Elizabeth: October 1588, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: October 1588, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp282-299 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1588, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp282-299.

"Elizabeth: October 1588, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp282-299.

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October 1588, 26-31

[Oct. 26.] Memorial by Ortell of the States' complaints.
1. That final order be taken for payment of money disbursed by those of the Low Countries, chiefly for the garrisons of Brill and Flushing; and that they be no further charged in that manner.
2. That examination be made of the stores consumed at Bergen, Ostend, Briel, Flushing, etc., and restitution ordered in specie or in money.
3. That garrison towns be not overcharged with soldiers as they now are, far above the Treaty allowance, whereby they are compelled to give imprests and provide turf, candles, victuals, lodging-money, etc., a greater charge to the States than heretofore the whole ordinary pay was. Her Majesty might still reinforce the garrisons, provided it be not at the States' expense.
4. That her Majesty's forces be kept to their full numbers according to the Contract, and no part of the general assistance placed in the cautionary towns; most of them are now in towns, not employed in service, and of barely half strength.
5. That the governors of cautionary towns no more meddle in matters of civil and private government, or navigation.
6. That weekly lendings be enlarged, otherwise the captains reap the benefit of the full pay to the undoing of the common soldier.
7. That captains and soldiers pay due impositions and excises, and govern themselves according to the Treaty.
8. That no pay be henceforth made to her Majesty's ordinary forces without the privity of officers appointed by the States, both with regard to the repayment and that the soldier be not defrauded.
Endd. with date. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 189.]
[Oct. 26.] The answer heretofore made to the points now presented by Mr. Ortel.
[To the 3rd.] Answer made by apostilles, 18 March, 1588, that these bands would be in other towns if they were not in the cautionary towns, so the other towns should contribute to the cautionary towns' expenses herein. Any imprests should be repaid when a full account was made between her Majesty and them.
The said full account depends upon these points:—
Her Majesty requires reimbursement of her charges for extraordinary levies sent to their assistance.
The States require payment for victual, etc., and stores taken from their magazines at Bergen-upp-Zom and Ostend.
Her Majesty agrees to repay what was issued to men in her pay, to which end the Treasurer and another, with someone appointed by them, should examine the matter. The 'let' in this matter was the Treasurer's stay in England.
Her Majesty not bound to make good anything for the voluntary troops in their service.
4. The lords promised to take order herein, but nothing has been done.
Endd. "How far hath been proceeded in the three first articles presented by Mr. Ortel, 26 October, 1588," and also "restrain transportation cordage and munition Spain. Proceed to a certain and settled government for dispatch public causes of importance." 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 191.]
[Oct. 26.]/Nov. 5. Extracts of the States' letter to the Queen.
That the numbers be made complete according to the Treaty. That the States' deputies may be present at the payment of the soldiers.
Inconveniences of the wants of the full numbers.
"When, the last summer, her Majesty requested to have 2,000 of those soldiers sent over for the service of the realm, and the States accorded the same, so that in Bergues might be left but 1,400, and in Ostende 1,100, and in the parts of Utrecht 500; it was found by the Lord Willughby that the English companies fell out so short, that . . . she could have but 800."
When they asked Willughby to use her Majesty's forces, (which should have been 4,000 men, as 1,000 were to stay in Ostend), for the defence of Bergues, he could obtain only 1,600.
There were never more than half the 1,000 horse.
That they may be reimbursed of the contributions levied on the adjoining country by the garrison of Bril since their lordships' order of April last.
That the garrison of Gertrudenbergh be reduced to the States' obedience.
Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 19.]
Oct. 26./Nov. 5. An act made in Council touching Sir John Norrys.
Noreits, the Queen of England's ambassador, on November 5 informed the States of Zeeland, with the deputies of Holland, and Count Maurice, that he was charged by her Majesty to treat with the States General of certain affairs tending to the advantage of herself and the United Provinces, and to discover how far they would assist therein. He desired that the deputies of Zeeland should appear promptly in the States General, which meets on November 15, n.s., fully instructed to resolve finally upon his proposal. To-day his excellency informed the Council of State, the Estates of Holland, and of Zeeland, that he had learned from the ambassador how important was the enterprise and that the United Provinces were asked to contribute to it about 100,000 florins. It was resolved that the deputies of the two provinces should be present at the States General on the day mentioned, with power to hear the ambassador's proposal, and, if it were found meet, to promise assistance up to the sum of 100,000 livres of 40 gros to the livre.—Middelburg, 5 November, 1588.
Translation. Endd. with note of contents. French. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 187.]
[Oct. 28.] [The Privy Council] to Lord Willoughbie.
Hear by letters from the governor of Ostend to certain of themselves, that disorder continues in that garrison and that on the 14th they threatened to imprison the governor and put out their officers. The governor prevented this by making a party among the well-disposed companies. The others have disclaimed her Majesty's pardon. The governor writes that he has informed Willoughbie of all this and asked him to send bands to replace the evil-disposed companies. These disorders touch her Majesty's honour and are an evil example, so they require his lordship to consult with Sir John Norrys (if he has not already gone to Holland) and the council of war, how the chief offenders may best be punished. Their decision to be communicated to the governor for his opinion.
They should be punished both at Bourgen and Ostend on the same day, otherwise those at Berge hearing of the punishment of those in Ostend will flee, or commit some notable disorder.
Minute, corrected. Endd. with date and note of contents. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 198.]
Oct. 28. L. Voocht and J. Ortell to Walsingham.
Enclose memoirs of the States General's objections against the unjust reprisals threatened by the King of Scots for Colonel Stuwardt. Have sent the like to the Lord Treasurer. Desire Walsingham to peruse their memorial and impart it to her Majesty and her Council, so that a speedy decision may be reached as to whether they are to go themselves, or whether her Majesty will write effectually on their behalf to the King and secure the cessation of Stuwardt's reprisals. The general interest should be considered rather than the particular.—London, 28 October, 1588.
Signed by both. Add. Endd. with note of contents. French. ½ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 207.]
"Articles . . . against the citation of the Scottish herald for Colonel William Stewarte's pretended debt."
Colonel Stewert came about 1574 to Holland and Zeeland, and, at Ortel and the late Colonel Edward Chester's instance, the States of those provinces allowed him 25 guilders monthly.
In 1576 they commissioned him as captain of a foot company, and at the Pacification of Gaunt he was paid in full and discharged.
He was then appointed by the States General as Colonel of certain Scottish companies, and it is for this that he claims arrears.
The States of Holland and Zeeland then provided 25 foot companies, and 500 horsemen, and no more.
Stewert should have pursued his claim by better means than reprisals, for he was never denied justice. Stewert did petition them, and the King of Schottlande urged his cause by means of "the conservature of Scottishmen resident at Tervere in Zeeland," whereupon the Estates answered, as was thought, to the King's reasonable contentation.
At least the requisition and interpellation was only extra judicialis, so could not constituere moram in regard of the Estates and matters of such importance. The way of justice stood open to Stewert, and the Estates must have obeyed it.
The debts not yet perfected, that to Stewert computed only rata emeriti stipendii and competent portions for the captains and soldiers. Most of the soldiers and some of the captains are dead, run away, or still in service and have sworn to refuse no service on account of their arrearages.
Even were the debts perfected, payment should be put off until the end of the wars, for the mightiest princes remained, and remain, debtors of many millions in regard of their wars.
In any case Holland and Zeeland can be called upon to pay only their share in the debts.
There is thus reason to fear that these reprisals are instigated by the Prince of Parma, so as to force the countries to defend themselves in like sort and compel their fleet to protect their maritime trade as well as prevent enemy invasion. This would ruin the States, whose means scantly serve for the ordinary expenses of the war.
Reasons showing that these reprisals are instigated by the enemy. Stewert does [not] molest Brabant, Flanders, Artoys, Heynoth, Malines, etc., where he was recently. He demands the debts of Captain Patton who betrayed Gelders to the enemy.
The herald should have been addressed to the States General, with whom Stewert contracted: as they were not in session, he should have awaited them, and not have affixed the citation at the chamber-door of the Council, to cause a commotion among the people. He should also have produced the contract and obligations, or authentic copies thereof, especially as the said Estates declare they know nothing of such contract or obligations, which, if made, remained with other registers and papers in the duchy of Brabant.
The countries cannot at present satisfy "such extorted pretences" without consuming themselves. Desire their lordships to consider these points and obtain by her Majesty's intercession the stay of the said reprisals.
Endd. as above, 28 October, 1588. 4 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 209.]
Oct. 28. J. Ortell to Burghley.
Encloses note of Colonel Stewert's pretences, which he desired to have. Desires to know her Majesty's pleasure concerning their journey. Begs Burghley's favour in the matter.—London, 28 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ⅓ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 203.]
Demands of Colonel William Stuwardt, upon which he has cited the Council of State.
l. s. d.
Due to the Colonel's company (at 20 patars the £) 66,116 3 7
To Captain Renton's company 42,646 14 6
To Captain D'Allachy (still in the country's service) 23,331 8 4
To Captain Blair 35,509 13 10
To Captain Gordon (dead) 38,720 4 3
To Captain Alexander Gordon (dead) 14,324 7 2
To Captain Waddel (still in service) 15,525 0 0
To Captain Frinsel 18,840 14 6
To Captain Andrew Stuwardt 15,059 11 6
To Captain James Stuwardt (dead) 1,845 17 4
To Captain Patton (traitor) 14,437 9 0
To Captain Murrey (still in service) 12,102 10 10
To Captain Lesley 3,288 0 2
To Captain Trotter 19,713 15 0
To Captain Tomson 19,939 1 0
To Captain Amstrutter 15,119 6 0
To Captain Mangrief 15,562 12 0
For the Colonel's entertainment 41,672 0 0
Total 413,754l. 9 0
Copy. 2/3 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 204.]
Oct. 28. Lord Wyllughby to the Privy Council. (fn. 1)
Encloses intelligences [not found], although does not build upon them.
Since their last defeating of the enemy, "they [the enemy] are risen out of the north side of their camp, from the quarter of Tertolle. The Count Maurice and myself have since visited all that part of their camp, brought in their gabions and planks for artillery, caused their cabins to be burned in their sight, and utterly defaced that quarter. And so far as by all likelihood we can gather, it is thought they will levy their siege hence."
"The companies now sent over are come hither altogether unfurnished and unprovided of arms, saving a few muskets and calivers, and some pikes, without corslets, and most miserable without any means to sustain them, neither any direction given for their relief." Desires to know how their wants may be supplied, for "I am so straitly scanted and of mine own spent myself so near the bones that I am not able to do anything."— Berghen-op-Zom, 28 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 196.]
Oct. 28. The Oostergonians to the Queen.
Refer to her good reception of their envoys in 1587, and the illtreatment by the States of Hessel Aisma, president of Frisia, and Docche, his brother. The efforts of Willoughby and Killigrew to heal all differences, in accordance with her commands, were not accepted by the States of Frisia, and the despoiled people have not been restored to their right. The inhabitants of Oostergo see no hope but in her Majesty, whose protection they crave against their enemies, as they previously did through Docche Aisma to Francis Walsingham on May 15 last.
Desire her Majesty not to give undue credit to the calumnies of Charles Roda and others, their enemies.—Leeuwarden, 28 October, 1588.
Signed. Joost van Hechema, Salvius Mortama, Martin van Schonbergh, Tyaerck Cappes, Wybrant van Aylva, Arnold Poppius, Minne Melema, Gale van Heslinghas, Doecke Aysma, Duwus van Aylva, Ulbe Schelkyns.
Add. Endd. with notes of contents. Latin. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 193.]
Oct. 28. The Oostergonians to [the Queen].
Renew their petition of May 15 (made to Walsingham by Docche Aisma) that her Majesty would send into Frisia some person of note with an army of 4,000 footmen and 500 horse. Such an army would not merely bring all things to good order but would subject the province to her Majesty's rule. It could be easily maintained if it were well disciplined and if it preserved the country from depredation. Not only would it free Frisia from enemy attacks, but also it would cut off supplies from Groningen.—Leeuwarden, 28 October, 1588.
Signed, as in the above letter.
No address or endorsement. Latin. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 195.]
Copies of the two above letters.
Not add. or endd. Latin. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 202.]
Oct. 28. The Ostergonians to Walsingham.
Their sorrow for Leicester's death. Desire Walsingham to present the enclosed letters to her Majesty and recommend their cause to her. Credence for Christopher Perseval.—Leeuwarden, 28 October, 1588.
Signed, as in the letter to the Queen.
Add. Endd. "From the States of Frizeland." Seal. Latin. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 200.]
Oct. 29. Sir John Norreys to Walsingham.
Waited two days here for Count Maurice and Bernevelt and some of the Council of State, who were coming from Tertole. Delivered her Majesty's letter to Count Maurice, "and made an overture to him of her Highness' purpose for this voyage of Portugal." He answered that he had too little authority to resolve on so great a matter, but was sure that the States General and the States of Holland and Zeeland would second her Majesty to the best of their ability. His assurances of his desire to do her Majesty service; he wished to inform her of this in person. Would further this voyage all that he could, being Admiral. He has sent for the great ships in North Holland to come to Zeeland before the frost can hinder their passage. M. Bernevelt has taken order that the deputies shall come to the States General, on November 5, empowered to conclude upon the assistance. "All those of judgment do marvellously embrace the journey, and if it were not that the enterprise is to be begun in the winter, when the enemy doth most threaten their country by reason of the frost and that the Prince doth seem to stay his attempts to take that advantage, they would employ a great part of their forces that way. Yet I make no doubt but we shall have a very honourable assistance."
Informed the Council that her Majesty means them to bear the charges of the 1,500 men now brought over, being additional to the Contract. They say that their expenses in the defence of Berghes and the islands, make them unable to do so. They also complain that, outside the cautionary towns, there are not 3,000 men of her Majesty's succours left. The matter deferred till the Haghe meeting. Norreys despairs of getting the money, but "her Majesty shall not have any so good means to prevail herself of that charge, as to give us leave to have ten of the old companies with us." If this is decided upon, desires letters to Lord Wylloby for that purpose and that he (Norreys) may choose the companies, "for I have experience that I must look for no furtherance from my Lord Wylloby more than shall be expressly commanded by her Majesty." Wylloby will not give warrant for pay or lendings for the new companies, as he has no direction. Norreys is thus deceived of 1,200l. owed to him by the companies for armour and coats. Desires that pay may be made upon his (Norreys') warrant. Sends over Mr. Danet, and desires his speedy return.—Myddelbourgh, 29 October, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 212.]
Oct. 30. L. Voocht and J. Ortell to Burghley.
Desire him to deal effectually in the matter of the despatch to Scotland. Fear Stewart and his fellows may bring on some misfortune to the general service. Their request is, as they have declared, that her Majesty will intervene with the Scottish King for the stay of the reprisals. Then the King might appoint one or two representatives, to whom her Majesty might add two and the States as many, before whom Stewart might bring his action here in England, and the dispute be settled.—London, 30 October, 1588.
Signed by both. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. ½ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 214.]
[Early Oct.] Captain Nicolas de Meetkerque to [Walsingham ?].
The alteration at Utrecht makes him unable to do any service with his company there, indeed the new governors will probably cashier him as he is known to be so loyal to her Majesty. Asks that his lordship would move her Majesty to admit him and his company into her pay in the garrison of Oos[tende ? MS. decayed], where his connections in the neighbouring country will enable him to do good service, specially in the matter of Dunkerke, of which he has once made overture to his lordship.
That the reformed churches may be moved to pay him some hundred pounds for his expenses in following their affair.
Desires a prompt despatch so as to go to the Low Countries in M. Norreitz' company.
Holograph. No add. Endd. [MS. torn] October, 1588. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 239.]
[Oct.] M. Mettkerke's opinion touching Utrecht.
Gelderland, Friesland, and Overijsel will fear that they will be lorded over by Holland, and they may prefer to treat with the enemy, especially now that the magistracy has been filled with Papists. The city and province must be preserved for her Majesty's service, and Norreys should be instructed to deal in it.
Zulen, Floris Tin, and others, were formerly expelled for their opposition to his excellency's [Leicester's] decree establishing uniformity of doctrine and ceremony. Fears they will now at their return encourage once more the schismatics and Papists whom they formerly favoured. Her Majesty should bid them preserve religion as his excellency left it.
An act of amnesty and oblivion necessary. Deventer, Trillo, Brakele, Strick, Cleerhagen, and others, should be released and absolved. De Grunevelt's regiment, and especially the companies taken into pay by the States of Utrecht, should be maintained, and not cashiered. Thus would the town be preserved.
Norreys could do much good by using secretly the advice of M. Jacques Bellechiere, president of the provincial council of Utrecht, and Werner Helmich, minister. They would advise him whether or not to employ the Count of Nuenar's authority, who seems very well affected to the religion.
Endd. as above, the date being torn away. French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 237.]
[Oct.] L. Engelstedt to Walsingham.
Desires that his services may be remembered. His excellency [Leicester] promised to discuss them, and his overture of another matter, with Walsingham, who promised Engelstedt on May 28 at Gronewitz to have consideration thereof. His excellency during his lifetime often testified to Engelstedt's services to her Majesty, for whom he sacrificed office and even liberty.
To avoid expense to her Majesty, he would be content, as his reward, with a licence to transport 1,200l. sterling worth of artillery into Friesland for sale there. Would bring back powder to the same value, and sell it at 9d. the pound. Her Majesty would thus greatly assist Friesland, furnish her realm cheaply with powder, and reward the faithful services of a poor gentleman of Friesland, all at no cost to herself. Would give security to take the artillery only to Friesland.
Holograph. Add. Endd. "October, 1588." French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 221.]
Oct. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
For licence to be granted to Mr. Johnson, this bearer, to transport the 100 quarters of wheat and 200 quarters of oats with which he has undertaken to supply Wyllughby for the supplying of this garrison. Johnson to give security in the port of lading to transport it to this town only, and to return a certificate under Wyllughby's hand of its delivery.—Berghen besieged.—October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. ⅓ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 110.]
Oct. Order for the perfecting of the books of warrants, muster rolls, etc., of Sir Edmond Carye's band of 150 footmen, now placed under Captain Barker, up to the date of Barker's entrance.—October, 1588.
Draft, corrected. Endd. "James Digges: 'louse' papers: draft of letters." ½ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 223.]
[Oct.] Names of the companies in Bergen-op-Zome.
For the forts. Lord General, 200. Captains Vere, Buck, each 135, and of Gettornberke 100, total 560 [sic]. Captains Udall, Baskerfelde, and Scoote, each 135, total, 405. Captains Powell, 135, Barker, 110, Irrogier, 75, Haye, 60. total 404 [sic]. Total, 1,369 [sic].
For the town. Captains Banester, 120, Turnor, 105, and Proppe, 110; Salisburie, 120, Hartine, 70, and Murrey, 110; Petfeld, 80, Acthoven, 76, and Colonel Morgan, 200; Captains Smyth, 110, Gurnew, 66, and Sherley, 100; Lambert, 100, Brockenburie, 83, and Lord Awdley, 120; Captains Wingfeld, 134, Traile, 76, and Dalarche, 113; Haye, 60, and Irrogier, 75. Total, 1,929. Horsemen, 340.
"Yet of these men of the town I maintain four ravelins without the town and two sconces."
Endd. as above. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 185.]
[Oct.] Estimate of money to be issued for one month's imprest to the army in the Low Countries.
Officers general. l. s. d.
To be paid their whole pay:
The Lord General 168 0 0
Sir Thomas Sherley, Treasurer, and his under officers 79 6 8
Henry Killigrewe 56 0 0
Sir Thomas Morgan, lieutenant-colonel 56 0 0
Thomas Wilford, sergeant-major 28 0 0
Mr. Guilpyn 28 0 0
To be paid half:
James Digges, overseer of musters 14 0 0
Five other commissaries of musters 23 6 8
Total 452l. 13 4
Officers of Flushinge.
To be paid whole pay:
The governor 95 4 0
The marshal 28 0 0
The gentleman porter 11 4 0
The provost-marshal 11 4 0
The water-bailiff 11 4 0
The clerk of the munition 2 16 0
The cannoneers 12 12 0
Total 172l. 4 0
Officers of Briell.
To be paid whole pay:
As to those of Flushinge 172 4 0
1,000 lances divided into 10 companies 1,200 0 0
6,400 footmen in 43 bands 4,179 7 0
Extraordinary cannoneers: l. s. d.
10 inferior, at Flushinge 2 6 8
The like at Briell 2 6 8
Master-gunner, his mate, and 12 inferior cannoneers at Bergen-op-Zome 7 9 4
Ostend, the like 7 9 4
Total 19l. 12 0
Martin Blavoet's annuity 4 4 0
Full total 6,200l. 9[sic] 4
For two months, 12,400l. 18s. 8d. 12,400 18 8
Portage 125 0 0
So total for two months 12,525l. 18 8
The month of 28 days: daily and weekly figures also given. Endd. by Burghley and a clerk. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 218.]
[Oct ?] Points in Lord Willoughbie's letters requiring answer.
Answered in the postilles. August 28. Desires to know their lordships' pleasure touching the request of the captains of horsebands.
Order shall be taken with the Treasurer that the money shall be reasonably made over. September 24. Cannot get the money appointed to be sent by exchange in time. Also it is delivered in light money, which discontents the soldiers. Desires that the Treasurer be sent over with treasure.
They have been earnestly recommended to her Majesty, who means to have consideration of them. October 12. Desires consideration may be had of the service of Grimston and Redhead.
Her Majesty thought meet to have 500 of the horse converted into foot: Willoughbie was to inform the States, but her Majesty has received no answer, so that she cannot resolve touching Savage's offer. October 14. (fn. 2) The States press for the raising of the tenth company of horse that was under Captain Knolles, "who showeth to have no disposition to be at the charge thereof." Mr. Arthur Savage would raise it at his own cost, if he might have it bestowed on him; commends his worthiness of preferment.
The notes of the answers in Walsingham's hand. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 102.]
[Late Oct. ?] Requests of Lord Wyllughble.
"Articles which I am commanded by letters from my lord and master, the Lord Wyllughbie, to present unto your lordships . . . wherein he bescecheth your present resolution."
1. What is to be done with the new companies now sent over ? The States will take no knowledge of them; and the enemy seems certain to raise the siege, having withdrawn from the north side and left the passage open.
2. What shall be done with the other English troops, whom the States use most despitefully, turning out the horsemen from their garrisons and giving them no other accommodation ?
3. What shall be done for the companies' relief, who have for 18 months had only weekly lendings, which scarcely suffice for victuals? (Has already presented this, but the urgency of his lordship's command makes him present it again.)
4. What consideration shall be had of captains of horse who lost their horses before Bergen, etc. ?
5. What consideration shall be had for his lordship's 'extraordinaries' ?
Undated. Endd. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 235.]
[Oct. ?] The names of those of the Lord General's company who lost their horses in the service at Bergen-up-Zome, and were remounted at his charges.
At the first skirmish, 17 September, 1588. Thomas Tedar, 15l. William Knot, 12l. Reginald Stafferton, 10l. Captain Rottell, 16l. Captain Françoies, 17l. 10s. Captain Ginnot, 12l. Stephen Mortine, 15l. William Bennyt, slain, 11l. Robert Browne, slain, 15l. Clause Boorman, 18l. Hance van Galle, 8l. Adrian Dedonie, 8l. Captain John Poley, 100l.
At the second skirmish, 20 September, 1588. William Ashefild, 15l. Hugo Bulloinia, 20l. Lu. Gwenes, 30l. John Ringbell, 10l. Garratt Bisschope, 13l. Gideon Peakens, slain, 9l. William Horse, slain, 18l. William Jackson, slain, 10l. Hugh Earle, 10l. Lu. Marcellus, 20l. Andrew Laxley, 15l. James Atricke, 20l. John Musse, 15l. John Fie, 10l.
At the third skirmish, 17 October, 1588. Francis Kelly, 9l. Sum. 481l. 10s.
Witnessed by John Rogers, commissary of musters for Bergenup-Some.
Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 131.]
[Oct. ?] Doubts to be resolved concerning musters, presented to the Privy Council by James Digges.
Whether the principal officers of the cautionary towns shall receive allowance for their guards and retinues without checks or muster ?
How many from a band shall be allowed to be absent with passport attending upon their captains in England ?
Whether chief officers of bands absent longer than their passports allow shall not be 'checked' as private soldiers are, unless they have some special privilege from superior authority ?
Whether warrants may be made for payment upon such extraordinary grants as the Earl of Leicester made, and if the same be allowable after his departure ?
The States utterly mislike many of the said privileges as well as the grants of leave of absence, and protest they will not allow for them. What course shall be taken to save her Majesty hereafter at the reimbursement ?
Whether warrants shall be made upon such grants at like occasions hereafter, without the States' written consent ?
Whether the bands in the cautionary towns may include more than the six strangers now allowed them, or the auxiliary bands more than the 20 ? Or whether they are to be supplied out of England ?
Whether the 'shot' sent over from Vlishing and Bargen shall be 'checked' for the time of their absence?
What number, at the most, shall be allowed absent from a band at the musters, and for how long ?
"What penalty shall be imposed on such officers as suborn one to answer to another's name, or procure certificate for the allowance of such absent at musters as are not of their band, using such other slippery devices to defraud and abuse her Majesty ?"
Whether sutlers, victuallers, purveyors, cooks, merchants, etc., dwelling in a garrison, shall be capable of her Majesty's pay unless they perform the ordinary duties of a soldier ?
Whether those who depart with passport shall be allowed pay farther than the date therein allowed ?
Whether fugitives from the colours shall not be 'checked' during their absence, unless they return within five days and are newly sworn ?
What pay shall be allowed for runaways, who are a loss to the captain ? Great controversy hereupon in making up the accounts.
Whether a sergeant-major in a garrison shall be allowed, besides his special entertainment, for a company ?
Whether learned preachers, most necessary in an army, may be allowed to supply a soldier's place in weak bands until they are reinforced ?
Whether the officer-general of musters shall impart the fruits of his endeavours to the States, or reserve them to her Majesty's advantage, using in the checks, etc., the same course that they follow in more important matters.
[Crossed out.] Whether details of the payment of troops in her Majesty's pay, of the checks, etc., shall be communicated to the States ?
What course shall be used in perfecting the accounts ?
That an auditor should settle disputed matters.
What shall be the punishment of commissaries resident of musters who, being allowed 6s. 8d. a day by her Majesty, yet take fees, etc., of the captains ?
Whether commissaries resident shall be allowed wider discretion than in the muster-master-general's time, and how those disobedient or negligent shall be punished.
Rough draft with many corrections and deletions. Undated. Endd. 5¾ pp. [Holland XIX. f. 319.]
Rough notes, mostly crossed out, for the above draft. Undated. Not endd. 3 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 46.]
[Oct. 27 ?] Nov. 6. A. B. [Anthony Standen ?] to [Walsingham ?].
Laurens Cursini showed the writer his brother Philip's letter. Accompanied him to the court and procured him audience with the Duke of Florence, as he wrote to his brother. Her Majesty's meaning is, apparently, that the Duke should mediate between her and the King of Spain. It is an honourable, secure, and hopeful means, especially as she means to commit it to the Commendator Bongianni Gianfigliazzi, whom she will ask the Duke to send to England to confer with her before he goes on to confer with the King of Spain.
Figliazzi will serve her Majesty faithfully and the Duke would readily deal in the matter. The Duke has often reasoned of it with Figliazzi, who communicates everything to the writer, who is certain to go with him if he is called to England or Spain. Her Majesty in her letters should give no hint that Figliazzi sought this mission. All Italy would rejoice if the Duke mediated an agreement, for the King of Spain would be reluctant to break promise to such a prince, who might do him a shrewd turn, being powerful, rich, and well friended. The like argument might apply to her Majesty, should she not deal with him sincerely.
Cursini's last motion to his brother here seems somewhat cold and the Duke cannot go forward further upon it. Figliazzi is one of the Duke's most confidential servants, and no one is better acquainted with the court of Spain and its humours.
This advice proceeds from a true servant of her Majesty. If the King lives a few more years, England will receive some molestation of consequence.
"Cipher at the end of the postscript." Although he writes not the aforesaid in cipher, yet the same is to be credited.
Decipher. Endd. "6 Nov., 1588. Cipher from A. B." 2¼ pp. [Tuscany I. 11.]
[Oct. ?] Humble Requests of James Digges to the Privy Council.
That some sufficient persons, experienced in the affairs of these countries, be sent over before the making up of this last year's accounts, ending 11 Oct., 1588, to treat with the States for settlement of all alleged breaches of contract, etc., and to establish some certain course for the future. This point specially important.
That an auditor be sent over presently to perfect the accounts, wherein many doubts have risen between the captains and their creditors, whence spring many inconveniences.
That order be sent over for signing the warrants for this last year, 12 Oct., '87, to 11 Oct., '88, as well for the time of the Earl of Leicester's government as for that of the present Lord General.
That commissaries of musters resident may have weekly or monthly lendings as other officers have, so that they live not corruptly upon the captains' benevolence.
That such commissaries obey the directions of the officer general of musters: that such as are found insufficient, negligent, or corrupt, be removed: that they be changed from one garrison to another at the finishing of the general account, to avoid connivance with the captains.
These are the chief difficulties: their reformation would greatly strengthen the forces. Due checks should be made for any weakness in any particular band. Desires to have the preceding doubts resolved by supreme authority, for his better direction in perfecting the last year's accounts: otherwise will be unable to do what is expected of him without either prejudice to her Majesty or supposed injury to the captains.
Whether these men shall be allowed absent by passport unless their horse be seen at the musters ?
Whether officers absent longer than their passports allow shall not be checked of their pay (if they are not 'cessed'), unless specially privileged by superior authority ?
Draft, considerably corrected. 3¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 91.]
[Oct. ?] James Digges' notes of the causes hindering the accounts, 'cessing' the checks, and signing the warrants for the year ending 11 Oct., 1588.
By contract the States are to be privy to all musters and payments of her Majesty's troops: by agreement with the Earl of Leicester, musters should be held monthly by commissaries. resident on both parts. The States have withdrawn commissaries. Vlisshing, the Briell, Wagener, Dousborough, not mustered since 12 Oct., 1587, and most of the rest not for eight or ten months. despite frequent requests. Orderly musters have been taken frequently by officers on her Majesty's part, and all entries, discharges, etc., exactly kept; whereof the States refuse to take notice. "If any accounts or full payments for the same time should be made before some conference had, they might allege breach of contract, to defraud her Majesty of her disbursed treasure upon final accounts." This the chief cause of delay.
"They disallow of many grants, privileges, and passports, made by the Earl of Leicester," though he was their governor. They challenged divers officers, "of necessity to be continued until the revocation of his lordship's commission and authority." Until these points are allowed or disallowed, cannot censure the checks or sign warrants.
Many captains have stayed in England with 10, 12, or 15, soldiers attending them. The States will not allow them further than their passports, or above four at most. Such as return not in the time limited, they hold discharged, regardless of any permits. "They make account of these checks only to amount unto near an hundred pounds a day."
"They also make new question upon the foot of account and former rates agreed upon . . . ."
"They have not yet agreed unto the last establishment sent over, deferring the same, whereupon the warrants should be made from the 25th of March last."
Their instructions for musters and checks are far different from her Majesty's, despite the agreement made before the Earl of Leicester left, which was later "referred to further correction." Hence confusion and contentions. Soldiery "in extreme misery by the long delay of full pay."
The number of commissaries appointed by the last establishment insufficient until her Majesty's troops be reduced into as few garrisons. They are now dispersed in nine or ten places. If the States take their usual sudden general muster, great default will be found, for the bands will be weak for lack of controlment. The States likely to neglect orderly musters, alleging breach of contract, as there have always been deputies of the muster master in every garrison, until the said limitation.
"The States having very lately . . . appointed commissaries to take general musters, finding the number on her Majesty's part defective, and those which are appointed for the most part absent from their garrisons for want of maintenance, suddenly gave countermand to stay the same," probably so as to keep all in confusion to their own profit and the defrauding of her Majesty.
Were the accounts finished, the checks 'cessed,' and warrants ready, the only delay would be for the coming over of an auditor, for whom the Lord General has so often written. No warrants can be signed, save to her Majesty's extreme detriment, until a settlement is made with the States, so long as any reimbursement is expected, as appears more at large in his letters.
Endd. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 78.]
[Oct. ?] Note of munition received at Bergen.
Aug. 29, of Martin Sixesten, from Delf and Harelem, 40 lasts of rye.
Aug. 29, of Mr. Terlingen, 24 lasts of rye.
Sept. 28, of Hugh Adriansons and Diricke Bolen, 20,000 lb. of match, 6000 lb. of lead, 200 muskets with rests but without bandoliers, 100 calivers without their furniture, 600 baskets to carry earth, 100 pickaxes, 100 pikes, 200 iron scoops, 600 lb. brimstone, 200 lb. saltpetre.
Sept. 28, of Martin Sixesten, 12,000 lb. cheese, 25 lasts of oats.
Sept. 28, of Diricke Bolen, 172 muskets with furniture, 300 calivers with furniture, 359 pikes, 119 pickaxes.
Oct. 5, of Martin Sixesten, 842 tons of malt, 913 fertelen [firlots] of rye, 300 lb. of rosin.
Oct. 5, of Huge Cornelison of Gravesand, 12,000 lb. of powder, 5000 lb. of match, 1000 lb. of lead, 600 half pikes, 20,000 lb. of great shot, 360 deal boards, 188 spars.
Undated. Endd. "A note of such provision as Sir Thomas Morgan acknowledgeth already come into Bergen." 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 220.]
[Oct ?] Remembrances from Lord Willoughby to be communicated to the Privy Council by James Digges.
That persons of judgment and experience be sent to conclude with the States of all breaches of the contract, etc.
That if full pay for the past two years be not sent, at least the captains may have sufficient imprest to buy for their soldiers arms and apparel against the winter. Or if apparel be sent, that it may be of reasonable price and goodness, as it was last year.
That if the late order concerning musters be executed, consideration may be had of convenient increase above the rest for officers, gentlemen, and musketeers, as of late has been accustomed.
That commissaries resident may have half-pay in weekly lendings, as other officers.
Undated. Endd. as above. 2/3 p. [Holland XIV. f. 289.]
[Oct. ?] Resolutions to Mr. James Digges' requests.
1. Order to be given to the Lord General to direct his warrant to the Treasurer of wars, or his deputy, to pay the officers of musters their half-pay in weekly lendings, as other officers have.
2. Letters to be written for the removal of such as deal insufficiently or corruptly.
3. To be put in execution by the Lord General.
4. The Lord General to appoint someone for this.
5. Thought meet to be put in execution.
6. Referred to the Lord General.
7. The States General should be informed of this alteration.
Undated. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XIV. f. 291.]
[Early in Oct. ?] Advertisements.
Hopes Mr. Wiseman has by now been with him and proved his loyalty to her Majesty. Hopes that the meaning of Throine's cipher letter has been found out. There is a whisper from Rheims: hopes to discover it if Throine comes this way, but fears he goes to St. Malo. Should find out from Sir Amyas Pawlett or Sir John Hawkins if Hooper still dwells there.
The galleon at Newhaven all to pieces: that here past recovery, and is to be sold, her ordnance being divided among the vessels at Dunkirk, which recently took an English ship and may do great harm this winter if not mastered. There are 20 sail there, ready for sea, manned by Frenchmen.
No talk of the Duke of Savoy coming into the Low Countries. His brother thought likely to receive the Marquis of Alguesco's charge.
Hears nothing from M. Champigny about the passport for the artichoke roots which he and Count Aremberg desired.
The Archduke of Austria has received 60,000 crowns, and Count Mansfeld 80,000 for his summer service. Don John de Medici had 30,000 from his brother, but is now in debt.
"The chiefest of the voluntaries are weary of the journey, and it is hoped Berghen-op-Zoom shall be the dispatch of those that the Duke of Parma misliketh, but it is thought it will be more than a month before he can use the cannon there to any purpose."
Endd. "Advertisements, 1588." 1¼ pp. [Newsletters I. f. 160.]


  • 1. Partial abstract in Bertie, Five Generations of a Loyal House, pp. 230–1.
  • 2. Not found.