Elizabeth: September 1561, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: September 1561, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp328-343 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1561, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp328-343.

"Elizabeth: September 1561, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp328-343.

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September 1561, 26-30

Sept. 26. 538. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. According to his advertisements of the 20th inst. the Cardinal of Ferrara arrived at the Court, and had (as the Bishop of Rome's legate always has) the cross borne before him, whereunto little reverence was done by many persons of the Court, wherewith the Cardinal and those that accompanied him were much offended. Notwithstanding, when he had saluted the King and presented his letters this honour was done to him, as that the Duke of Orleans, the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable accompanied him to his lodging. The principal points of his errand are to entreat the French King that the annates and preventions may still remain as the Pope's revenue; that there may be no change in the order of religion and observances in this church; to solicit the King to send his clergy to the Council of Trent; and to impeach the clergy assembled at Poissy, that they may have no further conference with the Protestant clergy. It seems he has obtained some part thereof, for it was granted before the Cardinal's arrival at Court that the Protestants should reply to the Cardinal of Lorraine's oration on the 22nd inst., which is past and nothing done.
2. There is a rumour rife in this Court that certain noblemen and others, and amongt them the Count of Olive, have made an insurrection against the King, as well for religion as for tallies and imposts which the King tries to take from the Lords, due unto them by their tenants, and to annex the same to his revenues. These men could be content if there were more troubles in Spain, for there is in many places of this realm much trouble about religion, and the severe edict that was lately set forth, which he sent to the Queen at the time of its publication, which troubles are most spoken of in Auvergne.
3. The Duke d'Aumale landed at Calais with the galleys from Scotland, ten or twelve days since, and repaired to the Court two or three days ago.
4. The Queen's desire has been considered on all parts here, for the suppression of De Sacconay's book, especially by the Admiral, who has travailed to have order forthwith executed. The King sent to Lyons, where the author dwells, to have all the books suppressed and the author punished; the same order will be sent to Paris this day. The Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine, when it was debated in Council, were willing to have it suppressed by the King's authority. Desires the Queen to let the French Ambassador know that she takes it in good part, especially at the hands of the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre.
5. The clergy of France now assembled have offered the King, towards paying his debts, ten millions of francs, which he has refused, being too small a sum, and has demanded a greater subsidy, which it is thought he will obtain. The States are not yet dissolved, nor will they be until a resolute order is taken for the payment of the King's debts, and for matters of religion.
6. On the 23rd inst. two young gentlemen upon a quarrel, fought at the court gate, one was killed, and the other is in great danger. The one that is dead, was called the Baron of Ingrade, of Normandy, gentleman of the King's chamber, the other is M. de Gersie, of Poitou.
7. On the 24th inst, an Italian, calling himself John Baptista Baltran of Lyons, came to the writer's lodgings, and declared that lately he had been in England, and made a chargeable voyage, being detained there six weeks to his cost, and in the end not recompensed for his expenses. He also said that he had informed Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil (to signify to the Queen) that one, named Maniola de Corfeu, a Greek, was appointed by a great personage to make a voyage into England to poison the Queen. He had described the person, and other circumstances of Maniola to them, and said that the Greek was at Brussels lately with the Abbot of Martiningo, the Bishop of Arras, and Mr. Harvey, that lately came from Spain, all of whom were in consultation two days. Baptista also declared to him that the Bishop of Aquila was privy to the same; also, that after the Queen understood from him that Maniola had returned from Brussels towards Italy through France with the Abbot (who passed more than five months ago), she resolved to send one hither to discover the party and the matter. A short time before he left England, Cecil told him he would write to him in the matter if Baptista would confer with him therein, for which letter he stopped three or four days, and not hearing anything thereof, he repaired hither in consequence of his not being able to abide the expenses there, and being in this town he says he has discovered that Maniola has come hither with the Cardinal of Ferrara, and from hence he intends to repair into England to commit the deed. He declared to Throckmorton that if he would assure him of a good recompense for the charges he had been at, and the danger he puts himself in by discovering the matter, he would accompany the Greek to England, and there apprehend him and all his boxes with the sundry sorts of poison. Throckmorton said he had never heard of it before, but he assured him he would be well rewarded if he would so order the matter as the Greek might with his poisons be apprehended in England. He could not assure him of any certain sum, not knowing her pleasure.
8. The bearer, Captain Alexander, having long been in misery by his imprisonment here, and at last having redeemed himself by paying his ransom, repairs into England upon the clemency which the Queen has extended towards him. He is very poor and has little to live on, the writer therefore hopes she will assist him and his children.
9. M. de Vomenye (groom of the French King's privy chamber, and one that plays singularly upon the lute, and sings accordingly,) is desirous to become her servant. Wishes to know what answer he shall make.
10. Lately sent by Mr. Sommer the images of the twelve Emperors, being recommended to her, Cecil, and him as medals of great antiquity, by Vergetius, who said he had commission from the Queen to make search for such things. He has used the best means he could by some expert Italians and others, to know the truth of the antiquity of those images; they suspect them to be a counterfeit. Desires the Queen to remember he is bound to a merchant of this town, either to deliver them again in good state, or to pay six hundred crowns of the sun within two months after the date of delivery, which was the 19th inst.—Paris, 26 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Sept. 26. 539. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Recommends the bearer, Mr. Alexander, to Cecil's pitiful consideration. The Queen has pardoned the offence imputed unto him, yet he thinks he is able to answer his cause, though not in law. She and Cecil might employ him in some place where he might attend at Court to receive strangers and Ambassadors, for in all Courts there is one appointed especially for that charge. Cecil may perceive what he thinks of the images by his letter to the Queen. A man who professes great knowledge has told him, since Somer left, that they are modern, and made of common copper, and cunningly gilt. Desires Cecil to remember that he stands bound in the sum of 600 crowns of the sun to deliver the same within two months.
2. Twenty-three or twenty-four poor Englishmen were brought to this town by appellation from the sentence given againt them at St. Valery's, in Picardy, where they were apprehended, their ships and goods confiscated, and they condemned to the galleys for piracy. The master is named Thomas Elton, of Rye, from whence most of them came. They allege they went forth by order, and stand bound to the Queen's officers at Rye for their good behaviour. They say they met with Marychurch. of Dover, in the North Sea, whither they went a fishing, who took from them all their victuals, and in recompense gave them certain packs of woollen and linen cloth, which very likely were stolen. Elton being robbed of his victuals, plied towards Rye, but the wind being against him, he was driven to St. Valery, in Picardy, where they were apprehended and used with great extremity. They are prisoners now in the concierge at Paris. Desires Cecil to ascertain these men's behaviour, and inform him thereof speedily. Their ship was one of the properest barques belonging to Rye, and had in her, of one sort and another, forty pieces of ordnance. If Cecil intends to serve them, it would be well to talk sharply to the French Ambassador. Has written to the Lord Admiral therein. The Lord Warden of the ports can give some light in this matter, for amongst them is one named Ryte, whose father is servant to the Lord Warden. At the closing hereof Cecil's son arrived here, in consequence of the plague where he was.—Paris, 26 Sept. 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—The talk he lately had with one John Baptista Baltrand, who says he has lately discovered the intent of one Maniola of Corfu, (of which he has informed Cecil and Lord Robert Dudley,) Cecil may perceive by his letter to the Queen. The man is not well pleased with his usage there. Desires Cecil to rid him hence.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 26. 540. John Somer to Throckmorton.
1. Wrote on 2 Sept. from Boulogne, mentioning his detention by the contrary wind. Embarked on Monday at 9 a.m. and arrived at Dover at 7 o'clock, where he found a ship of the King of Sweden's fleet, freighted with twenty-four horses, whereof six were dead for want of sweet water. The ship set forth at the time of the King's embarking, but having continued company one day and night, they were all taken with a storm, (whereof they had part in Paris about three weeks ago), and so divided. This ship thought to bear with the coast of Flanders, having the wind stormy at the northwest, but were driven to the North Foreland, and thence brought to Dover. On Tuesday about noon he came to the Court, finding the Queen at St. James's, where her tarrying was uncertain, and rested on the King of Sweden's coming. Understands that he embarked on 1st Sept. with sixteen ships of war, and ten other ships of burden, and certain merchant ships, which came through the storm and arrived safe in the north country, and none other of the King's company, save the ship with the horses. Most imagine that the King turned back again. They look for him daily, and the Queen has directed all the nobles and others on the seacoast to be ready to receive him, and the gentlemen of every shire, with their wives, to be ready to come to Court. (fn. 1) There come with him his two brethren, and one of the Dukes of Saxe, with a number of his nobility; as Walwiche has told the writer.
2. At his arrival he delivered his letters to Cecil, who brake the packet, read his own letter, and perused all such writings as were wrapped up in the Queen's letter, and then communed with him of the proceedings at Poissy, and of all things on that side. The writer then opened the matter of the medals at length, and showed them to him; he liked them very well, but was not skilful of their antiquity, but said that he would harken for some cunning body to inform him better of them, but would not yet believe that it was æs Corinthium. He had seen them in gold, silver, and brass, but not in this metal, and said that the price was excessive, and that the merchant was like to have his wares returned. The writer told him that, upon misliking of the price, Throckmorton was of advice that some good words of thanks were written to Vergetius, and some device found that he might not perceive that the Queen would stick for 600 crowns to have such a thing of price, but that either she had them already, or had conferred them with other pieces that are of æs Corinthium, and is well assured that these are not of it. Cecil said that it should be so.
3. The writer being in hand with Cecil about Throckmorton's revoke, answered that none had more travailed to have him home than he, and had lately named two or three to the Queen, but could never get any resolute answer. He will not, however, spare to follow it when time serves.
4. After this Cecil said that he would go to the Queen in the park, and that the writer should see her. As soon as the Queen saw him, she staid and gave him her hand to kiss, and asked how Throckmorton and his wife did, and how Lady Throckmorton "could away with France." Thereunto he answered that Throckmorton had his health meetly well, yet as a man subject more to sickness than health; and as for the liking of France, though the country was healthful and to be liked, yet they desired nothing more than to come out of it. With this she brake up the letter, and asked the writer how things stood in France, who answered that by her letter and other things she should perceive. She then read one side, and perceiving the rest to be long, said that she would read it at her return to her chamber. The writer began to tell her of the proceedings at Poissy in matters of religion. "No," (quoth she), "I care not for that; let them agree (for me) as they will; I have nothing to do how they speed. Tell me who governeth, and in what credit is the house of Guise, and how do the house of Bourbon and they agree together." Whereunto he answered as much as he knew. "Yea, faith," (quoth she), "I never saw such a reconciliation as was made between the Prince of Condé and the Duke of Guise; was there so much ado to utter those few words, and those of no greater matter? But thereby the French humour may well be deciphered." Then perceiving something under the writer's cloak, (which was the box with the medals,) she asked him what he had there, who declared the matter at good length. The Queen wondered at Vergetius' diligence, and thereby suspected that his part was therein. "And," (quoth she), "if they be of that price, I will tell him that I have the very same already, as I think I have, indeed, marry, they be in silver." Because it was late she said that she would see them on the morrow. So bringing the gilt box, the Queen "lawed" [laughed] well to see them so daintily handled and curiously laid, for the writer had laid them in order in the holes made for that purpose, and covered them with a piece of crimson velvet. Then she called their names, and scanned as many of their devices as she and he could decipher. She then bade him leave them until she had spoken with Cecil. The next day Cecil told him that he had inquired for one to consider them, and would have them touched to know the metal, but that yet he could have none that could such skill, and willed him to leave them with him. Does not think that the Queen minds to have them for the price. Has divers times told Cecil of the bond for their sending back. Chaloner says that if he were rich he would give 100 crowns for them.
5. Has been earnestly in hand with the Marquis, the Earls of Pembroke and Arundel, the Chamberlain, Controller, and Vice-Chamberlain for consideration of Throckmorton's revocation, who have all answered that they have done as much as if he were their brother, but that they cannot perceive any inclination on the Queen's behalf, who says she will consider him ere long, and alleges the scarceness of men to succeed him. In talking with the Queen, she said that the things of France were now so quiet, that saving the manners' sake she needed no Ambassador there at all. Answered that it was a meet time to train up a man who was not practised in the matters of ambassades, and that she might well revoke Throckmorton.
6. Lethington had gone long before his coming; he came with thanks and offer of kindness. The Queen has sent to the Queen of Scotland Sir Peter Mewtas. Hither are come no particularities thence this good while. Has sent the letters to Lethington and Randolph by Cecil's means, and has delivered the box with the treaty to him. Lord Grey is in town, to whom he delivered Throckmorton's letter. He says that he paid the 800 crowns long ago to Sir Robert Stafford, thinking that Deodatto had received the same. If Sir Robert can get leave he will come into France, and serve for the payment himself.
7. On Sept. 26 the Lady Catherine was brought abed in the Tower of a boy. Lord Hertford and she agree upon the time, place, and company of their marriage, but cannot bring either witness or minister. They must either find out the minister, or determine what the law will say if it be a marriage or no. The matter lies chiefly, notwithstanding all determination, in the Queen's mercy. Beza's oration and declaration are being translated into English by Mr. Mason. The Cardinal's answer would fain be seen here. Sir Thomas Chaloner is waiting for his dispatch, and looks daily for the warrant for his money. He sends his stuff by sea, and minds to come in post, with three with him, to Tours, where his horses and train shall meet him. He thinks it will be fifteen or twenty days ere he go.
8. Minds to go on the 27th or 28th to find his old master at Canterbury, who comes hither six or seven days after Michaelmas. As to the matter meant towards him in the Court, which Cecil wrote about, he hears no more of it. Cecil told the Earl of Pembroke in the writer's hearing that he had moved the Queen, whom he thought would bestow it on him. M. Damville and the Grand Prior will not be here these fifteen days. All things in this realm are very quiet. Irish matters are in better case than they were. On the 25th the French Ambassador came to the Court with three of the hostages, Camillac, Mouy, and Du Pont, to the Queen after her progress, on which day the Ambassador of Spain was with her.—St. James's, 26 Sept. 1561. Signed.
9. P. S.—Mr. Gresham is in Flanders. The younger Francis is dead in London, not of his hurt altogether, but of a fever and faint heart.
Orig. Add. Endd. Slightly injured by damp. Pp. 8.
Sept. 27. 541. Sir T. Chamberlain to the Queen.
1. Received the Queen's letters of the 9th and 22nd July, within six days of each other, with other of her letters to the King, which he has delivered. Declared to the King her pleasure concerning the common traffic lately forbidden, as it seems only by the generality of the words of the Statute. Although the Queen thought it strange, being against the treaties passed between their progenitors, yet she would not make any alteration until the matter was imparted to him, whereby he might see how necessary it was to be continued for the profit of both realms. Amongst the Statutes made by his father is one at the suit of this nation, craving by petition the free haunts and traffic with England; she did not doubt that he allowed the treaties made for that purpose. The writer also said, if it came to argument which of the realms could best forbear the other, England would not be found unfurnished of commodities meet for other realms, and could forbear sundry foreign ones. Whereas the Statute did seem to forbid the whole common traffic, yet it only appeared in effect to prohibit England from having iron out of Biscay, for in Andalusia (without any regard to the Statute) they were glad to suffer English ships to lade and depart with their commodities. One was a necessary merchandise, (although England is not destitute of the same), but the other was unprofitable, and might have been prohibited, were it not for observing the treaty established for that purpose. England (he said) had iron mines as well as other countries, which in an extremity could serve their turn. He said he hoped the King would consider what benefit England brought to their country by sending from thence great quantities of wines and fruits; and that some English merchants sent from a town of Andalusia called Xeres de la Frontera at least 40,000 butts of wine annually, besides eight or ten tons of fruit, which wines and fruit they are not able to consume themselves, whereby they are furnished of above 200,000 ducats annually to provide for their other necessaries, without which they could not live. He thought meet to inform the King by what suggestion he and his Council were brought to believe the Statute to serve for the maintenance of his shipping, which will be found to serve but slightly for that purpose. Whereas they sought to persuade the King that the common traffic was distressing ships of this country, in consequence of strangers resorting there with their ships and commodities, and taking back again commodities from hence, the contrary can be proved, and the traffic is no impediment to the maintaining of shipping. To the first he told the King, that as in Biscay, they had for a long time felled timber for building ships, and planted none again, so there was scarcely any now, and it had increased to double the price that it was thirty years ago, whereby such as were wont to build ships were now obliged to forbear. Those of Biscay frankly confess that of late years their ships have been so often stopped for the King's service, and so badly paid, that they have been obliged to turn to other trades. He alleged another reason to prove the country was not destitute of shipping by their trading further off, and that they have found a trade unto the "New found land" for fish, which they did not previously occupy so much. The riches of the Indies daily increasing, they apply themselves to that trade, either by freighting them, or selling the same in Seville for that voyage as soon as they are made. He was not in want of ships, but lacked them when he needed their service, because previous to this new trade they used only to go to Fianders and England, and divers parts of the Mediterranean Sea.
2. He told the King the scarcity of ships could only proceed from the dearth of timber, and that it must be apparent to him that the common traffic between the two realms did not diminish his ships, but brought to his country great benefits. The Queen prayed him to give redress to so necessary a thing of importance with all speed. Hereupon the King desired him to put the whole discourse in writing, and he would not fail to take order therein.
3. He then told the King that sundry of the Queen's subjects in this country had informed her of certain wrongs done unto them, but the consideration thereof being referred to him, he was loath to trouble him [the King] with private causes, if redress were to be found. Chamberlain said he would acquaint himself of their process, and examine the parties of this matter ere he troubled him therewith. Repeated to the King the substance of two of the complaints, to make him have some consideration of the cruelties used. He did this because he had before had conversation with some of the parties, which were not able, in reasoning with them, to give him knowledge of their own cases. He therefore thought meet not to trouble him more than he could help, having always had prompt redress given him at the first demand.
4. Having the matter of Bristol and Barnstaple in forwardness before the Queen's letters came, for by his solicitude and the Conte Feria's travail the merchants and mariners are with their ships released, putting sureties to answer the law, which is as it were pro forma tantum; so now he travails for restitution and recompence of such things as were pilfered from them at their apprehension, and for damage done to the merchandise, for which he has given, by the King's appointment, a remembrance, with the discourse about the common traffic, to the Duke of Alva. Understands that they of the Low Countries have made complaints to the Queen for lack of justice, especially in the Admiralty, and could not obtain redress.
5. In the meantime another misfortune has happened to three ships of London, coming to the vintage in Andalusia, who upon the coast near Cadiz found at sea a Portugal carvel, under all sail, without any one in her, into which they put some mariners and made way towards Cadiz. By the way they met a captain of the King's (going to meet a fleet coming from the Indies), who made them strike, and finding Englishmen in the carvel, said the ships had been robbed and the men thrown overboard, and thereupon tortured nine or ten of the mariners. But finding nothing else by their confession, he left two of the ships and the carvel in sequester with the justices in Cadiz, and took the third with him towards the islands to seek for the said fleet coming from the Indies. In the meantime the master and mariners of the carvel arrived at Seville, and declared that in the night, upon such a coast, they abandoned their carvel, and went ashore in their boat, upon hearing a piece of ordnance fired, fearing there were Moors at sea. The Englishmen still remain under arrest, besides the loss they have had. He has moved the King to write to Cadiz for their delivery, for which he has also given the Duke of Alva a remembrance.
6. Four or five of the Bishops are appointed to go to the General Council; some have already gone. He would gladly have sent the King's resolution concerning the traffic, but could not obtain it at this time.—Madrid, 27 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
Sept. 27. 542. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
1. The imprisonment of seven months which he has unjustly suffered has been the cause of his long silence, but he now writes upon his release. The great respect which the Venetians bear to the Pope made them desirous of sending the writer to Rome, which they would have done had not they been told of the services which he had rendered to the Queen. The matter ultimately turned upon a question of jurisdiction. An answer to the letter which she wrote on his behalf five months ago has frequently been solicited by his active agent Jacomo Ragazzoni, but the devotion of the Venetians to the Pope has been a serious obstacle; however, he has at last been liberated upon giving security for his appearance before the Council of Ten, who will have to answer to the Pope for having freed him.
2. If this persecution is to continue, the chief accusation before the Inquisition will be that he has a prebend in England. He will frankly profess his devotion to her service, which, though prejudicial to him at Rome, ought to be the contrary at Venice. He asks her to cause to be forwarded to him a testimonial of his services to her, by which he hopes to be delivered from the persecution and danger in which he is held in consequence of the security which he has given. The Council, having shown sufficient respect to the Pope by his long imprisonment, will now, if she interests herself in his favour, act upon her recommendation. He has not wherewith to pay the expenses of the bond which he has given for his appearance, although it is an insignificant amount.—Venice, 27 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Sept. 27. 543. Guido Gianetti to Cecil.
Has not been able to write to him, having been undeservedly imprisoned for nearly seven months, but as he is now released on bail, he will endeavour to return to his former regularity of writing. Desires Cecil to forward his letter to the Queen, and to endeavour to obtain her protection for him against the Roman power. If she would write to the Doge he would be restored to full liberty, and freed from all danger. He is not afraid that the Council will send him to Rome, as they would esteem it a disgrace to act the part of a constable for a foreign Prince; but it would be very inconvenient if the Roman Inquisitors should send a judgment against him to the Venetian tribunal of the Inquisition, for then it may be urged that he is a favourer of England and the Queen, and that he enjoys the fruits of an English canonry. His defence would be that this is no offence at law at Venice, although it might be capital at Rome; and he would plead his naturalization as an Englishman. As this would very much irritate the Papists, so he would have more to fear from them. This was also the cause of their delay in answering his letter, and also of his long imprisonment, as they have the greatest respect for the Pope.—Venice, 27 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 544. — to Shers.
Guido Gianetti, whose release from prison was mentioned in the writer's last letters, desires to be recommended. The Duke of Ferrara has returned from Ferrara with the fever, and the Cardinal of Este is confined to bed. The Turkish armada has returned to Constantinople, excepting ten galleys, which convey the King of Algiers to Algiers. The Spanish fleet is going to the Goletta. Hopes speedily to be able to state that the King of France has restored the five fortresses to the Duke, the writer's master. The pregnancy of the Duchess is confirmed. Nothing is heard of the Council; that of France will supply its place.—Venice, 27 Sept. 1561. Signed, but the signature is torn off.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 545. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Wrote last Saturday with advices, as usual, and sends the intelligence which accompanies the present letter. Letters of the 20th ult. have arrived from Constantinople, but nothing as to their contents has yet transpired.—Venice, 27 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: Endd. Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 546. Charges in the North.
A brief of the extraordinary charges in the office of the ordnance in the north, viz., the wages of fifteen artificers left in the north parts by the Duke of Somerset after the journey of Musselburgh Field, 299l. 0s. 6d.; wages of eight artificers, augmented by the Duke of Norfolk at the siege of Leith, 166l. 2s.; wages of labourers, 12l. 17s.; coals and provisions for the armour, 85l. 0s. 1d.; freights from Newcastle to Berwick, 44l. 10s.; total, 607l. 10s. 7d.—Signed by John Bennett.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 29. 547. Feast of St. Michael.
The names of those present at the Feast of St. Michael at St. Germain-en-Laye:—The King, the Duke of Orleans, the King of Navarre, the Constable, the Duke of Guise, the Prince of Rochesurion, M. De Roche du Main, the Conte De Grueire, M. De Gonnore, M. DeTremoille, Mons. De Curcolles M. De Sipiere, M. De Lansac.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 29. 548. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
In the new book of rates and charges for Berwick there was nothing limited for such costs and charges as arose by keeping and repairing the ordnance and armour in the charge of Mr. Bennett, which he declares amounts to 606l. 10s. 7d. Has viewed the said charge with the Marshal and Controller, and finds that it grows by reason of the great proportion of great ordnance, armour, dags, hacbuts, bows and arrows, and other weapons that were last year in the field, and returned home spoiled of their stocks and rusty, and would have been utterly lost if they had not been repaired. Encloses a form of warrant to be sent to him for payment of that which is past, and for the artificers whom it will be necessary to continue, and who might be put into some of the ordinary bands. Other charges, such as coals, iron, and buckles for the armour, might be declared to the Governor and the Controller, that they might consider the necessity.—Berwick, 29 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 29. 549. Charges for Berwick.
The Lord Treasurer's account for Berwick, Michaelmas, 3 Eliz.
Due at Christmas last, 18,885l. 19s. 4d.; towards which there is money due from the various receivers and for rents, etc., 10,699l. 14s. 9d.; deficiency, 8,186l. 4s. 8d.
Endd. by Cecil: 15 Feb. 1561. Pp. 4.
Sept. 29. 550. Charges for Berwick.
Rate of the yearly charge for sundry artificers to remain in the office of John Bennett, master of the ordnance there; amounting to 203l. 15s. 10d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 29. 551. Charges for Berwick.
Artificers to be discharged at Michaelmas, viz., eleven men employed about the ordnance, which will effect a saving of 176l. 6s. 4d. per annum.—Signed by John Bennett.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 29.] 552. Charges for Berwick.
The Marshal of Berwick receives for pay and allowance for his followers 260l. per annum, and has to pay them 218l., so that there remains but 42l. He has spent in repairs to his house and other charges above 400l.; so he is not able to bear this expense.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 29.] 553. Charges for Berwick.
The Lord Treasurer's account for Berwick.
Sum total of debt, 23,173l. 3s. 1½d.; paid, 20,815l. 6s. 4d. remainder, 2,257l. 16s. 9d. [sic], followed by a list of subsidies, rents, etc. whereby it is to be discharged.
Endd. in Cecil's hand: Not true. Pp. 4.
[Sept.] 554. Fortifications of Berwick.
Memorial of things communed upon by the Council with Lord Grey and Sir Richard Lee.
1. Lee should repair to Berwick to consider with Lord Grey the condition of the ground upon the south-west corner of the new fortifications towards the castle, where the former bulwark is next the water-side; whether it is subject to the mine or no, and the remedy.
2. To devise how the whole of the new fortifications may be enclosed for this winter, so that the watch and ward may be upon the ramparts of the same. In this part it was thought meet that the east side of the bulwark next the Snook should be ordered so as it should not be assaultable, and to provide that the trench from that place to Cantwell should be made guardable from any sudden attempt.
3. To see to the number of workmen, that no more be kept this winter than were necessary in respect of the works to come this next year.
4. Lee was also willed to consider whether it were not more profitable to have the masonry and other works let out by the great, rather than as they be, by the day.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 555. Copy of the above, enlarged with further instructions (in draft), to consider the manner of the building of the inhabitants' houses, and not to suffer any to be built without the Governor and Lee first seeing the plan, and to see that none be built to interfere with the repair of the soldiers to the walls.
Corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 5.
[Sept.] 556. Fortifications of Berwick.
"A declaration of the length and height of the fortifications of Berwick from the point of the bulwark on the west side next Tweed unto a place called Cattewell," viz., walled to the height of fourteen feet, 4,743 feet; to the height of eleven feet, 370 feet; the foundations to be taken of the rest, amounting to 2,149 feet.
Note by Cecil: This book was delivered by Sir Richard Lee at St. James's, 1561. Orig. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 557. Fortifications of Berwick.
"An estimate of all the charge for making up the work from the point of the bulwark on the west side next Tweed round about to Cattewell, twenty-two feet high from the upper bed of the first course of the foundation." Total for materials and labour, 50,245l. 11s.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 19.
[Sept.] 558. Fortifications at Berwick.
Calculations of the number of workmen and others who can be employed for one month on the fortifications, for 1,000l., 1,500l., and 2,000l. respectively.
Endd. Pp. 8.
Sept. 30. 559. Conference at Poissy.
Articles agreed upon by the deputies on both sides in the matter of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
1. Since faith makes to be present things which are promised, and receives truly the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, they therefore acknowledge the presence of His Body and Blood in the Sacred Supper, in which He truly offers, gives, and exhibits the substance of His Body and Blood by the operation of the Holy Ghost. They therefore receive and eat spiritually and by faith that body which died for us, that we may be bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, so as to be quickened and receive all that is requisite for salvation.—30 Sept. 1561.
Another confession, dated 1 Oct. 1561.
2. They confess that Jesus Christ in His Supper truly offers, gives, and exhibits the substance of His Body and Blood by the operation of the Holy Ghost, and that they receive and eat sacramentally, spiritually and by faith, that same Body which was dead for us, that we may be bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, so as to be thereby quickened and receive all that is required for our salvation. But since faith founded upon God's Word makes and renders present things promised, we receive truly and actually the true and natural Body and Blood of our Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. On this account we acknowledge the presence of His Body and Blood in His Holy Supper.
Signed on the part of the ministers by Peter Martyr, Theod. de Beza, N. Gallasius, A. Marlorat, and J. De L'Espine; and on the part of their adversaries by the Bishops of Valence and Sens, and doctors Salignac, Bouteiller, and D'Espence, doctors of the Sorbonne. It is added that these confessions have been proposed in order that they might come to some accord, without signing on one side or the other; the deputies promising to communicate in writing the replies of the Bishops.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Slightly injured by damp. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 560. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Sept. 30. 561. Translation of the above into French.
Copy. Endd. Slightly injured by damp. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 562. Another copy of the above.
Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 30. 563. Warrant for Sir Thomas Challoner.
Warrant for the Chamberlain of the Exchequer to pay to Sir Thomas Challoner five marks daily for his diets during the time that he remains Ambassador resident with the King of Spain. The money is to be paid four months beforehand, and to count from the last of September. All posting expenses are also to be allowed him.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 30. 564. Challoner's Expenses.
"Sums paid to Sir Thomas Challoner, Knt. and Ambassador in Spain, as well for his diets, after the rate of 66s. 8d. per diem, as also for his extraordinary charges during his ambassade there, by virtue of the Queen's warrant, dated 30 Sept., 3 Eliz.," amounting to 5,606l. 2s. 7d.
P. 1.
[Sept.] 565. Petition of Adam Logan.
Adam Logan, Cuthbert Litill, William Logan, Gilbert Forest, and others, owners of the John of Leith, complain to the Queen of Scots that their said ship, laden with salt and wine, during her homecoming, was on the 19th August, off Huntly, taken by some of the Queen of England's ships commanded by one Woolstock; her captain and some of the mariners were taken on board the English vessels, whilst the ship and the rest of her crew were taken to Tynmouth. Offer to repair any injury done to any Englishman. Beg for her favourable letters to the Queen and Council of England, whereby their ship and goods may be set at liberty.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.


  • 1. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk and others.
    Sept. 21.
    Haynes, p. 370.
    The King of Sweden, being compelled to put back by contrary winds, means speedily to return. Though his purpose is to make to the Thames, yet she wills them that if he arrive in Norfolk or Suffolk they shall send some gentleman to him and themselves repair to him with a train of noblemen and gentlemen. Should he arrive elsewhere, they shall on his arrival repair to Court. 21 Sept. 1561.
    Draft in Cecil's hand. Add. : to the Duke of Norfolk and the Earls of Oxford and Rutland.
    Sept. 25.
    Haynes, p. 370.
    Reception of the King of Sweden.
    The opinion of the Lords Treasurer, Steward, and Chamberlain, touching the entertainment of the King of Sweden.
    1. On his arrival, the greatest personage of the country shall repair to him and salute him.
    2. Harbingers shall he appointed for the lodging of his train, and clerks of the market that he have all victuals at reasonable prices.
    3. The Queen shall move from where she is to Hampton Court, and the King be brought to London, and next day to Richmond, where he shall be presented after dinner by the Duke of Norfolk.
    4. Her officers shall meet him at the first gate, and she herself at the upper end of the hall, and shall thence go with him into the bay window in her chamber of presence to hear his communication.
    5. The nobility who brought him to Court should return with him to Richmond.
    6. She shall remove the second day after to Westminster, and he shall be lodged at St. James's or Winchester Place.
    7. There must be laid in at Richmond sufficient wine, beer, &c. for two meals at the least.
    8. If she does not choose to tarry here longer, then she may depart the sooner from St. James's to Hampton Court, and thence to Westminster, there to receive him.
    9. That the nobility and their wives be warned to attend, for the furniture of the Court.
    10. "Because the Queen is a maid, and in this case would many things be omitted of honour and courtesy which otherwise were meet to be showed to him, as in like cases has been of Kings of this land to others; and therefore it shall be necessary that the gravest of her Council do, as of their own judgment, excuse the lack thereof to the King; and yet on their own part; offer the supplement thereof with reverence."
    11. When she has the King to dine with her, there must be two cloths of estate.
    12. The Mayor of the city shall see that part well governed where the King's train shall lie.
    Draft, in Cecil's hand.