Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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A.B., remark of, asks if Conway a Catholic, 364.

Aardenburg, Ardenburg, Audenburgh, Ordingborough [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 176, 192.

raided, 177
-, English traitor escorted to, 364.

Achez, Jerome d' Seigneur de Toraise, Torreze, Thorise, Thurisis, Toruhese, Thouraize, Torry, Turre, nephew of Cardinal Granvelle and Champagney, captured by raiders from Berghen, 229-30, 234-5, 238, 252.

information gathered from, 254
-, Willoughby recommends to Walsingham, 297
-, offers to get Teligny released, 313
-, Leicester bargains for exchange, 316
-, offers to treat with Champagney for peace, 333.

has become Leicester's prisoner, 332
-, in Willoughby's hands, 368.

Act of restriction, authority transferred to England by, 44.

Adley. See Touchet, George, lord Audley.

Admiral, Lord, of England. See Howard, Charles, lord.

- of France. See Arques, Anne d', duc de Joyeuse.

- of Holland. See Nassau, Maurice of
-, Nassau, Justin of.

Admiralty, treasurer of. See Hawkins, John.

-, Netherlands, control granted to Admiral, 7
-, entirely in hands of Maurice, 132.

refused to relieve Sluys, 200
-, blamed for loss of Sluys, 218, 227, 232, 244, 253, 258.

conference with about Sluys, promises of, 275,

translated from Flushing to Camphire, 256
-, will do nothing, 385.

Russel doubts readiness of, 335
-, dislike of English, 379.

- See also under Holland
-, Ostend
-, Zeeland.

Admiralty Court
-, judges of. See Aubrey, Dr. William
-, Lewes, Dr. David.

Adrian, Leicester's servant, 131.

Adriansoon van Aldrichem ? Adrien Nicolai, 308.

Aelst. See Alost.

Aemsz, Hendrik, van der Burgh, Aemsze, burgomaster of Delft, deputy of Holland in States General, 172.

Aerschot, Arskot [Prov. Brabant, Belgium], all boats commandeered at, 432.

-, duke of. See Croy, Philippe de.

Aerssens, Cornelis, greffier to the States General, 198.

letters and papers signed by, 60, 136, 172, 430, 461.

tells Wilkes of sending of letter of 4 Feb., 68.

agent. See under Ambassadors.

Ailwa. See Aylva.

Alarache. See Araish, el.

Albanian horse, at siege of Sluys, 139.

Alcmaer, Alckamer. See Alkmaar.

Aldryche, George, asks for a company, 110.

Alkmaar, Alcmaer, Alckamer, Alkmere, Awlkmere [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], letters dated at, 373-4, 376-7, 381, 383-5.

Leicester well received at, 372, 374
-, Leicester at, 383.

-, pensionary of. See Boymer, Frederick.

-, Alleyn, Capt., Shirley commends to Walsingham, 89
-, Norris commends to Walsingham, 94.

asks leave to serve king of Navarre, 174
-, gets into Sluys, 184, 209
-, sent with letters, 209.

attached to Norris, 210
-, goes to meet reiters, 255.

-, William, cardinal, feeling about promotion, 302
-, Farnese had much to do with, 320
-, he had to dissimulate about, 389.

-, Almayns. See Germans
-, reiters.

Alva, duke of. See Toledo, Ferdinand Alvarez de.

Alost, Aelst, Haelst [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium], reference to betrayal, 133.

letters dated at, 243, 273.

ambassadors, agents, commissioners, deputies, envoys :

Danish, to Parma. See Ranzou, Caius.

Dutch, to England. See Caron, Noel de
-, Menin, Joos van
-, Ortel, Joachim
-, Sille, Nicasius de
-, Valcke, Jacob.

Dutch, to France. See Taffin, Quintin, sieur de la Pree.

English, to Denmark. See Rogers, Daniel.

English, to Netherlands. See Herbert, John
-, Sackville, Thomas, lord Buckhurst.

English, peace commissioners. See Brooke, William, lord Cobham
-, Croft, Sir James
-, Dale, Valentine
-, Herbert, John
-, Paulet, Sir Amyas
-, Stanley, Henry, earl of Derby.

French, to England. See Aubespine, Claude de l', baron de Chateauneuf.

Navarre, to England. See Choart, Paul, seigneur de Buzenval.

Navarre, to Netherlands. See Capetot.

Palatinate, to England. See Junius, old.

Spanish, to England. See Guaras, Antonio de.

Spanish, to France. See Mendoza, Bernardino.

Spanish, peace commissioners. See Garnier, Flaminius
-, Grussot, Jean de, seigneur de Richardot
-, Ligne, Charles de, count of Aremberg
-, Maes, John
-, Perrenot, Frederick, seigneur de Champagney.

Ambrose, Capt., raid of men into Flanders, 119.

Ameland, S., Netherlands, attempt to relieve Sluys by, 195.

Amersfoort, Amersford [Prov. Utrecht, Netherlands], troops in queen's pay at, 82.

-, [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], Barnevelt at, about reiters, 121
-, maps bought at for Walsingham, 270, 330.

Leicester going to, 323
-, to appease multitude, well received, 371.

bears some affection to Leicester, 378
-, Leicester took up money at, 427.

burgomaster of. See Bardesen, William.

-, in Netherlands, incline to peace, 182
-, only if influenced by ministers, 183
-, queen requires no favour for, 477.

-, Spain, victuals sent from, to Lisbon, 329, 343
-, ships from, for Lisbon, 379.

Anne, princess of Sweden, daughter of King John, Archduke Maximilian wishes to marry, 51.

-, prior of Crato, pretender of Portugal, sends son to make requests, 5
-, Buckhurst to move States to help, 12.

enterprise of causes Spaniards most fear, 254
-, instructions to peace commissioners concerning, 478.

-, father of. See Louis, duke of Beja.

-, son of. See Manoel.

Antwerp, Anwarpe [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium], 59, 252, 347.

letters dated at, 33, 52, 281, 302, 387, 389, 395, 430.

news from, 1, 55, 246, 394.

taking of, alluded to, 6, 400
-, content with toleration, 54.

Siven, a suspect, at, 11
-, Le Sieur taken to, 32
-, Le Sieur at, 52, 319, 376.

enemy's artillery at, 23
-, boats prepared at, against Flushing, 115
-, arming strongly at, 243.

proclamation permitting Hollanders to trade at, 59
-, free intercourse with Lillo, 322.

de Loo ill at, 161
-, house of Lanfranchi at, 294
-, Gilles at, 378-9.

fire device at referred to, 201.

capture of prisoners near, 235, 237, 252
-, fishermen of, taken, 242.

plan to capture ship of war off, 242
-, English refugees, pensioners of Spain, at, 386.

great preparation of enemy at, 249, 273, 364, 378, 392
-, of ships, 254, 322, 327, 329, 343, 350, 386, 390, 394, 403, 432.

superiority of crystal at, 379
-, injured by prohibition of English cloth, 385.

troops kept scattered near, 337
-, Dutch force to watch men of, 417.

Parma making company of English deserters at, 340
-, Parma mustering mariners at, 351
-, Parma gone to, 439, 462.

exchange one of the chief stays for merchants at, 386
-, Giles losing money at, on houses, 432.

troops march through, 430
-, many English priests gather at, 431
-, desire at, for Leicester's departure, 433.

-, governor of. See Mondragon, Cristobal de.

Apsell. See Axel.

Aquila, Colonel Don Juan de l', correspondence with Drogue at Flushing, 115.

Araish, el, Alarache in Barbary [Morocco, N. Africa], Spanish armada said to be for, 366.

Arden, Ardern, Robert, in charge of victuals for Sluys, 99.

note on delivery of victuals, 320.

Ardenburg. See Aardenburg.

Ardres [Pas de Calais, France], provision of corn at, 223-4.

munitioner of, 223.

Aremberg, Arenberg, Arenborch, count of. See Ligne, Charles de.

Armada. See Spain, fleet of.

Armewe, Armue, Armuyden. See Arnemuiden.

armour, payments for, 427.

-, conference touching erecting of, 223
-, estimate of cost, id.
-, resolution of States concerning, 245
-, Leicester sends councillors to Hague about, 263.

-, English, in the Netherlands :

pay of, 3, 8, 82, 127-8, 251-2, 289, 348, 363-4, 369.

question of pay by poll, 21
-, Buckhurst begs for payment of, 23
-, his report on state of, 33-4.

Dutch shut out of towns, advise to spoil country, 6
-, no one will undertake to victual, 25
-, left to starve by Brown, 32.

none of horse or foot in good case, 8
-, need of good officers present with men, 14.

estimate of force required, 14, 16
-, muster of ordered, 29
-, means to strengthen bands, 45.

note of money expended on, 29
-, summary state of, 34
-, unpaid through Leicester's bad government, 43.

Buckhurst presses for 2,000 men as drafts, 33.

men in miserable want, 33, 40
-, can get no credit, 51.

total cost of, 45
-, project of charges to be sustained by States, 45-6
-, note of cost of officers, 46.

list of men in States' pay, 45
-, names of chief officers and captains serving, 290.

strength required to meet enemy, 49
-, queen ready to increase grant for, upon conditions, 50.

payment by poll insisted on, captains to be admonished, 56-7
-, captains ordered to clear accounts with Huddlestone, 71.

discouragement in, through queen's pleasure not being known, 70.

soldiers sent back to with hope of preferment to command, 72.

proposal to reduce strength and increase force in field, 79
-, note of forces to be drawn into the field, 82.

estimate of charges of, 82
-, act of States General on state and number of, 96.

forces very attenuated, 83-4
-, muster at Heusden, small numbers, 102.

remembrances for the captains, 84
-, Leicester tries to make Norris odious to, 93
-, Norris claims to have treated men well, 101.

payment to captains, 98
-, captains who served under Norris fear Leicester's displeasure, 101.

captains in charge of new levies from England, 104
-, decision to send over 6,000 men, 116
-, relief of Sluys depends solely upon, 149
-, strength at Sluys, 184.

States unwilling to support more, 128
-, method of payment advised, 132-3
-, necessary regulations for, 133
-, captains keep back pay, 145.

forces in field have not one surgeon, 145
-, grievous plight from lack of pay, 173.

scanty numbers for relief of Sluys, 146, 149
-, Leicester pleased with men, 149, 200
-, lack of equipment, 275.

mutiny of Sherley's company, 150-1
-, bad state of Norris's companies, 154-6.

note of reckoning between queen and, 160
-, danger of abuse in issuing treasure to, 165.

States urge completion of companies in queen's pay, 166.

English companies saved Hohenlohe from defeat near Hertogenbosch, 170.

States leave English companies unpaid, 173
-, States dislike new succours, 190.

Norris questioned about, 177-8
-, his answer, 178.

moves for relief of Sluys, 195, 277
-, Leicester praises for defence of Sluys, 200
-, losses there, 203, 210.

Leicester ready to send new men home, 200
-, Leicester has to supply weekly payments, 220.

no help for, in relieving Sluys, 201
-, difficulty of getting weapons for, 204.

money due to, July 1587, 215
-, all charges for paid from queen's treasure, 223.

all Brabant, Flanders and frontiers lost but for, 222.

note of charge of for two years, 237
-, Leicester asks States for pay of, 299.

Digges unpopular with captains, 244
-, captains aggrieved at miserableness of war, 270.

governor of Nieuport captures men coming from Zeeland, 253.

complaint of constant desertions, 267, 289, 296
-, sorry state of, 269
-, danger if money not sent for, 284.

men in States' pay to be sent home if left unpaid, 289
-, Leicester promises state of charges of men to be kept, 306
-, he cannot send new bands home unpaid, 307.

Council orders arrest of deserters, 294
-, company formed at Antwerp from deserters, 340.

no muster of bands last over, 312
-, bands maintained at full strength, id.

consequence of leaving States to pay new bands, 317, 366
-, new bands about to be cassed, 321
-, Leicester should obtain payment of new bands, 325
-, arrangements for repatriating, 330-1
-, Hohenlohe threatens to drive out, 331.

poverty and sickness among, 340
-, misery of men cassed, 368
-, sorry plight of, 369.

not strong enough to keep queen's places from intriguers, 362
-, Leicester gives daily relief to soldiers, 368
-, men very badly clothed, 441.

wants and discontents of old companies, 369-70
-, note of disbursements for, 380
-, Russel urges payment of, as in great want, 384.

Leicester desires money to relieve, 384
-, Russel relieves from own pocket, 390.

wretched state of cassed companies, 390
-, queen upbraids States for treatment of, 410.

queen complains of neglect of, and miserable state of men returning, 396-7.

all new troops and those in States' pay discharged, 401
-, cassed captains demand satisfaction, 418
-, money paid to new companies, 427.

if left unpaid likely to fall on towns for meat, 406
-, haste of Dutch to get rid of, 428.

queen blames Leicester for cost of, 408
-, Leicester presses for payment of, 427.

Willoughby put in command of, 414, 420
-, he asks money for, 453.

Leicester divides troops among four garrisons, 428
-, utter ruin threatened for lack of pay, 448.

Digges says bands kept full, 441
-, Sherley's accounts touching, 463.

men put to provand, 447, 453
-, bad state of cavalry, 467
-, provisions for horse bands, 486.

instructions for manner of employment by Willoughby, 463.

disaster if better provision not made, 468
-, arrangement with merchants for pay, 471.

notes on sums disbursed to, 486-7
-, entertainment of principal officers, 487
-, question how people bear cost of levying soldiers, 492.

note of the wants of, 487
-, project for payment of, 488.

distribution of displaced companies by Norris, 490.

complaints of States against Leicester concerning, 490.

Arnemuiden, Armewe, Armue, Armuyden, Hermew [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 217.

report of men of, 329, 343.

likely to open gates to enemy, 408
-, Leicester hopes to secure for queen, 428
-, notes on way to satisfy garrison, 472.

-, Arnham, Arnhem [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands], enemy ready to besiege, 19
-, siege intended, 22.

proposal to garrison with Scots, 22
-, troops in queen's pay at, 82.

Parma threatens, 93
-, impossible to prevent enemy marching on, 235.

troops expecting to go to, 269
-, expected attack on, 311.

letters dated at, 22, 76.

Arnhem, Jehan van, deputy of Gelderland in States General, 172.

-, Anne d', duc de Joyeuse, Admiral of France, defeated and slain, 395
-, death greatly appals Spaniards in Netherlands, 406.

Arskot. See Aerschot.

artillery. See guns.

-, Artoys [France], troops from, with Parma, 80
-, horse expected from, 93
-, Parma expects troops from, 140
-, enemy makes new levies in, 379, 394, 431.

commission from Spain for government of, 281
-, separation from Hainault, 291.

veteran garrisons replaced by new troops, 431
-, proposal to hire reiters to ravage, 451.

-, president of. See Grussot, Jean de, sieur de Richardot.

Arundel, Charles, relics being taken to, 349, 406.

Asperen [Prov. S. Holland, Netherland], Capt. Rayns appointed to, 490.

Asseliers, Philip d', letter of urging Leicester's coming, 75.

Assonnavile, Dassonveel, Christofle, regular correspondence with, 433.

-, Astel, Astley, Capt. Harry, letters of, 95, 143
-, reply to, 113.

-, -, provost marshal at Flushing, 290.

-, Mr., gentleman porter at Flushing, 426.

Atye, Atie, Aty, Athy, Atty, Arthur, Leicester's secretary, 48, 197, 213, 343, 459.

crossing to England, 18, 23-4, 27
-, sent to England, 302, 307.

letters taken by, 35, 92, 335, 344, 349, 361, 458.

gives Leicester information about Wilkes, 47, 68
-, reports of, 52, 89-91.

and Hohenlohe affair, 127
-, and charges against States, 212.

urges Leicester to return home, 267, 286
-, sent to England with news, 284.

note of money due to, 301
-, Sherley does not receive expected money from, 369.

back in Netherlands, 338.

-, Claude de l', baron de Chateauneuf, French ambassador in England, complains of spoils committed by Dutch ships, 81
-, asks for release of French corn ships, 180.

Aubrey, Dr. William, judge of the Admiralty, Clerk suggests to replace him, 17.

Audenburgh. See Aardenburg.

Auditor of accounts in Netherlands. See Hunt, Edmund.

Audley, lord. See Touchet, George.

Austria, Austridge, House of, member of, expected to take Parma's place, 395.

in pope's league against England, 449.

-, Archduke of. See Ferdinand
-, Maximilian.

Avalos, Caesar, marquis del Guasto, Guasta, Gasto, general of the horse, letter of, 351.

in camp before Sluys, 107
-, at Antwerp, 252.

skirmish of near Berghen, 330-2
-, challenge to Willoughby, 333-4, 351-3
-, backs out, 352.

-, Diego de, governor of Nieuport, cruelty of, to prisoners, 253, 287
-, marriage of, 406.

Awlkmere. See Alkmaar.

-, Apsell, Axell [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], enemy preparing to besiege, 19
-, enemy's expectation to take, 115
-, enemy expected to besiege, 202.

Dutch colonel at (Schonoff), 25.

sally port to attack Parma from, 119
-, Leicester puts forces in, on fall of Sluys, 202
-, States make provision for 223
-, States find cost of garrison heavy, 259
-, money for due, 325.

talk of attack on, 322
-, charge for surprise of, 348.

-, governor of. See Shenochs, Melshard van
-, Piron.

Aylva, Ailwa, Ulbe van, documents signed by, 447, 450.

Ayschot. See Croy, Philippe de, duke of Aerschot.

Aysma, Docche, Doke, letter of, on Oostergoo, 251.

letters of, intercepted and read to Council, 329
-, proceedings against demanded, 330.

-, Hessel, president of Friesland, letter to, intercepted, 329
-, invites Leicester to Friesland, 372
-, people resent arrest of, 417.