thinks serve there against their will to come over, discharging them out of wages. Imperfect bands are not to be filled up without some other bands be cassed, according to the rate. He is to do all he can to diminish the numbers to 5,000 in the whole; doing it so as neither the enemy, nor their friends find it out It should appear to the garrison that the numbers are greater than they are.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6.
Forbes, ii. 328.
258. Advice of M. Beauvoir.
For the enterprise against Honfleur he does not think there should be less than 1,500 or 1,800 men employed. Boats should be provided for their transport, with victuals for three or four days, and the country people should be told that unless they bring provisions (for which they should be paid) their villages will be plundered. They should take two cannon and two culverins, or a culverin and a bastard, with their carriages, and ammunition for 1,000 shot. As for the landing the sea captains should be consulted, and people sent to reconnoitre how many soldiers they have, and how they intend to hold the place. The artillery can then be landed with little trouble and danger. The galleys, the two Rye boats, and the armed barks should guard the river and prevent assistance coming from Caudebec or elsewhere.
Endd. by Cecil: 6 Feb. 1562. The demands of M. De Beauvoir to the Earl of Warwick for Honfleur. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 6. 259. Gunners' Wages.
Note, that John Fleming (at 3s. per diem), and six other (at 10d. per diem each), are fully paid to the 6 Feb. 1562. Signed: Valentine Browne.
P. 1.
Feb. 6. 260. Christopher Pickard to Challoner.
Desires that he will grant him the lease of a garth near his house at Gisburn for a garden or orchard.—Gisburn, 6 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 6 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 261. Thomas Morton and Others to the Privy Council.
1. The late Lord Governor of Berwick, deceased, Mr. Brown, treasurer, Thomas Bash, surveyor; Thomas Genyson [Jenyson], and Roger Mainwairing, gentlemen, having been commissioned by the Court of Exchequer to survey the Queen's ands and tenements in Berwick, by virtue of their commission the two latter commissioners called the Mayor and his brethren before them, and stated that this commission was not only that the Queen might know what lands and tenements belong to her, but also that the inhabitants might know their rights; and that the Commissioners would leave a book with the Mayor and his brethren, containing a description of every man's title. They appointed Thomas Romney, whom the Treasurer brought from London, as clerk to them, and required that he should have 4s. for every tenement, which was granted. He measured all the lands and tenements, was shown the titles to the several claims, and made a book thereof. The Mayor's officers gathered the 4s. of every tenement, which amounted to 100l., and paid it to Romney. When they asked him for the book he said they should have it, but he departed without leaving it. They pray that they may either have the book, or that the inhabitants may have their money restored.
2. They also beg to be disburdened of the imposts on wines. —Berwick, 7 Feb. 1562. Signed: Thomas Morton, Thomas Jenyson, Thomas Bradfurth, Thomas Lordsman, John Barrow, John Shooton.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: The Mayor and townsmen of Berwick. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7.
Forbes, ii. 328.
262. The Queen to the Queen Mother of France.
1. By her letters of the 25th of this month, delivered to the writer by the French Ambassador, she takes it as an extraordinary matter that the Provost of Paris is imprisoned here.
2. Upon reading this letter, with her request that the Provost should be sent into France or delivered to the Ambassador, she has found her letters strangely written, and the requests not to be granted; wherein she has shown her meaning to De Foix. She would have done very contrary to the office she bears in this realm, if she had permitted him to escape in so horrible a fact. In his imprisonment he was used therein with favour, being in the house of one of the principal merchants and Aldermen of the city of London, wherein she rather looked for thanks than reprehension. Refers him to the report of her Ambassador.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 263. Translation of the above into French.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 7 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 264. The Queen to Denys.
Out of the treasure lately received from Sir Edward Rogers, Controller of her household, he shall pay 1,200l. to Edward Horsey, who has charge at Dieppe, to pay the same to Montgomery.—Westminster, 7 Feb 1562.
Copy. Add.: To Sir Maurice Denys, or his deputy, Hugh Counsell. Endd.: 10 Feb. [sic] 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 265. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. This morning another gentleman came here from the Admiral, with a letter for the writer, which he enclosed in his letter to the Queen. He said that he left the Admiral with 5,000 horse, within half a league of Dreux, and that he will be at Honfleur to-morrow.
2. He has taken a great part of the host with him, for he could not otherwise satisfy the reiters for want of their pay; he has with much ado kept them together. He left his brother, D'Andelot, at Orleans, with 5,000 or 6,000 footmen. Guise is at Beaugency with 10,000 or 12,000 footmen, and 1,500 horse. This gentleman could not tell whether he would besiege that town or follow the Admiral.—Newhaven, 7 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 7 Feb. 1562. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7.
Forbes, ii. 327.
266. Beauvoir to [Warwick].
Is directed by the Admiral to remind him how necessary it is that Honfleur should be taken, without which being done it would be inconvenient for him to send his forces to join those of the Queen. As the dignity of the enterprise is too small for the Earl to conduct it personally, the writer is ready to undertake it himself, if the proper means are afforded. Signed.
Orig. Dated by Cecil. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 7. 267. Matter to be shown to the Spanish Ambassador.
The Queen has resolved that all complaints for taking away ships or merchandise from the King of Spain's subjects, shall be answered as if the matter was between her own subjects. She has sent command to the Earl of Warwick to stay the same ships and goods to be answered as justice may require.
Endd.: 7 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8. 268. Sir John Selby to Cecil.
1. Having served Lord Grey of the East Marches, as his Deputy Warden, for two years before his death, and received nothing for his charges therein, besides the payment of certain bills, as also his expenses in going to Edinburgh, Kelso, Jedworth, and other places, touching the order of the marches; therefore asks Cecil to move young Lord Grey in his behalf.
2. The country was not many years past in a better order than it is now, and has been since his Lordship's decease.— Berwick, 8 Feb. 1563 [?]. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 8 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8. 269. Cecil's Memoranda.
A memorial of matters to be considered upon the Admiral coming into Normandy.
Throckmorton and Smith to be made privy. The money to be sent to Portsmouth, 14,000l., and to Newhaven, 4,600l., lack 1,400l. Gresham to be spoken withal for taking up, etc. The Controller, touching the loan. The Lord Treasurer about what money he has remaining. Letters to all the collectors to hasten the payment, and those who have not paid to appear before the Privy Council. To accord upon articles with the Admiral for rep . . .
Orig., partly in Cecil's hand, and dated by him: 8 Feb. 1562. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8. 270. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. This morning another gentleman came here from the Admiral, and gave him the enclosed letter. He agrees with the last messenger about the forces of the Admiral and Guise. The Admiral has been certified that the money for the payment of the reiters was here, and has sent for the same, and for 5,000 footmen to join him at Honfleur, where he is, or will be this night with his whole band. The reiters have promised to serve for six months longer before they require any further pay, if he pays them the three months due.
2. The Rhinegrave and his horsemen and footmen departed from Montivilliers and Harfleur on Saturday last, and left their baggage behind them. They are now coming over the water, as they were this morning advertised from Caudebec, to Pontaudemer, five leagues from Honfleur.
3. Since it was first known that the Admiral was coming, Beauvoir has been very earnest with the Earl for taking Honfleur. He has therefore agreed to man the galley, and other shallops and small barges to attend upon her with 500 men; special charge being given to 200 of them to keep the galley for the surety of the same against all events, and the rest to remain in their vessels unless the Admiral and Beauvoir shall require their aid, whose orders they are to obey. The men of this town are employed in this affair, besides the 220 French soldiers sent hence to Dieppe fourteen days ago, of whom they are in want in this exploit. Delivered no artillery to them, but did not withstand Beauvoir in taking the same lying abroad here, within the compass of the number requested.
4. The Admiral comes on good faith, even to live and die in the quarrel, and extremity has driven him into these parts in hope of finding succour from the Queen. He cannot keep the field long, but will be driven to a reproachful overthrow, or a dishonourable composition.
5. It grieves the writers that they have not had any answer to the many matters wherein they required their advice. Although the delay may in a great part be imputed to contrary winds, yet it seems that both advertisements and victuals might have passed hither weekly, either from Portsmouth, Rye, Dover, or Weymouth. Their want of victuals is so great that the soldiers have had to drink water for the most part of this week.— Newhaven, 8 Feb. 1562. Signed: Warwick, Poynings, Poulet, Denys, Fysscher.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 8 Feb. 1562. Pp. 6.
Feb. 8. 271. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil: 8 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 8. 272. Warwick to M. Beauvoir la Nocle.
Has, with the rest of the Council, considered his proposals for the reduction of Honfleur, and approves of them. Would readily go himself, if his commission permitted him to undertake any enterprise of war without express commission from the Queen. Moreover his prosecuting this enterprise would be an overt act of war. For these two reasons Beauvoir must excuse him from sending any assistance until he has heard from the Queen, to whom he has written touching this matter. In the mean time he advises him to ascertain the time of the arrival of the Admiral in Normandy, the numbers of the soldiers in and about Honfleur, and in what way they expect to be able to resist such a force as will be brought against them.
Endd. by Cecil: 8 Feb. 1562. Answer to M. Beauvoir's protest and demands. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 273. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
1. The bearer, John Revely, has desired him to write in his favour, that he may be heard and tried about his proceedings in taking the Earl of Bothwell.
2. It appears that he informed the Captain of Norham of the Earl being in his house before any of the soldiers of Berwick came there. He says that the Earl did not leave him, and that he neither went to Scotland nor elsewhere, to practise anything hurtful to this realm.—From his house nigh Alnwick, 9 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: 9 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 274. M. De Foix to the Privy Council.
1. Complains of the injuries done to his master's subjects in England. Has this day received a complaint of the arrest of three French vessels at Portsmouth, and (as they know) the Lord Mayor of London has caused the detention of four others at Dover this month past. It is strange that one holding public office should use his authority for his private advantage in contravention of the treaties. If he has suffered any loss in France, he should right himself by the means pointed out in the said treaty, by demanding justice from the King; and in case of refusal, should obtain letters of marque against the delinquents. The mayor has done none of these things, and those who are arrested are not even of the same province as those who injured him. As for the permission which he says he has from the Queen Mother and the King, he does not show any writing for it.
2. Has express charge to say that his master will not consent to anything in contravention to the treaty that may be to the injury of his subjects. Begs them, as they value peace and justice, to order the release of all the French ships detained in England, and give commandment to the officers not to do the like for the future—9 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 275. Instructions for Middlemore.
1. He was to have gone to her Ambassador at Paris, and thence to the Admiral, but being informed that the latter will be near Newhaven by the 11th or 12th inst., she sends him [Middlemore] with all speed to Newhaven. If he shall hear there that the Admiral is in Normandy, he shall take her letters of credit to him and the Marshal.
2. He shall declare that he was directed to come to him in Normandy, and that he has nothing else to say, but to advertise him what she means to do in the present matter (which has happened altogether unlooked for of her), viz., that he shall have the money which she first promised to Condé. Because it is convenient that such articles as passed between her and the Prince about the money should be renewed, she will send a gentleman to deliver the money to him at Newhaven, who will confer with him for the conducting of the whole cause to such an end as may be agreeable both to him and her. The cause why all the money is not at Newhaven is, that after it was carried thither she understood by several of the Admiral's friends that it was thought good that the same should be rather made by exchange in some Almain towns. Whereupon she was bolder to cause a great part of it to be provided at Newhaven for the payment of her garrison there, and to provide great staples of victuals. So she gave order to her agent at Antwerp to take up the sum by exchange consigned in Frankfort, wherein her agent was occupied at the coming of these last letters from the Admiral, and now countermanded; wherein she has been at more charge than was convenient. Nevertheless, of the sum of 100,000 crowns which she means for the Admiral, he shall have forthwith at Newhaven 63,000 or 64,000 crowns as soon after his [Middlemore's] return, as the gentleman whom she intends sending can be transported from Portsmouth. The remainder, amounting to about 35,000 or 36,000 crowns, he shall have without fail, either at the same time, or as soon as she can cause the same to be carried from London.
3. If the Admiral should make a motion for other 40,000 crowns which he looks for, Middlemore shall say that he knows nothing thereof; but he does know that she has defrayed great sums for the Prince as well at Rouen as at Dieppe; that Montgomery has lately had sundry sums, and that at his [Middlemore's] coming from hence, a gentleman of the Court had come for money (which he shall say that he thinks he had) and was departed. He may generally assure the Admiral that she will hold to whatever she promised the Prince; but he shall not enter into any matter which he was formerly appointed to deal with the Admiral in, until he hears further from her, but shall continue to assure him of the speedy coming of one sufficiently instructed to satisfy him of all her intentions.
4. He shall ascertain the Marshal of Hesse of speedy payments there, and of her favour towards him in this service; and shall use some means to tarry with the Admiral, or as near to him as he can, that he may the better understand their doings, and advertise the Lord Lieutenant at Newhaven.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 9 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 9.
Forbes, ii. 329.
276. Somers to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. The Admiral with his reiters went towards Normandy as the Lord Ambassador wrote to Cecil in his last; the opinion is now, that he has come back, for his passage at all the bridges was taken away. He is followed by six companies of the Duke's horse, and by such garrisons as lie in the towns that way, but not so close as to be in danger. If it is true that they failed in their passage, it will greatly encourage the enemy to see him cut off from the Queen's help. The Duke thinks all is his by taking the suburbs of Orleans, and makes vaunt to have the rest shortly very cheap. Cannot hear of any new forces for the Prince, nor can he perceive that the Admiral has above 3,000 footmen and 4,000 or 5,000 horse. All his footmen are in Orleans, and little enough to keep the town, for they expect a sharp siege; if so it will be hard for the Admiral. The Duke still keeps Beaugency; he has 15,000 footmen, and is building in the suburbs of Orleans.
2. Those that have new companies have gone to put them in order. They will be with the Duke about the beginning of May. An acquaintance told him that by the middle of May the King would have 14,000 horse and 40,000 footmen, besides strangers. "A man may believe as much and as little as he lust, and yet he is a Knight of the Order." They have sent for more Swiss. Here is a rumour that the Duke of Holst comes with 2,000 horse; and that Maximilian will send hither some forces. He trusts to have audience within three days, and thereupon hopes to be shortly with Cecil.—Bonneval, 9 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., nearly entirely in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: 9 Feb. 1562. Pp. 3.
Feb. 9. 277. Admiral Coligny to Warwick.
Has received his letter and heard the bearer's charge, to whom he has communicated what he is to say. Begs him to send 300 brace of pistols for his reiters, who have been somewhat unfurnished since the battle; for which they will pay.— Touques, 9 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10. 278. The Queen to Eric XIV.
1. Has received his two letters written in October from Stockholm, in one of which it was declared what Francis Borti had done against the Chancellor last year at Lubeck. As the said Francis has gone to Antwerp, she has been unable to investigate the affair, but will do so when he returns. By the other letter she understands his intentions with respect to the navigation with Muscovy, and thanks him for his goodwill towards her subjects. Has also received his third letter dated Prid. Cal. Novemb., asking for new letters of public security. Reminds him that once in his father's time, and once in his own, she has granted them, containing a sufficient security for his safety in his journey to England. It is not necessary that fuller letters should be sent, more especially as at the present time she has been informed by certain trustworthy men, his subjects, that he is negociating a marriage with the daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse.—Westminster, 10 Feb.
2. P. S.—With respect to his request that his subjects might have the same privileges in their intercourse with England as the Hanse towns, she informs him that these privileges have brought so much evil upon her own subjects that both in her brother's and sister's reigns they were abolished. His subjects shall however receive as much favour as those of any other friendly power.
Corrected draft in Ascham's hol. [?], and endd. by him: 10 Feb. 1562. Lat. Pp. 4.
Feb. 10. 279. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Brown to the Privy Council.
1. In a commission from the Court of Admiralty, received last October, it was declared that Thomas Clavering and other inhabitants of Northumberland did in October 1559, at Satterborne Mouth, within the liberties of Norham, spoil a ship called the Bonaventure, of Dieppe, laden with merchandise belonging to Archibald Graham, of Edinburgh, for which Clavering had sentence passed against him by the said Court. The commission commanded them not only to call Clavering and others who were culpable, but to compel them to make restitution to the value of 2,200l., as decreed by that sentence.
2. According thereto they have travailed divers times with Clavering and 200 or 300 of the inhabitants of this country, who confessed that they had goods to the value of 44l. and more. Finding them unwilling to restore anything, they committed him to prison without bail, where he has been since the 5th Jan. last. They have had the rest before them from day to day, from whom they could not get anything more.
3. The ship was a mere wreck, with her keel upwards; none of the people of this country approached her, and not only were certain merchants and mariners drowned within her, but all her whole lading was driven out to sea, good part whereof was found on the sands in different parts of this country for more than a year after, utterly decayed. If so many should be tasked to pay for the small portion they received after the ship was broken up, it would be the utter decay of these borders.—Berwick, 10 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 10 Feb. 1562. Pp. 3.
Feb. 10.
Forbes, ii. 330.
280. The Queen to Warwick.
1. Perceives that the Admiral with 4,000 or 5,000 Almain horsemen intends to come near Newhaven to receive money promised by her to them; also that he desires Honfleur to be taken, as well as Fécamp.
2. She has considered these matters. She esteems that the enterprise to recover Honfleur and Fécamp is not only of great importance, but it may be so conducted with wisdom that the peril will be very small; she remits the consideration of these attempts to himself and the Council there, and gives him full authority to command herein, without adventuring his own person. If he sends any force to join the French, the charge of execution may be imputed to the French; and his succours may be as it were but accompanying them to behold their doings, and a defence to them if in danger.
3. At the coming of the Admiral, if he should desire to visit Warwick he is not to refuse, but to take order to prescribe him to come with a reasonable number of gentle men, as few as he can induce him to bring, and not to exceed fifty or sixty; alleging not that he is mistrusted, but it is to show himself [Warwick] circumspect to the world.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 10 Feb. 1563. Pp. 4.
Feb. 10. 281. Admiral Coligny to Warwick.
Desires credence for the bearer.—Touques, 10 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10. 282. Nicholas Malbie to Cecil.
The Admiral told Mr. Somerset, (whom Warwick sent to him,) that being resolved to leave Orleans he caused his reiters to leave their carriages behind them, so that he might the better march from his enemies, being stronger in horsemen than they. "Taking his journey drawing near unto them, he sent to talk of a peace, which the Guise being content to hear, did grant thereunto, so that hostages were appointed on both sides. The next morning the Guise thereupon lay still, and the Admiral after some time of rest, having that he looked for, marched all night, so that the other, being not able to encounter with him in horsemen, was content to let him pass, and is with his power gone to Orleans, where M. D'Andelot is with a good number of footmen and 1,500 horsemen."—Newhaven, 10 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: 10 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10. 283. Challoner to Tipton.
Received his letter of the 5th, and is sorry to hear of the grievances sustained by Kingsmill and other English merchants. Will travail for the redress thereof; but as long as these troubles in France breed a jealousy, he cannot hope for the wonted respect here. Wishes to see the towns of Andalusia and Grenada, but will repair thither by post as a private gentleman, leaving the title of Ambassador behind him.—Madrid, 10 Feb. 1563.
Hol. Draft. Pp. 3.


  • 1. At the top of this letter Somer has written, "Because it would be too much pain for you to decipher this yourself, I pray you that Mr. Allington may do it closely."