Elizabeth: July 1588, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: July 1588, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp11-26 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1588, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp11-26.

"Elizabeth: July 1588, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp11-26.

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July 1588, 6-10

July 6. Sir William Russell to the Privy Council.
Has received advertisement from the States of the effect of his last letter to their honours; "which is, that forasmuch as the occasion and hope the Spanish King had of the assistance of Scotland is now frustrated, and seeing that also her Majesty's forces, both by sea and land, are so great, the Duke of Parma determineth to attempt somewhat, either against these islands or some parts near unto us." Therefore the States earnestly desire their honours to cause the ships sent for her Majesty's assistance to be sent back. They entreat her moreover to send some of her ships to lie in these parts for their better defence, and hope that she will aid them with her forces, if such necessity shall befal them.
Is also to beseech their honours to have regard for the maintenance of the forces in this garrison, of which the States also seem to have care; "and the rather for that some evil disposed people either in this town or in these parts may have some secret practices with the enemy . . . "—Vlisshinge, 6 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¾p. [Holland XXV. f. 25.]
July 6. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
To the same effect as that to the Privy Council, above.— Vlisshing, 6 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXV. f. 27.]
July 7. The Earl of Derby to the Council.
Yesterday forenoon a servingman from Calais, brought an unsigned letter, sealed and directed to him. Its contents seemed strange, especially as he could learn little from the man either of the sender or of the matter. Hoping to learn more, Derby sent this bearer, his servant, to Calais with the man who brought the letter, by whom, as requested, he returned it, forwarding a true copy to their lordships.
His servant returned this forenoon with other letters [not found] from him who sent the first, from which their lordships may understand of his proffer to do her Majesty service. Knows not what the man is or whence. He told Derby's servant that he had been sent hither by his master, the Duke of Savoy, as tutor to Don Amadeo, the Duke's brother; that the young gentleman, resenting his reproofs, had planned his death and had also, "by means," won the favour of the Duke of Parma, who has taken him into his own charge and out of that of his tutor, who is therefore discontented. Sends the letters and his servant to inform their lordships more fully. The gentleman, in testimony of his sincerity and quality, sends his son with this bearer to see the Court, and also the enclosed packet of letters written to him at several times from personages of honour and account, which he desires may be returned by this bearer.—Bourboroughe, 7 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1½ pp. [Flanders IV. f. 214.]
Copy of the above.
Endd. "Copy of the Earl of Derby his letter to the lords about the offer of service of Don Carlo." 1¼ pp. [Flanders IV. f. 216.]
July 7. Stafford to Walsingham.
"Yesterday the ordinary of Spain came, by whom my cold friend had two letters from Madrid, one of the 22nd and another of the 25th, their account. That of the 22nd, writeth at the Groine, by Cape Finisterre, that there was great provision made of shipping in all the coasts and havens of Spain and Biscay, to carry their victual and munition: that they took it for a good hansell of hope of victory that they had taken two English barks that came to discover their army." The other writes "that the last news that they had of the army was of the thirteenth; that they were then a hundred leagues nearer England than the Cape Finisterre, which maketh me to think that they give out what they list in Spain, for I take it Cape Finisterre is not above a hundred leagues from England."
A courier of the Spanish ambassador has been taken near Limoges by the King of Navarre's folk, and the letters carried to Rochel, "whereat he is mad."
"There came here yesterday in the evening, after my other letter written, so many good news together that I cannot tell how to believe them; the taking of Marans by the King of Navarre, and of Montegne by Nantes, and Malesieux; and that he is gone to besiege Niort, with six cannons, eight thousand footmen and 600 horse. That Pount St. Esprit was upon composition, and that Campagnolle is entered into Boullen with succour, and thereupon M. d'Aumale is retired. This of Boullen is most certainly affirmed, but how true it is, I dare not assure you. That of Marans I believe; the besieging of Niort I dare not believe, neither that he hath yet so many forces together. That of Pount St. Esprit I would fain believe if I durst, because it is a news of weight, profit and importance."
Two news came yesterday "that the League is marvellously stomached at: the one that M. d'Epernon hath gotten him out of the castle of Angolesme that was in it, and hath it assured to him; which is a town of great strength and importance. The other that M. de Lorraine hath sent in such post haste for his Albanoys and other troops, who this night are to lodge ten leagues beyond Chateau Tyrry, such haste they be gone withal. They are in two minds that it is either a practice of Queen Mother with the Duke of Lorraine, to make him send for them away in haste, under the colour of reisters coming, or else that if reisters do come upon Lorraine indeed, that it is a thing practised from hence. What to assure you of it . . . I cannot tell, but only that there came a letter from Geneva within these two days from a man of quality . . . that within these eight days they would dispatch a man of purpose hither to bring us news of importance that we looked not for, and less their enemies."
"They that be here best affected and I know the king himself hath said as much, that he marvelled that there was no news out of England of the Spanish army and that made them fear somewhat; and the same hath been said and sent to me, and I answered that that was sign there was nothing because I had no news, for if there were anything, I should have it."—Paris, 7 July, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France XVIII. 122.]
July 7. "Advertisements from Mr. Stafford."
It is reported that Memorancy, Epernon, and la Vallette are making a league with the Duke of Savoy for defence of the countries bordering upon his lands, and that the governors of Languedoc, Provence, and Dolphiné will join them; and that Epernon means to keep Metz for himself by means of the Germans, and Bologne by means of England. The King believes that Epernon is assured of twelve hundred horse and ten thousand footmen. He begs the King not to put him out of all hope, but the agreement is universally desired. Details of the batteries before Bologne: it only rests with the neighbouring lords to make them raise the siege, but nothing will be done on this side to bring suspicion upon the agreement, which suggests designs of a more secret nature.
Copy, in Stafford's hand. Endd. as above. French. 1 p. [Newsletters IX. 45.]
July 7. Thomas Webbes to Walsingham.
Considers the clerkship of the check. mentioned in his last letter, a place most necessary. since several companies are scattered with no commissary to view them. There is one appointed to Mr. Wilford at Utrecht. but he says "he cannot skill to keep any reckoning." There are two cornets of horse at Barke, and one each at Amersford, at Wagenen and Rhenen, and at Dowsborough, all without oversight, most of them very weak and continually weakened by daily service. "And for lack of an overseer, her Majesty may lose more by ten times in a small time than the place of the check would be chargeable unto her Majesty in a whole year." Were Utrecht joined with that place, "which is a noble a day towards the charge," and bestowed upon him, with further suitable consideration, he would exercise it, take the musters both where there is no commissary resident and elsewhere, and make true certificate thereof, if his commission be made to this effect. Would so govern himself as to merit a further charge.—Utrecht. 7 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXV. f. 29.]
July 8. The Earl of Derby to Walsingham.
Being assured of his friendship, writes to him especially, from time to time of his proceedings here, and now, to forewarn him, sends a copy of his letter to their lordships about a personage who offers to do her Majesty service. Can form no opinion of what may be intended thereby, as he did not inquire much of the man, who stays at Calais; but felt it his duty to inform their lordships. Imparted the whole matter, and this letter to Lord Cobham, but to no one else.—Bourboroughe, 8 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2/3 p. [Flanders IV. f. 219.]
July 8. The Earl of Derby to Walsingham.
Encloses copy of letters from Dr. Dale, received since the making up of the other packet. Will forward anything that he writes before his return, for which they sent Spritewell to him.— Bourboroughe, 8 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¼ p. [Flanders IV. f. 221.]
July 7. Dr. Dale to the Earl of Derby and Lord Cobham.
"I arrived here at Dixmu with some travail yesternight and supped with M. la Motte, who is desirous by all means to be recommended unto your lordship [and] my lord Cobham. Of him I learned that he took the muster of an hundred ensigns of Spaniards yesterday, with whom was joined the company of Sir William Stanley. This day he is to take a view of the regiment of Almans which are come with the Archduke. And then the Wallons are to be mustered under the Duke himself, who of great policy taketh the Wallons to be his own regiment. The Italians are to do the like, and the flat-bottoms that are at Newport are to come to Gravelinge. There is no talk of a voyage into England to be made but to be executed: so forward and so open they are."—Dixmue, 7 July, 1588.
Copy. Endd. ¾ p. [Flanders IV. f. 218.]
July 8/18. Count Maurice of Nassau to the Queen.
Most of the Spanish fleet is reported to have been driven back to Corunna by contrary winds, but since the Prince of Parma continues his preparations, the States upon the Count's advice have resolved to equip, man, and provision more ships. Several good vessels have already left Zeeland and the rest will follow in a few days. Has ordered these ships to prevent Parma from leaving his harbours, or at any rate from landing in her Majesty's dominions, as he writes more fully to the Council.
If great affairs.—especially the troublesome business of Gertruydenberghe, so important to his brothers, sisters, himself, and the country—did not oblige him to remain here, he would gladly have gone in person with the fleet. Esteems no employment more honourable than the service of her Majesty against one who, by the damnable design upon the life of the Count's father, has shown himself so great an enemy to her Majesty, this country, and the Count's own house. Desires nothing so much as to make clear to all that this enemy's reputation is based only upon the cowardice of those who allowed him to vanquish them and rejected the good counsels of the Count's father and their faithful confederates. Hopes that God will enable them, with her Majesty's aid, to frustrate the enemy's designs as the States and the Count did a year ago.—The Hague, 18 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. 2 pp. [Holland XXV. f. 32]
July 8/18. Count Maurice of Nassau to Walsingham.
Desiring him to present his letters to her Majesty and the Council.—The Hague, 18 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. ½ p. [Holland XXV. f. 30.]
July 8/18. The States General to Walsingham.
Recommending to him the bearer, M. Jehan van den Warck, doctor of laws, whom they are sending to put before the Council a certain matter touching their estate.—The Hague, 18 July, 1588.
Signed, Berck. Countersigned, C. Aerssens. Add. Endd. Seal. French. ½ p. [Holland XXV. f. 34.]
July 8/18. Account on behalf of the States General of money due to Lord Willoughby, "Lieutenant and Governor-General of the succour of her Majesty in this country," as Governor of Barowe, from 1 June 1586, to 1 June 1587. (Translated out of 'Dutch.')
As Governor of Barowe, 1586–7, 13 months 6500l.
Of which paid 4300l.
Remaining due 2300l.
For his company of 100 horse, 1 June, 1586 — 7 Jan., 1587, at monthly rate of 3000l. for 100 horse 21,375l. 10s.
For his company of 78 horse, 8 Jan.— 1 June, 1587 10,988l. 5s. 7d.
For his company of 100 horse, 2 June—30 June, 1587 2,718l. 15s.
Total 35,082l. 10s. 7d.
Less one-third abated for encamping, there remains 23,388l.
Whereof paid 10,248l. 9s. 6d.
Remaining due 13,139l. 10s. 6d.
—The Haghe, 18 July, 1588.
Signed, Berch. Countersigned, C. Aerssens. Endd. 6½ pp. [Holland XXV. f. 36.]
July 8/18. Articles granted, in the name of the King of France, between the Queen Mother, and the Cardinal of Bourbon, the Duke of Guise, etc. [Printed in Dumont, Corps universel diplomatique (1728), V. i. 476–7; where at p. 476a., l. 44 insert "à la presente union et" after "contraires et prejudiciables"; at l. 45 for "autres" read "authorité"; at l. 57, for "et registrez aux" read "en registres des"; at l. 59, before "quand il sera besoin" insert "pouvait avoir recours"; at p. 476b. l. 19, for "seulement tout" read "seulement pour"; omit ll. 26–29, "Le sieur du Belloy . . . . auparavant"; and at p. 477a. l. 43, for "publié en la Cour de Parlement . . . 11 Juillet 1588" read "faict à Paris le 15e jour de Juillet 1588; Signé, Catherine, Louys [sic] Cardinal de Bourbon, Henry de Lorraine. Le Roy ayant ouy la lecture des presens articles les a eux pour agreables and comme te[ls] les a ratiffiés et approuvés, rateffie and approuve: faict à Rouen, le 18e jour de Juillet [1588]. Henry. Contresigné, de Neufville."]
Copy. Endd. French. 2¾ pp. Right-hand margin damaged. [Treaty Papers VII. f. 259.]
Abstract of the articles of the accord.
Copy. Endd. French. 2 pp. [Treaty Papers, VII. f. 261.]
July 9. Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
The Bishop of Roosois is near St. Homers, with a company of six persons. The forces at Bullyn are said to have gone to St. Quyntynes. The Italian shipwrights at Antwerp are now at Dunckerq, to make brigantines.
Received a letter this morning from the Master of Requests who hopes to get an audience with the Duke. "He writes that they do infallibly prepare themselves in all this (but, by the grace of God, with no good speed) for England, and every man setteth himself in a 'zeloty' to make themselves tout d'or in England. He saw that day the regiment which is come with the Archduke, which is of 5000, all pikes and 'slatse' swords à deux mains, fully armed, in all excellent good armours, saving a few harquebusiers, as tall fellows as may be seen. . . ."—Burborow, 9 July, '88.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ½ p. [Flanders IV. f. 223.]
July 9. Thomas Randolph and William Waad to Walsingham.
As directed by the Lord Treasurer and himself, "we repaired unto the French ambassador, to show him what we had done by her Majesty's commandment in examining the French gentlemen that remain prisoners in the Marshalsea, who, by the small courtesy he showed us at our coming did make us guess what reason we should find at his hands," for after telling him of her Majesty's order to Randolph and Waad thoroughly to examine this disorder, that he might have satisfaction; and that it was her pleasure that they should acquaint him with their proceedings and the examinations of the prisoners; they began to read one of the said examinations, and being in the midst of it, "he took the same with great choler out of our hands, saying he would hear no further, and preceived well he should be driven to bear the wrong; therefore willed us to signify to her Majesty that he demanded that the Frenchmen which had committed the outrage might be delivered unto him, or else sent unto the King. And that he perceived it was not for the King his master to keep an ambassador here, with other like words of such passion as seemed stranger unto us, considering the care her Majesty had, and course that was taken to examine the matter with speed and indifferency."
They then asked him what he would have done that was omitted and said that they had found other examinations which agreed with these, but if he would say what further course he wished taken they would willingly perform it, or examine any others he should name or produce "to verify the articles exhibited against them; as we meant to-morrow to send for the inhabitants in the street that saw the disorder. He answered us that he did not look our men, as he termed them, would say anything in his favour, and still with extreme passion and exclaiming would have no satisfaction but to have their persons delivered unto him. We could not . . . forbear to tell him that her Majesty had the administration of justice in her hands within her dominions, and though he should write to the King (which he often threatened), when he had understood the course her Majesty had held, we doubted not but he would rest satisfied; and he knew himself that her Majesty had demanded of the King such heinous traitors as had most villainously conspired her death . . . He then alleged one Honoré unto us that could witness this outrage was a purposed and pretended matter, and still in fury urging the delivery of the gentlemen, being the King's subjects, did dismiss [us] with as small courtesy as he received us."—London, 9 July, 1588.
Signed by both. Add. Endd. 2¼ pp. [France XVIII. 123.]
July 9. Sir Francis Walsyngham to his cousin, Sir Edward Norris.
Thanks him for several letters which he has written. Learns from them and others "that the Duke of Parma aimeth at a far greater mark than the besieging of the town of Ostend, as namely, the conquest of this realm; so as you need not to stand in doubt of that place. But God be thanked, her Majesty hath put herself with her forces in that manner of readiness, and made herself so strong at sea, as that the Duke's shipping dare not venture forth to the seas out of their havens, so as we need not to fear anything that will be attempted from thence. And for the navy of Spain, we have lately received advertisements that by reason of their great wants, as well of mariners as other necessary provision, but especially through the infection fallen amongst their men, they are forced to return back again and have dispersed themselves. Nevertheless, her Majesty meaneth to continue her fleet at sea under the Lord Admiral and Sir Francis Drake till the full certainty hereof may be known, and hath given order for the revictualling of them for a longer time."
"Touching your other request, that you might be employed here at home in case there fall out any occasion of service, as one that desireth to sacrifice your life in her Majesty's defence, I will not fail both to make her Majesty acquainted with this your readiness, and for your employment here will not be unmindful of you when the time shall serve for the same. For that it is intended, in case they go forward in their enterprise against this realm, that divers captains, both of that garrison and other places, and to the number of 2000 foot shall be called from thence to be employed here at home, to join with such forces as her Majesty hath put in readiness for the defence of this realm."—From the Court at Richmond, 9 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 42.]
July 9. H. Kyllygrew to Walsingham.
Received on the 8th his letters sent by Burnham, who sent with them one from himself and two memorials, one of matters given him in charge by Walsingham to deliver to Count Maurice, the other to Kyllygrew. Had already declared to the Count so much as was contained in the first, and as for the other, part is already done, and the rest will be performed as time shall serve. Finds "the Count Maurice very willing to remain at her Majesty's devotion, and to make offer not only of all aid and assistance, but also himself in person to go over in her Majesty's service if need require," as doubtless his own letters reveal. Generally finds "these men more willing than able to yield her Majesty assistance . . . The shipping promised is gone long ago, and, besides, they are resolved to set forth 24 more with all speed to join with her Majesty's navy. For the 2000 men to be sent over, my Lord General hath propounded unto the States, (fn. 1) and is in good hope to obtain them. But considering the enemy's pretence against England is either broken off or greatly impeached by the good correspondence of the Scottish king, and [that] here they receive advertisements of the Duke of Parma's purpose to fall upon their islands, as no doubt he will if he finds the main enterprise for England not to go forward, I hope in this respect you shall have no need of those 2000 at home; but rather to increase the forces here, unless her Majesty make account to lose all."
These men, at Lord Burgh's instance have sent a commissary to view the two forts of the Briele and to consider other wants in the town; with promise to supply the same. Hopes that the general union of the provinces will shortly be compassed.
There has been some uproar of the boors in Utrecht to the number of 300 "for the suppressing whereof the Count Moeurs hath fired some few of their houses and slain some eight or nine of them in skirmish" and the rest begin to hearken to reason.
What has been done in Frizeland the enclosed [this is wanting, according to contemporary endorsement] will show.
"As for her Majesty's letters unto my Lord General and me to consider of their differences, his Lordship hath written to that effect into Frizeland, (fn. 2) and I doubt not an agreement will follow. But here, the wisest men and of greatest authority persuade me there is no means so ready, both to reunite the provinces among themselves and to assure them unto her Majesty as if they were put out of hope of peace; and therefore if the treaty be broken off they judge it a matter most expedient that it would please my lords in England to signify so much hither and thereby to persuade them more effectually to a general re-union and agreement."
The Duke of Parma is said to have three ambassadors at Embden, probably to effect some friendship in that earldom and to gain the use of the haven, which those of Embden "are now in hand to draw nearer the town, and by a palisade and otherwise to force the channel that way; whereby these of Holland are impeached to pursue those which carry victuals to their enemies of Groeninghenlandt."
Certain apostilles have been sent by Ortell to the Council, given him, it is said, upon his propositions concerning the treasurer's and the Lord General's government; but they were able to say nothing therein, not having received any such.
A Scottish ship of the lord Roberts of Orckneie has been brought in by some of Enchuisen, wherein were 93 men; and as it was said they had fought with an Englishman, he has moved the Council for their stay until more is known.
Sir Martin Skenck is going towards Bon. His demands have been recommended to the States as her Majesty directed, and they are about to frame him an answer, though probably not such as will content him, and in that case he will probably remain in their service only for the three months which he promised her Majesty. To his motion for the relief of Bon, they have made answer that now the enemy is so strong and clearly has some design against England or these countries they may not diminish their forces without great danger. Colonel Bax is 'cassed.' The States never had any great good opinion of him, but better of his two younger brothers at Berghen. Groenvelt is at Utrecht. Has spoken both for him and the other to Count Maurice, who promises them all favour. Has received Walsingham's letter recommending Combes, which he will remember as time may serve. "He is a man very evil thought of here, and I could have wished his cause had been recommended unto the States in some other sort. But I conceive your honour was glad to be rid of him by that means." Count Hohenlo is by this time at Hamburgh.— The Haghe, 9 July, 1588.
Holograph postscript. Desires him to send Mr. Guylpin's warrants, for he can abide no further delay. Desires him also to send the Pope's jubilee "to serve for a foundation to lay our persuasions on to the people," and the proclamation "we hear should be set forth" declaring what her Majesty has done to have peace with Spain and the refusal thereof by the Duke of Parma's deputies. Verdugo's companies surprised Dotecum in Gelderland, but were driven out again with heavy loss.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 3 pp. [Holland XXV. f. 44.]
July 9. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Has received his letter by Burneham who is too sick to visit him. The States have replied to her Majesty that they would only have Sir William Drurie removed either by her express command or by direction from six of her Council; until they receive answer they will do nothing. Encloses a copy of his petition to lord Willughbie, who has replied to the first point that he could not proceed with honour therein; and to the second, that he has answered her Majesty and her Council. Thus he cannot deal as her Majesty commanded; "but how he hath practised against me, that some of the States have certified me; yea, and so far proceeded therein that he gave them instruction how to answer her Majesty's letter, to the end my request might be deferred." Protests that "unless I may be employed in some more honourable place than is the place of a private captain, I will not show my face in the field, especially seeing it must be at his direction and for his honour who neither regardeth me nor my service . . ."—The Haige, 9 July, 1588.
Postscript. "The Grave van Hollocke is gone and Paul Burse and his woman guarded him to Einchusen."
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 46.]
Petition of Sir Thomas Morgan to lord Willughbie.
Praying for an answer to the following points mentioned in her Majesty's letter to his honour, 14 May, 1588:—
1. That Sir William Drurie be removed from Berghen-up-Zome and the bearer, Morgan, put in his place, for which purpose he shall deal effectually with the States who, she knows, will be most willing thus to reward Morgan's good service.
2. That Morgan shall also have the place of Lieutenancy (supplied in her Majesty's late establishment by Sir William Reade), with entertainment of 40s. by the day, for which warrant is to be directed to Sir Thomas Sherley, beginning from 7 June next ensuing.
Desires favourable answer, and, if he may be employed, promises faithful service and all obedience.
Delivered to Willughbie, 7 July, in the presence of Mr. Killegrey, Captain Wilsford, and Mr. Gylpin.
Copy. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 47.]
July 9. J. Ortell to Burghley.
As directed by the States, his masters, he desires Burghley's favour for the request yesterday presented to him by Adam Hulcher, Easterling, and Cornelis Leynkins of Flushing, merchants, who "as well in their particular regard as others of their co-partners were at sea most wrongfully taken and dispossessed of their ships and goods by the owners of Centurian and Merchant Royal." Some allege "the said goods to be coloured by the said merchants; yet do they tell me plainly that their intent never was nor is otherwise, but only and in most humble sort to crave expedition of justice and effectual restitution of their own." For fear of longer delay, they are willing to put in sureties to make proof that the goods are their own. Failing that, they would remit the decision to her Majesty's Privy Council or to some persons nominated by themselves to the Council to be joined with Dr. Cæsar, judge of the Admiralty.
Desires also that "the suit of the poor desolate fishermen, most lamentably robbed, spoiled and murdered by the ships, kinsman and servants set forth in warlike sort by Sir Walter Lewson," may be decided by the Council or some persons (besides the judge of the Admiralty) chosen by Burghley, for its better expedition (after two years' suit). "To go to law with such as already have possession of their money, blood, and travail (as it seemed the said judge would have), it were a matter most unconscionable," especially as justice is already done to those of Denmark who were 'spoiled' by the same ships and men, "yet not up[on] a great deal so good proofs as ours, her Majesty's neighbours and confederates." Hopes Burghley will not misunderstand the note which Ortell gave to him yesterday, for he is always ready to employ himself for her Majesty's service, if he did but know her inclination therein, "or else that presently I should sound somewhat near the Estates' uttermost meaning." Is ready to attend upon Burghley whenever he sends word.— London, 9 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXV. f. 49.]
July 10. Thomas Randolph and William Waad to Walsingham.
They received his letters while examining certain persons, as he had directed them, in order to discover the truth of this accident, "considering the care her Majesty hath to satisfy the ambassador so far as in honour and equity is convenient and the humour of the ambassador to interpret all things to the worst." Enclose the examinations, with their opinions, having examined the matter with great care.
The ambassador seems to charge these gentlemen with a premeditated assault upon his people, arguing, first that "they sent the day before to the Half Moon to know if any of his people had stayed hired horses to go into France; then that they dined in Southwark, some at the Crown and some at the Bull; lastly that some of them had conference with Honoré about that purpose the day before." However, both from the parties and the inhabitants of Southwark it appears that these gentlemen never sent to the Half Moon to inquire for the ambassador's servant; that they dined at the house of M. de Muy in London, not in Southwark; there is no such inn or tavern as the Crown in Southwark; and they were never at the Bull, but in the afternoon drank in a tavern called the Queen's Arms.
"For the conference with M. Honoré, by his confession . . . it doth appear that the gentlemen had understanding of the bravado offered Honoré by Placin, and admit they did seek revenge of that wrong; it was only against Placin, that could not be contented to give an honest gentleman the lie, but did make his vaunt of the same so as it came to the hearing of these gentlemen, which is not a matter so criminal, but the punishment which the gentlemen have already sustained might in equity suffice the ambassador."
His other allegations are sufficiently disproved, for it appears that there were more of his people than the others, and that his servants had their swords, for the marshal's men delivered back to them four or five rapiers. Also no sword or dagger was drawn, and all or most of the blows given to the ambassador's servants were given by a boy, the gentlemen having no bastinadoes or cudgels.
Enclose the examinations and can proceed no further, for to visit the ambassador again would but irritate him yet more, and Honoré's examination explains the matters he most insists upon. "Besides, we do suppose he will not like that any examination should be taken of his servants, as though his own affirmation should [not] have served for sufficient information."
The Lord Treasurer agrees with Walsingham that the examinations and the relation of her Majesty's proceedings herein should be sent at once to her ambassador, to be shown to the King. His ambassador threatens to report the matter, and has to-day sent one away.—London, 10 July, 1588.
Signed by both. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¼ pp. [France XVIII. 125.]
(1) Examination of M. Honoré, July 10.
On Thursday, July 4, the Sieur Honoré and one the Sieur Placin had some altercation, on account whereof M. Placin accompanied by two others came next morning to seek the said Sieur Honoré, who was walking in the fields outside Bishopsgate. After recalling the matter of the day before, M. Placin proceeded to insult him afresh with abusive words, joined with threats, in such manner that the Sieur Honoré had just cause to resent them; but believing that they were uttered thoughtlessly and without reason, he made up his mind to say nothing about it to any one, and in fact did not do so.
He declares and affirms that he has not instigated or incited anyone whatsoever to show any resentment for the insults offered him by the said M. Placin, but has protested to all that he means to think no more of the matter, seeing that he desired and hoped on the following Sunday to participate in the [sacrament ? MS. sainte seine] with a good conscience.
Signed. Endd. ¾ p. [France XVIII. 126.]
(2) Abstract of examinations taken concerning the affray between the servants of the French ambassador and those of the King of Navarre's ambassador, July 10. [Probably enclosed in the same.]
The charge brought by the French ambassador against the gentlemen of M. de Muy: that 9 or 10 of them made a premeditated attack upon his servants as they were going into Southwark to bring a gentleman belonging to the Queen Mother, and beat them with daggers, cudgels, and the pommels of their swords, calling them Spaniards, Papists, and enemies of the Queen's Majesty. That it was premeditated, for they enquired that morning whether there was not a gentleman of his taking horse for Rye. That they dined that day in Southwark to watch for their coming, and had conference about it the day before with one Honoré, a Frenchman.
Evidence of MM. Torcy, Captot, and Job de Villiers, of their encounter with the ambassador's servants. They dined that Saturday with M. de Muy and then in the afternoon went into Southwark to see the Turks play, "but they played not that day." On their way back, they being only seven, met 12 or 15 of the ambassador's servants, and Torcy asked them if one Placin had said that the King of Navarre was a heretic, unfit to rule, and that he had caused the Prince of Condy to be made away ? Placin admitted these speeches and made to draw his sword, whereupon Torcy "stepped to him to pluck him by the beard, and the rest with him take part." Torcy and his friends did not draw their swords nor call them Papists nor traitors. Some of the ambassador's men told the officers, who came up and separated them, that Torcy and his friends were traitors. so that they were carried off to prison. Captot admits that he then told the officers that their adversaries were Papists who had spoken evil of the King of Navarre. They deny having conference with Honoré. Captot denies sending to the Half Moon to enquire for anyone, except for John de Vignes, whom he sent his servant to stay for certain letters of Mr. Geoffrey le Bremien.
Endd. with date. 1½ pp. [Treaty Papers VII. f. 262.]
July 10. Waad to Walsingham.
When the ambassador's distemperature yesterday exceeded all terms of reason, and he threatened to send a dispatch to the King his master of the abuses offered him, Waad told him that if he took that course, he thought "her Majesty would likewise send word to her ambassador of the course she had held, and the particular examinations, which I did not doubt but would satisfy the King, both in respect of her Majesty's having proceeded with honour and justice in the cause and in the matter itself, which should carry a truth contrary to his information." Hears this greatly troubles him, as though he misdoubted that her information should be credited above his own report. Therefore it is most necessary to be done, for he will make this small accident serve to do hurt if he can. "We showed him of diverse great injuries offered to divers servants of her Majesty's ambassador, and that lately three of my men had their cloaks taken from them and a dozen swords presently drawn upon them, yet never was there any so grievous a complaint made. He doth also doubt . . . lest his common table talk should be brought in question, which we have so handled in all the examinations, not naming place or person, as we need not to take knowledge of the same; for the fear of that doth make him accuse and complain so bitterly rather than to stand again to excuse himself."
"I have had conference both with M. Busenval and with Mr. Geoffrey [le Brumen], who have undertaken to do their best endeavour to satisfy M. de Muy. And have put him in hope of the enlargement of his men; wherein your honour shall do well to order that they may not be compelled to pay the fees of the prison, for the gentlemen are but soldierlike furnished."—London, 10 July, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XVIII. 127.]
July 10/20. Count Maurice to the Privy Council.
They have, with the assistance of Willughby and Killigrew, made great progress in the settlement of the differences which have arisen in these countries. They hope very shortly, after the troublesome business of Gertruydenberghe has been arranged, to see the provinces restored sufficiently to be able to serve her Majesty and to defend themselves against the common enemy. Thanks the Council for their favour towards him in these matters, and especially for listening to his representations and communicating them to her Majesty. Will repay them with his service, should an opportunity be given him.
Prays them to move her Majesty to like well of the assistance of the ships which by his orders the Vice-Admiral of Zeeland sent to lord Seymour. They would have sent more and better ships had they been able, but they have to pay great sums to the malcontent garrisons and to several towns, especially to Gertruydenberghe. Yet upon his advice the Estates, being certainly informed of Parma's designs for a descent upon England (whose interest is so bound up with their own), have granted a larger force of vessels, sailors, and soldiers. Has accordingly despatched the Vice-Admiral with a sufficient number of soldiers and certain ships which were ready for sea, to join the fleet. The rest are diligently to make themselves ready, which should take but a few days. By direction of the Estates he has instructed the said Vice-Admiral by all means to prevent the Prince from coming out and from making his descent upon England; also to cooperate with Seymour and follow his advice. As however the enemy's designs are uncertain, and he may change his mind, now that (as they are assured) the Spanish army has returned, the hope of Scotland has been frustrated, and her Majesty has put her realm in such good order, he might throw himself upon these islands, especially if he heard that they were denuded of forces. Therefore the Vice-Admiral is always to leave at least twenty ships to watch the coast of Flanders. If Seymour is differently instructed by her Majesty, the rest may go with him. As he has several times advertised lord Seymour and Mr. Secretary, he thinks it better to keep close to the enemy, especially as they hear that his design is to descend upon the nearest land. Even if they are as near as they can get to the enemy, such a descent would be difficult to prevent owing to the shortness of the passage and the variableness of the winds, which often prevent putting in where one wishes.
Did not wish to omit to advertise her Majesty and their lordships of the resolutions taken here, and to receive their opinions.— The Hague, 20 July, 1588.
Postscript. Hopes that the fleet will number nearly 40 good ships, well-supplied with fighting men.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 3 pp. [Holland XXV. f. 51.]
July 10. The Earl of Leicester to Sir Edward Norreis.
Thanking him for his friendly letters, brought by his [Norreis'] servant. Desires the continuance of his friendship.
"We have small news here, but that we expect great matters out of Spain: and yet, for anything that is hitherto known, the Spanish fleet is rather returned back, and the opinion now is doubtful, whether they will come or not forward. But as the sequel doth fall out, I will take occasion to write unto you . . ."— At the Court in haste, 10 July, 1588.
Holograph postscript. "Mr. Nedd, I am persuaded if the Spanish fleet break, that the Prince of Parma's enterprise for England will fall to the ground; and then are you to look to Ostend. Haste your works, etc."
Signed. Add. Endd. 2/3 p. [Holland XXV. f. 53.]


  • 1. See H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., pp. 159–60.
  • 2. See H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., p. 159.