Elizabeth: May 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: May 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp1-10 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp1-10.

"Elizabeth: May 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp1-10.

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May 1562, 1-5

A.D. 1562. [May.] 1. Challoner's Petition to the Queen.
1. In exchange for the manor and rectory of St. Bees, value 94l. per annum, he desires the Queen to grant to him the rectories of Easthaddon and Coldasheby (Northampton), value 21l. 11s. 2d. per annum, and for the residue of the said value amounting to 72l., to grant to him the rebatement of 72l. yearly by way of defalcation as parcel of 135l. 5s. fee farm which he pays to her for the manor of Gisburgh (York.).
2. The woods upon the lordship of St. Bees (more than 10,000 oaks) are not set at any value here, but they are worth more than 1,000 marks.
3. Also that his patent of 50l. pension, which the Queen last year restored, may be by a liberate passed according.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
[May.] 2. Challoner's Petition to the Queen.
1. At his being sent in ambassade to the French King in Edward VI.'s time, he was promised that at his return his patent of 50l. annuity should be converted into lands to him and his heirs; for which purpose he left his patent in the hands of the late Duke of Northumberland.
2. Hopes the Queen will grant that the said patent may be confirmed to him as before; or in lieu thereof, and of 700l. which he ought to have allowance for in the Queen's Exchequer, to grant to him and his heirs the yearly defalcation of 35l. 5s. 4d., parcel of 135l. 5s. 4d., which he pays to the Queen for the fee farm of the manor of Gisburgh, in York, whereof the old rent, before he took it in fee farm, was no more, the reprises deducted, then 117l. per annum.
3. Desires the Queen to consider the same, and also what charges his journey into Spain will stand him in, which, without her relief, will be too great for him to bear. His journey to Spain will cost him above 1,000 marks.
Copy, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
May. 3. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
Troubles him again about the Flemish youth, who is helpless and innocent; can produce a doctor and witnesses, whose depositions prove that the man whom the Fleming is said to have killed died of an old wound. These witnesses did not come forward at the trial; he will therefore send them to Cecil, in order that he may know the truth. Cannot forbear saying that it seems hard that an undefended and innocent youth, almost a child, cannot be saved by the writer, when daily and openly notorious pirates and robbers receive pardon, to the prejudice of his countrymen.—Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: May 1562. For Shepard's pardon, being a Fleming. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 1. 4. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The bearer, Diego De Sanedra, a Spaniard, having been in his service for two years, and having also served M. De Chantoney, the Spanish Ambassador in France, (and who is now repairing to England with Don Juan Pereira Dantes, late Ambassador here from the King of Portugal,) has desired the writer to give him a favourable letter to Cecil. He intends shortly after his arrival to go to his own country by sea, and asks to take with him from England three or four garnish of pewter vessels to bestow upon some of his friends in Spain.—Paris, 1 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 1. 5. M. De Sechelles to [Cecil].
Begs him to forward his despatch, and also that the Queen may direct Throckmorton to write to the Prince of Condé. Desires him not to forget his passport to the seaside, which he may give to the bearer. Wishes that he could speak with him, in order to refresh his memory with respect to the instructions which the Queen has given to the President of Wales.—Lambeth, 1 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 3.
May 2. 6. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. By his letters of the 27th ult. (sent by Clifton) he informed the Queen that these men had sent to the Prince of Condé, first, the Abbot of St. Jehan de Laun, in Picardy, and next the Bishop of Orleans and Secretary L'Aubespine, to treat about these differences. The Abbot returned on the 29th ult. with an answer that the Prince had sent sundry times before the conditions which he intended of the accord. This answer was not well accepted here, and thereupon the Constable took musters of twelve ensigns of footmen in the Pré aux Clercs, and gave order to the Master of the Ordnance to prepare the artillery to be sent towards Orleans. The horsemen and pioneers were ordered to march forward, but the footmen were not good soldiers, nor did the captains trust in them, "for I was there present, and saw that day's work." The Abbot was sent again with larger conditions, viz., that the late edict for religion should be entirely observed; that the Constable and Marshal St. André should retire from the Court; that the Guises should no more persecute any man for religion; that the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre should govern according to the order taken by the Estates, and should make what alliance they would with the Prince of Condé, by marriage with the children of the Prince to those of the Duke of Guise. The Abbot was despatched with these offers on the 29th ult.
2. Since then, M. D'Andelot having issued from Orleans with 1,500 horse and 1,000 arquebusiers on foot, M. De Sipierre was sent to intercept the same. He is a very devout servant to the Guises. For two or three days these men have showed small cheer, but have revived upon intelligence that M. D'Osune (Governor for the King in Turin) comes forth with troops from Gascony. Also, the Duke of Montpensier has intercepted 20,000 crowns of the sun sent to the Prince of Condé from his favourers. The Protestants bear a good countenance in spite of these disadvantages.
3. The enterprise of the Guises has failed in France; the practice to destroy the Earl of Arran and the Lord James in Scotland is discovered, as well as the surprise of Geneva by the Duke of Nemours for the Duke of Savoy. They also say that the Queen did in time remedy dangers that might have ensued in England.
4. Sends herewith a memoir of the estate of M. De la Plessis Clerambault, nominated as hostage in the place of M. De Courtalin. Sends also a remonstrance dedicated to the Queen Mother, and lately printed at Orleans, wherein the author shows sharp bitterness.
5. The Governor of Savoy, with the Bishop of Toulon, the Duke's Ambassador in France, have treated with the King's Council these four or five days about the rendition of the five places in Piedmont.
6. The Bishop of Orleans and M. L'Aubespine had not returned from the Prince of Condé at the despatch hereof.— Paris, 2 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 2. 7. Estate of M. De la Plessis Clarambault.
He has 3,500 livres per annum, but is encumbered with his mother's dower and his four sisters' portions. He is also charged with his father's debts, amounting to 36,000 livres.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 2. 8. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. He has heard that the merchant staplers visiting Bruges so behave themselves that Cardinal Granville uses it as an argument against the merchant adventurers at Antwerp concerning the admission of the new introduced Bishop there.
2. The troubles still continue here. Cannot judge that the Prince of Condé is like to quail. The King of Spain has a great party here for two respects, papistry and ability. The best way to meet with this faction here is to win the good opinion of the Protestants. As the Queen cannot match him with pensions, she must ally herself with the Protestants in every country through the bond of religion. She has more cause to be suspicious of the King of Spain than any other Prince, for whatsoever men say, his meanings tend to a dangerous end.—Paris, 2 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 2. 9. Lord Dacre to the Council.
1. The answer to his letters of the 9th ult. did not meet his expectation, yet he caused the day of march to be kept, whereunto he sent his son and deputy, with a good number of borderers. Having arrived at the place accustomed, he sent Richard Dacre for assurance. They found that the Master of Maxwell had gone to chase the "plompes" and outlaws. The Laird Drumlangrick, who granted the assurance, was left there as Master Deputy until he returned, whereupon Richard Dacre returned to the writer's son, and afterwards the Lairds of the Holm Ends and Newby went to seek the assurance, which his son granted, and forthwith made proclamation as is customary. Immediately after word was brought him that the Master and his company were chasing Englishmen upon English ground, whereupon his son sent Richard Dacre, the serjeant, with Bourgh and Gillisland to understand their doings. As they were going to meet them, the Master returned into Scotland, and was at the Trethbeck, (within a mile of England), with whom was Robert Bowhyll (aliàs Maxwell), who with fifty men chased for two miles upon English ground, and overrode certain poor labouring men. George Bell, the Master's household servant, was slain in this chase by the outlaws, and the Master's men and horses hurt, spears broken, and guns fired and arrows shot at the English, but none of them were hurt, except two of their horses.
2. This being quieted, his son sent certain gentlemen to Mr. Maxwell to say that he marvelled that such demeanour should be used when they had assembled for redress of attemptates. He answered that certain of his men were following outlaws in a chase into England, and asked that he might meet the writer's son, and to let six gentlemen of England and Scotland sit down for reformation of the same. Whereupon his son consulted with the gentlemen of England, who thought it not meet (considering the grief and heat of both parties) to have any reform that day, but to wait till the writer was advertised thereof. The Scotch followed over the water into England, so that Willy Grame (Braydes Willy) shot amongst them over the water of Sark; the same who was before them in London, and was commanded by the Master of the Rolls to observe an order for the restitution of goods taken from a poor woman, which he has neither fulfilled nor will he come to answer those bills of Scotland he is filed of, nor such as dwell under Fergus Grame. Has written to the Master of Maxwell for a meeting on the 14th inst.—Naworth, 2 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
On the back are the following memoranda:
Delivered at Naworth at two of clock in afternoon.
Received at Newcastle the iij of May at x o'clock before noon.
Received at Durham the iij of May at iij of the clock at afternoon, in the presence of Cristopher, son of Cristopher Patinson, Robert Hope, and Anthony Whetfeld.
Received at Doncaster the vij day of May at eight of the clock at afternoon.
May 2. 10. The Council of the North to Cecil.
1. Enclose Lord Grey's answer to their inquiry respecting enclosures in the North, wherein it would be well to confer with Grey, the Lord Treasurer, and Mr. Chancellor of the Duchy of such enclosures as shall be appointed to be done. And Cecil, who set it well forward, must endeavour to bring it to a good end. Refer to his consideration an allowance for those of the Council who were last year in much travail and at great charges therein, as they will be greatly burdened unless it be granted.
2. They and the rest of the Council have begun to have executed in these parts those penal laws which were appointed to be looked into, and doubt not to bring the people in good order therein; but they think and talk much about him [the Earl of Rutland], and the President here because thereof, the same statutes being but little looked unto in the adjoining countries.
3. Have, according to the Queen's letters, had before them and the rest of the Council, Sir Richard Cholmeley and other gentlemen, and given them the best instructions they could, and shall have regard to their doings and others in such like cases.—York, 2 May 1562.
4. P. S.—Sir John Forster, Warden of the Middle Marches, writes that he is informed that the Liddesdale men are assembling for the purpose of doing some sudden exploit either in England or Scotland, but he has not learned what has encouraged them so to do.—York, 2 May 1562. Signed: Rutland, Thomas Gargrave, Geo. Browne, Christopher Estoft.
5. P. S.— (fn. 1) In case there be any good news of the Protestants' proceedings in France, and he would impart it to him by one of the clerks of the Council, would think himself "behold- ing" to Cecil, and the rather glad, as the contrary side is advertised for their purpose. Also about the Earl of Lenox's matter and the Lord of Westmoreland's case, there being much talk thereof here.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
May 2. 11. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Mentioned in his late letter to the Queen that two noblemen had been sent by the Prince of Condé to the Protestant Princes to induce them to prevent aid being sent from thence to the Guises. They were received at Heidelberg by the Palatine and their request was readily granted. The emissaries of the Guises have also arrived, with a printed apology for the massacre at Vassy, but there is little chance of their success. The Queen Mother lately sent the same with a letter to the Duke of Wurtemberg, whom the Guises have deluded by pretending that they are ready to embrace and uphold the Confession of Augsburg. The Princes take good care that no soldiers go out of Germany. The Landgrave lately arrested an officer of cavalry who was secretly enlisting horsemen in Hesse, and who said that he was doing so for Roggendorf, one of Guise's party. The Landgrave tore up the officer's commission before his face, and made him swear not to leave his castle without a passport. The Guises have asked for a levy of foot from the Papist cantons of Switzerland in the King's name; the cantons have promised to send fifteen ensigns; but the Protestant cantons have replied to the Prince of Condé that they would not suffer any soldiers to be levied to serve against him in their territory, on pain of confiscation of goods. The Duke of Wurtemberg also takes care that no volunteers shall march through Montbeliard into France. This city has also forbidden anyone to enlist, under severe penalties. The Bishops keep quiet. Three days ago the Prince of Condé sent letters to all the Princes, and sent also a letter and his declaration to the Elector Palatine, whom he asked to forward the same to the Emperor. The King of Spain's captains have money, and they are ordered that as soon as soldiers are taken from Germany into France they should enlist men for the defence of his territories.
2. On the last of April the writer sent to Cecil the reply of the Elector Palatine and the Landgrave. Has learnt nothing certain about the convention which he mentioned above; but if the Queen wants anything done there, it will be advisable for her to let him know as soon as possible. The person who was sent by the Guises has been trying to persuade the Palatine and the other Princes not to hinder the passage of German troops into France for the purpose of chastising the rebels, but the Palatine has replied that it does not seem advisable for the King to call in German soldiers; that unless they are regularly paid, they will plunder those who are on their line of march; that the disturbances in France are only between the King's subjects; that whichever way the victory goes he will lose his people; and it would be better to settle the matter by agreement. He will be ready to mediate between them, as friends of both parties. The Emperor is said to have an envoy with the Palatine in order to persuade him to help the election of Maximilian as King of Rome. This is the more credible as the Emperor has determined to have Maximilian crowned at Prague this summer. The Duke of Lorraine has assembled his vassals, and will send ten ensigns of foot into France. It is to be feared lest the Duke of Savoy and others will do the same.—Strasburg, 2 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 4.
May 2. 12. John Frampton to Challoner.
Wrote on the 5th ult. and enclosed a letter from Chamberlain written before his departure. Understanding by Challoner's letter to Tipton that he desired to know how far he had negociated his matter concerning the restitution of his creditors' goods, he has since then written another, twenty days since, wherein he declared his mind at large.—Seville, 2 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
May 2. 13. Cuerton to Challoner.
They "pass" much trouble that the English ships cannot be suffered to lade as they have been used. For Reyd's chest and his raiment, the Commissary will not put it at liberty until Challoner sends a commission from the Inquisitor. Would be glad that the two "sedolas" should come for the lading of Chamberlain's chest and the gentlewoman's chest.—Bilboa, 2 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
May 3. 14. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received Cecil's letter, with the packet from the Marquis unto this Queen, who is much beholden to the Lord Robert and Cecil that they came so speedily. The news which Cecil sent to Randolph is as true as the other. Her uncle favourably writes in his own cause and that of his brethren. This enterprise of theirs is judged of her more rash than wise, and against the reputation of her house and the desire she had that there should be no innovation, the King being so young. If they prosper, the envy of others (who profess in divers countries the contrary religion) will at length grow so great that it will be their utter ruin. If the contrary happen, she knows how greatly she is weakened to have lost the honour of such a stock as she is descended from. Divers other things she surmises with herself; the rest she has said to the writer.
2. They attend hourly the coming of St. Colm, and make full account that nothing can let the interview. All men are retired home to make their provision. The Ambassador of Sweden sent upon Friday two gentlemen of his own to know where he should attend upon the Queen. Answer was given by the Laird of Lethington that she would be in Edinburgh within eight days. The bruit is great of marvellous treasure that he has brought. He remains yet in Leith, and has not been in Edinburgh. He is called Earl of Westmaria; he is cousin german to the King, and has been sundry times lieutenant to him. The castle of Dumbarton is delivered, and answer come from thence. The Earls of Arran and Bothwell shall be transported to the castle of Edinburgh. Lord Fleming will be married on Sunday to the heiress of Lord Rosse; the Queen makes the feast. The Earl of Glencairn acknowledges the Queen's favour in bearing his son's charges at Newcastle.
3. The money that the Swede has brought is all new coined Jocundals; his own image upon one side, with a world and cross in his hand, with his title, "Ericus 14, D.G. Suc.: Got.: Van. q, Rex;" upon the other side are his arms, with a crown with an order about it; knows not of what the title is; Deus dat cui vult. In the next packet he will send one. It is said they are the first of this stamp.—St. Andrews, 3 May 1562, Sunday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 4. 15. Thomas Goldwell, Bishop of St. Asaph, to Cecil.
There being so many Ambassadors and Prelates at Trent from the Princes, and none from the Queen, he thinks it his duty to state how things go here. Congregations are kept almost every day, holidays excepted, in which nothing has been treated of but such as appertains to the reformation of the Church. Much matter is digested, yet nothing is decreed, for that is done only in the sessions, of which only two have been kept. The first was for the opening of the Council, and in the second was granted a safe-conduct to all men that would require it to come hither, of whatsoever faith they were. In this session the Ambassadors of the Emperor, the King of Portugal, and others, were admitted. The third session will be kept on the 14th inst., in which the Ambassador of Venice, and others, will be admitted. He thinks the decrees shall be deferred eight days longer at the instance of M. Lansac, who desires to be present. He sends a bill enclosed of the number and names of the Prelates and Ambassadors here. If Cecil is disposed to write to him, he is to wrap his letters in a piece of paper, and address it "Al Mageo M. Bapta Burdono, Mro delle poste in Trento," and cause the letters to be delivered to the Master of the Post in Antwerp; they will then come safely to his hands. So without expense or knowledge of any man they may intreat anything that shall seem good to the Queen.—Trent, 4 May 1562. Signed: Thomas Asaphen.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 4. 16. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The bearer, Signor De Lippomany, a Venetian gentleman, has asked for letters to England, so that he may do reverence to the Queen, and see her Court.—Paris, 4 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 4. 17. Challoner to Lord Robert Dudley.
Has mentioned the occurrences here in the Queen's letters. In his former letters to Cecil he made a motion of an offer to present to the Queen two white jennets from hence for her saddle, "with a round sum of money to boot," for redemption of a certain rent during his life towards the augmentation of his living. The money is half the value of the thing which he desires. If he knew the Queen's inclination he would go about for procuring the jennets. He lives a weary life, and unless it was for the service of the Queen he would not endure two years to one end, to be sure of 200 marks worth of land in reward; besides the loss of his time and profit at home by storing his grounds and pastures, that would yield him 500 marks yearly, which is more than he now receives. He is sure to spend (if this "owltragious" dearth of things continue here), besides his diets, two or three thousand ducats every year out of his own purse.—Madrid, 4 May 1562.
Hol. Draft by Challoner, and endd. by him: Sent by Henry Kyng. Pp. 5.
May 5. 18. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The bearer, Don Joan Pierre Damtas, late Ambassador from the King of Portugal in France, now deleagued to go in legation to the Queen from the said King, has requested letters of recommendation to Cecil. His errand (according to his words) is to impeach the general navigation by the Queen's subjects to the coasts of Barbary and Africa, which he fears may be haunted as well by the Queen's ships as by the merchants' traffic of their own adventure.—Paris, 5 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 5. 19. Challoner to Joan Cuerton.
1. Has received Cuerton's letter by the scrivane of Bilboa, Beltran De Savallo, where he offered him to speak to the Conte De Feria in his suit; he has learned it is a general order throughout the realm.
2. Has since received two letters from Cuerton of the 24th and 26th ult. in one, but has not yet received Chamberlain's passport concerning the 2,400 rials of plate; he will pay the same at his coming to Bilboa, when the King goes that way. Expects 2,400 ducats from England by exchange every day.
3. On the 19th ult. the Prince of Spain fell downstairs, whereby he hurt his head; on the 1st inst. the physicians were in doubt of him, so the King rode that morning to Alcala to see him. On the 2nd and 3rd inst. there was hope of his recovery. Yesterday his life was despaired of again; hopes were revived again this morning that he may escape. It is a dangerous hurt, and he thinks it was badly attended to by the surgeons at the beginning. If the Prince dies, the King's journey to Aragon is for this year stopped. As soon as he learns anything for certain he will write to Cuerton.
4. The bearer, Mr. Googe, kinsman to Cecil, returns to England, and Wensley (Challoner's servant) in company with them. Desires Cuerton to get them a good ship for their return, and he will bear their charges till they go aboard ship, whilst they remain at Bilboa. Sends under the charge of the said Barnaby Googe to England, two wooden coffers of gwadamessillez hangings to Chamberlain, with two little silver candlesticks, one salt-cellar gilt with the cover, and a basin, an "ewell" silver parcel gilt, with a little fardel of linen napery, all pertaining to him. Desires Cuerton to see it safely shipped to be sent him by Googe. As for obtaining the King's licence for the rest of Chamberlain's chests, and the gentlewomen's, the Court is in such heaviness that it is no time to sue or speak for anything. Wishes to be commended to Mrs. Cuerton, to Mr. Geffardson and his wife. Will esteem it a favour if Cuerton, can procure him a firkin of butter similar to the first, for other butter here is dear and "stark naught."—Madrid, 5 May 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.


  • 1. This P.S. is written on a separate half page of paper and is signed by Rutland alone.