Elizabeth: January 1562, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: January 1562, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp471-486 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1562, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp471-486.

"Elizabeth: January 1562, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp471-486.

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January 1562, 1-10

Jan. 774. William Sanderson to Cecil.
1. As he has already informed my Lord of London, he is compelled to give up the curacy at Berwick into Cecil's hands. Although he put away his servant, and has not so much as a boy to carry his books, it will not provide himself, wife, and child with either meat, drink, or house rent. Has spent 10l. going and returning, and is 10l. in debt, and can neither beg nor borrow any more.
2. Is bound to my Lord of Ely in 100l. either to give over or keep residence next Michaelmas at a benefice which the writer has in Cambridgeshire; where, having corn for his house, he can make more shift with that alone than he can with that and the other at Berwick, by living at the former only by the penny.
3. He was borne in hand of the Bishops of London and Winchester to have the vicarage of Berwick, or else a prebend in Durham at the next vacation; but the prebend has been bestowed on another and the vicarage is not yet vacant, and when it is there is an advowson out of it. Had not he looked for one of these he would never have taken this curacy. Finds by experience that he is not able to do things as he thought he should when he went thither; and cannot stand up in the pulpit and speak against a man's doings and go to the same with cap in hand to intreat for a loan until his wages come; though in this case he has found more friendship than he can complain of. "I know our sayings be small esteemed, and we less. They will not stick to say the Mass was never half so dear in times past as God's free Gospel is now." Went there to preach and not to serve the cure (another man having the vicarage), and Lord Grey said they looked to the writer as the curate.—Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Mensis Jan. 1561. Mr. Sanderson, preacher at Berwick. Pp. 2.
Jan. 1. 775. Lord James Stewart to Cecil.
1. Troubles him with the Marshal's affairs, who desires that his cause may be set at sight by the ministers of the Borders, who, knowing his ability, may accordingly determine upon a reasonable ransom unto him. This is also the writer's request.
2. Randolph has let him known of some part of Cecil's letter by which the writer sees that Cecil exhorts him to religion, whom other times he has taken for too pious a Protestant. Prays that God may augment and strengthen religion in both their hearts.—Holyrood House, 1 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 2. 776. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Letter of recommendation in favour of the bearer, Captain Browne, who has long served under the writer, and who has licence to repair to the Court touching his suits there.— Berwick, 2 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 2. 777. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 28th ult. received his letters of the 21st, and found others in the same packet directed to the Queen, which he delivered the next day, and it appeared to the men who stood about her that she was pleased therewith by the time she gave to the reading thereof. She has answered the Queen's letter and also Cecil's, and willed the writer to say that she thought herself beholden to him. She was well pleased to see M. Linerol's confession, which she thinks is a purgation of the Duke of Nemours, and speaks that way affectionately enough. In answer to her question whether Cecil received it from Throckmorton or the French Ambassador, the writer said he did not know. She thinks that whatever comes from the French Ambassador has more probability than if it came through others, as he is thought not to be evil affectioned to her friends, and therefore is not pleased that he should be, as reported here, succeeded by M. De Fois. Had other purposes with her, as well before her Mass as after, walking a long time with her in the garden, as also with the Marquis, whereof he has written to the Queen.
2. Need not repeat what he thinks necessary for uniting these two realms in love and concord. In his last letter he touched about there being many godly, and some of the greatest, upon whom she should have further pity now, being in like peril, though not so near as they were. Is well able to resolve them, and put them out of a deal of care; and to assure Cecil that there is not one so near to her who would wish that she should receive further kindness than might be measured by the line of the knowledge of Christ. This has been since the receipt of Cecil's letters communed of between the Lord James and Lethington; and it is likely more good will come from this motion than either of the two can tell. Trusts that he knows Lethington's judgment thereof by his letters. Is sure that Lord James will persist therein.
3. The troubles which were in such utter appearance amongst them seem to be appeased. Earl Bothwell is moved by some to acknowledge his fail to the Earl of Arran. Arran seems willing to live quietly, but finds himself so injuriously treated, that he sees not those conditions that are indifferent. The matter will shortly be communed of by the means of the Lord James and the Earl of Argyll, and the issue will be nothing, but the hatred he sees is immortal. Earl Bothwell seeks but to have the quieter and better life in this Court; and the other scarcely finds into whose hands he will commit his cause. This is alleged to have been the occasion of his last visit being so secret in this town, when he only spoke with the Earl of Argyll, and is presently with his father at Hamilton. It appears that there was some ground for the sudden trouble which was in this Court, for it is now secretly known that the Earl of Arran said, "Why is it not as easy to take her out of the abbey as once it was intended to have been done unto her mother?" He said this not long before his sudden coming over the water, though he had but few with him, his father and all his friends being on this side of the water; but order being taken with Forbes and others to follow, made the suspicion; though the writer knows that it would have been impossible for him without he had brought a cannon on his back and could have shaken 500 good soldiers out of his sleeve. She has by this means but twelve halberdiers, and purposes to add as many more. Captain James Steward is their leader.
4. Is informed that nothing will be done touching the Earl of Lennox, and that this Queen will make the Queen privy to all his intention.
5. Touching Queen Mary's going to England, trusts that he knows that the Lord of Lethington rules these matters. Has often spoken frankly with the Lord James and Lethington touching this Queen's direct dealing.
6. Queen Mary heard him with good will relate how the Queen dealt with the Ambassador in diminishing the Duke of Nemours' case, and how Her Majesty forbore that towards her uncles, which other Princes would hardly do. To which she replied that then the time was other than it is now, so are all their cases.
7. Gave his commendations to the Lord James, whose letters the writer now sends. He is most constant in religion and his word. Has according to his request desired Queen Mary not to look for letters always in that hand from Her Majesty, but to expect others more familiar to her, or less painful to write. She said that she was ashamed of hers when it was compared with that, and that nothing could proceed from Her Majesty but what would be welcome.— Edinburgh, 2 Jan. 1561. Signed.
8. P. S.—Mr. Hedely has been here about some private suit of ("my Lord") touching Lord Gray of Scotland and other matters of the Borders. He spoke with the Queen and was satisfied in his requests.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
Jan. 3. 778. Intelligences.
1. Constantinople, 26 Nov. 1561. The Ambassador of the Sofi has had several private conferences with Ali Bassa. The Turk has warned the Persians, Georgians, and Tartars to hold themselves in readiness, because the Sofi has increased his forces. The entire fleet arrived at Constantinople on the 9th inst.
2. Prague, 22nd Dec. 1561. The Grand Master of Livonia and the Archbishop of Riga have professed obedience to the King of Poland. The Rhinegrave is still in Saxony, and has been invited by Rosenberg to his marriage; his non-appearance makes it apprehended that war is impending, with the approval of the Kings of France and Denmark. The Landgrave's daughter is given to the eldest son of the Duke of Wurtemberg. The Bishop of Agria will not be present at the Council, but the Bishop Quinque Ecclesiarum will attend.
3. Milan, 1 Jan. 1562. The Count of Feria will go as Viceroy to Navarre; the Commendator of Castile will be sent as Ambassador to Rome, and the Count De Montere to the Council. The Duke of Sessa has been summoned to the Court by the King; it is thought he will be commander of the fleet, and the Duke of Alva will be Viceroy of Sicily.
4. Rome, 3 Jan. 1562. The Pope suffers from the gout; he will despatch the Cardinal Emps to the Council and with him the other Bishops. A Bull will be issued against such as do not go, and the Bull of the reform of the Consistories will shortly appear. The two Barizelli are still in prison, and their fate is uncertain. Andrea Doria has arrived, and lodges with Cæsar Gonzaga. Troops are being raised, probably for the protection of the Council, which is threatened by the neighbouring Swiss and Grison Cantons. Vargas is about to return home, because the Pope has decided that no Ambassador shall henceforward enter the chapel of ceremony. It is reported from France that the Cardinals Giuri and Tournon are dead.
5. Augsburg, 3 Jan. 1562. There is a rising against the Bishops of Bamberg and Wurtemberg; the dispute is referred to the Diet, which is summoned for the 15th at Munich. There are insurrections in the bishopric of Brissanone in the Tyrol, whence the insurgents intended to have proceeded to Trent, but their designs were discovered by certain miners, and three or four of them were hanged.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 3. 779. Intelligences.
1. Prague, 15 Dec. 1561. Two Diets were appointed to be held upon Epiphany Day, one in Silesia, and the other in Moravia, to which the Emperor sent certain noblemen as presidents. The King of Sweden (who has long practised to marry with England, or to conclude some league with that realm,) being in doubt of Denmark, now practises to marry a sister of the King of Poland, and will marry a sister of his own to the Baron of Jarnoschi, one of the principal Princes of Poland; thinking thereby to keep Revel and the three other places of Livonia, the rest being in the King of Poland's hands, and also to come to the crown of Poland, failing issue of the King, the Baron De Jarnoschi being principal elector of that realm. Suecia, Livonia, Lithuania, and Poland being bound together, they will be more able to defend themselves from the Turks and Muscovites. The Electors of the Empire have answered the Emperor concerning the Diet, that he should always find them obedient. For saving of time and expense, they would like to know before meeting of what matter he intends to treat, so as to make short work thereof. The Emperor's reply thereto is not known. The King and Queen of Bohemia will keep their Christmas in Bavaria, being invited by the Duke.
2. Vienna, 22nd December. The Despot, brother to the wife of the Duke of Moldavia, has long tried to make himself lord of Moldavia, as a State appertaining by right to him, being driven therefrom by Duke Alexander, Vaivoda; and has lately (by consent of the nobility of Moldavia, and with the assistance of the Prince of Transylvania,) entered with an army thereunto. Having encountered the said Alexander, who had six times the power of the other, he has overthrown him, who, if he had not escaped by flight, would have been slain. His carriages, (whereof fifteen were charged with money,) his munition and artillery, all fell into the Despot's hands, who has driven the Duke Alexander into a stronghold, to which he has laid siege, so it is thought that he cannot escape. Antonio Zacheo, and Lashy De Kasmak, and M. De Russel, a gentleman of Burgundy, were present at the battle, and behaved so valiantly that the Despot gave them sixty thousand crowns between them. Duke Alexander's wife was a party against her husband, and sent aid to her brother. The King of Transylvania has levied a power to aid Duke Alexander, and had already passed the river Theiss. Six Bohemian Lords have rebelled against the Crown, and keep the field with six hundred horse.
3. Milan, 24th November. The Duke of Savoy had qualified his imposition upon salt, and in lieu had proposed an aid of two hundred thousand crowns for eight years, to be levied through his whole state. The country of Asti had yielded thereunto, after the rate of four royals a head, but Cuneo, Fossano, and Vercelli made difficulties. After the Duchess is delivered the Court will go to Savigliano. She has sent a gentleman to France to treat for the reconciliation of the Duke of Nemours. Licence is granted to the Duke of Parma to sell his estates in Naples, and to buy such states as are offered him by the rebels in Parma and Piacenza. King Philip has given to the Duke of Sessa twenty-six thousand crowns, to be levied in Milan.
4. Rome, 27th December. Cardinal Gaddi, who was sent to Cosenza in Calabria, (whereof he was Bishop,) to stay the alteration of religion beginning there, died by the way. He had a great number of promotions. The opening of the Council, which was to have been Epiphany Day, is deferred until the coming of the Emperor's Ambassador. Panta is liberated from the common prison, but is a prisoner in her own house, which favour was shown her through Cæsar Gonzaga.
5. Venice, 3rd January 1562. There will be war between Spain and France if difficulty is made of the delivery of the forts in Savoy, and the King of Navarre travails in that case to have aid of the King of Denmark, of the Switzers, and Princes of Almain, and is in hopes of aid from England. The Duke of Savoy's commissioners were still at Lyons. Unless the delivery of the Duchess (which was expected next week) did not help the matter, there was no great hopes to be had of any good end. The horsemen of Naples are ordered to be in readiness; it is thought they will be sent into Piedmont. The Secretary of Florence, who lately fled from Venice, has retired to Chieri, a town in Piedmont. Ascanio Della Cornia is made colonel, with commission to levy 4,000 men, pretended to be for the defence of the Council.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 3 January 1561. Pp. 5.
Jan. 3. 780. An Oration by the Chancellor of France.
"An oration made by the Chancellor of France in the Assembly of the Courts of Parliaments of France, at St. Germain-en-Laye, 3 Jan. 1561."
The King proposes to offer a general pardon for all who have stirred in matters of religion, and forbids all public or private assemblies. He therefore desires the advice of those assembled whether he shall suffer such meetings or not.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 12.
Jan. 3. 781. Another copy of the above. Translated into English.
Endd.: 3 Jan. 1561. Pp. 8.
Jan. 4.
Labanoff, i. 121.
782. Queen Mary to the Queen.
The writer having been informed that her uncle, M. De Guise, will be at the French Conclave the 15th inst., sends to him the bearer with intelligences, and is anxious to hear from him in reply; as his silence, and the reports which she hears, have occasioned her some disquietude. Asks the Queen to employ her influence in his favour through her Ambassador resident in the French Court. Is happy thus to avail herself of the Queen's proffers of service.—Seaton, 4 Jan.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 4. 783. Intelligences from Paris.
At Christmas the Protestants congregated in the Faubourg St. Marceau, whereupon the priests and Papists assembled at St. Medard and determined to attack them. One of the Protestant soldiers going to remonstrate with the Papists was run through with a partizan and is reported to be dead. The Protestants who were appointed to guard the assembly, seeing this, ran to his succour, but were driven back by numbers. Other Protestants coming up put the Papists to the rout, and forced their way into the church, in which affair many were wounded. The Prince De la Roche, the King's Lieutenant in Paris, arrived with a strong force of horse and foot, who beat and wounded the people most pitifully and carried off several wounded to the Châtelet, on whom they intend to execute justice.
Copy. Endd.: Advices. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 5.
Labanoff, i. 123. Haynes, p. 376. Keith, ii. 134.
784. Queen Mary to the Queen. (fn. 1)
Whereas by Elizabeth's letter of the 23rd Nov. Mary understands that she is not satisfied with the writer's answer given to Sir Peter Mewtas, as he has reported it, the writer cannot imagine what lack could be found therein. Her meaning has been sincere and just, and she so tempered her answer that it might stand well with the quietness of both. To that end she wished that the treaty might be reviewed by some commissioners authorized on both parts; whereunto she [Elizabeth] has in her letter "apponit" such just consideration that the world shall not by their dealing in open assembly of ambassadors, judge that the amity is not sound, but in some points shaken. This, the writer takes as a plain declaration of Elizabeth's good mind towards them, and thinks it better to communicate privily to Thomas Randolph, or by letters, the just causes that stay her in the ratification. She does not touch in what time the treaty was past, by whose commandment, what Ministers, and how they were authorized; but will only touch that head which is meet for her to provide, and on Elizabeth's part not inconvenient. How prejudicial that treaty is to her title and interest, by birth and descent, Elizabeth may perceive by inspection of the treaty, and how slenderly a matter of such consequence is wrapt up in obscure terms. The writer knows how near she is descended from the blood of England, and the devices that have been attempted to make her as it were a stranger from it. She will not have any judge (at present) of the equity of her demand but Elizabeth. If she had such a matter to treat with any other Prince, there is no person whose advice she would rather follow, so great account does she make of Elizabeth's amity towards her. For the treaty, in so far as concerns her, she will be content to do all that of reason which may be required, or rather enter into a new one of such substance as may stand without her own prejudice in favour of Elizabeth and the lawful issue of her body; provided that, her interest to that Crown failing herself [Eliz.] and lawful issue of her body, may be put in good surety.—Seton, 5 Jan. 20 Mary.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 5. 785. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Intended to have delayed Queen Mary's answer to Cecil's letters of 23rd of Nov. until he [the writer] had received an answer to his letters of the 5th ult., but perceiving by his [Cecil's] of 20 Nov. that if they did not at once fall plainly to work time would not serve, he has advised Her Majesty to answer directly. If Cecil will let the writer know what point he has neglected, he will reform it accordingly.
2. His mistress presently directed the bearer, Montaignac, purposely to France, as her uncle M. De Guise is to be at Court on 15th inst. She has written with her own hand by him to the Queen of England, wherein she has craved favour for her uncle, which the writer prays him to procure. The Queen's offer will oblige both the Queen and the Duke of Guise. Prays that he will push forward the time until they have met, at which time one shall so govern the other that hereafter they shall need no mediator, and then he will say "Nunc dimittis." This matter shall be prosecuted by special messages, if he advises it. Asks Cecil to present this gentleman to the Queen; and that Cecil and himself may first confer together by letters.—Seton, 5 Jan. 1561.
3. P. S.—Will presently send back to Cecil his letter of the 10th Nov. which he requested might be returned by any trusty man.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Jan. 5.
Labanoff, i. 128.
786. Queen Mary to Throckmorton. (fn. 2)
The Queen of England having offered him to serve the writer towards her uncles in France, prays him to embrace the business.—Seton, 5 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 7. 787. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Received lately from Randolph a copy of a letter written by the Master of Maxwell to the Master of the Rolls, complaining of Lord Dacre have informed the Queen and the Council of Scotland of his [Maxwell's] misdemeanour. Randolph asks that the Queen's Council will cause satisfaction may be made to the Master of Maxwell. Sends copy of the letter touching this matter. Thinks that some fitter man should have Lord Dacre's room.—Berwick, 7 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[1562.] 788. The West Borders.
"The Heads of the Master of Maxwell's complaints upon the Lord Dacre, Warden of the West Marches of England."
1. Sir William Cordwell, Master of the Rolls, Sir Thomas Gargraffe, and Sir Thomas Carns, being in commission at Carlisle, 22nd Aug. 1561, on the part of England, an order for making redress of complaints of Scotland was made, wherein it was appointed that a march day should be held on the 16th of Sept. following.
2. This indenture has not been kept by Lord Dacre, who also refuses to make answer for the attempts which are made daily upon this realm by Andrew Grahame, Richie Grahame, sons of Huchcoun Grahame; Fergus Grahame, son to Matho the Blak; Jok Grahame, and his son Jok; Willie Blackburne, stepson of Richie Grahame of Medop, and other Englishmen, rebels of Scotland.
3. Although an indenture was made between the Wardens at the foot of Sark water in Sept. 1560, that if any Englishman occupied any ground of Scotland within the West Wardenry he should pay double the principal, yet Willie Grahame of Fauld, Georde Graham, son of little Thome, Will Grahame of Carlisle, Thom Grahame of Galloway, Fergus Grahame of the Mort, Richie Grahame of Netherby, Gibbe Grahame of Sark, and his son Georde, Quintyne Grahame of Sark, Fergye Grahame, son of Matho the Plump, and other Grahames, Englishmen, have occupied lands within the West Wardenry of Scotland, nor has Lord Dacre made any redress thereof. Nor has the complainant received any answer to his request for redress for thefts by Andrew Grahame, son of Hucheoun; Biack Jokye Grahame; Sym Taillor; Robeyn Foster; Georde Grahame, son to little Thom, and others.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 8. 789. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. By his letters of the 28th ult. he informed her that the Lord of St. Colme had declared to him his negociations with the French, and their proceedings with him; and that he had journeyed from hence to the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise, whose proceedings St. Colme has also declared to the writer since his return. He found all the brothers of the house of Guise at Joinville, where they seemed to care little for their ill willers. The Court fears the Guises, more than the Guises fear the Court. Cannot perceive that the Cardinal or the Duke intends to come to the Court for a long time, yet they send daily from the Court to them, and from them to the Court, which reminds him of Duke Maurice's behaviour to the Emperor Charles, who at length came to visit him at Isbourge with 40,000 or 50,000 men. The Duke and his brethren have gone to Nancy in Lorraine, where the Duke [of Lorraine], the Duchess, his mother, and other great personages of Almain meet them. It is suspected by some that the Duke of Nemours may come thither secretly to confer with his friends; he has been summoned to the Court, but has refused to come, although he says he will remain a faithful servant to the King. Lord St. Colme told the writer that the Duke of Guise asked him in presence of the Cardinal of Lorraine whether he spake with the Queen in his coming hither concerning the overture lately proposed by the Laird of Lethington to her for composition of the differences betwixt her and the Queen of Scots. To which he answered he was charged to speak with her, but there was no mention made of the aforesaid matter. He was then asked whether he had spoken with Throckmorton since his arrival, to which he answered, Yes; at which the Duke said he marvelled he had heard nothing from the Ambassador to such matter as he proposed at his being last in Paris concerning the composition. He said that he would be pleased if the Queen would conclude with his niece as the matter deserves, and which would be profitable to both Queens and their realms. In the end the Cardinal and Duke concluded with good words to the Queen, and charged Lord St. Colme to present to her their commendations.
2. Since his last there have been great discords in Paris between the Papists and Protestants, and not only many killed and wounded on both sides, but also the Protestants' preaching-place has been burnt and several houses adjoining the same. A church of the Papists, named St. Medard, in the Fauxbourg of St. Marceau, was notably spoiled. The Prince of Rochesuryon (who was Governor of Paris) has either given it up or is discharged of the same, and the order thereof is committed to Marshal Montmorency, ordinary Governor of the same, who, to keep the people in order, guards the Papists in their processions and preachings, and the Protestants in their assemblies, alternately. To provide a remedy for these enormities here and elsewhere in France, the King has assembled at St. Germain (on the 4th inst.) many learned men of his realm, unto whom the Chancellor of France has proposed on the King's behalf how to remedy the same, as will appear to the Queen by the copy of the oration he sends herewith.
3. M. D'Osenze has returned from Spain, and has brought good words from the King of Spain to the King of France, and also gives out that the Queen of Spain is with child, which is a matter very plausible to the Queen Mother and others here. If it was not for the King of Navarre (who quarrels with the King of Spain for Navarre) the King would live quietly with France. He does not like the proceedings here in religion, and so he does not let to say.
4. Intelligence from Rome states that the Bishop there intends nothing less than an orderly reformation in religion, because lately he made an Ordinance that from henceforth no man shall employ such magnificence in obsequies and sepulchres, but may bestow what they will upon buildings and restoration of certain antiquities, as conduits, highways, etc. Also that most of the old soldiers in Naples and Sicily are to be sent into Spain, whereupon some think the King intends some enterprise against the Turks; others think it is to invade Bas Navarre, which the King of Navarre holds.
5. News from Italy mention that lately the Duke of Ferrara (being at his house called Belgardia, twelve miles from Ferrara) was bitten in the head and neck, as he was asleep in bed, by a scorpion, but the danger is past. The Turks and Venetians arm; the latter suspecting Philip's preparations more than the Turks. The Genoese have sent an Ambassador hither about the matters of Corsica and Bonifacio in the said isle.
6. The Duke and Duchess of Savoy have presented to the King, the Queen Mother, and the King's brothers and sisters acceptable new year's gifts, and by his Ambassador solicits the rendition of the towns in Piedmont. He begins to put things in order to recover the same one way or another; whereupon the French put forth a rumour that they will surrender the towns according to the treaty.
7. M. De Foix at his return to the Court visited the writer, and commended the Queen, her realm, and subjects very much. He also spoke well of the Queen of Scots, but not of her realm or subjects. He liked the form of religion used in England, and intends to exhibit the book which he brought with him (translated into French) to the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Chancellor. Dr. Balduine (Professor of Civil Law) has written something in form of an apology of the said order of religion in England, which he has desired the writer to send to Cecil, and if his labours are agreeable to the Queen, he will proceed in the whole as he has done in parts; or otherwise the same may serve (if it does not please her to employ him) as a pattern for some learned man in England to make a like apology for the defence of her formula, which is thought to be necessary. He perceives that such as sent him [Foix] thither think it unkindly that he should return from the Queen without any present, seeing the Queen of Scots gave him one. The said De Foix was as well addressed to her with special instructions as to Scotland, to whom (it is said here) his legation was not so pleasant as to the Queen of England. Foix, being a man likely to come into credit, deserved some consideration.
8. Under colour of religion a great number of people are assembled at Guienne, where they have committed many outrages, and have also sacked a town and besieged M. De Bury, Lieutenant to the King of Navarre, in that government; whereupon M. De Grandmont (lately made Knight of the Order) accompanied with others of the long robe, is despatched to persuade them, and in case that does not prevail, the Prince of Condé will be sent with a force.
9. Upon the late persecution against the Protestants in the Low Countries, above 200 wealthy families have come into France, at which the King of Spain is offended; and to prevent the same for the future, it is said all the towns and passages are stopped upon the frontiers.
10. Linerolles (the Duke De Nemours' servant) is removed from St. Germains (where he has been prisoner since his apprehension) to Melun. The French will shortly make out the process of the Duke De Nemours.
11. The bruit is revived that the Turk is dead, and that Zelim, his eldest son, makes great preparation for war, which is judged to be against his brother Bajazet rather than Christendom. All Princes that have any interest in the Turk's doings begin to arm.
12. Advertisements from Germany state that the Protestant Princes do assemble to consider the election of a King of the Romans, and give order amongst themselves in case they are assailed by their adversaries, which they suspect, because the King of Spain, the Bishop of Rome, and the Duke of Savoy begin to put themselves in order.
13. Has been informed from the Court that it is resolved ere long to send M. De Foix to reside as Ambassador in England, and M. De Sevre is to be revoked.—Paris, 8 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
Jan. 10. 790. — to Shers. (fn. 3)
The Council will open about the middle of this month; the Emperor has promised that by that time his Ambassador shall be at Trent. The Patriarch of Venice has set out to-day, and to-morrow the Papal Nuncio follows. Mathio Dandolo and Niccolo Da Ponte, elected by the Venetians to go to the Council, are not yet ready. The scarcity at Trent is insupportable, and possibly the Council may be removed thence. Has seen a letter (which is trustworthy) which mentions as an undoubted fact that the Pope, the Emperor, the King of Spain, and the Princes of Italy have resolved to enforce the decrees of this Council. "My Ambassador" has received letters from Piedmont, stating that the Queen Mother has sent to the Duchess a bed for herself and a cradle for her infant. The Queen Mother and the King of Navarre have promised to restore the fortresses, with the exception of Pinarol, for which they will give Carmagnola in exchange.— Venice, 10 Jan. 1562. Signed, but the signature is torn off.
Orig., with seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 10. 791. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
"Wrote last Saturday as usual. Sends intelligence with this. War is expected in Piedmont, in consequence of the retention of the fortresses. The Pope is raising troops. — Venice, 10 Jan. 1562. Signed: N. St.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 10. 792. Intelligences.
1. Spain, 13 Dec. The King has been to Alcala to see the Prince, who has lately recovered of his quartan. Great joy was signified at his recovery by processions, shot of artillery, and juego de cañas.
2. Conte Brocardo has arrived. The Pope sent him to the King respecting the grant of certain galleys by the Church. The King has made a general view to see what soldiers may be had in case of war, taking one out of every parish at the charge of the same.
3. The principal Estates of Castiglia have repaired to the Court, touching an impost lately ordered.
4. Nicesto Grimaldo, merchant of Genoa, has contracted with the King to cause 500,000 crowns to be delivered at Genoa, and 500,000 in Flanders by May; and also 500,000 in Spain, which he has there. The King assigned Guiri [Algaria] in Spain for repayment of the money. He has sold part thereof to Ruy Gomez, part to Erasso, and part to Don Luys Mendes de Haro. The King also gave him a rich commandery worth 6,000 crowns a year, and 70,000 crowns in money, and will recommend Grimaldi's brother to be made a Cardinal.
5. The King will probably come to Flanders, and it is thought that he intends to make provision for the war. The States of Flanders have made suit to the King to procure the daughter of Cleves to be married to the Prince, which would be a great surety to the rest of the Estates of the Low Countries. The Marquis of Pescara is appointed to go to Trent on behalf of the King. There are divers discourses who shall be General by sea. Some think that the Duke of Sessa will, who for the recovery of his sickness was seared in the mouth. A son of the King of Bohemia will come to the Court at the beginning of the year. The French gentleman lately sent by the Queen Mother has had a long audience with the King; and the day after he was with the Duke of Alva, in company with the ordinary Ambassador; and has since departed. The cause of his coming was to declare the end of the Assembly in France, and what Bishops should be sent to the Council, and also speak of the matters of Navarre. A man of great reputation in the Indies has rebelled against the King.
6. Paris, Dec. 22. The war, for lack of restoring the places in Savoy, is confirmed, for that the King fortifies Metz, Calais, and sundry other places.
7. Prague, 24 Dec. The Despot has made himself Duke of Moldavia, and Duke Alessandro is retired to the Turk for aid. The Transylvanians are fortifying a castle near Rysguarda, appertaining to the Emperor. Sentence is given in the contention between the Dukes of Bavaria and Wurtemberg for the inheritance of Duke Ernest of Bohemia with the Duke of Bavaria.
8. Milan, Jan. 7. The King of Spain means to amass five millions of money, whereof he will make part in Flanders, Naples, and Milan, besides what he makes in Genoa and Spain. The Duke of Sessa (perceiving the disorder of apparel in Milan) devised to set an impost on apparel, himself wearing cloth; whereupon both men and women suddenly fell to the like, and so the matter is much remedied.
9. Rome, Jan. 10. The Pope kept a feast last Tuesday in remembrance of his coronation; at which the Cardinal De la Cueva requested him to set Cardinal de Pisa at liberty, the whole college crying gratia, gratia. He yielded, and gave him liberty to see his friends in prison; but he is not yet abroad. The Bishop of Trecene, a Neapolitan of the house of Caragiola, has fled to Geneva, and become one of that religion. On Tuesday last, at Stabia (a town appertaining to Flamino da Langiulara) was found in a secret place a little shrine of gold, in which was the blood of the Circumcision of Christ. The Pope has sent the Bishop Maffeo thither to bring a true report of the matter. The Duke of Florence minds (with the consent of King Philip) to found an Order of sixty Knights, to be called the Knights of St. Stephen, who are to have from 100 to 1,000 crowns for their entertainment. They are to have a palace at Pisa, and also two galleys which they shall use on the sea, as they see occasion, for the service of the religion. The Pope understands by letters from Spain that the King accepts the clergy's contributions for the maintenance of certain galleys, and that he will appoint certain livings to the Borromei, the Pope's nephews. King Philip minds to marry the Prince his son to his sister, the Queen of Portugal. There is speech, also, of a marriage between the Emperor and Doña Maria of Portugal.
10. From France it was written that at Avignon there is a foul work made among the nuns, friars, priests, and other religious men; and that the Queen of Navarre was sick and in danger. The subjects of Petigliano have rebelled against their Prince, and submitted to the Pope.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 6.
Jan 10. 793. Intelligences.
1. Prague, 15 Dec. 1561. The Emperor has appointed a Diet of the Electors. The Bishop of Quinque Ecclesiæ and the Baron De Poluillere are appointed Ambassadors to the Council. The Archbishop of Prague goes as Ambassador for Hungary, and the Bishop of Aguia with him.
2. Milan, 20 Dec. 1561. (See Jan. 3, 1562, No. 779.)
3. Rome, 27 Dec. 1561. The death of the Bishop of Bobbio is reported, as also that of Cardinal Gaddi. The affairs of France go from bad to worse.
4. Vienna, 23 Dec. 1561. (See Jan. 3, 1562. No. 779.)
5. The Catholic Court, 27 Nov. 1561. The King is at Alcala to visit the Prince, who has recovered of his quartan, for which there are many rejoicings.
6. 28 Nov. 1561. The intelligence of the arrival of M. Crivello gives satisfaction at this Court.
7. 2 Dec. 1562. The Bishop elect of Saragossa is dead; the Archbishop is busy in the Court with the cause of the Archbishop of Toledo, which progresses. The King is occupied in making an enrolment of persons who will serve in the event of war, which leads to the belief that it is impending.
8. 7 Dec. 1561. The intelligence of the armament is confirmed; the levies will be taken into Italy or elsewhere. The nobles of Castille are expected at the Court; they are much aggrieved by the new taxes. Nicholo Grimaldo, a Genoese merchant, has undertaken to pay to the King 500,000 scudi in Genoa and other 500,000 in Flanders. These sums are intended for the provision of military stores, and to pay the King's debts. The States of Flanders have requested the King to obtain the daughter of the Duke of Cleves for his son in marriage, which would be for the interest of Flanders.
9. 10 Dec. 1561. A courier will speedily be despatched to Rome upon the matter of the galleys. Ambassadors are appointed for Rome and the Council. The Marquis of Pescara is to go to the opening of the Council, at Trent, in the Pope's name. He, or the Duke of Sessa, or Don Garcia De Toledo, will be Admiral. The Duke of Sessa has been ill, but has recovered. Of the money received from Grimaldo, 500,000 scudi will be retained in Spain. The surrender of lands to France by the Marquis of Saluzzo will make it difficult for the French to restore the Piedmontese lands to Savoy. A son of the King of Bohemia will shortly appear in this Court.
10. 13 Dec. 1561. The French gentleman who came to this Court from the Queen Mother has returned after having had long interviews with the King, the Duke of Alva, and the Ambassador in ordinary. The Queen's Ambassador is Don Zio: Di Zunigha. He who will go to the Council is the Count De Montereggio, well learned in theology. Many friars will accompany him.
11. Prague, 29 Dec. 1561. The Despot is made Duke of Moldavia, but it is not true that Duke Alexander is killed. The inhabitants of Transylvania are building a castle near Rysvorda. The King's Council has decided the suit in favour of the Duke of Bavaria, whose claim to the inheritance of Duke Ernest of Bohemia was opposed by the Duke of Wurtemberg.
12. Paris, 22 Nov. 1561. War about the restitution of the places in Piedmont is expected. Lutheranism increases daily. The realms of the King of Spain are much inclined to the new religion, and it is openly preached throughout France. The Duke of Nemours has sent to the Queen, justifying himself from the charges brought against him respecting the Duke of Orleans. The fortifications of Calais are advanced day and night.
13. Rome, 10 Jan. 1562. The Bishops sent by various Princes to the Council are displeased with their mission, and the Pope has directed that those localities should be strengthened. The King of Spain has given a gracious audience to the Count Brocchardo, and has determined to send Don Luigi, commendator of Castille, as his Ambassador at Rome in the place of Vargas. At Avignon the French commit many outrages upon all who hold with the Pope. His Holiness has decided that all Prelates shall wear their proper dress. Three stars have appeared over certain relics found at Stabbia. The Prince of Spain is recovered, and as the King is not likely to have issue, the marriage of the Prince is recommended. Alarmed at the proceedings in France, the King has borrowed a million of gold from Anastazio Grimaldi; he will send the Marquis of Pescara to Trent. The Duke of Sessa is ill, and has not arrived in Italy. The French Ambassador, at a long audience which he has had with the King, has recounted all the proceedings about religion in France, especially at the late Conference, with which the King was much scandalized. Letters from Milan of the 7th instant speak of the intention to enforce a law against excess of dress. The Duchess of Savoy has given birth to a son. When the Duke of Pitigliano was hunting, the populace murdered his guards and drove him into another of his castles.
Orig., in two hands. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 7.


  • 1. The original of this letter is preserved at Hatfield House, from which it is printed by Haynes, and again by Keith from what he designates as a "shattered MS."
  • 2. The original of this letter is in the B.M. Calig. B. ix. 171.
  • 3. Pasted on the back of this letter is a portion of a petition in which Charles Purton [?] requests the Privy Council to cause justice to be done respecting his claim to certain lands in Suffolk.