Elizabeth: November 1562, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: November 1562, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp452-459 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1562, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp452-459.

"Elizabeth: November 1562, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp452-459.

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November 1562, 11-15

Nov. 11. 1035. John Young to Cecil.
This day arrived M. De St. Marie, with one of the Vidame's gentlemen, who declares that Condé departed out of Orleans on the 7th and came towards Paris. The Duke of Guise and the Constable are gone up to Paris. The King, his mother, and the King of Navarre remain in Rouen. The King of Navarre is very sick, the bullet remaining in his body.— Rye, 11 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 11. 1036. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Trent, 6 Nov. 1562. The Cardinal of Lorraine has been at Fossano with the Duke, and on the 2nd inst. set out for Milan. He is expected here on the 11th inst. M. De Lansac, the French Ambassador, has gone to meet him. The Council is occupied with the canon De sacramento ordinis, which has caused much difficulty, especially between the Spaniards and Italians.
2. Rome, 7 Nov. Last Sunday the Pope's brother, the Marquis De Martignano, arrived here unexpectedly, who was most affectionately received by the Pope. Don Sanchio De Leva has arrived to-day. The Secretary Nichetto has solicited the payment of the remainder of the 35,000 ducats promised by the Pope to France. On the 25th ult. the galleys had arrived at Messina without having captured any prizes, but there have been some engagements at sea.
3. Trent. The Archbishop of Granada has disclaimed all intention, on the part of the Spanish prelates, of diminishing the Pope's authority. The Council is scandalized with the observations of the Patriarch of Jerusalem upon the question of the papal jurisdiction.
4. Genoa, 10 Nov. News has arrived of the loss of twentyfive Spanish galleys.
5. Peschiera, 11 Nov. The Cardinal of Lorraine arrived here yesterday, and to-day sets out for Trent. He has been received with great pomp.
Ital. Pp. 4.
Nov. 12. 1037. The Countess of Lennox to Cecil.
Is grieved at not being suffered to see the Queen at the time of her sickness, and desires him to be a means with the Queen to procure the liberty of her husband and herself.— Shene, Thursday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. and dated by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 12. 1038. Sir Maurice Denis to Cecil.
The musters are not yet finished. How shall he complete the payments due to Captains Rede and Brickwell, who were paid up to the 29th of September last? Rede received in prest at Berwick 170l., and Brickwell 114l. 6s. 8d.— Newhaven, 12 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil, Pp. 2.
Nov. 12. 1039. Orders proclaimed in Newhaven. (fn. 1)
A repetition of the orders under the date Nov. 10, [No. 1028], with an additional article providing that no victualler or householder shall suffer any to sit down to meals without thanksgiving both before and after, upon pain of six days imprisonment.—Proclaimed 12 Nov.
Endd. by Cecil. Broadside.
Nov. 12. 1040. Smith to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. Wrote to him on the 20th ult. from Poissy, and another on the 10th inst. Has only heard from England by letter dated 2nd September. At the Queen Mother's departure from Rouen to Paris this day (12th inst.) he spoke to her through the means of the Cardinal, and asked whether she understood what had passed betwixt the Cardinal and him, to which she answered partly. Smith said they were very forward touching the pacification of the troubles in France, of which she said she was aware. He then asked how she liked it; to which she replied that she was content with all that had been agreed upon, and would see it performed. He asked whether she would rather have these matters pacified by such proceedings as they have begun, or put the same in hazard that one party shall compel the other to yield. She said she would that they should accord without trial of extremity. He said none was so fit for her turn as the Queen, for she desired that the Queen Mother should rule both parties and the King. One party is of her religion, and is likely to be ruled by her, and the other is like to be ruled by the Queen Mother. The Queen said it was strange that a foreign Prince should arbitrate betwixt the King and his subjects, and stranger that the English should be within one of the King's places. He said that concerning Newhaven, upon an agreement being concluded betwixt the Queens, all that force there is the Queen Mother's force.
2. He desired to move a thing to her; she asked to know what it was. He said it would not be amiss for her, by advice to her Ambassador in England, or by letters to the Queen, to signify that she understood his proceedings for the quiet of France, and that she should thank the Queen and desire her to continue to help to end these broils. With that the water was in her eyes, and she said she would do so, and confessed she liked his doings, and if it was concluded without shedding blood she was bound to the Queen for ever. He said he was sorry he had not come before, for perchance the matter had been ended before this. She said the Legate had told him why she would he had come two months sooner. (The Cardinal yesterday said it was because they were afraid he had brought worse news, and as it were half a defiance, because the English came to Newhaven after him). Smith complained that he could not get post horses until the 10th inst., and that he was obliged to send his own horse the first post. She answered he had reason, and could see how all things were in trouble, and that every man rides in post, so that the King sometimes cannot get post horses for his own affairs. He said he would come to the Court as soon as his horse came from Louviers. She said they should lie at Bois de Vincent, and she would have him lie within Paris, where she would provide good lodgings for him. She desired that as soon as he heard from England he would let her know it. He said he would, and if in the meantime he could know from Orleans how they were inclined to peace, he might do some service if she would send him with a trumpet. She said that if the Legate and he thought it good when he came to Paris she would be content. Desires Cecil to write at large, or let him have full commission at his discretion.
3. The King of Navarre was not dead this morning, but he cannot live twenty-four hours, for his arm is rotten, and they have mangled him in the breast and other parts so pitifully. The Cardinal of Bourbon has come to the town; they will make him Lieutenant in the place of his brother. M. De Guise is Grand Maitre del Campe, and the Constable General of the men-of-arms. St. André is about Etampes. They of Paris fear the Prince, and he [Smith] goes thither now to be besieged, yet he cannot see how the Prince's force will be able to do it, but M. D'Andelot will fight if he can.—Rouen, 12 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
Nov. 12. 1041. Another copy of the above.
Pp. 4.
Nov. 12. 1042. Thomas Shipman to Challoner.
The writer's son, Challoner's servant, shall receive no favour from the writer until he deserves it. After having been brought up to a good trade he has fallen into all lewdness.—Bristol, 12 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received the 27th by a servant of the Ambassador of Florence. Pp. 2.
Nov. 12. 1043. The Chancellor of Sweden to Cecil.
Letter of credence for Benedict Theitte, sent by the King of Sweden with letters for the Queen.—Stockholm, 12 Nov. 1562. Signed: Nicolaus Gyldenstern.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 13. 1044. Vaughan to Cecil.
Sends by Winter the state of the muster rolls. Will try to prevent all cunning shifts. Sends particulars concerning the tipstaves and clerk to view the accounts. The minister to christen, wed, and bury, and the sexton, with four "buryars," well deserve their pay; for by a register kept by them he can have a true report of all dead men, which otherwise he would not know until he came to the musters. The sexton and assistants may be collected from the bands, without further charging the Queen, and so may the collectors for the poor. Refers to other offices. He longs to hear how Lee proves his opinion concerning the weakness of Newhaven, which differs from all men's opinions who have any judgment. It is necessary that the old town be taken in, and for the charge it will take as little to do it as to deface it. It lies upon a strait passage, and very hard to be approached.—Newhaven, 13 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 13. 1045. Extracts from the Letters of Vaughan and Denis.
Extracts from the letters of Vaughan of Nov. 9, 10, and 13, and from that of Sir Maurice Denis.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 13. 1046. The Composition of Dieppe.
1. Gives copies of the requests of the inhabitants of Dieppe and the King's answer dated Oct. 30, also the articles of composition, dated Nov. 1 [Nos. 944, 964].
2. Copy of a letter from the King to his Parliament at Rouen, ordering them to register the above articles, and to stay all processes against the inhabitants of Dieppe. Also that the Baillie of Caux should make a similar registration.
3. Rouen, 4 Nov. 1562. The King to his Council, at which were present the Queen Mother, the Prince De la Rochesurion, the Cardinal of Guise, the Dukes of Guise, Aumale, and Montmorency, the Constable of France, D'Etampes, the Count of Villars, the Sire De Cipiere, and the Bishop of Limoges.—In the Parliament at Rouen, 13 Nov. 1562.
4. P. S.—The above letters patent were published at Arques by sound of trumpet last Monday, and this day in Dieppe, and shall be published at Neufchâtel next Saturday, in order that all may retire to their homes.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 8.
Nov. 12&13. 1047. Smith to Warwick. (fn. 3)
1. This day (the 13th inst.) a proclamation was made in Rouen that all in the King's pay should repair to the camp to prepare to expel the English and Almains. They have drawn all their chief strength from Normandy to meet the Prince, who is marching towards Paris; if they defeat him they will then attack his Lordship.—Rouen, 13 Nov.
2. 12th Nov. Ninety Englishmen are put in the galleys, some badly wounded, and eighteen Scotchmen. One of Smith's men saw them this day, who says they were not yet tied to the oar, but chained together. His Lordship can complain to the Queen Mother that they are his soldiers taken at Rouen, they belonging to Leighton's band. Of the Scotch he knows nothing.
3. Condé is coming towards Paris with D'Andelot, Rochefoucault, and all their forces joined together. The Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André are going against him. He heard that the Rhinegrave and his Lordship had communed together; would like to know their conversation.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 14. 1048. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Last Wednesday the Rhinegrave returned to Montevillers, where he has thirteen ensigns of footmen and 600 horse, whereby he will cut off all their provisions and endeavour to take away their water. Having before restrained the horsemen from foraging in the country, he is now obliged to give liberty to the Scottish band and others to make such provision as they can; providing such as are friends shall be recompensed; otherwise they will not be able to keep them fourteen days longer, unless there were numbers enough to fetch it from the country by force.
2. Trusts that Malby and Borowes will so behave that their service shall recompense the Queen's mercy towards them, and therefore desires that a pardon may pass for them, which is not yet confirmed.—Newhaven, 14 Nov. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—He has great need here of a civilian, a physician, and a surgeon. Can he have Dr. Wilson, Mr. Bull, and Glaunsfeld, Mr. Haward's man?
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 14. 1049. Warwick's Letters.
Extracts from the letters of the Earl of Warwick of various dates, ending 14 Nov., with notes by Cecil, respecting the French expedition.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Nov. 14. 1050. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has asked Middlemore to write in the old cipher. Goes now to Paris, where he expects to be kept close. Now their money is spent, their force weak and divided, and they in doubt of some of their men, the protracting of time is good for them and bad for the Prince and the English. Newhaven will cost more for its keeping than it is worth.
2. The Queen must have at least 8,000 or 10,000 men ready. He believes 5,000 may go now through Normandy. All their force has gone to the camp. They think that with fair words the Earl of Warwick will be still, and they know he has no other commission. Advises him to make all possible haste for peace, and that upon any suspense the Earl should come on, though it be but to Caudebec. Suggests that the following articles be the basis of the treaty of peace:—First, that the Prince be declared the King's true subject; that he remain in all offices as he was before the 1st of—, and succeed to such offices as the King of Navarre had. That all who have taken part with him may have their goods, etc., and such things as have in this tumult been rifled, spoiled, etc. (as in the Articles of Dieppe). That no Papists be spoiled of their livings which they now lawfully have during their lives, etc. That it be not dishonourable nor punishable to make profession of Protestantism. That such religion as the King and Queen Mother profess be the religion of France, and no man to be compelled to follow any other. That such as are called Protestants or Huguenots make no further alteration than the religion of England, and in this such articles as he thinks meet.
For the King.
3. That each priest or other that shall hereafter take more than one benefice shall pay the half-yearly profit of all he takes beyond one, for four years, for payment of the King's debts. That the Queen of England keep for the King Hableneuf for four years and six months, or until such time as Calais be surrendered; and during that time the interpretation of any doubt arising herein shall be referred to her judgment.
4. This is drawn up in haste, only to give him cause to think further upon this matter; but he must make haste, and request that he may speak with the Prince or send to him to know how he likes these articles, so that all parties may be pleased.—Rouen, 14 Nov.
Dated and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4. (fn. 4)
[Nov. 14.] 1051. Thirteen lines of the above, written in cipher with sympathetic ink.
P. 1.
Nov. 14. 1052. Challoner to Cuerton
Rouen is taken. Asks him to forward the enclosed letter to Robert Farnham in England.—Madrid, 14 Nov. 1562.
Draft. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
Nov. 14. 1053. Robert Moffett to Challoner.
1. Wrote before of his arrival in Falmouth in five days and at the Court in six, which was a great journey for an old man. The Queen, Cecil, Lord Robert, and the Lord Keeper gladly received Challoner's letters. The Lords of the Council talked with the writer. Cecil told him he should be paid for his post journey and the letter; and that Lord Robert would take him to the Queen. But she, being at the beginning of her small-pox, came not abroad, and the writer did not see her, she having waxed more sick.
2. Delivered Challoner's instructions to his servant Robert Farnham, who is much driven for his money, because of the trouble of Rouen being won and Dieppe being given over, of which place Ormesby, the writer's son-in-law, was captain. Gave Challoner's letter to his other man, who has sent it to Arthur, who pleases his master and mistress. Has received his 30l. Delivered Chamberlain's great silver bowl and cloth sacks to Farnham. Chamberlain told him (when they were supping together at Sir John Mason's three nights since), that his "guardamezziles" which he lent to Challoner had been sent home in such a state that a man might run through them. Told him that Challoner sent them in the same state as he left them, and if the master of the ship did not bring them well he was worthy to make them good. Thinks that Mason and his lady shall have more wine from Saint Marteno. If the Count and Countess of Feria are gone to Safra, begs commendations to them. Has written to Safra to Mrs. Clarentius, Stradling, and the gentlewomen also. The Queen is whole of the small-pox, not having had many signs in her face, but Mrs. Pen of the Privy Chamber (who was King Edward's nurse) died of the small-pox last week at the Court, which caused the Queen to leave Hampton Court last Monday for Somerset place.—London, 14 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the way of Bilboa, 17 March. Pp. 3.
Nov. 14. 1054. Cuerton to Challoner.
Cobham and he wrote six days ago. Sends 165 pounds of salmon, sixty-nine couple of dried hake, and two Shropshire cheeses weighing nineteen pounds. Received a letter from Rochelle of 31 Oct.; all there have turned to the old sort, the mass and all being up again. Calais and Boulogne they say are English, and they have taken one of M. De Guise's brothers.—Bilboa, 14 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: By Lynares. Pp. 3.
Nov. 15. 1055. Challoner to Henry Cobham.
In reply to his letter of the 24th ult. alleging that Challoner was weary of his company, egged him to go by sea, and would not lend him twenty crowns; he declares that he enjoyed his companionship, and that his elder brother, Lord Cobham, had himself urged him to hasten his return. Further, that Cobham had himself required him to give him charge of his letter to the Queen, and that he was unable to lend him the money because he had none himself. Desires that they may both forget that ever this little cloud came between them.—Madrid, 15 Nov. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 6.


  • 1. See under the date of Sept. 28, No. 713.
  • 2. The following memorandum is written at the top of this letter:—"This is the copy of the letter sent, enclosed in another, to him from Rouen, which was wrapped in a clout about the sore leg of a poor soldier, for whom Smith obtained a passport."
  • 3. The following note is prefixed to this letter:—"These two letters were sent in cipher and blank to the Earl of Warwick enclosed in letters made at the request of French and English merchants whilst he was at Rouen, they not knowing what their own letters contained."
  • 4. This letter is repeated by Smith in his despatch to Cecil of Nov. 18.