Elizabeth: July 1587, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: July 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp143-155 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp143-155.

"Elizabeth: July 1587, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp143-155.

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July 1587, 1-10

July 1. "A brief declaration [in schedule form] of the account of Sir Thos. Sherley knight, treasurer, for all the checks detained to her Majesty's use upon the remain of the captains' and servitors' reckonings, 11 October, 1586." Marginal notes by Burghley. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVI. f. 1.]
July [1]. "A note [or schedule] of the particular remains left unpaid by Mr. Huddilston upon the reckonings of officers and captains, 11 October 1586, as the same are exhibited unto us by the officers and captains, with attestations under the hand of Mr. Huddilston and his deputies, as hereafter may more particularly appear." Endd. One long sheet. [Ibid. XVI. f. 3.]
July 1. "A brief report [in schedule from] of the account of Sir Thos. Sherley, knight, her Majesty's treasurer at wars. Endd. One long sheet. [Ibid. XVI. f. 4.]
Acknowledges letter of June 21. His Excellency diligently prepares to go to relieve Sluse, which the enemy does all he can to gain, while our men neglect no means to annoy him, "so that if we be strong enough in the field, as I hope we shall, if men do their duties, God blessing us, your honour is to hope of a most honourable victory"Flushing, 2 July, 1587. Postscript. My lord governor has just had a messenger out of Sluse, where the town and our friends do well and we have gained some prisoners, one of them a lieutenant. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XVI. f. 5.]
July 2. JAMES DIGGES to his brother [THOMAS DIGGES].
Before leaving Gravenhage, according to your directions I gave my lord of Buckhurst the supplication of the Scots, with your apostiles, "demanding ... Sir John Norris's exceptions unto Sir Walter Waller, and the rest of the witnesses of the abuse reported to be offered me by Sir Henry Norris." He answered that he had delivered the names to Sir John to be apostiled ; but finding no likelihood of answer, I asked Sir Walter to go with me to his honour, to justify what he had subscribed, and purge himself of the crimes objected against him and his followers. But my lord Buckhurst denied having heard of any such calumniators or that the credit of any was brought in question save Capt. Symmes and Lieut. Vinicome, the one for being condemned in England, the other for revolting to the enemy. But for suspicion of coinage in his house or any other matter, his honour said it was devised to make Sir Walter Waller a party in these questions against Sir John Norris." On going to Utrecht on the last of June, I found the companies much discontented for want of money and relief and exclaiming greatly against you. I learned that Sir John Norris's troop of horse had had a whole month's pay and three week's lendings before the Treasurer's departure, and since one week's lending more, whereas the cornet and others of the company affirm that they have only had five gulden a man of their month's pay, and nothing else. So that the band is likely to break for want, unless some order be taken for their relief, their pay being unjustly detained by Sir John or his officers, and the town having resolved that none in her Majesty's pay shall have any thing but for ready money. I have dealt with some of the best of the troop "to persuade the rest to stand until the Lord Willoughby should either send or come himself, which should be very shortly, who should have the said troop as also the band of foot, whom they should find very honourable towards them," and would see them satisfied. Upon this hope they were stayed until Capt. Anthony Sherley showed a letter from his father, signifying his hope that Mr. Roper should retain the said charge, as his Excellency had promised him it ; which makes me fear to go further with Lord Willoughbie (according to Mr. Pooley's request) "because my cousin Sherley averred so constantly that his lordship should not have them." But whosoever shall have them, I will do my best to keep them in obedience until further order be taken. I find that the captain is much indebted to the company, who fear to demand their due till he is gone. The clerk of the band promised to make up their reckonings, but has departed, leaving them marvellously discontentend and in great extremity. Great cunning is used by the inferior officers to breed tumult, "whereof I doubt Sir John Norris cannot plead ignorance. Some of his troop have demanded but 10l. of their whole entertainment since his Excellency's first coming over, but cannot get anything at all. I have dealt with the Treasurer's deputy to give the troop something, but he saith he hath no money, and instructions to the contrary, fearing they will be broken and dispersed before further direction may be sent. Colonel Morgan's company, being two hundred strong, have no more in weekly lendings than Capt. Lambert and other of Sir John's favourites of a hundred and fifty and far weaker, in proportion. The officers have had to take up money upon the Colonel's credit, but when they crave redress, the deputy says he has express orders to pay them no more than the rest. Sir Philip Butler's are also in great extremity, and desire relief or to be cassed, having neither money or credit, and for the most part, dismounted and unarmed. Sir Roger Williams' company proclaim that they have received nothing, I learn that the lieutenant has been thoroughly satisfied, but absents himself. Lord North's troop are offered lendings for far less than their number, and refuse to take anything unless they may have enough to satisfy their wants. Seventy or eighty of both [Sir John's] two companies are departed (as I hear) under colour of his passport, and their numbers daily decrease. Mr. Deventer's absence breeds some disorders amongst the burghers ; his speedy return is very requisite. I have also heard certainly that all the forces in the field have not one surgeon amongst them, which will be the loss of many men's lives this summer if not provided for in time. "Notwithstanding, you shall find in the muster books no such defect, nor oaths wanting in the books of warrants to abuse her Majesty of a surgeon's pay. The captains for the most part keep back a third part of their companies' weekly lendings, for that the payments are not made . . . in presence of officers appointed." I have charged "both the cornets" with the slanderous reports said by Sir John Norris to have been given out by them against me, who swear that the matter is most false, for they never so much as thought of such a device, much less reported it ; marvelling that there should be found six so malicious persons as would set their hands to such a manifest untruth. "Count Morris saith that Sir John Norris urged him to justify these speeches which he said he had spoken." This messenger will give you further particulars. I hope this faction is now broken, the principal member being removed.Utrecht, 2 July, 1587. Copy. Endd. 4 pp. close writing. [Holland XVI. f. 7.]
I have more to tell you than I take delight in writing, or your honour will in reading. On Thursday, June 29, we heard that Gueldres had been yielded to the enemy by Paten a Scotsman, appointed commander there under Sir Martin Schenk, on the recommendation of Count Hohenlo and the States since my lord's departure, who knew him so well by his former treasons that he would never admit him to any place of charge. "In this treachery he showed himself as master of his occupation, such cunning he used to blind the burghers . . . and such cruelty he used upon them and some few companies that Colonel Schenck had in the town ; for being suspected and accused of this practice by the burghers before it came to execution, did purge himself upon his knees, and with many tears did shadow his villany. And after he brought the enemy into the town, showed himself most bloody, both towards the soldiers and burgers that offered resistance. Whereof another town called Wachtersdonck being advised, put themselves presently into arms, and ran with great fury upon a company of Scots that were garrisoned there, whereof they slew many and thrust the rest out of the town." Gueldres was the only place of strength, and the best furnished and defended in all that quarter, and so the sequel will be most dangerous, whatever care is taken. Friday the 30th, his Excellency, accompanied by Count Maurice, the lord Admiral, lord Wentworth etc., went to Bergen op Zom, to view the place, give order for the placing of the bands newly come over into garrisons, and appoint the old trained companies for the field. On Saturday he returned towards Middelburghe, but the wind being contrary, lay all night upon the water. Sunday, he dined at Middelburghe, and there went on board again to view Bierflete, an island over against Cadsant, where the enemy have some horse and foot. That night he lay at anchor, and next day came back to Middelburghe, to hasten his preparations. "But I fear greatly, and so I am certainly informed of sundry captains, English and Dutch, that his Excellency shall come far short of the numbers he had thought to have found here to bring into the field for the performance of this present exploit," for I believe he cannot make above 600 horse, and far under 3000 footmen, while "it is certainly known that the Duke of Parma doth draw all the forces he possible may out of all garrisons to bring hither ; as the especial place he must maintain with honour or abandon with shame." Lord Buckhurst has come to Middelburghe, but I believe, after his first greeting has not spoken with my lord. This is a thing too high for me to deal in, and therefore I will pass with silence what the people do boldly speak. Of Sir John Norreis and Mr. Wilkes I can say nothing for where they be and whither they go none know ; but all marvel at their behaviour, and many make bold speeches, wondering how they dare depart hence before they have spoken with her Majesty's lieutenant. I conceal many things "in respect that littera scripta manet" which I would tell you by word of mouth, but am sure you will as much keep me from blame as I do discharge my duty with truth and affection. My lord Admiral has accompanied his Excellency everywhere, "and all matters have been familiar to his eye and ear." The brave men in the Scluse will defend it so long as men and means will serve, and the enemy will use all policy and force to carry it with expedition, before aid can be made ready. His Excellency has written to them and had letters from Sir Roger Williams and Mr. Grunevelt telling him of the state of the town and their resolution.Middelburgh, 2 July, 1587. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XVI. f. 10.]
This is in brief, as two days ago I apprised your honour at large of all that was happening. I am sorry that I have not been able to come sooner, but in making the passage, the ship was taken by a man of war having the King of Navarre's commission, and which robbed me and all the rest, because I was crossing in a French ship. So we were all plundered and landed at Boulogne. I found besides, that one cannot come from Dixmude to Bruges save with a great convoy of soldiers. [Relates the attack on the convoy by those of Ostend, as in his letter of June 30, above.] I have yet no tidings from Bruges that all is ready [for the assault on Sluys]. Four days ago the great guns were not all in position, but here it is said that within two or four days they will begin shooting, to storm it. News has come hither that the Spaniards resolved three days ago to scale the great fort, but that they only thrust their head in and were beaten off, a part, moreover being left behind. God grant this last may be so, and that every night there may be left many dead. More are killed by night than by day, because the Spaniards then expose themselves more, in order to make their approaches. Furthermore, there arrived here yesterday tidings that Montigny, i.e. the Marquis de Renty and Admiral of the Sea, is wounded. Whether this is true cannot certainly be known. The said Montigny governed in the place of Lamotte, who was long ago shot and lies at Bruges to recover. These are the two chief lords of the camp next to the Prince, and governed on the dyke, where they dominated the town, for nowhere did they do so more than on the dyke that comes from Bruges to Dam[me], and at no place had they more ready access to it, so near as they now are. A messenger or post has come hither, bringing for sure tidings that the troop of ordynansy ought to be speedily at the camp ; he said it was not more than 400 strong, and the horses hastily collected. Those here say five or six hundred, but it is always the custom of the Spaniards to say they are more by half than they are ; just as they also say of the camp that it is ten or twelve thousand strong, and yet it is not more than five thousand. I have not yet learned whether the three or four thousand men, or three or four regiments who were to come into the camp, have arrived, but when I do, will apprise you thereof. If you wish me to go again to the camp, I will gladly do so. You might let me know your wishes by a good secret friend. I think it would be very important to get into the town of Sluys. I expect I could do so very well at night by swimming across the water, provided those in the town did not shoot ; but the need should be great. It is said here on all hands that my lord of Leicester, with my lord Admiral and yet another lord, have gone over by Zeeland to relieve Sluys. This must be done in very good order, for the Spaniards (so it is said) are preparing themselves to meet the emergency. There are two or three places at which they might arrive, for the camp is not very strong, especially if one relief should come by water or from the sea into the havens or river ; so they must have a great many small skiffs and boats, to hold twenty, thirty or forty men, and which, with the setting in of the tide, might row furiously against the two war boats and five galleys or smacks that lie in the channel, from where the counterscarp is to where the water becomes shallow. These boats and galleys lie in the deep water, where there is no counterscarp, and so, with a furious attack, the ships might be mastered and ropes of the anchors cut, and so with the influx or rising of the tide, they might drift close to the town. On each of the two boats they have four pieces [of ordnance], and on each of the five galleys two pieces, to defend themselves, so that it is better to operate with many small boats than with great ships, for there would confront the ships on land, along the haven, eight or ten great and powerful pieces ; and these would not be so well able to shoot on small skiffs or rowing boats. For they should come scattered, and in such wise the ships might be mastered and driven towards the town. But the men would need to be very stout and well disciplined, for though there are not more than forty or fifty men on board, as soon as the Spaniards saw aught coming, they would send many more soldiers aboard them, and might also land parties at the same time at three or four places, for they are not so strong as formerly. Their greatest and chiefest strength is that they keep such good order, and all the Prince's best people are there, and on whom he most relies ; wherefore, if relief is to come, they must needs be very stout men. As for the thirty bridges that are being made or are made, some say that they are for storming, others, in order to lay a bridge over the haven or river, upon ships or flat-bottomed boats, thereby to close the haven. In my opinion, they are for making a bridge, for they are being made, on both sides, shot-proof to the height of a man. As I understand, the Spaniards are in great dread lest relief should come ; for they know all that happens in England, Holland, Zeeland and everywhere, from those whom the Prince has in all parts. From Ostend people come daily that say such [relief] is to come, whatever happens, and even some Englishmen give full warning, so that it is said here that the Prince knows every secret before it is put in practice. That is a great mistake. [Re-iterates the advantage of the relief boats coming by night.] The Spaniards themselves praise those in the town as good soldiers, because they bear themselves so stoutly. Some of them also say that they believe those in Sluys are making a new fort or trench. This is probably because from without they have seen some high houses or chimneys thrown down. The Spaniards think they are making a countervest and so steps are being taken for placing the great artillery in order to fire upon the town. It is put beside the dyke which comes from Bruges, and they will fire between the great fort and the gate, on a place where the wall is low. Three days have passed and the firing has not yet begun, but they say here that it will begin in two or four days. In my opinion, the delay will be longer, for I do not think they will storm or make an assault until they have more men in camp. At present, I have no better news to write than that there is great dearth and poverty in the camp. The man whom you appointed to remain here is now about to return, leaving his servant, in case there should be anything of urgency. [Apology for writing in Flemish, lamentations over the loss of his money and goods in the flyboat taken by Captain "Daerck's" ship, and humble prayers for his honour's aid in the matter.] For such matters as your honour shall command me, I shall adventure my life, and as I am a German born, though of a Hanse town, I hope you will be the more ready to help me to recover my losses. I have forgotten to tell you that the Spaniards have moved the beacons or signs in the river or haven of Sluys, and have caused them to be set up on the sandbanks, in order that ships coming in for the relief of Sluys may run on the sandbanks, and there be stranded. So that only such ships should come as have good and skilful pilots aboard, otherwise they would be misled and cause the ruin of all the ships. [On the advantage of using small boats, the need for very good order, and the Spaniard's strict discipline, as in previous letter.] If the relief is ready, the sooner it comes the better, for the Spaniards lie so close to the town with their forts that one could from them throw a stone into it, and day and night they work very diligently to prepare to assault the town. But as amongst those within there is no treachery or discord, and they mean to hold together, they should not be taken for a month yet, or more. On divers occasions lately they have kindled a fire outside the castle. What this may mean I know not. [Supposed lack of powder, as before.] Even firing only firelocks and muskets, they despatch many men, so that hitherto they have defended themselves very stoutly, as the Spaniards themselves declare. Signed. Add. in Spanish. Flemish. [Flanders I. f. 293.]
"Let me crave pardon for not writing at large at this time. What my leisure is, this good lord [the lord Admiral] can tell you, whose company, I could not for ten thousand pounds have spared. I would God it might have been spared but ten days longer, by when I trust he should have brought you good tidings ; and yet all must rest upon her Majesty's forces. I am not like to have above 2000 of these States' companies. Our soldiers are . . . the fairest and handsomest companies that ever I saw in my life, and the willingest men. Our old bands be meetly well. The treasure that came with Sir Tho. Sherley, he tells me, is almost all gone, not above 4000l. left, and yet great debts owing. Sir John Norris and Mr. Wilkes have served me well, but rather her Majesty. They are gone away without once speaking or sending to me. If you think meet to bear with such indignities, specially to her Majesty, considering my place both here [and] at home, I pray God the like be offered to those that shall favour it. I think the like hath not been offered to any man of such as have charge and ought, for her Majesty's service, at least to deliver themselves otherwise than so contemptuously. I have written to her Majesty and to my lords of it, and I trust there will be some consideration had of me herein. "Even as I had written this much there is word brought me of a strange part played by some of the States at Delph yesterday. They heard that I had sent Junyus, my secretary to Snoy into North Holland, which was true, and I had written a letter to him to impart to some of my friends. This letter they have taken perforce from him, and committed first my man to prison, which I think was never durst to be attempted before, and puts me past my patience. For either I must suffer this, to my shame, or revenge it to their utter danger, for I know I can with a word make them all smart for it. "Gueldres was lost the day before my arrival, given up by Patent the Scottish man, commended thither by the Count Hollock, and hath been wholly at his direction . . . yet see the good nature of Norryce and Wilkes ; as soon as they heard of this, reported to the States that this Patent was a colonel of my preference, to make the people to hate me, knowing they imputed the matter before to the Count Hollock, for in truth he was his follower and appointed by him to that place ; indeed I remember at coming away, Mr. Wilkes himself brought me Patent's name set down by the Council of State to be a colonel of the Scots' companies . . . and told me also that he would be a good bridle to Bawford [Balfour] (fn. 1) ; since which I never heard any thing that good was of Patent, but that he attended wholly upon others and no way upon me, and therefore lewdly and knavishly done of Wilkes to report this to the States, finding the matter justly laid to Hollock . . . for I protest before God, I knew no more of his placing there than you did. And how can I serve her Majesty here if those injuries be offered me . . . So, being utterly weary, and recommending my unquiet state to your care, I will end." 4 July. Postscript."Now shall I find the want of my lord Admiral's company." Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XVI., f. 12.]
Thanking her for having sent thither Doctor Clerck, they had hoped he would have continued longer, yet as it has pleased her now to recall him, they must humbly acquiesce therein.Middebourg, 14 July, 1587. Signed by Leoninus, president, and Chris. Huygens, greffier. Add. Endd. Fr. p. [Ibid. XVI. f. 14.]
July 4/14. VALENTINE DE PARDIEU, SIEUR DE LA MOTTE, to MAISTRE PAUL . . . . at Gravelines.
Desiring him to come with all speed, for a reason to be declared on his arrival, calling at Ekelsbergh to see if there are any letters for him, and if so to bring them.Bruges, 14 July, 1587. Holograph. Add. [but the surname torn away]. French. p. [Flanders I. f. 299]
There has lately been great disorder "under my government" in Capt. Sherley's company, which had guard of the forts. "Sir John Norris, in passing to my lord Willoughby the companies of infantry which he commanded as Colonel-general delivered Capt. Sherley's amongst the rest. And for that the forces to be employed to service were to be assembled at 'Berghenzone' I thought to convert the other, and to remove this company, that they might obey the direction of my lord Willoughby . . . and to receive another, being not passed in his list ; the rather . . . for that I have ever found them most mutinous, though not in so dangerous degree as at this time ; for being by me commanded to rise, and directed by Sir John Norris to 'Berghenzone,' they put themselves in arms, drew up their bridge, and would not obey farther than that they might be paid nine month's pay. Presently thereupon I went myself and demanded what had moved them to this insolency ; persuaded them to remember that they attempted a thing in the nature of a rebellion, and that the success would be the loss of their lives ; and that if they would conform themselves, I would rather impute it to error than condemn it as a wilful outrage. They answered they would have their due." I told them they should be satisfied when the treasure was come over, and they must be contented to have it when others had. Lastly I said I was sure there were some honest among them, and urged them to quit the rest and submit to authority ; but they were all resolved to live or die in their cause. Hereupon I beset them with guards so that they should get no victuals, and when they wished to compound, in order to come forth, told them I would admit no compositions ; "for it was not a matter to be won from enemies, who leave such places on terms, but to be continued in discipline, as over such as ought to be her Majesty's subjects, who being now become rebellious, I would execute according to their offence. So by compulsion they submitted, and by due examination the chief instruments were discovered, and to the number of four made examples to the rest." You will hear further from Sir John Norris and Mr. Wilkes, who were eye witnesses, and by whose advice the matter was better proceeded in. "I hope her Majesty's commission to me be not abridged by any authority here, which, if it were, might be dangerous to the place . . . and hazardous to me."Briell, 5 July. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 pp. [Holland XVI. f. 16.]
July 7. LEICESTER to the QUEEN.
"My most dear lady, as you have commanded me, so am I bold to trouble yourself with all things that may concern your affairs or 'my none' poor self ; to whom it has pleased your Majesty to make promise to deal graciously and favourably in my absence, and because I have none to trust upon but your own mere goodness, and for your service ; otherwise utterly against my heart to leave your presence for a most perilous and most crooked voyage. I do presume the more . . . as occasion shall be offered, to fly always to the throne of your grace." In my last letters by the Lord Admiral I advertised you of all things so far as I then knew them. I cannot yet inform you of the state of these countries, but I find daily to my great grief in what division and altered sort all things are here, and "especially that all almost hath grown by the indiscreet or rather malicious manner of proceedings of your own instruments, who have left behind them as well matters of shame and reproof to themselves as no small hindrance to all the good service in hand." I would rather leave particularities to more indifferent persons, but trust that it already plainly appears "that I have had the greatest wrong done me . . . by such as your Majesty committed the dealing of [things] unto . . . My lord of Buckhurst utterly refused to treat with me in any matter before he came to your presence . . . . and charged me to be the cause of a sharp letter you wrote unto him, and that all the matter contained therin was such as I had also written unto him of," to which I answered "that he knew well enough that the matter of your Majesty's letter could not proceed from any information of mine ; for the matter of mine own grew out of his own, both to myself and my lords of the Council ; but ambassador like, or rather Emperor like . . . I never found my lord's courage before like his choler now, after all which, in the end he was contented for some matters of your service I should ask him some questions, which I did in as quiet sort as might be. They were but few, and the answers were not such as I think will give your Majesty satisfaction, neither in troth can I learn that those matters were so laboured to bring to your desired effect as other of less moment . . . I will assure you, that my lord hath not used or followed the advice of any of those honest, wise and faithful men whom I know were and are most affectionate to your Majesty and the true service of these countries, but with such as are most 'impugnant' to your service and your whole nation, and who be wholly and altogether at the devotion of Count Hollock and Morryce and the chief workers . . . to bring the authority to them and the only searchers and devisers of the lewd manner of proceeding against me . . . and of all others most perverse to the peace. For all the rest, whom I know to be most assured to your Majesty, and whom I did so recommend to my lord, they have protested unto me that my lord made no reckoning of them ; that they had faithfully advised him according to their knowledge in all things, but they could never perceive that he either regarded them or their advice ; only such as Dr. Clerk commended to him, such he would confer and allow, specially any that would show to mislike of me. As Paul Buyes was in all thingswhatsoever they will say to your Majestya principal counsellor, one Roda and one Floristyne, a banished man of Utrecht, and divers others . . . the worst and most pernicious men in all this state. Your faithful man Snoy never accounted of, but contrarywise greatly discouraged, and if I had not come when I did, he had been gone by a very lewd practice. Old Meddykyrk, as wise and grave a counsellor as any here, and that offered my lord all his service and travail, would no way use him ; him of Utryckt also, called Deventer, whose letter your Majesty liked so well, and is governor there, and as faithful a servant to your Majesty as any in all these provinces, my lord would not use him but for a little show at first, but hath called him bankrupt and such like words behind his back, and others 'moe' I omit here to name ; . . . and all to run with the other sway of those of the States who have been and are most backward towards your Majesty. And so good a pacification did my lord make, as where the Count Hollock, before his arrival, did write very kind letters unto me, since his coming he is now so altered as albeit I wrote unto him and sent him a courteous message, he flatly answered the messenger . . . that he would not serve under me, which if he continue, will of itself make a marvellous business here ; his chiefest matter now being that I should be privy and consenting to Sir Edward Norryce' cartel . . . which my lord of Buckhurst might easily have satisfied ; and Sir John Norryce doth know I threatened to lay his brother in prison for it, but neither in this nor in anything else that concerned me, though there were plain acts in Council left in writing to answer for me and to discharge me, they would not so much as call for them. My lord saith he knew not of them, a simple answer, knowing that he did in England and here also, and so commanded as he was by your Majesty ; and herein also is Mr. Wilkes' fault inexcusable. "But I trouble your Majesty too long, and I am sorry that I am not able to satisfy you presently no other wise in the greatest matters of this state. I fear it will be found weak every way. You have two honest men here as I think ; and him that you feared to be dull, your Majesty will hear that these men will find him quick enough and more sufficient than any that came yet and well spoken, as he is well-languaged. I trust your Majesty doth not forget the strange usage of Mr. Wilkes ; a thing I think never used before by any minister in his place. He will say that my lord of Buckhurst did send him with his packet, but I hope that will be taken for no reasonable answer, when neither of them had that authority, either the one to send or the other to go, being here your councillor, and having the chief place in dealing in all the affairs in this long time of my absence, placed by me, and to be discharged . . . [only] upon your Majesty's revocation . . . Between him and my lord I remain utterly without any knowledge of all matters passed here, and there will be many things . . . wherein we shall have need to have had his knowledge . . . My hope is you will not forget the manner wherein the credit of your poor minister is so touched. I think the least [sic] would be to send him again to attend the declaration of his negotiation here for I know how greatly this dealing hath purged me. But why should I say so much to so gracious a mistress, but even to refer all to her own princely consideration.Middelburg, 7 July. Postscript."I had almost forgotten to let your Majesty understand how Sir Jo. Norryce hath used many persuasions to have drawn away divers captains, but could get none but two of his own men ; and hath taken as many officers of bands as he could. He hath also taken forty of his best horses away, and left his band wholly unfurnished, for which forty, he hath received in ready money 800l. of your Majesty ; and seeing he hath the horses, reason you have the money again ; for he received for his band 2000l. of yours, and the captains be in your mercy for their going away, being in your pay. They will allege his passport and my lord Buckhurst, but neither had never that authority, for so had then all the captains, if that had served, or they would have gone." "As soon as I have dealt with the States, I will send one of purpose to your Majesty. . . . Pardon my blotted letter, for in truth my hand will not bear long writing." Holograph. 3 pp. of very small, neat writing. There are no blots but one sentence is erased. Endd. In a hand of probably the later part of Chas. II.'s reign. "The contents of this letter are set forth more at large in the Cabala. Vide the charge of answers of the Earl of Leicester and Lord Buckhurst etc." (fn. 2) [Holland XVI. f. 18.]
Forgot when with him to say that my lord [of Leicester] requires to have sent him with all speed the following :great ordnance for Bergen Ap Some ; 2000 pikes, 1000 bills and 100 dozen spades and shovels. Prays that they may be sent at once."The Court, this Friday." Holograph. Add. Endd. 8 July. 1 p. [Ibid. XVI. f. 20.]
I received yours of the 7th of July the same day that the old companies here in garrison marched out of the town. You willed me to muster Sir John Norris' late companies of horse and foot, but his foot marched forth with the rest of the old crew before receipt of your letters, who were only 96 strong, besides 16 or 18 stragglers, who were sent after them ; and six or eight hurt and sick who remained behind ; so that those serviceable are not above 110 "of the refuse and worst sort of his band, disfurnished . . . greatly discontented and hardly kept from mutiny, through former hard usage and want of present money." I sent to the officers of the horse company to assemble the troop for muster, to which they gave all the impediments that might be, and demanded my authority, which showed, the cornet, in name of the rest utterly refused to be mustered. Being anxious to dispatch what were serviceable I called a review, when they brought only fourteen serviceable horses, avowing that there were but few, and what there were would not be suffered to come out of the stables without present payment ; it being very strange that 130 men and horse at the least should be so suddenly dispersed without passport or order from his Excellency ; "and the rather that Sir John received his revocation after his Excellency's arrival, so his own passport was not available. The officers of the company seek utterly to deface the troop ; the company exclaim for their reckonings, which the clerk has delayed ever since my coming here ; the troop is disfurnished by secret and cunning devices ; for notwithstanding proclamation made that none should depart until they had orders from his Excellency, there are 30 horse and men of the best departed by Sir John's former passport ; ten gone to the leaguer, twelve or fourteen into other companies, and the thirty or forty remaining must have some reasonable satisfaction, or it will be as small charge to levy a new company as to draw them all together. At my first coming, they rejoiced they were assigned to Lord Willoughbie, but since, they have been inveigled to the contrary. This afternoon they are to come together to find out how many remain and where the rest are gone, whereof I will write later. This disobedience and disorder is intolerable and should be punished for example. Four or five of the new supplies, thoroughly armed, shall be sent away in a few days, as soon as the rest are furnished. I have had little time for the books, but will finish them as soon as possible. Sir Philip Butler's company are very weak, few of them having horses. Unless they be supplied, it were better to cass them or join them to another troop.Utrecht, 8 July, 1587. Copy. Endd. 2 pp. closely written. [Holland XVI. f. 22.]
Is very sorry that he has not been able to execute Lord Buchol's commandment to go himself with the dispatch which he now sends. The day that he reached Flushing, the lord of Leicester desired him to remain, in order to send him, to-morrow, to the Landgrave of Hesse and to Prince Casimir. Being there, he will not fail to write of what passes in Germany, and will employ himself as ever in his honour's service, notwithstanding the small recompense he has had for past services. This noble bearer will tell him of the coming of his Excellency. If the siege of the Escluse is raised, it will be a greater victory than can be imagined, and will draw to her Majesty the hearts of all the honest people here.Middelburg, 8 July, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. with same date. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XVI. f. 24.]


  • 1. Wilkes told Leicester about Paton's appointment on 6 December, 1586. See this Calendar Vol. XXI., pt. 2, p. 259.
  • 2. There is no letter to the Queen amongst the papers printed in Cabala, but certain of the accusations above are contained in Leicester's replies to Buckhurst.