Elizabeth: October 1588, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: October 1588, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp273-282 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1588, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp273-282.

"Elizabeth: October 1588, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp273-282.

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October 1588, 21-25

Oct. 21. Sir John Norryes to Walsingham.
Arrived here yesterday, where he met Captain Anthony Wyngfeeld's ensign from Ostend, who had charge to tell him of the state of that place: he said that "the soldiers continued in very insolent terms towards their governor and captains; that they challenged by promise their count and reckoning by a day, failing whereof he doubted the issue would be dangerous." He advises that 3 or 400 loyal troops be sent thither, with which, and such party as he could make, he may be able to overrule the mutineers. He also wrote thus to Lord Wylloby, with whom Norreys will confer about the matter although he dare advise nothing till he knows Walsingham's direction. Does not know if the governor concurs with Wyngfeeld's opinion. Thinks "that must be the way at last; and that the town is in worse terms than is thought of." The ensign also brought a letter from the governor, wherein "there is not one word of the state of the town, only of his desire to be from thence, and to go this journey" with Norreys. Cannot yet advise anything concerning his own negotiation. The country was "never more forward to advance anything against the Spaniard than at this time." No news from Berghes since the attempt on the sconce, "but it seems the Prince scarcely resolved to bring his cannon." The Marquis of Renty and 4000 men have gone into Flanders to attack the isle of Tergoes from that side, but is unlikely to do any good. Parma threatens new preparations against next year. He has sent some of the English rebels to the Pope.—Flusshynge, 21 October, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 157.]
Oct. 21. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
Some service was done at Berghen while he was there, 400 or so of the enemy being slain and divers captains and men of account taken prisoners.
Hurried thence to attend Sir John Norrey's coming. The place, if provided with men and other necessaries, should beat off the Duke's attempts. In fact, he has attempted nothing against it or Tertoll since Russell left, and seems likely to withdraw his forces.
Divers of the companies at Ostende should be replaced, lest they begin a new disorder.
Asks that pay be sent over until October 12, as the soldiers' wants and debts are great and their creditors pressing, many of the latter being almost undone. Begs his lordship, of his wonted favour, to secure him leave soon to return.—Vlisshing, 21 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 155.]
Oct. 21/31. George Gilpin to Walsingham.
Credence for the bearer, who brings "from one at Andwarpe certain advertisement of an intended practice . . . against her Majesty's most sacred person." As the bearer goes by way of Ambsterdam, where he dwells, writes, by another way, more largely of what he knows.—The Haghe, the last of October, stilo novo.
Signed. Add. Endd. ⅓ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 159.]
[Oct. 21.] Colman's reply to the Privy Council.
Asks, on his lord and master's (Willoughby's) behalf, that further consideration be had of the four last articles of his lordship's requests, viz.:—
6. It would require time in sending to and fro. His lordship promises not to augment her Majesty's charges and that he will make the captains keep their companies full, so that their lordships should have no doubts in committing the matter to his care and discretion.
7. The only way to content both captain and soldier, and to keep them fit and ready for service, is for the Treasurer to have in his hands a certain amount of money over and above ordinary weekly lendings, to be disposed by his lordship's warrant, upon all extremities, to supply their wants. This has been done hitherto mostly upon his lordship's own credit. The companies will utterly decay unless some order be taken herein.
8. Payment of warrants due October 11 last would content the soldier and greatly stand with her Majesty's honour, as well as repair the army's credit amongst the English merchants and that country people, "many having given credit more than they be worth."
9. The States will not meet these extraordinary charges, especially as they are outside the Contract. They would not even relieve her Majesty's troops at Bergen. Such extraordinary charge was never laid upon any general's own purse, so he beseeches their lordships to move her Majesty to favour him.
Endd. "21 October, 1588. Colman's reply to the lords' answer by way of apostilles to the Lord Willoughbie's request." 1¼ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 161.]
[Oct. 21.] Questions by the Lord Treasurer to be answered by Sir Thomas Shyrley.
1. What was total debt due by her Majesty in the Low Countries, 11 October, 1587 ?
2. How much thereof due to Flushyng and to the Bryll ?
3. How much thereof paid, and to whom, and how much unpaid ?
4. How much of this remaining, is due to captains for their bands, who are now in personal service in the Low Countries ?
5. How much due for the said captains to their creditors ?
6. How many of those creditors may be paid in England, how many in the Low Countries, and what sums will satisfy both ?
7. How much of the money to be paid in the Low Countries may be paid by exchange ?
8. How much of the total debt is due to captains and soldiers not now serving in the Low Countries, and to whom payable ?
For payments since October, 1587.
1. How much paid in full pays, and to whom ?
2. How much paid in lendings, and to the governors of Flushyng and Bryll, and their retinues ?
3. How much to the governor and garrison of Ostend ?
4. How much to the Governor-General and principal army officers ?
5. How much in lendings to the horsebands and footbands ?
6. How much paid extraordinarily, and by whose warrants ?
7. How much is to be defalked for apparel, victual, or money for victual, and of whom ?
8. What sums would make a full pay to 12 October, 1588 ?
In Burghley's hand. Endd. as above, with date. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 163.]
[Oct. 22.] Shurleie's answers to the above Articles.
Touching debts due, 11 October, 1587.
1. 43,893l. 2s. 0¾d. Besides by estimation 1,000l. for the extraordinary cannoneers of Flushinge, Bergen-op-Zome, and Ostend, not reckoned with since their first coming in November, 1585.
2. Whereof due to Vlissinge garrison 8,962l. 0s. 5d.; Briell garrison 7,807l. 1s. 5d.; total, 16,769l. 1s. 10d.
3. Also paid by the Council's warrants to cashiered officers 8,862l. 19s. 2¾d.; imprested upon their entertainment due before 12 October, 1588, to divers officers, in March last, upon like warrant, 2,400l.; paid to divers creditors by the like warrant, as appears by a particular book, 5,000l. 9s. 3¼d.; total, 16,263l. 8s. 6d. Remains unpaid 27,629l. 13s. 6¾d., besides the cannoneers as aforesaid.
4. Of which remain there is due to captains now serving in the Low Countries, 26,190l. 0s. 0¾d.
5. Due to their creditors, by bills brought in to the Treasurer (many not brought in), 12,350l.
6. All may be paid in England to the 'Dutch' merchants' friends or factors.
7. Uncertain, owing to rise and fall of the exchange and uncertainty of the time of payment.
8. Due to captains, etc., not now serving there, 1,439l. 13s. 6d., viz.:—to the Earl of Essex, 746l. 7s. 8d., to Captain Bourchier, 320l. 11s. 10d., to Mr. Digges, late muster-master, 372l. 14s.
For payments since October, 1587.
1. By full pays:
l. s. d.
Earl of Leicester, 50 days, 12 October—30 November, 1587, at 10l. 14s. per diem 535 0 0
Sir William Pelham, lord marshal, 20 days, 12–31 October, 1587, at 4l. per diem 80 0 0
Sir William Reade, 20 days, 12—31 October, 1587, at 40s. per diem 40 0 0
(by Leicester's warrant)
The same, 245 days, 1 November, 1587— 2 July, 1588 490 0 0
Sir Richard Bingham, master of the ordnance, 22 days, 12 October—2 November, 1587, at 54s. per diem 59 8 0
Thomas Knyvett, marshal of Briell, 141 days, 12 October, 1587—29 February, 1588, at 20s. per diem 141 0 0
Earl of Leicester, captain of 250 men, 50 days, 12 October—30 November, 1587 477 18 4
Sir William Reade, captain of 150 men, 20 days, 12—31 October, 1587, 115 10 0
Total 1,938l. 16 4
2. Lendings, 64,320 0 0
Whereof to the governor and garrison of Flushinge 14,680 0 0
and those of Briell, 6,360 0 0
3. No money paid to governor of Ostend, but to the garrison by estimation 9,360 0 0
4. Full pay made to Lord General and principal officers, though not by special warrants yet by warrants of imprests:
Lord Willughby, 366 days, 12 October, 1587—11 October, 1588, at 6l. per diem 2,196 0 0
Henry Killigrewe, assistant in Council, 366 days, as above, at 40s. per diem 732 0 0
Thomas Wilford, sergeant-major, 366 days. as above, at 20s. per diem 366 0 0
5. Lendings to the horsemen, by estimation, 15,600 0 0
and to the footmen, by estimation, 48,720 0 0
6. Paid extraordinarily, Sir William Wynter, for sea-coal for Ostend, by Council warrant 75 0 0
Lord Burgh, for lead and match for Briell, by Leicester's warrant 10 0 0
Imprested to 12 companies at Vlissinge and one at Ramekins, to provide stockings and shoes, November, 1587, by Leicester's warrant 390 0 0
Delivered to Sir William Russell for captains of Camphire and Armuyeden, by special privy seal 600 0 0
Imprested to Sir Thomas Morgan, by Council warrant 200 0 0
Imprested to Morgan for bringing over musketeers from the Low Countries, by Lord Willughbie's warrant 80 0 0
Imprested to him for 14 days' lendings to them, begun August 25, by Council warrant 262 1 0
Imprested to Sir Edward Norreys, by Council warrants 100 0 0
Delivered to Conway for Ostend fortifications, by Council warrant 100 0 0
Paid to Mr. Campion for beer to Ostend, by the Lord Treasurer's warrant 72 0 0
Imprested to Captain Parker, by Lord Willughbie's warrant 100 0 0
To Captain Banester, by the same 40 0 0
To Captain Vere, by the same 40 0 0
To Sir William Waller, by the same 8 14 0
To Lord Willughbie for his cornet's ransom 40 0 0
Total 2,117l. 15 0
7. To be defalked for apparel (the bills not yet brought in) 12,000 0 0
and for money delivered for victuals 6,300 0 0
8. About 43,000l. will make a full pay until 12 October, 1588.
Due last year, 27,629l. 13s. 6¾d.; this year, about 43,000l. Total, 70,629l. 13s. 6¾d., besides the cannoneers.
Endd. as above, with date. 5½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 165.]
Oct. 22. J. Ortell to Burghley.
"I send you honour herein enclosed back again the letter of them of Zeeland, with the notes by me made thereupon, as your lordship yesterday required, together with the arrearages of those of the Briell and Flushinge. Praying your honour to consider thereupon in equity and for the avoiding of all further charges to help the inhabitants, which are here in number, to good and speedy satisfaction."—London, 22 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¼ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 171.]
Contents of a letter from the States [of Zeeland] to [Burghley], delivered by Ortell.
The complaints of the inhabitants of the Briell and Flushing being, by his honour's direction, viewed, and the particulars of the sums which they advanced to her Majesty's garrisons at the request of Captain Errington and Burlas, "being perused by me"; it is to be considered that they had good warrant and obligation from every captain to the Treasurer of her Majesty's forces, whereby they claim that their money should be deducted upon those captains' first pay or imprests.
The garrisons in the last two years scarcely received any full pay, but only imprests as formerly, and gave the inhabitants bonds for repayment upon the first money or imprests they should receive.
The inhabitants of the Briell still claim, under four separate bonds, some 560l. sterling.
Those of Flushinge and Middelborough likewise claim 1,815l. 14s. sterling, disbursed for the garrisons of Flushinge, Berghn-opt-Some, and Ostende.
Total demanded, 2,375l. 14s., for which they can deliver due obligations from the captains.
Desiring her Majesty and his lordship to appoint someone to take a note of their bills, and grant them present satisfaction. It would content the inhabitants, and enable them to relieve the garrisons in any future necessity. Otherwise the said inhabitants must return discouraged. Desire speedy answer.—London, 22 October, 1588.
Further contents of the letter.
Those of Flushing require redress of these points following:—
The town is overcharged with garrisons far above the ordinary, and above the stipulations of the Treaty.
The revenues of the hospital for the poor and for orphans are greatly depleted and in arrears by relieving the sick of the garrison.
That order be presently made concerning the fortifications made or to be made above the ordinary contributions.
That the town be no longer molested about "service money," but convenient order be taken therein with the States of the province.
That the garrison be paid better and more certainly, as promised by the Treaty, to avoid disorder and the burdening of the town.
That present satisfaction be given to those who have supplied the garrison with money, victuals, etc.
Endd. as above. 3 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 173.]
Oct. 22. Sir Thomas Morgan to Burghley.
Craves pardon for not having written since his arrival here. The passage hence is free and "the enemy wholly removed from over against Tertole." Some expected him to rise, as thirty companies marched away from his camp, but they went only upon an unsuccessful enterprise against Tergoose and have now returned. Two prisoners, taken to-day, say that they mean to remain.
One prisoner admits that all the Prince's artillery, save four pieces in Woe castle, has marched away; his boats on the north side are removed to the south.
Desires that some good order be taken for the new men that are come over. Need of money for the others here.—Berges, 22 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 169.]
Oct. 23. Sir John Conway to Burghley.
The state of this place is not so good as he reported at his nephew Grevelle's being here, before October 14. On the arrival of Sir Thomas Shyrley's man with supply of weekly lendings, the garrison fell into its former disorders, demanding pay, "and challenging of me into prison for performance of the same." Their late conduct makes them entirely unworthy of her Majesty's grace and "there will be no good reformation . . . . before some of the chief be justified, in terror of the rest."
Could only appease them by granting each man a fortnight's lendings upon their account, otherwise the place would have been put in danger and the treasure lost. "By these means, and some other courses that I took with best sort to make a stand for it, I drew them to a pacification for the time." Disbursed 305l. 15s. of the money which Shirle's man brought over. Desires Burghley to defend his action with her Majesty. Will continue the lendings in so much at his own charge, until pay come.
Has sent certain notes to the Lord General and sent one to solicit him that three or four companies be sent hither to replace the same number which Conway will send to him. This course should be speedily taken, for though there is no fear that the worst sort will so prevail as to endanger the place, yet they may cause blood to be shed to the national dishonour.
The Prince has removed his artillery, which annoyed ships entering Bargon. Lack of victuals and clothes in his camp. A twopenny loaf of bread worth two or even three shillings there.
This garrison overthrew last Saturday a great convoy of victuals and merchandise. The prisoners say that the Prince has lost many of his chiefest, by shot, and they begin to despair of his success.
Great need of some men-of-war upon this coast to safeguard the communications of Ostend by sea.—Ostend, 23 October, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 175.]
Oct. 23. Sir John Conway to [Walsingham ?].
To much the same effect as the above.—Ostend, 23 October, 1588.
Copy. Endd. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 177.]
[Oct. 23.] Points to be ordered by the Lord General in matters presented to the Council by James Digges, overseer of musters.
Their lordships refer wholly to the Lord General the doubts and difficulties presented to them by James Digges for perfecting the accounts, etc., of the year ending 11 October, 1588.
To have special consideration in allowance of those absent, as the number is great and as, if not prevented, abuse may grow thereby. To use his authority in the checks, etc., of those absent without his licence.
To allow Leicester's licences during his government, but since then only if to her Majesty's benefit.
To confirm orders of musters established when Thomas Digges was muster-master, and to add such as shall be thought convenient. To support James Digges and protect him from injuries offered him or his deputies in the honest performance of his duty.
To send early answer to their lordships' letters for the examination of Captain Lambarte's checks and the suspected abuses therein.
Endd. with date. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 179.]
[Oct. 24.] Articles concerning musters in the Low Countries, presented by James Digges.
Desires that letters be written to the Lord General for the effecting of these points, according to their lordships' late resolution.
1. That commissaries resident attend diligently to their charges, duly observe the orders, etc., send their muster-rolls, orderly perfected, in due time to the office of musters, and send every three months an account of their proceedings, as was accustomed before the muster-master's discharge.
2. That negligence, connivance, corruption, etc., be severely punished by dismissal or otherwise.
3. That each commissary change his garrison at least once every six months, handing up his rolls, etc., to his successor and sending his observations to the overseer of musters.
4. That any commissary found taking bribe, benevolence, or fee, be 'cassed' without pay, and an example made of the first so discovered.
5. That this may be better effected the Treasurer-at-wars has been ordered to give the commissaries, on "your lordship's" warrant, half-pay in weekly lendings.
Refer the rest to the articles hereinclosed (fn. 1) and James Digges' relation.
Endd. with date. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 181.]
Oct. 25. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
For news refers his lordship to this bearer, Mr. Allen. The lord ambassador on the 24th, opened his negotiation with the Count and those of the States and Council here present. Berghes being in a manner delivered, Wyllughby came here as directed, but the ambassador "is so well acquainted and so sufficient to deal in these causes, as my counsel are but drops to the sea."
Desires leave to return to England for ten days.—Myddleburgh, 25 October.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 183.]
Oct. 25./Nov. 4. John Gylles to Walsingham.
His last was of October 26, n.s., wherein he craved his honour's advice about Mr. John de la Fall's proceeding in the 'mortary howes' of his father, John de la Fall, which has been six years in question. He would come over with Gylles to end the difference. Prays his honour's favour herein, and also to obtain redress for himself from Andrees de Loo.
Received letters of November 2, n.s., to-day from certain of the best in Anwerp, that the Prince of Parma means to raise his siege of Berges. He has brought four pieces of ordnance back to Anwarp, and intends to make forts before Bargon and the land of Tertoll and at Rossendall, to keep those of Berghes from foraging. This will enable him to say he came there for no other purpose, and so to save his honour if he raise his siege. Actually it is a great dishonour. There is also news from Anwarp that they hear at Calles that 50 of the Spanish navy had arrived in Byskeye; also that they had advice of Sir John Norres' coming over, which they liked not. At Anwarp they understand that the governor of Flyshing will be replaced, which they are glad of as they make great account of his good government.
Hopes for his favour in John la Fall's case, and towards Andres de Loo.—Mydelborow, 4 November, 1588, stilo novo.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 186.]
Oct. 12 and 25. Edward Barton to [Walsingham ?].
Since his last of September 28 [not found], hears from Don Alvaro Mendas that a Jew belonging to David Pasmo comes shortly from Don Antonio to solicit the Grand Signor for his restoration to his kingdom. Alvaro is grieved at being trusted less than one of so small credit and suspected of Spanish leanings, who ever frequents the Imperial, French, and Venetian ambassadors, but never visits Barton, who likewise feels quite unable to trust him.
Don Alvaro and the chief Bassas assure him of the Grand Signor's determination "to set forth this year a great fleet": will advertise the certainty thereof "in my future of December," and has more hope of it than before. (fn. 2)
"The Grand Signor hath sent a hundred loads of false, naughty aspers, counting every load at 60,000, to employ in corn and other provision for the city." All are to be forced to sell their corn for these aspers, which are "little better than English leaden farthings." Six months ago he took an inestimable sum from his subjects by taxation "for the stamping of a new coin, which now he is so far from sending forth as that daily he suffereth the money [to] grow from worse to worse . . . ."—Rapamet, 12 October, 1588.
Since the above his honour has probably heard from Mr. Harborne of the Cassackes' incursion upon the borders of Bender in June last. They were beaten off with many killed and loss of their booty. The Grand Signor blames the King of Poland for their incursions. He has ordered a castle to be built at their usual crossing-place, and has instructed all the frontier Beys and the Tartars that they are to invade Poland and spoil all they can, if the King does not follow his predecessors' example and send an ambassador to renew the league before the congealing of the ice, which is the only time when the Tartars invade Poland, i.e. about November. It is said that the ambassador is delayed because the Pope has sent two cardinals to reconcile the King and Maximilian, so that they may unite their forces against the Turk. The order to the Beys has been made public in the hope of hastening the ambassador. They think that the King would not proceed in such a matter if his ambassador were here. Also in the event of war with Poland, they would have to sacrifice their advantage over Persia and make a peace, or else place the whole empire in extreme danger from so many mighty enemies at once.
Two Greek youths recently sought to be given the government of Bugdania and Wallachia. The Beglerbey won their confidence, and got them to promise him a bribe, and then wrote to the present governors, revealing the whole matter. They offered double the bribe, so he sent the youths to them. They will, doubtless, cut off their ears, and also use the bribe as an excuse for further heavy taxation of their subjects, who have been brought to such misery that they would prefer a Turk for their governor.
Lancomo finds he acted unadvisedly towards Paulo Mariani. Vento, instead of going to Alexandria, has headed for France and is believed to carry letters from the Vicerey accusing Lancomo of insufficiency and highly commending Vento, who doubtless hopes, by "favour of the Queen Mother whom he serveth, to deprive Lancomo and place himself."
Skirmishes in Hungary. The ambassador has presented threatening letters to the Grand Signor: will send a copy when they are translated.—Rapamet, 25 October, 1588.
Signed. Endd. 4 pp. [Turkey I. 55.]


  • 1. Probably the previous document.
  • 2. This paragraph underlined, and a trefoil against in the margin.