Elizabeth: July 1588, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: July 1588, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp1-11 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1588, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp1-11.

"Elizabeth: July 1588, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp1-11.

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July 1588, 1-5

A.D. 1588. July 1. J. Ortell to Burghley.
Has been prevented by a cold from waiting upon him. Hears by Piero, this bearer, that he desires to know the quantity and weight of the pieces granted by her Majesty to be made and transported for the defence of Middelborowe. Can only say that they asked for seven " demy-bastart culverins" weighing about 3000 pounds apiece. Prays him to give present direction that they may be not only "achieved" (being already in hand by John Phillip), but also transported without molestation; and also that he will favourably remember the matters and letters of them of the Bryel, as they have written again very earnestly about it.—London, 1 July, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ½ p. [Holland XXV. f. 1.]
July 1. Extract of a letter from Zeeland to Ortell.
News came to-day from Antwerp by merchants, who have seen letters in the King of Spain's own hand, that the fleet left Lisbon on the last of May and is bound for Scotland: that the French king is about to agree with the League and to declare his enemies all princes of a contrary religion, especially her Majesty: that the Prince of Parma had assembled at Antwerp all the surgeons he could gather and sent them on to Dunkirk, whither large numbers of bandes for disembarking horses and artillery were also sent. This is all confirmed by the confession of a woman-spy of the enemy's, that there was great rejoicing at the Prince of Parma's court at the departure of the fleet, and that all things were being sent to Dunkirk. An intended enterprise upon these parts recently miscarried, the appointed leader being now in prison.
Copy. No endorsement. French. ½ p. [Holland XXV. f. 3.]
July 2/12. The Senate of Hamburg to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and Principal Secretary.
Letters of credence and recommendation for Sebastian à Bergen, licentiate in both laws, their secretary.—12 July, 1588.
Add. Endd. Latin. 2/3 p. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. 9.]
July 2. H. Killygrew to Burghley.
Encloses letters [not found] from MM. d'Aldegonde and Roels, with whom he has dealt for getting as many copies as possible of Allen's book into his hands. The letters show "what a mischance hath happened in the search and what danger the printer's servant fell into which gave out the first copy; for whose delivery out of prison the poor church of Antwerp were constrained to disburse twenty four pounds Flemish, whereof they desire me to procure payment back again . . . My dealing with Aldegonde, Roels, and others, for search of the book, and their willingness to make enquiry, hath been all for her Majesty's service; and indeed the Pensionary Roels, of whom I had the book, told me it was expressly sent that her Majesty might be informed of the enemy's pretence against her." Leaves Burghley to consider what they deserve, but cannot pay so much from his own purse. Desires an answer hereupon, and also about M. Aldegonde, "for the dedicating of his book to her Majesty or no." He is a man of rare qualities, who has probably been slandered both with regard to Antwerp and to her Majesty: his present bearing is above reproach.—The Haghe, the last of June, '88.
Postscript. Count Maurice in Council this morning informed the Lord General and Killigrew that the States had resolved to send another 24 sail at once to reinforce Lord Seymour. "Also the Council resolved to send after their commissioners now gone towards Denmark and Germany, the jubilee set forth in Spain, and the articles whereunto it is said the King of France hath agreed and accorded to those of the League; and therewithal to give them in charge to move the Princes Protestants to a due consideration what this general uniting of the Papists' forces may prognosticate..." Count Moeurs hears that in the province of Utrecht 3000 peasants are in arms, encouraged by the governor of Deventer.—2 July, '88.
Holograph postscript. "It is resolved this afternoon in Council to make arrest of all ships bound westwards, for a month; the rather to furnish the above-named ships to be put in readiness."
Signed. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXV. f. 4.]
July 2. The Deputies of the Reformed Churches of the Low Countries to Walsingham.
Being come hither on behalf of the Reformed Churches hoping for comfort, especially in regard of their anxiety as to the treaty of peace; and being specially addressed to his honour, as a sincere lover of the true religion: they pray him to fix a time when he may, in their presence, read or hear read the proposition drawn up according to their instructions and which, after hearing his opinion, they desire to put before her Majesty. [London], 2 July, '88.
Add. Endd. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXV. f. 6.]
Probably enclosed in the above, though not in the same handwriting:
"Remonstrance des Ministres aux Estats d' Hollande."
These ministers of the word of God (chosen by the synods, after the assembly of the ministers which the Estates convoked, to act as a standing committee to deal on the churches' behalf with the Estates) urge the need of unity within the Provinces and with England and therefore of giving an answer to the contentment of her Majesty and his Excellency.
Copy. Endd. as above. French. 3½ pp. [Holland XXV. f. 7.]
July 3. The Earl of Derby to Walsingham.
"I have sent you by this bearer such notes as yesterday he opened unto me and my Lord Warden; and for that he dare not return by land to Osteende, being discovered yesterday in his coming through Dunkyrke by one Poppam, a Scottish soldier which at my being at Ostende ran away to the enemy, I thought it convenient he should come to your presence to be sounded by you in all such things which he knoweth, which are many... He is servant unto the Lord Governor of Ostende and, as he saith, clerk of his band, and once before he hath brought letters from his master to me. Sir, I pray you bear with my scribbling, which at the time I am forced to do through the extreme sickness of my servant Michael Dughtye. Sir, I would have written oftener to you either by myself or by my man, but that Mr. Comptroller and Andreas de Loo maketh secret despatches into England without making me privy or my Lord Cobham or any of the other Commissioners, for the which if you would give them some check or advice in your next letters, it would be used no more. I am sure Mr. Comptroller hath sent more despatches... than any one Commissioner. For mine own part I have made but two despatches by two of my gentlemen. I have sent you hereinclosed the true report (fn. 1) of my servant Richard Hogesone the master of my ship in Leverpoole, who hath been with me all this journey, who in the time of the unlading of my beer that came from England to Dunkyrk saw all the Duke's forces in the haven at good leisure..."—Burborowe, 3 July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 204.]
July 3. Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
"What is brought from B, I do refer it to our other letter... These occurrents came by Barney's wife, who I greatly fear is discovered, for whereas his friends were consented to have paid his ransom, the Duke will not. I do think verily if Barney had been discharged I had known much that now are but guesses. The great number of ladders that were at Ghent are carried to the camp by Newport, and the hurdles. This afternoon it is told me that the whole camp is marching, so that it is thought that they will besiege Ostend. Have care of the haven."
"The ship and the pinnace is gone for Spain on Sunday last at night. I sent my lord Harry word of it, but I fear me the messenger came too late."
"It is here reported that Fryeslaynds do refuse to pay to the States any more contributions."
"The Duke of Guyse levies Allmayns with the money the Duke sent him. Champagney said that the King of Spain had written by his last despatch to the Duke of Parma, that he had received his letters and thereby understood the proceeding touching the treaty, and had delivered them to his council. In the meantime he thought good to advertise the Duke that his navy was gone to the Groyn, and willed the Duke not to be abused by vain terms of peace but to credit that which should be delivered unto him by the Duke of Sidonia."
"This report is confirmed by one Worthington a priest and that the Cardinal Allen had assured them that without toleration of religion in England there would be no peace."
"The Portingalle that carried the letter to the Earl of Arundle would be had. It cannot be that they will hold this enterprise of England except they have a strong party . . . "—Burborow, 3 July, '88.
Postscript. "If you can get Tressame's man whom you shall find at the Lady Vaux, he can say much. Campanniol with his 'hoolde' band is entered into High Bollyn, and upon Sunday at night they did throw out and have slain divers of their enemies and some of quality be hurt. He was sent from Dieppe by the King and landed at Calys to take opportunity to enter."
Holograph. Add. Endd. The words in italics in cipher. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 206.]
Decipher of the above.
Endd. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 200.]
July 3. The Earl of Derby and Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
Asking favour for the bearer, whom they have given leave to go into England, having been sent hither for some particular causes from Oostende.—Bourborgh, 3 July, 1588.
Signed by both. Add. Endd. ¼ p. [Flanders IV. f. 202.]
July 3. Stafford to Walsingham.
The accord with the League was fully resolved yesterday, though it will not be published for three or four days, "because of two points that they desire still; the one that they may have liberty to besiege Sedan and Jametz; the other about Monsieur d'Epernon." It is thought, however, that they will not insist upon them so far as to break off the treaty; and also that the King will leave the matter of d'Epernon until the States meet. He has shown that he will not accord the other point, by sending M. de Montpensier thither, "who hath promised the King to bring everybody to live Catholicly there, and so, the King upon that denieth it them, saying that in granting that to them, instead of seeking an accord he should bring himself into a new discord, in refusing so reasonable a thing to a prince of the blood and a thing which by the testament of the dead is left unto him." He knows they desire it as a colour to keep their forces together after the accord, and some think "it is a set thing to have M. de Montpensier to take that upon him, to stop their mouths. As for the breaking of the alliances, they pressed the King so much, as where afore he was contented to refer that to the States, he will not now hear of it at all, and I think they give over speaking of it."
"They have pressed the King so much to have the citadel of Valence put into his hands that M. de Meine had put into it according to the accord of Nemours, that the King hath been fain to grant it them; which he can as well perform as I the castle of Milan, if I had promised it."
Being come to the point, they now grow amazed, for "he hath granted them so much as they grow suspicious of the willingness of it. The Bishop of Lyons, who is their chief counsellor, is more amazed than any at it. The clergy come daily, and send Jesuits to the Duke of Guise, to tell him that he is cozened and deceived . . . and that he undoeth himself. The mutinous populace of this town crieth out upon him, and is never from his heels, crying that the King meaneth to be revenged of this town by this peace, and indeed the very day that Monsieur Villeroy arrived, they changed all the captains of the quarters that the King put in, and have put in the old captains that the King had put out; thinking by that means that they be more assured."
They still speak here of a counter league, including the Catholic Bourbon Princes, and some officers of the crown. Some assert that M. d'Epernon, the Duke of Nevers, who is now coming to the Court, and the Duke of Longueville, his son-in-law, enter into it; "but M. de Nevers and Epernon to agree in one party, in my opinion is a thing cannot be, they be so enemies incompatible and contrary; so that I am afraid the end of this will be things built in the air, though many believe otherwise."
The Spanish ambassador has heard nothing of the army since the former bruits "of the sickness in it and the return thereupon; and others,—that the Moors rise, and that thereupon they return,—continueth still, but they be but flying bruits, and things that may be rather given out for some cunning than otherwise." Hopes they have news in England by some of the pinnaces that are abroad; that is the only way to be certainly advertised.
The ambassador has given out speeches these last few days as though he thought they were gone round about; but probably he does this only to distract people's minds; as also another cunning they have used; "for there have been here [some] in open Bourse, that have offered to give one to have six for it, if the King of Spain's army ever come into this sea. And they that offer it are men 'affested' altogether to the Spanish party."
Letters from Italy report "that the Turk appeareth with a hundred and threescore gallies in the seas by Sicily, and that Sicily and the realm of Naples are all in arms," and this is confirmed by the ambassador of Venice. Other letters, less trustworthy, write of two hundred and threescore gallies, and that the Pope, the Genoese, and the Duke of Florence are arming.— Paris, 3 July, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 22/3 pp. [France XVIII. 118.]
July 3/13. The King of Navarre to Walsingham. (fn. 2)
"Sy james nous eusmes besoyn de lassystance de nos amys, et specyallement des efets de la bonte et byenveyllance de la Royne vostre maystresse, cest a present, quyl nous fault preparer pour repoulser la vyolence de nos anemys syls sacordent, comme on dijt, ou avancer nos afayres syls contynuet an leur dyvysyon. Cest pourqoy j'ay depeché le sieur de Clermont d'Amboyse, personayge dauthoryté, devers sa Majeste pour luy represanter lestat de pardessa. Son nom est asses connu, et na besoyn dautre recommendasyon pour vous pryer de le croyre. Seullement vous pryeray je de vous amployer a lefect de sa negosyasyon selon lafectyon que portes a la justyce de notre cause, laquelle jespere que Dyeu decydera, et que ceste armee d'Espaygne, quyl a presque dyssypee, avecques nos lijgueurs, subyront mesme jugement. Faytes estat de moy, M. de Vualsynghan, avec tout assuranse de mon amytye, estant vostre plus afectyonne et mylleur amy.—La Rochelle, 13 July.
Holograph. Add. French. 1 p. [France XVIII. 119.]
July 3/13. Du Plessis to Burghley.
M. de Cleremont can better describe the situation than any letter could do. After four years of war their enemies' malice still persists, but they hope their friends' goodwill will equally continue. Praises the King of Navarre.—La Rochelle, 13 July, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley as received 8 Aug. French. ¾ p. [France XVIII. 120.]
July 4. Christian IV, King of Denmark, to Leicester.
Requests his good offices for the restitution to Albert Albertson, Michael von Romnitz, Soren Anderson, Dirick Moller, and Bernard Schürmann, councillors and citizens of Copenhagen, of the value of 1024 flitches of bacon taken from their ship by an English royal ship; also for restitution of their ship, which has been detained.—Copenhagen, 4 July, 1588.
Signed by the four Governors, Nicholas Kaas, Peter Munck, George Rosenckrantz, Christopher Valckendorff. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. German. 12/3pp. [Denmark I. f. 252.]
July 4. The Earl of Derby and Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
Enclose a memorial from the 'Earl' of Arenborgh. Desire to know her Majesty's pleasure therein: her consent would be thankfully taken by him.—Bourbourgh, 4 July, 1588.
Signed by both. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Flanders IV. f. 245.]
Note that those of Berghes not only molest those of Rethi, a village of Count Aremberghe, for contributions, but some months ago claimed the Count's revenues as confiscate, threatening to exact them by fire if they were not paid promptly.
Italian. 6ll. [Flanders IV. f. 244.]
July 4. Robert Hilles, servant to Richard Scofeld, to Walsingham.
Knows he has ample advice of the malicious designs of the Papists against England, "under the name of the Spaniards' supposed quarrels or Spanish invasions"; yet feels bound to declare what he hears spoken against his prince and country. Conversing lately with certain Jesuits, gentlemen, and other English Papists in the King of Spain's service, who believed him to be of their religion, he learned "that the great armies that are coming out of Spain by sea are least or nothing at all of the King of Spain his charges. He only bears the name, and the League pays the expenses. Notwithstanding, his treasures are largely laid out by his lieutenant, the Prince of Parma, in these Low Countries. Further, that all princes and all bishops under the papistical dominions are contributary to these wars, whose purses (they affirm) to be full and their powers to be mighty . . . And, said they, if the armies fail their purpose this year, yet their wealths will never want to weary her Majesty in the end. These and such-like hateful speeches these enemies pronounced, with many blasphemous words against her Majesty, your honour, and other lords of her Privy Council . . . Further the said enemies seemed greatly to rejoice that they had heard sore complaints out of England that the poor people were oppressed with finding of men and munition more than they were able, and that many strangers would quit the land because they were overcharged. Now, say they, if her subjects cry out already of oppressions before the wars begin, what will they do when the wars have lasted three or four years together? . . ."
Duke d' Aumall has raised the siege of Bollein, and those of the higher town have sacked the lower. Many of the women have fled hither. The men found guilty are likely to suffer the deathpenalty, especially the mariners.
Holograph. Dated, at the head, "Laus Deo in Calais, 4 July." Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France XVIII. 121.]
July 4. The Privy Council to Sir John Conway, Governor of Ostend. (fn. 3)
For the arrest of a ship belonging to Henry Heddes, a Danish subject, freighted with powder, cables, etc., and seized by Brasbridge, a pirate.—Grenewich, 4 July, 1588.
Signed by Burghley, Hunsdon, Knollys, Heneage, Walsingham, and Mildmay. One of the Conway Papers. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXV. f. 9.]
July 4/14. The States of Zeeland to the Queen.
Thanking her for having pacified, by means of Willoughby and Killigrew, the late disorders in the garrisons of the Vere and Armuyden. Both will now be able the better to employ themselves in the defence of the country. They hope her Majesty may order the governor of Flushing and other English forces to support them when necessary, as they will support the English.
Since the Duke of Parma with his Spaniards and malcontents, common foes of all professing the reformed religion, make great warlike preparations by land and sea, many German footmen and horse having lately arrived in Flanders, and many more being expected; and that, besides his great fleet at Dunkirk and Nieuport, there is already an embarkation camp on either side of Nieuport, the ships being ready to sail at ten or twelve days' notice; as, too, it has been impossible to discover from the reports, what route the enemy will take at sea, whether against these islands or her Majesty's dominions; the enterprise of Scotland, as it is said publicly at Dunkirk, having failed, and as the safety of these shores depends primarily upon their being vigilantly guarded,—for these reasons they have already sent 24 of their warships, under the Vice-Admiral, to watch Dunkirk, where they will shortly be reinforced. They fear, however, that their ships alone may not be sufficient against the enemy's forces, and therefore pray her Majesty to reinforce them with some twenty or more of hers, selecting vessels suitable for their seas and rivers.— Middelburg, 14 July 1588.
Signed, P. Ryche. Countersigned, Christopher Roels. Add. Endd. Seal. French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXV. f. 12.]
July 4. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
"I am not a little sorry that my ill-fortune is to trouble your lordship with that which others makes new difficulties of, and I stand but upon old rights; and if it were not that, by yielding to others' wilfulness and spleen, I should grow too much in contempt by breaking my word, given out in counterpoise of their former protestation, I would never vary upon so small terms." Hopes that his notes may cause some good course to be taken, so that neither he nor any other should take upon him what belongs to the prince.
This country "is to be commanded only by money or force, and to be held in good terms by fair treatment. If the wars go forward in England, there is a wise, ancient, experienced, gentleman of more esteem and merit towards our nation than divers Shencks, namely Colonel Senoy, whom, if her Majesty shall send to serve her with 1000 musketeers, in my opinion it would stead the service well; for our nation are neither so assured shot nor so diligent and apt to look to their furniture: but unless great need were, I would not counsel an unprofitable charge. The like may be said for 300 lances also which I durst undertake to procure, as sufficient as any prince may have . . ."
"We have nothing new [here] but daily new confusions by the civil jars of our towns, Holland being now in pique one town against another . . . It may be I shall have some better news for your lordship shortly."—The Haghe, 4 July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 14.]
With the above letter; perhaps the "notes" spoken of; "My lord's propositions for granting captainships."
The Governor of Vlishing, in March last, recommended Lieut. Christmas to the Lord General for his commission for the footcompany of Capt. Anthony Sherley (which is the company now in difference). This took no effect because the Lord General, upon receipt of letters from the Lord Steward in the behalf of Mr. Savage had passed his promise to the same accordingly. Whereby it may appear that this question of making captains is a thing but newly taken hold of.
The Lord Burgh, in like manner, recommended Capt. Price for Capt. John Hill's company, Hill being ready to resign it. But albeit this was one of the oldest and chiefest there, having been long in garrison at the Brill, yet the Governor there would not intermeddle, "but commended the same to the Lord General."
It has also been accustomed "that whosoever had the granting of warrants for treasure should likewise have the making of the captains. And what orders soever it shall please her Majesty or their lordships to set down, the said Lord General shall be always most ready to obey. In the mean time, he only desireth to be as much respected in his honour, and satisfaction of his protestation as Sir William Russell, the same being made by both of them publicly, and by Sir William Russell first."
"And to make manifest that his lordship seeketh not any enlargement of his own authority . . . his lordship's opinion is that neither the General himself, much less any private governor, should have the granting of any captainships, but that every man according to his worth for his deserts should be recommended from the general and Council of wars where he serveth and the honour of the gift and disposing of the place left to her Majesty only; as is, in like sort, to the King of Spain in his wars."
Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 17.]
Another copy of the above, on different paper. Sent to Walsingham? [Holland XXV. f. 15.]
July 4. Lord Wyllughby to Walsingham.
Since the return of his servant Colman, he has received no letters from his honour, nor has anything happened of importance. Stays here to further Colonel Sennoy's cause, now in hand. "He findeth himself not so pleasing to the States as that he desireth rather to be deported from his government than otherwise."
If her Majesty should have any occasion for service in England, it would advance the same and be greatly to his contentment if she would send for Sennoy, who in regard of his judgment, valour and experience deserves to be employed. He could bring with him "a thousand choice musketeers of these countrymen, such as for their experience cannot be found elsewhere . . ."
Commends the bearer, Mr. Aldrich, his honour's servant, his behaviour while there having deserved the good opinion of all men.—The Hague, 4 July, 1588.
Postscript. Sends a memorial [the preceding paper?] of "the matters which yet carry head" against him; wherein he wishes not himself but her Majesty's service to be respected.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 11.]
July 5. Christian IV, King of Denmark, to the Queen.
His subjects, Albert Albertson and his partners, citizens of Copenhagen, have a mandate against certain persons, to the Earl of Leicester that the actions before his lordship should be stayed. Although he has no doubt that the Earl will deal according to law and justice, yet he commends their cause to her Majesty, that they may be supported by her royal authority should their hopes prove false—Copenhagen, 5 July, 1588.
Signed by the four Governors, Nicholas Kaas. Peter Munck, George Rosenckrantz, Christopher Valckendorff. Add. Endd. Latin. 1¼ pp. [Denmark I. f. 254.]
July 5. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
"The cause of my going is that her Majesty upon the last answer of the King's Commissioners cannot be satisfied but from the Duke himself. God turn all for the best."—Bourborough, 5 July, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 6 ll. [Flanders IV. f. 210.]
July 5. [The Commissioners] to the Council.
Upon receipt of her Majesty's letters of the 1st, they informed the King's Commissioners that Dr. Dale was to go to the Duke, and desired horses and convoy for him, which were provided. Dr. Dale has gone. The Duke is understood to be at Bruges. Desire that her Majesty may be informed.
Copy. Endd. 2/3 p. [Flanders IV. f. 213.]
July 5. Conference between the Earl of Derby and Lord Cobham about sending Dr. Dale to the Duke of Parma.
Andrea de Loo was sent to the King's Commissioners to inform them that her Majesty was pleased that Dr. Dale should go to the Duke. They wished to know the reason for his going. Therefore Dr. Dale and Dr. Rogers went to the 'Earl' of Arenbergh's lodgings and informed them that Dr. Dale was commanded to inform the Duke of what had passed between the Commissioners, and he desired their advice as to what way the treaty was most likely to take effect. Richardot said that the Duke would use him very well, but was answered that the point was to have their advice for the furtherance of the peace. He replied, "What, will you have us to give you our advice, except you would tell us what points you are to treat upon with the Duke? Dr. Dale said, the great good opinion which her Majesty hath conceived of the Duke is such that she hopeth to receive at the Duke's hands full satisfaction, and that her Majesty meant the like to him." So they hoped he would succeed and have the honour of the peacemaking.
Endd., with date. 12/3 pp. [Flanders IV. f. 208.]
July 5/15. The States General to the Queen. (fn. 4)
They have seen her letter about the government of Berghen-opZoom, in favour of Colonel Morgan, and feel that she has not been fully informed in the matter. They have therefore thought good to advertise her that, lest so important a place should remain without a commander after Sir William Reed's retirement, they commissioned Sir William Drury to succeed him. This they did with the consent of lord Willoughby, the Council of State of the United Provinces not then having entered upon its duties. Colonel Morgan was absent from the country at the time or they would have shown him the favour which his long services merit. If her Majesty would recall Sir William Drury or otherwise cause the government to become vacant, they will comply with her wishes in this as in all other matters.—The Hague, 15 July, 1588.
Signed. J. van der Beke. Countersigned, C. Aerssens. Add. Endd. "25 July" [sic]. French. 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 21.]
A copy of the above.
Dated 15 July, but endd. 17 Aug. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVI. f. 132.]
July 5. Edward Burnham to Walsingham.
Arrived on the 3rd inst., and has informed Sir William Russell of all that his honour gave him in charge for him. Finds him very ready to reconcile himself with Count Maurice when any overture shall be made. The Count, Mr. Killigray, Lord Willougby and Colonel Morgan are all at the Hage whither he himself means to go very shortly, to accomplish his honour's commands.
On the 2nd inst., being at sea, he met with 20 fly-boats, Zeelanders and Hollanders, coming from their own coast. They anchored before Newport. Thinks that the most part of their shipping is out. All were very well appointed. In this town are four or five nearly ready to put to sea.
Prays his honour to hasten the letters of credit for 200l. for the armours. In the mean time, he and Adrian will go into Holland to buy them, if they find any ready-made to serve their turn; or if not, to bespeak them.—Flussing, 5 July, 1588.
Postscript. Before going into Holland, he means to speak with Alldegonde and Villyers.
Add. Endd. Seal. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXV. f. 19.]


  • 1. Calendar, XXI. iv. 523.
  • 2. See Lettres Missives, II. 383, for the letter of credence to Elizabeth.
  • 3. Printed in extenso in Acts of the Privy Council, xvi. 149–50.
  • 4. See Japikse, Resolutien der Staten-Generaal, vi. 165.