Elizabeth: May 1562, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: May 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp10-25 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp10-25.

"Elizabeth: May 1562, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp10-25.

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May 1562, 6-10

May 6. 20. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Has received his letters of 30th ult. The Lord of St. Colme passed through here on the 30th inst. Has sent Lady Suffolk's letter to the Earl of Marre. Would be glad to have an answer to his letter to Cecil touching the lewd rumours and disorders of Norham, as great suit is made to him for their delivery. As his stay depends upon the interview of the two Queens, desires to know whether the same will hold.
2. Last market day he took a Scotsman, who dwells at Etal near the Borders, exchanging Scotch money for English, and giving gain here for English money to the sum of 3l. sterling. He confessed that he had other three at his house at Etal; and by the report of the constable of that place is not worth three groats. He commonly uses this kind of exchange, and is of such simplicity that if great watch had not been made for such he would hardly have been espied.—Berwick, 6 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. On the back: Delivered at Berwick, 6 May, at six afternoon; received at Newcastle, 7 May, at 2 o'clock afternoon. Pp. 2.
[May 6.] 21. Randolph to Lord Grey.
Sir John Forster's servant has been with the writer and his complaints against the opposite Warden have been heard. Proclamation should be made by the Wardens that no goods from the opposite wardenry will be received within their several bounds. Sends a copy of the order presently taken. The Warden of the Middle March desires redress "for the murder done by Wyll, the good man." If all the Wardens will agree to make this general to render and receive for all slaughters committed, the writer will write respecting the same to Lord Dacre and asks Grey to do the same.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
[May 6.] 22. The Middle Marches.
"The copy of the direction and commandment sent to the [Scottish] Warden of the Middle Marches," to the following effect:—
1. That he shall appoint a meeting with the English Warden at Hexpathgatehead on 18th June, for the redress of attemptates.
2. That he shall make proclamation hereof at the market crosses of Jedworth, Kelso, Hawick, and Selkirk.
3. That he shall search for fugitives from England and deliver them to the English Warden.
4. That the Wardens be ready to answer the complaints of "Will Yong, the good man."
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 7. 23. Windebank to Cecil.
1. It is necessary that remedy be most speedily provided, for it has come to this extremity that Mr. Thomas had fled his ways if good watch had not been kept. His means for money was that he would have sold all his apparel together with Windebank's. He was on the point of having a couple of horses upon credit of a merchant. When a man in an evil mind casts the worst that can come to him (as he does) saying to divers that he is sure of his portion and that his father cannot disinherit him, what hope is there of such a one? His behaviour is such that the writer can be sure of nothing in his own custody. By reason of the garboils Throckmorton cannot dispose of their going to any place. He speaks of going to Orleans, but not resolutely. Mr. Thomas has come to an extremity of evil meaning.—Paris, 7 May 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—There must be great heed taken that by friendship Mr. Thomas have not extra money, either from England or Antwerp.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
May 7. 24. Windebank to Cecil.
Wrote to Cecil on 26 April. Sees not only a continuance but also an increase of obstinacy in running as it were wilfully into all vanities in Mr. Thomas. Can do no good either by reason and counselling amicably or by threatening. If Cecil would have his son remain longer here, he wishes that he would give him commandment to put away his servant, for the writer can do nothing therein.—Paris, 7 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
May 7. 25. Draft of the above.
On the back there are several memoranda, apparently referring to the intended tour in France of Mr. Thomas Cecil and Windebank. They were to study the social and political state of the country, etc., and "in no wise to remain in one town with the Ambassador." Orig. Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 7. 26. Articles against Margaret, Countess of Lennox.
1. She has practised with the French and Spanish Ambassadors, as at the siege of Leith and other places.
2. In 3 Eliz., after the death of the French King, she procured her husband to send letters into France by Stewart Laird of Gaston, servant to the Queen of Scots, and received answers written by the hand of the said Queen Mary, not making the Queen privy to these doings.
The Laird of Bar, in sana mente, proveth these, as also will Mr. Forbes, gentleman. (fn. 1)
3. After Easter in the same year she covertly sent her servant, Ralph Latye, with letters and credence from herself, her husband, and Lord Darnley to Lord Obenye in France, and afterwards into Spain to the Count De Feria and his wife.
Lyhart, schoolmaster, proveth this article, and Lord Obenyie's letters, with Elder, as also William Forbes.
4. In the same year, about Whit Sunday last, (after the return of the Laird of Gaston and before the home coming of the Scottish Queen,) the Countess sent from Settrington Gaston and William Forbes to the Earls of Athol, Sutherland, Cassilis, and Bothwell, the Lords Semple, Seton, the Sheriff of Ayr, and other noblemen, to prove their affection towards the marriage of Lord Darnley with the Queen of Scots. Forbes brought their answers last summer to my Lady at Temple Newsome; and Lord Seton willed him to show her that he would not only spend his living, but also his blood for that purpose.
William Forbes proveth this all whole.
5. After the arrival of the Queen of Scots, the Countess sent Arthur Lyhart, Lord Darnley's schoolmaster, secretly to her with letters from Lord Darnley, "who was brought one morning by the Earl of Sutherland at Stirling in the Queen's chamber, conferred his message at good length, the Queen walking up and down with him, none but her women standing by. Afterwards sat her down upon a coffer, where she likewise talked of the setting forth the Lord Darnley, his stature, age, qualities, ability, and friends of my Lady in these parts. He was well accepted. She promised to accomplish to my Lord and my Lady all that they of reason could demand."
The schoolmaster confesseth the journey and speaking; altereth his message for the marriage. William Forbes proveth, and Bar affirmeth, he had such answer as Gaston had.
6. Within two days of Michaelmas last, the Countess sent message by the Laird of Gaston to ask the Queen of Scots whether she would keep her promise made in France or not, and by plain and open words made suit in the Earl and Countess's names to the Queen for her marriage to Lord Darnley. Gaston, at the Queen's commandment, wrote to the same, and at first received gentle answer from the Queen that the matter was of great importance, and that she would advise thereupon. Gaston told William Forbes that all would be well for Lord Darnley.
Bar, in like mind, proveth this.
7. The Countess, to allure the Queen of Scots to her purpose, set forth her own title here, declaring what a goodly thing it were to have both the realms in one, meaning that her son should be King both of England and Scotland, "as her prophecyers at the death of her first son told her." She also became an espial for her against the State here, devising that the Queen of Scots in all their writings should be called the Hawk, and that all writings should be burnt; requiring the Queen to certify her uncles, if she had made them privy to anything, that they should keep the same secret.
Bar, in good mind, proveth this.
8. Lord and Lady Lennox declared to Lockhart, Laird of Bar, that Queen Elizabeth loved them not, and that they looked every day for a pursuivant to come to their gates. Understanding the meeting of the two Queens in England, the Countess sent word to the Queen of Scots to have her most trusty friends about her, and to keep herself near the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling, declaring that if she came here, England would have them all. She imputed mistrust to the Lord James, whom she bruited to be the worker of that meeting. Lady Lennox was also a let to the Queen of Scots coming through England.
The Laird of Bar, in the same mind, proveth this.
9. For these two years and more she has had practice unknown with the Spanish Ambassador, and had her factors about him; first, one Brinkloo (who for a robbery was hanged), and now Francis Yaxley, who from time to time sent her word by Hugh Allen of things for her purpose, and wrote letters to her, which she has burnt, sent a turkis [turquoise] ring as a token to Lord Darnley, and last sent her word of an information given for the marriage of Lord Darnley with the Queen of Scots by Thomas Bishop, received by Yaxley from the Spanish Ambassador, that she might provide remedy for the same, and for taking Bishop by the Laird of Minto in case he came into Scotland. Yaxley should have gone into France this last summer, who, if he be well handled, can tell other matter.
Confessed by Francis Yaxley and by Hugh Allen; William Forbes also proveth a part.
10. She has by open talk many times usurped the name of second personage to the crown of England, and that in default of the Queen she would give place to none. Her servants have made like boasts, "and at Christmas was a year, hearing the Queen was something crazed, they said their mistress should rule als long, and that they should have the ball at their foot." Many of the gentlemen and noblemen of Yorkshire have been blinded therewith.
William Forbes proveth this; James Thomson and the whole house spoke it.
11. She has openly said that either Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth was a bastard, and all the world knew that Queen Mary was lawful; and for herself she desired nothing but her rights, which she trusted to have one day. As Bar in his apprehension looked for an insurrection of Papists, she would not have tarried, but presently usurped if power had served her, being herself a very bastard so declared by the Estates of Scotland.
William Forbes proveth the first part; two ancient and worthy Councillors, the Earl of Pembroke and the Lord William, Chamberlain of the Queen's house, prove the last part.
12. She loves not the Queen, as she has suffered these two years a fool in her house uncorrected to rail upon her; and hearing that the Queen of Scots had passed through the seas, she sat down and gave God thanks, declaring to those by how He had always preserved that Princess at all times, especially now, "for when the Queen's ships were almost near taking of the Scottish Queen, there fell down a mist from heaven that separated them and preserved her."
My Lady Latimer to the Countess of Rutland, since Easter, witnesseth this; William Forbes proveth this last point.
13. She has had William Forbes' man, himself, Wat Falconer, Thomas Kelle, and Rig the footman continually passing with letters into Scotland, where the said Rig is presently sent to Gaston.
William Forbes proveth this.
14. The other secrets are known to Nisbet, Yaxley, Hugh Allen, the schoolmaster, and Fowler, clerk of her kitchen, who last year killed a poor stranger, the Countess's servant. If he were troubled for that crime, perhaps, "being fleed," he would utter some matter.
William Forbes likewise proveth this.
15. To preserve the hearts of the Papists to regard her untrue title, she has contemptuously and openly declared her religion under colour of her conscience, uses her beads, auricular confession, pinning of idols and images within and about her bed and that of Lord Darnley, whom she has grafted in that devilish papistry, and has heard by one little Sir William, besides Malton at sundry times, Mass in her bedchamber to herself, her husband, and Lord Darnley. By mediate persons she uses witches and soothsayers, and has one within her house, who told her when Nesbit was in the Tower last, that the same should not be her trouble, but that she should have a greater, and do full well. The Earl and she have not let to say that they would set all upon six and seven.
William Forbes proveth this; Bar proveth the latter part.
Objections against her unjust Pretence.
16. By the marriage contract of the Princess Margaret none of her issue were to claim any inheritance in England. This makes both against Queen Mary and the Countess.
17. The Countess cannot claim the benefit of her birth as a subject born at Harbottle, in England, as her mother came as a passenger and stranger.
18. She can claim nothing, being a mere bastard, for the marriage of her mother with Archibald Earl of Angus was found null from the beginning, as appears by a sentence of divorce, without contradiction, either by the Earl, or to her marriage with Henry Lord Methven, as whose lawful wife she died, the Earl of Angus being alive, and using the Lady Traquir as his wife.—7 May 1562. Signed: Thomas Bischop.
This may be published in the Star Chamber, by authority, or by Statute.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 13.
[May 7.] 27. The Earl and Countess of Lennox.
If the Earl and Countess of Lennox, "upon strait handling," may brag upon the covenants made with Henry VIII., your Honour may understand and cause answer as followeth:—
1. That the covenants made with Henry VIII. were fulfilled, and 100,000 crowns were added, but that by the Earl never were fulfilled.
2. That the Countess has lost the benefit hereof, being a subject, and having promised that she would never enter into any private bond.
3. That the Earl has yearly 6,000 marks Scots, which is more in rents of assize than the Earls of Angus and Morton may both spend.
4. That he has had wrongfully from the Queen 200 marks of land for these 17 years past.
5. That in consideration of charges in two journeys, one in Ireland with the Lord of the Isles, and the other by the untruth of his brother, the Bishop of Caithness, on giving over the castle of Dumbarton, ("in time of which journeys I was in displeasure with my lady,") the Earl surrendered to the King all right and title within Scotland.
6. That in King Edward's days "he was allowed no journey but such as I would devise and be thereat myself."
7. That he was used as a subject, and as such furnished fifteen light horsemen for the wars at Haddington.
8. That the Countess had a loan of 200l., which she took as a gift.
9. That after a long suit a licence was granted to her to see her father for two months, while her husband and son remained in England.
10. That albeit there was a special love by Queen Mary in the beginning of her reign, yet in the end, "perceiving my Lady's inclination," she [the Queen] would not grant a safeconduct for Nisbet but for two months, which the Earl and my Lady refused.
11. That in answer to the covenant whereby the Earl should have been Governor, it may be said that the King was never director of Scotland, and was free in that point.
12. That where the Earl claimed to be aided against the Earl of Arran if Queen Mary die without issue, it should be answered that she is yet alive.
13. That if he say he has his lands here for his lands in France, the answer is, that he lost none there.
14. That as he has the revenues of three Scottish earldoms, he shall render to the Queen the lordship of Settrington for her 200 marks land.
15. That his wife has no right to the earldom of Angus.
Orig., in a Scottish hand. Endd.: Remembrances to answer the Earl of Lennox for my Lady his wife. Pp. 4.
May 8. 28. Sidney and Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 4th inst. the Bishop of Orleans and M. L'Aubespine came to this Court with answer that the Prince of Condé would not disarm, but upon the conditions already mentioned. Lately certain Papists in Paris assailed three Protestants' houses and destroyed the goods thereof, and although the Marshal Montmorency executed one of the offenders, yet they of Orleans immediately entered all the churches there, and destroyed and defaced all the images, copes, and surplices. Hereupon those of Paris caused two of the Protestants of Paris to be publicly hanged, at which execution 2,000 or 3,000 armed men assisted. As soon as this execution was known by the Prince of Condé, a monk (who sought to make great sedition in Orleans) was hanged in a like manner.
2. There is trouble in Dauphiné, for lately M. De la Motte Gondrin, Lieutenant to the Duke of Guise, was slain at Valence by the Protestants, which occurred as follows. Gondrin being at Valence accompanied with sixty or eighty gentlemen, went into the fields to exercise their horses, at the same time there were thirty or forty inhabitants of the town singing Psalms. The Governor questioned them if they had heard Mass. They answered so that he might perceive they had small affection thereto, which put him in great choler, so that he and his company assailed them, and left not one alive. Upon this a number put themselves under one who professed their religion, named Baron Des Adresse, who marched to Valence, but could not enter it until he had assailed the same for five or six days. Having entered, Gondrin was slain and afterwards hanged on a gibbet. The Baron marched to Tournon, and on his way took Vienne, and afterwards the castle of Tournon (which belonged to the late Cardinal), where he found a good store of money. From thence (accompanied with 7,000 or 8,000 men) he marched towards Lyons, where M. De Saull, Lieutenant to Marshal St. André, is Governor, who was sent in legation a year since to the Queen. Saull since his entry there has somewhat abased the authority of the Protestants, wherefore, to keep the town to the Prince of Condé, the Baron marched thither. These men here are in great fear that Lyons will be at the Prince's devotion again.
3. On the 3rd inst. M. De Sevre came from the Queen Mother and declared that M. De Foix had advertised her how the Queen had despatched Sir Harry Sidney hither. He answered, it was the first he had heard of it, and was induced to think Sevre was sent to discover something, because there has been a bruit that the Queen would denounce war to this Prince, and also because a gentlemen came to his lodging, sent from the Elector Palatine and the Landgrave of Hesse to the Queen Mother, who had in charge from the Elector to communicate his negociation first with the Prince of Condé and the Admiral, and after with him. This gentlemen, named M. De Luce, declared to him that the Princes gave him in charge to tell the Queen Mother that they would aid her if she needed. And also, concerning the sending to the Council at Trent, the Emperor had informed them that the Bishop of Rome had deferred the next session until the 28th. inst. in which time all the Protestant Princes would consult whether to send thither or not. The Elector and Landgrave were of opinion that they should all send to oppose the Council as illegitimate, unless they could obtain such conditions as were meet for Christian Princes to assist at. Luce had in charge to tell the Prince and Admiral, that the Princes who sent him would not fail them in their need considering their enterprise tended to the advancement of the religion they professed, and to restrain the cruelty of the Papists in France; and to declare to the Queen Mother that the Almain Princes would maintain the doings of the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and their favourers, which he said she took in good part.
4. After the return of the Bishop of Orleans and Secretary L'Aubespine from the Prince, the said Prince and Admiral sent the Abbot St. Jean De Laon with his former articles to the King and Queen Mother, which, being in some parts qualified, were returned to the Prince for his acceptation.
5. On the 3rd inst. he was informed that Sidney had arrived in Paris, and was at St. Marceaux's Gate (not far from his lodging), where he was detained by the Guard of the port for two hours, and could neither come nor send to him. Hereby the Queen may perceive the insolence of these people. As soon as he knew of his arrival he sent a servant to declare to the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre of the Ambassador's arrival. As soon as the same was signified to them (they being in Council) they sent Marshal Montmorency (Governor of the town) to punish the chiefs in this affair. In the meantime the Portuguese Ambassador coming to take his leave of him, passing the Gate, found Sidney, and so handled the matter that Sidney and he came together to his lodging on horseback, not being allowed to bring his carriage nor his stuff with him until Montmorency arrived there, who immediately passed the same, and committed two of the principals to prison.
6. Shortly after the King and Queen Mother sent M. De Carres to Sidney to declare that his coming was grateful to them and the King of Navarre. Carres desired them to forbear their access to the royal presence until the 5th inst.
7. The same evening about eight o'clock M. De Severe was sent to them from the King and Queen Mother with a like commission that Carres had before.
8. On the 4th inst. the King of Navarre sent to know whether Sidney had need of anything wherein the King might do him pleasure.
9. On the 5th inst., in the morning, a gentleman of the King of Navarre came to tell them that in the afternoon M. De Carres would take them to the Court betwixt twelve and one at the issue of the King and Queen Mother's dinner. About two o'clock Carres brought a "gennet" with a velvet footcloth embroidered to Sidney to mount on, and also a coach covered with purple velvet and embroidered, in case they preferred that. They then went to the Court, being at the Louvre. The King was accompanied with the Queen Mother, the Duke of Orleans, the King of Navarre, the Prince of Rochesuryon, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and others. The Queen Mother thanked the Queen for her amity in this time of trouble, but trusted they would not have need to employ her assistance. She trusted the Prince of Condé and the Admiral would not persist in such proceedings. The King had sent to them such conditions as they cannot but accept. The King of Spain had offered to repress these troubles by aiding the King with 30,000 footmen, and 6,000 horse, at his own expense; and likewise the Duke of Savoy and others have offered great aid. She would be glad to hear the Queen's advice in this matter, and therefore desired them to open the same.
10. Throckmorton then said that though some Princes had offered men of war, with advice to proceed by force of arms, the Queen would not follow them therein, but thinks the best way is to seek peace by composition. Thereupon he declared his instructions, not forgetting to show her opinion that to proceed by way of arms should be to the damage of the King.
11. Then Sidney added that they were charged not to communicate this advice to any person but the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre.
12. The Queen Mother said that her counsel is agreeable to the articles lately sent to the Prince of Condé and the Admiral; which, if they refuse, the King will proceed by force, for it is not to be suffered that the outrages daily committed should be continued any longer; nor is it meet that some of the personages which the Prince of Condé desires should retire from the Court should do so, having been Councillors from the time of Francis I.
13. Throckmorton then said, no doubt Condé would keep their good opinion, and asked her to let them know whether she would employ them in this matter, and what tarrying she wished him to make here. She answered, that according to the answer received from the Prince to that sent would be the King's determination for using or not the Queen's advice.
14. They then repaired to the King of Navarre, unto whom Sidney presented the Queen's letters, and spoke as he had before done to the Queen Mother. The King in the end seemed to tax more bitterly (though not by name) the Prince of Condé and his doings, saying the King would be obliged to use his force against such insolent doings as would not otherwise be reformed.
15. Then Throckmorton said that they had declared the Queen's advice to the Queen Mother, who would repeat it to him [the King], and asked whether they should reiterate the same. He answered, that having declared it to the Queen Mother, it would suffice.
16. Sir Harry then saluted the Prince of Rochesuryon, Principal Governor to the King, also the Constable, adding that the Queen esteemed him as her friend for many respects, he being one of the oldest Knights of her Order. He said he was willing to do her any service.
17. Sidney then addressed himself to the Duke of Guise, to whom he said she reputed him in the number of her friends. The Duke said that there was nothing so acceptable to him as to perceive the Queen's amity to his niece, the Queen of Scots. They then saluted the Duchess of Guise, unto whom Sidney did the Queen's commendations, for which she humbly returned thanks.
18. The Marshal Montmorency standing by, Sidney presented the same unto him, who thanked the Queen, to whom he said he was bound for the favour shown to his father, and entertainment showed to himself and his brother.
19. M. D'Anville, the Constable's second son, acknowledged that he was the Queen's servant.
20. Throckmorton having informed the Queen what had passed betwixt the Queen Mother and him concerning the Council of Trent, was desirous to understand whether her proceedings concurred with her speech. He has therefore employed all his means to come by the instructions which were given to M. De Lansac and his colleagues, sent as the King's Ambassadors to the said Council, which, after some cost, he has recovered, and of which sends a copy.
21. This despatch having advanced so far, the writers were informed that Lyons was taken by the Baron Des Adresses and Montbron, where M. De Saull made resistance for a time, but at length was compelled to yield. The whole thereof is at the Prince of Condé's devotion. The Baron found there 6,000 corselets and a good quantity of artillery for the battery. He prepares to assail Avignon and the county of "Venaissin," which belong to the Bishop of Rome.
22. These men have appointed M. D'Aumale to go with a great force of horsemen and footmen, with artillery to assail Rouen.
23. They are informed from Gascony that an ecclesiastical named the Protonotory De Chamont, has assembled such force not far from Bordeaux as has caused M. De Burrie, Governor of the county under the King of Navarre, to retire to some place of strength, (some say to the castle of Bordeaux), and M. De Monluc also to some other place of defence. Of the late conflict betwixt M. De Grammont and M. Monluc, mentioned in his last letters, he hears little approbation, so he takes the same to be more of an invention than true. The Prince of Condé expects Grammont to repair to him with a good force again ere long.
24. On the 6th inst. the Cardinal of Lorraine went from Paris to St. Denis, some say to remove the jewels and treasure of that abbey into some stronger place.
25. On the 6th inst. Marshal De Termes died; his office of Marshal will be suppressed until the King is of age, because of so many competitions for it. His company of men-of-arms is divided between M. De Martigues and M. De Suze, lieutenant to the Prince of Salerno.
26. Desires the Queen to send her instructions to them for their proceedings in case the Queen Mother wishes to employ them in the composition of the differences betwixt these parties, with her letters of credit to the Prince of Condé and the Admiral. They remind the Queen of these matters, for at the last audience with the Queen Mother she respited the despatch of Sidney until the Abbot of St. Jean De Laon were returned from Orleans with an answer from the Prince.— Paris, 8 May 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 16.
May 8. 29. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Cecil may perceive how Sidney and the writer may be employed in the composition of these troubles. They desire the Queen's instructions. Received Cecil's letter of the 1st inst. on the 6th inst. by the Conté De Russy. Begs that Sechel may be well entertained; for whatever the Conté de Russy has reported of the Prince of Condé's weakness, and of the likelihood of his defeat, he is at this time the stronger party, and these men would fain have a reasonable end, though it were with some dishonour. Desires Cecil to keep the Queen in a good opinion of the Prince and Admiral. If he and Sidney be employed in this composition, it will be requisite to send Mr. Somer to them, to send to and fro, he being a man of credit. Is sure all other Princes' ministers will impeach them all they can, so that the Queen shall not deal in composition of these differences. Cecil may hereafter remember some things to his purpose, given in the instructions to M. De Lansac, sent to the Council of Trent, which the writer recovered with difficulty, and sends to the Queen.—Paris, 8 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., a few passages in cipher, deciphered by Cecil. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 8. 30. Lord Robert Dudley to Throckmorton.
The Queen has commanded him to answer the Prince of Condé and to send his letter to Throckmorton to be delivered. His letter is wholly to show his good will in wishing well to all godly attempts; and has touched on the Queen's inclination thereunto, as she has seen and liked it should be so. "Her Majesty seemeth to be very wareful in too much open show towards them, until she may hear more, as I am sure she hath willed to you, but (thanks be to God), she doeth not so much measure common policy as she doth weigh the prosperity of true religion, as well to the world as for conscience sake." His often advertisements will stand her in marvellous great stead. He cannot too often send.—From the Court, 8 May. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 8. 31. Throckmorton to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Whatsoever countenance of indifferency the Queen makes to the Papists, it is most necessary that the Protestants in this country be well used and by her means sustained. For if they vanquish their adversaries, the Queen will be to them the best betrusted Prince, and have in all affairs at their hands most reason. If they be defeated, she is not to make any good account to her surety and profit upon the Papists' smooth words, "for assuredly in them bitterness is disguised with a bark of sweetness." The Queen can make to herself such surety, and perhaps profit, as musicians make melody of discord.
2. By the despatch of Mr. Sidney and the writer to the Queen may be considered what is to be proceeded on, as money, men of service, and all other preparations to be ready, and all this to be done with as small show as may be. The King of Spain and other papistical Princes make a greater show than their meaning is here. Thanks for favour in his wife's suit for his causes.—Paris, 8 May 1562.
Copy. Endd.: To the Lord Robert Dudley, after the reconciliation with my L. Pp. 2.
May 8. 32. Thos. Hedley to Captain Tremayne.
Lord Grey thanks Tremayne for his letters, and my Lady, Sir Arthur, and Mr. William recommend themselves to him. Tremayne's lieutenant is merry, and keeps his [Tremayne's] company in order, and his horses be in health, fair and fat. If any bruit come for a marshal, will he advertise it to my Lord? Showed his Lordship Tremayne's letter and was sorry to see therein Harte's troubles, but money will not be granted for his relief until his Lordship arrives in London. Colwich tells the writer that Hart says he has enemies about his Lordship here; assure him he is mistaken. Sends commendations to him and Hart, and asks the former to bring a good bowl with him when he comes; he will be challenged at bowling, my Lord being a doctor at it.—Berwick, 8 May 1562. Signed.
Add.: To Capt. Tremayne, at the Court. Pp. 2.
May 8. 33. John Cuerton to Challoner.
Wrote to him eight days since by Petro Moryno. Perceives by a letter from Beltran De Savalca that Challoner received his letter, and had shown Savalca much pleasure. Challoner shall receive of Semond Lezcare 300 ducats by the end of this month in Madrid. Asks him to send a trusty servant to receive it; then he can have a bill to pay it in Burgos. Wishes the schedules had been sent for Chamber lain's coffers, and the gentleman's chests that is there. All the ships for London have gone. They expect another here daily. News from London state that ten of the Queen's ships are ready to receive the King of Sweden at his coming. His wife sends her commendation to him and Mr. Cobham.— Bilboa, 8 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
May 9. 34. Depositions of William Forbes. (fn. 2)
1. Forbes deposes that he knows of the despatch of letters sent to the Queen of Scotland from Lord and Lady Lennox and Lord Darnley, of their delivery at Orleans, and of an answer of the Queen's hand in French.
2. That he knew of the despatch of Ralph Lacye into France and Spain. He stood where he heard the Countess give him money secretly.
3. That he brought from Scotland the answers of the Scottish nobles. Repeats the remark attributed to Lord Seaton.
4. That he knew of Lalarte's despatch to the Queen of Scots. "He knew afore his going by my man, and one George Hamilton, that the Lord Obigny was not comed in Scotland."
5. That he has heard in all the house that the Countess is next the crown; that he has heard her say that Queen Elizabeth was a bastard, and that God would send her [the Countess] her right one day.
6. That Yaxley has sent her letters, which she has burnt, and that she sent Darnley "a fair turkoss in a token."
7. That she suffered a fool to rail on the Queen and my Lord Robert, and that he [the deponent] has "heard her rail upon my Lord Robert and his blood, calling them traitor's birds, and that he caused kill his wife, with mo odious words nor I will rehearse; and said to Hew Allen she was informed from a man of good worship that he was lying sick in the pokkes."
8. That on the day that Paul's steeple was burnt, six of Lord Robert's men, and divers of the Queen's guards, were struck with sudden death in St. James's Park.
9. That he knows that "the Earl of Westmorland of all women beareth her his heart, and but flatters these here to serve his turn."
10. That the schoolmaster made a commentary upon the Prognostications of Nostradamus, with which he wrote to my Lord of Westmorland, who gave him ten crowns. "My Lady looked that the highest should have declined, but it turned to herself and Paul's steeple."
11. That "little Sir William, who dwelleth beside Malton," shrove her, and said Mass in her bed-chamber; that the curtains of her bed and that of Lord Darnley are pinned round with idols; and that she frequents witches.
12. That a lady about the Court sends her word from time to time, all whose doings are known to Hugh Allen and the schoolmaster. She dares not write. The deponent will prove this.
13. That the Countess informs the Queen of Scots of all that passes by Kell, Home, Falconer, and Rig. "I will take record of my Lord Grey."
14. That she gave thanks for the preservation of the Scottish Queen from Queen Elizabeth. "And finally, I know she loveth neither God nor the Queen, nor yet your Honour." —Signed: William Forbess.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil: 9 May 1562. Pp. 6.
May 10. 35. The Queen to Throckmorton and Sidney.
Has received two packets of letters (one of the 1st inst. from Throckmorton, the other of the 8th inst. from both,) and by the latter perceives how they proceeded to be mediators in these matters, which, if it comes to pass, they shall keep her credit and their own on both parts. She cannot prescribe any particular negociation with either party, but they shall use their own discretion, and prevent any strange Prince to intermeddle in it. She sends herewith letters of credit for them to the Prince of Condé and the Admiral, and (if they repair to them by the Queen Mother's order) they may deliver them with her commendations. She desires frequent advertisements by one means or another, for she did not receive any from Sidney since his departure, about the 29th April, until the 10th inst. Throckmorton is not to allow M. De la Plasse Clerambault as hostage, whose income does not exceed 1,200 francs. This day the Queen has accepted M. Le Ferté Fresnay for an hostage.—Westminster, 10 May, 4 Eliz. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 10. 36. Draft of the above.
In Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 10. 37. The Queen to the Prince of Condé.
Sir Henry Sidney, President of the Council of the Marches of Wales, is sent to the King and Queen Mother with the Queen's advice for compounding the controversies.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. and dated and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
May 10. 38. The same in French.—Westminster, 10 May 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 10. 39. The Queen to the Admiral.
Asks credit for Sir Henry Sidney, who is sent to the King and Queen Mother for appeasing the troubles in France.
Draft in Cecil's hol., and dated and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
May 10. 40. Oath of M. De la Ferte.
Oath of Nicholas De Hellevillier, Baron De la Ferté Fresnay, one of the hostages sent by Charles IX. into England, that he will observe the articles of the treaty of Cateau-Cambresis.— Westminster, 10 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. on vellum. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
May 10. 41. The Archbishop of York to the Earl of Rutland.
Has returned herewith his Lordship's books of news. Has perused an order passed with George Palmer against the writer's farmer of Easington, contrary both to law and equity, as he will prove, which he signifies that the same may be qualified. Has sent Monson, his servant, herewith, to declare his mind.—Cawod, 10 May. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 10. 42. Maitland to Randolph.
The Queen has been in such case since her accident that they durst not open any grave or weighty matter to her. Trusts they will be with him on Tuesday. Being informed by St. Colm that the present affairs will procure the writer's hasty departure towards London, he thought good to advertise Randolph thereof, that he might advertise them to whom it appertains, lest they find fault with their delay.— Loch Leven, 10 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: To Randolph in Edinburgh. Pp. 2.
May 10. 43. The Queen to Sir Francis Englefield.
Commands him, as the term of his licence is long expired, to repair from beyond the sea to her upon pain of her displeasure.—Westminster, 10 May 1562.
Copy by Peyto. (fn. 3)
May 10. 44. Edmund Wythipoll to Challoner.
A duplicate of the letter of 30 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
May 10. 45. — to Shers.
Has received his letter of April 12. The question of residence has been keenly debated in the Council, utrum sit de jure divino. The session is postponed in expectation of the arrival from France of M. De Lansac, with two other Presidents. The Pope is occupied with the reformation of various offices. On last Monday at Consistory the bishopric of Cuenca was given to the confessor of the King Catholic. Marc Antonio Colonna has concluded a marriage with the sister of Cardinal Borromeo, which the writer had previously mentioned.—Rome, 10 May 1562.
Orig. Add.: To Shers, at Venice. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 4.


  • 1. These comments occur opposite each article in the margin of the original.
  • 2. Compare Bishop's Articles, May 7, No. 26.
  • 3. The present letter, that of Cecil 11 May, and Englefield to the Queen, of 31 May, are copied on the same leaf.