Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1587

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1587', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp483-495 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1587', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp483-495.

"Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1587". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp483-495.

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Miscellaneous, 1587

Jan. 26./Feb. 5. SIR WILLIAM STANLEY to CAPT. LEPPINE (fn. 1).
My sincere regard moves me to write that I have spoken to M. Taxis about your affair. He spoke of his Highness's good will towards you and his desire to make use of you. The opportunity is favourable to perform good offices for the King of Spain, who will reward you well with absolute pardon for the past (as he has with many others) if you will place yourself with your company at his service, or as you may see best, and hand over the place where you are, for you cannot hold your ground there. I therefore pray and counsel you as a brother, for you will never find such grace and courtesy as with the Prince of Parma, and you will find your friends ready to welcome you.Deventer, the 5th February, 1587, stilo novo. Copy. 1 p. Fr. [Flanders II. f. 13.]
The duke of Parma's proceeding with the siege of Sluys seems strange and gives an argument to such as say that he only used the overture as a means to stay H.M. from sending over the earl of Leicester, and as the chief reason for staying him was her hope in the treaty, it allows the enemies of the peace to make profit thereof. As acts of hostility may work some alteration, those who favour peace would wish the duke to withdraw from Sluys, and that there might be a cessation until it be seen what the issue of the treaty will be. As objection may be taken to the employment of Sir F. Drake upon the coast of Spain it may be answered that owing to the reports of preparations against this realm and Ireland, H.M. could do no less but use all means to impeach the same, but on learning that the preparations were stayed and of the duke's disposition to treat she sent to order Drake not to commit any act of hostility but only to explore the truth of the preparations and to impeach the same ; but the parties sent returned without meeting him. H.M. is also greatly offended at some attempts of Drake by land, showing her good disposition, and there was never better hope of speedy proceeding in the treaty. The king of Denmark still purposes to mediate, and his commissioners are to be at Embden on 26 August to meet those of H.M. and the duke. As H.M. cannot fully resolve therein until she knows how the duke stands affected we send to pray you to find out how he so stands, for if he continues his former Christian purpose, H.M. will be found ready and forward to proceed therein, and has promised to inform the king of Denmark. Touching the place, Embden being in some respects unsuitable, she thinks some other place not so remote should be chosen, and that some place near Berghen ap Zome would be most apt. Endd. Copy of a letter to Andreas de Loo, signed by the L. Treasurer and the Comptroller. 7 pp. [Flanders I f. 284.] Notes in a 17th Century hand of the first part of the above letter. Endd. The negotiations of Mr. Andreas de Loo in the year 1587. 2 pp. [Ibid. f. 263.]
June. Summary of the etat de guerre drawn up with the ambassador of H.M. of England in the presence of H.E. of Nassau, Count Hohenlo and General Norits, with Councillors Clerck and Wilkes in the Assembly of the States General for the entire year 1587 as well for the ordinary garrisons of towns and frontier places as for the maintenance of a camp of 5000 horse, 12,000 foot and 1000 pioneers, with other things requisite and necessary. (fn. 2) Endd. French. 7 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 261.]
Aug. 4. Another copy of Leicester's proclamation of this date (See p 222 above). 2 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC. p. 269.]
Aug. 5/15. Another copy of the letter of the States to Leicester of this date (See p. 224 above). 1 pp. French. [Ibid. XC. p. 271.]
Aug. 5/15. The STATES GENERAL to the QUEEN. (fn. 3)
From her letters of the 20th and 22nd June and the representations of Messrs. Killigrew and Beale they learn that she is much offended at what has happened since the departure of the ear of Leicester, and particularly with their letter of the 4th February to the earl, which they much regret. Lord Buckhurst declared himself satisfied upon this point, and they hope she will excuse them in view of their trouble and perturbation. The declaration mentioned in her letters was sent at the instance of the ambassador to have a written declaration of her will. Assure her of their loyalty and that they expect support from no one else. Protest their confidence in the governor and assure him of their obedience and correspondence. Beg her to efface all other impressions and to continue her favour. Middelburg, 15 August. 1587. By order : C. Aerssens. Copy. 2 pp. French. [Ibid. XC. p. 273.]
Aug. 20/30. Another copy of the Articles exhibited by the States of Holland (See p. 257 above) 4 pp. French. [Ibid. XC. p. 275.]
Aug. 25/Sept. 4. Another copy of Valcke's report. (See p. 272 above.) 2 pp. French. [Ibid. XC. p. 280.]
[1587.] The banished men of Deventer to the Queen.
Gratitude for her intervention and for sending Lord Rober Dudley under whose auspices things were achieved in church and state in a few months which had not been possible previously in years, and the foundations were surely laid but for the late surrender of Deventer. This sudden and unexpected disaster may be easily repaired by the continuance of her assistance and the return of the said Lord Robert. They her humble servants who are nearest the danger and suffered the greatest hurt by the loss of Deventer ask her for this help, especially in Overyssel, which is most exposed to the enemy, and commend themselves to her, having been snatched from the lions jaws, some twelve in number, escaping naked with nothing but a good conscience and life itself. Copy. Latin. 2 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 325.]
Feb. "The decree of the Estates General under what name the despatches shall be hereafter made."
Despatches which shall be made to the said Council being of such importance that before the troubles they were made in the name of the King of Spain, then Prince of these countries, shall be made in the name and under the seal and signet of the States General of the United Provinces, by advice of the Council of State with this inscription :"Par ordonnance de Messieurs les Estats Generaulx en le Conseil d' Estat d' icelles." Despatches of less importance, which before the troubles were made, not in the name of the Prince, but of the Governors or Lieutenants-General, shall be made in the name of the Council of State, but always under the seal or signet of the States General. Endd. Feb. 1587. French. p. [Ibid. XXI. f. 274.]
[Feb. ?] Heads of Instructions for the Treasurer.
That he shall transport such treasure as is committed to his charge to Myddleborrowe in Zeeland, there to be disbursed as the necessity of the service shall require. That the payments shall be made in florins and the accounts kept accordingly, and that such treasure as shall be sent over in specie shall be issued out according to such values as are there current. That he shall receive the sum of 5000l. delivered unto Mr. General Norryce for the levying of 2000 voluntary men at such days and times as is contained in the contract between the said General and the deputies of the States. That for transportation and portage of such sums as he shall receive here, he shall be allowed after [blank] in the hundred. That there shall be allowance made in every band of so many dead pays as are allowed by the States. That there shall be defalcations made of such checks as shall be certified unto the said treasurer from the muster-master of the English troops, and the commissaries of musters for the same." Rough draft by Walsingham. 1 pp. [Ibid. XIX. f. 327.]
[Feb. ?] Warrant by the Queen endorsed "for 2169l. to be paid to Sir Thos. Shirley for provisions delivered by George Leicester merchant to the horse-bands in the Low Countries." [But in the warrant, the sums are not filled in.]
"Ex per Lake."
Parchment, 14 lines. [Holland XIX. f. 329.]
? April. Remonstrance of the Council of State to Buckhurst.
When H.E. went to England he left the government in their hands. They are unequal to the burden but undertook it in the hope that he would soon return. They have continued to act under great pressure from the States General, amid great difficulties. They have received no reply to their representations to H.E. Confusion is increasing and prompt measures are required. They draw attention to the following points : the constitution of the Council is defective, as regards the representation of Utrecht, Friesland and Flanders. They are unable to treat with the States about contributions for the war without the express consent of H.E. The assembling of the forces ordered by H.E. cannot be effected, and her Majesty's forces cannot be filled up from the English in the pay of the States, as the treasurer cannot pay them without express order from H.E. Several commanders and soldiers and even towns and quarters will accept no orders but from H.E. Many other difficulties arise daily through the absence of H.E. Ask him to advise the best way to remedy this. Signed : Leoninus. Countersigned : Chr. Huygens. Copy. 2 pp. [S.P. For. Arch. XC. p. 227.]
[1587 ?] Notes by Walsingham of allowances to the Treasurers, 'Harleston' and Sir Thos. Shirley. Endd. 1 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 255.]
1587. Sums of money disbursed out of her Majesty's treasure, in the charge of Mr. Huddleston.
Headings : Chief Officers in the Field ; officers in garrison ; footbands ; horsebands ; levy and transportation ; munition and artillery ; service moneys in Ramekens and Flushing ; rewards in consideration of service ; extraordinary charges. Showing 25740l. 17s. 10d. to be due by the States to her Majesty. Endd. with year. 5 pp. [Ibid. XIX. f. 330.]
[1587 ?] Mr. Hurleston's answer to matters collected out of the Estates' reply to Mr. Wilks, concerning the sum of 20885l. 10s. 2d. demanded of them. On sums paid without warrants ; his promise to give the States copies of warrants ; his neglect to make defalcation of sums due to the States, which exceed the amount demanded. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 334.]
Sum total of receipts [qy. for a year] - 48250l.
Disbursed by warrants from the Lords of the Council ; his Excellency, General Norries, and for transport, coat and conduct money, &c. - - - - 43232l. 12s. 7d.
And so remaineth - - - - 5017l. 7s. 5d.
Endd. "A brief of receipts and disbursements." p. [Holland XIX. f. 267.]
[1586 or early in 1587. (fn. 4) ] The entertainment of the principal officers of a Regiment, viz : The Colonel ; Capt. Williams, (fn. 5) lieut. colonel ; Capt. Price, sergeant-major ; Cresp, provost-marshal ; Capt. Bond, Quartermaster, harbinger ; Captains Morryce and Powel, corporals of the field ; "The entertainment of certain principal officers of an army." Ric : Harleston, Treasurer ; Nich : Erington, Master of the Ordnance ; Clyfford, Captain of the Pioneers. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 257.]
Rough notes by Burghley of the rate of pay of the muster-master, and the moneys due to him, &c. No endorsement. 2 pp. [Ibid. XIX. 271.]
[1587 ? March.] A note of the wants of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries. Besides the garrisons of Flushing and Brill there are in the whole country 3000 footmen of the companies in her Majesty's pay. Of the horse, besides my l. of Leicester's and Sir Wm. Pelham's cornets, there are scarce 160 that are serviceable. The whole companies are near 6 months' pay behind hand and Sir John Norris's eight months. Endd. p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 149.]
To know what number of pioneers : Essex, Kent, Surrey, Middlesex. To send for principal leaders, Holland : Price, Vere, Baskervil. Colonels : Sir John Norrice, Sir Robert Constable, Sir Thomas Morgan, Sir Thomas Layton. To send to the home counties ; Mr. John Herbart ; Ortell. p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 336]
Differences between the States and her Majesty's ministers upon the accounts. Pay of Col. Norris ; absence of muster rolls ; companies charged as if full ; common soldiers not paid proportionately ; 30 horse too many under Capt. Crispe. Endd. Meredith. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 337.]
Answers to exceptions in the accounts ; on unsigned warrants ; levies of strangers ; defective muster books. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XIX. f. 338.]
[1587 ?] "A project to show how the most part of her Majesty's treasure may be kept within the realm ; and whereby also the soldier may be much better used than he is now." Instead of paying each company of foot 20l. a week in ready money, to pay 24l., whereof 8l. to be in money and the rest in victuals. To continue the clothing of her soldiers according to the custom of the King of Spain, twice a year. . . Whereas the yearly pay of the 1000 horsemen amounts to 30000l., whereof about half is paid in weekly imprests :"To assure the parties that such credit as they shall give to the captain and soldiers. . .shall be duly answered here in England every month. Then the said parties, upon the receipt of the weekly lendings. . .will duly pay the value thereof to her Majesty's treasurer at wars," whereby she will save 30000l. within the realm. By what he receives in victuals and other provisions the soldier cannot be defrauded, but by receiving his pay at the captain's hands, he is often abridged of it. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 259.]
Depositions of William Goghe, clerk of Capt. Brereton's band under Sir William Stanley. Left Deventer on the day the town was delivered up and came to England on Sunday. The day before the surrender Sir William assembled all the officers and required them to swear that they would do as he would do ; whereunto they assented so that he would not attempt anything against the Queen's Majesty, and then he persuaded them that he would only bridle the townsmen because they did slackly furnish him and his soldiers with money and victuals which they thought he would do by taking more forces of Englishmen into the town. On the morning of the day Sir Wm. went forth of the town taking Capt. Cosby with him and about fifty soldiers, and appointed Capt. Brereton to ward at the gate. When they were come to a bridge about 2 miles out Sir Wm. left them secretly and went to the place where he had appointed to meet Taxis, so that his company thought they had lost him. He then came with the Spaniards and said to his soldiers, "now masters you are all the King of Spain's men, and bade them march towards the town. So they did and Taxis followed with 300 horse and 300 foot. They were let into the town by Owen Eaton, the sergeant-major, who kept the keys, and let in 1000 or more of the enemy. Capts. Cosby, Brereton and some others refused to stay although Sir Wm. offered them large sums of money, 300l. to Cosby. Winter, the clerk of his band kneeled down four times to have licence to depart, but could not obtain it. Capts. Groin, Eaton, Owen Eaton, Salsbury (who was messenger between Sir Wm. and Mr. Yorke) and some other new captains did stay with Sir Wm. and most of the kernes, but altogether against their will. The speech was that Sir Wm. had two tons of gold for delivering the town and some said that he had but 50000l and a chain of gold that Taxis gave him. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XIX. f. 340.]
April ? Instructions given to John Heingius, consul and John Gorobulus minister of the word of God, sent into England.
1. From the churches of Overyssel.
1. To thank the Queen and the Earl of Leicester for the great benefit conferred upon their congregations the last year.
2. To pray them to persevere in their good work unto the full deliverance of the Low Countries, happily begun last year but of late hindered by the loss of Deventer.
3. To deliver to the Earl of Leicester the writings concerning Ecclesiastical goods in the Province and treat for their ratification ; also to declare to him the state of the monasteriesseated without the towns in Overyssel and of the governments of Deventer and Oldenzal.
4. To make known the decree made at Campen and afterwards confirmed at [blank] giving the absolute government of their province to the Queen, and the Earl as her deputy.
2. From the banished burgomaster and ministers of Deventer.
1. To treat in their names concerning the matters contained in the two former articles.
2. To entreat for the defence and deliverence of Overyssel at the renewing of the wars (which they hope for), the province lying most open to the enemy "by reason of Deventry, now lost," and the renewing of the war there being a way greatly to encourage the rest of the provinces.
3. To exhibit petitions to the Queen and the Earl, setting down the above heads of their instructions and "to do most humble commendations to her Majesty. . .for bounty, in the names of those public persons who were banished Deventer, and now make their abode together," who though mercifully delivered out of the hands of their enemies have nothing left them but their lives and a good conscience. With condition annexed that if restored to their first estate by his Excellency's government, they will render it back, with the greatest thanks out of their spiritual goods and revenues.
4. To petition his Excellency that the banished burgomaster of Deventer may resume his place among the States of Overyssel. Finally to declare to him "what [was] ordained at Deventer before the [loss] thereof concerning the administration and disposing of the church goods," delivering him the instrument confirmed by the Burgomaster and the sworn burghers or jurats and humbly request his ratification thereof.
Copy. Translation. Endd. Instructions etc., sent hither from the banished burghers of Deventer. 4 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 146.] Another copy of the same. 2 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 284.]
[Feb.?] List, in Sir J. Norrey's hand, of "the places where we have appointed such foot companies as were in these parts." Captain Tanner to Doesburg ; Capt. Barnish, Lochem ; Capt. Inge, house of Dort. Capt. Digbie, Schonhaven ; Capt. Rayns, Asperen (where they were before). "These companies to be shipped and sent to Rotterdam, to be placed by Messieurs of Holland" :Captain Harcourt ; Captains Carye and Ward who came from Deventer. Captains Swanne and Farmer ; came from the fort before Zutphen. The horse companies unprovided of garrison :His Excellency's cornet ; my Lord North ; Sir Wm. Russell ; Capt. Dormer ; Capt. Shurley. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 341.]
[Undated.] Memoires touching the government of Holland. Nature of functions of the States General, Council of State, Chamber of Finances, Admiralty, etc. Fr. 4 p. [S.P. For. Archives XC. p. 191.]
[Undated.] Declaration of the convocation of the Estates, general and particular, of the United Provinces. Manner of convoking, assembling, debating, dissolving, etc. Fr. 4 pp. [Ibid. XC. p. 196.]
Abstract of matters delivered to Lord Buckhurst by the States General. Points wherein the contract between the States and her Majesty had been violated by the Earl of Leicester.
1. Caused company of horsemen to begin Nov. 12, 1585 although not mustered till three months later.
2. Musters of her Majesty's forces not taken with assistance of the commissaries of the States for a year after his arrival.
3. Her forces not paid with the privity of the commissaries.
4. Kept captains at Flushing and Brill at the States' pay.
5. Garrisons of the cautionary towns not paid monthly.
6. That her Majesty has treated with the Duke of Parma without knowledge and consent of the States.
7. Her Majesty's forces have never been completed.
8. He levied 60 companies in England and Scotland without consent of the States.
9. Has not paid the garrisons with the contributions levied.
10. Re banishing of burghers of Utrecht.
11. His proceedings against Paul Buys.
12. Assembling a Synod.
13. Appointments made by self alone. As Lord North, Sonoy, Sir John Conway, Clerhagen, Bax, Sir R. Williams.
14. His commission to Sonoy divided the government of N. Holland.
15. Excessive impressment of waggons.
16. Commission to Sir John Conway for a Court of Admiralty at Ostend. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 299.]
Extract from Leicester's reply to Wilkes touching Lord Buckhurst.
On the supplies claimed by the States to set off the 20855l. 10s. 2d. demanded of them ; the procuring of the regiment of Zeeland for Sir Wm. Russell ; his dealings about peace with suspected persons ; his neglect of the man recommended to him ; order to muster master to allow warrants signed by Wilkes. Endd. p. [Holland XIX. f. 342.]
Abstract of Leicester's charges against Buckhurst.
Got no satisfaction for wrong done to earl. Ill dealing over alleged reconciliation with Counts Maurice and Hollock ; secret efforts to delay earl's return ; neglect to make charge against the States ; no satisfaction demanded for Count Maurice's slander of H.M. ; accepted very slender answers for regiment of Zeeland etc. 20 articles. Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. XIX. f. 344.]
[1587 ?] "The effect and process of the suit of Ferdinando Poyntz against the States General," for payment of money due upon a bond held by him, which bond was given by them to one Peter Engelhoven in May 1579, and transferred to Poyntz in the following December. Narrates proceedings up to June 1583, when sentence was given in his favour by Dr. Lewis [Dr. David Lewes], then judge of the Admiralty. From this sentence the defendants, Woulters and Hauseman appealed to her Majesty in her Court of Chancery. And there the matter has remained "these four years and more." Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XIX. f. 281.]
Petition of Jacques Reingout, formerly Sieur de Cauwenbourg and clerk of the demesne and finances of the Low Countries for letters of naturalisation, without fee, in consideration of his having been deprived of all his property because of his adherence to the true faith, by reason of which he has had to return unto this kingdom, to end his days. Unsigned and undated. Fr. p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 346.]
"Hugh Owens' Instructions to B."
1. To know the reasons why the King of Scots was not in the last Parliament (fn. 6) declared heir apparent, according to promise made to him, and considering they have broken with him, what assurance have they of the said King if he would take part against them. Withal to learn how he taketh the matter, etc.
2. Having defrauded him of his pretence for the succession, why do they permit his alliance with Denmark, considering his proximity to the crown, and that he of Denmark doth also pretend an old broken title, in which respect they should rather have sought to match him meanly in his own country of Scotland.
3. Who of the Council and what faction is so contrary to the King of Scots, for although it standeth with the policy of France that both realms be not joined together, yet it seemeth to be most convenient for England, in which respect his marriage with Arbella had been to good purpose.
4. Upon whom the Queen and Council do cast their eye to make heir apparent. Whether in that point they are much divided ; I mean the Council, who and how.
5. Whether they would willingly and unfeignedly yield to marry Arbella out of England. Where and to whom do they most incline to bestow her, either within and without the realm. (fn. 7)
6. What Catholics in Rome, France and in the Low Countries, especially in the last doth hold correspondence and give them avises, and their names ; being most assured that some do it.
7. What Catholics and their names, (I mean of those that are banished), treated the last year with the Council for some liberty or toleration in matters of religion upon their reconcilement ; (fn. 8) and why it broke off, and whether they would unfeignedly give ear to the like motion.
8. What are the reasons why the Queen and Council have not sought to reconcile and assure unto them the Catholic subjects at home and abroad by permitting some liberty in religion, considering it standeth not with no good policy to procure so many puissant enemies her neighbours, having so small alliance of steadfast friends, and her own subjects not united nor assured of their fidelities.
9. Who of the Council were likest for a good pension to be won for a friend to the King of Spain and to have correspondence with him. B. must do his best to make a way for that purpose. [Cancelled.]
10. What service was committed to be done unto Captain Barney when they set him at liberty, I being most assured that he had never been permitted to return but upon some promise made to serve their turns. And why Capt. Pecott is not set at liberty.
11. Whether Capt. Eaton and Wiseman, that made themselves fugitives from hence, have any credit or are employed. If they be, where and how.
12. To procure familiar acquaintance with some governor, captain or officer that hath charge under the Queen or Estates in the Low Countries, to see if any such for money may be won to yield some town or strong hold ; in which matter you must deal warily, for that divers of them are double and not to be trusted. [Cancelled.]
13. How the people do take and bear so many subsidies, loans and other oppressions for levying of soldiers laid upon them ; which subjects and in what part of the realm do most repine at that.
14. The causes and grounds of the late division between the puritans and the protestants. Who are the heads of each party and their adherents. How the Council is divided in that point and whether of the two parties were best and fittest for the cathol[ics] to deal or join with.
15. Whether they could be contented to give ear to a peace ; the same containing some liberty for the Cathol[ics], and with what conditions it were likest that a peace would take effect.
16. Whether they would doubt that the King of Spain will attempt any invasion. Where according to their judgments they fear most, if he should go about it, and which part of the realm they account weakest and worst able to resist such attempts ; with other circumstances to that purpose.
17. What numbers of men they have ready within the realm to defend any invasion ; how appointed ; in what order each part shall give correspondence and succour to the other ; what leaders in every part. Who is general of all in Leicester's place. (fn. 9)
18. Whether of late they have made any new fortifications on the sea coast, where and in what order. How the new and the old is defended.
. 19. To procure familiar acquaintance with some officer in the Queen's ships or belonging to the Admiralty ; to see if any there might be brought to serve a turn. [Cancelled.]
20. To learn the cause the Lord Admiral is not employed. Whether he be 'disconted' and poor.
21. What ships of the Queen or others are at sea or in readiness at the present ; in what order, how appointed and under whose charge. What number of ships they could set to sea of all sorts ; how prepared, also how many out of every town and seaport.
22. To learn what nobleman is "disconted" and poor and wherefore. [Cancelled.] Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 286.]
[1587 end of ?] Memoir of certain points touching the treaty between the Queen of England and the King of Spain. Renewal of the ancient treaties of friendship, privileges and liberties, agreed upon between King Henry VIII. and the Emperor Charles, as Duke of Burgundy. English subjects to have free trade with all the King's dominions, without molestation of their persons or goods by the Ecclesiastical Inquisition, unless they give apparent cause of scandal. Renewal of the ancient treaties between England and Portugal. All prizes and depredations on either side, whether by land or sea to be forgotten, and all prisoners on each side to be liberated. The moneys lent by the Queen to the States (then assembled at Brussels) in 1577, at the urgent request of their ambassadors, to be repaid by the said King. As for the towns held by the said Queen in the Low Countries, if they shall demand restitution thereof into the hands of the King, it will be but a vain request. Endd. French. p. [Newsletters I. f. 146.]
[JACQUES] ROSSELL to "Monseigneur" [qy. BURGHLEY].
Asks interest with "His Highness" to obtain a clerk's place in the Finances ; seeing that he knows already the way to improve the value of his domain by a million and more, for his private use ; and moreover her Majesty will have a servitor in a Council from whence she may learn more than from any other for her service and that of her whole realm. Has friends in the Council of State who urge him to go on with this, if her Majesty approves ; she might write to his Highness and the Earl of Leicester to give their aid therein, feigning to do it in favour of an old servant of the States, well known and in good repute for fidelity. Copy. No signature, date or address. Endd. "Mr. Rossel's request. French. 1 p. [Holland XIX. f. 277.]
Matters to be "remembered to the Lords."
Sir Francis Vere's petitions for more men, apparel, victuals, etc., and increase of his entertainment. To sign the warrants of pay for Sir William Russell's horse company, etc. To signify their pleasure whether it shall be allowed to the 5 of March, "when the same [company] was delivered over to the hands of Sir Robert Sidney, or but to the 12 of October last, when he was entered into the list. p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 347.]
Asks permission to leave the service, having had the falling sickness this long while. Undated. p. [Ibid. XIX. f. 283.]
List of munitions of war and other things needed in Ostend. With note, that direction was given to Sir William Russell in February last to send two cannons and two lasts of powder from the store at Flushing ; but he advertises that Lord Willoughby has disposed of most part of the ordnance and munition there, and none can be spared. Endd. p. [Flanders I. f. 238.]
[Undated.] "Considerations very meet to be well disgested and presently resolved touching Ostend." The writer thinking that her Majesty's aid to the Low Countries "should be rather carefully increased than negligently relinquished" urges the holding of Ostend as a landing place for her troops, either against the Spaniards or the French. Its situation is strong, its soil the best in Flanders and from it everything may pass by water to Bridges, Brussels, Ghent etc. And the haven may be made very good with small charges. If the enemy had it, it would be fortified, and the haven become more offensive to her Majesty than Dunkirk or any other town, and such an assistance to his shipping as would put her Majesty "to far greater changes by sea than now riseth by her garrison." By holding it, she can annoy the enemy whenever she thinks good, and also force him to be at great charges for defence of these parts ; and the spoil made by his own forces causes the desolation of most part of Flanders, and lack of contribution of maintenance of his war. It "will be always an eye upon the enemy" ; so that they can do no exploit without being discovered in time. "If it might be thought good to find a time to take in a sconce which the enemy holdeth called the Newen Damme, it would take away the river," so that nothing should pass from Dunkirk, Newport etc. to Bruges, Sluce, Damme and those parts save by land carriage, which the garrison of Ostend and the sconce would greatly annoy. It would also force all places round about to give contribution so that her Majesty's charges would not be so great, and the soldiers live in far better order ; and in short time would so annoy Bruges and other towns that they must either compound with her Majesty or abandon the places. And furthermore enable timber trees to be easily had and withal the labour of the people to assist in repair of the town, haven etc. It would also much "advance this town" to establish an Admiralty there, which, being in Flanders, would be no way injurious to the Chief Admiral of Holland and Zeeland. By means whereof, owing to the increase of trade and concourse of people, the place would soon be enriched, and money enough raised there to quit her Majesty of many charges. The decay of the haven, sluices and sea-banks is so great, "through the drowsy humours of the townsmen" that speedy order must be taken, or the town will be drowned. The present state of the waterworks requires her Majesty's resolution either to bestow some charge to defend the place against the sea or to consider "by what degrees of honour her Highness may best abandon it." Unsigned and undated. Endd. 1 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 47.]
Abstract of the suit for revision brought by William Colston, merchant of Bristol against Capt. Everhard Henrici and Dom. Ad. Nicolas, fiscal advocate of the Admiralty in Zeeland. 9 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC. p. 423.]


  • 1. No doubt the enclosure referred to in Doyly's letter of 25th March. See pt. ii. of this vol., p. 421
  • 2. See Japikse : Resolutien, Vol. V., p. 635.
  • 3. The Dutch text given in Bor. : Ned Oorloghen, Bk, xxiii., f. 17d.
  • 4. Not later than Feb. 1586-7, when Sir Thos. Sherley became treasurer
  • 5. The names added in the margin.
  • 6. Parliament met on Feb. 15, 1587, just after Queen Mary's execution.
  • 7. This query is cancelled.
  • 8. This was in the spring of 1586.
  • 9. This must mean in the Low Countries, as Leicester did not die until Sept. 1588, when the need for question 16 was a thing of the past.