Elizabeth: October 1561, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: October 1561, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp343-349 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1561, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp343-349.

"Elizabeth: October 1561, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp343-349.

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October 1561, 1-5

[Oct.] 566. Italian Merchants.
"A declaration of the misdemeanours, practices, and abuses which diverse merchants, Italians, do daily use, to the great detriment of the Queen, by withdrawing her custom," by the export and import of cloths and other merchandise.
Orig. Pp. 4.
Oct. 567. Italian Merchants.
List of "cloths, kerseys, and cottons shipped from this port of London, and received in Antwerp in Brabant by the merchants of Italy and other their factors and agents there, within one year from October 1560, and ending at October 1561." Appended are certain details respecting the above charges.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 2. 568. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. Has received by Sommer the instrument for the ratification of the treaty with the Queen of Scots. She has also seen the twelve medallions of the Emperors, whereof she does not make such estimation as the price assigned. She returns them, and wills him to thank Vergetius for the same, telling him that she has caused certain closets and cabinets of her father to be searched, wherein a great number of such monuments in gold, silver, and copper have been found, and amongst them very fair monuments of the said Emperors.
2. She wishes him to prosecute the suppression of Sacconaye's lewd and slanderous book, and have the author of the preface punished for slandering King Henry VIII. and her.
3. The French Ambassador here has presented her with a letter from one John De Vallett, who is Master of the Hospital of Jerusalem, by which he signifies their desire to send one of their order to her to solicit her favour towards them. They intend to send hither their hospitaller, as may appear by a copy of the letter sent herewith. For answer, (although she satisfied the French Ambassador, who is one of the order,) she thinks meet that the hospitaller being about the Court, should know her pleasure by the English Ambassador. He is to state that she has received the letter from the master, but thinks it not meet for sundry causes, that he should come hither; if he will state his message, the Ambassador will procure an answer thereto. For any favour to be shown towards certain of her subjects, being of that order and remaining at Malta, he is to say they have not deserved the same, in not recognizing her as their Sovereign since the beginning of her reign.
4. She will be content that De Vomynye shall come hither, she having heard such commendations for his playing on the lute, and singing, without any other assurance of entertainment, but as she shall like of him.
Draft in Cecil's hol. and endd. by his secretary: 2 Oct. 1561. Pp. 4.
Oct. 2. 569. Nicolas De Gallars to Throckmorton.
Since last writing the plan of the conference has been changed. Five persons have been appointed by the Queen and agreed to by the clergy to confer with them; namely, the Bishops of Valence and Sens and M. M. Salignac, D'Espence, and Bouteillier. On their own side they have appointed Martyr, Beza, De Gallars, Marlorat, and D'Espine. They have met twice, and have agreed on the principal point of the Lord's Supper, viz., the presence of Christ's Body to those who communicate in faith. Does not think that the Bishops will agree to anything that comes from them except through force.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 2 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: The copy of M. De Saul's letter to me. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 570. Cecil to Windebank.
1. Thanks for "applying the profiting of Thomas Cecil in learning." Returns his letter in French, corrected. Let him use writing and translating in French. "In anywise, considering his youth, have great regard that he may return with a chaste body." Duty and honesty do not permit Windebank to keep Thomas's faults from Cecil. Hopes that his cousin Dannett will soon revoke Throckmorton. Looks daily for Candalle's coming home, who will bring Windebank's accounts. Asks for some registers of books, from which he may make choice to garnish his library.—St. James's, 3 Oct. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Wishes to know where they lodge, and the distance of the place from Paris.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 3.] 571. Cecil to Windebank.
Asks to be informed of the prices of certain books and charts which are specified. Requests that Thomas Cecil will write to him in French, specifying, "how and in what studies or exercises he spendeth the whole day." Signed.
Orig., in Cecil's hol. and add. by him. Endd.: Received by Hawkins. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 572. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. Lord Grey's entertainment for the wardenry having by means of Capel been paid both at the exchequer and by the writer (which was the reason of his breaking with him for the money that he promised), asks that order be taken with Lord Grey for satisfaction of the Queen; otherwise, if the writer should offer the stay of so much as is double received, for his own indemnity, it will be a means that his Lordship will still continue his displeasure against him, whereby the service may be hindered. Nothing doubts the pacifying of the soldiers, albeit their lack for pay is great, if he might have his Lordship indifferent; as (were it not for money matters), he trusts he would. If a letter of commandment were sent from the Lords to the writer, that forasmuch as Lord Grey's fees are payable in the exchequer, he should forbear to pay any of his fees for the wardenry due since Midsummer, it would cause Grey to think that there was no fault in him, but that he only ensued such order as is prescribed to him. The pays are great that are behind, yet may they the better be forborne as long as the store of provision is able to give relief; which, unless it be speedily renewed, will be utterly disfurnished. Has in like manner written to the Lord Treasurer.
2. Has not received in money and stores above 8,000l., and there is owing by the soldiers and workmen 6,500l. and odd, whereby it must appear that the remain cannot be much. They have received on Michaelmas day letters from the Lords, dated the 18th Sept. to certify the state of the works and the pays thereof, which shall be done within two days.—Berwick, 3 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 573. Mary, Queen of Scots, to Elizabeth.
Encloses the complaint of certain inhabitants of Leith, that Mr. Holstock and other Englishmen had wrongfully taken their ships and goods, and detained them prisoners. She desires that they, their ships and goods, may be set at liberty. —Holyrood, 4 Oct., 19 Mariæ. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Broadside.
Oct. 4. 574. Carvell and Colwiche to Lord Grey.
Enclose a letter from Cecil to his Lordship and his deputies of the Admiralty, whereby it seems that the Earl of Northumberland has stated that the writers use extremity to his tenants, forcing guiltless men to pay for the spoil of the Scots ship. They are sorry that he should make any such information, as his tenants have been most favoured and forborne, notwithstanding they have many times disobeyed letters of Grey and the Deputy Wardens written to them for appearance, and such as have paid anything confessed their townships guilty. The residue of his tenants that have not paid will not appear upon any commandment, and are the cause that all the country people use disobedience. They now forbear levying anything until his Lordship shall have declared the truth to Cecil. They do not deal with any particular tenants of the Earl, but suffer the officers of his townships guilty to rate the inhabitants at their discretion, so if any guiltless man be rated they are not in fault. They desire him to declare to Cecil how unworthily they are reported with such as can both bite and whine.—Berwick, 4 Oct. 1561. Signed: John Carvell, Humfry Colwiche.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 575. Works at Berwick.
Provisions required for the fortifications at Berwick before the next spring; consisting of spades, iron, steel, planks, necessaries for the carts, sieves, and three steel anvils of Flanders for the smith's forge, for that those made in Sussex are not good; amounting with expenses of freight and carriage to 153l. 6s. 8d.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 5. 576. The Earl of Argyll to Cecil.
Has lately written to him to be a means that Cormack O'Conocher, gentleman of Ireland, might obtain the Queen's pardon; whereunto he was not so much moved by his earnest suit, as by the good opinion he had of his unfeigned repentance. Hopes to profit him not only in obtaining the said pardon, but also to purchase such favours as a reasonable life may be granted to him in his native country. Desires to know the Queen's mind therein.—Edinburgh, 5 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig., stained by damp. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 5. 577. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
1. Has received commandment from the Lord Treasurer to advertise him of the state of Norham and Wark castles, which he has done accordingly, having both written to him and sent plats of the pieces. Sends several plats of these houses and of the town of Berwick to Cecil. Wark is so ruinous, being in most places fallen down, and having no flankers, and the rest that yet stands more like to fall than to continue, that there can be no account made of any force either as it is, or as it may be; for besides the ruin, the very site is subject to divers places within a quarter of a mile, and there is no quarry anything worth near it. Norham is unserviceable, unless it be for spear and shield of the sudden. If the Queen would have it repaired there is stone enough, but no lime. Has set forth how it may be made most serviceable in his opinion. If were better for the Queen to have it built anew 1,000 feet off; for a piece of ground 400 feet square and entrenched twenty feet broad and twelve deep, but half flanked, would be of more force than both Wark and Norham. For the help of Wark about a quarter of a mile off there may be made force; but for the present place, the ground will in no ways serve it. The better of them both may be taken without shot of great ordnance, and digged down with pickaxes. In accordance with the desire of the Lords of the Council he sends certain estimates. Humbly beseeches that in all like cases he may receive commandment in writing.
2. There cannot be any workmen well spared, except they should convert to labourers such as be aged or least skilful for needful service at the limekilns. All the workmen they have are few enough for the advancement of the height aforesaid. If he wishes these things to go speedily forward, he desires to have commission for breaking the gate of St. Nicholas' ward, for the furtherance of their carriages, and plain instructions of all the proceedings here for his discharge. —Berwick, 5 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Oct. 5.] 578. State of Norham Castle.
One half of the donjon is clean down to the vaults, the other is sixty feet high with a platform that carries certain small ordnance, as sakers and falcons. The hall has a flat roof, whereon stand certain small pieces; the side next the Tweed is in some places twenty-eight, in others thirty, and twentyfour feet high, and cannot be flanked. The smaller towers are only fit for harquebusses; the gate has no flanker, but a little hole for a harquebuss. Under some of the walls there are arches, so that a man could dig through them in half an hour. There is a stone quarry not past 1,000 feet from the castle. Signed: Rowland Johnson.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 5.]
Hist. of Wark Castle, by Rev. P. Mearns, p. 50. (fn. 1)
579. State of Wark Castle.
1. The wall round the donjon is twenty-four feet high and six broad, and between it and the donjon is a platform about twenty-four-feet broad that all the ordnance stands on.
2. The donjon is about the height of the platform, thirtyfour feet, with a flat roof of lead, which is in great decay.
3. The square wall towards the inside is twenty-three feet high, and is in decay.
4. A new wall made by M. Pettie, the surveyor of Calais, inside the old wall, where there is a little rampart between the two walls of the south side, is in great decay.
5. The south side of the round wall to the gate is in some places twenty feet high and in others twenty-two; and cannot be flanked but with harquebusses at the gate to the next point, 100 feet long.
6. From the gate to the next point towards the water is twenty feet high, and at that point a little angle that scant a man can make shift to stand in with his harquebus to flank towards the gate of the height of the wall.
7. From the point all along the cliff by the water side is for the most part made of earth and is in marvellous decay, and fallen down almost to the point that turns up towards the postern.
8. The wall from the point next the postern to the round platform is twenty feet high and not flanked, but of the height of the platform.
9. There is a wall dividing one court from the other, and not flanked.
10. There is a long storehouse in good reparation, wherein they brew and bake. Signed: Rowland Johnson.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 5.] 580. Fortifications of Berwick.
"A brief declaration made to the Queen not only of the present state of the new fortifications, but also of the state of the old town in like manner, with my opinion of what things are most requisite to be first put in hand for to bring the same fortifications to some strength to avoid any danger or attempt of the sudden."
Endd. Pp. 5.
[Oct. 5.] 581. Fortifications of Berwick.
"A note of the charges for finishing of the foss, or fore part of the new fortifications there, as well the bullwarks as the curtains of the same, with yerthe and hatherwork, being measured after twenty feet in length, twenty feet in breadth, and twenty feet high, the pole; all which earthwork to begin at the west bullwark towards Tweed, and ending at the south bullwark called St. Nicolas' ward." Estimated "polles of yerthe," 262; estimated cost, 3,119l. 19s. 6d.
Orig. Endd.: Fleming, the master gunners' estimate. Pp. 4.
Oct. 5. 582. Fortifications of Berwick.
Gives the height of the walls in various parts, specifying how much is not yet begun, and also a calculation of how much hewn stone will be required to raise the walls to the height of twenty feet; amounting to 71,238 feet. This declaration is said to be "according to the plat." Signed: Roland Johnson.
Pp. 4.
Oct. 5. 583. Nicolas Des Gallars to Throckmorton.
Was unable to send him a copy of the accord yesterday, being obliged to go immediately to the Prince. They agreed about the first writing with scarcely any difficulty with the deputies, who merely required to communicate it to the Bishops. Not being able to obtain their consent, they endeavoured on the morrow to put it in such ambiguous terms as to imply a belief in the actual presence of the Body of Christ in the Supper, declaring that it was to induce the Bishops to some accord. The reformers on their part said that they could not come to a resolution without communicating with their party. Plainly perceive that they merely want to break with them. They complain that the collocutors of the reformers have exceeded their charge.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 5 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: The copy of M. De Saul's letter to me. Fr. Pp. 2.


  • 1. 8vo. Edinb., 1863.