Elizabeth: January 1588, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Elizabeth: January 1588, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp12-25 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1588, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp12-25.

"Elizabeth: January 1588, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp12-25.

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January 1588, 11–20

[Jan. 11.] Hotman to [Wilkes]. (fn. 1)
I have sought you these last days without the pleasure of finding you. I wished to tell you that at supper with Mr. Walsingham the other day, he told me that H.E. believed that you had come here to make fresh intrigues against him, and his bitterness is still so great that he would advise you not to insist on a reconciliation and to retire quietly to your house. You can see what has happened to others in the same plight. Dr. James assured me that he had spoken to H.E. but found him most remote from an agreement. Time alone will be the physician. I did not wish to go away without telling you. I hope to be back from the Court to-morrow.
Signed without date or address. Endd. by Wilkes, 11 Jan., 1587. D. Hotman, Mr. Secret, message to depart again to my house in the country.
French. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 49 b.]
Jan. 12. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
To write often is my duty; to expect continual answers were both indiscreet and unnecessary, and I beseech your lordship not to trouble therewith.
I never doubted of your care for the relief of our necessities, and beseech pardon if our miseries have forced me to importunity.
I am sorry to hear of her Majesty's purpose to continue me here, but glad to do her all the service I can. What money is sent shall be so spent and stretched that you may judge how more will be husbanded when it is possible to receive it.
I have heard nothing of the letters patent and instructions you speak of, but when they come, “I will say with the bishops nolens volens episcopabo, and truly meaning as they should do.”
There is no news “but that a burgomaster of Swoll, having long attended here a resolution hither of peace or war … departed homeward this day, and communicated certain discontents he conceived that Count Maurice, green of years, seconded with green counsellors (as he termed them) compassed the ‘cashing’ of this Council of State, the electing of new for his purpose, the dissolving of all other governments, the investiture and dignity of the Earldom of Holland and Zeeland, and in a manner the absolute authority to himself; for (saith he), taking these upon him, he may with those turbulent fellows [to] accompany and second his counsels, considering the forces in his hands, and towns, make their peace to the disadvantage of her Majesty's service and of us poor wretches (saith he) who having tasted her Majesty's graciousness, attend thereon with great devotion and loyalty. The Count Meurs is ‘discontent’ not a little, with fear to be thrust out of his government of Utrecht and those provinces. He hath in open Council protested … that were it not for her Majesty, he would depart, for their ingratitude, to some other country. They value not much his loss for some piques between them and some wants they judge in his person; nevertheless the enemy would fain win him because of his countries adjoining.”
Yet I think it were not good to take hold either of this or Flushing news at home, “for if once there were a foot of this government to me or any other established from her Majesty, towns and provinces will not so soon be carried; and these [sic] proceeds because there is no certainty of the government. And Maurice is young, hot-headed, courting honour; which, if we could but look through our fingers at … baiting his hook a little to his appetite, there is no doubt but he might be catched and kept in a fish-pool, while in his imagination he may judge it a sea. If it fall out not so, it is likely he with his will make us ever fish in troubled waters …”—The Haghe, 12 January.
Postscript. “The same party told me there is a purpose for Count Maurice to woo a younger daughter of Denmark, to add to his greatness. It is plotted by Hollock. How likely the success is, I leave unto you.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XX. f. 52.]
Jan. 12. Henry Kyllygrew to Burghley.
Concerning the process of Mr. Colston's. “After many weeks debate to and fro, a lengthy sentence is passed for him, and sure I cannot say but they have done him justice, albeit with no small ado. But the execution of their sentence, which is the chief est point of all, is yet behind,” and as he fears their delays “in the deliquidations, as they call them” he thought good to return home, desiring me to declare in what terms his matter stands, leaving the more particular relation to himself.—The Haghe, 12 January.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Ibid. f. 54.]
Copies of documents in relation to the wrongs done to William Colston, merchant of Bristol by the Admiralty of Zeeland, his arrest of the ships and goods of one Hendricke van Bussche of Middelburg, his release thereof on promise of the States that he should have justice and restitution, and his efforts to obtain the same.
Endd. French. 2½, 3½ pp. [Ibid. f. 55.]
Summary of the matter, endorsed “Touching the question between Colston and the States, for his reprisals etc.”
French. 9 pp. [Ibid. f. 60.]
Jan. 12. Advertisements from Hercules Annys.
The reason why the Duke of Parma's first enterprise succeeded not was that the shipping from Spain failed to come according to expectation.
At Dunkirk are 75 sail, whereof 47 are ships of war, very well appointed, 14 being Hamburgers carrying two “tyre” of artillery, and 16 double flyboats, able to encounter an equal number of our ships. 20 more carry small pieces and with the rest, are probably for transportation of troops.
There be at Newport 4 ships, i.e. a double caravel and three flyboats.
All the ships of war, both at Dunkirk and Newport, have a large boat attending on them, which could land thirty men at one time.
In Bruges are 12 great “playts”; at Sluyce, 5 hoys and 3 flyboats, all in readiness; in Antwerp, 31 brave ships of war, as good as any on our side.
The Admiral carries 28 brass pieces and 4 falcons; the Vice-Admiral, 22 brass pieces and 4 falconets aloft; the Galleass 62 pieces, only four of which are iron. The Hound carries 32 pieces; the Post 28; the Lion 36. There are 12 flyboats and 22 ships “with bases for shipping of men in.”
In Gaunt are 46 hoys to carry soldiers; “all in a readiness with three flags up bearing the red Burgonian cross,” also 36 great playts without artillery.
In Antwerp, 10 flat-bottomed galleys, with “two bases behind to pass shallow places; and here the Duke has in readiness twelve hundred men to be shipped at an hour's warning.
“There is a place on the side of Lyfeskins Hooke, to the ‘dooleward’ called Kyrkgate, where they pretend to bring their ships in, and upon a dyke to plant their great artillery, which they have now all in readiness at Antwerp, and under the safety thereof, to bring their shipping forward against our men of war; and if they may keep that Kyrkgatt, they will force both Lillo and Lyveskins Hooke, and so bring all their ships along Bluaren under the dyke up to Bergen, and enter Tertolls and Su[d]beverland without any great adventure.
“Mondragon gives it out that he hopes to stand them of Middelborough in good stead, in lieu that they held out so well with him where he was besieged.”
They of Amsterdam have sent cables to Sluyce and Dunkirk in a boat “laden with turfs above.”
The Duke means to land on Soutland, and if our men of war lying at the Floate should pursue him, at the worst he would sail northward into the sea, and his other boats issue forth at Sas, “and so be sure to speed either the one way or other.
“All the ships are again taken up, who desiring the Duke of Parma speedily to employ them, his answer was that he would very shortly go with them himself … and would make them all rich. All the Boors of the lands of Wast [Waes] are commanded to go again dig it deeper about Isendike where they worked before. They have brought from Bruges four double cannon and two long ‘slanges’ to plant upon the dyke by Isendike to drive our ships out of that depth, and so to bring their ships out under the succour of their artillery.
“The bruit amongst the enemy is that they shall be even with Bess well enough, that hath wrought them all this business. But the Duke says he will make short war or no war; but for certain, before anything, he means, if it be possible, to reduce Holland and Zeeland into obedience.
Signed. Endd. by Burghley with date, and as “delivered by the Lord Admiral.” 2¼ pp. [Flanders II. f. 2.]
Jan. 13. Lord Wyllughby to Walsingham.
Considering the miseries of our men of war and the small means to relieve them, having so long solicited without any success, and presuming on your friendship to myself and readiness to advance the service, I commend to your honour my opinion touching the state of Ostend, “the end whereof is either to wish the preservation of it and our people as it should be, or else that we might keep promise with the States and satisfy our hungry bellies either with death or some honourable relief.”
And though I mean it only for yourself, yet I would wish that what concerns our present necessities were commended to such as may yield us relief, especially to the Lord General, to whom I have often written touching our great wants, yet never had any answer. But I hope by your good means to find that we are not altogether forgotten, and would also be glad to understand of my own estate here.—The Haghe, 13 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XX. f. 65.]
Jan. 13. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
The enemy proposes shortly to employ their preparation for the recovering of some part of these islands or this place, yet I have still to signify to you the extremities of this garrison and to implore you to send money with all speed; having already engaged myself to the uttermost and procured from the merchants of Middelburgh enough of the lendings to serve until the end of next week, at which time, if nothing comes from England I know not what order to take, as the merchants say they can do no more, there being now so few of them left. If anything happen through procuring money or credit from the burghers, I pray I may not be blamed for there is no other means to be used, and the companies are already so much indebted to them that they will afford us nothing but by force. I pray you to further my release from this place of trouble.—Vlishing, 13 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 67.]
Jan. 13. The Same to Walsingham.
To the same effect as the preceding. Mentions also the danger to Ostend, for which place (the Estates refusing to do anything) he has given his own credit for providing victual for 15 days.—Vlishing, 13 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 69.]
Jan. 13. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
Another letter to the same effect. Unless his lordship and the other lords of the Council take order for it, Ostend cannot be kept.—Vlishing, 13 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 71.]
Jan. 13. Henry Kyllygrew to Burghley.
On accompanying the Ambassador to Rotterdam I learned from Mr. Ortell that he had received no commission to deal in the matter of accounts, and moreover that his Instructions were not signed. I could not but be greatly grieved that, contrary to their promise, a matter wherein I had insisted so earnestly should be let pass. By Barnevelt and Valke's means I got his commission signed and sent after him, and six articles annexed concerning the accounts, whereof I hope shortly to send your lordship a copy. Wherefore, if he make any delay, as not being sufficiently authorized, I beg your lordship to remind him of the six last articles of his Instructions. The copies of her Majesty's and his Excellency's demands I gave him at Rotterdam in presence of the Ambassador, as he said he had them not from the States.
For the supply of our soldiers' great wants, my lord Lieutenant has offered the States his bonds, either to satisfy them from the next treasure that comes over, or take it as his own debt; which offer they have not as yet accepted.
He has also tried what might be done for the ransom of his prisoner La Faille; to which end Gilpin repaired to Leyden to his brethren, to see if any money could be got from them, but they answer:—“They hope to have their brother at liberty without money by the peace.” So small hope now at all remains of relieving our men.—The Haghe, 13 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. “13 Jan., 1587.” 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 73.]
Jan. 13. Captain Edmund Bannaster to Walsingham.
Last month Sir Martin Skenk took the town of ‘Bone,’ with great riches in it, and since then the castle of Brell [Bruhl] two miles from ‘Bone’ where all the treasure of the Bishop of “Colon” is, and all the munition of war.
About the same time, we sent out of Bergen op Zome two hundred soldiers, who surprised the town of Fellford “in the mid way of Antwerp and Brussels”; sacked and burnt it, and brought away some prisoners and many fair horses and a cornet, without the loss of a man.
I pray your honour to be a mean to relieve our great wants, not for ourselves but for our poor soldiers, “which is glad to live of three pounds of cheese and coarse bread a whole week.” Whilst my lord of Leicester was here, we had lendings, but now the want is greater than I ever knew it. We do hear that the king of Navarre's rutters is overthrown, and his whole camp.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 75.]
Jan. 13/23. Ste. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
As the deputies of the States General are now going over, I cannot but send a line to offer you my humble service and friendship. I have not written often to you, because letters at this time are so unsafe, and so subject to slanders, which the world brings forth more than anything else. I cannot omit to tell you that I have been informed that her Majesty is resolved to enter into a treaty of peace for these countries; a truly heroic enterprise and worthy of such a Queen; but also one which, while very praiseworthy and full of glory if brought to a good end, will be so much the more dangerous and open to blame if it should finally be concerned in the ruin and dispersal of these churches, and especially at this time, when the ruin of France (against which they would certainly turn their arms) seems to hang upon an agreement, unseasonably made here. Yet I rest assured that her Majesty is gifted with such wisdom and judgment and so favoured by God, that He will guard her in this slippery path. I wish I could speak with you for half an hour, but I dare not put my thoughts into writing. I have somewhat touched upon them in my letter to his Excellency, which I think you will see. But to my mind the fulness of all wisdom in this regard lies in having always before the eyes the glory of God and the preservation of his churches; and He will bless those who look always to this end alone. You know the reverence the States here have thereto, and not without great reason.
Would to God that in the past both sides had understood each other. But this may still be remedied. For while to treat may be dangerous and require great consideration and prudence, it is not the greatest evil if one does not get excited and is always vigilant. But we should sound carefully the intention of our adversaries, which will be easy enough to discover, and in consequence also the course we have to take. But I am forgetting myself, for you are gifted with such wisdom that you have no need of these counsels. In any case, I pray you to lend a helping hand, that the faults committed here in regard to his Excellency may not cause our deputies to have less favourable audience. I think you know them, but I particularly recommend to you the seigneur Leonard Casembrodt who has always been my excellent good friend and is a lover of religion, faithful and sincere; with whom you may communicate freely. Any favours you may be pleased to show him will add to my own obligations to you.—Wester-Soubourg in Walcheren, 23 January, stylo novo, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 2 pp. [Holland XX. f. 77.]
Jan. 13. “A note of the debts demanded and brought in by the States, due to them and returned over to her Majesty's use toward the reimbursement of their debts.”
The said sums being arranged as moneys paid to his Excellency for his horse company; to captains “that hath been in her Majesty's pay and the States' and now discharged”; that hath been in her Majesty's pay and the States and now continue in her Majesty's pay; that have been only in her Majesty's pay and now discharged; that hath been only in her Majesty's pay and so continue and that were never in her Majesty's pay.
[The total is given as 15,265l. 19s. 2d. but the items do not amount to so much].
Endd. by Burghley “13 January, 1587. Debts demanded by the States of sundry the captains and soldiers that have served her Majesty.” 3¼ pp. [Ibid. f. 79.]
Jan. 14. Sir William Drury to Walsingham.
I send these few lines to present my duty and to thank you for sparing me the bearer so long, who has sundry times dutifully desired to return to you, I only having been the cause of his stay.
I had troubled you oftener with my letters “if my wife had not been a better solicitor for the following of my troublesome business, which hath been no part of her profession or bringing up, nor yet any whit of my intendment … for that at my going, I had taken such a course as should have freed me of any danger might have happened unto me by that office (if so be the bill had been signed which I left in your honour's hands) whereby I have received my greatest hurt.” I beseech you, help me what you may to ease me of that heavy burden. I have not heard from my wife this six weeks, nor do I greatly desire to do so unless she could send me more comfortable news than the last; “yet calling to mind how graciously her Majesty hath dealt with others that have erred in sundry like cases … doth put me in hope there is some spark of her bounty left in store for me, her poor servant,” and so I and my posterity be saved from ruin. [Assurances of his loyalty.]—The Haege, 14 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 81.]
Jan. 15/25. Archduke Charles of Austria, Marquis of Burgau, to the Duke of Parma.
I have not failed to execute with all diligence what could be done without money of that which your Highness laid upon me. It only remains for the money to come. I sent Capt. Priamo to Milan for it a month ago, but he wrote that not having found it there, he was summoned to Genoa to get it. Anyhow, so far it has not appeared, and thus to my great annoyance, I am compelled to wait longer than I could have wished before carrying out the will of his Catholic Majesty and the desire of your Highness.
Concerning the muster, his Serene Highness, my father, (fn. 2) has these last days been in great doubt where it should be carried out, because of the injuries which the people of the dukes of Guise and Lorraine are inflicting round about Alsace. But as we hear that they are now passing, it is believed that the muster of the foot will take place in Alsace, and that of the horse in the Duchy of Luxembourg; and this because his Highness is very well aware with what difficulty regiments are brought whole out of their own states without the muster having been first made. By gathering the horse, who usually inflict great damage he would not wish to harass Alsace further. And thus Alsace would not have the addition of the reiters as she has already suffered greatly by the passage and incursions of so many foreign troops. Thus providing against both dangers, it is thought that the muster of the foot should be in their own countries and that of the reiters in Luxembourg, leaving to your wise judgment the naming of the precise place in that duchy where it can be most conveniently carried out.
For myself, an hour seems a thousand years until I am in Flanders, in order to serve the King my master and your Highness; and all things are ready if only the money would come, which truly is greatly delayed. But once it has come, you may be sure that I shall be with you with all possible speed.—Insprugg, 25 January, 1588.
Postscript in his own hand. I tell you in secret that at this hour I am informed by letters from a friend in confidence that his Imperial Majesty is sending Don Juan de Pernstain into Spain to obtain from his Majesty an order that I may be sent with my despatch to the succour of Poland. As the devoted servant of your Highness, I could not but give you this information, but pray you not to make me the author thereof.
[The body of the letter is in Palavicino's hand-writing.]
Signed. Add. Endd. Italian. 2 pp. [Flanders II. f. 4.]
Jan. 16. The Queen to the Burgomasters and Eschevins of Utrecht.
Has been amply informed by the Earl of Leicester, not only of their constant loyalty, but of their good will and affection towards herself, notwithstanding all the practices of certain ill-affected persons to draw them away; which has given her great contentment, both as showing them to be good and true patriots, and that they have a right judgment of the sincerity of her intentions, which have tended to no other end than the welfare and repose of those countries, as is shown by her having so many times refused the urgent offer to accept the sovereign power of those countries. And as they have begun and to this hour continued, so she believes they will persevere and walk in the same steps as herself, who seeks only the tranquillity of their state, although certain have tried to interpret her actions otherwise, whom she hopes by their means may be known for what they are to all in those quarters.
Draft, much corrected. Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 83.]
Jan. 16. The Queen to M. de Sonoy, Superintendant of the North Quarter or of Holland.
Since the time when, at the urgent request of the Estates, she first lent her aid for the preservation of those countries, she has found him not only to be a good patriot, but to have shown a singular affection to herself, which he has testified in that neither for solicitations or for threats has he consented to receive into the towns and places of his government any companies without order from her chief governors there; having well considered that her intention from the beginning tended to no other aim than the good of these countries, without drawing any profit therefrom, although ill-affected persons have accused her of the contrary.
Now as he has ever shown himself constant and faithful to his country, so she sees that it has not been without regard for her own honour, for which as she offers him her hearty thanks, so she holds herself much indebted to him, and assures him that he will always find her a princess as grateful as any other living if he shall have opportunity to employ his affection in her behalf, wherein, although she prays him ever to persist, it shall only be so long as he sees her actions tend to the good and universal repose of those countries.
Draft, corrected. Endd. with date. French. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 84.]
Jan. 16. The Queen to the Captains of Camphire.
Has been very glad to learn by the report of her cousin, the Earl of Leicester, their great endeavours for the defence of their town and the island of Walkeren, against secret designs, open force, or surprise; which places seemed to be endangered, but for their duty and loyalty. And as they merit praise for thus bearing themselves as true patriots, careful for the welfare of the whole state, so she conceives herself much indebted to them for their proceedings, to which they have joined a singular affection to herself. [Concerning her good intentions, as to Sonoy above.] If the States General show themselves ill-content with their said duty and loyalty, they will none the less find her a princess who will not fail to show her gratitude.—‘Chateau’ of Greenwich, 16 January, 1587.
Copy. Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 85.]
Jan. 16. Rough draft for the preceding letter, with postscript:—“Nous nous assurons que persisterez a vous reigler en la sorte ct selon l'ordre que vous a laissé nostre cousin de Leycestre a son dernier departement.”
With the marginal note. “This postscript was added by her Majesty's own direction to myself.”
Draft. Endd. French. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 86.]
Jan. 16. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
“By the poor discourse I send you, your lordship may gather the continuance of our extreme wants as also my simple opinion [how] to remedy them as well presently as to avoid the like inconveniences. The encumbrances of this state goeth a malo in pejus. They embrace their liberty as apes their young. To that end is Count Hollock and Maurice set on the stage, and to entertain the popular sort her Majesty and my late Lord General are not forgotten. Your lordship may gather by this book of division of their forces to be bestowed both in the field and garrisons how strong and great the Counts are in Holland, specially Hollock, for the tother is but the cypher; and yet I can assure your lordship, Maurice has wit and spirit to match for his time. If it be so (as some suspect) that he should treat with the enemy (her Majesty witholding her hand) he might Cretizare cum Cretensi (viz. his Masters the States) and make his ‘atone’ for those towns well with the Spaniard; and then they might rejoice to have spun fair for their liberty.
“It may please you to remember how requisite it is you should establish some governor here. None could be so acceptable to them as Count Maurice, and by that time they had enjoyed him awhile, they would of themselves come about again by that time they were a little advised of their perils.” A more unfit than myself can there not be, both for my particular defeats and the general wants. I again beseech your lordship to be a means for my return and for our poor countrymen's relief in these miserable wars.—The Haghe, 16 January.
Postscript. You may notice in their book how they reinforce with garrisons Walkeren and Camphire.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 88.]
Jan. 16. The Deputies and Magistrates of Utrecht to the Queen.
They may truly say that they have never so much rejoiced at the coming of the Earl of Leicester as they now bemoan his departure, not only from the sad state in which they find themselves, but still more because of the ingratitude of those whom they cannot control, and whose folly they bear and lament. But God gives them this consolation, that they have to do with a Christian princess, gracious and compassionate, for whom their affection is nothing changed by their troubles and dangers; hoping by God's grace so to continue, as they have declared more fully to his Excellency, and being assured that in all things they will have his support and intercession with her Majesty.—Utrecht, 16 Jan., 1588, style ancien.
Add. Endd. French.
pp. [Ibid. f. 90.]
Jan. 17. “Certain notes upon the Book of Rates for the Queen's charges in the Low Countries,” being chiefly suggestions how to reduce the said rates. Partly in Burghley's hand and partly in that of his clerk.
Endd. with date. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 92.]
Jan. 17. Daniel de Burchgrave to “M. de Winebant Secretaire du Conseil d'Estat” [sic].
Arriving late this evening from Wanstead, he finds two memorials addressed to himself. The superscription for the Sieur Sonoy may be “Superintendent du Nort quartier d' Hollande.” Prays that the letters may be given to the bearer of this, and will take care that they shall be properly addressed.
Would have come himself, but the Earl has given certain matters into his charge which brook no delay. “De vostre maison” 17 January, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Windebank. French. ½ p. [Ibid. f. 94.]
Jan. 19. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
“This bearer, Captain Walgrave, happened to be prisoner in Deventer, and can advertise your honour (upon the reports of Yorke and others there) that this great preparation of the enemy's is to be presently employed to recover this place and some part of these islands; besides other intentions and practices of the enemy's.” Sir John Conway writes to like effect, “that the Prince makes full account to have this place very shortly, by the means of such friends as he relieth upon, and have given it out himself, thereby to satisfy the people on the other side. I have received divers intelligence else out of Flanders to the same effect.” [Urges the sending of victuals and ships, as in previous letters.]—Vlisshing, 19 January, 1587.
Postscript. I received your honour's letters upon the hasty departure of Mr. Herbert, but lacked time to answer them.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 96.]
Jan. 19. Henry Kyllygrew to Walsingham.
“… We stand here still in one stay, and as it were in a maze, no order being yet established for the government. The Council of State bear themselves as men that look to be dissolved within few days; yet the States give out they purpose to confirm their authority more than heretofore. But the Counts Maurice and Hohenlo are now here all in all with the States, and many private meetings and conferences they have together…. As I understand, they of Holland are purposed to establish a Council to assist the Count Maurice, and Brasser and Cant of Amsterdam arc already nominated therein. How the rest of the provinces mean to provide for themselves is uncertain.” I pray you signify this to his Excellency, for I knew it not when I closed his packet. And also that by my motion on behalf of Colonel Sonoy, their hasty proceedings against him are somewhat stayed.—The Haghe, 19 January.
Postscript in his own hand. I have not heard out of England since my lord went, but take the best course I can until further directed. The Count of Meurs is departed hence to Utrecht malcontent. Because of your sickness I write the less. “God make you strong.”
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. Noted by Lawrence Tomson: “Incertainty among the States for resolution of government.” [Ibid. f. 98.]
Jan. 19. Killigrew to Burghley.
For my last I told your lordship of the six last articles in Mr. Ortell's Instructions, promising to send you a copy so soon as I could. Hereinclosed are not only those articles, but the whole Instructions, (fn. 3) both from the States General and the Council of State; with two letters from the said Council, one to Mr. Ortell, the other to his Excellency. Whereby your lordship will see that I have not failed to solicit them often in the said accounts, but all the answer I could obtain “was to have them referred over by Mr. Ortell into England; which in my poor judgment is the surest way to have the matter discussed there, where the treasurer and auditor are able to verify their demands.”
For want of leisure I have had to send the instructions in Dutch, but Mr. Rogers can interpret them to you better than I could procure them to be translated. For the captain's accounts, I and Mr. de Bie, the treasurer, repaired to the States General to recommend their cause, “but I see small hope of money, for their need and poverty is extreme, and all they can scratch together is not enough to content their own, whom they are willing to comfort and cherish now in the entrance of a new government which they are in hand to frame, for the Council of State do make account to be dissolved the 4th of the next,” and what form of government they then will establish is uncertain.—The Haghe, 19 January, '88.
Postscript in his own hand. “Instead of ready money, if your lordship send our men some cloth and victual it were not amiss.”
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 100.]
Jan. 20. Andrea de Loo to Burghley.
As your lordship said in your last, Difficilia quae pulchra, so I say in good Spanish (with pardon) Do ay amor, no se siente el travazo; but it then follows, on the other hand A donde excede la carga a la fuerza non se puede esperar sino cierta cayda.
In which predicament I may say I find myself; my talent falling far short of the greatness of this business, which goes on very slowly and with every day greater expense; and which truly, unless her Majesty be gracious to me, will be my ruin; I having spent an immense amount in these two years; besides that my man has made me, in a few months, bad debts amounting to over 1000 marks. Wherefore I am forced to resort, as a refuge, to her Majesty's great clemency; wherein may your lordship favour me with your usual liberality; that I may not be burdened to pay so great a sum to this my man; who writes that he must needs maintain his credit by certain payments which have shortly to be made, and for which he has not sufficient provision.
By Mr. Pyn[e], on the 17th of this month, I sent the safe-conduct which you desired, and if the other is needed, will obtain it at once. I arranged that Mr. Pyn[e] should speak to his Highness, and from him you will learn whether he did not find him very well disposed, and by his deeds will give full guarantee of his excellent spirit and will see the fruit which will grow from this holy peace. Also you will see, by the annexed copy of the letter written to his Highness, that I have feared what has happened from the delay of Mores so long here; wherefore he has had Mr. Pyn[e] despatched more promptly.
For the rest, I have been told that some envious person is endeavouring to put me in ill favour; but I am not alarmed, knowing that the facts entirely justify me, as is said in Spanish de generosos ingenios es non amor las palabras en las palabres sino la verdad que esta in ellas.
Thus I trust in what will be done by the great wisdom both of the Queen and the Duke; who does not lack divers instigators who are working to make me be suspected, declaring that, I am too highly paid. But may I never enter heaven if I have ever been aided by the Duke, or in any way beyond what the Queen has done; and, in this way, while both sides persuade themselves that I am so largely paid, I am left bare, with my expenses to pay, not to speak of the trouble. I say this not by way of complaint, but in case you have conceived anything to my prejudice.
I pray you to let me know by your own hand, during the time of the treaty what I am to do. I must also have a good safe-conduct (such as the Duke has given me) to go and return from one side to the other without danger.—Ghent, 20 January, 1587, stilo antico.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Italian.
2 pp. [Flanders II. f. 7.]
Jan. 20/30. The Seigneur de Champagney to the English Commissioners.
The gentleman who brought me yours dated the 5th of January arrived at Ghent on the 23rd, our style, with Andrea de Loo, when the Duke of Parma had already dispatched the Prince Count of Aremberg and myself, to be in that town on the morrow, with the rest of his deputies, hoping that you would come to Bergen op Zoom according to the passports which you had demanded. Thus we took our way hither, where we await your coming, not having replied to your letters because his Highness, when we left, had not yet heard the said gentleman, to whom (after seeing what you had written to me) answer was made that since it pleased the Queen so to trust his Highness as to send her deputies into a town of his government, he desired it to be a place where you could be well and fittingly lodged; to which end this town is certainly the most proper, and where moreover, you will have Bergen op Zoom and Holland and Zeeland close at hand, the better to understand all things fitting for the furtherance of the holy work committed to you; which is truly the best and quickest way of reaching a good conclusion; praying you to be pleased to content yourselves there, with the same goodwill which you say I myself have towards the peace, as indeed I have, and for the tranquillity and good harmony of these two crowns.
Yet if her Majesty prefers Bourbourg, I believe his Highness would agree, although this place is without comparison the best. I pray that we may see you very shortly, in all health and prosperity.—Antwerp, 30 January, 1588.
Signed, F. Granvelle Perrenot. Add. Endd. French.pp. [Ibid. f. 9.]
Copy of the above, in de Loo's hand.
Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 6.]


  • 1. The date must be old style, as Hotman was not in England in January, 1587. He was in London in March, 1588, as shown by a letter from his father to his wife. Block: Corresp. de Leic. et de Fr. et J. Hotman apud Arch. du Musee Teyler ser. ii., Vol. xii., p. 224.
  • 2. The Archduke Ferdinand.
  • 3. See page 4 above.