Elizabeth: January 1588, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Elizabeth: January 1588, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp1-12 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1588, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp1-12.

"Elizabeth: January 1588, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp1-12.

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January 1588, 1–10

Jan. 1. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Reiterating former complaints as to the misery of the garrison from lack of money. Sees so little care taken of it as if it were of no importance to her Majesty. Truly it is “the very right course” to set the town and us together by the ears, for the soldier cannot live without victuals; and the town has so much owing to them that they will trust no more. He himself is in debt a hundred pounds, and would be loth to lose his credit, for it is a dangerous time, there being nothing but practising how to drive the English out. “Count Hollock lieth here in the flotte only to see how he may surprise this town. He hath taken all this country soldiers out of their ships of war, and they have put into them all the Scots soldiers, who doth nothing but rail on her Majesty and our country. Also he hath three or four thousand soldiers lying at the head of Middelborow, who have had divers advertisements of their meaning towards this place.” Refers particulars to the bearer, Captain Wyllsone.
“Count Maurice is gone into Holland. They have also attempted to surprise Naerden, but they were discovered and divers of their practisers taken.” Thinks “they of Naerden will do by them as they did by the captains at Le[y]den; but the States hath written to them that they should stay their justice, saying there was no harm meant unto them.”
Shenck has taken Bonn and means to keep it if the States will send him any men. This will greatly annoy the Bishop of Cologne.
The Prince of Parma is at Antwerp. His forces lie still in Flanders, but he has been able to do nothing because of the weather. “Great speech there is in his camp of the coming over of commissioners from her Majesty; which maketh these people in a great uproar.”—Flushing, 1 January, 1587.
Holograph. Endd.pp. [Holland XX. f. 1.]
Jan. 3/13. The States General to The Queen. (fn. 1)
Letters of credence for Maitre Sebastien van Loosen, counsellor of State and of the great Council of Appeal, and Leonart de Casembroot, of the Council of Holland, Zeeland and West Frise, assisted by Mr. Ortell, sent to thank her Majesty on their behalf for all her favours, and afterwards to lay before her what they believe, in respect to the conference with the commissioners of the Prince of Parma, to be necessary for the common good of these countries.—Delft, 13 January, 1588. Signed, Dompseler, president; C. Aerssens, [greffier].
Add. Endd. French.pp. [Holland XX. f. 4.]
Jan. 3. Note of the respective charges of a footband of 200, 250 and 150 footmen; of a horseband of 200 and of 100 lances, and of dead pays allowed.
Endd. with date. 2 pp. [Ibid. f. 6.]
Jan. 3. Officers serving in the Low Countries. Payments per diem. Viz. to the Lord General; two assistants in Council; Sir Thos. Shirley treasurer, for himself and under treasurer, Thos. Digges, muster master; Sir Wm. Pelham, lord marshal; Lord Willoughby, colonel general; Sir Wm. Reade, his lieutenant; James Spencer, provost marshal; Sir Ric. Bingham, Mr. of the Ordnance and his under officers; Thos. Wilford, sergeant-major; Sir Thos. Morgan, camp master; The Judge marshal, nuper Dr. Mathew Sutcliffe, olim Dr. William Clarke; Arthur Champernowne, quarter-master; John Oliver, Pierce Lane, Thos. Acton, Jan Verdon, James Bushell and Launcelot Claiton, corporals; Jan Ricewick, trench-master; Edmond Hunt, auditor; the gover. and officers of Bergen and Ostend.
Endd. by Burghley “3 January 1587[–8].” 1 p. [Holland XVIII. f. 272.]
Jan. 4. Sir Thomas Sherley to Walsingham.
Sending a letter just received from Sir John [Conway] who (he believes) writes truly “of the extremity like to be there.”— London, 4 January, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XX. f. 8.]
Jan. 4/14. Copy of the oath administered by the States to Lord Willoughby on this date. (fn. 2)
Promises to be faithful and loyal to the States and to conform to the treaty made at Nonsuch in Aug. 10, 1585, and the act of amplification on Sept. 4, following; saving the homage which he owes to her Majesty. French. ¼ p.

Acceptation by the States General of the Lord Willoughby as Lieutenant of her Majesty's succours.—Delft, 13 January, 1587.
French. ¼ p. [Ibid. f. 10.]
Jan. [4]. “A note of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, and where every company is in garrison.”
Utrecht. His Excellency's and Capt. Thos. Sherley's troops of horse. Colonel Morgan's and Capt. Champernon's companies of foot. Total 650.
“They of Utrecht have granted relief to these companies for ten days, while in the mean time they expect supply out of England.”
Amersford. Sir John Burgh's troop of horse.
Duysburgh. Sir Robert Sydney's troop.
Waggener and Reane. Capt. Bouchier's troop. Total 300. “These companies without money, victuals or other means.”
Berghen op Zom. Lord Willoughby's, Sir William Russell's and Capt. Parker's troops of horse.
Lord Audley's, Sir John Wingfield's, Capt. Baskerville's, Capt. Vere's, Capt. Salisbury's, Capt. Scott's, Capt. Bannister's, Capt. Anthony Winfield's, Capt. David Powell's companies of foot. Total 1900.
Ostend. Sir John Conway's, Sir Edward Norreys', Sir Edmund Carie's, Sir Walter Waller's, Capt. Blunt's, Capt. Lambart's, Capt. Thos. Knolles', Capt. Huddy's and Capt. Suderman's companies. Total 1350.
“The companies of these two several garrisons … have already consumed the store which was laid in for magazines … and are now without any further means.”
Briel. The Governor's, Sir John Burgh's, Sir Henry Norreys', Capt. Brett's, Capt. Vavasour's and Capt. Hill's companies. Total 950.
“These companies complain that they have neither lendings nor victuals, and refuse to muster without money.”
Flushing. The governor's, Sir Thos. Sherley's, Capt. Browne's, Capt. Ric. Wingfield's, Capt. Tho. Maria Wingfield's, Capt. Dennys', Capt. Darcy's, Capt. Anthony Sherley's, Capt. Hender's, Capt. Littleton's and Capt. Randal's companies. And—
Castle of Rammekins. Capt. Errington's company. Total 1850.
“They complain that the money which was appointed for their lendings at his Excellency's going over is spent, and that they have no further means.”
Total of the two cautionary towns, 2800.
Sum total, 7000.
Endd.pp. [Holland XX. f. 12.]
Jan. 4. “Persons to whom her Majesty is indebted in the Low Countries,” i.e. army officials and captains, some being in the Low Countries with their charges, some absent in England, and others “in England, having presently no charge in the Low Countries.”
Sum total 40,975l. 17s. 1d. Added by Burghley “Until 3 October.”
Memo. “The Captains leaving their charge, and having money due to them are to account for their debts, especially to the States, as also the rest to such as hath given them credit for victuals, cloth and necessaries for their bands.”
Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. f. 14.]
Jan. 5/15. Instructions given by the States General to Mr. Ortell on this date. (fn. 3)
To declare to her Majesty and her Council, the points following:—
Lack of due numbers. Of reiters [i.e. horse] not the moiety; “and as for footmen besides the garrisons in the places of assurance, their number is scarce half full.”
No men at all but in the places of assurance, Bergen upon Some, and Ostend. “For instead of them which as yet do lie at Utrecht and Doesburghe, others are maintained in Bergen upon Some at the charges of the provinces.”
The two towns of Bergen and Ostend were to be kept surely against all power of the enemy, with 2000 soldiers and 300 horsemen.
And for the garrisons on the frontiers, the States have been well able to keep them there, “as they yet might do, with the paying of them with one month's pay in two months' space. By which way, her Majesty and her Council may easily perceive how profitably her Majesty's succour is administered.”
The extraordinary charges for lodgings, fire etc. for towns and places of assurance, “which at this time are defended with a multitude of people, beyond the order taken in the contract, cost the provinces not much less … as before the whole pay of the stipends, money for lodgings and other charges came unto.”
Item. The men at the charge of her Majesty, partly by lending of money and victuals etc., partly by spoiling the country are already very burdensome; there being paid to those in Brill and the forts near the haven monthly between 6 and 7000 guilders. Also, the provisions for Bergen upon Some and Ostend are often consumed, so that it is to be feared they may fall into the hands of the enemy, it “being a thing impossible for the Provinces to provide for such disorders.”
Especially as what is paid to her Majesty's succours above what is in the contract, partly for lodging etc., partly for stipends lendings and victuals, is twice burdensome to the provinces, “because there is no state erected for the like extraordinary charges, and by this way, the means to pay other men of war withal are cut off”; for which a remedy must be found.
So no regard should be had of the report spread abroad that his Excellency disbursed great sums of her Majesty's treasure to the soldiers or service of these Provinces, which countervailed the former extraordinary charges of the States, considering that they cannot understand that he would disburse any without their knowledge or advice of the Council of State; for by the treaty her Majesty's treasure was not to be disbursed but by knowledge of the States or their commissaries.
The pretended disbursed money in the years 1586, 1587 is said to have been disbursed either upon secret matters, which charge his Excellency ought to sustain out of his entertainment; or upon men of war, without knowledge or consent of the Estates or the Council, which is directly against the treaty. But in case any of the said “parcels” should pertain to the charges of the Provinces, the States desire that they may be “recompensed with the manifest want which hath happened in paying of the entire promise of her aid,” and that the re-imbursement thereof may be effectuated according to the treaty.
In declaring of which points, Ortell is to deal with all discretion, that no occasion of offence may be given to her Majesty.
All which things were concluded in the assembly of the Estates General at Delphe, 15 January, 1588. Subscribed and collated by C. Arsene.
Certified as agreeing with the copy by Chr. Huygens.
Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XX. f. 16.]
Jan. 5. “A proportion of two months' victuals for 1500 men, of twenty-eight days to the month” at Flushing.
Wheat. One peck to a man the week, at 20s. the quarter.
Beer. One hogshead or pottle the man a day, at 40s. the ton of 200 gallons, with freight, cask and leakage.
[With proportions of malt, oats and hops, and charges for casks and brewing, if the beer be brewed there.]
[Beef.] One pound and a half the man a day for sixteen days in the two months; at 2½d. the pound.
Bacon. One pound a man per diem, for eight days; at 3d. the pound.
Cheese. One pound a man per diem for twenty days, at 2½d. the pound.
Butter. Half a pound a man per diem for four days; at 5d. the pound.
Cod. One fish to serve four men the day. For four days; at 10d. the fish.
Stockfish. Half a fish per diem, for two days, at 3d. the fish.
Salt Herrings. Three to a man per diem, for two days; at 20s. the barrel, containing 6 cwt. of herrings.
Estimated total cost, 2406l. 16s. 10d. viz:—32s.d. the man, “if the whole proportion be expended.”
Endd. with date.pp. [Ibid. f. 18.]
Jan. 6/16. The Council of State to Walsingham.
Having long known his affection for the welfare of their affairs and especially for the service of her Majesty, they ask him to give ear to M. Ortell who is to impart to him certain points in which better order should be taken than heretofore; and to do all he can that the said order may be established as quickly as possible.—Delff, 16 January, 1588. Signed, Leoninus, president, and below Chr. Huygens, [greffier].
Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 20.]
Jan. 6/16. Gilpin to Walsingham.
My last was of the 17th December.
I beseech you to obtain me some entertainment from her Majesty in this service, which I hope to deserve better than many that have been largely considered, whose good hap I do not envy, though it might grieve me, as her Majesty's faithful servant, “to see so much money spent as these wars have cost and such a number of her loyal poor subjects consume in misery as still they do.”
Mr. Herbert will tell you his success here; and for the state of the country, I have acquainted him with all I can remember, besides writing largely thereof to Mr. Beale, to be imparted to your honour.
The States' commissioners will show their resolution about the motive of the peace. They will by no means be persuaded that any assurance can be gotten at the King of Spain's hands, “being but an entrance made to cause division, which would be the overthrow of all this cause; for if now they are not able to withstand the enemy's might, what would they be if they should lose some of their confederates, and besides, be weakened by disagreement in their towns; which some of them affirm will fall out if the treaty go forward; and the soundest in religion make no other account than to depart out of the country; for that they foresee that the magistrates or rulers of places will be such as are Papists; and then they become as evil or rather worse than these Spaniards; and so by little and little, root out the true religion.
“His Excellency's departure hence was grievous to many, and some were nothing sorry. My Lord Willoughby is accepted by provision as lieutenant of her Majesty's forces, and hath taken oath as per the enclosed copies … will appear. (fn. 4) The States made exceptions at the commission his Excellency had given his lordship, as not authorized to substitute any in that place,” yet taking it to be her Majesty's mind, admitted him; and he is well respected though by some thought somewhat inexperienced for such a charge; howbeit, I think they will be pleased, and will yield him so much as in the treaty is set down but that they will never more give such commissions as his Excellency had, without trial of the party; therefore it was thought good to keep it close that he had any commission from her Majesty until her further pleasure is known. The commissioners that come over have no charge but to deal in the matter of peace; but Mr. Ortell will be charged with other matters, and with two accounts left here to be delivered to the States: the treasurer's, which is unsigned and with nothing to verify it, and “his Excellency's own of 8000l. sterling disbursed in service of this country, which the States mused at,” this country being so poor and the charges so great that they cannot answer their ordinary expenses, and must rather enter into new debts than pay their old; and know not what course to take if pressed for present repayment. They have a special trust in your favour and affection to them, and pray you to continue the same. If you would have me weekly advertise what passes here, I will not fail to perform it. Delft, 16 January, stilo novo.
Signed. Add. Endd.
pp. [Holland XX. f. 21.]
Jan. 6. The Privy Council to Lord Wyllughby. (fn. 5)
Her Majesty being informed of the great want of the soldiers there for lack of pay, is sending over 10,000l., but wishes it to be employed only in weekly lendings. Immediately after a full view has been taken of the Treasurer's accounts, she will send him over with a larger sum to make full pay.
Rough draft by Walsingham. ¾ p. [Holland XX. f. 23.]
Jan. 6/16. Council of State to his Excellency [the Earl of Leicester].
The Sieur de Killegrew has shown them a memoir of moneys disbursed for those countries, both from her Majesty's treasure and his own. They have charged M. Ortel to present their reply and to communicate to his Excellency certain points requiring reform touching the payment of her Majesty's forces and other matters.—Delft, 16 January, 1588.
Copy. Endd. French. ½ p. [Ibid. f. 25.]
Jan. 7. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
Since my last letter there is small alteration here. What concerns our martial matters, I have communicated to her Majesty's ambassador. “If the States should require of us forces to go to the field, according to the contract, they will not be found; for we have never a company of foot scarce to spare from garrison places…. I know not how we may be called on, if this frosty weather hold, by some enterprises the enemy may have, and likewise for our frontier towns. I verily believe, if you send us no provision, that this frost will make them be rendered up.
“Sir William Reed hath written to me that they drink already salt and puddle water, and if the hard weather hold, their provisions of that will be almost frozen…. I humbly beseech your lordship, for her Majesty's honour, the reputation of our nation, and the preserving of so many men's lives that we may be vouchsafed some answer, either of discharge or succour.
“The States, scarce allowing my lord General's authority, have conditionally accepted of me for two months, in which time, her Majesty must send me more authority or else some other … for my date will then be out. For myself, I should hold it a great favour to be licensed, and that some other whose credit might sustain such powers five or six weeks without money, victuals or means, had my place …”—The Haghe, 7 January, stilo veteri.
Holograph. Add. Endd.
1 p. [Ibid. f. 26.]
Jan. 7. H. Kyllygrew to Burghley.
Recommending the bearer, his fellow counsellor, Mr. Loze, “a learned man and well experienced in the affairs of these countries, namely, concerning the means they have to maintain the war.” Having been much conversant in the finances, he will be able to satisfy his lordship as well as any. But as for her Majesty's demand for re-imbursement, he and his colleague, (fearing their answer would be nothing pleasant) have cast that burden upon Mr. Ortel, to state what exception they take against the accounts.—Delft, 7 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XX. f. 28.]
Jan. 7/17. Jacques Valcke to Walsingham.
Recalling to mind his honour's favours to himself and to the good of their country, he feels assured that they will always be continued, hoping that God will disperse the clouds and dissensions amongst them and bring them back into the path of union. Would have much to say of their difficulties, and the cause thereof, but that these gentlemen, the Sieurs van Loozen and Casembroot, deputies, and Mr. Ortel will tell him of them much better. Prays God to inspire her Majesty and her Council to take a profitable resolution.—Delft, 17 January, 1588, stilo novo.
Signed. Add. Endd. French.
1 p. [Ibid. f. 30.]
Jan. 7. Lord Wyllughby to the Queen.
“… After my lord General's departure, being careful for your Majesty's service, though altogether unable, as well for mine own want as for divers cross accidents to advance it as in my heart I desired, … I was forced, upon the miserable necessities of your garrisons, both of money and victuals, to hasten me to the States to procure some supply, if I might, before a greater inconvenience happened.
“I found them willing and careful, but not ready to give expedition…. They enquired of my authority, and took some exceptions to the validity of it … but concluded to show themselves dutiful and ready to receive any whom your Majesty commended. They would willingly accept me, with condition your Majesty's pleasure for establishing me by your Highness' authority and commission should be signified within the space of two months; and for default thereof, my authority should immediately surcease. Your Majesty can best judge what a person is to be required to 'atone' the disunions [which] hath been amongst themselves, assure their diffidences, supply the necessity of your forces … and defend them by war who are already half conquered with dissension, famine and distrust. And yet when your Majesty is but named, discord joins hands, diffidence gives trust, and misery is relieved with joy …
“I know your Majesty's royal providence to win occasion, and your affairs stand here as you may lose none without much hazard of your own forces and safety. Your Majesty may therefore please to determine of some qualified person and means to govern and relieve your army, which else falls into certain peril and ruin…. For my own part, I will refuse nothing your Majesty shall command me, … yet if it shall please you, upon these great occasions to advise of a more worthier than myself, I shall own my time very happily spent if I end with your favour, and a more able than myself begin with your more honour and better advancement of the service …”—The Haghe, 7 January, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. f. 32.]
Jan. 7. Lord Wyllughby to Walsingham.
The bearer, Capt. Walgrave, “a gentleman who hath behaved himself well in these wars, having been lately taken prisoner with the enemy” can acquaint his honour with some discourse touching York[e].
The States have made much difficulty to allow of the commission but have now concluded to accept him, though only for two months.
They all protest sincerity to her Majesty, but he doubts them much, and is privately informed that they mean to draw the State into provincial governments.
The bearer can report the great wants of the soldiers. For his own part, if not better seconded, he wishes some more excellent person had dispossessed him; “that could make men live without money, meat or contentment.”—The Haghe, 7 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XX. f. 34.]
Jan. 8. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
For order to be taken for the weekly lendings.
The richer sort of people there are not well affected, and the soldiers are already so far indebted to the poorer sort that these can trust them no longer, while the English merchants to whom he has applied write that they are not able to help, neither have they any warrant from their masters so to do. Has been advertised that Count Hollock is practising to surprise them; also that the Duke of Parma means to employ his forces for this island.—Flushing, 8 January.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. f. 36.]
Jan. 8. Sir William Russell to Lord Admiral [Howard].
Thanking him for his care of that place and telling him that he has intelligence both from the ambassador [Herbert] and other friends in Holland that an enterprise is in hand by some of Count Hollock's followers, to be led by one M. Famours.
The rather believes it as he has since found divers boats with more soldiers and mariners than they were used to have. Whatever they or the enemy intend it were not amiss to have a ship or two of her Majesty's until they may see what Count Hollock and his fleet (which lies here at Biervliet) mean to do, and whether the Duke of Parma will bend his forces this way.
For Bergen there is no great danger, as the Duke lies here in Flanders with all his forces, and is certainly said to mean to attempt some of the islands. Therefore again prays they may have if possible two ships and a pinnace, for at present there is not one man of war in their haven; and urges the sending over of the treasure.—Flushing, 8 January.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. f. 38.]
Jan. 8. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
To the same effect as his letter to Burghley, adding, it were very necessary that six months' victuals were sent over.—Flushing 8 January.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XX. f. 40.]
Jan. 8. H. Kyllygrew to Burghley.
My lord Ambassador will tell you of all things passed since his Excellency's departure; of the causes of his long stay, and in what terms he leaves us now. It is five weeks since we heard out of England, and having no further light to direct our course, we have observed former instructions the best we could, and I have carried myself according to the last clause in your letter of Oct. 18, “until I may see further event of what your lordship then doubted.
“They say the ships promised by the Prince of Orange to Mr. Diar (fn. 6) shall be ready according to their treaty; but in my judgment they had need of no short warning to furnish them forth; for their means grow weaker daily, and this last navy they set forth to prevent the Duke of Parma's purposes against Zeeland hath been an extraordinary charge unto them; which those that have not wherewithal to pay their ordinary, have little need of. And yet such is their apparent resolution to defend the cause they have taken in hand to the uttermost; I hear, besides a great number of hose and cassaques, they have prepared two months' pay to comfort the soldiers and to assure the doubtful minded.
“His Excellency was in fear at his departure, they meant to make their own peace with the enemy, and leave us in the briars” but I can find nothing to confirm this, though we were advertised of some evil meaning towards Vlishing and the Brill and the ambassador is returning that way, to learn the truth thereof.
My lord Willoughby took his oath to the States on the 16 [n.s.] of this present, being deferred so long by their scruple because his commission was from his Excellency, not her Majesty. They have accepted it provisionally, giving him two months for its confirmation. He has found all her Majesty's soldiers in great extremity, wanting even their weekly lendings, and I am sure he could not make the necessity more than it is; “for Sir William Reade at Bergen is driven to spend the magazine, which once consumed, they will hardly or never be brought to repair it again, this being now the third magazine which those chiefly in her Majesty's pay have consumed there.” So that if relief come not from England, both Bergen and Ostend will stand in great danger, for the enemy cannot lack intelligence of their wants. If her Majesty's treasure disbursed for them [of this country] and their soldiers were ‘rembursed,’ it would supply all these wants, which cannot be denied, and has been told them in Lord Willoughby's presence. But they take exceptions (for indeed they are not able to repay it) to the treasurer's and auditor's books, which they have sent into England by Mr. Ortell their agent, to be verified. This is to win time, for I am persuaded they know all or the best part of it to be due debt. But you may have better satisfaction there than I could possibly obtain here, the officers being in England that should verify their allegations, and I being acquainted with no payments but of the last 31 bands sent for relief of Sluys; wherefore I pray to be excused “from answering to that whereof I am ignorant … for here neither from the States nor the Council of Estate could I for my life get other resolution than to return those reckonings into England….
What manner of government they mean to use henceforth I know not; for since his Excellency's departure they have not conferred about the same, but now they are purposed to enter thereinto; whereof, as occasion shall serve, I will not fail to advertise your lordship.”—Delft, 8 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XX. f. 42.]
Jan. 8/18. Philip, Count of Hohenloe to Walsingham.
Takes the opportunity of M. d'Ortell's return to England, to send letters to her Majesty to assure her of his devotion, and pray her not to lend an ear to those evil minded persons, who have done ill offices in order to deprive him of her royal favour, because of what has passed to his great regret (set on foot by the said envious persons) between the Earl of Leicester and himself; whom he has always respected and revered as his father, as the late M. de Sidney was able to witness. Whose death he laments daily, and the more from the conviction that had he lived, these evil-minded persons would not have dared to do ill offices between his Excellency and himself. And now he sends him the duplicate of what he has written to her, praying him to lend a helping hand that he himself may be continued in her royal favour.—Delft, 18 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 44.]
The Count Hohenloe to The Queen.
To the effect stated in his letter to Walsingham, above.
Also, it has been to his great regret to see a certain remonstrance printed in those parts, wherein he is charged with certain abuses in relation to the service of her Majesty and these countries, and even with disobedience and frivolity, viz.: that his actions have not corresponded to his words. Wherefore in defence of his honour and reputation he also has published his defence in writing, giving the true facts, and this not in any way in order to aggrieve his Excellency, or to do anything against his reputation, but only to defend himself against those who from envy have ever tried to interpret his actions in a sinister manner to his Excellency and so bring him into disgrace. Now, fearing that some of these ill-disposed persons, who have always interpreted his good intentions and all his words and actions in the worst way, in order to excite enmity between his Excellency and himself, would not cease to sow dissension, in order not only to deprive him of her Majesty's good affection, but also of all her royal favours, he most humbly prays her to look on him as one who, with hearty zeal, a true German heart and ever loyal affection is and always will be ready to do her very humble service, and not to listen to the accusations of his enemies.—Delft, 18 January, 1588.
Copy. French.pp. [Holland XX. f. 48.]
Jan. 8. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Although he wrote of the state of this town by Captain Wilson, yet having so convenient a messenger as the captain of one of her Majesty's pinnaces, sent by my lord Admiral to see in what case it stood, he again assures him that if money be not sent to pay the soldiers' lendings they will know not what to do; for the governor thought that the treasurer would have had at least so much care of them; but the officer left here by him “saith he hath not a penny, nor cannot tell where to borrow any.” Beseeches his honour to have some care of them, if he does not wish them “to go together by the ears,” for their soldiers must not starve, and credit they have none, for the town thinks they will never pay what they owe them already.
Count Hollock and the soldiers who lay about Middelborowe are gone, for he said that his enterprise was discovered, but some twenty ships of war, full of Scots, still lie in the river.
The Prince of Parma is at Gaunt and his forces over all the country. He is at great charges, to keep so many soldiers together without doing anything. There is nothing but talking of peace at Antwerp.—Flushing, 8 January, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. f. 46.]
Jan. 8. “A collection of such sums of money as have been issued by privy seals for the service in the Low Countries since the month of June, 1585.” Last date Jan. 8, 1587[–8]. The total amount is 239,000l. in sums ranging from four to thirty-five thousand pounds, mostly delivered to Huddilston, Sherley or the Earl of Leicester.
Endd.pp. [Ibid. f. 50.]


  • 1. The Dutch text in Bor: Nederlantsche Oorlogen, Bk. xxiv., f. 5d. Wt. 7981.—B. & S.—375.
  • 2. Text in Resolutien der Staten Generaal, Vol. vi., page 109. The acceptation in Dutch. Ibid. pp. 109–10.
  • 3. The full Dutch text in Bor: Nederlantsche Oorlogen, Bk. xxiv., f. 7.
  • 4. See p. 2 above.
  • 5. Acts of the Privy Council, n.s. Vol. xv., page 326.
  • 6. Edward Dyer. See Calendar S.P. Foreign 1583–4, page 654.